/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014,2018 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Andrew Bardsley */ #include "cpu/minor/execute.hh" #include "arch/locked_mem.hh" #include "arch/registers.hh" #include "arch/utility.hh" #include "cpu/minor/cpu.hh" #include "cpu/minor/exec_context.hh" #include "cpu/minor/fetch1.hh" #include "cpu/minor/lsq.hh" #include "cpu/op_class.hh" #include "debug/Activity.hh" #include "debug/Branch.hh" #include "debug/Drain.hh" #include "debug/MinorExecute.hh" #include "debug/MinorInterrupt.hh" #include "debug/MinorMem.hh" #include "debug/MinorTrace.hh" #include "debug/PCEvent.hh" namespace Minor { Execute::Execute(const std::string &name_, MinorCPU &cpu_, MinorCPUParams ¶ms, Latch<ForwardInstData>::Output inp_, Latch<BranchData>::Input out_) : Named(name_), inp(inp_), out(out_), cpu(cpu_), issueLimit(params.executeIssueLimit), memoryIssueLimit(params.executeMemoryIssueLimit), commitLimit(params.executeCommitLimit), memoryCommitLimit(params.executeMemoryCommitLimit), processMoreThanOneInput(params.executeCycleInput), fuDescriptions(*params.executeFuncUnits), numFuncUnits(fuDescriptions.funcUnits.size()), setTraceTimeOnCommit(params.executeSetTraceTimeOnCommit), setTraceTimeOnIssue(params.executeSetTraceTimeOnIssue), allowEarlyMemIssue(params.executeAllowEarlyMemoryIssue), noCostFUIndex(fuDescriptions.funcUnits.size() + 1), lsq(name_ + ".lsq", name_ + ".dcache_port", cpu_, *this, params.executeMaxAccessesInMemory, params.executeMemoryWidth, params.executeLSQRequestsQueueSize, params.executeLSQTransfersQueueSize, params.executeLSQStoreBufferSize, params.executeLSQMaxStoreBufferStoresPerCycle), executeInfo(params.numThreads, ExecuteThreadInfo(params.executeCommitLimit)), interruptPriority(0), issuePriority(0), commitPriority(0) { if (commitLimit < 1) { fatal("%s: executeCommitLimit must be >= 1 (%d)\n", name_, commitLimit); } if (issueLimit < 1) { fatal("%s: executeCommitLimit must be >= 1 (%d)\n", name_, issueLimit); } if (memoryIssueLimit < 1) { fatal("%s: executeMemoryIssueLimit must be >= 1 (%d)\n", name_, memoryIssueLimit); } if (memoryCommitLimit > commitLimit) { fatal("%s: executeMemoryCommitLimit (%d) must be <=" " executeCommitLimit (%d)\n", name_, memoryCommitLimit, commitLimit); } if (params.executeInputBufferSize < 1) { fatal("%s: executeInputBufferSize must be >= 1 (%d)\n", name_, params.executeInputBufferSize); } if (params.executeInputBufferSize < 1) { fatal("%s: executeInputBufferSize must be >= 1 (%d)\n", name_, params.executeInputBufferSize); } /* This should be large enough to count all the in-FU instructions * which need to be accounted for in the inFlightInsts * queue */ unsigned int total_slots = 0; /* Make FUPipelines for each MinorFU */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numFuncUnits; i++) { std::ostringstream fu_name; MinorFU *fu_description = fuDescriptions.funcUnits[i]; /* Note the total number of instruction slots (for sizing * the inFlightInst queue) and the maximum latency of any FU * (for sizing the activity recorder) */ total_slots += fu_description->opLat; fu_name << name_ << ".fu." << i; FUPipeline *fu = new FUPipeline(fu_name.str(), *fu_description, cpu); funcUnits.push_back(fu); } /** Check that there is a functional unit for all operation classes */ for (int op_class = No_OpClass + 1; op_class < Num_OpClasses; op_class++) { bool found_fu = false; unsigned int fu_index = 0; while (fu_index < numFuncUnits && !found_fu) { if (funcUnits[fu_index]->provides( static_cast<OpClass>(op_class))) { found_fu = true; } fu_index++; } if (!found_fu) { warn("No functional unit for OpClass %s\n", Enums::OpClassStrings[op_class]); } } /* Per-thread structures */ for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < params.numThreads; tid++) { std::string tid_str = std::to_string(tid); /* Input Buffers */ inputBuffer.push_back( InputBuffer<ForwardInstData>( name_ + ".inputBuffer" + tid_str, "insts", params.executeInputBufferSize)); /* Scoreboards */ scoreboard.push_back(Scoreboard(name_ + ".scoreboard" + tid_str)); /* In-flight instruction records */ executeInfo[tid].inFlightInsts = new Queue<QueuedInst, ReportTraitsAdaptor<QueuedInst> >( name_ + ".inFlightInsts" + tid_str, "insts", total_slots); executeInfo[tid].inFUMemInsts = new Queue<QueuedInst, ReportTraitsAdaptor<QueuedInst> >( name_ + ".inFUMemInsts" + tid_str, "insts", total_slots); } } const ForwardInstData * Execute::getInput(ThreadID tid) { /* Get a line from the inputBuffer to work with */ if (!inputBuffer[tid].empty()) { const ForwardInstData &head = inputBuffer[tid].front(); return (head.isBubble() ? NULL : &(inputBuffer[tid].front())); } else { return NULL; } } void Execute::popInput(ThreadID tid) { if (!inputBuffer[tid].empty()) inputBuffer[tid].pop(); executeInfo[tid].inputIndex = 0; } void Execute::tryToBranch(MinorDynInstPtr inst, Fault fault, BranchData &branch) { ThreadContext *thread = cpu.getContext(inst->id.threadId); const TheISA::PCState &pc_before = inst->pc; TheISA::PCState target = thread->pcState(); /* Force a branch for SerializeAfter/SquashAfter instructions * at the end of micro-op sequence when we're not suspended */ bool force_branch = thread->status() != ThreadContext::Suspended && !inst->isFault() && inst->isLastOpInInst() && (inst->staticInst->isSerializeAfter() || inst->staticInst->isSquashAfter() || inst->staticInst->isIprAccess()); DPRINTF(Branch, "tryToBranch before: %s after: %s%s\n", pc_before, target, (force_branch ? " (forcing)" : "")); /* Will we change the PC to something other than the next instruction? */ bool must_branch = pc_before != target || fault != NoFault || force_branch; /* The reason for the branch data we're about to generate, set below */ BranchData::Reason reason = BranchData::NoBranch; if (fault == NoFault) { TheISA::advancePC(target, inst->staticInst); thread->pcState(target); DPRINTF(Branch, "Advancing current PC from: %s to: %s\n", pc_before, target); } if (inst->predictedTaken && !force_branch) { /* Predicted to branch */ if (!must_branch) { /* No branch was taken, change stream to get us back to the * intended PC value */ DPRINTF(Branch, "Predicted a branch from 0x%x to 0x%x but" " none happened inst: %s\n", inst->pc.instAddr(), inst->predictedTarget.instAddr(), *inst); reason = BranchData::BadlyPredictedBranch; } else if (inst->predictedTarget == target) { /* Branch prediction got the right target, kill the branch and * carry on. * Note that this information to the branch predictor might get * overwritten by a "real" branch during this cycle */ DPRINTF(Branch, "Predicted a branch from 0x%x to 0x%x correctly" " inst: %s\n", inst->pc.instAddr(), inst->predictedTarget.instAddr(), *inst); reason = BranchData::CorrectlyPredictedBranch; } else { /* Branch prediction got the wrong target */ DPRINTF(Branch, "Predicted a branch from 0x%x to 0x%x" " but got the wrong target (actual: 0x%x) inst: %s\n", inst->pc.instAddr(), inst->predictedTarget.instAddr(), target.instAddr(), *inst); reason = BranchData::BadlyPredictedBranchTarget; } } else if (must_branch) { /* Unpredicted branch */ DPRINTF(Branch, "Unpredicted branch from 0x%x to 0x%x inst: %s\n", inst->pc.instAddr(), target.instAddr(), *inst); reason = BranchData::UnpredictedBranch; } else { /* No branch at all */ reason = BranchData::NoBranch; } updateBranchData(inst->id.threadId, reason, inst, target, branch); } void Execute::updateBranchData( ThreadID tid, BranchData::Reason reason, MinorDynInstPtr inst, const TheISA::PCState &target, BranchData &branch) { if (reason != BranchData::NoBranch) { /* Bump up the stream sequence number on a real branch*/ if (BranchData::isStreamChange(reason)) executeInfo[tid].streamSeqNum++; /* Branches (even mis-predictions) don't change the predictionSeqNum, * just the streamSeqNum */ branch = BranchData(reason, tid, executeInfo[tid].streamSeqNum, /* Maintaining predictionSeqNum if there's no inst is just a * courtesy and looks better on minorview */ (inst->isBubble() ? executeInfo[tid].lastPredictionSeqNum : inst->id.predictionSeqNum), target, inst); DPRINTF(Branch, "Branch data signalled: %s\n", branch); } } void Execute::handleMemResponse(MinorDynInstPtr inst, LSQ::LSQRequestPtr response, BranchData &branch, Fault &fault) { ThreadID thread_id = inst->id.threadId; ThreadContext *thread = cpu.getContext(thread_id); ExecContext context(cpu, *cpu.threads[thread_id], *this, inst); PacketPtr packet = response->packet; bool is_load = inst->staticInst->isLoad(); bool is_store = inst->staticInst->isStore(); bool is_atomic = inst->staticInst->isAtomic(); bool is_prefetch = inst->staticInst->isDataPrefetch(); /* If true, the trace's predicate value will be taken from the exec * context predicate, otherwise, it will be set to false */ bool use_context_predicate = true; if (inst->translationFault != NoFault) { /* Invoke memory faults. */ DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Completing fault from DTLB access: %s\n", inst->translationFault->name()); if (inst->staticInst->isPrefetch()) { DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Not taking fault on prefetch: %s\n", inst->translationFault->name()); /* Don't assign to fault */ } else { /* Take the fault raised during the TLB/memory access */ fault = inst->translationFault; fault->invoke(thread, inst->staticInst); } } else if (!packet) { DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Completing failed request inst: %s\n", *inst); use_context_predicate = false; if (!context.readMemAccPredicate()) inst->staticInst->completeAcc(nullptr, &context, inst->traceData); } else if (packet->isError()) { DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Trying to commit error response: %s\n", *inst); fatal("Received error response packet for inst: %s\n", *inst); } else if (is_store || is_load || is_prefetch || is_atomic) { assert(packet); DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Memory response inst: %s addr: 0x%x size: %d\n", *inst, packet->getAddr(), packet->getSize()); if (is_load && packet->getSize() > 0) { DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Memory data[0]: 0x%x\n", static_cast<unsigned int>(packet->getConstPtr<uint8_t>()[0])); } /* Complete the memory access instruction */ fault = inst->staticInst->completeAcc(packet, &context, inst->traceData); if (fault != NoFault) { /* Invoke fault created by instruction completion */ DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Fault in memory completeAcc: %s\n", fault->name()); fault->invoke(thread, inst->staticInst); } else { /* Stores need to be pushed into the store buffer to finish * them off */ if (response->needsToBeSentToStoreBuffer()) lsq.sendStoreToStoreBuffer(response); } } else { fatal("There should only ever be reads, " "writes or faults at this point\n"); } lsq.popResponse(response); if (inst->traceData) { inst->traceData->setPredicate((use_context_predicate ? context.readPredicate() : false)); } doInstCommitAccounting(inst); /* Generate output to account for branches */ tryToBranch(inst, fault, branch); } bool Execute::isInterrupted(ThreadID thread_id) const { return cpu.checkInterrupts(cpu.getContext(thread_id)); } bool Execute::takeInterrupt(ThreadID thread_id, BranchData &branch) { DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "Considering interrupt status from PC: %s\n", cpu.getContext(thread_id)->pcState()); Fault interrupt = cpu.getInterruptController(thread_id)->getInterrupt (cpu.getContext(thread_id)); if (interrupt != NoFault) { /* The interrupt *must* set pcState */ cpu.getInterruptController(thread_id)->updateIntrInfo (cpu.getContext(thread_id)); interrupt->invoke(cpu.getContext(thread_id)); assert(!lsq.accessesInFlight()); DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "Invoking interrupt: %s to PC: %s\n", interrupt->name(), cpu.getContext(thread_id)->pcState()); /* Assume that an interrupt *must* cause a branch. Assert this? */ updateBranchData(thread_id, BranchData::Interrupt, MinorDynInst::bubble(), cpu.getContext(thread_id)->pcState(), branch); } return interrupt != NoFault; } bool Execute::executeMemRefInst(MinorDynInstPtr inst, BranchData &branch, bool &passed_predicate, Fault &fault) { bool issued = false; /* Set to true if the mem op. is issued and sent to the mem system */ passed_predicate = false; if (!lsq.canRequest()) { /* Not acting on instruction yet as the memory * queues are full */ issued = false; } else { ThreadContext *thread = cpu.getContext(inst->id.threadId); TheISA::PCState old_pc = thread->pcState(); ExecContext context(cpu, *cpu.threads[inst->id.threadId], *this, inst); DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Initiating memRef inst: %s\n", *inst); Fault init_fault = inst->staticInst->initiateAcc(&context, inst->traceData); if (inst->inLSQ) { if (init_fault != NoFault) { assert(inst->translationFault != NoFault); // Translation faults are dealt with in handleMemResponse() init_fault = NoFault; } else { // If we have a translation fault then it got suppressed by // initateAcc() inst->translationFault = NoFault; } } if (init_fault != NoFault) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Fault on memory inst: %s" " initiateAcc: %s\n", *inst, init_fault->name()); fault = init_fault; } else { /* Only set this if the instruction passed its * predicate */ if (!context.readMemAccPredicate()) { DPRINTF(MinorMem, "No memory access for inst: %s\n", *inst); assert(context.readPredicate()); } passed_predicate = context.readPredicate(); /* Set predicate in tracing */ if (inst->traceData) inst->traceData->setPredicate(passed_predicate); /* If the instruction didn't pass its predicate (and so will not * progress from here) Try to branch to correct and branch * mis-prediction. */ if (!passed_predicate) { /* Leave it up to commit to handle the fault */ lsq.pushFailedRequest(inst); } } /* Restore thread PC */ thread->pcState(old_pc); issued = true; } return issued; } /** Increment a cyclic buffer index for indices [0, cycle_size-1] */ inline unsigned int cyclicIndexInc(unsigned int index, unsigned int cycle_size) { unsigned int ret = index + 1; if (ret == cycle_size) ret = 0; return ret; } /** Decrement a cyclic buffer index for indices [0, cycle_size-1] */ inline unsigned int cyclicIndexDec(unsigned int index, unsigned int cycle_size) { int ret = index - 1; if (ret < 0) ret = cycle_size - 1; return ret; } unsigned int Execute::issue(ThreadID thread_id) { const ForwardInstData *insts_in = getInput(thread_id); ExecuteThreadInfo &thread = executeInfo[thread_id]; /* Early termination if we have no instructions */ if (!insts_in) return 0; /* Start from the first FU */ unsigned int fu_index = 0; /* Remains true while instructions are still being issued. If any * instruction fails to issue, this is set to false and we exit issue. * This strictly enforces in-order issue. For other issue behaviours, * a more complicated test in the outer while loop below is needed. */ bool issued = true; /* Number of insts issues this cycle to check for issueLimit */ unsigned num_insts_issued = 0; /* Number of memory ops issues this cycle to check for memoryIssueLimit */ unsigned num_mem_insts_issued = 0; /* Number of instructions discarded this cycle in order to enforce a * discardLimit. @todo, add that parameter? */ unsigned num_insts_discarded = 0; do { MinorDynInstPtr inst = insts_in->insts[thread.inputIndex]; Fault fault = inst->fault; bool discarded = false; bool issued_mem_ref = false; if (inst->isBubble()) { /* Skip */ issued = true; } else if (cpu.getContext(thread_id)->status() == ThreadContext::Suspended) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Discarding inst: %s from suspended" " thread\n", *inst); issued = true; discarded = true; } else if (inst->id.streamSeqNum != thread.streamSeqNum) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Discarding inst: %s as its stream" " state was unexpected, expected: %d\n", *inst, thread.streamSeqNum); issued = true; discarded = true; } else { /* Try and issue an instruction into an FU, assume we didn't and * fix that in the loop */ issued = false; /* Try FU from 0 each instruction */ fu_index = 0; /* Try and issue a single instruction stepping through the * available FUs */ do { FUPipeline *fu = funcUnits[fu_index]; DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Trying to issue inst: %s to FU: %d\n", *inst, fu_index); /* Does the examined fu have the OpClass-related capability * needed to execute this instruction? Faults can always * issue to any FU but probably should just 'live' in the * inFlightInsts queue rather than having an FU. */ bool fu_is_capable = (!inst->isFault() ? fu->provides(inst->staticInst->opClass()) : true); if (inst->isNoCostInst()) { /* Issue free insts. to a fake numbered FU */ fu_index = noCostFUIndex; /* And start the countdown on activity to allow * this instruction to get to the end of its FU */ cpu.activityRecorder->activity(); /* Mark the destinations for this instruction as * busy */ scoreboard[thread_id].markupInstDests(inst, cpu.curCycle() + Cycles(0), cpu.getContext(thread_id), false); DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Issuing %s to %d\n", inst->id, noCostFUIndex); inst->fuIndex = noCostFUIndex; inst->extraCommitDelay = Cycles(0); inst->extraCommitDelayExpr = NULL; /* Push the instruction onto the inFlight queue so * it can be committed in order */ QueuedInst fu_inst(inst); thread.inFlightInsts->push(fu_inst); issued = true; } else if (!fu_is_capable || fu->alreadyPushed()) { /* Skip */ if (!fu_is_capable) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Can't issue as FU: %d isn't" " capable\n", fu_index); } else { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Can't issue as FU: %d is" " already busy\n", fu_index); } } else if (fu->stalled) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Can't issue inst: %s into FU: %d," " it's stalled\n", *inst, fu_index); } else if (!fu->canInsert()) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Can't issue inst: %s to busy FU" " for another: %d cycles\n", *inst, fu->cyclesBeforeInsert()); } else { MinorFUTiming *timing = (!inst->isFault() ? fu->findTiming(inst->staticInst) : NULL); const std::vector<Cycles> *src_latencies = (timing ? &(timing->srcRegsRelativeLats) : NULL); const std::vector<bool> *cant_forward_from_fu_indices = &(fu->cantForwardFromFUIndices); if (timing && timing->suppress) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Can't issue inst: %s as extra" " decoding is suppressing it\n", *inst); } else if (!scoreboard[thread_id].canInstIssue(inst, src_latencies, cant_forward_from_fu_indices, cpu.curCycle(), cpu.getContext(thread_id))) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Can't issue inst: %s yet\n", *inst); } else { /* Can insert the instruction into this FU */ DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Issuing inst: %s" " into FU %d\n", *inst, fu_index); Cycles extra_dest_retire_lat = Cycles(0); TimingExpr *extra_dest_retire_lat_expr = NULL; Cycles extra_assumed_lat = Cycles(0); /* Add the extraCommitDelay and extraAssumeLat to * the FU pipeline timings */ if (timing) { extra_dest_retire_lat = timing->extraCommitLat; extra_dest_retire_lat_expr = timing->extraCommitLatExpr; extra_assumed_lat = timing->extraAssumedLat; } issued_mem_ref = inst->isMemRef(); QueuedInst fu_inst(inst); /* Decorate the inst with FU details */ inst->fuIndex = fu_index; inst->extraCommitDelay = extra_dest_retire_lat; inst->extraCommitDelayExpr = extra_dest_retire_lat_expr; if (issued_mem_ref) { /* Remember which instruction this memory op * depends on so that initiateAcc can be called * early */ if (allowEarlyMemIssue) { inst->instToWaitFor = scoreboard[thread_id].execSeqNumToWaitFor(inst, cpu.getContext(thread_id)); if (lsq.getLastMemBarrier(thread_id) > inst->instToWaitFor) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "A barrier will" " cause a delay in mem ref issue of" " inst: %s until after inst" " %d(exec)\n", *inst, lsq.getLastMemBarrier(thread_id)); inst->instToWaitFor = lsq.getLastMemBarrier(thread_id); } else { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Memory ref inst:" " %s must wait for inst %d(exec)" " before issuing\n", *inst, inst->instToWaitFor); } inst->canEarlyIssue = true; } /* Also queue this instruction in the memory ref * queue to ensure in-order issue to the LSQ */ DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Pushing mem inst: %s\n", *inst); thread.inFUMemInsts->push(fu_inst); } /* Issue to FU */ fu->push(fu_inst); /* And start the countdown on activity to allow * this instruction to get to the end of its FU */ cpu.activityRecorder->activity(); /* Mark the destinations for this instruction as * busy */ scoreboard[thread_id].markupInstDests(inst, cpu.curCycle() + fu->description.opLat + extra_dest_retire_lat + extra_assumed_lat, cpu.getContext(thread_id), issued_mem_ref && extra_assumed_lat == Cycles(0)); /* Push the instruction onto the inFlight queue so * it can be committed in order */ thread.inFlightInsts->push(fu_inst); issued = true; } } fu_index++; } while (fu_index != numFuncUnits && !issued); if (!issued) DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Didn't issue inst: %s\n", *inst); } if (issued) { /* Generate MinorTrace's MinorInst lines. Do this at commit * to allow better instruction annotation? */ if (DTRACE(MinorTrace) && !inst->isBubble()) inst->minorTraceInst(*this); /* Mark up barriers in the LSQ */ if (!discarded && inst->isInst() && inst->staticInst->isMemBarrier()) { DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Issuing memory barrier inst: %s\n", *inst); lsq.issuedMemBarrierInst(inst); } if (inst->traceData && setTraceTimeOnIssue) { inst->traceData->setWhen(curTick()); } if (issued_mem_ref) num_mem_insts_issued++; if (discarded) { num_insts_discarded++; } else if (!inst->isBubble()) { num_insts_issued++; if (num_insts_issued == issueLimit) DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Reached inst issue limit\n"); } thread.inputIndex++; DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Stepping to next inst inputIndex: %d\n", thread.inputIndex); } /* Got to the end of a line */ if (thread.inputIndex == insts_in->width()) { popInput(thread_id); /* Set insts_in to null to force us to leave the surrounding * loop */ insts_in = NULL; if (processMoreThanOneInput) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Wrapping\n"); insts_in = getInput(thread_id); } } } while (insts_in && thread.inputIndex < insts_in->width() && /* We still have instructions */ fu_index != numFuncUnits && /* Not visited all FUs */ issued && /* We've not yet failed to issue an instruction */ num_insts_issued != issueLimit && /* Still allowed to issue */ num_mem_insts_issued != memoryIssueLimit); return num_insts_issued; } bool Execute::tryPCEvents(ThreadID thread_id) { ThreadContext *thread = cpu.getContext(thread_id); unsigned int num_pc_event_checks = 0; /* Handle PC events on instructions */ Addr oldPC; do { oldPC = thread->instAddr(); cpu.system->pcEventQueue.service(thread); num_pc_event_checks++; } while (oldPC != thread->instAddr()); if (num_pc_event_checks > 1) { DPRINTF(PCEvent, "Acting on PC Event to PC: %s\n", thread->pcState()); } return num_pc_event_checks > 1; } void Execute::doInstCommitAccounting(MinorDynInstPtr inst) { assert(!inst->isFault()); MinorThread *thread = cpu.threads[inst->id.threadId]; /* Increment the many and various inst and op counts in the * thread and system */ if (!inst->staticInst->isMicroop() || inst->staticInst->isLastMicroop()) { thread->numInst++; thread->numInsts++; cpu.stats.numInsts++; cpu.system->totalNumInsts++; /* Act on events related to instruction counts */ cpu.comInstEventQueue[inst->id.threadId]->serviceEvents(thread->numInst); cpu.system->instEventQueue.serviceEvents(cpu.system->totalNumInsts); } thread->numOp++; thread->numOps++; cpu.stats.numOps++; cpu.stats.committedInstType[inst->id.threadId] [inst->staticInst->opClass()]++; /* Set the CP SeqNum to the numOps commit number */ if (inst->traceData) inst->traceData->setCPSeq(thread->numOp); cpu.probeInstCommit(inst->staticInst, inst->pc.instAddr()); } bool Execute::commitInst(MinorDynInstPtr inst, bool early_memory_issue, BranchData &branch, Fault &fault, bool &committed, bool &completed_mem_issue) { ThreadID thread_id = inst->id.threadId; ThreadContext *thread = cpu.getContext(thread_id); bool completed_inst = true; fault = NoFault; /* Is the thread for this instruction suspended? In that case, just * stall as long as there are no pending interrupts */ if (thread->status() == ThreadContext::Suspended && !isInterrupted(thread_id)) { panic("We should never hit the case where we try to commit from a " "suspended thread as the streamSeqNum should not match"); } else if (inst->isFault()) { ExecContext context(cpu, *cpu.threads[thread_id], *this, inst); DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Fault inst reached Execute: %s\n", inst->fault->name()); fault = inst->fault; inst->fault->invoke(thread, NULL); tryToBranch(inst, fault, branch); } else if (inst->staticInst->isMemRef()) { /* Memory accesses are executed in two parts: * executeMemRefInst -- calculates the EA and issues the access * to memory. This is done here. * handleMemResponse -- handles the response packet, done by * Execute::commit * * While the memory access is in its FU, the EA is being * calculated. At the end of the FU, when it is ready to * 'commit' (in this function), the access is presented to the * memory queues. When a response comes back from memory, * Execute::commit will commit it. */ bool predicate_passed = false; bool completed_mem_inst = executeMemRefInst(inst, branch, predicate_passed, fault); if (completed_mem_inst && fault != NoFault) { if (early_memory_issue) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Fault in early executing inst: %s\n", fault->name()); /* Don't execute the fault, just stall the instruction * until it gets to the head of inFlightInsts */ inst->canEarlyIssue = false; /* Not completed as we'll come here again to pick up * the fault when we get to the end of the FU */ completed_inst = false; } else { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Fault in execute: %s\n", fault->name()); fault->invoke(thread, NULL); tryToBranch(inst, fault, branch); completed_inst = true; } } else { completed_inst = completed_mem_inst; } completed_mem_issue = completed_inst; } else if (inst->isInst() && inst->staticInst->isMemBarrier() && !lsq.canPushIntoStoreBuffer()) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Can't commit data barrier inst: %s yet as" " there isn't space in the store buffer\n", *inst); completed_inst = false; } else if (inst->isInst() && inst->staticInst->isQuiesce() && !branch.isBubble()){ /* This instruction can suspend, need to be able to communicate * backwards, so no other branches may evaluate this cycle*/ completed_inst = false; } else { ExecContext context(cpu, *cpu.threads[thread_id], *this, inst); DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Committing inst: %s\n", *inst); fault = inst->staticInst->execute(&context, inst->traceData); /* Set the predicate for tracing and dump */ if (inst->traceData) inst->traceData->setPredicate(context.readPredicate()); committed = true; if (fault != NoFault) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Fault in execute of inst: %s fault: %s\n", *inst, fault->name()); fault->invoke(thread, inst->staticInst); } doInstCommitAccounting(inst); tryToBranch(inst, fault, branch); } if (completed_inst) { /* Keep a copy of this instruction's predictionSeqNum just in case * we need to issue a branch without an instruction (such as an * interrupt) */ executeInfo[thread_id].lastPredictionSeqNum = inst->id.predictionSeqNum; /* Check to see if this instruction suspended the current thread. */ if (!inst->isFault() && thread->status() == ThreadContext::Suspended && branch.isBubble() && /* It didn't branch too */ !isInterrupted(thread_id)) /* Don't suspend if we have interrupts */ { TheISA::PCState resume_pc = cpu.getContext(thread_id)->pcState(); assert(resume_pc.microPC() == 0); DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "Suspending thread: %d from Execute" " inst: %s\n", thread_id, *inst); cpu.stats.numFetchSuspends++; updateBranchData(thread_id, BranchData::SuspendThread, inst, resume_pc, branch); } } return completed_inst; } void Execute::commit(ThreadID thread_id, bool only_commit_microops, bool discard, BranchData &branch) { Fault fault = NoFault; Cycles now = cpu.curCycle(); ExecuteThreadInfo &ex_info = executeInfo[thread_id]; /** * Try and execute as many instructions from the end of FU pipelines as * possible. This *doesn't* include actually advancing the pipelines. * * We do this by looping on the front of the inFlightInsts queue for as * long as we can find the desired instruction at the end of the * functional unit it was issued to without seeing a branch or a fault. * In this function, these terms are used: * complete -- The instruction has finished its passage through * its functional unit and its fate has been decided * (committed, discarded, issued to the memory system) * commit -- The instruction is complete(d), not discarded and has * its effects applied to the CPU state * discard(ed) -- The instruction is complete but not committed * as its streamSeqNum disagrees with the current * Execute::streamSeqNum * * Commits are also possible from two other places: * * 1) Responses returning from the LSQ * 2) Mem ops issued to the LSQ ('committed' from the FUs) earlier * than their position in the inFlightInsts queue, but after all * their dependencies are resolved. */ /* Has an instruction been completed? Once this becomes false, we stop * trying to complete instructions. */ bool completed_inst = true; /* Number of insts committed this cycle to check against commitLimit */ unsigned int num_insts_committed = 0; /* Number of memory access instructions committed to check against * memCommitLimit */ unsigned int num_mem_refs_committed = 0; if (only_commit_microops && !ex_info.inFlightInsts->empty()) { DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "Only commit microops %s %d\n", *(ex_info.inFlightInsts->front().inst), ex_info.lastCommitWasEndOfMacroop); } while (!ex_info.inFlightInsts->empty() && /* Some more instructions to process */ !branch.isStreamChange() && /* No real branch */ fault == NoFault && /* No faults */ completed_inst && /* Still finding instructions to execute */ num_insts_committed != commitLimit /* Not reached commit limit */ ) { if (only_commit_microops) { DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "Committing tail of insts before" " interrupt: %s\n", *(ex_info.inFlightInsts->front().inst)); } QueuedInst *head_inflight_inst = &(ex_info.inFlightInsts->front()); InstSeqNum head_exec_seq_num = head_inflight_inst->inst->id.execSeqNum; /* The instruction we actually process if completed_inst * remains true to the end of the loop body. * Start by considering the the head of the in flight insts queue */ MinorDynInstPtr inst = head_inflight_inst->inst; bool committed_inst = false; bool discard_inst = false; bool completed_mem_ref = false; bool issued_mem_ref = false; bool early_memory_issue = false; /* Must set this again to go around the loop */ completed_inst = false; /* If we're just completing a macroop before an interrupt or drain, * can we stil commit another microop (rather than a memory response) * without crosing into the next full instruction? */ bool can_commit_insts = !ex_info.inFlightInsts->empty() && !(only_commit_microops && ex_info.lastCommitWasEndOfMacroop); /* Can we find a mem response for this inst */ LSQ::LSQRequestPtr mem_response = (inst->inLSQ ? lsq.findResponse(inst) : NULL); DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Trying to commit canCommitInsts: %d\n", can_commit_insts); /* Test for PC events after every instruction */ if (isInbetweenInsts(thread_id) && tryPCEvents(thread_id)) { ThreadContext *thread = cpu.getContext(thread_id); /* Branch as there was a change in PC */ updateBranchData(thread_id, BranchData::UnpredictedBranch, MinorDynInst::bubble(), thread->pcState(), branch); } else if (mem_response && num_mem_refs_committed < memoryCommitLimit) { /* Try to commit from the memory responses next */ discard_inst = inst->id.streamSeqNum != ex_info.streamSeqNum || discard; DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Trying to commit mem response: %s\n", *inst); /* Complete or discard the response */ if (discard_inst) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Discarding mem inst: %s as its" " stream state was unexpected, expected: %d\n", *inst, ex_info.streamSeqNum); lsq.popResponse(mem_response); } else { handleMemResponse(inst, mem_response, branch, fault); committed_inst = true; } completed_mem_ref = true; completed_inst = true; } else if (can_commit_insts) { /* If true, this instruction will, subject to timing tweaks, * be considered for completion. try_to_commit flattens * the `if' tree a bit and allows other tests for inst * commit to be inserted here. */ bool try_to_commit = false; /* Try and issue memory ops early if they: * - Can push a request into the LSQ * - Have reached the end of their FUs * - Have had all their dependencies satisfied * - Are from the right stream * * For any other case, leave it to the normal instruction * issue below to handle them. */ if (!ex_info.inFUMemInsts->empty() && lsq.canRequest()) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Trying to commit from mem FUs\n"); const MinorDynInstPtr head_mem_ref_inst = ex_info.inFUMemInsts->front().inst; FUPipeline *fu = funcUnits[head_mem_ref_inst->fuIndex]; const MinorDynInstPtr &fu_inst = fu->front().inst; /* Use this, possibly out of order, inst as the one * to 'commit'/send to the LSQ */ if (!fu_inst->isBubble() && !fu_inst->inLSQ && fu_inst->canEarlyIssue && ex_info.streamSeqNum == fu_inst->id.streamSeqNum && head_exec_seq_num > fu_inst->instToWaitFor) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Issuing mem ref early" " inst: %s instToWaitFor: %d\n", *(fu_inst), fu_inst->instToWaitFor); inst = fu_inst; try_to_commit = true; early_memory_issue = true; completed_inst = true; } } /* Try and commit FU-less insts */ if (!completed_inst && inst->isNoCostInst()) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Committing no cost inst: %s", *inst); try_to_commit = true; completed_inst = true; } /* Try to issue from the ends of FUs and the inFlightInsts * queue */ if (!completed_inst && !inst->inLSQ) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Trying to commit from FUs\n"); /* Try to commit from a functional unit */ /* Is the head inst of the expected inst's FU actually the * expected inst? */ QueuedInst &fu_inst = funcUnits[inst->fuIndex]->front(); InstSeqNum fu_inst_seq_num = fu_inst.inst->id.execSeqNum; if (fu_inst.inst->isBubble()) { /* No instruction ready */ completed_inst = false; } else if (fu_inst_seq_num != head_exec_seq_num) { /* Past instruction: we must have already executed it * in the same cycle and so the head inst isn't * actually at the end of its pipeline * Future instruction: handled above and only for * mem refs on their way to the LSQ */ } else if (fu_inst.inst->id == inst->id) { /* All instructions can be committed if they have the * right execSeqNum and there are no in-flight * mem insts before us */ try_to_commit = true; completed_inst = true; } } if (try_to_commit) { discard_inst = inst->id.streamSeqNum != ex_info.streamSeqNum || discard; /* Is this instruction discardable as its streamSeqNum * doesn't match? */ if (!discard_inst) { /* Try to commit or discard a non-memory instruction. * Memory ops are actually 'committed' from this FUs * and 'issued' into the memory system so we need to * account for them later (commit_was_mem_issue gets * set) */ if (inst->extraCommitDelayExpr) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Evaluating expression for" " extra commit delay inst: %s\n", *inst); ThreadContext *thread = cpu.getContext(thread_id); TimingExprEvalContext context(inst->staticInst, thread, NULL); uint64_t extra_delay = inst->extraCommitDelayExpr-> eval(context); DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Extra commit delay expr" " result: %d\n", extra_delay); if (extra_delay < 128) { inst->extraCommitDelay += Cycles(extra_delay); } else { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Extra commit delay was" " very long: %d\n", extra_delay); } inst->extraCommitDelayExpr = NULL; } /* Move the extraCommitDelay from the instruction * into the minimumCommitCycle */ if (inst->extraCommitDelay != Cycles(0)) { inst->minimumCommitCycle = cpu.curCycle() + inst->extraCommitDelay; inst->extraCommitDelay = Cycles(0); } /* @todo Think about making lastMemBarrier be * MAX_UINT_64 to avoid using 0 as a marker value */ if (!inst->isFault() && inst->isMemRef() && lsq.getLastMemBarrier(thread_id) < inst->id.execSeqNum && lsq.getLastMemBarrier(thread_id) != 0) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Not committing inst: %s yet" " as there are incomplete barriers in flight\n", *inst); completed_inst = false; } else if (inst->minimumCommitCycle > now) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Not committing inst: %s yet" " as it wants to be stalled for %d more cycles\n", *inst, inst->minimumCommitCycle - now); completed_inst = false; } else { completed_inst = commitInst(inst, early_memory_issue, branch, fault, committed_inst, issued_mem_ref); } } else { /* Discard instruction */ completed_inst = true; } if (completed_inst) { /* Allow the pipeline to advance. If the FU head * instruction wasn't the inFlightInsts head * but had already been committed, it would have * unstalled the pipeline before here */ if (inst->fuIndex != noCostFUIndex) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Unstalling %d for inst %s\n", inst->fuIndex, inst->id); funcUnits[inst->fuIndex]->stalled = false; } } } } else { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "No instructions to commit\n"); completed_inst = false; } /* All discardable instructions must also be 'completed' by now */ assert(!(discard_inst && !completed_inst)); /* Instruction committed but was discarded due to streamSeqNum * mismatch */ if (discard_inst) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Discarding inst: %s as its stream" " state was unexpected, expected: %d\n", *inst, ex_info.streamSeqNum); if (fault == NoFault) cpu.stats.numDiscardedOps++; } /* Mark the mem inst as being in the LSQ */ if (issued_mem_ref) { inst->fuIndex = 0; inst->inLSQ = true; } /* Pop issued (to LSQ) and discarded mem refs from the inFUMemInsts * as they've *definitely* exited the FUs */ if (completed_inst && inst->isMemRef()) { /* The MemRef could have been discarded from the FU or the memory * queue, so just check an FU instruction */ if (!ex_info.inFUMemInsts->empty() && ex_info.inFUMemInsts->front().inst == inst) { ex_info.inFUMemInsts->pop(); } } if (completed_inst && !(issued_mem_ref && fault == NoFault)) { /* Note that this includes discarded insts */ DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Completed inst: %s\n", *inst); /* Got to the end of a full instruction? */ ex_info.lastCommitWasEndOfMacroop = inst->isFault() || inst->isLastOpInInst(); /* lastPredictionSeqNum is kept as a convenience to prevent its * value from changing too much on the minorview display */ ex_info.lastPredictionSeqNum = inst->id.predictionSeqNum; /* Finished with the inst, remove it from the inst queue and * clear its dependencies */ ex_info.inFlightInsts->pop(); /* Complete barriers in the LSQ/move to store buffer */ if (inst->isInst() && inst->staticInst->isMemBarrier()) { DPRINTF(MinorMem, "Completing memory barrier" " inst: %s committed: %d\n", *inst, committed_inst); lsq.completeMemBarrierInst(inst, committed_inst); } scoreboard[thread_id].clearInstDests(inst, inst->isMemRef()); } /* Handle per-cycle instruction counting */ if (committed_inst) { bool is_no_cost_inst = inst->isNoCostInst(); /* Don't show no cost instructions as having taken a commit * slot */ if (DTRACE(MinorTrace) && !is_no_cost_inst) ex_info.instsBeingCommitted.insts[num_insts_committed] = inst; if (!is_no_cost_inst) num_insts_committed++; if (num_insts_committed == commitLimit) DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Reached inst commit limit\n"); /* Re-set the time of the instruction if that's required for * tracing */ if (inst->traceData) { if (setTraceTimeOnCommit) inst->traceData->setWhen(curTick()); inst->traceData->dump(); } if (completed_mem_ref) num_mem_refs_committed++; if (num_mem_refs_committed == memoryCommitLimit) DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Reached mem ref commit limit\n"); } } } bool Execute::isInbetweenInsts(ThreadID thread_id) const { return executeInfo[thread_id].lastCommitWasEndOfMacroop && !lsq.accessesInFlight(); } void Execute::evaluate() { if (!inp.outputWire->isBubble()) inputBuffer[inp.outputWire->threadId].setTail(*inp.outputWire); BranchData &branch = *out.inputWire; unsigned int num_issued = 0; /* Do all the cycle-wise activities for dcachePort here to potentially * free up input spaces in the LSQ's requests queue */ lsq.step(); /* Check interrupts first. Will halt commit if interrupt found */ bool interrupted = false; ThreadID interrupt_tid = checkInterrupts(branch, interrupted); if (interrupt_tid != InvalidThreadID) { /* Signalling an interrupt this cycle, not issuing/committing from * any other threads */ } else if (!branch.isBubble()) { /* It's important that this is here to carry Fetch1 wakeups to Fetch1 * without overwriting them */ DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "Execute skipping a cycle to allow old" " branch to complete\n"); } else { ThreadID commit_tid = getCommittingThread(); if (commit_tid != InvalidThreadID) { ExecuteThreadInfo& commit_info = executeInfo[commit_tid]; DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Attempting to commit [tid:%d]\n", commit_tid); /* commit can set stalled flags observable to issue and so *must* be * called first */ if (commit_info.drainState != NotDraining) { if (commit_info.drainState == DrainCurrentInst) { /* Commit only micro-ops, don't kill anything else */ commit(commit_tid, true, false, branch); if (isInbetweenInsts(commit_tid)) setDrainState(commit_tid, DrainHaltFetch); /* Discard any generated branch */ branch = BranchData::bubble(); } else if (commit_info.drainState == DrainAllInsts) { /* Kill all instructions */ while (getInput(commit_tid)) popInput(commit_tid); commit(commit_tid, false, true, branch); } } else { /* Commit micro-ops only if interrupted. Otherwise, commit * anything you like */ DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Committing micro-ops for interrupt[tid:%d]\n", commit_tid); bool only_commit_microops = interrupted && hasInterrupt(commit_tid); commit(commit_tid, only_commit_microops, false, branch); } /* Halt fetch, but don't do it until we have the current instruction in * the bag */ if (commit_info.drainState == DrainHaltFetch) { updateBranchData(commit_tid, BranchData::HaltFetch, MinorDynInst::bubble(), TheISA::PCState(0), branch); cpu.wakeupOnEvent(Pipeline::ExecuteStageId); setDrainState(commit_tid, DrainAllInsts); } } ThreadID issue_tid = getIssuingThread(); /* This will issue merrily even when interrupted in the sure and * certain knowledge that the interrupt with change the stream */ if (issue_tid != InvalidThreadID) { DPRINTF(MinorExecute, "Attempting to issue [tid:%d]\n", issue_tid); num_issued = issue(issue_tid); } } /* Run logic to step functional units + decide if we are active on the next * clock cycle */ std::vector<MinorDynInstPtr> next_issuable_insts; bool can_issue_next = false; for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < cpu.numThreads; tid++) { /* Find the next issuable instruction for each thread and see if it can be issued */ if (getInput(tid)) { unsigned int input_index = executeInfo[tid].inputIndex; MinorDynInstPtr inst = getInput(tid)->insts[input_index]; if (inst->isFault()) { can_issue_next = true; } else if (!inst->isBubble()) { next_issuable_insts.push_back(inst); } } } bool becoming_stalled = true; /* Advance the pipelines and note whether they still need to be * advanced */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numFuncUnits; i++) { FUPipeline *fu = funcUnits[i]; fu->advance(); /* If we need to tick again, the pipeline will have been left or set * to be unstalled */ if (fu->occupancy !=0 && !fu->stalled) becoming_stalled = false; /* Could we possibly issue the next instruction from any thread? * This is quite an expensive test and is only used to determine * if the CPU should remain active, only run it if we aren't sure * we are active next cycle yet */ for (auto inst : next_issuable_insts) { if (!fu->stalled && fu->provides(inst->staticInst->opClass()) && scoreboard[inst->id.threadId].canInstIssue(inst, NULL, NULL, cpu.curCycle() + Cycles(1), cpu.getContext(inst->id.threadId))) { can_issue_next = true; break; } } } bool head_inst_might_commit = false; /* Could the head in flight insts be committed */ for (auto const &info : executeInfo) { if (!info.inFlightInsts->empty()) { const QueuedInst &head_inst = info.inFlightInsts->front(); if (head_inst.inst->isNoCostInst()) { head_inst_might_commit = true; } else { FUPipeline *fu = funcUnits[head_inst.inst->fuIndex]; if ((fu->stalled && fu->front().inst->id == head_inst.inst->id) || lsq.findResponse(head_inst.inst)) { head_inst_might_commit = true; break; } } } } DPRINTF(Activity, "Need to tick num issued insts: %s%s%s%s%s%s\n", (num_issued != 0 ? " (issued some insts)" : ""), (becoming_stalled ? "(becoming stalled)" : "(not becoming stalled)"), (can_issue_next ? " (can issued next inst)" : ""), (head_inst_might_commit ? "(head inst might commit)" : ""), (lsq.needsToTick() ? " (LSQ needs to tick)" : ""), (interrupted ? " (interrupted)" : "")); bool need_to_tick = num_issued != 0 || /* Issued some insts this cycle */ !becoming_stalled || /* Some FU pipelines can still move */ can_issue_next || /* Can still issue a new inst */ head_inst_might_commit || /* Could possible commit the next inst */ lsq.needsToTick() || /* Must step the dcache port */ interrupted; /* There are pending interrupts */ if (!need_to_tick) { DPRINTF(Activity, "The next cycle might be skippable as there are no" " advanceable FUs\n"); } /* Wake up if we need to tick again */ if (need_to_tick) cpu.wakeupOnEvent(Pipeline::ExecuteStageId); /* Note activity of following buffer */ if (!branch.isBubble()) cpu.activityRecorder->activity(); /* Make sure the input (if any left) is pushed */ if (!inp.outputWire->isBubble()) inputBuffer[inp.outputWire->threadId].pushTail(); } ThreadID Execute::checkInterrupts(BranchData& branch, bool& interrupted) { ThreadID tid = interruptPriority; /* Evaluate interrupts in round-robin based upon service */ do { /* Has an interrupt been signalled? This may not be acted on * straighaway so this is different from took_interrupt */ bool thread_interrupted = false; if (FullSystem && cpu.getInterruptController(tid)) { /* This is here because it seems that after drainResume the * interrupt controller isn't always set */ thread_interrupted = executeInfo[tid].drainState == NotDraining && isInterrupted(tid); interrupted = interrupted || thread_interrupted; } else { DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "No interrupt controller\n"); } DPRINTF(MinorInterrupt, "[tid:%d] thread_interrupted?=%d isInbetweenInsts?=%d\n", tid, thread_interrupted, isInbetweenInsts(tid)); /* Act on interrupts */ if (thread_interrupted && isInbetweenInsts(tid)) { if (takeInterrupt(tid, branch)) { interruptPriority = tid; return tid; } } else { tid = (tid + 1) % cpu.numThreads; } } while (tid != interruptPriority); return InvalidThreadID; } bool Execute::hasInterrupt(ThreadID thread_id) { if (FullSystem && cpu.getInterruptController(thread_id)) { return executeInfo[thread_id].drainState == NotDraining && isInterrupted(thread_id); } return false; } void Execute::minorTrace() const { std::ostringstream insts; std::ostringstream stalled; executeInfo[0].instsBeingCommitted.reportData(insts); lsq.minorTrace(); inputBuffer[0].minorTrace(); scoreboard[0].minorTrace(); /* Report functional unit stalling in one string */ unsigned int i = 0; while (i < numFuncUnits) { stalled << (funcUnits[i]->stalled ? '1' : 'E'); i++; if (i != numFuncUnits) stalled << ','; } MINORTRACE("insts=%s inputIndex=%d streamSeqNum=%d" " stalled=%s drainState=%d isInbetweenInsts=%d\n", insts.str(), executeInfo[0].inputIndex, executeInfo[0].streamSeqNum, stalled.str(), executeInfo[0].drainState, isInbetweenInsts(0)); std::for_each(funcUnits.begin(), funcUnits.end(), std::mem_fun(&FUPipeline::minorTrace)); executeInfo[0].inFlightInsts->minorTrace(); executeInfo[0].inFUMemInsts->minorTrace(); } inline ThreadID Execute::getCommittingThread() { std::vector<ThreadID> priority_list; switch (cpu.threadPolicy) { case Enums::SingleThreaded: return 0; case Enums::RoundRobin: priority_list = cpu.roundRobinPriority(commitPriority); break; case Enums::Random: priority_list = cpu.randomPriority(); break; default: panic("Invalid thread policy"); } for (auto tid : priority_list) { ExecuteThreadInfo &ex_info = executeInfo[tid]; bool can_commit_insts = !ex_info.inFlightInsts->empty(); if (can_commit_insts) { QueuedInst *head_inflight_inst = &(ex_info.inFlightInsts->front()); MinorDynInstPtr inst = head_inflight_inst->inst; can_commit_insts = can_commit_insts && (!inst->inLSQ || (lsq.findResponse(inst) != NULL)); if (!inst->inLSQ) { bool can_transfer_mem_inst = false; if (!ex_info.inFUMemInsts->empty() && lsq.canRequest()) { const MinorDynInstPtr head_mem_ref_inst = ex_info.inFUMemInsts->front().inst; FUPipeline *fu = funcUnits[head_mem_ref_inst->fuIndex]; const MinorDynInstPtr &fu_inst = fu->front().inst; can_transfer_mem_inst = !fu_inst->isBubble() && fu_inst->id.threadId == tid && !fu_inst->inLSQ && fu_inst->canEarlyIssue && inst->id.execSeqNum > fu_inst->instToWaitFor; } bool can_execute_fu_inst = inst->fuIndex == noCostFUIndex; if (can_commit_insts && !can_transfer_mem_inst && inst->fuIndex != noCostFUIndex) { QueuedInst& fu_inst = funcUnits[inst->fuIndex]->front(); can_execute_fu_inst = !fu_inst.inst->isBubble() && fu_inst.inst->id == inst->id; } can_commit_insts = can_commit_insts && (can_transfer_mem_inst || can_execute_fu_inst); } } if (can_commit_insts) { commitPriority = tid; return tid; } } return InvalidThreadID; } inline ThreadID Execute::getIssuingThread() { std::vector<ThreadID> priority_list; switch (cpu.threadPolicy) { case Enums::SingleThreaded: return 0; case Enums::RoundRobin: priority_list = cpu.roundRobinPriority(issuePriority); break; case Enums::Random: priority_list = cpu.randomPriority(); break; default: panic("Invalid thread scheduling policy."); } for (auto tid : priority_list) { if (getInput(tid)) { issuePriority = tid; return tid; } } return InvalidThreadID; } void Execute::drainResume() { DPRINTF(Drain, "MinorExecute drainResume\n"); for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < cpu.numThreads; tid++) { setDrainState(tid, NotDraining); } cpu.wakeupOnEvent(Pipeline::ExecuteStageId); } std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, Execute::DrainState state) { switch (state) { case Execute::NotDraining: os << "NotDraining"; break; case Execute::DrainCurrentInst: os << "DrainCurrentInst"; break; case Execute::DrainHaltFetch: os << "DrainHaltFetch"; break; case Execute::DrainAllInsts: os << "DrainAllInsts"; break; default: os << "Drain-" << static_cast<int>(state); break; } return os; } void Execute::setDrainState(ThreadID thread_id, DrainState state) { DPRINTF(Drain, "setDrainState[%d]: %s\n", thread_id, state); executeInfo[thread_id].drainState = state; } unsigned int Execute::drain() { DPRINTF(Drain, "MinorExecute drain\n"); for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < cpu.numThreads; tid++) { if (executeInfo[tid].drainState == NotDraining) { cpu.wakeupOnEvent(Pipeline::ExecuteStageId); /* Go to DrainCurrentInst if we're between microops * or waiting on an unbufferable memory operation. * Otherwise we can go straight to DrainHaltFetch */ if (isInbetweenInsts(tid)) setDrainState(tid, DrainHaltFetch); else setDrainState(tid, DrainCurrentInst); } } return (isDrained() ? 0 : 1); } bool Execute::isDrained() { if (!lsq.isDrained()) return false; for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < cpu.numThreads; tid++) { if (!inputBuffer[tid].empty() || !executeInfo[tid].inFlightInsts->empty()) { return false; } } return true; } Execute::~Execute() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numFuncUnits; i++) delete funcUnits[i]; for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < cpu.numThreads; tid++) delete executeInfo[tid].inFlightInsts; } bool Execute::instIsRightStream(MinorDynInstPtr inst) { return inst->id.streamSeqNum == executeInfo[inst->id.threadId].streamSeqNum; } bool Execute::instIsHeadInst(MinorDynInstPtr inst) { bool ret = false; if (!executeInfo[inst->id.threadId].inFlightInsts->empty()) ret = executeInfo[inst->id.threadId].inFlightInsts->front().inst->id == inst->id; return ret; } MinorCPU::MinorCPUPort & Execute::getDcachePort() { return lsq.getDcachePort(); } }