/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Giacomo Gabrielli * Nathanael Premillieu * Rekai Gonzalez */ /** \file arch/generic/vec_reg.hh * Vector Registers layout specification. * * This register type is to be used to model the SIMD registers. * It takes into account the possibility that different architectural names * may overlap (like for ARMv8 AArch32 for example). * * The design is having a basic vector register container that holds the * bytes, unaware of anything else. This is implemented by VecRegContainer. * As the (maximum) length of the physical vector register is a compile-time * constant, it is defined as a template parameter. * * This file also describes two views of the container that have semantic * information about the bytes. The first of this views is VecRegT. * A VecRegT is a view of a VecRegContainer (by reference). The VecRegT has * a type (VecElem) to which bytes are casted, and the amount of such * elements that the vector contains (NumElems). The size of a view, * calculated as sizeof(VecElem) * NumElems must match the size of the * underlying container. As VecRegT has some degree of type information it * has vector semantics, and defines the index operator ([]) to get * references to particular bytes understood as a VecElem. * The second view of a container implemented in this file is VecLaneT, which * is a view of a subset of the container. * A VecLaneT is a view of a lane of a vector register, where a lane is * identified by a type (VecElem) and an index (although the view is * unaware of its index). Operations on the lane are directly applied to * the corresponding bytes of the underlying VecRegContainer through a * reference. * * The intended usage is requesting views to the VecRegContainer via the * member 'as' for VecRegT and the member 'laneView' for VecLaneT. Kindly * find an example of usage in the following. * * * // We declare 512 bits vectors * using Vec512 = VecRegContainer<64>; * ... * // We implement the physical vector register file * Vec512 physicalVecRegFile[NUM_VREGS]; * ... * // Usage example, for a macro op: * VecFloat8Add(ExecContext* xd) { * // Request source vector register to the execution context (const as it * // is read only). * const Vec512& vsrc1raw = xc->readVecRegOperand(this, 0); * // View it as a vector of floats (we could just specify the first * // template parametre, the second has a default value that works, and the * // last one is derived by the constness of vsrc1raw). * VecRegT<float, 8, true>& vsrc1 = vsrc1raw->as<float, 8>(); * * // Second source and view * const Vec512& vsrc2raw = xc->readVecRegOperand(this, 1); * VecRegT<float, 8, true>& vsrc2 = vsrc2raw->as<float, 8>(); * * // Destination and view * Vec512 vdstraw; * VecRegT<float, 8, false>& vdst = vdstraw->as<float, 8>(); * * for (auto i = 0; i < 8; i++) { * // This asignment sets the bits in the underlying Vec512: vdstraw * vdst[i] = vsrc1[i] + vsrc2[i]; * } * xc->setWriteRegOperand(this, 0, vdstraw); * } * * // Usage example, for a micro op that operates over lane number _lidx: * VecFloatLaneAdd(ExecContext* xd) { * // Request source vector register to the execution context (const as it * // is read only). * const Vec512& vsrc1raw = xc->readVecRegOperand(this, 0); * // View it as a lane of a vector of floats (we could just specify the * // first template parametre, the second is derived by the constness of * // vsrc1raw). * VecLaneT<float, true>& src1 = vsrc1raw->laneView<float>(this->_lidx); * * // Second source and view * const Vec512& vsrc2raw = xc->readVecRegOperand(this, 1); * VecLaneT<float, true>& src2 = vsrc2raw->laneView<float>(this->_lidx); * * // (Writable) destination and view * // As this is a partial write, we need the exec context to support that * // through, e.g., 'readVecRegOperandToWrite' returning a writable * // reference to the register * Vec512 vdstraw = xc->readVecRegOperandToWrite(this, 3); * VecLaneT<float, false>& dst = vdstraw->laneView<float>(this->_lidx); * * dst = src1 + src2; * // There is no need to copy the value back into the exec context, as * // the assignment to dst modifies the appropriate bytes in vdstraw which * // is in turn, a reference to the register in the cpu model. * // For operations that do conditional writeback, we can decouple the * // write by doing: * // auto tmp = src1 + src2; * // if (test) { * // dst = tmp; // do writeback * // } else { * // // do not do writeback * // } * } * */ #ifndef __ARCH_GENERIC_VEC_REG_HH__ #define __ARCH_GENERIC_VEC_REG_HH__ #include <array> #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <type_traits> #include <vector> #include "base/cprintf.hh" #include "base/logging.hh" constexpr unsigned MaxVecRegLenInBytes = 4096; template <size_t Sz> class VecRegContainer; /** Vector Register Abstraction * This generic class is a view in a particularization of MVC, to vector * registers. There is a VecRegContainer that implements the model, and * contains the data. To that model we can interpose different instantiations * of VecRegT to view the container as a vector of NumElems elems of type * VecElem. * @tparam VecElem Type of each element of the vector. * @tparam NumElems Amount of components of the vector. * @tparam Const Indicate if the underlying container can be modified through * the view. */ template <typename VecElem, size_t NumElems, bool Const> class VecRegT { /** Size of the register in bytes. */ static constexpr size_t SIZE = sizeof(VecElem) * NumElems; public: /** Container type alias. */ using Container = typename std::conditional<Const, const VecRegContainer<SIZE>, VecRegContainer<SIZE>>::type; private: /** My type alias. */ using MyClass = VecRegT<VecElem, NumElems, Const>; /** Reference to container. */ Container& container; public: /** Constructor. */ VecRegT(Container& cnt) : container(cnt) {}; /** Zero the container. */ template<bool Condition = !Const> typename std::enable_if<Condition, void>::type zero() { container.zero(); } template<bool Condition = !Const> typename std::enable_if<Condition, MyClass&>::type operator=(const MyClass& that) { container = that.container; return *this; } /** Index operator. */ const VecElem& operator[](size_t idx) const { return container.template raw_ptr<VecElem>()[idx]; } /** Index operator. */ template<bool Condition = !Const> typename std::enable_if<Condition, VecElem&>::type operator[](size_t idx) { return container.template raw_ptr<VecElem>()[idx]; } /** Equality operator. * Required to compare thread contexts. */ template<typename VE2, size_t NE2, bool C2> bool operator==(const VecRegT<VE2, NE2, C2>& that) const { return container == that.container; } /** Inequality operator. * Required to compare thread contexts. */ template<typename VE2, size_t NE2, bool C2> bool operator!=(const VecRegT<VE2, NE2, C2>& that) const { return !operator==(that); } /** Output stream operator. */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MyClass& vr) { /* 0-sized is not allowed */ os << "[" << std::hex << (uint32_t)vr[0]; for (uint32_t e = 1; e < vr.SIZE; e++) os << " " << std::hex << (uint32_t)vr[e]; os << ']'; return os; } const std::string print() const { return csprintf("%s", *this); } /** * Cast to VecRegContainer& * It is useful to get the reference to the container for ISA tricks, * because casting to reference prevents unnecessary copies. */ operator Container&() { return container; } }; /* Forward declaration. */ template <typename VecElem, bool Const> class VecLaneT; /** * Vector Register Abstraction * This generic class is the model in a particularization of MVC, to vector * registers. The model has functionality to create views of itself, or a * portion through the method 'as * @tparam Sz Size of the container in bytes. */ template <size_t Sz> class VecRegContainer { static_assert(Sz > 0, "Cannot create Vector Register Container of zero size"); static_assert(Sz <= MaxVecRegLenInBytes, "Vector Register size limit exceeded"); public: static constexpr size_t SIZE = Sz; using Container = std::array<uint8_t,Sz>; private: Container container; using MyClass = VecRegContainer<SIZE>; public: VecRegContainer() {} /* This is required for de-serialisation. */ VecRegContainer(const std::vector<uint8_t>& that) { assert(that.size() >= SIZE); std::memcpy(container.data(), &that[0], SIZE); } /** Zero the container. */ void zero() { memset(container.data(), 0, SIZE); } /** Assignment operators. */ /** @{ */ /** From VecRegContainer */ MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& that) { if (&that == this) return *this; memcpy(container.data(), that.container.data(), SIZE); return *this; } /** From appropriately sized uint8_t[]. */ MyClass& operator=(const Container& that) { std::memcpy(container.data(), that.data(), SIZE); return *this; } /** From vector<uint8_t>. * This is required for de-serialisation. * */ MyClass& operator=(const std::vector<uint8_t>& that) { assert(that.size() >= SIZE); std::memcpy(container.data(), that.data(), SIZE); return *this; } /** @} */ /** Copy the contents into the input buffer. */ /** @{ */ /** To appropriately sized uint8_t[] */ void copyTo(Container& dst) const { std::memcpy(dst.data(), container.data(), SIZE); } /** To vector<uint8_t> * This is required for serialisation. * */ void copyTo(std::vector<uint8_t>& dst) const { dst.resize(SIZE); std::memcpy(dst.data(), container.data(), SIZE); } /** @} */ /** Equality operator. * Required to compare thread contexts. */ template<size_t S2> inline bool operator==(const VecRegContainer<S2>& that) const { return SIZE == S2 && !memcmp(container.data(), that.container.data(), SIZE); } /** Inequality operator. * Required to compare thread contexts. */ template<size_t S2> bool operator!=(const VecRegContainer<S2>& that) const { return !operator==(that); } const std::string print() const { return csprintf("%s", *this); } /** Get pointer to bytes. */ template <typename Ret> const Ret* raw_ptr() const { return (const Ret*)container.data(); } template <typename Ret> Ret* raw_ptr() { return (Ret*)container.data(); } /** * View interposers. * Create a view of this container as a vector of VecElems with an * optional amount of elements. If the amount of elements is provided, * the size of the container is checked, to test bounds. If it is not * provided, the length is inferred from the container size and the * element size. * @tparam VecElem Type of each element of the vector for the view. * @tparam NumElem Amount of elements in the view. */ /** @{ */ template <typename VecElem, size_t NumElems = SIZE/sizeof(VecElem)> VecRegT<VecElem, NumElems, true> as() const { static_assert(SIZE % sizeof(VecElem) == 0, "VecElem does not evenly divide the register size"); static_assert(sizeof(VecElem) * NumElems <= SIZE, "Viewing VecReg as something bigger than it is"); return VecRegT<VecElem, NumElems, true>(*this); } template <typename VecElem, size_t NumElems = SIZE/sizeof(VecElem)> VecRegT<VecElem, NumElems, false> as() { static_assert(SIZE % sizeof(VecElem) == 0, "VecElem does not evenly divide the register size"); static_assert(sizeof(VecElem) * NumElems <= SIZE, "Viewing VecReg as something bigger than it is"); return VecRegT<VecElem, NumElems, false>(*this); } template <typename VecElem, int LaneIdx> VecLaneT<VecElem, false> laneView(); template <typename VecElem, int LaneIdx> VecLaneT<VecElem, true> laneView() const; template <typename VecElem> VecLaneT<VecElem, false> laneView(int laneIdx); template <typename VecElem> VecLaneT<VecElem, true> laneView(int laneIdx) const; /** @} */ /** * Output operator. * Used for serialization. */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MyClass& v) { for (auto& b: v.container) { os << csprintf("%02x", b); } return os; } }; /** We define an auxiliary abstraction for LaneData. The ISA should care * about the semantics of a, e.g., 32bit element, treating it as a signed or * unsigned int, or a float depending on the semantics of a particular * instruction. On the other hand, the cpu model should only care about it * being a 32-bit value. */ enum class LaneSize { Empty = 0, Byte, TwoByte, FourByte, EightByte, }; /** LaneSize is an abstraction of a LS byte value for the execution and thread * contexts to handle values just depending on its width. That way, the ISA * can request, for example, the second 4 byte lane of register 5 to the model. * The model serves that value, agnostic of the semantics of those bits. Then, * it is up to the ISA to interpret those bits as a float, or as an uint. * To maximize the utility, this class implements the assignment operator and * the casting to equal-size types. * As opposed to a RegLaneT, LaneData is not 'backed' by a VecRegContainer. * The idea is: * When data is passed and is susceptible to being copied, use LaneData, as * copying the primitive type is build on is cheap. * When data is passed as references (const or not), use RegLaneT, as all * operations happen 'in place', avoiding any copies (no copies is always * cheaper than cheap copies), especially when things are inlined, and * references are not explicitly passed. */ template <LaneSize LS> class LaneData { public: /** Alias to the native type of the appropriate size. */ using UnderlyingType = typename std::conditional<LS == LaneSize::EightByte, uint64_t, typename std::conditional<LS == LaneSize::FourByte, uint32_t, typename std::conditional<LS == LaneSize::TwoByte, uint16_t, typename std::conditional<LS == LaneSize::Byte, uint8_t, void>::type >::type >::type >::type; private: static constexpr auto ByteSz = sizeof(UnderlyingType); UnderlyingType _val; using MyClass = LaneData<LS>; public: template <typename T> explicit LaneData(typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == ByteSz, const T&>::type t) : _val(t) {} template <typename T> typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == ByteSz, MyClass&>::type operator=(const T& that) { _val = that; return *this; } template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == ByteSz, int>::type I = 0> operator T() const { return *static_cast<const T*>(&_val); } }; /** Output operator overload for LaneData<Size>. */ template <LaneSize LS> inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LaneData<LS>& d) { return os << static_cast<typename LaneData<LS>::UnderlyingType>(d); } /** Vector Lane abstraction * Another view of a container. This time only a partial part of it is exposed. * @tparam VecElem Type of each element of the vector. * @tparam Const Indicate if the underlying container can be modified through * the view. */ /** @{ */ /* General */ template <typename VecElem, bool Const> class VecLaneT { public: /** VecRegContainer friendship to access private VecLaneT constructors. * Only VecRegContainers can build VecLanes. */ /** @{ */ friend VecLaneT<VecElem, !Const>; /*template <size_t Sz> friend class VecRegContainer;*/ friend class VecRegContainer<8>; friend class VecRegContainer<16>; friend class VecRegContainer<32>; friend class VecRegContainer<64>; friend class VecRegContainer<128>; friend class VecRegContainer<256>; friend class VecRegContainer<MaxVecRegLenInBytes>; /** My type alias. */ using MyClass = VecLaneT<VecElem, Const>; private: using Cont = typename std::conditional<Const, const VecElem, VecElem>::type; static_assert(!std::is_const<VecElem>::value || Const, "Asked for non-const lane of const type!"); static_assert(std::is_integral<VecElem>::value, "VecElem type is not integral!"); /** Reference to data. */ Cont& container; /** Constructor */ VecLaneT(Cont& cont) : container(cont) { } public: /** Assignment operators. * Assignment operators are only enabled if the underlying container is * non-constant. */ /** @{ */ template <bool Assignable = !Const> typename std::enable_if<Assignable, MyClass&>::type operator=(const VecElem& that) { container = that; return *this; } /** * Generic. * Generic bitwise assignment. Narrowing and widening assignemnts are * not allowed, pre-treatment of the rhs is required to conform. */ template <bool Assignable = !Const, typename T> typename std::enable_if<Assignable, MyClass&>::type operator=(const T& that) { static_assert(sizeof(T) >= sizeof(VecElem), "Attempt to perform widening bitwise copy."); static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(VecElem), "Attempt to perform narrowing bitwise copy."); container = static_cast<VecElem>(that); return *this; } /** @} */ /** Cast to vecElem. */ operator VecElem() const { return container; } /** Constification. */ template <bool Cond = !Const, typename std::enable_if<Cond, int>::type = 0> operator VecLaneT<typename std::enable_if<Cond, VecElem>::type, true>() { return VecLaneT<VecElem, true>(container); } }; namespace std { template<typename T, bool Const> struct add_const<VecLaneT<T, Const>> { typedef VecLaneT<T, true> type; }; } /** View as the Nth lane of type VecElem. */ template <size_t Sz> template <typename VecElem, int LaneIdx> VecLaneT<VecElem, false> VecRegContainer<Sz>::laneView() { return VecLaneT<VecElem, false>(as<VecElem>()[LaneIdx]); } /** View as the const Nth lane of type VecElem. */ template <size_t Sz> template <typename VecElem, int LaneIdx> VecLaneT<VecElem, true> VecRegContainer<Sz>::laneView() const { return VecLaneT<VecElem, true>(as<VecElem>()[LaneIdx]); } /** View as the Nth lane of type VecElem. */ template <size_t Sz> template <typename VecElem> VecLaneT<VecElem, false> VecRegContainer<Sz>::laneView(int laneIdx) { return VecLaneT<VecElem, false>(as<VecElem>()[laneIdx]); } /** View as the const Nth lane of type VecElem. */ template <size_t Sz> template <typename VecElem> VecLaneT<VecElem, true> VecRegContainer<Sz>::laneView(int laneIdx) const { return VecLaneT<VecElem, true>(as<VecElem>()[laneIdx]); } using VecLane8 = VecLaneT<uint8_t, false>; using VecLane16 = VecLaneT<uint16_t, false>; using VecLane32 = VecLaneT<uint32_t, false>; using VecLane64 = VecLaneT<uint64_t, false>; using ConstVecLane8 = VecLaneT<uint8_t, true>; using ConstVecLane16 = VecLaneT<uint16_t, true>; using ConstVecLane32 = VecLaneT<uint32_t, true>; using ConstVecLane64 = VecLaneT<uint64_t, true>; /** * Calls required for serialization/deserialization */ /** @{ */ template <size_t Sz> inline bool to_number(const std::string& value, VecRegContainer<Sz>& v) { fatal_if(value.size() > 2 * VecRegContainer<Sz>::SIZE, "Vector register value overflow at unserialize"); for (int i = 0; i < VecRegContainer<Sz>::SIZE; i++) { uint8_t b = 0; if (2 * i < value.size()) b = stoul(value.substr(i * 2, 2), nullptr, 16); v.template raw_ptr<uint8_t>()[i] = b; } return true; } /** @} */ /** * Dummy type aliases and constants for architectures that do not implement * vector registers. */ /** @{ */ using DummyVecElem = uint32_t; constexpr unsigned DummyNumVecElemPerVecReg = 2; using DummyVecReg = VecRegT<DummyVecElem, DummyNumVecElemPerVecReg, false>; using DummyConstVecReg = VecRegT<DummyVecElem, DummyNumVecElemPerVecReg, true>; using DummyVecRegContainer = DummyVecReg::Container; constexpr size_t DummyVecRegSizeBytes = DummyNumVecElemPerVecReg * sizeof(DummyVecElem); /** @} */ #endif /* __ARCH_GENERIC_VEC_REG_HH__ */