/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Andreas Sandberg * Curtis Dunham */ #include "arch/arm/kvm/gic.hh" #include <linux/kvm.h> #include "arch/arm/kvm/base_cpu.hh" #include "debug/GIC.hh" #include "debug/Interrupt.hh" #include "params/MuxingKvmGic.hh" KvmKernelGicV2::KvmKernelGicV2(KvmVM &_vm, Addr cpu_addr, Addr dist_addr, unsigned it_lines) : cpuRange(RangeSize(cpu_addr, KVM_VGIC_V2_CPU_SIZE)), distRange(RangeSize(dist_addr, KVM_VGIC_V2_DIST_SIZE)), vm(_vm), kdev(vm.createDevice(KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2)) { // Tell the VM that we will emulate the GIC in the kernel. This // disables IRQ and FIQ handling in the KVM CPU model. vm.enableKernelIRQChip(); kdev.setAttr<uint64_t>( KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_ADDR, KVM_VGIC_V2_ADDR_TYPE_DIST, dist_addr); kdev.setAttr<uint64_t>( KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_ADDR, KVM_VGIC_V2_ADDR_TYPE_CPU, cpu_addr); kdev.setAttr<uint32_t>(KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_NR_IRQS, 0, it_lines); } KvmKernelGicV2::~KvmKernelGicV2() { } void KvmKernelGicV2::setSPI(unsigned spi) { setIntState(KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SPI, 0, spi, true); } void KvmKernelGicV2::clearSPI(unsigned spi) { setIntState(KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SPI, 0, spi, false); } void KvmKernelGicV2::setPPI(unsigned vcpu, unsigned ppi) { setIntState(KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_PPI, vcpu, ppi, true); } void KvmKernelGicV2::clearPPI(unsigned vcpu, unsigned ppi) { setIntState(KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_PPI, vcpu, ppi, false); } void KvmKernelGicV2::setIntState(unsigned type, unsigned vcpu, unsigned irq, bool high) { assert(type <= KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_MASK); assert(vcpu <= KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_MASK); assert(irq <= KVM_ARM_IRQ_NUM_MASK); const uint32_t line( (type << KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SHIFT) | (vcpu << KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_SHIFT) | (irq << KVM_ARM_IRQ_NUM_SHIFT)); vm.setIRQLine(line, high); } uint32_t KvmKernelGicV2::getGicReg(unsigned group, unsigned vcpu, unsigned offset) { uint64_t reg; assert(vcpu <= KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_MASK); const uint32_t attr( (vcpu << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_SHIFT) | (offset << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_SHIFT)); kdev.getAttrPtr(group, attr, ®); return (uint32_t) reg; } void KvmKernelGicV2::setGicReg(unsigned group, unsigned vcpu, unsigned offset, unsigned value) { uint64_t reg = value; assert(vcpu <= KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_MASK); const uint32_t attr( (vcpu << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_SHIFT) | (offset << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_SHIFT)); kdev.setAttrPtr(group, attr, ®); } uint32_t KvmKernelGicV2::readDistributor(ContextID ctx, Addr daddr) { auto vcpu = vm.contextIdToVCpuId(ctx); return getGicReg(KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_DIST_REGS, vcpu, daddr); } uint32_t KvmKernelGicV2::readCpu(ContextID ctx, Addr daddr) { auto vcpu = vm.contextIdToVCpuId(ctx); return getGicReg(KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_CPU_REGS, vcpu, daddr); } void KvmKernelGicV2::writeDistributor(ContextID ctx, Addr daddr, uint32_t data) { auto vcpu = vm.contextIdToVCpuId(ctx); setGicReg(KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_DIST_REGS, vcpu, daddr, data); } void KvmKernelGicV2::writeCpu(ContextID ctx, Addr daddr, uint32_t data) { auto vcpu = vm.contextIdToVCpuId(ctx); setGicReg(KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_CPU_REGS, vcpu, daddr, data); } MuxingKvmGic::MuxingKvmGic(const MuxingKvmGicParams *p) : GicV2(p), system(*p->system), kernelGic(nullptr), usingKvm(false) { if (auto vm = system.getKvmVM()) { kernelGic = new KvmKernelGicV2(*vm, p->cpu_addr, p->dist_addr, p->it_lines); } } MuxingKvmGic::~MuxingKvmGic() { } void MuxingKvmGic::startup() { GicV2::startup(); usingKvm = (kernelGic != nullptr) && system.validKvmEnvironment(); if (usingKvm) fromGicV2ToKvm(); } DrainState MuxingKvmGic::drain() { if (usingKvm) fromKvmToGicV2(); return GicV2::drain(); } void MuxingKvmGic::drainResume() { GicV2::drainResume(); bool use_kvm = (kernelGic != nullptr) && system.validKvmEnvironment(); if (use_kvm != usingKvm) { // Should only occur due to CPU switches if (use_kvm) // from simulation to KVM emulation fromGicV2ToKvm(); // otherwise, drain() already sync'd the state back to the GicV2 usingKvm = use_kvm; } } Tick MuxingKvmGic::read(PacketPtr pkt) { if (!usingKvm) return GicV2::read(pkt); panic("MuxingKvmGic: PIO from gem5 is currently unsupported\n"); } Tick MuxingKvmGic::write(PacketPtr pkt) { if (!usingKvm) return GicV2::write(pkt); panic("MuxingKvmGic: PIO from gem5 is currently unsupported\n"); } void MuxingKvmGic::sendInt(uint32_t num) { if (!usingKvm) return GicV2::sendInt(num); DPRINTF(Interrupt, "Set SPI %d\n", num); kernelGic->setSPI(num); } void MuxingKvmGic::clearInt(uint32_t num) { if (!usingKvm) return GicV2::clearInt(num); DPRINTF(Interrupt, "Clear SPI %d\n", num); kernelGic->clearSPI(num); } void MuxingKvmGic::sendPPInt(uint32_t num, uint32_t cpu) { if (!usingKvm) return GicV2::sendPPInt(num, cpu); DPRINTF(Interrupt, "Set PPI %d:%d\n", cpu, num); kernelGic->setPPI(cpu, num); } void MuxingKvmGic::clearPPInt(uint32_t num, uint32_t cpu) { if (!usingKvm) return GicV2::clearPPInt(num, cpu); DPRINTF(Interrupt, "Clear PPI %d:%d\n", cpu, num); kernelGic->clearPPI(cpu, num); } void MuxingKvmGic::updateIntState(int hint) { // During Kvm->GicV2 state transfer, writes to the GicV2 will call // updateIntState() which can post an interrupt. Since we're only // using the GicV2 model for holding state in this circumstance, we // short-circuit this behavior, as the GicV2 is not actually active. if (!usingKvm) return GicV2::updateIntState(hint); } void MuxingKvmGic::copyDistRegister(BaseGicRegisters* from, BaseGicRegisters* to, ContextID ctx, Addr daddr) { auto val = from->readDistributor(ctx, daddr); DPRINTF(GIC, "copy dist 0x%x 0x%08x\n", daddr, val); to->writeDistributor(ctx, daddr, val); } void MuxingKvmGic::copyCpuRegister(BaseGicRegisters* from, BaseGicRegisters* to, ContextID ctx, Addr daddr) { auto val = from->readCpu(ctx, daddr); DPRINTF(GIC, "copy cpu 0x%x 0x%08x\n", daddr, val); to->writeCpu(ctx, daddr, val); } void MuxingKvmGic::copyBankedDistRange(BaseGicRegisters* from, BaseGicRegisters* to, Addr daddr, size_t size) { for (int ctx = 0; ctx < system.numContexts(); ++ctx) for (auto a = daddr; a < daddr + size; a += 4) copyDistRegister(from, to, ctx, a); } void MuxingKvmGic::clearBankedDistRange(BaseGicRegisters* to, Addr daddr, size_t size) { for (int ctx = 0; ctx < system.numContexts(); ++ctx) for (auto a = daddr; a < daddr + size; a += 4) to->writeDistributor(ctx, a, 0xFFFFFFFF); } void MuxingKvmGic::copyDistRange(BaseGicRegisters* from, BaseGicRegisters* to, Addr daddr, size_t size) { for (auto a = daddr; a < daddr + size; a += 4) copyDistRegister(from, to, 0, a); } void MuxingKvmGic::clearDistRange(BaseGicRegisters* to, Addr daddr, size_t size) { for (auto a = daddr; a < daddr + size; a += 4) to->writeDistributor(0, a, 0xFFFFFFFF); } void MuxingKvmGic::copyGicState(BaseGicRegisters* from, BaseGicRegisters* to) { Addr set, clear; size_t size; /// CPU state (GICC_*) // Copy CPU Interface Control Register (CTLR), // Interrupt Priority Mask Register (PMR), and // Binary Point Register (BPR) for (int ctx = 0; ctx < system.numContexts(); ++ctx) { copyCpuRegister(from, to, ctx, GICC_CTLR); copyCpuRegister(from, to, ctx, GICC_PMR); copyCpuRegister(from, to, ctx, GICC_BPR); } /// Distributor state (GICD_*) // Copy Distributor Control Register (CTLR) copyDistRegister(from, to, 0, GICD_CTLR); // Copy interrupt-enabled statuses (I[CS]ENABLERn; R0 is per-CPU banked) set = GicV2::GICD_ISENABLER.start(); clear = GicV2::GICD_ICENABLER.start(); size = GicV2::itLines / 8; clearBankedDistRange(to, clear, 4); copyBankedDistRange(from, to, set, 4); set += 4, clear += 4, size -= 4; clearDistRange(to, clear, size); copyDistRange(from, to, set, size); // Copy pending interrupts (I[CS]PENDRn; R0 is per-CPU banked) set = GicV2::GICD_ISPENDR.start(); clear = GicV2::GICD_ICPENDR.start(); size = GicV2::itLines / 8; clearBankedDistRange(to, clear, 4); copyBankedDistRange(from, to, set, 4); set += 4, clear += 4, size -= 4; clearDistRange(to, clear, size); copyDistRange(from, to, set, size); // Copy active interrupts (I[CS]ACTIVERn; R0 is per-CPU banked) set = GicV2::GICD_ISACTIVER.start(); clear = GicV2::GICD_ICACTIVER.start(); size = GicV2::itLines / 8; clearBankedDistRange(to, clear, 4); copyBankedDistRange(from, to, set, 4); set += 4, clear += 4, size -= 4; clearDistRange(to, clear, size); copyDistRange(from, to, set, size); // Copy interrupt priorities (IPRIORITYRn; R0-7 are per-CPU banked) set = GicV2::GICD_IPRIORITYR.start(); copyBankedDistRange(from, to, set, 32); set += 32; size = GicV2::itLines - 32; copyDistRange(from, to, set, size); // Copy interrupt processor target regs (ITARGETRn; R0-7 are read-only) set = GicV2::GICD_ITARGETSR.start() + 32; size = GicV2::itLines - 32; copyDistRange(from, to, set, size); // Copy interrupt configuration registers (ICFGRn) set = GicV2::GICD_ICFGR.start(); size = GicV2::itLines / 4; copyDistRange(from, to, set, size); } void MuxingKvmGic::fromGicV2ToKvm() { copyGicState(static_cast<GicV2*>(this), kernelGic); } void MuxingKvmGic::fromKvmToGicV2() { copyGicState(kernelGic, static_cast<GicV2*>(this)); // the values read for the Interrupt Priority Mask Register (PMR) // have been shifted by three bits due to its having been emulated by // a VGIC with only 5 PMR bits in its VMCR register. Presently the // Linux kernel does not repair this inaccuracy, so we correct it here. for (int cpu = 0; cpu < system.numContexts(); ++cpu) { cpuPriority[cpu] <<= 3; assert((cpuPriority[cpu] & ~0xff) == 0); } } MuxingKvmGic * MuxingKvmGicParams::create() { return new MuxingKvmGic(this); }