/* * Copyright (c) 2007 MIPS Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Korey Sewell * */ #include #include #include "arch/isa_traits.hh" #include "config/the_isa.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/pipeline_traits.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/resources/inst_buffer.hh" #include "cpu/inorder/cpu.hh" using namespace std; using namespace TheISA; using namespace ThePipeline; InstBuffer::InstBuffer(string res_name, int res_id, int res_width, int res_latency, InOrderCPU *_cpu, ThePipeline::Params *params) : Resource(res_name, res_id, res_width, res_latency, _cpu) { } void InstBuffer::regStats() { instsBypassed .name(name() + ".instsBypassed") .desc("Number of Instructions Bypassed.") .prereq(instsBypassed); Resource::regStats(); } void InstBuffer::execute(int slot_idx) { ResReqPtr ib_req = reqMap[slot_idx]; DynInstPtr inst = ib_req->inst; ThreadID tid = inst->readTid(); int stage_num = ib_req->getStageNum(); switch (ib_req->cmd) { case ScheduleOrBypass: { int next_stage = stage_num + 1; int bypass_stage = stage_num + 2; bool do_bypass = true; if (!instList.empty()) { DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[sn:%i] cannot bypass stage %i " "because buffer isn't empty.\n", inst->seqNum, next_stage); do_bypass = false; } else if(cpu->pipelineStage[bypass_stage]->isBlocked(tid)) { DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[sn:%i] cannot bypass stage %i " "because stage %i is blocking.\n", inst->seqNum, next_stage); do_bypass = false; } else if(cpu->pipelineStage[bypass_stage]-> stageBufferAvail() <= 0) { DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[sn:%i] cannot bypass stage %i " "because there is no room in stage %i incoming stage " "buffer.\n", inst->seqNum, next_stage); do_bypass = false; } if (!do_bypass) { // SCHEDULE USAGE OF BUFFER DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "Scheduling [sn:%i] for buffer " "insertion in stage %i\n", inst->seqNum, next_stage); // Add to schedule: Insert into buffer in next stage int stage_pri = 20; RSkedPtr insert_sked = (stage_num >= ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage) ? inst->backSked : inst->frontSked; insert_sked->push(new ScheduleEntry(next_stage, stage_pri, id, InstBuffer::InsertInst)); // Add to schedule: Remove from buffer in next next (bypass) // stage stage_pri = 20; RSkedPtr bypass_sked = (stage_num >= ThePipeline::BackEndStartStage) ? inst->backSked : inst->frontSked; bypass_sked->push(new ScheduleEntry(bypass_stage, stage_pri, id, InstBuffer::RemoveInst)); } else { // BYPASS BUFFER & NEXT STAGE DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "Setting [sn:%i] to bypass stage " "%i and enter stage %i.\n", inst->seqNum, next_stage, bypass_stage); inst->setNextStage(bypass_stage); instsBypassed++; } ib_req->done(); } break; case InsertInst: { bool inserted = false; if (instList.size() < width) { DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Inserting [sn:%i] into " "buffer.\n", tid, inst->seqNum); insert(inst); inserted = true; } else { DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Denying [sn:%i] request " "because buffer is full.\n", tid, inst->seqNum); std::list::iterator list_it = instList.begin(); std::list::iterator list_end = instList.end(); while (list_it != list_end) { DPRINTF(Resource,"Serving [tid:%i] [sn:%i].\n", (*list_it)->readTid(), (*list_it)->seqNum); list_it++; } } ib_req->done(inserted); } break; case RemoveInst: { DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Removing [sn:%i] from " "buffer.\n", tid, inst->seqNum); remove(inst); ib_req->done(); } break; default: fatal("Unrecognized command to %s", resName); } DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "Buffer now contains %i insts.\n", instList.size()); } void InstBuffer::insert(DynInstPtr inst) { instList.push_back(inst); } void InstBuffer::remove(DynInstPtr inst) { std::list::iterator list_it = instList.begin(); std::list::iterator list_end = instList.end(); while (list_it != list_end) { if((*list_it) == inst) { instList.erase(list_it); break; } list_it++; } } void InstBuffer::pop(ThreadID tid) { instList.pop_front(); } ThePipeline::DynInstPtr InstBuffer::top(ThreadID tid) { return instList.front(); } void InstBuffer::squash(DynInstPtr inst, int stage_num, InstSeqNum squash_seq_num, ThreadID tid) { queue::iterator> remove_list; list::iterator list_it = instList.begin(); list::iterator list_end = instList.end(); // Collect All Instructions to be Removed in Remove List while (list_it != list_end) { if((*list_it)->readTid() == tid && (*list_it)->seqNum > squash_seq_num) { (*list_it)->setSquashed(); remove_list.push(list_it); } list_it++; } // Removed Instructions from InstList & Clear Remove List while (!remove_list.empty()) { DPRINTF(InOrderInstBuffer, "[tid:%i]: Removing squashed [sn:%i] from " "buffer.\n", tid, (*remove_list.front())->seqNum); instList.erase(remove_list.front()); remove_list.pop(); } Resource::squash(inst, stage_num, squash_seq_num, tid); }