/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ali Saidi */ #ifndef __ARCH_ARM_TABLE_WALKER_HH__ #define __ARCH_ARM_TABLE_WALKER_HH__ #include <list> #include "arch/arm/miscregs.hh" #include "arch/arm/tlb.hh" #include "dev/dma_device.hh" #include "mem/mem_object.hh" #include "mem/request.hh" #include "params/ArmTableWalker.hh" #include "sim/eventq.hh" #include "sim/fault_fwd.hh" class ThreadContext; namespace ArmISA { class Translation; class TLB; class TableWalker : public MemObject { public: struct L1Descriptor { /** Type of page table entry ARM DDI 0406B: B3-8*/ enum EntryType { Ignore, PageTable, Section, Reserved }; /** The raw bits of the entry */ uint32_t data; /** This entry has been modified (access flag set) and needs to be * written back to memory */ bool _dirty; EntryType type() const { return (EntryType)(data & 0x3); } /** Is the page a Supersection (16MB)?*/ bool supersection() const { return bits(data, 18); } /** Return the physcal address of the entry, bits in position*/ Addr paddr() const { if (supersection()) panic("Super sections not implemented\n"); return mbits(data, 31, 20); } /** Return the physcal address of the entry, bits in position*/ Addr paddr(Addr va) const { if (supersection()) panic("Super sections not implemented\n"); return mbits(data, 31, 20) | mbits(va, 19, 0); } /** Return the physical frame, bits shifted right */ Addr pfn() const { if (supersection()) panic("Super sections not implemented\n"); return bits(data, 31, 20); } /** Is the translation global (no asid used)? */ bool global() const { return bits(data, 17); } /** Is the translation not allow execution? */ bool xn() const { return bits(data, 4); } /** Three bit access protection flags */ uint8_t ap() const { return (bits(data, 15) << 2) | bits(data, 11, 10); } /** Domain Client/Manager: ARM DDI 0406B: B3-31 */ uint8_t domain() const { return bits(data, 8, 5); } /** Address of L2 descriptor if it exists */ Addr l2Addr() const { return mbits(data, 31, 10); } /** Memory region attributes: ARM DDI 0406B: B3-32. * These bits are largly ignored by M5 and only used to * provide the illusion that the memory system cares about * anything but cachable vs. uncachable. */ uint8_t texcb() const { return bits(data, 2) | bits(data, 3) << 1 | bits(data, 14, 12) << 2; } /** If the section is shareable. See texcb() comment. */ bool shareable() const { return bits(data, 16); } /** Set access flag that this entry has been touched. Mark * the entry as requiring a writeback, in the future. */ void setAp0() { data |= 1 << 10; _dirty = true; } /** This entry needs to be written back to memory */ bool dirty() const { return _dirty; } }; /** Level 2 page table descriptor */ struct L2Descriptor { /** The raw bits of the entry. */ uint32_t data; /** This entry has been modified (access flag set) and needs to be * written back to memory */ bool _dirty; /** Is the entry invalid */ bool invalid() const { return bits(data, 1, 0) == 0; } /** What is the size of the mapping? */ bool large() const { return bits(data, 1) == 0; } /** Is execution allowed on this mapping? */ bool xn() const { return large() ? bits(data, 15) : bits(data, 0); } /** Is the translation global (no asid used)? */ bool global() const { return !bits(data, 11); } /** Three bit access protection flags */ uint8_t ap() const { return bits(data, 5, 4) | (bits(data, 9) << 2); } /** Memory region attributes: ARM DDI 0406B: B3-32 */ uint8_t texcb() const { return large() ? (bits(data, 2) | (bits(data, 3) << 1) | (bits(data, 14, 12) << 2)) : (bits(data, 2) | (bits(data, 3) << 1) | (bits(data, 8, 6) << 2)); } /** Return the physical frame, bits shifted right */ Addr pfn() const { return large() ? bits(data, 31, 16) : bits(data, 31, 12); } /** Return complete physical address given a VA */ Addr paddr(Addr va) const { if (large()) return mbits(data, 31, 16) | mbits(va, 15, 0); else return mbits(data, 31, 12) | mbits(va, 11, 0); } /** If the section is shareable. See texcb() comment. */ bool shareable() const { return bits(data, 10); } /** Set access flag that this entry has been touched. Mark * the entry as requiring a writeback, in the future. */ void setAp0() { data |= 1 << 4; _dirty = true; } /** This entry needs to be written back to memory */ bool dirty() const { return _dirty; } }; protected: /** * A snooping DMA port that currently does nothing besides * extending the DMA port to accept snoops without complaining. */ class SnoopingDmaPort : public DmaPort { protected: virtual void recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt) { } virtual Tick recvAtomicSnoop(PacketPtr pkt) { return 0; } virtual void recvFunctionalSnoop(PacketPtr pkt) { } virtual bool isSnooping() const { return true; } public: /** * A snooping DMA port merely calls the construtor of the DMA * port. */ SnoopingDmaPort(MemObject *dev, System *s) : DmaPort(dev, s) { } }; struct WalkerState //: public SimObject { /** Thread context that we're doing the walk for */ ThreadContext *tc; /** Request that is currently being serviced */ RequestPtr req; /** Context ID that we're servicing the request under */ uint8_t contextId; /** Translation state for delayed requests */ TLB::Translation *transState; /** The fault that we are going to return */ Fault fault; /** The virtual address that is being translated */ Addr vaddr; /** Cached copy of the sctlr as it existed when translation began */ SCTLR sctlr; /** Width of the base address held in TTRB0 */ uint32_t N; /** If the access is a write */ bool isWrite; /** If the access is a fetch (for execution, and no-exec) must be checked?*/ bool isFetch; /** If the mode is timing or atomic */ bool timing; /** If the atomic mode should be functional */ bool functional; /** Save mode for use in delayed response */ BaseTLB::Mode mode; L1Descriptor l1Desc; L2Descriptor l2Desc; /** Whether L1/L2 descriptor response is delayed in timing mode */ bool delayed; TableWalker *tableWalker; void doL1Descriptor(); void doL2Descriptor(); std::string name() const {return tableWalker->name();} }; /** Queue of requests that need processing first level translation */ std::list<WalkerState *> stateQueueL1; /** Queue of requests that have passed first level translation and * require an additional level. */ std::list<WalkerState *> stateQueueL2; /** Queue of requests that have passed are waiting because the walker is * currently busy. */ std::list<WalkerState *> pendingQueue; /** Port to issue translation requests from */ SnoopingDmaPort port; /** If we're draining keep the drain event around until we're drained */ DrainManager *drainManager; /** TLB that is initiating these table walks */ TLB *tlb; /** Cached copy of the sctlr as it existed when translation began */ SCTLR sctlr; WalkerState *currState; /** If a timing translation is currently in progress */ bool pending; /** Request id for requests generated by this walker */ MasterID masterId; /** The number of walks belonging to squashed instructions that can be * removed from the pendingQueue per cycle. */ unsigned numSquashable; public: typedef ArmTableWalkerParams Params; TableWalker(const Params *p); virtual ~TableWalker(); const Params * params() const { return dynamic_cast<const Params *>(_params); } /** Checks if all state is cleared and if so, completes drain */ void completeDrain(); unsigned int drain(DrainManager *dm); void drainResume(); virtual BaseMasterPort& getMasterPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx = InvalidPortID); Fault walk(RequestPtr req, ThreadContext *tc, uint8_t cid, TLB::Mode mode, TLB::Translation *_trans, bool timing, bool functional = false); void setTlb(TLB *_tlb) { tlb = _tlb; } void memAttrs(ThreadContext *tc, TlbEntry &te, SCTLR sctlr, uint8_t texcb, bool s); private: void doL1Descriptor(); void doL1DescriptorWrapper(); EventWrapper<TableWalker, &TableWalker::doL1DescriptorWrapper> doL1DescEvent; void doL2Descriptor(); void doL2DescriptorWrapper(); EventWrapper<TableWalker, &TableWalker::doL2DescriptorWrapper> doL2DescEvent; Fault processWalk(); void processWalkWrapper(); EventWrapper<TableWalker, &TableWalker::processWalkWrapper> doProcessEvent; void nextWalk(ThreadContext *tc); }; } // namespace ArmISA #endif //__ARCH_ARM_TABLE_WALKER_HH__