// Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
// All rights reserved
// The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
// not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
// property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
// to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
// licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
// terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
// unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
// modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
// redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
// neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Authors: Gabe Black

def format ArmMiscMedia() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t op1 = bits(machInst, 22, 20);
        const uint32_t op2 = bits(machInst, 7, 5);
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
        const IntRegIndex ra = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
        if (op1 == 0 && op2 == 0) {
            const IntRegIndex rd =
                (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
            const IntRegIndex rm =
                (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
            if (ra == 0xf) {
                return new Usad8(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
            } else {
                return new Usada8(machInst, rd, rn, rm, ra);
        } else if (bits(op2, 1, 0) == 0x2) {
            const uint32_t lsb = bits(machInst, 11, 7);
            const uint32_t msb = lsb + bits(machInst, 20, 16);
            if (bits(op1, 2, 1) == 0x3) {
                return new Ubfx(machInst, ra, rn, lsb, msb);
            } else if (bits(op1, 2, 1) == 0x1) {
                return new Sbfx(machInst, ra, rn, lsb, msb);
        } else if (bits(op2, 1, 0) == 0x0 && bits(op1, 2, 1) == 0x2) {
            const uint32_t lsb = bits(machInst, 11, 7);
            const uint32_t msb = bits(machInst, 20, 16);
            if (rn == 0xf) {
                return new Bfc(machInst, ra, ra, lsb, msb);
            } else {
                return new Bfi(machInst, ra, rn, lsb, msb);
        return new Unknown(machInst);

def format ArmDataProcReg() {{
    pclr = '''
        return new %(className)ssRegPclr(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                        %(op1)s, rm, imm5,
    instDecode = '''
          case %(opcode)#x:
            if (immShift) {
                if (setCc) {
                    if (%(dest)s == INTREG_PC) {
                    } else {
                        return new %(className)sRegCc(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                                      %(op1)s, rm, imm5, type);
                } else {
                    return new %(className)sReg(machInst, %(dest)s, %(op1)s,
                                                 rm, imm5, type);
            } else {
                if (setCc) {
                    return new %(className)sRegRegCc(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                                      %(op1)s, rm, rs, type);
                } else {
                    return new %(className)sRegReg(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                                    %(op1)s, rm, rs, type);

    def instCode(opcode, mnem, useDest = True, useOp1 = True):
        global pclr
        if useDest:
            dest = "rd"
            dest = "INTREG_ZERO"
        if useOp1:
            op1 = "rn"
            op1 = "INTREG_ZERO"
        global instDecode, pclrCode
        substDict = { "className": mnem.capitalize(),
                      "opcode": opcode,
                      "dest": dest,
                      "op1": op1 }
        if useDest:
            substDict["pclr"] = pclr % substDict
            substDict["pclr"] = ""
        return instDecode % substDict

    decode_block = '''
        const bool immShift = (bits(machInst, 4) == 0);
        const bool setCc = (bits(machInst, 20) == 1);
        const uint32_t imm5 = bits(machInst, 11, 7);
        const ArmShiftType type = (ArmShiftType)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 6, 5);
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RD;
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RN;
        const IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RM;
        const IntRegIndex rs = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RS;
        switch (OPCODE) {
    decode_block += instCode(0x0, "and")
    decode_block += instCode(0x1, "eor")
    decode_block += instCode(0x2, "sub")
    decode_block += instCode(0x3, "rsb")
    decode_block += instCode(0x4, "add")
    decode_block += instCode(0x5, "adc")
    decode_block += instCode(0x6, "sbc")
    decode_block += instCode(0x7, "rsc")
    decode_block += instCode(0x8, "tst", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0x9, "teq", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xa, "cmp", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xb, "cmn", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xc, "orr")
    decode_block += instCode(0xd, "mov", useOp1 = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xe, "bic")
    decode_block += instCode(0xf, "mvn", useOp1 = False)
    decode_block += '''
            return new Unknown(machInst);

def format ArmPackUnpackSatReverse() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t op1 = bits(machInst, 22, 20);
        const uint32_t a = bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        const uint32_t op2 = bits(machInst, 7, 5);
        if (bits(op2, 0) == 0) {
            const IntRegIndex rn =
                (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
            const IntRegIndex rd =
                (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
            const uint32_t satImm = bits(machInst, 20, 16);
            const uint32_t imm = bits(machInst, 11, 7);
            const ArmShiftType type =
                (ArmShiftType)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 6, 5);
            if (op1 == 0) {
                if (type) {
                    return new PkhtbReg(machInst, rd, (IntRegIndex)a,
                                        rn, imm, type);
                } else {
                    return new PkhbtReg(machInst, rd, (IntRegIndex)a,
                                        rn, imm, type);
            } else if (bits(op1, 2, 1) == 1) {
                return new Ssat(machInst, rd, satImm + 1, rn, imm, type);
            } else if (bits(op1, 2, 1) == 3) {
                return new Usat(machInst, rd, satImm, rn, imm, type);
            return new Unknown(machInst);
        switch (op1) {
          case 0x0:
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                if (op2 == 0x3) {
                    const uint32_t rotation =
                        (uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 10) << 3;
                    if (a == 0xf) {
                        return new Sxtb16(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Sxtab16(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                } else if (op2 == 0x5) {
                    return new Sel(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
          case 0x2:
            if (op2 == 0x1) {
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const uint32_t satImm = bits(machInst, 20, 16);
                return new Ssat16(machInst, rd, satImm + 1, rn);
            } else if (op2 == 0x3) {
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                const uint32_t rotation =
                    (uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 10) << 3;
                if (a == 0xf) {
                    return new Sxtb(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                } else {
                    return new Sxtab(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
          case 0x3:
            if (op2 == 0x1) {
                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                return new Rev(machInst, rd, rm);
            } else if (op2 == 0x3) {
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                const uint32_t rotation =
                    (uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 10) << 3;
                if (a == 0xf) {
                    return new Sxth(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                } else {
                    return new Sxtah(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
            } else if (op2 == 0x5) {
                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                return new Rev16(machInst, rd, rm);
          case 0x4:
            if (op2 == 0x3) {
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                const uint32_t rotation =
                    (uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 10) << 3;
                if (a == 0xf) {
                    return new Uxtb16(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                } else {
                    return new Uxtab16(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
          case 0x6:
            if (op2 == 0x1) {
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const uint32_t satImm = bits(machInst, 20, 16);
                return new Usat16(machInst, rd, satImm, rn);
            } else if (op2 == 0x3) {
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                const uint32_t rotation =
                    (uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 10) << 3;
                if (a == 0xf) {
                    return new Uxtb(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                } else {
                    return new Uxtab(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
          case 0x7:
                const IntRegIndex rn =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                if (op2 == 0x1) {
                    return new Rbit(machInst, rd, rm);
                } else if (op2 == 0x3) {
                    const uint32_t rotation =
                        (uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 10) << 3;
                    if (a == 0xf) {
                        return new Uxth(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Uxtah(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                } else if (op2 == 0x5) {
                    return new Revsh(machInst, rd, rm);
        return new Unknown(machInst);

def format ArmParallelAddSubtract() {{
        const uint32_t op1 = bits(machInst, 21, 20);
        const uint32_t op2 = bits(machInst, 7, 5);
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
        const IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
        if (bits(machInst, 22) == 0) {
            switch (op1) {
              case 0x1:
                switch (op2) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Sadd16RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new SasxRegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new SsaxRegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Ssub16RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new Sadd8RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x7:
                    return new Ssub8RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
              case 0x2:
                switch (op2) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Qadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new QasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new QsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Qsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new Qadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x7:
                    return new Qsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
              case 0x3:
                switch (op2) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Shadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new ShasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new ShsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Shsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new Shadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x7:
                    return new Shsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
        } else {
            switch (op1) {
              case 0x1:
                switch (op2) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Uadd16RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new UasxRegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new UsaxRegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Usub16RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new Uadd8RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x7:
                    return new Usub8RegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
              case 0x2:
                switch (op2) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Uqadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new UqasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new UqsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Uqsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new Uqadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x7:
                    return new Uqsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
              case 0x3:
                switch (op2) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Uhadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new UhasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new UhsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Uhsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new Uhadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x7:
                    return new Uhsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
        return new Unknown(machInst);

def format ArmDataProcImm() {{
    pclr = '''
        return new %(className)ssImmPclr(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                        %(op1)s, imm, false);
    adr = '''
        return new AdrImm(machInst, %(dest)s, %(add)s,
                                     imm, false);
    instDecode = '''
          case %(opcode)#x:
            if (setCc) {
                if (%(pclrInst)s && %(dest)s == INTREG_PC) {
                } else {
                    return new %(className)sImmCc(machInst, %(dest)s, %(op1)s,
                                                   imm, rotC);
            } else {
                if (%(adrInst)s && %(op1)s == INTREG_PC) {
                } else {
                    return new %(className)sImm(machInst, %(dest)s, %(op1)s,
                                                 imm, rotC);

    def instCode(opcode, mnem, useDest = True, useOp1 = True):
        global instDecode, pclr, adr
        if useDest:
            dest = "rd"
            dest = "INTREG_ZERO"
        if useOp1:
            op1 = "rn"
            op1 = "INTREG_ZERO"
        substDict = { "className": mnem.capitalize(),
                      "opcode": opcode,
                      "dest": dest,
                      "op1": op1,
                      "adr": "",
                      "adrInst": "false" }
        if useDest:
            substDict["pclrInst"] = "true"
            substDict["pclr"] = pclr % substDict
            substDict["pclrInst"] = "false"
            substDict["pclr"] = ""
        return instDecode % substDict

    def adrCode(opcode, mnem, add="1"):
        global instDecode, pclr, adr
        substDict = { "className": mnem.capitalize(),
                      "opcode": opcode,
                      "dest": "rd",
                      "op1": "rn",
                      "add": add,
                      "pclrInst": "true",
                      "adrInst": "true" }
        substDict["pclr"] = pclr % substDict
        substDict["adr"] = adr % substDict
        return instDecode % substDict

    decode_block = '''
        const bool setCc = (bits(machInst, 20) == 1);
        const uint32_t unrotated = bits(machInst, 7, 0);
        const uint32_t rotation = (bits(machInst, 11, 8) << 1);
        const bool rotC = (rotation != 0);
        const uint32_t imm = rotate_imm(unrotated, rotation);
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RD;
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RN;
        switch (OPCODE) {
    decode_block += instCode(0x0, "and")
    decode_block += instCode(0x1, "eor")
    decode_block += adrCode(0x2, "sub", add="(IntRegIndex)0")
    decode_block += instCode(0x3, "rsb")
    decode_block += adrCode(0x4, "add", add="(IntRegIndex)1")
    decode_block += instCode(0x5, "adc")
    decode_block += instCode(0x6, "sbc")
    decode_block += instCode(0x7, "rsc")
    decode_block += instCode(0x8, "tst", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0x9, "teq", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xa, "cmp", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xb, "cmn", useDest = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xc, "orr")
    decode_block += instCode(0xd, "mov", useOp1 = False)
    decode_block += instCode(0xe, "bic")
    decode_block += instCode(0xf, "mvn", useOp1 = False)
    decode_block += '''
            return new Unknown(machInst);

def format ArmSatAddSub() {{
    decode_block = '''
        IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 15, 12);
        IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
        switch (OPCODE) {
          case 0x8:
            return new QaddRegCc(machInst, rd, rm, rn, 0, LSL);
          case 0x9:
            return new QsubRegCc(machInst, rd, rm, rn, 0, LSL);
          case 0xa:
            return new QdaddRegCc(machInst, rd, rm, rn, 0, LSL);
          case 0xb:
            return new QdsubRegCc(machInst, rd, rm, rn, 0, LSL);
            return new Unknown(machInst);

def format Thumb32DataProcReg() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t op1 = bits(machInst, 23, 20);
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        const uint32_t op2 = bits(machInst, 7, 4);
        if (bits(machInst, 15, 12) != 0xf) {
            return new Unknown(machInst);
        if (bits(op1, 3) != 1) {
            if (op2 == 0) {
                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                switch (bits(op1, 2, 0)) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new MovRegReg(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, LSL);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new MovRegReg(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, LSR);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, LSR);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new MovRegReg(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, ASR);
                  case 0x5:
                    return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, ASR);
                  case 0x6:
                    return new MovRegReg(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, ROR);
                  case 0x7:
                    return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rd,
                            INTREG_ZERO, rn, rm, ROR);
            } else if (bits(op2, 3) == 0) {
                return new Unknown(machInst);
            } else {
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                const uint32_t rotation =
                    (uint32_t)bits(machInst, 5, 4) << 3;
                switch (bits(op1, 2, 0)) {
                  case 0x0:
                    if (rn == 0xf) {
                        return new Sxth(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Sxtah(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                  case 0x1:
                    if (rn == 0xf) {
                        return new Uxth(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Uxtah(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                  case 0x2:
                    if (rn == 0xf) {
                        return new Sxtb16(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Sxtab16(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                  case 0x3:
                    if (rn == 0xf) {
                        return new Uxtb16(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Uxtab16(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                  case 0x4:
                    if (rn == 0xf) {
                        return new Sxtb(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Sxtab(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                  case 0x5:
                    if (rn == 0xf) {
                        return new Uxtb(machInst, rd, rotation, rm);
                    } else {
                        return new Uxtab(machInst, rd, rn, rm, rotation);
                    return new Unknown(machInst);
        } else {
            if (bits(op2, 3) == 0) {
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                if (bits(op2, 2) == 0x0) {
                    const uint32_t op1 = bits(machInst, 22, 20);
                    const uint32_t op2 = bits(machInst, 5, 4);
                    switch (op2) {
                      case 0x0:
                        switch (op1) {
                          case 0x1:
                            return new Sadd16RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                   rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x2:
                            return new SasxRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                 rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x6:
                            return new SsaxRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                 rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x5:
                            return new Ssub16RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                   rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x0:
                            return new Sadd8RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                  rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x4:
                            return new Ssub8RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                  rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                      case 0x1:
                        switch (op1) {
                          case 0x1:
                            return new Qadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x2:
                            return new QasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x6:
                            return new QsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x5:
                            return new Qsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x0:
                            return new Qadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x4:
                            return new Qsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                      case 0x2:
                        switch (op1) {
                          case 0x1:
                            return new Shadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x2:
                            return new ShasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x6:
                            return new ShsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x5:
                            return new Shsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x0:
                            return new Shadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x4:
                            return new Shsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                } else {
                    const uint32_t op1 = bits(machInst, 22, 20);
                    const uint32_t op2 = bits(machInst, 5, 4);
                    switch (op2) {
                      case 0x0:
                        switch (op1) {
                          case 0x1:
                            return new Uadd16RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                   rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x2:
                            return new UasxRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                 rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x6:
                            return new UsaxRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                 rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x5:
                            return new Usub16RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                   rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x0:
                            return new Uadd8RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                  rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x4:
                            return new Usub8RegCc(machInst, rd,
                                                  rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                      case 0x1:
                        switch (op1) {
                          case 0x1:
                            return new Uqadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x2:
                            return new UqasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x6:
                            return new UqsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x5:
                            return new Uqsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x0:
                            return new Uqadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x4:
                            return new Uqsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                      case 0x2:
                        switch (op1) {
                          case 0x1:
                            return new Uhadd16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x2:
                            return new UhasxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x6:
                            return new UhsaxReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x5:
                            return new Uhsub16Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x0:
                            return new Uhadd8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                          case 0x4:
                            return new Uhsub8Reg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else if (bits(op1, 3, 2) == 0x2 && bits(op2, 3, 2) == 0x2) {
                const uint32_t op1 = bits(machInst, 21, 20);
                const uint32_t op2 = bits(machInst, 5, 4);
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
                switch (op1) {
                  case 0x0:
                    switch (op2) {
                      case 0x0:
                        return new QaddRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                             rm, rn, 0, LSL);
                      case 0x1:
                        return new QdaddRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                              rm, rn, 0, LSL);
                      case 0x2:
                        return new QsubRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                             rm, rn, 0, LSL);
                      case 0x3:
                        return new QdsubRegCc(machInst, rd,
                                              rm, rn, 0, LSL);
                  case 0x1:
                    switch (op2) {
                      case 0x0:
                        return new Rev(machInst, rd, rn);
                      case 0x1:
                        return new Rev16(machInst, rd, rn);
                      case 0x2:
                        return new Rbit(machInst, rd, rm);
                      case 0x3:
                        return new Revsh(machInst, rd, rn);
                  case 0x2:
                    if (op2 == 0) {
                        return new Sel(machInst, rd, rn, rm);
                  case 0x3:
                    if (op2 == 0) {
                        return new Clz(machInst, rd, rm);
            return new Unknown(machInst);

def format Thumb16ShiftAddSubMoveCmp() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t imm5 = bits(machInst, 10, 6);
        const uint32_t imm3 = bits(machInst, 8, 6);
        const uint32_t imm8 = bits(machInst, 7, 0);
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 2, 0);
        const IntRegIndex rd8 = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 10, 8);
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 5, 3);
        const IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 8, 6);
        switch (bits(machInst, 13, 11)) {
          case 0x0: // lsl
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovReg(machInst, rd, INTREG_ZERO, rn, imm5, LSL);
            } else {
                return new MovRegCc(machInst, rd, INTREG_ZERO, rn, imm5, LSL);
          case 0x1: // lsr
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovReg(machInst, rd, INTREG_ZERO, rn, imm5, LSR);
            } else {
                return new MovRegCc(machInst, rd, INTREG_ZERO, rn, imm5, LSR);
          case 0x2: // asr
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovReg(machInst, rd, INTREG_ZERO, rn, imm5, ASR);
            } else {
                return new MovRegCc(machInst, rd, INTREG_ZERO, rn, imm5, ASR);
          case 0x3:
            switch (bits(machInst, 10, 9)) {
              case 0x0:
                if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                    return new AddReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                } else {
                    return new AddRegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
              case 0x1:
                if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                    return new SubReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
                } else {
                    return new SubRegCc(machInst, rd, rn, rm, 0, LSL);
              case 0x2:
                if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                    return new AddImm(machInst, rd, rn, imm3, true);
                } else {
                    return new AddImmCc(machInst, rd, rn, imm3, true);
              case 0x3:
                if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                    return new SubImm(machInst, rd, rn, imm3, true);
                } else {
                    return new SubImmCc(machInst, rd, rn, imm3, true);
          case 0x4:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovImm(machInst, rd8, INTREG_ZERO, imm8, false);
            } else {
                return new MovImmCc(machInst, rd8, INTREG_ZERO, imm8, false);
          case 0x5:
            return new CmpImmCc(machInst, INTREG_ZERO, rd8, imm8, true);
          case 0x6:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new AddImm(machInst, rd8, rd8, imm8, true);
            } else {
                return new AddImmCc(machInst, rd8, rd8, imm8, true);
          case 0x7:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new SubImm(machInst, rd8, rd8, imm8, true);
            } else {
                return new SubImmCc(machInst, rd8, rd8, imm8, true);

def format Thumb16DataProcessing() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const IntRegIndex rdn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 2, 0);
        const IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 5, 3);
        switch (bits(machInst, 9, 6)) {
          case 0x0:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new AndReg(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else {
                return new AndRegCc(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x1:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new EorReg(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else {
                return new EorRegCc(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x2: //lsl
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovRegReg(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, LSL);
            } else {
                return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, LSL);
          case 0x3: //lsr
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovRegReg(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, LSR);
            } else {
                return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, LSR);
          case 0x4: //asr
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovRegReg(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, ASR);
            } else {
                return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, ASR);
          case 0x5:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new AdcReg(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else {
                return new AdcRegCc(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x6:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new SbcReg(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else {
                return new SbcRegCc(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x7: // ror
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MovRegReg(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, ROR);
            } else {
                return new MovRegRegCc(machInst, rdn,
                        INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, ROR);
          case 0x8:
            return new TstRegCc(machInst, INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x9:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new RsbImm(machInst, rdn, rm, 0, true);
            } else {
                return new RsbImmCc(machInst, rdn, rm, 0, true);
          case 0xa:
            return new CmpRegCc(machInst, INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0xb:
            return new CmnRegCc(machInst, INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0xc:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new OrrReg(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else {
                return new OrrRegCc(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0xd:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new Mul(machInst, rdn, rm, rdn);
            } else {
                return new MulCc(machInst, rdn, rm, rdn);
          case 0xe:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new BicReg(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else {
                return new BicRegCc(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0xf:
            if (machInst.itstateMask) {
                return new MvnReg(machInst, rdn, INTREG_ZERO, rm, 0, LSL);
            } else {
                return new MvnRegCc(machInst, rdn, INTREG_ZERO, rm, 0, LSL);

def format Thumb16SpecDataAndBx() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const IntRegIndex rdn =
            (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)(bits(machInst, 2, 0) |
                                    (bits(machInst, 7) << 3));
        const IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 6, 3);
        switch (bits(machInst, 9, 8)) {
          case 0x0:
            return new AddReg(machInst, rdn, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x1:
            return new CmpRegCc(machInst, INTREG_ZERO, rdn, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x2:
            return new MovReg(machInst, rdn, INTREG_ZERO, rm, 0, LSL);
          case 0x3:
            if (bits(machInst, 7) == 0) {
                return new BxReg(machInst,
                                 (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 6, 3),
            } else {
                return new BlxReg(machInst,
                                  (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 6, 3),

def format Thumb16Adr() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 10, 8);
        const uint32_t imm8 = bits(machInst, 7, 0) << 2;
        return new AdrImm(machInst, rd, (IntRegIndex)1, imm8, false);

def format Thumb16AddSp() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 10, 8);
        const uint32_t imm8 = bits(machInst, 7, 0) << 2;
        return new AddImm(machInst, rd, INTREG_SP, imm8, true);

def format ArmMisc() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t unrotated = bits(machInst, 7, 0);
        const uint32_t rotation = (bits(machInst, 11, 8) << 1);
        const uint32_t imm = rotate_imm(unrotated, rotation);
        const uint8_t byteMask = bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        switch (OPCODE) {
          case 0x8:
            return new MovImm(machInst, (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RD,
                    bits(machInst, 11, 0) | (bits(machInst, 19, 16) << 12),
          case 0x9:
            if (RN == 0) {
                switch (IMM) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new NopInst(machInst);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new YieldInst(machInst);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new WfeInst(machInst);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new WfiInst(machInst);
                  case 0x4:
                    return new SevInst(machInst);
                    return new Unknown(machInst);
            } else {
                return new MsrCpsrImm(machInst, imm, byteMask);
          case 0xa:
                const uint32_t timm = (bits(machInst, 19, 16) << 12) |
                                       bits(machInst, 11, 0);
                return new MovtImm(machInst, (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RD,
                                   (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RD, timm, true);
          case 0xb:
            return new MsrSpsrImm(machInst, imm, byteMask);
            return new Unknown(machInst);

def format Thumb16Misc() {{
    decode_block = '''
        switch (bits(machInst, 11, 8)) {
          case 0x0:
            if (bits(machInst, 7)) {
                return new SubImm(machInst, INTREG_SP, INTREG_SP,
                                   bits(machInst, 6, 0) << 2, true);
            } else {
                return new AddImm(machInst, INTREG_SP, INTREG_SP,
                                   bits(machInst, 6, 0) << 2, true);
          case 0x2:
                const IntRegIndex rd =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 2, 0);
                const IntRegIndex rm =
                    (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 5, 3);
                switch (bits(machInst, 7, 6)) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Sxth(machInst, rd, 0, rm);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new Sxtb(machInst, rd, 0, rm);
                  case 0x2:
                    return new Uxth(machInst, rd, 0, rm);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Uxtb(machInst, rd, 0, rm);
          case 0x1:
          case 0x3:
            return new Cbz(machInst,
                           (bits(machInst, 9) << 6) |
                           (bits(machInst, 7, 3) << 1),
                           (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 2, 0));
          case 0x4:
          case 0x5:
                const uint32_t m = bits(machInst, 8);
                const uint32_t regList = bits(machInst, 7, 0) | (m << 14);
                return new LdmStm(machInst, INTREG_SP, false, false, false,
                                  true, false, regList);
          case 0x6:
                const uint32_t opBits = bits(machInst, 7, 5);
                if (opBits == 2) {
                    return new Setend(machInst, bits(machInst, 3));
                } else if (opBits == 3) {
                    const bool enable = (bits(machInst, 4) == 0);
                    const uint32_t mods = (bits(machInst, 2, 0) << 5) |
                                          ((enable ? 1 : 0) << 9);
                    return new Cps(machInst, mods);
          case 0xa:
                IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 2, 0);
                IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 5, 3);
                switch (bits(machInst, 7, 6)) {
                  case 0x0:
                    return new Rev(machInst, rd, rm);
                  case 0x1:
                    return new Rev16(machInst, rd, rm);
                  case 0x3:
                    return new Revsh(machInst, rd, rm);
          case 0x9:
          case 0xb:
            return new Cbnz(machInst,
                            (bits(machInst, 9) << 6) |
                            (bits(machInst, 7, 3) << 1),
                            (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 2, 0));
          case 0xc:
          case 0xd:
                const uint32_t p = bits(machInst, 8);
                const uint32_t regList = bits(machInst, 7, 0) | (p << 15);
                return new LdmStm(machInst, INTREG_SP, true, true, false,
                                  true, true, regList);
          case 0xe:
            return new BkptInst(machInst);
          case 0xf:
            if (bits(machInst, 3, 0) != 0)
                return new ItInst(machInst);
            switch (bits(machInst, 7, 4)) {
              case 0x0:
                return new NopInst(machInst);
              case 0x1:
                return new YieldInst(machInst);
              case 0x2:
                return new WfeInst(machInst);
              case 0x3:
                return new WfiInst(machInst);
              case 0x4:
                return new SevInst(machInst);
                return new WarnUnimplemented("unallocated_hint", machInst);
        return new Unknown(machInst);

def format Thumb32DataProcModImm() {{

    def decInst(mnem, dest="rd", op1="rn"):
        return '''
            if (s) {
                return new %(mnem)sImmCc(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                          %(op1)s, imm, rotC);
            } else {
                return new %(mnem)sImm(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                        %(op1)s, imm, rotC);
        ''' % {"mnem" : mnem, "dest" : dest, "op1" : op1}

    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t op = bits(machInst, 24, 21);
        const bool s = (bits(machInst, 20) == 1);
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
        const uint32_t ctrlImm = bits(machInst.instBits, 26) << 3 |
                                 bits(machInst, 14, 12);
        const bool rotC = ctrlImm > 3;
        const uint32_t dataImm = bits(machInst, 7, 0);
        const uint32_t imm = modified_imm(ctrlImm, dataImm);
        switch (op) {
          case 0x0:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x1:
          case 0x2:
            if (rn == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x3:
            if (rn == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x4:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x8:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0xa:
          case 0xb:
          case 0xd:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0xe:
            return new Unknown(machInst);
    ''' % {
        "tst" : decInst("Tst", "INTREG_ZERO"),
        "and" : decInst("And"),
        "bic" : decInst("Bic"),
        "mov" : decInst("Mov", op1="INTREG_ZERO"),
        "orr" : decInst("Orr"),
        "mvn" : decInst("Mvn", op1="INTREG_ZERO"),
        "orn" : decInst("Orn"),
        "teq" : decInst("Teq", dest="INTREG_ZERO"),
        "eor" : decInst("Eor"),
        "cmn" : decInst("Cmn", dest="INTREG_ZERO"),
        "add" : decInst("Add"),
        "adc" : decInst("Adc"),
        "sbc" : decInst("Sbc"),
        "cmp" : decInst("Cmp", dest="INTREG_ZERO"),
        "sub" : decInst("Sub"),
        "rsb" : decInst("Rsb")

def format Thumb32DataProcPlainBin() {{
    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t op = bits(machInst, 24, 20);
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
        switch (op) {
          case 0x0:
                const uint32_t imm = bits(machInst, 7, 0) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 8) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 26) << 11);
                if (rn == 0xf) {
                    return new AdrImm(machInst, rd, (IntRegIndex)1,
                                      imm, false);
                } else {
                    return new AddImm(machInst, rd, rn, imm, true);
          case 0x4:
                const uint32_t imm = bits(machInst, 7, 0) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 8) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 26) << 11) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 19, 16) << 12);
                return new MovImm(machInst, rd, INTREG_ZERO, imm, true);
          case 0xa:
                const uint32_t imm = bits(machInst, 7, 0) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 8) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 26) << 11);
                if (rn == 0xf) {
                    return new AdrImm(machInst, rd, (IntRegIndex)0,
                                      imm, false);
                } else {
                    return new SubImm(machInst, rd, rn, imm, true);
          case 0xc:
                const uint32_t imm = bits(machInst, 7, 0) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 8) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 26) << 11) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 19, 16) << 12);
                return new MovtImm(machInst, rd, rd, imm, true);
          case 0x12:
            if (!(bits(machInst, 14, 12) || bits(machInst, 7, 6))) {
                const uint32_t satImm = bits(machInst, 4, 0);
                return new Ssat16(machInst, rd, satImm + 1, rn);
            // Fall through on purpose...
          case 0x10:
                const uint32_t satImm = bits(machInst, 4, 0);
                const uint32_t imm = bits(machInst, 7, 6) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 2);
                const ArmShiftType type =
                    (ArmShiftType)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 21, 20);
                return new Ssat(machInst, rd, satImm + 1, rn, imm, type);
          case 0x14:
                const uint32_t lsb = bits(machInst, 7, 6) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 2);
                const uint32_t msb = lsb + bits(machInst, 4, 0);
                return new Sbfx(machInst, rd, rn, lsb, msb);
          case 0x16:
                const uint32_t lsb = bits(machInst, 7, 6) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 2);
                const uint32_t msb = bits(machInst, 4, 0);
                if (rn == 0xf) {
                    return new Bfc(machInst, rd, rd, lsb, msb);
                } else {
                    return new Bfi(machInst, rd, rn, lsb, msb);
          case 0x1a:
            if (!(bits(machInst, 14, 12) || bits(machInst, 7, 6))) {
                const uint32_t satImm = bits(machInst, 4, 0);
                return new Usat16(machInst, rd, satImm, rn);
            // Fall through on purpose...
          case 0x18:
                const uint32_t satImm = bits(machInst, 4, 0);
                const uint32_t imm = bits(machInst, 7, 6) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 2);
                const ArmShiftType type =
                    (ArmShiftType)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 21, 20);
                return new Usat(machInst, rd, satImm, rn, imm, type);
          case 0x1c:
                const uint32_t lsb = bits(machInst, 7, 6) |
                                     (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 2);
                const uint32_t msb = lsb + bits(machInst, 4, 0);
                return new Ubfx(machInst, rd, rn, lsb, msb);
            return new Unknown(machInst);

def format Thumb32DataProcShiftReg() {{

    def decInst(mnem, dest="rd", op1="rn"):
        return '''
            if (s) {
                return new %(mnem)sRegCc(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                          %(op1)s, rm, amt, type);
            } else {
                return new %(mnem)sReg(machInst, %(dest)s,
                                        %(op1)s, rm, amt, type);
        ''' % {"mnem" : mnem, "dest" : dest, "op1" : op1}

    decode_block = '''
        const uint32_t op = bits(machInst, 24, 21);
        const bool s = (bits(machInst, 20) == 1);
        const IntRegIndex rn = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 19, 16);
        const IntRegIndex rd = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 11, 8);
        const IntRegIndex rm = (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 3, 0);
        const uint32_t amt = (bits(machInst, 14, 12) << 2) |
                              bits(machInst, 7, 6);
        const ArmShiftType type = (ArmShiftType)(uint32_t)bits(machInst, 5, 4);
        switch (op) {
          case 0x0:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x1:
          case 0x2:
            if (rn == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x3:
            if (rn == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x4:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0x6:
            if (type) {
                return new PkhtbReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, amt, type);
            } else {
                return new PkhbtReg(machInst, rd, rn, rm, amt, type);
          case 0x8:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0xa:
          case 0xb:
          case 0xd:
            if (rd == INTREG_PC) {
            } else {
          case 0xe:
            return new Unknown(machInst);
    ''' % {
        "tst" : decInst("Tst", "INTREG_ZERO"),
        "and" : decInst("And"),
        "bic" : decInst("Bic"),
        "mov" : decInst("Mov", op1="INTREG_ZERO"),
        "orr" : decInst("Orr"),
        "mvn" : decInst("Mvn", op1="INTREG_ZERO"),
        "orn" : decInst("Orn"),
        "teq" : decInst("Teq", "INTREG_ZERO"),
        "eor" : decInst("Eor"),
        "cmn" : decInst("Cmn", "INTREG_ZERO"),
        "add" : decInst("Add"),
        "adc" : decInst("Adc"),
        "sbc" : decInst("Sbc"),
        "cmp" : decInst("Cmp", "INTREG_ZERO"),
        "sub" : decInst("Sub"),
        "rsb" : decInst("Rsb")