/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Steve Reinhardt * Lisa Hsu * Nathan Binkert * Steve Raasch */ #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include "base/loader/symtab.hh" #include "cpu/base.hh" #include "cpu/exetrace.hh" #include "cpu/static_inst.hh" #include "sim/param.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Methods for the InstRecord object // void Trace::InstRecord::dump(ostream &outs) { if (flags[INTEL_FORMAT]) { #if FULL_SYSTEM bool is_trace_system = (cpu->system->name() == trace_system); #else bool is_trace_system = true; #endif if (is_trace_system) { ccprintf(outs, "%7d ) ", cycle); outs << "0x" << hex << PC << ":\t"; if (staticInst->isLoad()) { outs << "<RD 0x" << hex << addr; outs << ">"; } else if (staticInst->isStore()) { outs << "<WR 0x" << hex << addr; outs << ">"; } outs << endl; } } else { if (flags[PRINT_CYCLE]) ccprintf(outs, "%7d: ", cycle); outs << cpu->name() << " "; if (flags[TRACE_MISSPEC]) outs << (misspeculating ? "-" : "+") << " "; if (flags[PRINT_THREAD_NUM]) outs << "T" << thread << " : "; std::string sym_str; Addr sym_addr; if (debugSymbolTable && debugSymbolTable->findNearestSymbol(PC, sym_str, sym_addr) && flags[PC_SYMBOL]) { if (PC != sym_addr) sym_str += csprintf("+%d", PC - sym_addr); outs << "@" << sym_str << " : "; } else { outs << "0x" << hex << PC << " : "; } // // Print decoded instruction // #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3) // There's a bug in gcc 2.x library that prevents setw() // from working properly on strings string mc(staticInst->disassemble(PC, debugSymbolTable)); while (mc.length() < 26) mc += " "; outs << mc; #else outs << setw(26) << left << staticInst->disassemble(PC, debugSymbolTable); #endif outs << " : "; if (flags[PRINT_OP_CLASS]) { outs << opClassStrings[staticInst->opClass()] << " : "; } if (flags[PRINT_RESULT_DATA] && data_status != DataInvalid) { outs << " D="; #if 0 if (data_status == DataDouble) ccprintf(outs, "%f", data.as_double); else ccprintf(outs, "%#018x", data.as_int); #else ccprintf(outs, "%#018x", data.as_int); #endif } if (flags[PRINT_EFF_ADDR] && addr_valid) outs << " A=0x" << hex << addr; if (flags[PRINT_INT_REGS] && regs_valid) { for (int i = 0; i < TheISA::NumIntRegs;) for (int j = i + 1; i <= j; i++) ccprintf(outs, "r%02d = %#018x%s", i, iregs->regs.readReg(i), ((i == j) ? "\n" : " ")); outs << "\n"; } if (flags[PRINT_FETCH_SEQ] && fetch_seq_valid) outs << " FetchSeq=" << dec << fetch_seq; if (flags[PRINT_CP_SEQ] && cp_seq_valid) outs << " CPSeq=" << dec << cp_seq; // // End of line... // outs << endl; } } vector<bool> Trace::InstRecord::flags(NUM_BITS); string Trace::InstRecord::trace_system; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Parameter space for per-cycle execution address tracing options. // Derive from ParamContext so we can override checkParams() function. // class ExecutionTraceParamContext : public ParamContext { public: ExecutionTraceParamContext(const string &_iniSection) : ParamContext(_iniSection) { } void checkParams(); // defined at bottom of file }; ExecutionTraceParamContext exeTraceParams("exetrace"); Param<bool> exe_trace_spec(&exeTraceParams, "speculative", "capture speculative instructions", true); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_cycle(&exeTraceParams, "print_cycle", "print cycle number", true); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_opclass(&exeTraceParams, "print_opclass", "print op class", true); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_thread(&exeTraceParams, "print_thread", "print thread number", true); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_effaddr(&exeTraceParams, "print_effaddr", "print effective address", true); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_data(&exeTraceParams, "print_data", "print result data", true); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_iregs(&exeTraceParams, "print_iregs", "print all integer regs", false); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_fetchseq(&exeTraceParams, "print_fetchseq", "print fetch sequence number", false); Param<bool> exe_trace_print_cp_seq(&exeTraceParams, "print_cpseq", "print correct-path sequence number", false); Param<bool> exe_trace_pc_symbol(&exeTraceParams, "pc_symbol", "Use symbols for the PC if available", true); Param<bool> exe_trace_intel_format(&exeTraceParams, "intel_format", "print trace in intel compatible format", false); Param<string> exe_trace_system(&exeTraceParams, "trace_system", "print trace of which system (client or server)", "client"); // // Helper function for ExecutionTraceParamContext::checkParams() just // to get us into the InstRecord namespace // void Trace::InstRecord::setParams() { flags[TRACE_MISSPEC] = exe_trace_spec; flags[PRINT_CYCLE] = exe_trace_print_cycle; flags[PRINT_OP_CLASS] = exe_trace_print_opclass; flags[PRINT_THREAD_NUM] = exe_trace_print_thread; flags[PRINT_RESULT_DATA] = exe_trace_print_effaddr; flags[PRINT_EFF_ADDR] = exe_trace_print_data; flags[PRINT_INT_REGS] = exe_trace_print_iregs; flags[PRINT_FETCH_SEQ] = exe_trace_print_fetchseq; flags[PRINT_CP_SEQ] = exe_trace_print_cp_seq; flags[PC_SYMBOL] = exe_trace_pc_symbol; flags[INTEL_FORMAT] = exe_trace_intel_format; trace_system = exe_trace_system; } void ExecutionTraceParamContext::checkParams() { Trace::InstRecord::setParams(); }