/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Andrew Bardsley */ #include "cpu/minor/decode.hh" #include "cpu/minor/pipeline.hh" #include "debug/Decode.hh" namespace Minor { Decode::Decode(const std::string &name, MinorCPU &cpu_, MinorCPUParams ¶ms, Latch<ForwardInstData>::Output inp_, Latch<ForwardInstData>::Input out_, std::vector<InputBuffer<ForwardInstData>> &next_stage_input_buffer) : Named(name), cpu(cpu_), inp(inp_), out(out_), nextStageReserve(next_stage_input_buffer), outputWidth(params.executeInputWidth), processMoreThanOneInput(params.decodeCycleInput), decodeInfo(params.numThreads), threadPriority(0) { if (outputWidth < 1) fatal("%s: executeInputWidth must be >= 1 (%d)\n", name, outputWidth); if (params.decodeInputBufferSize < 1) { fatal("%s: decodeInputBufferSize must be >= 1 (%d)\n", name, params.decodeInputBufferSize); } /* Per-thread input buffers */ for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < params.numThreads; tid++) { inputBuffer.push_back( InputBuffer<ForwardInstData>( name + ".inputBuffer" + std::to_string(tid), "insts", params.decodeInputBufferSize)); } } const ForwardInstData * Decode::getInput(ThreadID tid) { /* Get insts from the inputBuffer to work with */ if (!inputBuffer[tid].empty()) { const ForwardInstData &head = inputBuffer[tid].front(); return (head.isBubble() ? NULL : &(inputBuffer[tid].front())); } else { return NULL; } } void Decode::popInput(ThreadID tid) { if (!inputBuffer[tid].empty()) inputBuffer[tid].pop(); decodeInfo[tid].inputIndex = 0; decodeInfo[tid].inMacroop = false; } #if TRACING_ON /** Add the tracing data to an instruction. This originates in * decode because this is the first place that execSeqNums are known * (these are used as the 'FetchSeq' in tracing data) */ static void dynInstAddTracing(MinorDynInstPtr inst, StaticInstPtr static_inst, MinorCPU &cpu) { inst->traceData = cpu.getTracer()->getInstRecord(curTick(), cpu.getContext(inst->id.threadId), inst->staticInst, inst->pc, static_inst); /* Use the execSeqNum as the fetch sequence number as this most closely * matches the other processor models' idea of fetch sequence */ if (inst->traceData) inst->traceData->setFetchSeq(inst->id.execSeqNum); } #endif void Decode::evaluate() { /* Push input onto appropriate input buffer */ if (!inp.outputWire->isBubble()) inputBuffer[inp.outputWire->threadId].setTail(*inp.outputWire); ForwardInstData &insts_out = *out.inputWire; assert(insts_out.isBubble()); for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < cpu.numThreads; tid++) decodeInfo[tid].blocked = !nextStageReserve[tid].canReserve(); ThreadID tid = getScheduledThread(); if (tid != InvalidThreadID) { DecodeThreadInfo &decode_info = decodeInfo[tid]; const ForwardInstData *insts_in = getInput(tid); unsigned int output_index = 0; /* Pack instructions into the output while we can. This may involve * using more than one input line */ while (insts_in && decode_info.inputIndex < insts_in->width() && /* Still more input */ output_index < outputWidth /* Still more output to fill */) { MinorDynInstPtr inst = insts_in->insts[decode_info.inputIndex]; if (inst->isBubble()) { /* Skip */ decode_info.inputIndex++; decode_info.inMacroop = false; } else { StaticInstPtr static_inst = inst->staticInst; /* Static inst of a macro-op above the output_inst */ StaticInstPtr parent_static_inst = NULL; MinorDynInstPtr output_inst = inst; if (inst->isFault()) { DPRINTF(Decode, "Fault being passed: %d\n", inst->fault->name()); decode_info.inputIndex++; decode_info.inMacroop = false; } else if (static_inst->isMacroop()) { /* Generate a new micro-op */ StaticInstPtr static_micro_inst; /* Set up PC for the next micro-op emitted */ if (!decode_info.inMacroop) { decode_info.microopPC = inst->pc; decode_info.inMacroop = true; } /* Get the micro-op static instruction from the * static_inst. */ static_micro_inst = static_inst->fetchMicroop( decode_info.microopPC.microPC()); output_inst = new MinorDynInst(inst->id); output_inst->pc = decode_info.microopPC; output_inst->staticInst = static_micro_inst; output_inst->fault = NoFault; /* Allow a predicted next address only on the last * microop */ if (static_micro_inst->isLastMicroop()) { output_inst->predictedTaken = inst->predictedTaken; output_inst->predictedTarget = inst->predictedTarget; } DPRINTF(Decode, "Microop decomposition inputIndex:" " %d output_index: %d lastMicroop: %s microopPC:" " %d.%d inst: %d\n", decode_info.inputIndex, output_index, (static_micro_inst->isLastMicroop() ? "true" : "false"), decode_info.microopPC.instAddr(), decode_info.microopPC.microPC(), *output_inst); /* Acknowledge that the static_inst isn't mine, it's my * parent macro-op's */ parent_static_inst = static_inst; static_micro_inst->advancePC(decode_info.microopPC); /* Step input if this is the last micro-op */ if (static_micro_inst->isLastMicroop()) { decode_info.inputIndex++; decode_info.inMacroop = false; } } else { /* Doesn't need decomposing, pass on instruction */ DPRINTF(Decode, "Passing on inst: %s inputIndex:" " %d output_index: %d\n", *output_inst, decode_info.inputIndex, output_index); parent_static_inst = static_inst; /* Step input */ decode_info.inputIndex++; decode_info.inMacroop = false; } /* Set execSeqNum of output_inst */ output_inst->id.execSeqNum = decode_info.execSeqNum; /* Add tracing */ #if TRACING_ON dynInstAddTracing(output_inst, parent_static_inst, cpu); #endif /* Step to next sequence number */ decode_info.execSeqNum++; /* Correctly size the output before writing */ if (output_index == 0) insts_out.resize(outputWidth); /* Push into output */ insts_out.insts[output_index] = output_inst; output_index++; } /* Have we finished with the input? */ if (decode_info.inputIndex == insts_in->width()) { /* If we have just been producing micro-ops, we *must* have * got to the end of that for inputIndex to be pushed past * insts_in->width() */ assert(!decode_info.inMacroop); popInput(tid); insts_in = NULL; if (processMoreThanOneInput) { DPRINTF(Decode, "Wrapping\n"); insts_in = getInput(tid); } } } /* The rest of the output (if any) should already have been packed * with bubble instructions by insts_out's initialisation * * for (; output_index < outputWidth; output_index++) * assert(insts_out.insts[output_index]->isBubble()); */ } /* If we generated output, reserve space for the result in the next stage * and mark the stage as being active this cycle */ if (!insts_out.isBubble()) { /* Note activity of following buffer */ cpu.activityRecorder->activity(); insts_out.threadId = tid; nextStageReserve[tid].reserve(); } /* If we still have input to process and somewhere to put it, * mark stage as active */ for (ThreadID i = 0; i < cpu.numThreads; i++) { if (getInput(i) && nextStageReserve[i].canReserve()) { cpu.activityRecorder->activateStage(Pipeline::DecodeStageId); break; } } /* Make sure the input (if any left) is pushed */ if (!inp.outputWire->isBubble()) inputBuffer[inp.outputWire->threadId].pushTail(); } inline ThreadID Decode::getScheduledThread() { /* Select thread via policy. */ std::vector<ThreadID> priority_list; switch (cpu.threadPolicy) { case Enums::SingleThreaded: priority_list.push_back(0); break; case Enums::RoundRobin: priority_list = cpu.roundRobinPriority(threadPriority); break; case Enums::Random: priority_list = cpu.randomPriority(); break; default: panic("Unknown fetch policy"); } for (auto tid : priority_list) { if (cpu.getContext(tid)->status() == ThreadContext::Active && getInput(tid) && !decodeInfo[tid].blocked) { threadPriority = tid; return tid; } } return InvalidThreadID; } bool Decode::isDrained() { for (const auto &buffer : inputBuffer) { if (!buffer.empty()) return false; } return (*inp.outputWire).isBubble(); } void Decode::minorTrace() const { std::ostringstream data; if (decodeInfo[0].blocked) data << 'B'; else (*out.inputWire).reportData(data); MINORTRACE("insts=%s\n", data.str()); inputBuffer[0].minorTrace(); } }