/* * Copyright (c) 2007 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company * All rights reserved. * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Gabe Black * Ali Saidi */ #include "arch/x86/regs/misc.hh" #include "arch/x86/regs/segment.hh" #include "arch/x86/isa_traits.hh" #include "arch/x86/process.hh" #include "arch/x86/types.hh" #include "base/loader/elf_object.hh" #include "base/loader/object_file.hh" #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "cpu/thread_context.hh" #include "debug/Stack.hh" #include "mem/page_table.hh" #include "sim/process_impl.hh" #include "sim/syscall_emul.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" using namespace std; using namespace X86ISA; static const int ArgumentReg[] = { INTREG_RDI, INTREG_RSI, INTREG_RDX, //This argument register is r10 for syscalls and rcx for C. INTREG_R10W, //INTREG_RCX, INTREG_R8W, INTREG_R9W }; static const int NumArgumentRegs = sizeof(ArgumentReg) / sizeof(const int); static const int ArgumentReg32[] = { INTREG_EBX, INTREG_ECX, INTREG_EDX, INTREG_ESI, INTREG_EDI, }; static const int NumArgumentRegs32 = sizeof(ArgumentReg) / sizeof(const int); X86LiveProcess::X86LiveProcess(LiveProcessParams * params, ObjectFile *objFile, SyscallDesc *_syscallDescs, int _numSyscallDescs) : LiveProcess(params, objFile), syscallDescs(_syscallDescs), numSyscallDescs(_numSyscallDescs) { brk_point = objFile->dataBase() + objFile->dataSize() + objFile->bssSize(); brk_point = roundUp(brk_point, VMPageSize); } X86_64LiveProcess::X86_64LiveProcess(LiveProcessParams *params, ObjectFile *objFile, SyscallDesc *_syscallDescs, int _numSyscallDescs) : X86LiveProcess(params, objFile, _syscallDescs, _numSyscallDescs) { vsyscallPage.base = 0xffffffffff600000ULL; vsyscallPage.size = VMPageSize; vsyscallPage.vtimeOffset = 0x400; vsyscallPage.vgettimeofdayOffset = 0x410; // Set up stack. On X86_64 Linux, stack goes from the top of memory // downward, less the hole for the kernel address space plus one page // for undertermined purposes. stack_base = (Addr)0x7FFFFFFFF000ULL; // Set pointer for next thread stack. Reserve 8M for main stack. next_thread_stack_base = stack_base - (8 * 1024 * 1024); // Set up region for mmaps. This was determined empirically and may not // always be correct. mmap_start = mmap_end = (Addr)0x2aaaaaaab000ULL; } void I386LiveProcess::syscall(int64_t callnum, ThreadContext *tc) { TheISA::PCState pc = tc->pcState(); Addr eip = pc.pc(); if (eip >= vsyscallPage.base && eip < vsyscallPage.base + vsyscallPage.size) { pc.npc(vsyscallPage.base + vsyscallPage.vsysexitOffset); tc->pcState(pc); } X86LiveProcess::syscall(callnum, tc); } I386LiveProcess::I386LiveProcess(LiveProcessParams *params, ObjectFile *objFile, SyscallDesc *_syscallDescs, int _numSyscallDescs) : X86LiveProcess(params, objFile, _syscallDescs, _numSyscallDescs) { _gdtStart = ULL(0xffffd000); _gdtSize = VMPageSize; vsyscallPage.base = 0xffffe000ULL; vsyscallPage.size = VMPageSize; vsyscallPage.vsyscallOffset = 0x400; vsyscallPage.vsysexitOffset = 0x410; stack_base = _gdtStart; // Set pointer for next thread stack. Reserve 8M for main stack. next_thread_stack_base = stack_base - (8 * 1024 * 1024); // Set up region for mmaps. This was determined empirically and may not // always be correct. mmap_start = mmap_end = (Addr)0xf7ffe000ULL; } SyscallDesc* X86LiveProcess::getDesc(int callnum) { if (callnum < 0 || callnum >= numSyscallDescs) return NULL; return &syscallDescs[callnum]; } void X86_64LiveProcess::initState() { X86LiveProcess::initState(); argsInit(sizeof(uint64_t), VMPageSize); // Set up the vsyscall page for this process. allocateMem(vsyscallPage.base, vsyscallPage.size); uint8_t vtimeBlob[] = { 0x48,0xc7,0xc0,0xc9,0x00,0x00,0x00, // mov $0xc9,%rax 0x0f,0x05, // syscall 0xc3 // retq }; initVirtMem.writeBlob(vsyscallPage.base + vsyscallPage.vtimeOffset, vtimeBlob, sizeof(vtimeBlob)); uint8_t vgettimeofdayBlob[] = { 0x48,0xc7,0xc0,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00, // mov $0x60,%rax 0x0f,0x05, // syscall 0xc3 // retq }; initVirtMem.writeBlob(vsyscallPage.base + vsyscallPage.vgettimeofdayOffset, vgettimeofdayBlob, sizeof(vgettimeofdayBlob)); for (int i = 0; i < contextIds.size(); i++) { ThreadContext * tc = system->getThreadContext(contextIds[i]); SegAttr dataAttr = 0; dataAttr.dpl = 3; dataAttr.unusable = 0; dataAttr.defaultSize = 1; dataAttr.longMode = 1; dataAttr.avl = 0; dataAttr.granularity = 1; dataAttr.present = 1; dataAttr.type = 3; dataAttr.writable = 1; dataAttr.readable = 1; dataAttr.expandDown = 0; dataAttr.system = 1; //Initialize the segment registers. for(int seg = 0; seg < NUM_SEGMENTREGS; seg++) { tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_BASE(seg), 0); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_EFF_BASE(seg), 0); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_ATTR(seg), dataAttr); } SegAttr csAttr = 0; csAttr.dpl = 3; csAttr.unusable = 0; csAttr.defaultSize = 0; csAttr.longMode = 1; csAttr.avl = 0; csAttr.granularity = 1; csAttr.present = 1; csAttr.type = 10; csAttr.writable = 0; csAttr.readable = 1; csAttr.expandDown = 0; csAttr.system = 1; tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CS_ATTR, csAttr); Efer efer = 0; efer.sce = 1; // Enable system call extensions. efer.lme = 1; // Enable long mode. efer.lma = 1; // Activate long mode. efer.nxe = 1; // Enable nx support. efer.svme = 0; // Disable svm support for now. It isn't implemented. efer.ffxsr = 1; // Turn on fast fxsave and fxrstor. tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_EFER, efer); //Set up the registers that describe the operating mode. CR0 cr0 = 0; cr0.pg = 1; // Turn on paging. cr0.cd = 0; // Don't disable caching. cr0.nw = 0; // This is bit is defined to be ignored. cr0.am = 0; // No alignment checking cr0.wp = 0; // Supervisor mode can write read only pages cr0.ne = 1; cr0.et = 1; // This should always be 1 cr0.ts = 0; // We don't do task switching, so causing fp exceptions // would be pointless. cr0.em = 0; // Allow x87 instructions to execute natively. cr0.mp = 1; // This doesn't really matter, but the manual suggests // setting it to one. cr0.pe = 1; // We're definitely in protected mode. tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR0, cr0); tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_MXCSR, 0x1f80); } } void I386LiveProcess::initState() { X86LiveProcess::initState(); argsInit(sizeof(uint32_t), VMPageSize); /* * Set up a GDT for this process. The whole GDT wouldn't really be for * this process, but the only parts we care about are. */ allocateMem(_gdtStart, _gdtSize); uint64_t zero = 0; assert(_gdtSize % sizeof(zero) == 0); for (Addr gdtCurrent = _gdtStart; gdtCurrent < _gdtStart + _gdtSize; gdtCurrent += sizeof(zero)) { initVirtMem.write(gdtCurrent, zero); } // Set up the vsyscall page for this process. allocateMem(vsyscallPage.base, vsyscallPage.size); uint8_t vsyscallBlob[] = { 0x51, // push %ecx 0x52, // push %edp 0x55, // push %ebp 0x89, 0xe5, // mov %esp, %ebp 0x0f, 0x34 // sysenter }; initVirtMem.writeBlob(vsyscallPage.base + vsyscallPage.vsyscallOffset, vsyscallBlob, sizeof(vsyscallBlob)); uint8_t vsysexitBlob[] = { 0x5d, // pop %ebp 0x5a, // pop %edx 0x59, // pop %ecx 0xc3 // ret }; initVirtMem.writeBlob(vsyscallPage.base + vsyscallPage.vsysexitOffset, vsysexitBlob, sizeof(vsysexitBlob)); for (int i = 0; i < contextIds.size(); i++) { ThreadContext * tc = system->getThreadContext(contextIds[i]); SegAttr dataAttr = 0; dataAttr.dpl = 3; dataAttr.unusable = 0; dataAttr.defaultSize = 1; dataAttr.longMode = 0; dataAttr.avl = 0; dataAttr.granularity = 1; dataAttr.present = 1; dataAttr.type = 3; dataAttr.writable = 1; dataAttr.readable = 1; dataAttr.expandDown = 0; dataAttr.system = 1; //Initialize the segment registers. for(int seg = 0; seg < NUM_SEGMENTREGS; seg++) { tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_BASE(seg), 0); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_EFF_BASE(seg), 0); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_ATTR(seg), dataAttr); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_SEL(seg), 0xB); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_LIMIT(seg), (uint32_t)(-1)); } SegAttr csAttr = 0; csAttr.dpl = 3; csAttr.unusable = 0; csAttr.defaultSize = 1; csAttr.longMode = 0; csAttr.avl = 0; csAttr.granularity = 1; csAttr.present = 1; csAttr.type = 0xa; csAttr.writable = 0; csAttr.readable = 1; csAttr.expandDown = 0; csAttr.system = 1; tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CS_ATTR, csAttr); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_TSG_BASE, _gdtStart); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_TSG_EFF_BASE, _gdtStart); tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_TSG_LIMIT, _gdtStart + _gdtSize - 1); // Set the LDT selector to 0 to deactivate it. tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_TSL, 0); Efer efer = 0; efer.sce = 1; // Enable system call extensions. efer.lme = 1; // Enable long mode. efer.lma = 0; // Deactivate long mode. efer.nxe = 1; // Enable nx support. efer.svme = 0; // Disable svm support for now. It isn't implemented. efer.ffxsr = 1; // Turn on fast fxsave and fxrstor. tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_EFER, efer); //Set up the registers that describe the operating mode. CR0 cr0 = 0; cr0.pg = 1; // Turn on paging. cr0.cd = 0; // Don't disable caching. cr0.nw = 0; // This is bit is defined to be ignored. cr0.am = 0; // No alignment checking cr0.wp = 0; // Supervisor mode can write read only pages cr0.ne = 1; cr0.et = 1; // This should always be 1 cr0.ts = 0; // We don't do task switching, so causing fp exceptions // would be pointless. cr0.em = 0; // Allow x87 instructions to execute natively. cr0.mp = 1; // This doesn't really matter, but the manual suggests // setting it to one. cr0.pe = 1; // We're definitely in protected mode. tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR0, cr0); tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_MXCSR, 0x1f80); } } template<class IntType> void X86LiveProcess::argsInit(int pageSize, std::vector<AuxVector<IntType> > extraAuxvs) { int intSize = sizeof(IntType); typedef AuxVector<IntType> auxv_t; std::vector<auxv_t> auxv = extraAuxvs; string filename; if(argv.size() < 1) filename = ""; else filename = argv[0]; //We want 16 byte alignment uint64_t align = 16; // load object file into target memory objFile->loadSections(initVirtMem); enum X86CpuFeature { X86_OnboardFPU = 1 << 0, X86_VirtualModeExtensions = 1 << 1, X86_DebuggingExtensions = 1 << 2, X86_PageSizeExtensions = 1 << 3, X86_TimeStampCounter = 1 << 4, X86_ModelSpecificRegisters = 1 << 5, X86_PhysicalAddressExtensions = 1 << 6, X86_MachineCheckExtensions = 1 << 7, X86_CMPXCHG8Instruction = 1 << 8, X86_OnboardAPIC = 1 << 9, X86_SYSENTER_SYSEXIT = 1 << 11, X86_MemoryTypeRangeRegisters = 1 << 12, X86_PageGlobalEnable = 1 << 13, X86_MachineCheckArchitecture = 1 << 14, X86_CMOVInstruction = 1 << 15, X86_PageAttributeTable = 1 << 16, X86_36BitPSEs = 1 << 17, X86_ProcessorSerialNumber = 1 << 18, X86_CLFLUSHInstruction = 1 << 19, X86_DebugTraceStore = 1 << 21, X86_ACPIViaMSR = 1 << 22, X86_MultimediaExtensions = 1 << 23, X86_FXSAVE_FXRSTOR = 1 << 24, X86_StreamingSIMDExtensions = 1 << 25, X86_StreamingSIMDExtensions2 = 1 << 26, X86_CPUSelfSnoop = 1 << 27, X86_HyperThreading = 1 << 28, X86_AutomaticClockControl = 1 << 29, X86_IA64Processor = 1 << 30 }; //Setup the auxilliary vectors. These will already have endian conversion. //Auxilliary vectors are loaded only for elf formatted executables. ElfObject * elfObject = dynamic_cast<ElfObject *>(objFile); if(elfObject) { uint64_t features = X86_OnboardFPU | X86_VirtualModeExtensions | X86_DebuggingExtensions | X86_PageSizeExtensions | X86_TimeStampCounter | X86_ModelSpecificRegisters | X86_PhysicalAddressExtensions | X86_MachineCheckExtensions | X86_CMPXCHG8Instruction | X86_OnboardAPIC | X86_SYSENTER_SYSEXIT | X86_MemoryTypeRangeRegisters | X86_PageGlobalEnable | X86_MachineCheckArchitecture | X86_CMOVInstruction | X86_PageAttributeTable | X86_36BitPSEs | // X86_ProcessorSerialNumber | X86_CLFLUSHInstruction | // X86_DebugTraceStore | // X86_ACPIViaMSR | X86_MultimediaExtensions | X86_FXSAVE_FXRSTOR | X86_StreamingSIMDExtensions | X86_StreamingSIMDExtensions2 | // X86_CPUSelfSnoop | // X86_HyperThreading | // X86_AutomaticClockControl | // X86_IA64Processor | 0; //Bits which describe the system hardware capabilities //XXX Figure out what these should be auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_HWCAP, features)); //The system page size auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PAGESZ, X86ISA::VMPageSize)); //Frequency at which times() increments //Defined to be 100 in the kernel source. auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_CLKTCK, 100)); // For statically linked executables, this is the virtual address of the // program header tables if they appear in the executable image auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PHDR, elfObject->programHeaderTable())); // This is the size of a program header entry from the elf file. auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PHENT, elfObject->programHeaderSize())); // This is the number of program headers from the original elf file. auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PHNUM, elfObject->programHeaderCount())); //This is the address of the elf "interpreter", It should be set //to 0 for regular executables. It should be something else //(not sure what) for dynamic libraries. auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_BASE, 0)); //XXX Figure out what this should be. auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_FLAGS, 0)); //The entry point to the program auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_ENTRY, objFile->entryPoint())); //Different user and group IDs auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_UID, uid())); auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_EUID, euid())); auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_GID, gid())); auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_EGID, egid())); //Whether to enable "secure mode" in the executable auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_SECURE, 0)); //The address of 16 "random" bytes. auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_RANDOM, 0)); //The name of the program auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_EXECFN, 0)); //The platform string auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PLATFORM, 0)); } //Figure out how big the initial stack needs to be // A sentry NULL void pointer at the top of the stack. int sentry_size = intSize; //This is the name of the file which is present on the initial stack //It's purpose is to let the user space linker examine the original file. int file_name_size = filename.size() + 1; const int numRandomBytes = 16; int aux_data_size = numRandomBytes; string platform = "x86_64"; aux_data_size += platform.size() + 1; int env_data_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < envp.size(); ++i) { env_data_size += envp[i].size() + 1; } int arg_data_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < argv.size(); ++i) { arg_data_size += argv[i].size() + 1; } //The info_block needs to be padded so it's size is a multiple of the //alignment mask. Also, it appears that there needs to be at least some //padding, so if the size is already a multiple, we need to increase it //anyway. int base_info_block_size = sentry_size + file_name_size + env_data_size + arg_data_size; int info_block_size = roundUp(base_info_block_size, align); int info_block_padding = info_block_size - base_info_block_size; //Each auxilliary vector is two 8 byte words int aux_array_size = intSize * 2 * (auxv.size() + 1); int envp_array_size = intSize * (envp.size() + 1); int argv_array_size = intSize * (argv.size() + 1); int argc_size = intSize; //Figure out the size of the contents of the actual initial frame int frame_size = aux_array_size + envp_array_size + argv_array_size + argc_size; //There needs to be padding after the auxiliary vector data so that the //very bottom of the stack is aligned properly. int partial_size = frame_size + aux_data_size; int aligned_partial_size = roundUp(partial_size, align); int aux_padding = aligned_partial_size - partial_size; int space_needed = info_block_size + aux_data_size + aux_padding + frame_size; stack_min = stack_base - space_needed; stack_min = roundDown(stack_min, align); stack_size = stack_base - stack_min; // map memory allocateMem(roundDown(stack_min, pageSize), roundUp(stack_size, pageSize)); // map out initial stack contents IntType sentry_base = stack_base - sentry_size; IntType file_name_base = sentry_base - file_name_size; IntType env_data_base = file_name_base - env_data_size; IntType arg_data_base = env_data_base - arg_data_size; IntType aux_data_base = arg_data_base - info_block_padding - aux_data_size; IntType auxv_array_base = aux_data_base - aux_array_size - aux_padding; IntType envp_array_base = auxv_array_base - envp_array_size; IntType argv_array_base = envp_array_base - argv_array_size; IntType argc_base = argv_array_base - argc_size; DPRINTF(Stack, "The addresses of items on the initial stack:\n"); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - file name\n", file_name_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - env data\n", env_data_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - arg data\n", arg_data_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - aux data\n", aux_data_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - auxv array\n", auxv_array_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - envp array\n", envp_array_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - argv array\n", argv_array_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - argc \n", argc_base); DPRINTF(Stack, "0x%x - stack min\n", stack_min); // write contents to stack // figure out argc IntType argc = argv.size(); IntType guestArgc = X86ISA::htog(argc); //Write out the sentry void * IntType sentry_NULL = 0; initVirtMem.writeBlob(sentry_base, (uint8_t*)&sentry_NULL, sentry_size); //Write the file name initVirtMem.writeString(file_name_base, filename.c_str()); //Fix up the aux vectors which point to data assert(auxv[auxv.size() - 3].a_type == M5_AT_RANDOM); auxv[auxv.size() - 3].a_val = aux_data_base; assert(auxv[auxv.size() - 2].a_type == M5_AT_EXECFN); auxv[auxv.size() - 2].a_val = argv_array_base; assert(auxv[auxv.size() - 1].a_type == M5_AT_PLATFORM); auxv[auxv.size() - 1].a_val = aux_data_base + numRandomBytes; //Copy the aux stuff for(int x = 0; x < auxv.size(); x++) { initVirtMem.writeBlob(auxv_array_base + x * 2 * intSize, (uint8_t*)&(auxv[x].a_type), intSize); initVirtMem.writeBlob(auxv_array_base + (x * 2 + 1) * intSize, (uint8_t*)&(auxv[x].a_val), intSize); } //Write out the terminating zeroed auxilliary vector const uint64_t zero = 0; initVirtMem.writeBlob(auxv_array_base + 2 * intSize * auxv.size(), (uint8_t*)&zero, 2 * intSize); initVirtMem.writeString(aux_data_base, platform.c_str()); copyStringArray(envp, envp_array_base, env_data_base, initVirtMem); copyStringArray(argv, argv_array_base, arg_data_base, initVirtMem); initVirtMem.writeBlob(argc_base, (uint8_t*)&guestArgc, intSize); ThreadContext *tc = system->getThreadContext(contextIds[0]); //Set the stack pointer register tc->setIntReg(StackPointerReg, stack_min); // There doesn't need to be any segment base added in since we're dealing // with the flat segmentation model. tc->pcState(objFile->entryPoint()); //Align the "stack_min" to a page boundary. stack_min = roundDown(stack_min, pageSize); // num_processes++; } void X86_64LiveProcess::argsInit(int intSize, int pageSize) { std::vector<AuxVector<uint64_t> > extraAuxvs; extraAuxvs.push_back(AuxVector<uint64_t>(M5_AT_SYSINFO_EHDR, vsyscallPage.base)); X86LiveProcess::argsInit<uint64_t>(pageSize, extraAuxvs); } void I386LiveProcess::argsInit(int intSize, int pageSize) { std::vector<AuxVector<uint32_t> > extraAuxvs; //Tell the binary where the vsyscall part of the vsyscall page is. extraAuxvs.push_back(AuxVector<uint32_t>(M5_AT_SYSINFO, vsyscallPage.base + vsyscallPage.vsyscallOffset)); extraAuxvs.push_back(AuxVector<uint32_t>(M5_AT_SYSINFO_EHDR, vsyscallPage.base)); X86LiveProcess::argsInit<uint32_t>(pageSize, extraAuxvs); } void X86LiveProcess::setSyscallReturn(ThreadContext *tc, SyscallReturn return_value) { tc->setIntReg(INTREG_RAX, return_value.value()); } X86ISA::IntReg X86_64LiveProcess::getSyscallArg(ThreadContext *tc, int &i) { assert(i < NumArgumentRegs); return tc->readIntReg(ArgumentReg[i++]); } void X86_64LiveProcess::setSyscallArg(ThreadContext *tc, int i, X86ISA::IntReg val) { assert(i < NumArgumentRegs); return tc->setIntReg(ArgumentReg[i], val); } X86ISA::IntReg I386LiveProcess::getSyscallArg(ThreadContext *tc, int &i) { assert(i < NumArgumentRegs32); return tc->readIntReg(ArgumentReg32[i++]); } X86ISA::IntReg I386LiveProcess::getSyscallArg(ThreadContext *tc, int &i, int width) { assert(width == 32 || width == 64); assert(i < NumArgumentRegs); uint64_t retVal = tc->readIntReg(ArgumentReg32[i++]) & mask(32); if (width == 64) retVal |= ((uint64_t)tc->readIntReg(ArgumentReg[i++]) << 32); return retVal; } void I386LiveProcess::setSyscallArg(ThreadContext *tc, int i, X86ISA::IntReg val) { assert(i < NumArgumentRegs); return tc->setIntReg(ArgumentReg[i], val); }