/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2018 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ali Saidi * Andreas Hansson */ #ifndef __BASE_ADDR_RANGE_MAP_HH__ #define __BASE_ADDR_RANGE_MAP_HH__ #include <cstddef> #include <functional> #include <list> #include <map> #include <utility> #include "base/addr_range.hh" #include "base/types.hh" /** * The AddrRangeMap uses an STL map to implement an interval tree for * address decoding. The value stored is a template type and can be * e.g. a port identifier, or a pointer. */ template <typename V, int max_cache_size=0> class AddrRangeMap { private: typedef std::map<AddrRange, V> RangeMap; public: typedef typename RangeMap::iterator iterator; typedef typename RangeMap::const_iterator const_iterator; /** * Find entry that contains the given address range * * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an * iterator to the entry which range is a superset of the input * address range. Returns end() if none found. * * @param r An input address range * @return An iterator that contains the input address range */ const_iterator contains(const AddrRange &r) const { return find(r, [r](const AddrRange r1) { return r.isSubset(r1); }); } iterator contains(const AddrRange &r) { return find(r, [r](const AddrRange r1) { return r.isSubset(r1); }); } /** * Find entry that contains the given address * * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an * iterator to the entry which range is a superset of the input * address. Returns end() if none found. * * @param r An input address * @return An iterator that contains the input address */ const_iterator contains(Addr r) const { return contains(RangeSize(r, 1)); } iterator contains(Addr r) { return contains(RangeSize(r, 1)); } /** * Find entry that intersects with the given address range * * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an * iterator to the first entry which range intersects with the * input address. * * @param r An input address * @return An iterator that intersects with the input address range */ const_iterator intersects(const AddrRange &r) const { return find(r, [r](const AddrRange r1) { return r.intersects(r1); }); } iterator intersects(const AddrRange &r) { return find(r, [r](const AddrRange r1) { return r.intersects(r1); }); } iterator insert(const AddrRange &r, const V& d) { if (intersects(r) != end()) return tree.end(); return tree.insert(std::make_pair(r, d)).first; } void erase(iterator p) { cache.remove(p); tree.erase(p); } void erase(iterator p, iterator q) { for (auto it = p; it != q; it++) { cache.remove(p); } tree.erase(p,q); } void clear() { cache.erase(cache.begin(), cache.end()); tree.erase(tree.begin(), tree.end()); } const_iterator begin() const { return tree.begin(); } iterator begin() { return tree.begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return tree.end(); } iterator end() { return tree.end(); } std::size_t size() const { return tree.size(); } bool empty() const { return tree.empty(); } private: /** * Add an address range map entry to the cache. * * @param it Iterator to the entry in the address range map */ void addNewEntryToCache(iterator it) const { if (max_cache_size != 0) { // If there's a cache, add this element to it. if (cache.size() >= max_cache_size) { // If the cache is full, move the last element to the // front and overwrite it with the new value. This // avoids creating or destroying elements of the list. auto last = cache.end(); last--; *last = it; if (max_cache_size > 1) cache.splice(cache.begin(), cache, last); } else { cache.push_front(it); } } } /** * Find entry that satisfies a condition on an address range * * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an * iterator to the entry that satisfies the input conidition on * the input address range. Returns end() if none found. * * @param r An input address range * @param f A condition on an address range * @return An iterator that contains the input address range */ iterator find(const AddrRange &r, std::function<bool(const AddrRange)> cond) { // Check the cache first for (auto c = cache.begin(); c != cache.end(); c++) { auto it = *c; if (cond(it->first)) { // If this entry matches, promote it to the front // of the cache and return it. cache.splice(cache.begin(), cache, c); return it; } } iterator next = tree.upper_bound(r); if (next != end() && cond(next->first)) { addNewEntryToCache(next); return next; } if (next == begin()) return end(); next--; iterator i; do { i = next; if (cond(i->first)) { addNewEntryToCache(i); return i; } // Keep looking if the next range merges with the current one. } while (next != begin() && (--next)->first.mergesWith(i->first)); return end(); } const_iterator find(const AddrRange &r, std::function<bool(const AddrRange)> cond) const { return const_cast<AddrRangeMap *>(this)->find(r, cond); } RangeMap tree; /** * A list of iterator that correspond to the max_cache_size most * recently used entries in the address range map. This mainly * used to optimize lookups. The elements in the list should * always be valid iterators of the tree. */ mutable std::list<iterator> cache; }; #endif //__BASE_ADDR_RANGE_MAP_HH__