// -*- mode:c++ -*- // Copyright (c) 2010-2014, 2016 ARM Limited // All rights reserved // // The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall // not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual // property including but not limited to intellectual property relating // to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software // licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license // terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated // unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, // modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. // // Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The Florida State University // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; // redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; // neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Authors: Stephen Hines def operand_types {{ 'sb' : 'int8_t', 'ub' : 'uint8_t', 'sh' : 'int16_t', 'uh' : 'uint16_t', 'sw' : 'int32_t', 'uw' : 'uint32_t', 'ud' : 'uint64_t', 'tud' : 'std::array<uint64_t, 2>', 'sf' : 'float', 'df' : 'double', 'vc' : 'TheISA::VecRegContainer', # For operations that are implemented as a template 'x' : 'TPElem', }}; let {{ maybePCRead = ''' ((%(reg_idx)s == PCReg) ? readPC(xc) : xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s)) ''' maybeAlignedPCRead = ''' ((%(reg_idx)s == PCReg) ? (roundDown(readPC(xc), 4)) : xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s)) ''' maybePCWrite = ''' ((%(reg_idx)s == PCReg) ? setNextPC(xc, %(final_val)s) : xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s, %(final_val)s)) ''' maybeIWPCWrite = ''' ((%(reg_idx)s == PCReg) ? setIWNextPC(xc, %(final_val)s) : xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s, %(final_val)s)) ''' maybeAIWPCWrite = ''' if (%(reg_idx)s == PCReg) { bool thumb = THUMB; if (thumb) { setNextPC(xc, %(final_val)s); } else { setIWNextPC(xc, %(final_val)s); } } else { xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s, %(final_val)s); } ''' aarch64Read = ''' ((xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s)) & mask(intWidth)) ''' aarch64Write = ''' xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s, (%(final_val)s) & mask(intWidth)) ''' aarchX64Read = ''' ((xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s)) & mask(aarch64 ? 64 : 32)) ''' aarchX64Write = ''' xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s, (%(final_val)s) & mask(aarch64 ? 64 : 32)) ''' aarchW64Read = ''' ((xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s)) & mask(32)) ''' aarchW64Write = ''' xc->%(func)s(this, %(op_idx)s, (%(final_val)s) & mask(32)) ''' cntrlNsBankedWrite = ''' xc->setMiscReg(snsBankedIndex(dest, xc->tcBase()), %(final_val)s) ''' cntrlNsBankedRead = ''' xc->readMiscReg(snsBankedIndex(op1, xc->tcBase())) ''' #PCState operands need to have a sorting index (the number at the end) #less than all the integer registers which might update the PC. That way #if the flag bits of the pc state are updated and a branch happens through #R15, the updates are layered properly and the R15 update isn't lost. srtNormal = 5 srtCpsr = 4 srtBase = 3 srtPC = 2 srtMode = 1 srtEPC = 0 def vectorElem(idx, elem): return ('VecElem', 'sf', (idx, elem), 'IsVectorElem', srtNormal) def vectorReg(idx, elems = None): return ('VecReg', 'vc', (idx, elems) , 'IsVector', srtNormal) def vectorRegElem(elem, ext = 'sf', zeroing = False): return (elem, ext, zeroing) def floatReg(idx): return ('FloatReg', 'sf', idx, 'IsFloating', srtNormal) def intReg(idx): return ('IntReg', 'uw', idx, 'IsInteger', srtNormal, maybePCRead, maybePCWrite) def intReg64(idx): return ('IntReg', 'ud', idx, 'IsInteger', srtNormal, aarch64Read, aarch64Write) def intRegX64(idx, id = srtNormal): return ('IntReg', 'ud', idx, 'IsInteger', id, aarchX64Read, aarchX64Write) def intRegW64(idx, id = srtNormal): return ('IntReg', 'ud', idx, 'IsInteger', id, aarchW64Read, aarchW64Write) def intRegNPC(idx): return ('IntReg', 'uw', idx, 'IsInteger', srtNormal) def intRegAPC(idx, id = srtNormal): return ('IntReg', 'uw', idx, 'IsInteger', id, maybeAlignedPCRead, maybePCWrite) def intRegIWPC(idx): return ('IntReg', 'uw', idx, 'IsInteger', srtNormal, maybePCRead, maybeIWPCWrite) def intRegAIWPC(idx): return ('IntReg', 'uw', idx, 'IsInteger', srtNormal, maybePCRead, maybeAIWPCWrite) def ccReg(idx): return ('CCReg', 'uw', idx, None, srtNormal) def cntrlReg(idx, id = srtNormal, type = 'uw'): return ('ControlReg', type, idx, None, id) def cntrlNsBankedReg(idx, id = srtNormal, type = 'uw'): return ('ControlReg', type, idx, (None, None, 'IsControl'), id, cntrlNsBankedRead, cntrlNsBankedWrite) def cntrlNsBankedReg64(idx, id = srtNormal, type = 'ud'): return ('ControlReg', type, idx, (None, None, 'IsControl'), id, cntrlNsBankedRead, cntrlNsBankedWrite) def cntrlRegNC(idx, id = srtNormal, type = 'uw'): return ('ControlReg', type, idx, None, id) def pcStateReg(idx, id): return ('PCState', 'ud', idx, (None, None, 'IsControl'), id) }}; def operands {{ #Abstracted integer reg operands 'Dest': intReg('dest'), 'Dest64': intReg64('dest'), 'XDest': intRegX64('dest'), 'WDest': intRegW64('dest'), 'IWDest': intRegIWPC('dest'), 'AIWDest': intRegAIWPC('dest'), 'Dest2': intReg('dest2'), 'XDest2': intRegX64('dest2'), 'FDest2': floatReg('dest2'), 'IWDest2': intRegIWPC('dest2'), 'Result': intReg('result'), 'XResult': intRegX64('result'), 'XBase': intRegX64('base', id = srtBase), 'Base': intRegAPC('base', id = srtBase), 'XOffset': intRegX64('offset'), 'Index': intReg('index'), 'Shift': intReg('shift'), 'Op1': intReg('op1'), 'Op2': intReg('op2'), 'Op3': intReg('op3'), 'Op164': intReg64('op1'), 'Op264': intReg64('op2'), 'Op364': intReg64('op3'), 'XOp1': intRegX64('op1'), 'XOp2': intRegX64('op2'), 'XOp3': intRegX64('op3'), 'WOp1': intRegW64('op1'), 'WOp2': intRegW64('op2'), 'WOp3': intRegW64('op3'), 'Reg0': intReg('reg0'), 'Reg1': intReg('reg1'), 'Reg2': intReg('reg2'), 'Reg3': intReg('reg3'), #Fixed index integer reg operands 'SpMode': intRegNPC('intRegInMode((OperatingMode)regMode, INTREG_SP)'), 'DecodedBankedIntReg': intRegNPC('decodeMrsMsrBankedIntRegIndex(byteMask, r)'), 'LR': intRegNPC('INTREG_LR'), 'XLR': intRegX64('INTREG_X30'), 'R7': intRegNPC('7'), # First four arguments are passed in registers 'R0': intRegNPC('0'), 'R1': intRegNPC('1'), 'R2': intRegNPC('2'), 'R3': intRegNPC('3'), 'X0': intRegX64('0'), 'X1': intRegX64('1'), 'X2': intRegX64('2'), 'X3': intRegX64('3'), # Condition code registers 'CondCodesNZ': ccReg('CCREG_NZ'), 'CondCodesC': ccReg('CCREG_C'), 'CondCodesV': ccReg('CCREG_V'), 'CondCodesGE': ccReg('CCREG_GE'), 'OptCondCodesNZ': ccReg( '''((condCode == COND_AL || condCode == COND_UC || condCode == COND_CC || condCode == COND_CS || condCode == COND_VS || condCode == COND_VC) ? CCREG_ZERO : CCREG_NZ)'''), 'OptCondCodesC': ccReg( '''((condCode == COND_HI || condCode == COND_LS || condCode == COND_CS || condCode == COND_CC) ? CCREG_C : CCREG_ZERO)'''), 'OptShiftRmCondCodesC': ccReg( '''((condCode == COND_HI || condCode == COND_LS || condCode == COND_CS || condCode == COND_CC || shiftType == ROR) ? CCREG_C : CCREG_ZERO)'''), 'OptCondCodesV': ccReg( '''((condCode == COND_VS || condCode == COND_VC || condCode == COND_GE || condCode == COND_LT || condCode == COND_GT || condCode == COND_LE) ? CCREG_V : CCREG_ZERO)'''), 'FpCondCodes': ccReg('CCREG_FP'), #Abstracted floating point reg operands 'FpDest': floatReg('(dest + 0)'), 'FpDestP0': floatReg('(dest + 0)'), 'FpDestP1': floatReg('(dest + 1)'), 'FpDestP2': floatReg('(dest + 2)'), 'FpDestP3': floatReg('(dest + 3)'), 'FpDestP4': floatReg('(dest + 4)'), 'FpDestP5': floatReg('(dest + 5)'), 'FpDestP6': floatReg('(dest + 6)'), 'FpDestP7': floatReg('(dest + 7)'), 'FpDestS0P0': floatReg('(dest + step * 0 + 0)'), 'FpDestS0P1': floatReg('(dest + step * 0 + 1)'), 'FpDestS1P0': floatReg('(dest + step * 1 + 0)'), 'FpDestS1P1': floatReg('(dest + step * 1 + 1)'), 'FpDestS2P0': floatReg('(dest + step * 2 + 0)'), 'FpDestS2P1': floatReg('(dest + step * 2 + 1)'), 'FpDestS3P0': floatReg('(dest + step * 3 + 0)'), 'FpDestS3P1': floatReg('(dest + step * 3 + 1)'), 'FpDest2': floatReg('(dest2 + 0)'), 'FpDest2P0': floatReg('(dest2 + 0)'), 'FpDest2P1': floatReg('(dest2 + 1)'), 'FpDest2P2': floatReg('(dest2 + 2)'), 'FpDest2P3': floatReg('(dest2 + 3)'), 'FpOp1': floatReg('(op1 + 0)'), 'FpOp1P0': floatReg('(op1 + 0)'), 'FpOp1P1': floatReg('(op1 + 1)'), 'FpOp1P2': floatReg('(op1 + 2)'), 'FpOp1P3': floatReg('(op1 + 3)'), 'FpOp1P4': floatReg('(op1 + 4)'), 'FpOp1P5': floatReg('(op1 + 5)'), 'FpOp1P6': floatReg('(op1 + 6)'), 'FpOp1P7': floatReg('(op1 + 7)'), 'FpOp1S0P0': floatReg('(op1 + step * 0 + 0)'), 'FpOp1S0P1': floatReg('(op1 + step * 0 + 1)'), 'FpOp1S1P0': floatReg('(op1 + step * 1 + 0)'), 'FpOp1S1P1': floatReg('(op1 + step * 1 + 1)'), 'FpOp1S2P0': floatReg('(op1 + step * 2 + 0)'), 'FpOp1S2P1': floatReg('(op1 + step * 2 + 1)'), 'FpOp1S3P0': floatReg('(op1 + step * 3 + 0)'), 'FpOp1S3P1': floatReg('(op1 + step * 3 + 1)'), 'FpOp2': floatReg('(op2 + 0)'), 'FpOp2P0': floatReg('(op2 + 0)'), 'FpOp2P1': floatReg('(op2 + 1)'), 'FpOp2P2': floatReg('(op2 + 2)'), 'FpOp2P3': floatReg('(op2 + 3)'), # Create AArch64 unpacked view of the FP registers # Name ::= 'AA64Vec' OpSpec [LaneSpec] # OpSpec ::= IOSpec [Index] [Plus] # IOSpec ::= 'S' | 'D' # Index ::= '0' | ... | '9' # Plus ::= [PlusAmount] ['l'] # PlusAmount ::= 'p' [PlusAmount] # LaneSpec ::= 'L' Index # # All the constituents are hierarchically defined as part of the Vector # Register they belong to 'AA64FpOp1': vectorReg('op1', { 'AA64FpOp1P0': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1D': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1Q': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp2': vectorReg('op2', { 'AA64FpOp2P0': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp2P1': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp2P2': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp2P3': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp2S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp2D': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp2Q': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp3': vectorReg('op3', { 'AA64FpOp3P0': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp3P1': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp3P2': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp3P3': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp3S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp3D': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp3Q': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpDest': vectorReg('dest', { 'AA64FpDestP0': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpDestP1': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpDestP2': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpDestP3': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpDestS': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestD': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestQ': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpDest2': vectorReg('dest2', { 'AA64FpDest2P0': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpDest2P1': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpDest2P2': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpDest2P3': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpDest2S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDest2D': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDest2Q': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V0': vectorReg('op1', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V0': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V0': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V0': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V0': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV0': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV0': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV0': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V1': vectorReg('op1+1', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V1': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V1': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V1': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V1': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV1': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV1': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV1': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V2': vectorReg('op1+2', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V2': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V2': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V2': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V2': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV2': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV2': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV2': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V3': vectorReg('op1+3', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V3': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V3': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V3': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V3': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV3': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV3': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV3': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V0S': vectorReg('(op1+0)%32', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V0S': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V0S': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V0S': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V0S': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV0S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV0S': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV0S': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V1S': vectorReg('(op1+1)%32', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V1S': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V1S': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V1S': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V1S': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV1S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV1S': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV1S': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V2S': vectorReg('(op1+2)%32', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V2S': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V2S': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V2S': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V2S': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV2S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV2S': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV2S': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpOp1V3S': vectorReg('(op1+3)%32', { 'AA64FpOp1P0V3S': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpOp1P1V3S': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpOp1P2V3S': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpOp1P3V3S': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpOp1SV3S': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1DV3S': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpOp1QV3S': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpDestV0': vectorReg('(dest+0)', { 'AA64FpDestP0V0': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpDestP1V0': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpDestP2V0': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpDestP3V0': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpDestSV0': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestDV0': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestQV0': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpDestV1': vectorReg('(dest+1)', { 'AA64FpDestP0V1': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpDestP1V1': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpDestP2V1': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpDestP3V1': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpDestSV1': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestDV1': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestQV1': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpDestV0L': vectorReg('(dest+0)%32', { 'AA64FpDestP0V0L': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpDestP1V0L': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpDestP2V0L': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpDestP3V0L': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpDestSV0L': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestDV0L': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestQV0L': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), 'AA64FpDestV1L': vectorReg('(dest+1)%32', { 'AA64FpDestP0V1L': vectorRegElem('0'), 'AA64FpDestP1V1L': vectorRegElem('1'), 'AA64FpDestP2V1L': vectorRegElem('2'), 'AA64FpDestP3V1L': vectorRegElem('3'), 'AA64FpDestSV1L': vectorRegElem('0', 'sf', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestDV1L': vectorRegElem('0', 'df', zeroing = True), 'AA64FpDestQV1L': vectorRegElem('0', 'tud', zeroing = True) }), #Abstracted control reg operands 'MiscDest': cntrlReg('dest'), 'MiscOp1': cntrlReg('op1'), 'MiscNsBankedDest': cntrlNsBankedReg('dest'), 'MiscNsBankedOp1': cntrlNsBankedReg('op1'), 'MiscNsBankedDest64': cntrlNsBankedReg64('dest'), 'MiscNsBankedOp164': cntrlNsBankedReg64('op1'), #Fixed index control regs 'Cpsr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_CPSR', srtCpsr), 'CpsrQ': cntrlReg('MISCREG_CPSR_Q', srtCpsr), 'Spsr': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_SPSR'), 'Fpsr': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_FPSR'), 'Fpsid': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_FPSID'), 'Fpscr': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_FPSCR'), 'FpscrQc': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_FPSCR_QC'), 'FpscrExc': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_FPSCR_EXC'), 'Cpacr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_CPACR'), 'Cpacr64': cntrlReg('MISCREG_CPACR_EL1'), 'Fpexc': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_FPEXC'), 'Nsacr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_NSACR'), 'ElrHyp': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_ELR_HYP'), 'Hcr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_HCR'), 'Hcr64': cntrlReg('MISCREG_HCR_EL2'), 'Hdcr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_HDCR'), 'Hcptr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_HCPTR'), 'CptrEl264': cntrlReg('MISCREG_CPTR_EL2'), 'CptrEl364': cntrlReg('MISCREG_CPTR_EL3'), 'Hstr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_HSTR'), 'Scr': cntrlReg('MISCREG_SCR'), 'Scr64': cntrlReg('MISCREG_SCR_EL3'), 'Sctlr': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_SCTLR'), 'SevMailbox': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_SEV_MAILBOX'), 'LLSCLock': cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_LOCKFLAG'), 'Dczid' : cntrlRegNC('MISCREG_DCZID_EL0'), #Register fields for microops 'URa' : intReg('ura'), 'XURa' : intRegX64('ura'), 'WURa' : intRegW64('ura'), 'IWRa' : intRegIWPC('ura'), 'Fa' : floatReg('ura'), 'FaP1' : floatReg('ura + 1'), 'URb' : intReg('urb'), 'XURb' : intRegX64('urb'), 'URc' : intReg('urc'), 'XURc' : intRegX64('urc'), #Memory Operand 'Mem': ('Mem', 'uw', None, ('IsMemRef', 'IsLoad', 'IsStore'), srtNormal), #PCState fields 'RawPC': pcStateReg('pc', srtPC), 'PC': pcStateReg('instPC', srtPC), 'NPC': pcStateReg('instNPC', srtPC), 'pNPC': pcStateReg('instNPC', srtEPC), 'IWNPC': pcStateReg('instIWNPC', srtPC), 'Thumb': pcStateReg('thumb', srtPC), 'NextThumb': pcStateReg('nextThumb', srtMode), 'NextJazelle': pcStateReg('nextJazelle', srtMode), 'NextItState': pcStateReg('nextItstate', srtMode), 'Itstate': pcStateReg('itstate', srtMode), 'NextAArch64': pcStateReg('nextAArch64', srtMode), #Register operands depending on a field in the instruction encoding. These #should be avoided since they may not be portable across different #encodings of the same instruction. 'Rd': intReg('RD'), 'Rm': intReg('RM'), 'Rs': intReg('RS'), 'Rn': intReg('RN'), 'Rt': intReg('RT') }};