/* * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Korey Sewell * */ #include #include #include "arch/isa_traits.hh" #include "arch/locked_mem.hh" #include "arch/predecoder.hh" #include "arch/utility.hh" #include "config/the_isa.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/resources/cache_unit.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh" #include "debug/Activity.hh" #include "debug/AddrDep.hh" #include "debug/InOrderCachePort.hh" #include "debug/InOrderStall.hh" #include "debug/InOrderTLB.hh" #include "debug/LLSC.hh" #include "debug/RefCount.hh" #include "debug/ThreadModel.hh" #include "mem/request.hh" using namespace std; using namespace TheISA; using namespace ThePipeline; #if TRACING_ON static std::string printMemData(uint8_t *data, unsigned size) { std::stringstream dataStr; for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < size; pos++) { ccprintf(dataStr, "%02x", data[pos]); } return dataStr.str(); } #endif Tick CacheUnit::CachePort::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt) { panic("CacheUnit::CachePort doesn't expect recvAtomic callback!"); return curTick(); } void CacheUnit::CachePort::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt) { panic("CacheUnit::CachePort doesn't expect recvFunctional callback!"); } void CacheUnit::CachePort::recvStatusChange(Status status) { if (status == RangeChange) return; panic("CacheUnit::CachePort doesn't expect recvStatusChange callback!"); } bool CacheUnit::CachePort::recvTiming(Packet *pkt) { cachePortUnit->processCacheCompletion(pkt); return true; } void CacheUnit::CachePort::recvRetry() { cachePortUnit->recvRetry(); } CacheUnit::CacheUnit(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width, int res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu, ThePipeline::Params *params) : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu), cachePortBlocked(false) { cachePort = new CachePort(this); // Hard-Code Selection For Now if (res_name == "icache_port") _tlb = params->itb; else if (res_name == "dcache_port") _tlb = params->dtb; else fatal("Unrecognized TLB name passed by user"); for (int i=0; i < MaxThreads; i++) { tlbBlocked[i] = false; } } TheISA::TLB* CacheUnit::tlb() { return _tlb; } Port * CacheUnit::getPort(const string &if_name, int idx) { if (if_name == resName) return cachePort; else return NULL; } void CacheUnit::init() { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { reqs[i] = new CacheRequest(this); } // Currently Used to Model TLB Latency. Eventually // Switch to Timing TLB translations. resourceEvent = new CacheUnitEvent[width]; cacheBlkSize = this->cachePort->peerBlockSize(); cacheBlkMask = cacheBlkSize - 1; initSlots(); } int CacheUnit::getSlot(DynInstPtr inst) { ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); if (tlbBlocked[inst->threadNumber]) { return -1; } // For a Split-Load, the instruction would have processed once already // causing the address to be unset. if (!inst->validMemAddr() && !inst->splitInst) { panic("[tid:%i][sn:%i] Mem. Addr. must be set before requesting " "cache access\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum); } Addr req_addr = inst->getMemAddr(); if (resName == "icache_port" || find(addrList[tid].begin(), addrList[tid].end(), req_addr) == addrList[tid].end()) { int new_slot = Resource::getSlot(inst); if (new_slot == -1) return -1; inst->memTime = curTick(); setAddrDependency(inst); return new_slot; } else { // Allow same instruction multiple accesses to same address // should only happen maybe after a squashed inst. needs to replay if (addrMap[tid][req_addr] == inst->seqNum) { int new_slot = Resource::getSlot(inst); if (new_slot == -1) return -1; return new_slot; } else { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] Denying request because there is an outstanding" " request to/for addr. %08p. by [sn:%i] @ tick %i\n", inst->readTid(), req_addr, addrMap[tid][req_addr], inst->memTime); return -1; } } return -1; } void CacheUnit::setAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst) { Addr req_addr = inst->getMemAddr(); ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); addrList[tid].push_back(req_addr); addrMap[tid][req_addr] = inst->seqNum; DPRINTF(AddrDep, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Address %08p added to dependency list (size=%i)\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, req_addr, addrList[tid].size()); //@NOTE: 10 is an arbitrarily "high" number, but to be exact // we would need to know the # of outstanding accesses // a priori. Information like fetch width, stage width, // fetch buffer, and the branch resolution stage would be // useful for the icache_port. For the dcache port, the # // of outstanding cache accesses (mshrs) would be a good // sanity check here. //assert(addrList[tid].size() < 10); } void CacheUnit::removeAddrDependency(DynInstPtr inst) { ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); Addr mem_addr = inst->getMemAddr(); inst->unsetMemAddr(); // Erase from Address List vector::iterator vect_it = find(addrList[tid].begin(), addrList[tid].end(), mem_addr); assert(vect_it != addrList[tid].end() || inst->splitInst); if (vect_it != addrList[tid].end()) { DPRINTF(AddrDep, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Address %08p removed from dependency " "list\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, (*vect_it)); addrList[tid].erase(vect_it); // Erase From Address Map (Used for Debugging) addrMap[tid].erase(addrMap[tid].find(mem_addr)); } } ResReqPtr CacheUnit::findRequest(DynInstPtr inst) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { CacheRequest* cache_req = dynamic_cast(reqs[i]); assert(cache_req); if (cache_req->valid && cache_req->getInst() == inst && cache_req->instIdx == inst->curSkedEntry->idx) { return cache_req; } } return NULL; } ResReqPtr CacheUnit::findRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int idx) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { CacheRequest* cache_req = dynamic_cast(reqs[i]); assert(cache_req); if (cache_req->valid && cache_req->getInst() == inst && cache_req->instIdx == idx) { return cache_req; } } return NULL; } ResReqPtr CacheUnit::getRequest(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, int res_idx, int slot_num, unsigned cmd) { ScheduleEntry* sched_entry = *inst->curSkedEntry; CacheRequest* cache_req = dynamic_cast(reqs[slot_num]); if (!inst->validMemAddr()) { panic("Mem. Addr. must be set before requesting cache access\n"); } MemCmd::Command pkt_cmd; switch (sched_entry->cmd) { case InitSecondSplitRead: pkt_cmd = MemCmd::ReadReq; DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: Read request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->split2ndAddr); break; case InitiateReadData: pkt_cmd = MemCmd::ReadReq; DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: Read request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr()); break; case InitSecondSplitWrite: pkt_cmd = MemCmd::WriteReq; DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: Write request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->split2ndAddr); break; case InitiateWriteData: pkt_cmd = MemCmd::WriteReq; DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: Write request from [sn:%i] for addr %08p\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr()); break; default: panic("%i: Unexpected request type (%i) to %s", curTick(), sched_entry->cmd, name()); } cache_req->setRequest(inst, stage_num, id, slot_num, sched_entry->cmd, pkt_cmd, inst->curSkedEntry->idx); return cache_req; } void CacheUnit::requestAgain(DynInstPtr inst, bool &service_request) { CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast(findRequest(inst)); assert(cache_req); // Check to see if this instruction is requesting the same command // or a different one if (cache_req->cmd != inst->curSkedEntry->cmd && cache_req->instIdx == inst->curSkedEntry->idx) { // If different, then update command in the request cache_req->cmd = inst->curSkedEntry->cmd; DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Updating the command for this " "instruction\n ", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum); service_request = true; } else if (inst->curSkedEntry->idx != CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitRead && inst->curSkedEntry->idx != CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitWrite) { // If same command, just check to see if memory access was completed // but dont try to re-execute DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: requesting this resource again\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum); service_request = true; } } void CacheUnit::setupMemRequest(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req, int acc_size, int flags) { ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); Addr aligned_addr = inst->getMemAddr(); if (!cache_req->is2ndSplit()) { if (inst->dataMemReq == NULL) { inst->dataMemReq = new Request(cpu->asid[tid], aligned_addr, acc_size, flags, inst->instAddr(), cpu->readCpuId(), tid); cache_req->memReq = inst->dataMemReq; } } else { assert(inst->splitInst); if (inst->splitMemReq == NULL) { inst->splitMemReq = new Request(cpu->asid[tid], inst->split2ndAddr, acc_size, flags, inst->instAddr(), cpu->readCpuId(), tid); } cache_req->memReq = inst->splitMemReq; } } void CacheUnit::doTLBAccess(DynInstPtr inst, CacheReqPtr cache_req, int acc_size, int flags, TheISA::TLB::Mode tlb_mode) { ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); //Addr aligned_addr = inst->getMemAddr(); unsigned stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum(); unsigned slot_idx = cache_req->getSlot(); setupMemRequest(inst, cache_req, acc_size, flags); inst->fault = _tlb->translateAtomic(cache_req->memReq, cpu->thread[tid]->getTC(), tlb_mode); if (inst->fault != NoFault) { DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: %s encountered while translating " "addr:%08p for [sn:%i].\n", tid, inst->fault->name(), cache_req->memReq->getVaddr(), inst->seqNum); cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->setResStall(cache_req, tid); tlbBlocked[tid] = true; cache_req->tlbStall = true; // schedule a time to process the tlb miss. // latency hardcoded to 1 (for now), but will be updated // when timing translation gets added in scheduleEvent(slot_idx, 1); } else { DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] virt. addr %08p translated " "to phys. addr:%08p.\n", tid, inst->seqNum, cache_req->memReq->getVaddr(), cache_req->memReq->getPaddr()); } } Fault CacheUnit::read(DynInstPtr inst, Addr addr, uint8_t *data, unsigned size, unsigned flags) { CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast(findRequest(inst)); assert(cache_req && "Can't Find Instruction for Read!"); // The block size of our peer unsigned blockSize = this->cachePort->peerBlockSize(); //The size of the data we're trying to read. int fullSize = size; inst->totalSize = size; if (inst->traceData) { inst->traceData->setAddr(addr); } if (inst->split2ndAccess) { size = inst->split2ndSize; cache_req->splitAccess = true; cache_req->split2ndAccess = true; DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Split Read Access (2 of 2) for " "(%#x, %#x).\n", inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr(), inst->split2ndAddr); } //The address of the second part of this access if it needs to be split //across a cache line boundary. Addr secondAddr = roundDown(addr + size - 1, blockSize); if (secondAddr > addr && !inst->split2ndAccess) { if (!inst->splitInst) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "%i: sn[%i] Split Read Access (1 of 2) for " "(%#x, %#x).\n", curTick(), inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr); unsigned stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum(); unsigned cmd = inst->curSkedEntry->cmd; // 1. Make A New Inst. Schedule w/Split Read/Complete Entered on // the schedule // ============================== // 2. Reassign curSkedPtr to current command (InitiateRead) on new // schedule // ============================== inst->splitInst = true; inst->setBackSked(cpu->createBackEndSked(inst)); inst->curSkedEntry = inst->backSked->find(stage_num, cmd); } else { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] Retrying Split Read " "Access (1 of 2) for (%#x, %#x).\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr); } // Save All "Total" Split Information // ============================== inst->splitMemData = new uint8_t[size]; // Split Information for First Access // ============================== size = secondAddr - addr; cache_req->splitAccess = true; // Split Information for Second Access // ============================== inst->split2ndSize = addr + fullSize - secondAddr; inst->split2ndAddr = secondAddr; inst->split2ndDataPtr = inst->splitMemData + size; inst->split2ndFlags = flags; } doTLBAccess(inst, cache_req, size, flags, TheISA::TLB::Read); if (inst->fault == NoFault) { if (!cache_req->splitAccess) { cache_req->reqData = new uint8_t[size]; doCacheAccess(inst, NULL); } else { if (!inst->split2ndAccess) { cache_req->reqData = inst->splitMemData; } else { cache_req->reqData = inst->split2ndDataPtr; } doCacheAccess(inst, NULL, cache_req); } } return inst->fault; } Fault CacheUnit::write(DynInstPtr inst, uint8_t *data, unsigned size, Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *write_res) { CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast(findRequest(inst)); assert(cache_req && "Can't Find Instruction for Write!"); // The block size of our peer unsigned blockSize = this->cachePort->peerBlockSize(); //The size of the data we're trying to write. int fullSize = size; inst->totalSize = size; if (inst->traceData) { inst->traceData->setAddr(addr); } if (inst->split2ndAccess) { size = inst->split2ndSize; cache_req->splitAccess = true; cache_req->split2ndAccess = true; DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Split Write Access (2 of 2) for " "(%#x, %#x).\n", inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr(), inst->split2ndAddr); } //The address of the second part of this access if it needs to be split //across a cache line boundary. Addr secondAddr = roundDown(addr + size - 1, blockSize); if (secondAddr > addr && !inst->split2ndAccess) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[sn:%i] Split Write Access (1 of 2) for " "(%#x, %#x).\n", inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr); // Save All "Total" Split Information // ============================== inst->splitInst = true; if (!inst->splitInstSked) { assert(0 && "Split Requests Not Supported for Now..."); // Schedule Split Read/Complete for Instruction // ============================== int stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum(); RSkedPtr inst_sked = (stage_num >= ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage) ? inst->backSked : inst->frontSked; // this is just an arbitrarily high priority to ensure that this // gets pushed to the back of the list int stage_pri = 20; int isplit_cmd = CacheUnit::InitSecondSplitWrite; inst_sked->push(new ScheduleEntry(stage_num, stage_pri, cpu->resPool->getResIdx(DCache), isplit_cmd, 1)); int csplit_cmd = CacheUnit::CompleteSecondSplitWrite; inst_sked->push(new ScheduleEntry(stage_num + 1, 1/*stage_pri*/, cpu->resPool->getResIdx(DCache), csplit_cmd, 1)); inst->splitInstSked = true; } else { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] sn:%i] Retrying Split Read " "Access (1 of 2) for (%#x, %#x).\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, addr, secondAddr); } // Split Information for First Access // ============================== size = secondAddr - addr; cache_req->splitAccess = true; // Split Information for Second Access // ============================== inst->split2ndSize = addr + fullSize - secondAddr; inst->split2ndAddr = secondAddr; inst->split2ndStoreDataPtr = &cache_req->inst->storeData; inst->split2ndStoreDataPtr += size; inst->split2ndFlags = flags; inst->splitInstSked = true; } doTLBAccess(inst, cache_req, size, flags, TheISA::TLB::Write); if (inst->fault == NoFault) { if (!cache_req->splitAccess) { doCacheAccess(inst, write_res); } else { doCacheAccess(inst, write_res, cache_req); } } return inst->fault; } void CacheUnit::execute(int slot_num) { CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast(reqs[slot_num]); assert(cache_req); if (cachePortBlocked && (cache_req->cmd == InitiateReadData || cache_req->cmd == InitiateWriteData || cache_req->cmd == InitSecondSplitRead || cache_req->cmd == InitSecondSplitWrite)) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Cache Port Blocked. Cannot Access\n"); cache_req->done(false); return; } DynInstPtr inst = cache_req->inst; #if TRACING_ON ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); std::string acc_type = "write"; #endif inst->fault = NoFault; switch (cache_req->cmd) { case InitiateReadData: #if TRACING_ON acc_type = "read"; #endif case InitiateWriteData: if (cachePortBlocked) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Cache Port Blocked. Cannot Access\n"); cache_req->done(false); return; } DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i] Initiating data %s access to %s for " "addr. %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, acc_type, name(), cache_req->inst->getMemAddr()); inst->setCurResSlot(slot_num); if (inst->isDataPrefetch() || inst->isInstPrefetch()) { inst->execute(); } else { inst->initiateAcc(); } break; case InitSecondSplitRead: DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i] Initiating split data read access to %s " "for addr. %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, name(), cache_req->inst->split2ndAddr); inst->split2ndAccess = true; assert(inst->split2ndAddr != 0); read(inst, inst->split2ndAddr, &inst->split2ndData, inst->totalSize, inst->split2ndFlags); break; case InitSecondSplitWrite: DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i] Initiating split data write access to %s " "for addr. %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, name(), cache_req->inst->getMemAddr()); inst->split2ndAccess = true; assert(inst->split2ndAddr != 0); write(inst, &inst->split2ndData, inst->totalSize, inst->split2ndAddr, inst->split2ndFlags, NULL); break; case CompleteReadData: case CompleteWriteData: DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Trying to Complete Data Access\n", tid, inst->seqNum); if (cache_req->isMemAccComplete() || inst->isDataPrefetch() || inst->isInstPrefetch()) { removeAddrDependency(inst); cache_req->setMemStall(false); cache_req->done(); } else { DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: Data miss from %08p\n", tid, cache_req->inst->getMemAddr()); cache_req->setCompleted(false); cache_req->setMemStall(true); } break; case CompleteSecondSplitRead: DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Trying to Complete Split Data Read " "Access\n", tid, inst->seqNum); if (cache_req->isMemAccComplete() || inst->isDataPrefetch() || inst->isInstPrefetch()) { removeAddrDependency(inst); cache_req->setMemStall(false); cache_req->done(); } else { DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: Data miss from %08p\n", tid, cache_req->inst->split2ndAddr); cache_req->setCompleted(false); cache_req->setMemStall(true); } break; case CompleteSecondSplitWrite: DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Trying to Complete Split Data Write " "Access\n", tid, inst->seqNum); if (cache_req->isMemAccComplete() || inst->isDataPrefetch() || inst->isInstPrefetch()) { removeAddrDependency(inst); cache_req->setMemStall(false); cache_req->done(); } else { DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: Data miss from %08p\n", tid, cache_req->inst->split2ndAddr); cache_req->setCompleted(false); cache_req->setMemStall(true); } break; default: fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName); } } // @TODO: Split into doCacheRead() and doCacheWrite() void CacheUnit::doCacheAccess(DynInstPtr inst, uint64_t *write_res, CacheReqPtr split_req) { Fault fault = NoFault; #if TRACING_ON ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); #endif CacheReqPtr cache_req; if (split_req == NULL) { cache_req = dynamic_cast(reqs[inst->getCurResSlot()]); } else{ cache_req = split_req; } assert(cache_req); // Check for LL/SC and if so change command if (cache_req->memReq->isLLSC() && cache_req->pktCmd == MemCmd::ReadReq) { cache_req->pktCmd = MemCmd::LoadLockedReq; } if (cache_req->pktCmd == MemCmd::WriteReq) { cache_req->pktCmd = cache_req->memReq->isSwap() ? MemCmd::SwapReq : (cache_req->memReq->isLLSC() ? MemCmd::StoreCondReq : MemCmd::WriteReq); } cache_req->dataPkt = new CacheReqPacket(cache_req, cache_req->pktCmd, Packet::Broadcast, cache_req->instIdx); if (cache_req->dataPkt->isRead()) { cache_req->dataPkt->dataStatic(cache_req->reqData); } else if (cache_req->dataPkt->isWrite()) { if (inst->split2ndAccess) { cache_req->dataPkt->dataStatic(inst->split2ndStoreDataPtr); } else { cache_req->dataPkt->dataStatic(&cache_req->inst->storeData); } DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Storing data: %s\n", tid, inst->seqNum, printMemData(cache_req->dataPkt->getPtr(), cache_req->dataPkt->getSize())); if (cache_req->memReq->isCondSwap()) { assert(write_res); cache_req->memReq->setExtraData(*write_res); } } bool do_access = true; // flag to suppress cache access Request *memReq = cache_req->dataPkt->req; if (cache_req->dataPkt->isWrite() && cache_req->memReq->isLLSC()) { assert(cache_req->inst->isStoreConditional()); DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Evaluating Store Conditional access\n"); do_access = TheISA::handleLockedWrite(cpu, memReq); } DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] attempting to access cache for addr %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, cache_req->dataPkt->getAddr()); if (do_access) { if (!cachePort->sendTiming(cache_req->dataPkt)) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] cannot access cache, because port " "is blocked. now waiting to retry request\n", tid, inst->seqNum); delete cache_req->dataPkt; cache_req->done(false); cachePortBlocked = true; } else { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] [sn:%i] is now waiting for cache response\n", tid, inst->seqNum); cache_req->setCompleted(); cache_req->setMemAccPending(); cachePortBlocked = false; } } else if (!do_access && memReq->isLLSC()){ // Store-Conditional instructions complete even if they "failed" assert(cache_req->inst->isStoreConditional()); cache_req->setCompleted(true); DPRINTF(LLSC, "[tid:%i]: T%i Ignoring Failed Store Conditional Access\n", tid, tid); processCacheCompletion(cache_req->dataPkt); } else { delete cache_req->dataPkt; // Make cache request again since access due to // inability to access DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: \n"); cache_req->done(false); } } void CacheUnit::processCacheCompletion(PacketPtr pkt) { // Cast to correct packet type CacheReqPacket* cache_pkt = dynamic_cast(pkt); assert(cache_pkt); if (cache_pkt->cacheReq->isSquashed()) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Ignoring completion of squashed access, [tid:%i] [sn:%i]\n", cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(), cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum); DPRINTF(RefCount, "Ignoring completion of squashed access, [tid:%i] [sn:%i]\n", cache_pkt->cacheReq->getTid(), cache_pkt->cacheReq->seqNum); cache_pkt->cacheReq->freeSlot(); delete cache_pkt; cpu->wakeCPU(); return; } DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Waking from cache access to addr. %08p\n", cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(), cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum, cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->getMemAddr()); // Cast to correct request type CacheRequest *cache_req = dynamic_cast( findRequest(cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst(), cache_pkt->instIdx)); if (!cache_req) { panic("[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Can't find slot for cache access to " "addr. %08p\n", cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->readTid(), cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->seqNum, cache_pkt->cacheReq->getInst()->getMemAddr()); } assert(cache_req); // Get resource request info unsigned stage_num = cache_req->getStageNum(); DynInstPtr inst = cache_req->inst; ThreadID tid = cache_req->inst->readTid(); assert(!cache_req->isSquashed()); assert(inst->staticInst && inst->isMemRef()); DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Processing cache access\n", tid, inst->seqNum); PacketPtr dataPkt = NULL; if (inst->splitInst) { inst->splitFinishCnt++; if (inst->splitFinishCnt == 2) { cache_req->memReq->setVirt(0/*inst->tid*/, inst->getMemAddr(), inst->totalSize, 0, 0); Packet split_pkt(cache_req->memReq, cache_req->pktCmd, Packet::Broadcast); if (inst->isLoad()) { split_pkt.dataStatic(inst->splitMemData); } else { split_pkt.dataStatic(&inst->storeData); } dataPkt = &split_pkt; } } else { dataPkt = pkt; } inst->completeAcc(dataPkt); if (inst->isLoad()) { assert(cache_pkt->isRead()); if (cache_pkt->req->isLLSC()) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: Handling Load-Linked for [sn:%u]\n", tid, inst->seqNum); TheISA::handleLockedRead(cpu, cache_pkt->req); } DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Bytes loaded were: %s\n", tid, inst->seqNum, printMemData(dataPkt->getPtr(), dataPkt->getSize())); } else if(inst->isStore()) { assert(cache_pkt->isWrite()); DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u]: [sn:%i]: Bytes stored were: %s\n", tid, inst->seqNum, printMemData(dataPkt->getPtr(), dataPkt->getSize())); } delete cache_pkt; cache_req->setMemAccPending(false); cache_req->setMemAccCompleted(); if (cache_req->isMemStall() && cpu->threadModel == InOrderCPU::SwitchOnCacheMiss) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%u] Waking up from Cache Miss.\n", tid); cpu->activateContext(tid); DPRINTF(ThreadModel, "Activating [tid:%i] after return from cache" "miss.\n", tid); } // Wake up the CPU (if it went to sleep and was waiting on this // completion event). cpu->wakeCPU(); DPRINTF(Activity, "[tid:%u] Activating %s due to cache completion\n", tid, cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->name()); cpu->switchToActive(stage_num); } void CacheUnit::recvRetry() { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Unblocking Cache Port. \n"); assert(cachePortBlocked); // Clear the cache port for use again cachePortBlocked = false; cpu->wakeCPU(); } CacheUnitEvent::CacheUnitEvent() : ResourceEvent() { } void CacheUnitEvent::process() { DynInstPtr inst = resource->reqs[slotIdx]->inst; int stage_num = resource->reqs[slotIdx]->getStageNum(); ThreadID tid = inst->threadNumber; CacheReqPtr req_ptr = dynamic_cast(resource->reqs[slotIdx]); DPRINTF(InOrderTLB, "Waking up from TLB Miss caused by [sn:%i].\n", inst->seqNum); CacheUnit* tlb_res = dynamic_cast(resource); assert(tlb_res); //@todo: eventually, we should do a timing translation w/ // hw page table walk on tlb miss DPRINTF(Fault, "Handling Fault %s : [sn:%i] %x\n", inst->fault->name(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr()); inst->fault->invoke(tlb_res->cpu->tcBase(tid), inst->staticInst); tlb_res->tlbBlocked[tid] = false; tlb_res->cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]-> unsetResStall(tlb_res->reqs[slotIdx], tid); req_ptr->tlbStall = false; if (req_ptr->isSquashed()) { req_ptr->freeSlot(); } tlb_res->cpu->wakeCPU(); } void CacheUnit::squashDueToMemStall(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid) { // If squashing due to memory stall, then we do NOT want to // squash the instruction that caused the stall so we // increment the sequence number here to prevent that. // // NOTE: This is only for the SwitchOnCacheMiss Model // NOTE: If you have multiple outstanding misses from the same // thread then you need to reevaluate this code // NOTE: squash should originate from // pipeline_stage.cc:processInstSchedule DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "Squashing above [sn:%u]\n", squash_seq_num + 1); squash(inst, stage_num, squash_seq_num + 1, tid); } void CacheUnit::squashCacheRequest(CacheReqPtr req_ptr) { DynInstPtr inst = req_ptr->getInst(); req_ptr->setSquashed(); inst->setSquashed(); if (inst->validMemAddr()) { DPRINTF(AddrDep, "Squash of [tid:%i] [sn:%i], attempting to " "remove addr. %08p dependencies.\n", inst->readTid(), inst->seqNum, inst->getMemAddr()); removeAddrDependency(inst); } } void CacheUnit::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { ResReqPtr req_ptr = reqs[i]; if (req_ptr->valid && req_ptr->getInst()->readTid() == tid && req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum > squash_seq_num) { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] Squashing request from [sn:%i]\n", req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(), req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum); if (req_ptr->isSquashed()) { DPRINTF(AddrDep, "Request for [tid:%i] [sn:%i] already " "squashed, ignoring squash process.\n", req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(), req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum); continue; } CacheReqPtr cache_req = dynamic_cast(req_ptr); assert(cache_req); squashCacheRequest(cache_req); int req_slot_num = req_ptr->getSlot(); if (cache_req->tlbStall) { tlbBlocked[tid] = false; int stall_stage = reqs[req_slot_num]->getStageNum(); cpu->pipelineStage[stall_stage]-> unsetResStall(reqs[req_slot_num], tid); } if (!cache_req->tlbStall && !cache_req->isMemAccPending()) { freeSlot(req_slot_num); } else { DPRINTF(InOrderCachePort, "[tid:%i] Request from [sn:%i] squashed, but still " "pending completion.\n", req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(), req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum); DPRINTF(RefCount, "[tid:%i] Request from [sn:%i] squashed (split:%i), but " "still pending completion.\n", req_ptr->getInst()->readTid(), req_ptr->getInst()->seqNum, req_ptr->getInst()->splitInst); } } } }