# -*- mode:python -*- # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Nathan Binkert import array import imp import marshal import os import re import sys import zlib from os.path import basename, exists, isdir, isfile, join as joinpath import SCons # This file defines how to build a particular configuration of M5 # based on variable settings in the 'env' build environment. Import('*') # Children need to see the environment Export('env') build_env = dict([(opt, env[opt]) for opt in env.ExportOptions]) def sort_list(_list): """return a sorted copy of '_list'""" if isinstance(_list, list): _list = _list[:] else: _list = list(_list) _list.sort() return _list class PySourceFile(object): invalid_sym_char = re.compile('[^A-z0-9_]') def __init__(self, package, source): filename = str(source) pyname = basename(filename) assert pyname.endswith('.py') name = pyname[:-3] if package: path = package.split('.') else: path = [] modpath = path if name != '__init__': modpath += [name] modpath = '.'.join(modpath) arcpath = path + [ pyname ] arcname = joinpath(*arcpath) self.tnode = source self.snode = source.srcnode() self.pyname = pyname self.package = package self.modpath = modpath self.arcname = arcname self.filename = filename self.compiled = File(filename + 'c') self.assembly = File(filename + '.s') self.symname = "PyEMB_" + self.invalid_sym_char.sub('_', modpath) ######################################################################## # Code for adding source files of various types # cc_lib_sources = [] def Source(source): '''Add a source file to the libm5 build''' if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) cc_lib_sources.append(source) cc_bin_sources = [] def BinSource(source): '''Add a source file to the m5 binary build''' if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) cc_bin_sources.append(source) py_sources = [] def PySource(package, source): '''Add a python source file to the named package''' if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) source = PySourceFile(package, source) py_sources.append(source) sim_objects_fixed = False sim_object_modfiles = set() def SimObject(source): '''Add a SimObject python file as a python source object and add it to a list of sim object modules''' if sim_objects_fixed: raise AttributeError, "Too late to call SimObject now." if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) PySource('m5.objects', source) modfile = basename(str(source)) assert modfile.endswith('.py') modname = modfile[:-3] sim_object_modfiles.add(modname) swig_sources = [] def SwigSource(package, source): '''Add a swig file to build''' if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) val = source,package swig_sources.append(val) # Children should have access Export('Source') Export('BinSource') Export('PySource') Export('SimObject') Export('SwigSource') ######################################################################## # # Trace Flags # all_flags = {} trace_flags = [] def TraceFlag(name, desc=''): if name in all_flags: raise AttributeError, "Flag %s already specified" % name flag = (name, (), desc) trace_flags.append(flag) all_flags[name] = () def CompoundFlag(name, flags, desc=''): if name in all_flags: raise AttributeError, "Flag %s already specified" % name compound = tuple(flags) for flag in compound: if flag not in all_flags: raise AttributeError, "Trace flag %s not found" % flag if all_flags[flag]: raise AttributeError, \ "Compound flag can't point to another compound flag" flag = (name, compound, desc) trace_flags.append(flag) all_flags[name] = compound Export('TraceFlag') Export('CompoundFlag') ######################################################################## # # Set some compiler variables # # Include file paths are rooted in this directory. SCons will # automatically expand '.' to refer to both the source directory and # the corresponding build directory to pick up generated include # files. env.Append(CPPPATH=Dir('.')) # Add a flag defining what THE_ISA should be for all compilation env.Append(CPPDEFINES=[('THE_ISA','%s_ISA' % env['TARGET_ISA'].upper())]) ######################################################################## # # Walk the tree and execute all SConscripts in subdirectories # for base_dir in base_dir_list: here = Dir('.').srcnode().abspath for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir, topdown=True): if root == here: # we don't want to recurse back into this SConscript continue if 'SConscript' in files: build_dir = joinpath(env['BUILDDIR'], root[len(base_dir) + 1:]) SConscript(joinpath(root, 'SConscript'), build_dir=build_dir) for opt in env.ExportOptions: env.ConfigFile(opt) ######################################################################## # # Prevent any SimObjects from being added after this point, they # should all have been added in the SConscripts above # class DictImporter(object): '''This importer takes a dictionary of arbitrary module names that map to arbitrary filenames.''' def __init__(self, modules): self.modules = modules self.installed = set() def __del__(self): self.unload() def unload(self): import sys for module in self.installed: del sys.modules[module] self.installed = set() def find_module(self, fullname, path): if fullname == '__scons': return self if fullname == 'm5.objects': return self if fullname.startswith('m5.internal'): return None if fullname in self.modules and exists(self.modules[fullname]): return self return None def load_module(self, fullname): mod = imp.new_module(fullname) sys.modules[fullname] = mod self.installed.add(fullname) mod.__loader__ = self if fullname == 'm5.objects': mod.__path__ = fullname.split('.') return mod if fullname == '__scons': mod.__dict__['m5_build_env'] = build_env return mod srcfile = self.modules[fullname] if basename(srcfile) == '__init__.py': mod.__path__ = fullname.split('.') mod.__file__ = srcfile exec file(srcfile, 'r') in mod.__dict__ return mod py_modules = {} for source in py_sources: py_modules[source.modpath] = source.snode.abspath # install the python importer so we can grab stuff from the source # tree itself. We can't have SimObjects added after this point or # else we won't know about them for the rest of the stuff. sim_objects_fixed = True importer = DictImporter(py_modules) sys.meta_path[0:0] = [ importer ] import m5 # import all sim objects so we can populate the all_objects list # make sure that we're working with a list, then let's sort it sim_objects = list(sim_object_modfiles) sim_objects.sort() for simobj in sim_objects: exec('from m5.objects import %s' % simobj) # we need to unload all of the currently imported modules so that they # will be re-imported the next time the sconscript is run importer.unload() sys.meta_path.remove(importer) sim_objects = m5.SimObject.allClasses all_enums = m5.params.allEnums all_params = {} for name,obj in sim_objects.iteritems(): for param in obj._params.local.values(): if not hasattr(param, 'swig_decl'): continue pname = param.ptype_str if pname not in all_params: all_params[pname] = param ######################################################################## # # calculate extra dependencies # module_depends = ["m5", "m5.SimObject", "m5.params"] depends = [ File(py_modules[dep]) for dep in module_depends ] ######################################################################## # # Commands for the basic automatically generated python files # # Generate Python file containing a dict specifying the current # build_env flags. def makeDefinesPyFile(target, source, env): f = file(str(target[0]), 'w') print >>f, "m5_build_env = ", source[0] f.close() # Generate python file containing info about the M5 source code def makeInfoPyFile(target, source, env): f = file(str(target[0]), 'w') for src in source: data = ''.join(file(src.srcnode().abspath, 'r').xreadlines()) print >>f, "%s = %s" % (src, repr(data)) f.close() # Generate the __init__.py file for m5.objects def makeObjectsInitFile(target, source, env): f = file(str(target[0]), 'w') print >>f, 'from params import *' print >>f, 'from m5.SimObject import *' for module in source: print >>f, 'from %s import *' % module.get_contents() f.close() # Generate a file with all of the compile options in it env.Command('python/m5/defines.py', Value(build_env), makeDefinesPyFile) PySource('m5', 'python/m5/defines.py') # Generate a file that wraps the basic top level files env.Command('python/m5/info.py', [ '#/AUTHORS', '#/LICENSE', '#/README', '#/RELEASE_NOTES' ], makeInfoPyFile) PySource('m5', 'python/m5/info.py') # Generate an __init__.py file for the objects package env.Command('python/m5/objects/__init__.py', [ Value(o) for o in sort_list(sim_object_modfiles) ], makeObjectsInitFile) PySource('m5.objects', 'python/m5/objects/__init__.py') ######################################################################## # # Create all of the SimObject param headers and enum headers # def createSimObjectParam(target, source, env): assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1 hh_file = file(target[0].abspath, 'w') name = str(source[0].get_contents()) obj = sim_objects[name] print >>hh_file, obj.cxx_decl() def createSwigParam(target, source, env): assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1 i_file = file(target[0].abspath, 'w') name = str(source[0].get_contents()) param = all_params[name] for line in param.swig_decl(): print >>i_file, line def createEnumStrings(target, source, env): assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1 cc_file = file(target[0].abspath, 'w') name = str(source[0].get_contents()) obj = all_enums[name] print >>cc_file, obj.cxx_def() cc_file.close() def createEnumParam(target, source, env): assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1 hh_file = file(target[0].abspath, 'w') name = str(source[0].get_contents()) obj = all_enums[name] print >>hh_file, obj.cxx_decl() # Generate all of the SimObject param struct header files params_hh_files = [] for name,simobj in sim_objects.iteritems(): extra_deps = [ File(py_modules[simobj.__module__]) ] hh_file = File('params/%s.hh' % name) params_hh_files.append(hh_file) env.Command(hh_file, Value(name), createSimObjectParam) env.Depends(hh_file, depends + extra_deps) # Generate any parameter header files needed params_i_files = [] for name,param in all_params.iteritems(): if isinstance(param, m5.params.VectorParamDesc): ext = 'vptype' else: ext = 'ptype' i_file = File('params/%s_%s.i' % (name, ext)) params_i_files.append(i_file) env.Command(i_file, Value(name), createSwigParam) env.Depends(i_file, depends) # Generate all enum header files for name,enum in all_enums.iteritems(): extra_deps = [ File(py_modules[enum.__module__]) ] cc_file = File('enums/%s.cc' % name) env.Command(cc_file, Value(name), createEnumStrings) env.Depends(cc_file, depends + extra_deps) Source(cc_file) hh_file = File('enums/%s.hh' % name) env.Command(hh_file, Value(name), createEnumParam) env.Depends(hh_file, depends + extra_deps) # Build the big monolithic swigged params module (wraps all SimObject # param structs and enum structs) def buildParams(target, source, env): names = [ s.get_contents() for s in source ] objs = [ sim_objects[name] for name in names ] out = file(target[0].abspath, 'w') ordered_objs = [] obj_seen = set() def order_obj(obj): name = str(obj) if name in obj_seen: return obj_seen.add(name) if str(obj) != 'SimObject': order_obj(obj.__bases__[0]) ordered_objs.append(obj) for obj in objs: order_obj(obj) enums = set() predecls = [] pd_seen = set() def add_pds(*pds): for pd in pds: if pd not in pd_seen: predecls.append(pd) pd_seen.add(pd) for obj in ordered_objs: params = obj._params.local.values() for param in params: ptype = param.ptype if issubclass(ptype, m5.params.Enum): if ptype not in enums: enums.add(ptype) pds = param.swig_predecls() if isinstance(pds, (list, tuple)): add_pds(*pds) else: add_pds(pds) print >>out, '%module params' print >>out, '%{' for obj in ordered_objs: print >>out, '#include "params/%s.hh"' % obj print >>out, '%}' for pd in predecls: print >>out, pd enums = list(enums) enums.sort() for enum in enums: print >>out, '%%include "enums/%s.hh"' % enum.__name__ print >>out for obj in ordered_objs: if obj.swig_objdecls: for decl in obj.swig_objdecls: print >>out, decl continue code = '' base = obj.get_base() code += '// stop swig from creating/wrapping default ctor/dtor\n' code += '%%nodefault %s;\n' % obj.cxx_class code += 'class %s ' % obj.cxx_class if base: code += ': public %s' % base code += ' {};\n' klass = obj.cxx_class; if hasattr(obj, 'cxx_namespace'): new_code = 'namespace %s {\n' % obj.cxx_namespace new_code += code new_code += '}\n' code = new_code klass = '%s::%s' % (obj.cxx_namespace, klass) print >>out, code print >>out, '%%include "src/sim/sim_object_params.hh"' % obj for obj in ordered_objs: print >>out, '%%include "params/%s.hh"' % obj params_file = File('params/params.i') names = sort_list(sim_objects.keys()) env.Command(params_file, [ Value(v) for v in names ], buildParams) env.Depends(params_file, params_hh_files + params_i_files + depends) SwigSource('m5.objects', params_file) # Build all swig modules swig_modules = [] cc_swig_sources = [] for source,package in swig_sources: filename = str(source) assert filename.endswith('.i') base = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) module = basename(base) cc_file = base + '_wrap.cc' py_file = base + '.py' env.Command([cc_file, py_file], source, '$SWIG $SWIGFLAGS -outdir ${TARGETS[1].dir} ' '-o ${TARGETS[0]} $SOURCES') env.Depends(py_file, source) env.Depends(cc_file, source) swig_modules.append(Value(module)) cc_swig_sources.append(File(cc_file)) PySource(package, py_file) # Generate the main swig init file def makeSwigInit(target, source, env): f = file(str(target[0]), 'w') print >>f, 'extern "C" {' for module in source: print >>f, ' void init_%s();' % module.get_contents() print >>f, '}' print >>f, 'void initSwig() {' for module in source: print >>f, ' init_%s();' % module.get_contents() print >>f, '}' f.close() env.Command('python/swig/init.cc', swig_modules, makeSwigInit) Source('python/swig/init.cc') # Generate traceflags.py def traceFlagsPy(target, source, env): assert(len(target) == 1) f = file(str(target[0]), 'w') allFlags = [] for s in source: val = eval(s.get_contents()) allFlags.append(val) print >>f, 'baseFlags = [' for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if not compound: print >>f, " '%s'," % flag print >>f, " ]" print >>f print >>f, 'compoundFlags = [' print >>f, " 'All'," for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if compound: print >>f, " '%s'," % flag print >>f, " ]" print >>f print >>f, "allFlags = frozenset(baseFlags + compoundFlags)" print >>f print >>f, 'compoundFlagMap = {' all = tuple([flag for flag,compound,desc in allFlags if not compound]) print >>f, " 'All' : %s," % (all, ) for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if compound: print >>f, " '%s' : %s," % (flag, compound) print >>f, " }" print >>f print >>f, 'flagDescriptions = {' print >>f, " 'All' : 'All flags'," for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: print >>f, " '%s' : '%s'," % (flag, desc) print >>f, " }" f.close() def traceFlagsCC(target, source, env): assert(len(target) == 1) f = file(str(target[0]), 'w') allFlags = [] for s in source: val = eval(s.get_contents()) allFlags.append(val) # file header print >>f, ''' /* * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! Automatically generated */ #include "base/traceflags.hh" using namespace Trace; const char *Trace::flagStrings[] = {''' # The string array is used by SimpleEnumParam to map the strings # provided by the user to enum values. for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if not compound: print >>f, ' "%s",' % flag print >>f, ' "All",' for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if compound: print >>f, ' "%s",' % flag print >>f, '};' print >>f print >>f, 'const int Trace::numFlagStrings = %d;' % (len(allFlags) + 1) print >>f # # Now define the individual compound flag arrays. There is an array # for each compound flag listing the component base flags. # all = tuple([flag for flag,compound,desc in allFlags if not compound]) print >>f, 'static const Flags AllMap[] = {' for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if not compound: print >>f, " %s," % flag print >>f, '};' print >>f for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if not compound: continue print >>f, 'static const Flags %sMap[] = {' % flag for flag in compound: print >>f, " %s," % flag print >>f, " (Flags)-1" print >>f, '};' print >>f # # Finally the compoundFlags[] array maps the compound flags # to their individual arrays/ # print >>f, 'const Flags *Trace::compoundFlags[] =' print >>f, '{' print >>f, ' AllMap,' for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if compound: print >>f, ' %sMap,' % flag # file trailer print >>f, '};' f.close() def traceFlagsHH(target, source, env): assert(len(target) == 1) f = file(str(target[0]), 'w') allFlags = [] for s in source: val = eval(s.get_contents()) allFlags.append(val) # file header boilerplate print >>f, ''' /* * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! * * Automatically generated from traceflags.py */ #ifndef __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__ #define __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__ namespace Trace { enum Flags {''' # Generate the enum. Base flags come first, then compound flags. idx = 0 for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if not compound: print >>f, ' %s = %d,' % (flag, idx) idx += 1 numBaseFlags = idx print >>f, ' NumFlags = %d,' % idx # put a comment in here to separate base from compound flags print >>f, ''' // The remaining enum values are *not* valid indices for Trace::flags. // They are "compound" flags, which correspond to sets of base // flags, and are used by changeFlag.''' print >>f, ' All = %d,' % idx idx += 1 for flag, compound, desc in allFlags: if compound: print >>f, ' %s = %d,' % (flag, idx) idx += 1 numCompoundFlags = idx - numBaseFlags print >>f, ' NumCompoundFlags = %d' % numCompoundFlags # trailer boilerplate print >>f, '''\ }; // enum Flags // Array of strings for SimpleEnumParam extern const char *flagStrings[]; extern const int numFlagStrings; // Array of arraay pointers: for each compound flag, gives the list of // base flags to set. Inidividual flag arrays are terminated by -1. extern const Flags *compoundFlags[]; /* namespace Trace */ } #endif // __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__ ''' f.close() flags = [ Value(f) for f in trace_flags ] env.Command('base/traceflags.py', flags, traceFlagsPy) PySource('m5', 'base/traceflags.py') env.Command('base/traceflags.hh', flags, traceFlagsHH) env.Command('base/traceflags.cc', flags, traceFlagsCC) Source('base/traceflags.cc') # Generate program_info.cc def programInfo(target, source, env): def gen_file(target, rev, node, date): pi_stats = file(target, 'w') print >>pi_stats, 'const char *hgRev = "%s:%s";' % (rev, node) print >>pi_stats, 'const char *hgDate = "%s";' % date pi_stats.close() target = str(target[0]) scons_dir = str(source[0].get_contents()) try: import mercurial.demandimport, mercurial.hg, mercurial.ui import mercurial.util, mercurial.node if not exists(scons_dir) or not isdir(scons_dir) or \ not exists(joinpath(scons_dir, ".hg")): raise ValueError repo = mercurial.hg.repository(mercurial.ui.ui(), scons_dir) rev = mercurial.node.nullrev + repo.changelog.count() changenode = repo.changelog.node(rev) changes = repo.changelog.read(changenode) date = mercurial.util.datestr(changes[2]) gen_file(target, rev, mercurial.node.hex(changenode), date) mercurial.demandimport.disable() except ImportError: gen_file(target, "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown") except: print "in except" gen_file(target, "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown") mercurial.demandimport.disable() env.Command('base/program_info.cc', Value(str(SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.SConstruct_dir)), programInfo) # embed python files. All .py files that have been indicated by a # PySource() call in a SConscript need to be embedded into the M5 # library. To do that, we compile the file to byte code, marshal the # byte code, compress it, and then generate an assembly file that # inserts the result into the data section with symbols indicating the # beginning, and end (and with the size at the end) py_sources_tnodes = {} for pysource in py_sources: py_sources_tnodes[pysource.tnode] = pysource def objectifyPyFile(target, source, env): '''Action function to compile a .py into a code object, marshal it, compress it, and stick it into an asm file so the code appears as just bytes with a label in the data section''' src = file(str(source[0]), 'r').read() dst = file(str(target[0]), 'w') pysource = py_sources_tnodes[source[0]] compiled = compile(src, pysource.snode.path, 'exec') marshalled = marshal.dumps(compiled) compressed = zlib.compress(marshalled) data = compressed # Some C/C++ compilers prepend an underscore to global symbol # names, so if they're going to do that, we need to prepend that # leading underscore to globals in the assembly file. if env['LEADING_UNDERSCORE']: sym = '_' + pysource.symname else: sym = pysource.symname step = 16 print >>dst, ".data" print >>dst, ".globl %s_beg" % sym print >>dst, ".globl %s_end" % sym print >>dst, "%s_beg:" % sym for i in xrange(0, len(data), step): x = array.array('B', data[i:i+step]) print >>dst, ".byte", ','.join([str(d) for d in x]) print >>dst, "%s_end:" % sym print >>dst, ".long %d" % len(marshalled) for source in py_sources: env.Command(source.assembly, source.tnode, objectifyPyFile) Source(source.assembly) # Generate init_python.cc which creates a bunch of EmbeddedPyModule # structs that describe the embedded python code. One such struct # contains information about the importer that python uses to get at # the embedded files, and then there's a list of all of the rest that # the importer uses to load the rest on demand. py_sources_symbols = {} for pysource in py_sources: py_sources_symbols[pysource.symname] = pysource def pythonInit(target, source, env): dst = file(str(target[0]), 'w') def dump_mod(sym, endchar=','): pysource = py_sources_symbols[sym] print >>dst, ' { "%s",' % pysource.arcname print >>dst, ' "%s",' % pysource.modpath print >>dst, ' %s_beg, %s_end,' % (sym, sym) print >>dst, ' %s_end - %s_beg,' % (sym, sym) print >>dst, ' *(int *)%s_end }%s' % (sym, endchar) print >>dst, '#include "sim/init.hh"' for sym in source: sym = sym.get_contents() print >>dst, "extern const char %s_beg[], %s_end[];" % (sym, sym) print >>dst, "const EmbeddedPyModule embeddedPyImporter = " dump_mod("PyEMB_importer", endchar=';'); print >>dst print >>dst, "const EmbeddedPyModule embeddedPyModules[] = {" for i,sym in enumerate(source): sym = sym.get_contents() if sym == "PyEMB_importer": # Skip the importer since we've already exported it continue dump_mod(sym) print >>dst, " { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }" print >>dst, "};" symbols = [Value(s.symname) for s in py_sources] env.Command('sim/init_python.cc', symbols, pythonInit) Source('sim/init_python.cc') ######################################################################## # # Define binaries. Each different build type (debug, opt, etc.) gets # a slightly different build environment. # # List of constructed environments to pass back to SConstruct envList = [] # This function adds the specified sources to the given build # environment, and returns a list of all the corresponding SCons # Object nodes (including an extra one for date.cc). We explicitly # add the Object nodes so we can set up special dependencies for # date.cc. def make_objs(sources, env): objs = [env.Object(s) for s in sources] # make date.cc depend on all other objects so it always gets # recompiled whenever anything else does date_obj = env.Object('base/date.cc') # Make the generation of program_info.cc dependend on all # the other cc files and the compiling of program_info.cc # dependent on all the objects but program_info.o pinfo_obj = env.Object('base/program_info.cc') env.Depends('base/program_info.cc', sources) env.Depends(date_obj, objs) env.Depends(pinfo_obj, objs) objs.extend([date_obj,pinfo_obj]) return objs # Function to create a new build environment as clone of current # environment 'env' with modified object suffix and optional stripped # binary. Additional keyword arguments are appended to corresponding # build environment vars. def makeEnv(label, objsfx, strip = False, **kwargs): newEnv = env.Copy(OBJSUFFIX=objsfx) newEnv.Label = label newEnv.Append(**kwargs) swig_env = newEnv.Copy() if env['GCC']: swig_env.Append(CCFLAGS='-Wno-uninitialized') swig_env.Append(CCFLAGS='-Wno-sign-compare') swig_env.Append(CCFLAGS='-Wno-parentheses') swig_objs = [ swig_env.Object(s) for s in cc_swig_sources ] # First make a library of everything but main() so other programs can # link against m5. # # SCons doesn't know to append a library suffix when there is a '.' in the # name. Use '_' instead. m5lib = newEnv.Library('m5_' + label, make_objs(cc_lib_sources, newEnv) + swig_objs) # Now link a stub with main() and the library. exe = 'm5.' + label # final executable objects = [newEnv.Object(s) for s in cc_bin_sources] + m5lib if strip: unstripped_exe = exe + '.unstripped' newEnv.Program(unstripped_exe, objects) if sys.platform == 'sunos5': cmd = 'cp $SOURCE $TARGET; strip $TARGET' else: cmd = 'strip $SOURCE -o $TARGET' targets = newEnv.Command(exe, unstripped_exe, cmd) else: targets = newEnv.Program(exe, objects) newEnv.M5Binary = targets[0] envList.append(newEnv) # Debug binary ccflags = {} if env['GCC']: if sys.platform == 'sunos5': ccflags['debug'] = '-gstabs+' else: ccflags['debug'] = '-ggdb3' ccflags['opt'] = '-g -O3' ccflags['fast'] = '-O3' ccflags['prof'] = '-O3 -g -pg' elif env['SUNCC']: ccflags['debug'] = '-g0' ccflags['opt'] = '-g -O' ccflags['fast'] = '-fast' ccflags['prof'] = '-fast -g -pg' elif env['ICC']: ccflags['debug'] = '-g -O0' ccflags['opt'] = '-g -O' ccflags['fast'] = '-fast' ccflags['prof'] = '-fast -g -pg' else: print 'Unknown compiler, please fix compiler options' Exit(1) makeEnv('debug', '.do', CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['debug']), CPPDEFINES = ['DEBUG', 'TRACING_ON=1']) # Optimized binary makeEnv('opt', '.o', CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['opt']), CPPDEFINES = ['TRACING_ON=1']) # "Fast" binary makeEnv('fast', '.fo', strip = True, CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['fast']), CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG', 'TRACING_ON=0']) # Profiled binary makeEnv('prof', '.po', CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['prof']), CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG', 'TRACING_ON=0'], LINKFLAGS = '-pg') Return('envList')