/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Andrew Bardsley */ /** * @file * * Classes for buffer, queue and FIFO behaviour. */ #ifndef __CPU_MINOR_BUFFERS_HH__ #define __CPU_MINOR_BUFFERS_HH__ #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <sstream> #include "base/logging.hh" #include "cpu/activity.hh" #include "cpu/minor/trace.hh" #include "cpu/timebuf.hh" namespace Minor { /** Interface class for data with reporting/tracing facilities. This * interface doesn't actually have to be used as other classes which need * this interface uses templating rather than inheritance but it's provided * here to document the interface needed by those classes. */ class ReportIF { public: /** Print the data in a format suitable to be the value in "name=value" * trace lines */ virtual void reportData(std::ostream &os) const = 0; virtual ~ReportIF() { } }; /** Interface class for data with 'bubble' values. This interface doesn't * actually have to be used as other classes which need this interface uses * templating rather than inheritance but it's provided here to document * the interface needed by those classes. */ class BubbleIF { public: virtual bool isBubble() const = 0; }; /** ...ReportTraits are trait classes with the same functionality as * ReportIF, but with elements explicitly passed into the report... * functions. */ /** Allow a template using ReportTraits to call report... functions of * ReportIF-bearing elements themselves */ template <typename ElemType> /* ElemType should implement ReportIF */ class ReportTraitsAdaptor { public: static void reportData(std::ostream &os, const ElemType &elem) { elem.reportData(os); } }; /** A similar adaptor but for elements held by pointer * ElemType should implement ReportIF */ template <typename PtrType> class ReportTraitsPtrAdaptor { public: static void reportData(std::ostream &os, const PtrType &elem) { elem->reportData(os); } }; /** ... BubbleTraits are trait classes to add BubbleIF interface * functionality to templates which process elements which don't necessarily * implement BubbleIF themselves */ /** Default behaviour, no bubbles */ template <typename ElemType> class NoBubbleTraits { public: static bool isBubble(const ElemType &) { return false; } static ElemType bubble() { assert(false); } }; /** Pass on call to the element */ template <typename ElemType> class BubbleTraitsAdaptor { public: static bool isBubble(const ElemType &elem) { return elem.isBubble(); } static ElemType bubble() { return ElemType::bubble(); } }; /** Pass on call to the element where the element is a pointer */ template <typename PtrType, typename ElemType> class BubbleTraitsPtrAdaptor { public: static bool isBubble(const PtrType &elem) { return elem->isBubble(); } static PtrType bubble() { return ElemType::bubble(); } }; /** TimeBuffer with MinorTrace and Named interfaces */ template <typename ElemType, typename ReportTraits = ReportTraitsAdaptor<ElemType>, typename BubbleTraits = BubbleTraitsAdaptor<ElemType> > class MinorBuffer : public Named, public TimeBuffer<ElemType> { protected: /** The range of elements that should appear in trace lines */ int reportLeft, reportRight; /** Name to use for the data in a MinorTrace line */ std::string dataName; public: MinorBuffer(const std::string &name, const std::string &data_name, int num_past, int num_future, int report_left = -1, int report_right = -1) : Named(name), TimeBuffer<ElemType>(num_past, num_future), reportLeft(report_left), reportRight(report_right), dataName(data_name) { } public: /* Is this buffer full of only bubbles */ bool empty() const { bool ret = true; for (int i = -this->past; i <= this->future; i++) { if (!BubbleTraits::isBubble((*this)[i])) ret = false; } return ret; } /** Report buffer states from 'slot' 'from' to 'to'. For example 0,-1 * will produce two slices with current (just assigned) and last (one * advance() old) slices with the current (0) one on the left. * Reverse the numbers to change the order of slices */ void minorTrace() const { std::ostringstream data; int step = (reportLeft > reportRight ? -1 : 1); int end = reportRight + step; int i = reportLeft; while (i != end) { const ElemType &datum = (*this)[i]; ReportTraits::reportData(data, datum); i += step; if (i != end) data << ','; } MINORTRACE("%s=%s\n", dataName, data.str()); } }; /** Wraps a MinorBuffer with Input/Output interfaces to ensure that units * within the model can only see the right end of buffers between them. */ template <typename Data> class Latch { public: typedef MinorBuffer<Data> Buffer; protected: /** Delays, in cycles, writing data into the latch and seeing it on the * latched wires */ Cycles delay; Buffer buffer; public: /** forward/backwardDelay specify the delay from input to output in each * direction. These arguments *must* be >= 1 */ Latch(const std::string &name, const std::string &data_name, Cycles delay_ = Cycles(1), bool report_backwards = false) : delay(delay_), buffer(name, data_name, delay_, 0, (report_backwards ? -delay_ : 0), (report_backwards ? 0 : -delay_)) { } public: /** Encapsulate wires on either input or output of the latch. * forward/backward correspond to data direction relative to the * pipeline. Latched and Immediate specify delay for backward data. * Immediate data is available to earlier stages *during* the cycle it * is written */ class Input { public: typename Buffer::wire inputWire; public: Input(typename Buffer::wire input_wire) : inputWire(input_wire) { } }; class Output { public: typename Buffer::wire outputWire; public: Output(typename Buffer::wire output_wire) : outputWire(output_wire) { } }; bool empty() const { return buffer.empty(); } /** An interface to just the input of the buffer */ Input input() { return Input(buffer.getWire(0)); } /** An interface to just the output of the buffer */ Output output() { return Output(buffer.getWire(-delay)); } void minorTrace() const { buffer.minorTrace(); } void evaluate() { buffer.advance(); } }; /** A pipeline simulating class that will stall (not advance when advance() * is called) if a non-bubble value lies at the far end of the pipeline. * The user can clear the stall before calling advance to unstall the * pipeline. */ template <typename ElemType, typename ReportTraits, typename BubbleTraits = BubbleTraitsAdaptor<ElemType> > class SelfStallingPipeline : public MinorBuffer<ElemType, ReportTraits> { protected: /** Wire at the input end of the pipeline (for convenience) */ typename TimeBuffer<ElemType>::wire pushWire; /** Wire at the output end of the pipeline (for convenience) */ typename TimeBuffer<ElemType>::wire popWire; public: /** If true, advance will not advance the pipeline */ bool stalled; /** The number of slots with non-bubbles in them */ unsigned int occupancy; public: SelfStallingPipeline(const std::string &name, const std::string &data_name, unsigned depth) : MinorBuffer<ElemType, ReportTraits> (name, data_name, depth, 0, -1, -depth), pushWire(this->getWire(0)), popWire(this->getWire(-depth)), stalled(false), occupancy(0) { assert(depth > 0); /* Write explicit bubbles to get around the case where the default * constructor for the element type isn't good enough */ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= depth; i++) (*this)[-i] = BubbleTraits::bubble(); } public: /** Write an element to the back of the pipeline. This doesn't cause * the pipeline to advance until advance is called. Pushing twice * without advance-ing will just cause an overwrite of the last push's * data. */ void push(ElemType &elem) { assert(!alreadyPushed()); *pushWire = elem; if (!BubbleTraits::isBubble(elem)) occupancy++; } /** Peek at the end element of the pipe */ ElemType &front() { return *popWire; } const ElemType &front() const { return *popWire; } /** Have we already pushed onto this pipe without advancing */ bool alreadyPushed() { return !BubbleTraits::isBubble(*pushWire); } /** There's data (not a bubble) at the end of the pipe */ bool isPopable() { return !BubbleTraits::isBubble(front()); } /** Try to advance the pipeline. If we're stalled, don't advance. If * we're not stalled, advance then check to see if we become stalled * (a non-bubble at the end of the pipe) */ void advance() { bool data_at_end = isPopable(); if (!stalled) { TimeBuffer<ElemType>::advance(); /* If there was data at the end of the pipe that has now been * advanced out of the pipe, we've lost data */ if (data_at_end) occupancy--; /* Is there data at the end of the pipe now? */ stalled = isPopable(); /* Insert a bubble into the empty input slot to make sure that * element is correct in the case where the default constructor * for ElemType doesn't produce a bubble */ ElemType bubble = BubbleTraits::bubble(); *pushWire = bubble; } } }; /** Base class for space reservation requestable objects */ class Reservable { public: /** Can a slot be reserved? */ virtual bool canReserve() const = 0; /** Reserve a slot in whatever structure this is attached to */ virtual void reserve() = 0; /** Free a reserved slot */ virtual void freeReservation() = 0; }; /** Wrapper for a queue type to act as a pipeline stage input queue. * Handles capacity management, bubble value suppression and provides * reporting. * * In an ideal world, ElemType would be derived from ReportIF and BubbleIF, * but here we use traits and allow the Adaptors ReportTraitsAdaptor and * BubbleTraitsAdaptor to work on data which *does* directly implement * those interfaces. */ template <typename ElemType, typename ReportTraits = ReportTraitsAdaptor<ElemType>, typename BubbleTraits = BubbleTraitsAdaptor<ElemType> > class Queue : public Named, public Reservable { private: std::deque<ElemType> queue; /** Number of slots currently reserved for future (reservation * respecting) pushes */ unsigned int numReservedSlots; /** Need this here as queues usually don't have a limited capacity */ unsigned int capacity; /** Name to use for the data in MinorTrace */ std::string dataName; public: Queue(const std::string &name, const std::string &data_name, unsigned int capacity_) : Named(name), numReservedSlots(0), capacity(capacity_), dataName(data_name) { } virtual ~Queue() { } public: /** Push an element into the buffer if it isn't a bubble. Bubbles are * just discarded. It is assummed that any push into a queue with * reserved space intends to take that space */ void push(ElemType &data) { if (!BubbleTraits::isBubble(data)) { freeReservation(); queue.push_back(data); if (queue.size() > capacity) { warn("%s: No space to push data into queue of capacity" " %u, pushing anyway\n", name(), capacity); } } } /** Clear all allocated space. Be careful how this is used */ void clearReservedSpace() { numReservedSlots = 0; } /** Clear a single reserved slot */ void freeReservation() { if (numReservedSlots != 0) numReservedSlots--; } /** Reserve space in the queue for future pushes. Enquiries about space * in the queue using unreservedRemainingSpace will only tell about * space which is not full and not reserved. */ void reserve() { /* Check reservable space */ if (unreservedRemainingSpace() == 0) warn("%s: No space is reservable in queue", name()); numReservedSlots++; } bool canReserve() const { return unreservedRemainingSpace() != 0; } /** Number of slots available in an empty buffer */ unsigned int totalSpace() const { return capacity; } /** Number of slots already occupied in this buffer */ unsigned int occupiedSpace() const { return queue.size(); } /** Number of slots which are reserved. */ unsigned int reservedSpace() const { return numReservedSlots; } /** Number of slots yet to fill in this buffer. This doesn't include * reservation. */ unsigned int remainingSpace() const { int ret = capacity - queue.size(); return (ret < 0 ? 0 : ret); } /** Like remainingSpace but does not count reserved spaces */ unsigned int unreservedRemainingSpace() const { int ret = capacity - (queue.size() + numReservedSlots); return (ret < 0 ? 0 : ret); } /** Head value. Like std::queue::front */ ElemType &front() { return queue.front(); } const ElemType &front() const { return queue.front(); } /** Pop the head item. Like std::queue::pop */ void pop() { queue.pop_front(); } /** Is the queue empty? */ bool empty() const { return queue.empty(); } void minorTrace() const { std::ostringstream data; /* If we become over-full, totalSpace() can actually be smaller than * occupiedSpace(). Handle this */ unsigned int num_total = (occupiedSpace() > totalSpace() ? occupiedSpace() : totalSpace()); unsigned int num_reserved = reservedSpace(); unsigned int num_occupied = occupiedSpace(); int num_printed = 1; /* Bodge to rotate queue to report elements */ while (num_printed <= num_occupied) { ReportTraits::reportData(data, queue[num_printed - 1]); num_printed++; if (num_printed <= num_total) data << ','; } int num_printed_reserved = 1; /* Show reserved slots */ while (num_printed_reserved <= num_reserved && num_printed <= num_total) { data << 'R'; num_printed_reserved++; num_printed++; if (num_printed <= num_total) data << ','; } /* And finally pad with empty slots (if there are any) */ while (num_printed <= num_total) { num_printed++; if (num_printed <= num_total) data << ','; } MINORTRACE("%s=%s\n", dataName, data.str()); } }; /** Like a Queue but with a restricted interface and a setTail function * which, when the queue is empty, just takes a reference to the pushed * item as the single element. Calling pushTail will push that element * onto the queue. * * The purpose of this class is to allow the faster operation of queues of * items which usually don't get deeper than one item and for which the copy * associated with a push is expensive enough to want to avoid * * The intended use case is the input buffer for pipeline stages, hence the * class name */ template <typename ElemType, typename ReportTraits = ReportTraitsAdaptor<ElemType>, typename BubbleTraits = BubbleTraitsAdaptor<ElemType> > class InputBuffer : public Reservable { protected: /** Underlying queue */ mutable Queue<ElemType, ReportTraits, BubbleTraits> queue; /** Pointer to the single element (if not NULL) */ mutable ElemType *elementPtr; public: InputBuffer(const std::string &name, const std::string &data_name, unsigned int capacity_) : queue(name, data_name, capacity_), elementPtr(NULL) { } public: /** Set the tail of the queue, this is like push but needs * to be followed by pushTail for the new tail to make its * way into the queue proper */ void setTail(ElemType &new_element) { assert(!elementPtr); if (!BubbleTraits::isBubble(new_element)) { if (queue.empty()) elementPtr = &new_element; else queue.push(new_element); } } /** No single element or queue entries */ bool empty() const { return !elementPtr && queue.empty(); } /** Return the element, or the front of the queue */ const ElemType &front() const { return (elementPtr ? *elementPtr : queue.front()); } ElemType &front() { return (elementPtr ? *elementPtr : queue.front()); } /** Pop either the head, or if none, the head of the queue */ void pop() { if (elementPtr) { /* A popped element was expected to be pushed into queue * and so take a reserved space */ elementPtr = NULL; queue.freeReservation(); } else { queue.pop(); } } /** Push the single element (if any) into the queue proper. If the * element's reference points to a transient object, remember to * always do this before the end of that object's life */ void pushTail() const { if (elementPtr) queue.push(*elementPtr); elementPtr = NULL; } /** Report elements */ void minorTrace() const { pushTail(); queue.minorTrace(); } /** Reservable interface, passed on to queue */ bool canReserve() const { return queue.canReserve(); } void reserve() { queue.reserve(); } void freeReservation() { queue.freeReservation(); } /** Like remainingSpace but does not count reserved spaces */ unsigned int unreservedRemainingSpace() { pushTail(); return queue.unreservedRemainingSpace(); } }; } #endif /* __CPU_MINOR_BUFFERS_HH__ */