/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, 2014 ARM Limited * All rights reserved. * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Kevin Lim * Korey Sewell */ #ifndef __CPU_O3_COMMIT_HH__ #define __CPU_O3_COMMIT_HH__ #include <queue> #include "base/statistics.hh" #include "cpu/exetrace.hh" #include "cpu/inst_seq.hh" #include "cpu/timebuf.hh" #include "sim/probe/probe.hh" struct DerivO3CPUParams; template <class> struct O3ThreadState; /** * DefaultCommit handles single threaded and SMT commit. Its width is * specified by the parameters; each cycle it tries to commit that * many instructions. The SMT policy decides which thread it tries to * commit instructions from. Non- speculative instructions must reach * the head of the ROB before they are ready to execute; once they * reach the head, commit will broadcast the instruction's sequence * number to the previous stages so that they can issue/ execute the * instruction. Only one non-speculative instruction is handled per * cycle. Commit is responsible for handling all back-end initiated * redirects. It receives the redirect, and then broadcasts it to all * stages, indicating the sequence number they should squash until, * and any necessary branch misprediction information as well. It * priortizes redirects by instruction's age, only broadcasting a * redirect if it corresponds to an instruction that should currently * be in the ROB. This is done by tracking the sequence number of the * youngest instruction in the ROB, which gets updated to any * squashing instruction's sequence number, and only broadcasting a * redirect if it corresponds to an older instruction. Commit also * supports multiple cycle squashing, to model a ROB that can only * remove a certain number of instructions per cycle. */ template<class Impl> class DefaultCommit { public: // Typedefs from the Impl. typedef typename Impl::O3CPU O3CPU; typedef typename Impl::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr; typedef typename Impl::CPUPol CPUPol; typedef typename CPUPol::RenameMap RenameMap; typedef typename CPUPol::ROB ROB; typedef typename CPUPol::TimeStruct TimeStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::FetchStruct FetchStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::IEWStruct IEWStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::RenameStruct RenameStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::Fetch Fetch; typedef typename CPUPol::IEW IEW; typedef O3ThreadState<Impl> Thread; /** Overall commit status. Used to determine if the CPU can deschedule * itself due to a lack of activity. */ enum CommitStatus{ Active, Inactive }; /** Individual thread status. */ enum ThreadStatus { Running, Idle, ROBSquashing, TrapPending, FetchTrapPending, SquashAfterPending, //< Committing instructions before a squash. }; /** Commit policy for SMT mode. */ enum CommitPolicy { Aggressive, RoundRobin, OldestReady }; private: /** Overall commit status. */ CommitStatus _status; /** Next commit status, to be set at the end of the cycle. */ CommitStatus _nextStatus; /** Per-thread status. */ ThreadStatus commitStatus[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Commit policy used in SMT mode. */ CommitPolicy commitPolicy; /** Probe Points. */ ProbePointArg<DynInstPtr> *ppCommit; ProbePointArg<DynInstPtr> *ppCommitStall; /** To probe when an instruction is squashed */ ProbePointArg<DynInstPtr> *ppSquash; /** Mark the thread as processing a trap. */ void processTrapEvent(ThreadID tid); public: /** Construct a DefaultCommit with the given parameters. */ DefaultCommit(O3CPU *_cpu, DerivO3CPUParams *params); /** Returns the name of the DefaultCommit. */ std::string name() const; /** Registers statistics. */ void regStats(); /** Registers probes. */ void regProbePoints(); /** Sets the list of threads. */ void setThreads(std::vector<Thread *> &threads); /** Sets the main time buffer pointer, used for backwards communication. */ void setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr); void setFetchQueue(TimeBuffer<FetchStruct> *fq_ptr); /** Sets the pointer to the queue coming from rename. */ void setRenameQueue(TimeBuffer<RenameStruct> *rq_ptr); /** Sets the pointer to the queue coming from IEW. */ void setIEWQueue(TimeBuffer<IEWStruct> *iq_ptr); /** Sets the pointer to the IEW stage. */ void setIEWStage(IEW *iew_stage); /** The pointer to the IEW stage. Used solely to ensure that * various events (traps, interrupts, syscalls) do not occur until * all stores have written back. */ IEW *iewStage; /** Sets pointer to list of active threads. */ void setActiveThreads(std::list<ThreadID> *at_ptr); /** Sets pointer to the commited state rename map. */ void setRenameMap(RenameMap rm_ptr[Impl::MaxThreads]); /** Sets pointer to the ROB. */ void setROB(ROB *rob_ptr); /** Initializes stage by sending back the number of free entries. */ void startupStage(); /** Initializes the draining of commit. */ void drain(); /** Resumes execution after draining. */ void drainResume(); /** Perform sanity checks after a drain. */ void drainSanityCheck() const; /** Has the stage drained? */ bool isDrained() const; /** Takes over from another CPU's thread. */ void takeOverFrom(); /** Deschedules a thread from scheduling */ void deactivateThread(ThreadID tid); /** Ticks the commit stage, which tries to commit instructions. */ void tick(); /** Handles any squashes that are sent from IEW, and adds instructions * to the ROB and tries to commit instructions. */ void commit(); /** Returns the number of free ROB entries for a specific thread. */ size_t numROBFreeEntries(ThreadID tid); /** Generates an event to schedule a squash due to a trap. */ void generateTrapEvent(ThreadID tid, Fault inst_fault); /** Records that commit needs to initiate a squash due to an * external state update through the TC. */ void generateTCEvent(ThreadID tid); private: /** Updates the overall status of commit with the nextStatus, and * tell the CPU if commit is active/inactive. */ void updateStatus(); /** Returns if any of the threads have the number of ROB entries changed * on this cycle. Used to determine if the number of free ROB entries needs * to be sent back to previous stages. */ bool changedROBEntries(); /** Squashes all in flight instructions. */ void squashAll(ThreadID tid); /** Handles squashing due to a trap. */ void squashFromTrap(ThreadID tid); /** Handles squashing due to an TC write. */ void squashFromTC(ThreadID tid); /** Handles a squash from a squashAfter() request. */ void squashFromSquashAfter(ThreadID tid); /** * Handle squashing from instruction with SquashAfter set. * * This differs from the other squashes as it squashes following * instructions instead of the current instruction and doesn't * clean up various status bits about traps/tc writes * pending. Since there might have been instructions committed by * the commit stage before the squashing instruction was reached * and we can't commit and squash in the same cycle, we have to * squash in two steps: * * <ol> * <li>Immediately set the commit status of the thread of * SquashAfterPending. This forces the thread to stop * committing instructions in this cycle. The last * instruction to be committed in this cycle will be the * SquashAfter instruction. * <li>In the next cycle, commit() checks for the * SquashAfterPending state and squashes <i>all</i> * in-flight instructions. Since the SquashAfter instruction * was the last instruction to be committed in the previous * cycle, this causes all subsequent instructions to be * squashed. * </ol> * * @param tid ID of the thread to squash. * @param head_inst Instruction that requested the squash. */ void squashAfter(ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr &head_inst); /** Handles processing an interrupt. */ void handleInterrupt(); /** Get fetch redirecting so we can handle an interrupt */ void propagateInterrupt(); /** Commits as many instructions as possible. */ void commitInsts(); /** Tries to commit the head ROB instruction passed in. * @param head_inst The instruction to be committed. */ bool commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num); /** Gets instructions from rename and inserts them into the ROB. */ void getInsts(); /** Marks completed instructions using information sent from IEW. */ void markCompletedInsts(); /** Gets the thread to commit, based on the SMT policy. */ ThreadID getCommittingThread(); /** Returns the thread ID to use based on a round robin policy. */ ThreadID roundRobin(); /** Returns the thread ID to use based on an oldest instruction policy. */ ThreadID oldestReady(); public: /** Reads the PC of a specific thread. */ TheISA::PCState pcState(ThreadID tid) { return pc[tid]; } /** Sets the PC of a specific thread. */ void pcState(const TheISA::PCState &val, ThreadID tid) { pc[tid] = val; } /** Returns the PC of a specific thread. */ Addr instAddr(ThreadID tid) { return pc[tid].instAddr(); } /** Returns the next PC of a specific thread. */ Addr nextInstAddr(ThreadID tid) { return pc[tid].nextInstAddr(); } /** Reads the micro PC of a specific thread. */ Addr microPC(ThreadID tid) { return pc[tid].microPC(); } private: /** Time buffer interface. */ TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *timeBuffer; /** Wire to write information heading to previous stages. */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire toIEW; /** Wire to read information from IEW (for ROB). */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire robInfoFromIEW; TimeBuffer<FetchStruct> *fetchQueue; typename TimeBuffer<FetchStruct>::wire fromFetch; /** IEW instruction queue interface. */ TimeBuffer<IEWStruct> *iewQueue; /** Wire to read information from IEW queue. */ typename TimeBuffer<IEWStruct>::wire fromIEW; /** Rename instruction queue interface, for ROB. */ TimeBuffer<RenameStruct> *renameQueue; /** Wire to read information from rename queue. */ typename TimeBuffer<RenameStruct>::wire fromRename; public: /** ROB interface. */ ROB *rob; private: /** Pointer to O3CPU. */ O3CPU *cpu; /** Vector of all of the threads. */ std::vector<Thread *> thread; /** Records that commit has written to the time buffer this cycle. Used for * the CPU to determine if it can deschedule itself if there is no activity. */ bool wroteToTimeBuffer; /** Records if the number of ROB entries has changed this cycle. If it has, * then the number of free entries must be re-broadcast. */ bool changedROBNumEntries[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Records if a thread has to squash this cycle due to a trap. */ bool trapSquash[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Records if a thread has to squash this cycle due to an XC write. */ bool tcSquash[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** * Instruction passed to squashAfter(). * * The squash after implementation needs to buffer the instruction * that caused a squash since this needs to be passed to the fetch * stage once squashing starts. */ DynInstPtr squashAfterInst[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Priority List used for Commit Policy */ std::list<ThreadID> priority_list; /** IEW to Commit delay. */ const Cycles iewToCommitDelay; /** Commit to IEW delay. */ const Cycles commitToIEWDelay; /** Rename to ROB delay. */ const Cycles renameToROBDelay; const Cycles fetchToCommitDelay; /** Rename width, in instructions. Used so ROB knows how many * instructions to get from the rename instruction queue. */ const unsigned renameWidth; /** Commit width, in instructions. */ const unsigned commitWidth; /** Number of Reorder Buffers */ unsigned numRobs; /** Number of Active Threads */ const ThreadID numThreads; /** Is a drain pending? Commit is looking for an instruction boundary while * there are no pending interrupts */ bool drainPending; /** Is a drain imminent? Commit has found an instruction boundary while no * interrupts were present or in flight. This was the last architecturally * committed instruction. Interrupts disabled and pipeline flushed. * Waiting for structures to finish draining. */ bool drainImminent; /** The latency to handle a trap. Used when scheduling trap * squash event. */ const Cycles trapLatency; /** The interrupt fault. */ Fault interrupt; /** The commit PC state of each thread. Refers to the instruction that * is currently being processed/committed. */ TheISA::PCState pc[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** The sequence number of the youngest valid instruction in the ROB. */ InstSeqNum youngestSeqNum[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** The sequence number of the last commited instruction. */ InstSeqNum lastCommitedSeqNum[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Records if there is a trap currently in flight. */ bool trapInFlight[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Records if there were any stores committed this cycle. */ bool committedStores[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Records if commit should check if the ROB is truly empty (see commit_impl.hh). */ bool checkEmptyROB[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Pointer to the list of active threads. */ std::list<ThreadID> *activeThreads; /** Rename map interface. */ RenameMap *renameMap[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** True if last committed microop can be followed by an interrupt */ bool canHandleInterrupts; /** Have we had an interrupt pending and then seen it de-asserted because of a masking change? In this case the variable is set and the next time interrupts are enabled and pending the pipeline will squash to avoid a possible livelock senario. */ bool avoidQuiesceLiveLock; /** Updates commit stats based on this instruction. */ void updateComInstStats(DynInstPtr &inst); /** Stat for the total number of squashed instructions discarded by commit. */ Stats::Scalar commitSquashedInsts; /** Stat for the total number of times commit has had to stall due to a non- * speculative instruction reaching the head of the ROB. */ Stats::Scalar commitNonSpecStalls; /** Stat for the total number of branch mispredicts that caused a squash. */ Stats::Scalar branchMispredicts; /** Distribution of the number of committed instructions each cycle. */ Stats::Distribution numCommittedDist; /** Total number of instructions committed. */ Stats::Vector instsCommitted; /** Total number of ops (including micro ops) committed. */ Stats::Vector opsCommitted; /** Total number of software prefetches committed. */ Stats::Vector statComSwp; /** Stat for the total number of committed memory references. */ Stats::Vector statComRefs; /** Stat for the total number of committed loads. */ Stats::Vector statComLoads; /** Total number of committed memory barriers. */ Stats::Vector statComMembars; /** Total number of committed branches. */ Stats::Vector statComBranches; /** Total number of vector instructions */ Stats::Vector statComVector; /** Total number of floating point instructions */ Stats::Vector statComFloating; /** Total number of integer instructions */ Stats::Vector statComInteger; /** Total number of function calls */ Stats::Vector statComFunctionCalls; /** Committed instructions by instruction type (OpClass) */ Stats::Vector2d statCommittedInstType; /** Number of cycles where the commit bandwidth limit is reached. */ Stats::Scalar commitEligibleSamples; }; #endif // __CPU_O3_COMMIT_HH__