/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014, 2016-2018 ARM Limited * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The Florida State University * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Stephen Hines */ #include "arch/arm/insts/static_inst.hh" #include "arch/arm/faults.hh" #include "base/condcodes.hh" #include "base/cprintf.hh" #include "base/loader/symtab.hh" #include "cpu/reg_class.hh" namespace ArmISA { // Shift Rm by an immediate value int32_t ArmStaticInst::shift_rm_imm(uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const { assert(shamt < 32); ArmShiftType shiftType; shiftType = (ArmShiftType)type; switch (shiftType) { case LSL: return base << shamt; case LSR: if (shamt == 0) return 0; else return base >> shamt; case ASR: if (shamt == 0) return (base >> 31) | -((base & (1 << 31)) >> 31); else return (base >> shamt) | -((base & (1 << 31)) >> shamt); case ROR: if (shamt == 0) return (cfval << 31) | (base >> 1); // RRX else return (base << (32 - shamt)) | (base >> shamt); default: ccprintf(std::cerr, "Unhandled shift type\n"); exit(1); break; } return 0; } int64_t ArmStaticInst::shiftReg64(uint64_t base, uint64_t shiftAmt, ArmShiftType type, uint8_t width) const { shiftAmt = shiftAmt % width; ArmShiftType shiftType; shiftType = (ArmShiftType)type; switch (shiftType) { case LSL: return base << shiftAmt; case LSR: if (shiftAmt == 0) return base; else return (base & mask(width)) >> shiftAmt; case ASR: if (shiftAmt == 0) { return base; } else { int sign_bit = bits(base, intWidth - 1); base >>= shiftAmt; base = sign_bit ? (base | ~mask(intWidth - shiftAmt)) : base; return base & mask(intWidth); } case ROR: if (shiftAmt == 0) return base; else return (base << (width - shiftAmt)) | (base >> shiftAmt); default: ccprintf(std::cerr, "Unhandled shift type\n"); exit(1); break; } return 0; } int64_t ArmStaticInst::extendReg64(uint64_t base, ArmExtendType type, uint64_t shiftAmt, uint8_t width) const { bool sign_extend = false; int len = 0; switch (type) { case UXTB: len = 8; break; case UXTH: len = 16; break; case UXTW: len = 32; break; case UXTX: len = 64; break; case SXTB: len = 8; sign_extend = true; break; case SXTH: len = 16; sign_extend = true; break; case SXTW: len = 32; sign_extend = true; break; case SXTX: len = 64; sign_extend = true; break; } len = len <= width - shiftAmt ? len : width - shiftAmt; uint64_t tmp = (uint64_t) bits(base, len - 1, 0) << shiftAmt; if (sign_extend) { int sign_bit = bits(tmp, len + shiftAmt - 1); tmp = sign_bit ? (tmp | ~mask(len + shiftAmt)) : tmp; } return tmp & mask(width); } // Shift Rm by Rs int32_t ArmStaticInst::shift_rm_rs(uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const { enum ArmShiftType shiftType; shiftType = (enum ArmShiftType) type; switch (shiftType) { case LSL: if (shamt >= 32) return 0; else return base << shamt; case LSR: if (shamt >= 32) return 0; else return base >> shamt; case ASR: if (shamt >= 32) return (base >> 31) | -((base & (1 << 31)) >> 31); else return (base >> shamt) | -((base & (1 << 31)) >> shamt); case ROR: shamt = shamt & 0x1f; if (shamt == 0) return base; else return (base << (32 - shamt)) | (base >> shamt); default: ccprintf(std::cerr, "Unhandled shift type\n"); exit(1); break; } return 0; } // Generate C for a shift by immediate bool ArmStaticInst::shift_carry_imm(uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const { enum ArmShiftType shiftType; shiftType = (enum ArmShiftType) type; switch (shiftType) { case LSL: if (shamt == 0) return cfval; else return (base >> (32 - shamt)) & 1; case LSR: if (shamt == 0) return (base >> 31); else return (base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1; case ASR: if (shamt == 0) return (base >> 31); else return (base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1; case ROR: shamt = shamt & 0x1f; if (shamt == 0) return (base & 1); // RRX else return (base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1; default: ccprintf(std::cerr, "Unhandled shift type\n"); exit(1); break; } return 0; } // Generate C for a shift by Rs bool ArmStaticInst::shift_carry_rs(uint32_t base, uint32_t shamt, uint32_t type, uint32_t cfval) const { enum ArmShiftType shiftType; shiftType = (enum ArmShiftType) type; if (shamt == 0) return cfval; switch (shiftType) { case LSL: if (shamt > 32) return 0; else return (base >> (32 - shamt)) & 1; case LSR: if (shamt > 32) return 0; else return (base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1; case ASR: if (shamt > 32) shamt = 32; return (base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1; case ROR: shamt = shamt & 0x1f; if (shamt == 0) shamt = 32; return (base >> (shamt - 1)) & 1; default: ccprintf(std::cerr, "Unhandled shift type\n"); exit(1); break; } return 0; } void ArmStaticInst::printIntReg(std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const { if (aarch64) { if (reg_idx == INTREG_UREG0) ccprintf(os, "ureg0"); else if (reg_idx == INTREG_SPX) ccprintf(os, "%s%s", (intWidth == 32) ? "w" : "", "sp"); else if (reg_idx == INTREG_X31) ccprintf(os, "%szr", (intWidth == 32) ? "w" : "x"); else ccprintf(os, "%s%d", (intWidth == 32) ? "w" : "x", reg_idx); } else { switch (reg_idx) { case PCReg: ccprintf(os, "pc"); break; case StackPointerReg: ccprintf(os, "sp"); break; case FramePointerReg: ccprintf(os, "fp"); break; case ReturnAddressReg: ccprintf(os, "lr"); break; default: ccprintf(os, "r%d", reg_idx); break; } } } void ArmStaticInst::printPFflags(std::ostream &os, int flag) const { const char *flagtoprfop[]= { "PLD", "PLI", "PST", "Reserved"}; const char *flagtotarget[] = { "L1", "L2", "L3", "Reserved"}; const char *flagtopolicy[] = { "KEEP", "STRM"}; ccprintf(os, "%s%s%s", flagtoprfop[(flag>>3)&3], flagtotarget[(flag>>1)&3], flagtopolicy[flag&1]); } void ArmStaticInst::printFloatReg(std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const { ccprintf(os, "f%d", reg_idx); } void ArmStaticInst::printVecReg(std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const { ccprintf(os, "v%d", reg_idx); } void ArmStaticInst::printCCReg(std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const { ccprintf(os, "cc_%s", ArmISA::ccRegName[reg_idx]); } void ArmStaticInst::printMiscReg(std::ostream &os, RegIndex reg_idx) const { assert(reg_idx < NUM_MISCREGS); ccprintf(os, "%s", ArmISA::miscRegName[reg_idx]); } void ArmStaticInst::printMnemonic(std::ostream &os, const std::string &suffix, bool withPred, bool withCond64, ConditionCode cond64) const { os << " " << mnemonic; if (withPred && !aarch64) { printCondition(os, machInst.condCode); os << suffix; } else if (withCond64) { os << "."; printCondition(os, cond64); os << suffix; } if (machInst.bigThumb) os << ".w"; os << " "; } void ArmStaticInst::printTarget(std::ostream &os, Addr target, const SymbolTable *symtab) const { Addr symbolAddr; std::string symbol; if (symtab && symtab->findNearestSymbol(target, symbol, symbolAddr)) { ccprintf(os, "<%s", symbol); if (symbolAddr != target) ccprintf(os, "+%d>", target - symbolAddr); else ccprintf(os, ">"); } else { ccprintf(os, "%#x", target); } } void ArmStaticInst::printCondition(std::ostream &os, unsigned code, bool noImplicit) const { switch (code) { case COND_EQ: os << "eq"; break; case COND_NE: os << "ne"; break; case COND_CS: os << "cs"; break; case COND_CC: os << "cc"; break; case COND_MI: os << "mi"; break; case COND_PL: os << "pl"; break; case COND_VS: os << "vs"; break; case COND_VC: os << "vc"; break; case COND_HI: os << "hi"; break; case COND_LS: os << "ls"; break; case COND_GE: os << "ge"; break; case COND_LT: os << "lt"; break; case COND_GT: os << "gt"; break; case COND_LE: os << "le"; break; case COND_AL: // This one is implicit. if (noImplicit) os << "al"; break; case COND_UC: // Unconditional. if (noImplicit) os << "uc"; break; default: panic("Unrecognized condition code %d.\n", code); } } void ArmStaticInst::printMemSymbol(std::ostream &os, const SymbolTable *symtab, const std::string &prefix, const Addr addr, const std::string &suffix) const { Addr symbolAddr; std::string symbol; if (symtab && symtab->findNearestSymbol(addr, symbol, symbolAddr)) { ccprintf(os, "%s%s", prefix, symbol); if (symbolAddr != addr) ccprintf(os, "+%d", addr - symbolAddr); ccprintf(os, suffix); } } void ArmStaticInst::printShiftOperand(std::ostream &os, IntRegIndex rm, bool immShift, uint32_t shiftAmt, IntRegIndex rs, ArmShiftType type) const { bool firstOp = false; if (rm != INTREG_ZERO) { printIntReg(os, rm); } bool done = false; if ((type == LSR || type == ASR) && immShift && shiftAmt == 0) shiftAmt = 32; switch (type) { case LSL: if (immShift && shiftAmt == 0) { done = true; break; } if (!firstOp) os << ", "; os << "LSL"; break; case LSR: if (!firstOp) os << ", "; os << "LSR"; break; case ASR: if (!firstOp) os << ", "; os << "ASR"; break; case ROR: if (immShift && shiftAmt == 0) { if (!firstOp) os << ", "; os << "RRX"; done = true; break; } if (!firstOp) os << ", "; os << "ROR"; break; default: panic("Tried to disassemble unrecognized shift type.\n"); } if (!done) { if (!firstOp) os << " "; if (immShift) os << "#" << shiftAmt; else printIntReg(os, rs); } } void ArmStaticInst::printExtendOperand(bool firstOperand, std::ostream &os, IntRegIndex rm, ArmExtendType type, int64_t shiftAmt) const { if (!firstOperand) ccprintf(os, ", "); printIntReg(os, rm); if (type == UXTX && shiftAmt == 0) return; switch (type) { case UXTB: ccprintf(os, ", UXTB"); break; case UXTH: ccprintf(os, ", UXTH"); break; case UXTW: ccprintf(os, ", UXTW"); break; case UXTX: ccprintf(os, ", LSL"); break; case SXTB: ccprintf(os, ", SXTB"); break; case SXTH: ccprintf(os, ", SXTH"); break; case SXTW: ccprintf(os, ", SXTW"); break; case SXTX: ccprintf(os, ", SXTW"); break; } if (type == UXTX || shiftAmt) ccprintf(os, " #%d", shiftAmt); } void ArmStaticInst::printDataInst(std::ostream &os, bool withImm, bool immShift, bool s, IntRegIndex rd, IntRegIndex rn, IntRegIndex rm, IntRegIndex rs, uint32_t shiftAmt, ArmShiftType type, uint64_t imm) const { printMnemonic(os, s ? "s" : ""); bool firstOp = true; // Destination if (rd != INTREG_ZERO) { firstOp = false; printIntReg(os, rd); } // Source 1. if (rn != INTREG_ZERO) { if (!firstOp) os << ", "; firstOp = false; printIntReg(os, rn); } if (!firstOp) os << ", "; if (withImm) { ccprintf(os, "#%ld", imm); } else { printShiftOperand(os, rm, immShift, shiftAmt, rs, type); } } std::string ArmStaticInst::generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const { std::stringstream ss; printMnemonic(ss); return ss.str(); } Fault ArmStaticInst::softwareBreakpoint32(ExecContext *xc, uint16_t imm) const { const auto tc = xc->tcBase(); const HCR hcr = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_HCR_EL2); const HDCR mdcr = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_MDCR_EL2); if ((ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, EL2) && !inSecureState(tc) && !ELIs32(tc, EL2) && (hcr.tge == 1 || mdcr.tde == 1)) || !ELIs32(tc, EL1)) { // Route to AArch64 Software Breakpoint return std::make_shared<SoftwareBreakpoint>(machInst, imm); } else { // Execute AArch32 Software Breakpoint return std::make_shared<PrefetchAbort>(readPC(xc), ArmFault::DebugEvent); } } Fault ArmStaticInst::advSIMDFPAccessTrap64(ExceptionLevel el) const { switch (el) { case EL1: return std::make_shared<SupervisorTrap>(machInst, 0x1E00000, EC_TRAPPED_SIMD_FP); case EL2: return std::make_shared<HypervisorTrap>(machInst, 0x1E00000, EC_TRAPPED_SIMD_FP); case EL3: return std::make_shared<SecureMonitorTrap>(machInst, 0x1E00000, EC_TRAPPED_SIMD_FP); default: panic("Illegal EL in advSIMDFPAccessTrap64\n"); } } Fault ArmStaticInst::checkFPAdvSIMDTrap64(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr) const { if (ArmSystem::haveVirtualization(tc) && !inSecureState(tc)) { HCPTR cptrEnCheck = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_CPTR_EL2); if (cptrEnCheck.tfp) return advSIMDFPAccessTrap64(EL2); } if (ArmSystem::haveSecurity(tc)) { HCPTR cptrEnCheck = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_CPTR_EL3); if (cptrEnCheck.tfp) return advSIMDFPAccessTrap64(EL3); } return NoFault; } Fault ArmStaticInst::checkFPAdvSIMDEnabled64(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr) const { const ExceptionLevel el = (ExceptionLevel) (uint8_t)cpsr.el; if ((el == EL0 && cpacr.fpen != 0x3) || (el == EL1 && !(cpacr.fpen & 0x1))) return advSIMDFPAccessTrap64(EL1); return checkFPAdvSIMDTrap64(tc, cpsr); } Fault ArmStaticInst::checkAdvSIMDOrFPEnabled32(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPACR cpacr, NSACR nsacr, FPEXC fpexc, bool fpexc_check, bool advsimd) const { const bool have_virtualization = ArmSystem::haveVirtualization(tc); const bool have_security = ArmSystem::haveSecurity(tc); const bool is_secure = inSecureState(tc); const ExceptionLevel cur_el = opModeToEL(currOpMode(tc)); if (cur_el == EL0 && ELIs64(tc, EL1)) return checkFPAdvSIMDEnabled64(tc, cpsr, cpacr); uint8_t cpacr_cp10 = cpacr.cp10; bool cpacr_asedis = cpacr.asedis; if (have_security && !ELIs64(tc, EL3) && !is_secure) { if (nsacr.nsasedis) cpacr_asedis = true; if (nsacr.cp10 == 0) cpacr_cp10 = 0; } if (cur_el != EL2) { if (advsimd && cpacr_asedis) return disabledFault(); if ((cur_el == EL0 && cpacr_cp10 != 0x3) || (cur_el != EL0 && !(cpacr_cp10 & 0x1))) return disabledFault(); } if (fpexc_check && !fpexc.en) return disabledFault(); // -- aarch32/exceptions/traps/AArch32.CheckFPAdvSIMDTrap -- if (have_virtualization && !is_secure && ELIs64(tc, EL2)) return checkFPAdvSIMDTrap64(tc, cpsr); if (have_virtualization && !is_secure) { HCPTR hcptr = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_HCPTR); bool hcptr_cp10 = hcptr.tcp10; bool hcptr_tase = hcptr.tase; if (have_security && !ELIs64(tc, EL3) && !is_secure) { if (nsacr.nsasedis) hcptr_tase = true; if (nsacr.cp10) hcptr_cp10 = true; } if ((advsimd && hcptr_tase) || hcptr_cp10) { const uint32_t iss = advsimd ? (1 << 5) : 0xA; if (cur_el == EL2) { return std::make_shared<UndefinedInstruction>( machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_HCPTR, mnemonic); } else { return std::make_shared<HypervisorTrap>( machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_HCPTR); } } } if (have_security && ELIs64(tc, EL3)) { HCPTR cptrEnCheck = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_CPTR_EL3); if (cptrEnCheck.tfp) return advSIMDFPAccessTrap64(EL3); } return NoFault; } inline bool ArmStaticInst::isWFxTrapping(ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel tgtEl, bool isWfe) const { bool trap = false; SCTLR sctlr = ((SCTLR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_SCTLR_EL1)); HCR hcr = ((HCR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_HCR_EL2)); SCR scr = ((SCR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_SCR_EL3)); switch (tgtEl) { case EL1: trap = isWfe? !sctlr.ntwe : !sctlr.ntwi; break; case EL2: trap = isWfe? hcr.twe : hcr.twi; break; case EL3: trap = isWfe? scr.twe : scr.twi; break; default: break; } return trap; } Fault ArmStaticInst::checkForWFxTrap32(ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel targetEL, bool isWfe) const { // Check if target exception level is implemented. assert(ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, targetEL)); // Check for routing to AArch64: this happens if the // target exception level (where the trap will be handled) // is using aarch64 if (ELIs64(tc, targetEL)) { return checkForWFxTrap64(tc, targetEL, isWfe); } // Check if processor needs to trap at selected exception level bool trap = isWFxTrapping(tc, targetEL, isWfe); if (trap) { uint32_t iss = isWfe? 0x1E00001 : /* WFE Instruction syndrome */ 0x1E00000; /* WFI Instruction syndrome */ switch (targetEL) { case EL1: return std::make_shared<UndefinedInstruction>( machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_WFI_WFE, mnemonic); case EL2: return std::make_shared<HypervisorTrap>(machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_WFI_WFE); case EL3: return std::make_shared<SecureMonitorTrap>(machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_WFI_WFE); default: panic("Unrecognized Exception Level: %d\n", targetEL); } } return NoFault; } Fault ArmStaticInst::checkForWFxTrap64(ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel targetEL, bool isWfe) const { // Check if target exception level is implemented. assert(ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, targetEL)); // Check if processor needs to trap at selected exception level bool trap = isWFxTrapping(tc, targetEL, isWfe); if (trap) { uint32_t iss = isWfe? 0x1E00001 : /* WFE Instruction syndrome */ 0x1E00000; /* WFI Instruction syndrome */ switch (targetEL) { case EL1: return std::make_shared<SupervisorTrap>(machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_WFI_WFE); case EL2: return std::make_shared<HypervisorTrap>(machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_WFI_WFE); case EL3: return std::make_shared<SecureMonitorTrap>(machInst, iss, EC_TRAPPED_WFI_WFE); default: panic("Unrecognized Exception Level: %d\n", targetEL); } } return NoFault; } Fault ArmStaticInst::trapWFx(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, SCR scr, bool isWfe) const { Fault fault = NoFault; if (cpsr.el == EL0) { fault = checkForWFxTrap32(tc, EL1, isWfe); } if ((fault == NoFault) && ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, EL2) && !inSecureState(scr, cpsr) && ((cpsr.el == EL0) || (cpsr.el == EL1))) { fault = checkForWFxTrap32(tc, EL2, isWfe); } if ((fault == NoFault) && ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, EL3) && cpsr.el != EL3) { fault = checkForWFxTrap32(tc, EL3, isWfe); } return fault; } Fault ArmStaticInst::checkSETENDEnabled(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr) const { bool setend_disabled(false); ExceptionLevel pstateEL = (ExceptionLevel)(uint8_t)(cpsr.el); if (pstateEL == EL2) { setend_disabled = ((SCTLR)tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_HSCTLR)).sed; } else { // Please note: in the armarm pseudocode there is a distinction // whether EL1 is aarch32 or aarch64: // if ELUsingAArch32(EL1) then SCTLR.SED else SCTLR[].SED; // Considering that SETEND is aarch32 only, ELUsingAArch32(EL1) // will always be true (hence using SCTLR.SED) except for // instruction executed at EL0, and with an AArch64 EL1. // In this case SCTLR_EL1 will be used. In gem5 the register is // mapped to SCTLR_ns. We can safely use SCTLR and choose the // appropriate bank version. // Get the index of the banked version of SCTLR: // SCTLR_s or SCTLR_ns. auto banked_sctlr = snsBankedIndex( MISCREG_SCTLR, tc, !inSecureState(tc)); // SCTLR.SED bit is enabling/disabling the ue of SETEND instruction. setend_disabled = ((SCTLR)tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(banked_sctlr)).sed; } return setend_disabled ? undefinedFault32(tc, pstateEL) : NoFault; } Fault ArmStaticInst::undefinedFault32(ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel pstateEL) const { // Even if we are running in aarch32, the fault might be dealt with in // aarch64 ISA. if (generalExceptionsToAArch64(tc, pstateEL)) { return undefinedFault64(tc, pstateEL); } else { // Please note: according to the ARM ARM pseudocode we should handle // the case when EL2 is aarch64 and HCR.TGE is 1 as well. // However this case is already handled by the routeToHyp method in // ArmFault class. return std::make_shared<UndefinedInstruction>( machInst, 0, EC_UNKNOWN, mnemonic); } } Fault ArmStaticInst::undefinedFault64(ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel pstateEL) const { switch (pstateEL) { case EL0: case EL1: return std::make_shared<SupervisorTrap>(machInst, 0, EC_UNKNOWN); case EL2: return std::make_shared<HypervisorTrap>(machInst, 0, EC_UNKNOWN); case EL3: return std::make_shared<SecureMonitorTrap>(machInst, 0, EC_UNKNOWN); default: panic("Unrecognized Exception Level: %d\n", pstateEL); break; } return NoFault; } static uint8_t getRestoredITBits(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR spsr) { // See: shared/functions/system/RestoredITBits in the ARM ARM const ExceptionLevel el = opModeToEL((OperatingMode) (uint8_t)spsr.mode); const uint8_t it = itState(spsr); if (!spsr.t || spsr.il) return 0; // The IT bits are forced to zero when they are set to a reserved // value. if (bits(it, 7, 4) != 0 && bits(it, 3, 0) == 0) return 0; const bool itd = el == EL2 ? ((SCTLR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_HSCTLR)).itd : ((SCTLR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_SCTLR)).itd; // The IT bits are forced to zero when returning to A32 state, or // when returning to an EL with the ITD bit set to 1, and the IT // bits are describing a multi-instruction block. if (itd && bits(it, 2, 0) != 0) return 0; return it; } static bool illegalExceptionReturn(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPSR spsr) { const OperatingMode mode = (OperatingMode) (uint8_t)spsr.mode; if (unknownMode(mode)) return true; const OperatingMode cur_mode = (OperatingMode) (uint8_t)cpsr.mode; const ExceptionLevel target_el = opModeToEL(mode); HCR hcr = ((HCR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_HCR_EL2)); SCR scr = ((SCR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_SCR_EL3)); if (target_el > opModeToEL(cur_mode)) return true; if (!ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, target_el)) return true; if (target_el == EL1 && ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, EL2) && scr.ns && hcr.tge) return true; if (target_el == EL2 && ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, EL3) && !scr.ns) return true; bool spsr_mode_is_aarch32 = (spsr.width == 1); bool known, target_el_is_aarch32; std::tie(known, target_el_is_aarch32) = ELUsingAArch32K(tc, target_el); assert(known || (target_el == EL0 && ELIs64(tc, EL1))); if (known && (spsr_mode_is_aarch32 != target_el_is_aarch32)) return true; if (!spsr.width) { // aarch64 if (!ArmSystem::highestELIs64(tc)) return true; if (spsr & 0x2) return true; if (target_el == EL0 && spsr.sp) return true; } else { // aarch32 return unknownMode32(mode); } return false; } CPSR ArmStaticInst::getPSTATEFromPSR(ThreadContext *tc, CPSR cpsr, CPSR spsr) const { CPSR new_cpsr = 0; // gem5 doesn't implement single-stepping, so force the SS bit to // 0. new_cpsr.ss = 0; if (illegalExceptionReturn(tc, cpsr, spsr)) { // If the SPSR specifies an illegal exception return, // then PSTATE.{M, nRW, EL, SP} are unchanged and PSTATE.IL // is set to 1. new_cpsr.il = 1; if (cpsr.width) { new_cpsr.mode = cpsr.mode; } else { new_cpsr.width = cpsr.width; new_cpsr.el = cpsr.el; new_cpsr.sp = cpsr.sp; } } else { new_cpsr.il = spsr.il; if (spsr.width && unknownMode32((OperatingMode)(uint8_t)spsr.mode)) { new_cpsr.il = 1; } else if (spsr.width) { new_cpsr.mode = spsr.mode; } else { new_cpsr.el = spsr.el; new_cpsr.sp = spsr.sp; } } new_cpsr.nz = spsr.nz; new_cpsr.c = spsr.c; new_cpsr.v = spsr.v; if (new_cpsr.width) { // aarch32 const ITSTATE it = getRestoredITBits(tc, spsr); new_cpsr.q = spsr.q; new_cpsr.ge = spsr.ge; new_cpsr.e = spsr.e; new_cpsr.aif = spsr.aif; new_cpsr.t = spsr.t; new_cpsr.it2 = it.top6; new_cpsr.it1 = it.bottom2; } else { // aarch64 new_cpsr.daif = spsr.daif; } return new_cpsr; } bool ArmStaticInst::generalExceptionsToAArch64(ThreadContext *tc, ExceptionLevel pstateEL) const { // Returns TRUE if exceptions normally routed to EL1 are being handled // at an Exception level using AArch64, because either EL1 is using // AArch64 or TGE is in force and EL2 is using AArch64. HCR hcr = ((HCR)tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_HCR_EL2)); return (pstateEL == EL0 && !ELIs32(tc, EL1)) || (ArmSystem::haveEL(tc, EL2) && !inSecureState(tc) && !ELIs32(tc, EL2) && hcr.tge); } }