/* * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Korey Sewell * */ #include "config/the_isa.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/resources/fetch_seq_unit.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/resource_pool.hh" using namespace std; using namespace TheISA; using namespace ThePipeline; FetchSeqUnit::FetchSeqUnit(std::string res_name, int res_id, int res_width, int res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu, ThePipeline::Params *params) : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu), instSize(sizeof(MachInst)) { for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < ThePipeline::MaxThreads; tid++) { delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts = 0; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = false; pcValid[tid] = false; pcBlockStage[tid] = 0; squashSeqNum[tid] = (InstSeqNum)-1; lastSquashCycle[tid] = 0; } } void FetchSeqUnit::init() { resourceEvent = new FetchSeqEvent[width]; initSlots(); } void FetchSeqUnit::execute(int slot_num) { // After this is working, change this to a reinterpret cast // for performance considerations ResourceRequest* fs_req = reqMap[slot_num]; DynInstPtr inst = fs_req->inst; ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); int stage_num = fs_req->getStageNum(); int seq_num = inst->seqNum; fs_req->fault = NoFault; switch (fs_req->cmd) { case AssignNextPC: { if (pcValid[tid]) { if (delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady && delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts == 0) { // Set PC to target PC[tid] = delaySlotInfo[tid].targetAddr; //next_PC nextPC[tid] = PC[tid] + instSize; //next_NPC nextNPC[tid] = PC[tid] + (2 * instSize); delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = false; DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Setting PC to delay slot target\n",tid); } inst->setPC(PC[tid]); inst->setNextPC(PC[tid] + instSize); inst->setNextNPC(PC[tid] + (instSize * 2)); #if ISA_HAS_DELAY_SLOT inst->setPredTarg(inst->readNextNPC()); #else inst->setPredTarg(inst->readNextPC()); #endif inst->setMemAddr(PC[tid]); inst->setSeqNum(cpu->getAndIncrementInstSeq(tid)); DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Assigning [sn:%i] to PC %08p, NPC %08p, NNPC %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->readPC(), inst->readNextPC(), inst->readNextNPC()); if (delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts > 0) { --delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts; // It's OK to set PC to target of branch if (delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts == 0) { delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = true; } DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: %i delay slot inst(s) left to" " process.\n", tid, delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts); } PC[tid] = nextPC[tid]; nextPC[tid] = nextNPC[tid]; nextNPC[tid] += instSize; fs_req->done(); } else { DPRINTF(InOrderStall, "STALL: [tid:%i]: NPC not valid\n", tid); fs_req->setCompleted(false); } } break; case UpdateTargetPC: { if (inst->isControl()) { // If it's a return, then we must wait for resolved address. if (inst->isReturn() && !inst->predTaken()) { cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->toPrevStages->stageBlock[stage_num][tid] = true; pcValid[tid] = false; pcBlockStage[tid] = stage_num; } else if (inst->isCondDelaySlot() && !inst->predTaken()) { // Not-Taken AND Conditional Control DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: [PC:%08p] Predicted Not-Taken Cond. " "Delay inst. Skipping delay slot and Updating PC to %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->readPC(), inst->readPredTarg()); DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i] Setting up squash to start from stage %i, after [sn:%i].\n", tid, stage_num, seq_num); inst->bdelaySeqNum = seq_num; inst->squashingStage = stage_num; squashAfterInst(inst, stage_num, tid); } else if (!inst->isCondDelaySlot() && !inst->predTaken()) { // Not-Taken Control DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Predicted Not-Taken Control " "inst. updating PC to %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->readNextPC()); #if ISA_HAS_DELAY_SLOT ++delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = false; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetAddr = inst->readNextNPC(); #else assert(delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts == 0); #endif } else if (inst->predTaken()) { // Taken Control #if ISA_HAS_DELAY_SLOT ++delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = false; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetAddr = inst->readPredTarg(); DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i] Updating delay slot target " "to PC %08p\n", tid, inst->seqNum, inst->readPredTarg()); inst->bdelaySeqNum = seq_num + 1; #else inst->bdelaySeqNum = seq_num; assert(delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts == 0); #endif inst->squashingStage = stage_num; DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i] Setting up squash to start from stage %i, after [sn:%i].\n", tid, stage_num, inst->bdelaySeqNum); // Do Squashing squashAfterInst(inst, stage_num, tid); } } else { DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: [sn:%i]: Ignoring branch target update " "since then is not a control instruction.\n", tid, inst->seqNum); } fs_req->done(); } break; default: fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName); } } inline void FetchSeqUnit::squashAfterInst(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, ThreadID tid) { // Squash In Pipeline Stage cpu->pipelineStage[stage_num]->squashDueToBranch(inst, tid); // Squash inside current resource, so if there needs to be fetching on same cycle // the fetch information will be correct. // squash(inst, stage_num, inst->bdelaySeqNum, tid); // Schedule Squash Through-out Resource Pool cpu->resPool->scheduleEvent((InOrderCPU::CPUEventType)ResourcePool::SquashAll, inst, 0); } void FetchSeqUnit::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int squash_stage, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Updating due to squash from stage %i.\n", tid, squash_stage); InstSeqNum done_seq_num = inst->bdelaySeqNum; Addr new_PC = inst->readPredTarg(); if (squashSeqNum[tid] <= done_seq_num && lastSquashCycle[tid] == curTick) { DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Ignoring squash from stage %i, since" "there is an outstanding squash that is older.\n", tid, squash_stage); } else { squashSeqNum[tid] = done_seq_num; lastSquashCycle[tid] = curTick; // If The very next instruction number is the done seq. num, // then we haven't seen the delay slot yet ... if it isn't // the last done_seq_num then this is the delay slot inst. if (cpu->nextInstSeqNum(tid) != done_seq_num && !inst->procDelaySlotOnMispred) { delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts = 0; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = false; // Reset PC PC[tid] = new_PC; nextPC[tid] = new_PC + instSize; nextNPC[tid] = new_PC + (2 * instSize); DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Setting PC to %08p.\n", tid, PC[tid]); } else { #if !ISA_HAS_DELAY_SLOT assert(0); #endif delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts = 1; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = false; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetAddr = (inst->procDelaySlotOnMispred) ? inst->branchTarget() : new_PC; // Reset PC to Delay Slot Instruction if (inst->procDelaySlotOnMispred) { PC[tid] = new_PC; nextPC[tid] = new_PC + instSize; nextNPC[tid] = new_PC + (2 * instSize); } } // Unblock Any Stages Waiting for this information to be updated ... if (!pcValid[tid]) { cpu->pipelineStage[pcBlockStage[tid]]->toPrevStages->stageUnblock[pcBlockStage[tid]][tid] = true; } pcValid[tid] = true; } Resource::squash(inst, squash_stage, squash_seq_num, tid); } FetchSeqUnit::FetchSeqEvent::FetchSeqEvent() : ResourceEvent() { } void FetchSeqUnit::FetchSeqEvent::process() { FetchSeqUnit* fs_res = dynamic_cast(resource); assert(fs_res); for (int i=0; i < MaxThreads; i++) { fs_res->PC[i] = fs_res->cpu->readPC(i); fs_res->nextPC[i] = fs_res->cpu->readNextPC(i); fs_res->nextNPC[i] = fs_res->cpu->readNextNPC(i); DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Setting PC:%08p NPC:%08p NNPC:%08p.\n", fs_res->PC[i], fs_res->nextPC[i], fs_res->nextNPC[i]); fs_res->pcValid[i] = true; } //cpu->fetchPriorityList.push_back(tid); } void FetchSeqUnit::activateThread(ThreadID tid) { pcValid[tid] = true; PC[tid] = cpu->readPC(tid); nextPC[tid] = cpu->readNextPC(tid); nextNPC[tid] = cpu->readNextNPC(tid); cpu->fetchPriorityList.push_back(tid); DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Reading PC:%08p NPC:%08p NNPC:%08p.\n", tid, PC[tid], nextPC[tid], nextNPC[tid]); } void FetchSeqUnit::deactivateThread(ThreadID tid) { delaySlotInfo[tid].numInsts = 0; delaySlotInfo[tid].targetReady = false; pcValid[tid] = false; pcBlockStage[tid] = 0; squashSeqNum[tid] = (InstSeqNum)-1; lastSquashCycle[tid] = 0; list::iterator thread_it = find(cpu->fetchPriorityList.begin(), cpu->fetchPriorityList.end(), tid); if (thread_it != cpu->fetchPriorityList.end()) cpu->fetchPriorityList.erase(thread_it); } void FetchSeqUnit::suspendThread(ThreadID tid) { deactivateThread(tid); } void FetchSeqUnit::updateAfterContextSwitch(DynInstPtr inst, ThreadID tid) { pcValid[tid] = true; if (cpu->thread[tid]->lastGradIsBranch) { /** This function assumes that the instruction causing the context * switch was right after the branch. Thus, if it's not, then * we are updating incorrectly here */ assert(cpu->thread[tid]->lastBranchNextPC == inst->readPC()); PC[tid] = cpu->thread[tid]->lastBranchNextNPC; nextPC[tid] = PC[tid] + instSize; nextNPC[tid] = nextPC[tid] + instSize; } else { PC[tid] = inst->readNextPC(); nextPC[tid] = inst->readNextNPC(); nextNPC[tid] = inst->readNextNPC() + instSize; } DPRINTF(InOrderFetchSeq, "[tid:%i]: Updating PCs due to Context Switch." "Assigning PC:%08p NPC:%08p NNPC:%08p.\n", tid, PC[tid], nextPC[tid], nextNPC[tid]); }