/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 ARM Limited * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * Copyright (c) 2011 Regents of the University of California * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Kevin Lim * Korey Sewell * Rick Strong */ #include "cpu/o3/cpu.hh" #include "arch/generic/traits.hh" #include "arch/kernel_stats.hh" #include "config/the_isa.hh" #include "cpu/activity.hh" #include "cpu/checker/cpu.hh" #include "cpu/checker/thread_context.hh" #include "cpu/o3/isa_specific.hh" #include "cpu/o3/thread_context.hh" #include "cpu/quiesce_event.hh" #include "cpu/simple_thread.hh" #include "cpu/thread_context.hh" #include "debug/Activity.hh" #include "debug/Drain.hh" #include "debug/O3CPU.hh" #include "debug/Quiesce.hh" #include "enums/MemoryMode.hh" #include "sim/core.hh" #include "sim/full_system.hh" #include "sim/process.hh" #include "sim/stat_control.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" #if THE_ISA == ALPHA_ISA #include "arch/alpha/osfpal.hh" #include "debug/Activity.hh" #endif struct BaseCPUParams; using namespace TheISA; using namespace std; BaseO3CPU::BaseO3CPU(BaseCPUParams *params) : BaseCPU(params) { } void BaseO3CPU::regStats() { BaseCPU::regStats(); } template<class Impl> bool FullO3CPU<Impl>::IcachePort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Fetch unit received timing\n"); // We shouldn't ever get a cacheable block in Modified state assert(pkt->req->isUncacheable() || !(pkt->cacheResponding() && !pkt->hasSharers())); fetch->processCacheCompletion(pkt); return true; } template<class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::IcachePort::recvReqRetry() { fetch->recvReqRetry(); } template <class Impl> bool FullO3CPU<Impl>::DcachePort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) { return lsq->recvTimingResp(pkt); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::DcachePort::recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt) { for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < cpu->numThreads; tid++) { if (cpu->getCpuAddrMonitor(tid)->doMonitor(pkt)) { cpu->wakeup(tid); } } lsq->recvTimingSnoopReq(pkt); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::DcachePort::recvReqRetry() { lsq->recvReqRetry(); } template <class Impl> FullO3CPU<Impl>::FullO3CPU(DerivO3CPUParams *params) : BaseO3CPU(params), itb(params->itb), dtb(params->dtb), tickEvent([this]{ tick(); }, "FullO3CPU tick", false, Event::CPU_Tick_Pri), #ifndef NDEBUG instcount(0), #endif removeInstsThisCycle(false), fetch(this, params), decode(this, params), rename(this, params), iew(this, params), commit(this, params), /* It is mandatory that all SMT threads use the same renaming mode as * they are sharing registers and rename */ vecMode(initRenameMode<TheISA::ISA>::mode(params->isa[0])), regFile(params->numPhysIntRegs, params->numPhysFloatRegs, params->numPhysVecRegs, params->numPhysCCRegs, vecMode), freeList(name() + ".freelist", ®File), rob(this, params), scoreboard(name() + ".scoreboard", regFile.totalNumPhysRegs()), isa(numThreads, NULL), icachePort(&fetch, this), dcachePort(&iew.ldstQueue, this), timeBuffer(params->backComSize, params->forwardComSize), fetchQueue(params->backComSize, params->forwardComSize), decodeQueue(params->backComSize, params->forwardComSize), renameQueue(params->backComSize, params->forwardComSize), iewQueue(params->backComSize, params->forwardComSize), activityRec(name(), NumStages, params->backComSize + params->forwardComSize, params->activity), globalSeqNum(1), system(params->system), lastRunningCycle(curCycle()) { if (!params->switched_out) { _status = Running; } else { _status = SwitchedOut; } if (params->checker) { BaseCPU *temp_checker = params->checker; checker = dynamic_cast<Checker<Impl> *>(temp_checker); checker->setIcachePort(&icachePort); checker->setSystem(params->system); } else { checker = NULL; } if (!FullSystem) { thread.resize(numThreads); tids.resize(numThreads); } // The stages also need their CPU pointer setup. However this // must be done at the upper level CPU because they have pointers // to the upper level CPU, and not this FullO3CPU. // Set up Pointers to the activeThreads list for each stage fetch.setActiveThreads(&activeThreads); decode.setActiveThreads(&activeThreads); rename.setActiveThreads(&activeThreads); iew.setActiveThreads(&activeThreads); commit.setActiveThreads(&activeThreads); // Give each of the stages the time buffer they will use. fetch.setTimeBuffer(&timeBuffer); decode.setTimeBuffer(&timeBuffer); rename.setTimeBuffer(&timeBuffer); iew.setTimeBuffer(&timeBuffer); commit.setTimeBuffer(&timeBuffer); // Also setup each of the stages' queues. fetch.setFetchQueue(&fetchQueue); decode.setFetchQueue(&fetchQueue); commit.setFetchQueue(&fetchQueue); decode.setDecodeQueue(&decodeQueue); rename.setDecodeQueue(&decodeQueue); rename.setRenameQueue(&renameQueue); iew.setRenameQueue(&renameQueue); iew.setIEWQueue(&iewQueue); commit.setIEWQueue(&iewQueue); commit.setRenameQueue(&renameQueue); commit.setIEWStage(&iew); rename.setIEWStage(&iew); rename.setCommitStage(&commit); ThreadID active_threads; if (FullSystem) { active_threads = 1; } else { active_threads = params->workload.size(); if (active_threads > Impl::MaxThreads) { panic("Workload Size too large. Increase the 'MaxThreads' " "constant in your O3CPU impl. file (e.g. o3/alpha/impl.hh) " "or edit your workload size."); } } //Make Sure That this a Valid Architeture assert(params->numPhysIntRegs >= numThreads * TheISA::NumIntRegs); assert(params->numPhysFloatRegs >= numThreads * TheISA::NumFloatRegs); assert(params->numPhysVecRegs >= numThreads * TheISA::NumVecRegs); assert(params->numPhysCCRegs >= numThreads * TheISA::NumCCRegs); rename.setScoreboard(&scoreboard); iew.setScoreboard(&scoreboard); // Setup the rename map for whichever stages need it. for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) { isa[tid] = params->isa[tid]; assert(initRenameMode<TheISA::ISA>::equals(isa[tid], isa[0])); // Only Alpha has an FP zero register, so for other ISAs we // use an invalid FP register index to avoid special treatment // of any valid FP reg. RegIndex invalidFPReg = TheISA::NumFloatRegs + 1; RegIndex fpZeroReg = (THE_ISA == ALPHA_ISA) ? TheISA::ZeroReg : invalidFPReg; commitRenameMap[tid].init(®File, TheISA::ZeroReg, fpZeroReg, &freeList, vecMode); renameMap[tid].init(®File, TheISA::ZeroReg, fpZeroReg, &freeList, vecMode); } // Initialize rename map to assign physical registers to the // architectural registers for active threads only. for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < active_threads; tid++) { for (RegIndex ridx = 0; ridx < TheISA::NumIntRegs; ++ridx) { // Note that we can't use the rename() method because we don't // want special treatment for the zero register at this point PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = freeList.getIntReg(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(RegId(IntRegClass, ridx), phys_reg); commitRenameMap[tid].setEntry(RegId(IntRegClass, ridx), phys_reg); } for (RegIndex ridx = 0; ridx < TheISA::NumFloatRegs; ++ridx) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = freeList.getFloatReg(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(RegId(FloatRegClass, ridx), phys_reg); commitRenameMap[tid].setEntry( RegId(FloatRegClass, ridx), phys_reg); } /* Here we need two 'interfaces' the 'whole register' and the * 'register element'. At any point only one of them will be * active. */ if (vecMode == Enums::Full) { /* Initialize the full-vector interface */ for (RegIndex ridx = 0; ridx < TheISA::NumVecRegs; ++ridx) { RegId rid = RegId(VecRegClass, ridx); PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = freeList.getVecReg(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(rid, phys_reg); commitRenameMap[tid].setEntry(rid, phys_reg); } } else { /* Initialize the vector-element interface */ for (RegIndex ridx = 0; ridx < TheISA::NumVecRegs; ++ridx) { for (ElemIndex ldx = 0; ldx < TheISA::NumVecElemPerVecReg; ++ldx) { RegId lrid = RegId(VecElemClass, ridx, ldx); PhysRegIdPtr phys_elem = freeList.getVecElem(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(lrid, phys_elem); commitRenameMap[tid].setEntry(lrid, phys_elem); } } } for (RegIndex ridx = 0; ridx < TheISA::NumCCRegs; ++ridx) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = freeList.getCCReg(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(RegId(CCRegClass, ridx), phys_reg); commitRenameMap[tid].setEntry(RegId(CCRegClass, ridx), phys_reg); } } rename.setRenameMap(renameMap); commit.setRenameMap(commitRenameMap); rename.setFreeList(&freeList); // Setup the ROB for whichever stages need it. commit.setROB(&rob); lastActivatedCycle = 0; #if 0 // Give renameMap & rename stage access to the freeList; for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) globalSeqNum[tid] = 1; #endif DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Creating O3CPU object.\n"); // Setup any thread state. this->thread.resize(this->numThreads); for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < this->numThreads; ++tid) { if (FullSystem) { // SMT is not supported in FS mode yet. assert(this->numThreads == 1); this->thread[tid] = new Thread(this, 0, NULL); } else { if (tid < params->workload.size()) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Workload[%i] process is %#x", tid, this->thread[tid]); this->thread[tid] = new typename FullO3CPU<Impl>::Thread( (typename Impl::O3CPU *)(this), tid, params->workload[tid]); //usedTids[tid] = true; //threadMap[tid] = tid; } else { //Allocate Empty thread so M5 can use later //when scheduling threads to CPU Process* dummy_proc = NULL; this->thread[tid] = new typename FullO3CPU<Impl>::Thread( (typename Impl::O3CPU *)(this), tid, dummy_proc); //usedTids[tid] = false; } } ThreadContext *tc; // Setup the TC that will serve as the interface to the threads/CPU. O3ThreadContext<Impl> *o3_tc = new O3ThreadContext<Impl>; tc = o3_tc; // If we're using a checker, then the TC should be the // CheckerThreadContext. if (params->checker) { tc = new CheckerThreadContext<O3ThreadContext<Impl> >( o3_tc, this->checker); } o3_tc->cpu = (typename Impl::O3CPU *)(this); assert(o3_tc->cpu); o3_tc->thread = this->thread[tid]; // Setup quiesce event. this->thread[tid]->quiesceEvent = new EndQuiesceEvent(tc); // Give the thread the TC. this->thread[tid]->tc = tc; // Add the TC to the CPU's list of TC's. this->threadContexts.push_back(tc); } // FullO3CPU always requires an interrupt controller. if (!params->switched_out && interrupts.empty()) { fatal("FullO3CPU %s has no interrupt controller.\n" "Ensure createInterruptController() is called.\n", name()); } for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < this->numThreads; tid++) this->thread[tid]->setFuncExeInst(0); } template <class Impl> FullO3CPU<Impl>::~FullO3CPU() { } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::regProbePoints() { BaseCPU::regProbePoints(); ppInstAccessComplete = new ProbePointArg<PacketPtr>(getProbeManager(), "InstAccessComplete"); ppDataAccessComplete = new ProbePointArg<std::pair<DynInstPtr, PacketPtr> >(getProbeManager(), "DataAccessComplete"); fetch.regProbePoints(); rename.regProbePoints(); iew.regProbePoints(); commit.regProbePoints(); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::regStats() { BaseO3CPU::regStats(); // Register any of the O3CPU's stats here. timesIdled .name(name() + ".timesIdled") .desc("Number of times that the entire CPU went into an idle state and" " unscheduled itself") .prereq(timesIdled); idleCycles .name(name() + ".idleCycles") .desc("Total number of cycles that the CPU has spent unscheduled due " "to idling") .prereq(idleCycles); quiesceCycles .name(name() + ".quiesceCycles") .desc("Total number of cycles that CPU has spent quiesced or waiting " "for an interrupt") .prereq(quiesceCycles); // Number of Instructions simulated // -------------------------------- // Should probably be in Base CPU but need templated // MaxThreads so put in here instead committedInsts .init(numThreads) .name(name() + ".committedInsts") .desc("Number of Instructions Simulated") .flags(Stats::total); committedOps .init(numThreads) .name(name() + ".committedOps") .desc("Number of Ops (including micro ops) Simulated") .flags(Stats::total); cpi .name(name() + ".cpi") .desc("CPI: Cycles Per Instruction") .precision(6); cpi = numCycles / committedInsts; totalCpi .name(name() + ".cpi_total") .desc("CPI: Total CPI of All Threads") .precision(6); totalCpi = numCycles / sum(committedInsts); ipc .name(name() + ".ipc") .desc("IPC: Instructions Per Cycle") .precision(6); ipc = committedInsts / numCycles; totalIpc .name(name() + ".ipc_total") .desc("IPC: Total IPC of All Threads") .precision(6); totalIpc = sum(committedInsts) / numCycles; this->fetch.regStats(); this->decode.regStats(); this->rename.regStats(); this->iew.regStats(); this->commit.regStats(); this->rob.regStats(); intRegfileReads .name(name() + ".int_regfile_reads") .desc("number of integer regfile reads") .prereq(intRegfileReads); intRegfileWrites .name(name() + ".int_regfile_writes") .desc("number of integer regfile writes") .prereq(intRegfileWrites); fpRegfileReads .name(name() + ".fp_regfile_reads") .desc("number of floating regfile reads") .prereq(fpRegfileReads); fpRegfileWrites .name(name() + ".fp_regfile_writes") .desc("number of floating regfile writes") .prereq(fpRegfileWrites); vecRegfileReads .name(name() + ".vec_regfile_reads") .desc("number of vector regfile reads") .prereq(vecRegfileReads); vecRegfileWrites .name(name() + ".vec_regfile_writes") .desc("number of vector regfile writes") .prereq(vecRegfileWrites); ccRegfileReads .name(name() + ".cc_regfile_reads") .desc("number of cc regfile reads") .prereq(ccRegfileReads); ccRegfileWrites .name(name() + ".cc_regfile_writes") .desc("number of cc regfile writes") .prereq(ccRegfileWrites); miscRegfileReads .name(name() + ".misc_regfile_reads") .desc("number of misc regfile reads") .prereq(miscRegfileReads); miscRegfileWrites .name(name() + ".misc_regfile_writes") .desc("number of misc regfile writes") .prereq(miscRegfileWrites); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::tick() { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "\n\nFullO3CPU: Ticking main, FullO3CPU.\n"); assert(!switchedOut()); assert(drainState() != DrainState::Drained); ++numCycles; updateCycleCounters(BaseCPU::CPU_STATE_ON); // activity = false; //Tick each of the stages fetch.tick(); decode.tick(); rename.tick(); iew.tick(); commit.tick(); // Now advance the time buffers timeBuffer.advance(); fetchQueue.advance(); decodeQueue.advance(); renameQueue.advance(); iewQueue.advance(); activityRec.advance(); if (removeInstsThisCycle) { cleanUpRemovedInsts(); } if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) { if (_status == SwitchedOut) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Switched out!\n"); // increment stat lastRunningCycle = curCycle(); } else if (!activityRec.active() || _status == Idle) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Idle!\n"); lastRunningCycle = curCycle(); timesIdled++; } else { schedule(tickEvent, clockEdge(Cycles(1))); DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Scheduling next tick!\n"); } } if (!FullSystem) updateThreadPriority(); tryDrain(); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::init() { BaseCPU::init(); for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; ++tid) { // Set noSquashFromTC so that the CPU doesn't squash when initially // setting up registers. thread[tid]->noSquashFromTC = true; // Initialise the ThreadContext's memory proxies thread[tid]->initMemProxies(thread[tid]->getTC()); } if (FullSystem && !params()->switched_out) { for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) { ThreadContext *src_tc = threadContexts[tid]; TheISA::initCPU(src_tc, src_tc->contextId()); } } // Clear noSquashFromTC. for (int tid = 0; tid < numThreads; ++tid) thread[tid]->noSquashFromTC = false; commit.setThreads(thread); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::startup() { BaseCPU::startup(); for (int tid = 0; tid < numThreads; ++tid) isa[tid]->startup(threadContexts[tid]); fetch.startupStage(); decode.startupStage(); iew.startupStage(); rename.startupStage(); commit.startupStage(); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::activateThread(ThreadID tid) { list<ThreadID>::iterator isActive = std::find(activeThreads.begin(), activeThreads.end(), tid); DPRINTF(O3CPU, "[tid:%i]: Calling activate thread.\n", tid); assert(!switchedOut()); if (isActive == activeThreads.end()) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "[tid:%i]: Adding to active threads list\n", tid); activeThreads.push_back(tid); } } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::deactivateThread(ThreadID tid) { //Remove From Active List, if Active list<ThreadID>::iterator thread_it = std::find(activeThreads.begin(), activeThreads.end(), tid); DPRINTF(O3CPU, "[tid:%i]: Calling deactivate thread.\n", tid); assert(!switchedOut()); if (thread_it != activeThreads.end()) { DPRINTF(O3CPU,"[tid:%i]: Removing from active threads list\n", tid); activeThreads.erase(thread_it); } fetch.deactivateThread(tid); commit.deactivateThread(tid); } template <class Impl> Counter FullO3CPU<Impl>::totalInsts() const { Counter total(0); ThreadID size = thread.size(); for (ThreadID i = 0; i < size; i++) total += thread[i]->numInst; return total; } template <class Impl> Counter FullO3CPU<Impl>::totalOps() const { Counter total(0); ThreadID size = thread.size(); for (ThreadID i = 0; i < size; i++) total += thread[i]->numOp; return total; } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::activateContext(ThreadID tid) { assert(!switchedOut()); // Needs to set each stage to running as well. activateThread(tid); // We don't want to wake the CPU if it is drained. In that case, // we just want to flag the thread as active and schedule the tick // event from drainResume() instead. if (drainState() == DrainState::Drained) return; // If we are time 0 or if the last activation time is in the past, // schedule the next tick and wake up the fetch unit if (lastActivatedCycle == 0 || lastActivatedCycle < curTick()) { scheduleTickEvent(Cycles(0)); // Be sure to signal that there's some activity so the CPU doesn't // deschedule itself. activityRec.activity(); fetch.wakeFromQuiesce(); Cycles cycles(curCycle() - lastRunningCycle); // @todo: This is an oddity that is only here to match the stats if (cycles != 0) --cycles; quiesceCycles += cycles; lastActivatedCycle = curTick(); _status = Running; BaseCPU::activateContext(tid); } } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::suspendContext(ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(O3CPU,"[tid: %i]: Suspending Thread Context.\n", tid); assert(!switchedOut()); deactivateThread(tid); // If this was the last thread then unschedule the tick event. if (activeThreads.size() == 0) { unscheduleTickEvent(); lastRunningCycle = curCycle(); _status = Idle; } DPRINTF(Quiesce, "Suspending Context\n"); BaseCPU::suspendContext(tid); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::haltContext(ThreadID tid) { //For now, this is the same as deallocate DPRINTF(O3CPU,"[tid:%i]: Halt Context called. Deallocating", tid); assert(!switchedOut()); deactivateThread(tid); removeThread(tid); updateCycleCounters(BaseCPU::CPU_STATE_SLEEP); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::insertThread(ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(O3CPU,"[tid:%i] Initializing thread into CPU"); // Will change now that the PC and thread state is internal to the CPU // and not in the ThreadContext. ThreadContext *src_tc; if (FullSystem) src_tc = system->threadContexts[tid]; else src_tc = tcBase(tid); //Bind Int Regs to Rename Map for (RegId reg_id(IntRegClass, 0); reg_id.index() < TheISA::NumIntRegs; reg_id.index()++) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = freeList.getIntReg(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(reg_id, phys_reg); scoreboard.setReg(phys_reg); } //Bind Float Regs to Rename Map for (RegId reg_id(FloatRegClass, 0); reg_id.index() < TheISA::NumFloatRegs; reg_id.index()++) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = freeList.getFloatReg(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(reg_id, phys_reg); scoreboard.setReg(phys_reg); } //Bind condition-code Regs to Rename Map for (RegId reg_id(CCRegClass, 0); reg_id.index() < TheISA::NumCCRegs; reg_id.index()++) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = freeList.getCCReg(); renameMap[tid].setEntry(reg_id, phys_reg); scoreboard.setReg(phys_reg); } //Copy Thread Data Into RegFile //this->copyFromTC(tid); //Set PC/NPC/NNPC pcState(src_tc->pcState(), tid); src_tc->setStatus(ThreadContext::Active); activateContext(tid); //Reset ROB/IQ/LSQ Entries commit.rob->resetEntries(); iew.resetEntries(); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::removeThread(ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(O3CPU,"[tid:%i] Removing thread context from CPU.\n", tid); // Copy Thread Data From RegFile // If thread is suspended, it might be re-allocated // this->copyToTC(tid); // @todo: 2-27-2008: Fix how we free up rename mappings // here to alleviate the case for double-freeing registers // in SMT workloads. // Unbind Int Regs from Rename Map for (RegId reg_id(IntRegClass, 0); reg_id.index() < TheISA::NumIntRegs; reg_id.index()++) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = renameMap[tid].lookup(reg_id); scoreboard.unsetReg(phys_reg); freeList.addReg(phys_reg); } // Unbind Float Regs from Rename Map for (RegId reg_id(FloatRegClass, 0); reg_id.index() < TheISA::NumFloatRegs; reg_id.index()++) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = renameMap[tid].lookup(reg_id); scoreboard.unsetReg(phys_reg); freeList.addReg(phys_reg); } // Unbind condition-code Regs from Rename Map for (RegId reg_id(CCRegClass, 0); reg_id.index() < TheISA::NumCCRegs; reg_id.index()++) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = renameMap[tid].lookup(reg_id); scoreboard.unsetReg(phys_reg); freeList.addReg(phys_reg); } // Squash Throughout Pipeline DynInstPtr inst = commit.rob->readHeadInst(tid); InstSeqNum squash_seq_num = inst->seqNum; fetch.squash(0, squash_seq_num, inst, tid); decode.squash(tid); rename.squash(squash_seq_num, tid); iew.squash(tid); iew.ldstQueue.squash(squash_seq_num, tid); commit.rob->squash(squash_seq_num, tid); assert(iew.instQueue.getCount(tid) == 0); assert(iew.ldstQueue.getCount(tid) == 0); // Reset ROB/IQ/LSQ Entries // Commented out for now. This should be possible to do by // telling all the pipeline stages to drain first, and then // checking until the drain completes. Once the pipeline is // drained, call resetEntries(). - 10-09-06 ktlim /* if (activeThreads.size() >= 1) { commit.rob->resetEntries(); iew.resetEntries(); } */ } template <class Impl> Fault FullO3CPU<Impl>::hwrei(ThreadID tid) { #if THE_ISA == ALPHA_ISA // Need to clear the lock flag upon returning from an interrupt. this->setMiscRegNoEffect(AlphaISA::MISCREG_LOCKFLAG, false, tid); this->thread[tid]->kernelStats->hwrei(); // FIXME: XXX check for interrupts? XXX #endif return NoFault; } template <class Impl> bool FullO3CPU<Impl>::simPalCheck(int palFunc, ThreadID tid) { #if THE_ISA == ALPHA_ISA if (this->thread[tid]->kernelStats) this->thread[tid]->kernelStats->callpal(palFunc, this->threadContexts[tid]); switch (palFunc) { case PAL::halt: halt(); if (--System::numSystemsRunning == 0) exitSimLoop("all cpus halted"); break; case PAL::bpt: case PAL::bugchk: if (this->system->breakpoint()) return false; break; } #endif return true; } template <class Impl> Fault FullO3CPU<Impl>::getInterrupts() { // Check if there are any outstanding interrupts return this->interrupts[0]->getInterrupt(this->threadContexts[0]); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::processInterrupts(const Fault &interrupt) { // Check for interrupts here. For now can copy the code that // exists within isa_fullsys_traits.hh. Also assume that thread 0 // is the one that handles the interrupts. // @todo: Possibly consolidate the interrupt checking code. // @todo: Allow other threads to handle interrupts. assert(interrupt != NoFault); this->interrupts[0]->updateIntrInfo(this->threadContexts[0]); DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Interrupt %s being handled\n", interrupt->name()); this->trap(interrupt, 0, nullptr); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::trap(const Fault &fault, ThreadID tid, const StaticInstPtr &inst) { // Pass the thread's TC into the invoke method. fault->invoke(this->threadContexts[tid], inst); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::syscall(int64_t callnum, ThreadID tid, Fault *fault) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "[tid:%i] Executing syscall().\n\n", tid); DPRINTF(Activity,"Activity: syscall() called.\n"); // Temporarily increase this by one to account for the syscall // instruction. ++(this->thread[tid]->funcExeInst); // Execute the actual syscall. this->thread[tid]->syscall(callnum, fault); // Decrease funcExeInst by one as the normal commit will handle // incrementing it. --(this->thread[tid]->funcExeInst); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::serializeThread(CheckpointOut &cp, ThreadID tid) const { thread[tid]->serialize(cp); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::unserializeThread(CheckpointIn &cp, ThreadID tid) { thread[tid]->unserialize(cp); } template <class Impl> DrainState FullO3CPU<Impl>::drain() { // Deschedule any power gating event (if any) deschedulePowerGatingEvent(); // If the CPU isn't doing anything, then return immediately. if (switchedOut()) return DrainState::Drained; DPRINTF(Drain, "Draining...\n"); // We only need to signal a drain to the commit stage as this // initiates squashing controls the draining. Once the commit // stage commits an instruction where it is safe to stop, it'll // squash the rest of the instructions in the pipeline and force // the fetch stage to stall. The pipeline will be drained once all // in-flight instructions have retired. commit.drain(); // Wake the CPU and record activity so everything can drain out if // the CPU was not able to immediately drain. if (!isDrained()) { // If a thread is suspended, wake it up so it can be drained for (auto t : threadContexts) { if (t->status() == ThreadContext::Suspended){ DPRINTF(Drain, "Currently suspended so activate %i \n", t->threadId()); t->activate(); // As the thread is now active, change the power state as well activateContext(t->threadId()); } } wakeCPU(); activityRec.activity(); DPRINTF(Drain, "CPU not drained\n"); return DrainState::Draining; } else { DPRINTF(Drain, "CPU is already drained\n"); if (tickEvent.scheduled()) deschedule(tickEvent); // Flush out any old data from the time buffers. In // particular, there might be some data in flight from the // fetch stage that isn't visible in any of the CPU buffers we // test in isDrained(). for (int i = 0; i < timeBuffer.getSize(); ++i) { timeBuffer.advance(); fetchQueue.advance(); decodeQueue.advance(); renameQueue.advance(); iewQueue.advance(); } drainSanityCheck(); return DrainState::Drained; } } template <class Impl> bool FullO3CPU<Impl>::tryDrain() { if (drainState() != DrainState::Draining || !isDrained()) return false; if (tickEvent.scheduled()) deschedule(tickEvent); DPRINTF(Drain, "CPU done draining, processing drain event\n"); signalDrainDone(); return true; } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::drainSanityCheck() const { assert(isDrained()); fetch.drainSanityCheck(); decode.drainSanityCheck(); rename.drainSanityCheck(); iew.drainSanityCheck(); commit.drainSanityCheck(); } template <class Impl> bool FullO3CPU<Impl>::isDrained() const { bool drained(true); if (!instList.empty() || !removeList.empty()) { DPRINTF(Drain, "Main CPU structures not drained.\n"); drained = false; } if (!fetch.isDrained()) { DPRINTF(Drain, "Fetch not drained.\n"); drained = false; } if (!decode.isDrained()) { DPRINTF(Drain, "Decode not drained.\n"); drained = false; } if (!rename.isDrained()) { DPRINTF(Drain, "Rename not drained.\n"); drained = false; } if (!iew.isDrained()) { DPRINTF(Drain, "IEW not drained.\n"); drained = false; } if (!commit.isDrained()) { DPRINTF(Drain, "Commit not drained.\n"); drained = false; } return drained; } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::commitDrained(ThreadID tid) { fetch.drainStall(tid); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::drainResume() { if (switchedOut()) return; DPRINTF(Drain, "Resuming...\n"); verifyMemoryMode(); fetch.drainResume(); commit.drainResume(); _status = Idle; for (ThreadID i = 0; i < thread.size(); i++) { if (thread[i]->status() == ThreadContext::Active) { DPRINTF(Drain, "Activating thread: %i\n", i); activateThread(i); _status = Running; } } assert(!tickEvent.scheduled()); if (_status == Running) schedule(tickEvent, nextCycle()); // Reschedule any power gating event (if any) schedulePowerGatingEvent(); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::switchOut() { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Switching out\n"); BaseCPU::switchOut(); activityRec.reset(); _status = SwitchedOut; if (checker) checker->switchOut(); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU) { BaseCPU::takeOverFrom(oldCPU); fetch.takeOverFrom(); decode.takeOverFrom(); rename.takeOverFrom(); iew.takeOverFrom(); commit.takeOverFrom(); assert(!tickEvent.scheduled()); FullO3CPU<Impl> *oldO3CPU = dynamic_cast<FullO3CPU<Impl>*>(oldCPU); if (oldO3CPU) globalSeqNum = oldO3CPU->globalSeqNum; lastRunningCycle = curCycle(); _status = Idle; } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::verifyMemoryMode() const { if (!system->isTimingMode()) { fatal("The O3 CPU requires the memory system to be in " "'timing' mode.\n"); } } template <class Impl> TheISA::MiscReg FullO3CPU<Impl>::readMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, ThreadID tid) const { return this->isa[tid]->readMiscRegNoEffect(misc_reg); } template <class Impl> TheISA::MiscReg FullO3CPU<Impl>::readMiscReg(int misc_reg, ThreadID tid) { miscRegfileReads++; return this->isa[tid]->readMiscReg(misc_reg, tcBase(tid)); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setMiscRegNoEffect(int misc_reg, const TheISA::MiscReg &val, ThreadID tid) { this->isa[tid]->setMiscRegNoEffect(misc_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setMiscReg(int misc_reg, const TheISA::MiscReg &val, ThreadID tid) { miscRegfileWrites++; this->isa[tid]->setMiscReg(misc_reg, val, tcBase(tid)); } template <class Impl> uint64_t FullO3CPU<Impl>::readIntReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg) { intRegfileReads++; return regFile.readIntReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> FloatReg FullO3CPU<Impl>::readFloatReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg) { fpRegfileReads++; return regFile.readFloatReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> FloatRegBits FullO3CPU<Impl>::readFloatRegBits(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg) { fpRegfileReads++; return regFile.readFloatRegBits(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> auto FullO3CPU<Impl>::readVecReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg) const -> const VecRegContainer& { vecRegfileReads++; return regFile.readVecReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> auto FullO3CPU<Impl>::getWritableVecReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg) -> VecRegContainer& { vecRegfileWrites++; return regFile.getWritableVecReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> auto FullO3CPU<Impl>::readVecElem(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg) const -> const VecElem& { vecRegfileReads++; return regFile.readVecElem(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> CCReg FullO3CPU<Impl>::readCCReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg) { ccRegfileReads++; return regFile.readCCReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setIntReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg, uint64_t val) { intRegfileWrites++; regFile.setIntReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setFloatReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg, FloatReg val) { fpRegfileWrites++; regFile.setFloatReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setFloatRegBits(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg, FloatRegBits val) { fpRegfileWrites++; regFile.setFloatRegBits(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setVecReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg, const VecRegContainer& val) { vecRegfileWrites++; regFile.setVecReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setVecElem(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg, const VecElem& val) { vecRegfileWrites++; regFile.setVecElem(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setCCReg(PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg, CCReg val) { ccRegfileWrites++; regFile.setCCReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> uint64_t FullO3CPU<Impl>::readArchIntReg(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid) { intRegfileReads++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(IntRegClass, reg_idx)); return regFile.readIntReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> float FullO3CPU<Impl>::readArchFloatReg(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid) { fpRegfileReads++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(FloatRegClass, reg_idx)); return regFile.readFloatReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> uint64_t FullO3CPU<Impl>::readArchFloatRegInt(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid) { fpRegfileReads++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(FloatRegClass, reg_idx)); return regFile.readFloatRegBits(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> auto FullO3CPU<Impl>::readArchVecReg(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid) const -> const VecRegContainer& { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(VecRegClass, reg_idx)); return readVecReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> auto FullO3CPU<Impl>::getWritableArchVecReg(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid) -> VecRegContainer& { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(VecRegClass, reg_idx)); return getWritableVecReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> auto FullO3CPU<Impl>::readArchVecElem(const RegIndex& reg_idx, const ElemIndex& ldx, ThreadID tid) const -> const VecElem& { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(VecRegClass, reg_idx, ldx)); return readVecElem(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> CCReg FullO3CPU<Impl>::readArchCCReg(int reg_idx, ThreadID tid) { ccRegfileReads++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(CCRegClass, reg_idx)); return regFile.readCCReg(phys_reg); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setArchIntReg(int reg_idx, uint64_t val, ThreadID tid) { intRegfileWrites++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(IntRegClass, reg_idx)); regFile.setIntReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setArchFloatReg(int reg_idx, float val, ThreadID tid) { fpRegfileWrites++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(FloatRegClass, reg_idx)); regFile.setFloatReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setArchFloatRegInt(int reg_idx, uint64_t val, ThreadID tid) { fpRegfileWrites++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(FloatRegClass, reg_idx)); regFile.setFloatRegBits(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setArchVecReg(int reg_idx, const VecRegContainer& val, ThreadID tid) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(VecRegClass, reg_idx)); setVecReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setArchVecElem(const RegIndex& reg_idx, const ElemIndex& ldx, const VecElem& val, ThreadID tid) { PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(VecRegClass, reg_idx, ldx)); setVecElem(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::setArchCCReg(int reg_idx, CCReg val, ThreadID tid) { ccRegfileWrites++; PhysRegIdPtr phys_reg = commitRenameMap[tid].lookup( RegId(CCRegClass, reg_idx)); regFile.setCCReg(phys_reg, val); } template <class Impl> TheISA::PCState FullO3CPU<Impl>::pcState(ThreadID tid) { return commit.pcState(tid); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::pcState(const TheISA::PCState &val, ThreadID tid) { commit.pcState(val, tid); } template <class Impl> Addr FullO3CPU<Impl>::instAddr(ThreadID tid) { return commit.instAddr(tid); } template <class Impl> Addr FullO3CPU<Impl>::nextInstAddr(ThreadID tid) { return commit.nextInstAddr(tid); } template <class Impl> MicroPC FullO3CPU<Impl>::microPC(ThreadID tid) { return commit.microPC(tid); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::squashFromTC(ThreadID tid) { this->thread[tid]->noSquashFromTC = true; this->commit.generateTCEvent(tid); } template <class Impl> typename FullO3CPU<Impl>::ListIt FullO3CPU<Impl>::addInst(DynInstPtr &inst) { instList.push_back(inst); return --(instList.end()); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::instDone(ThreadID tid, DynInstPtr &inst) { // Keep an instruction count. if (!inst->isMicroop() || inst->isLastMicroop()) { thread[tid]->numInst++; thread[tid]->numInsts++; committedInsts[tid]++; system->totalNumInsts++; // Check for instruction-count-based events. comInstEventQueue[tid]->serviceEvents(thread[tid]->numInst); system->instEventQueue.serviceEvents(system->totalNumInsts); } thread[tid]->numOp++; thread[tid]->numOps++; committedOps[tid]++; probeInstCommit(inst->staticInst); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::removeFrontInst(DynInstPtr &inst) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Removing committed instruction [tid:%i] PC %s " "[sn:%lli]\n", inst->threadNumber, inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum); removeInstsThisCycle = true; // Remove the front instruction. removeList.push(inst->getInstListIt()); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::removeInstsNotInROB(ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Thread %i: Deleting instructions from instruction" " list.\n", tid); ListIt end_it; bool rob_empty = false; if (instList.empty()) { return; } else if (rob.isEmpty(tid)) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "ROB is empty, squashing all insts.\n"); end_it = instList.begin(); rob_empty = true; } else { end_it = (rob.readTailInst(tid))->getInstListIt(); DPRINTF(O3CPU, "ROB is not empty, squashing insts not in ROB.\n"); } removeInstsThisCycle = true; ListIt inst_it = instList.end(); inst_it--; // Walk through the instruction list, removing any instructions // that were inserted after the given instruction iterator, end_it. while (inst_it != end_it) { assert(!instList.empty()); squashInstIt(inst_it, tid); inst_it--; } // If the ROB was empty, then we actually need to remove the first // instruction as well. if (rob_empty) { squashInstIt(inst_it, tid); } } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::removeInstsUntil(const InstSeqNum &seq_num, ThreadID tid) { assert(!instList.empty()); removeInstsThisCycle = true; ListIt inst_iter = instList.end(); inst_iter--; DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Deleting instructions from instruction " "list that are from [tid:%i] and above [sn:%lli] (end=%lli).\n", tid, seq_num, (*inst_iter)->seqNum); while ((*inst_iter)->seqNum > seq_num) { bool break_loop = (inst_iter == instList.begin()); squashInstIt(inst_iter, tid); inst_iter--; if (break_loop) break; } } template <class Impl> inline void FullO3CPU<Impl>::squashInstIt(const ListIt &instIt, ThreadID tid) { if ((*instIt)->threadNumber == tid) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Squashing instruction, " "[tid:%i] [sn:%lli] PC %s\n", (*instIt)->threadNumber, (*instIt)->seqNum, (*instIt)->pcState()); // Mark it as squashed. (*instIt)->setSquashed(); // @todo: Formulate a consistent method for deleting // instructions from the instruction list // Remove the instruction from the list. removeList.push(instIt); } } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::cleanUpRemovedInsts() { while (!removeList.empty()) { DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Removing instruction, " "[tid:%i] [sn:%lli] PC %s\n", (*removeList.front())->threadNumber, (*removeList.front())->seqNum, (*removeList.front())->pcState()); instList.erase(removeList.front()); removeList.pop(); } removeInstsThisCycle = false; } /* template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::removeAllInsts() { instList.clear(); } */ template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::dumpInsts() { int num = 0; ListIt inst_list_it = instList.begin(); cprintf("Dumping Instruction List\n"); while (inst_list_it != instList.end()) { cprintf("Instruction:%i\nPC:%#x\n[tid:%i]\n[sn:%lli]\nIssued:%i\n" "Squashed:%i\n\n", num, (*inst_list_it)->instAddr(), (*inst_list_it)->threadNumber, (*inst_list_it)->seqNum, (*inst_list_it)->isIssued(), (*inst_list_it)->isSquashed()); inst_list_it++; ++num; } } /* template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::wakeDependents(DynInstPtr &inst) { iew.wakeDependents(inst); } */ template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::wakeCPU() { if (activityRec.active() || tickEvent.scheduled()) { DPRINTF(Activity, "CPU already running.\n"); return; } DPRINTF(Activity, "Waking up CPU\n"); Cycles cycles(curCycle() - lastRunningCycle); // @todo: This is an oddity that is only here to match the stats if (cycles > 1) { --cycles; idleCycles += cycles; numCycles += cycles; } schedule(tickEvent, clockEdge()); } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::wakeup(ThreadID tid) { if (this->thread[tid]->status() != ThreadContext::Suspended) return; this->wakeCPU(); DPRINTF(Quiesce, "Suspended Processor woken\n"); this->threadContexts[tid]->activate(); } template <class Impl> ThreadID FullO3CPU<Impl>::getFreeTid() { for (ThreadID tid = 0; tid < numThreads; tid++) { if (!tids[tid]) { tids[tid] = true; return tid; } } return InvalidThreadID; } template <class Impl> void FullO3CPU<Impl>::updateThreadPriority() { if (activeThreads.size() > 1) { //DEFAULT TO ROUND ROBIN SCHEME //e.g. Move highest priority to end of thread list list<ThreadID>::iterator list_begin = activeThreads.begin(); unsigned high_thread = *list_begin; activeThreads.erase(list_begin); activeThreads.push_back(high_thread); } } // Forward declaration of FullO3CPU. template class FullO3CPU<O3CPUImpl>;