/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Kevin Lim */ #ifndef __CPU_O3_DECODE_HH__ #define __CPU_O3_DECODE_HH__ #include <queue> #include "base/statistics.hh" #include "cpu/timebuf.hh" class DerivO3CPUParams; /** * DefaultDecode class handles both single threaded and SMT * decode. Its width is specified by the parameters; each cycles it * tries to decode that many instructions. Because instructions are * actually decoded when the StaticInst is created, this stage does * not do much other than check any PC-relative branches. */ template<class Impl> class DefaultDecode { private: // Typedefs from the Impl. typedef typename Impl::O3CPU O3CPU; typedef typename Impl::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr; typedef typename Impl::CPUPol CPUPol; // Typedefs from the CPU policy. typedef typename CPUPol::FetchStruct FetchStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::DecodeStruct DecodeStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::TimeStruct TimeStruct; public: /** Overall decode stage status. Used to determine if the CPU can * deschedule itself due to a lack of activity. */ enum DecodeStatus { Active, Inactive }; /** Individual thread status. */ enum ThreadStatus { Running, Idle, StartSquash, Squashing, Blocked, Unblocking }; private: /** Decode status. */ DecodeStatus _status; /** Per-thread status. */ ThreadStatus decodeStatus[Impl::MaxThreads]; public: /** DefaultDecode constructor. */ DefaultDecode(O3CPU *_cpu, DerivO3CPUParams *params); /** Returns the name of decode. */ std::string name() const; /** Registers statistics. */ void regStats(); /** Sets the main backwards communication time buffer pointer. */ void setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr); /** Sets pointer to time buffer used to communicate to the next stage. */ void setDecodeQueue(TimeBuffer<DecodeStruct> *dq_ptr); /** Sets pointer to time buffer coming from fetch. */ void setFetchQueue(TimeBuffer<FetchStruct> *fq_ptr); /** Sets pointer to list of active threads. */ void setActiveThreads(std::list<ThreadID> *at_ptr); /** Drains the decode stage. */ bool drain(); /** Resumes execution after a drain. */ void resume() { } /** Switches out the decode stage. */ void switchOut() { } /** Takes over from another CPU's thread. */ void takeOverFrom(); /** Ticks decode, processing all input signals and decoding as many * instructions as possible. */ void tick(); /** Determines what to do based on decode's current status. * @param status_change decode() sets this variable if there was a status * change (ie switching from from blocking to unblocking). * @param tid Thread id to decode instructions from. */ void decode(bool &status_change, ThreadID tid); /** Processes instructions from fetch and passes them on to rename. * Decoding of instructions actually happens when they are created in * fetch, so this function mostly checks if PC-relative branches are * correct. */ void decodeInsts(ThreadID tid); private: /** Inserts a thread's instructions into the skid buffer, to be decoded * once decode unblocks. */ void skidInsert(ThreadID tid); /** Returns if all of the skid buffers are empty. */ bool skidsEmpty(); /** Updates overall decode status based on all of the threads' statuses. */ void updateStatus(); /** Separates instructions from fetch into individual lists of instructions * sorted by thread. */ void sortInsts(); /** Reads all stall signals from the backwards communication timebuffer. */ void readStallSignals(ThreadID tid); /** Checks all input signals and updates decode's status appropriately. */ bool checkSignalsAndUpdate(ThreadID tid); /** Checks all stall signals, and returns if any are true. */ bool checkStall(ThreadID tid) const; /** Returns if there any instructions from fetch on this cycle. */ inline bool fetchInstsValid(); /** Switches decode to blocking, and signals back that decode has * become blocked. * @return Returns true if there is a status change. */ bool block(ThreadID tid); /** Switches decode to unblocking if the skid buffer is empty, and * signals back that decode has unblocked. * @return Returns true if there is a status change. */ bool unblock(ThreadID tid); /** Squashes if there is a PC-relative branch that was predicted * incorrectly. Sends squash information back to fetch. */ void squash(DynInstPtr &inst, ThreadID tid); public: /** Squashes due to commit signalling a squash. Changes status to * squashing and clears block/unblock signals as needed. */ unsigned squash(ThreadID tid); private: // Interfaces to objects outside of decode. /** CPU interface. */ O3CPU *cpu; /** Time buffer interface. */ TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *timeBuffer; /** Wire to get rename's output from backwards time buffer. */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire fromRename; /** Wire to get iew's information from backwards time buffer. */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire fromIEW; /** Wire to get commit's information from backwards time buffer. */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire fromCommit; /** Wire to write information heading to previous stages. */ // Might not be the best name as not only fetch will read it. typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire toFetch; /** Decode instruction queue. */ TimeBuffer<DecodeStruct> *decodeQueue; /** Wire used to write any information heading to rename. */ typename TimeBuffer<DecodeStruct>::wire toRename; /** Fetch instruction queue interface. */ TimeBuffer<FetchStruct> *fetchQueue; /** Wire to get fetch's output from fetch queue. */ typename TimeBuffer<FetchStruct>::wire fromFetch; /** Queue of all instructions coming from fetch this cycle. */ std::queue<DynInstPtr> insts[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Skid buffer between fetch and decode. */ std::queue<DynInstPtr> skidBuffer[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Variable that tracks if decode has written to the time buffer this * cycle. Used to tell CPU if there is activity this cycle. */ bool wroteToTimeBuffer; /** Source of possible stalls. */ struct Stalls { bool rename; bool iew; bool commit; }; /** Tracks which stages are telling decode to stall. */ Stalls stalls[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Rename to decode delay, in ticks. */ unsigned renameToDecodeDelay; /** IEW to decode delay, in ticks. */ unsigned iewToDecodeDelay; /** Commit to decode delay, in ticks. */ unsigned commitToDecodeDelay; /** Fetch to decode delay, in ticks. */ unsigned fetchToDecodeDelay; /** The width of decode, in instructions. */ unsigned decodeWidth; /** Index of instructions being sent to rename. */ unsigned toRenameIndex; /** number of Active Threads*/ ThreadID numThreads; /** List of active thread ids */ std::list<ThreadID> *activeThreads; /** Number of branches in flight. */ unsigned branchCount[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Maximum size of the skid buffer. */ unsigned skidBufferMax; /** SeqNum of Squashing Branch Delay Instruction (used for MIPS)*/ Addr bdelayDoneSeqNum[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Instruction used for squashing branch (used for MIPS)*/ DynInstPtr squashInst[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Tells when their is a pending delay slot inst. to send * to rename. If there is, then wait squash after the next * instruction (used for MIPS). */ bool squashAfterDelaySlot[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Stat for total number of idle cycles. */ Stats::Scalar decodeIdleCycles; /** Stat for total number of blocked cycles. */ Stats::Scalar decodeBlockedCycles; /** Stat for total number of normal running cycles. */ Stats::Scalar decodeRunCycles; /** Stat for total number of unblocking cycles. */ Stats::Scalar decodeUnblockCycles; /** Stat for total number of squashing cycles. */ Stats::Scalar decodeSquashCycles; /** Stat for number of times a branch is resolved at decode. */ Stats::Scalar decodeBranchResolved; /** Stat for number of times a branch mispredict is detected. */ Stats::Scalar decodeBranchMispred; /** Stat for number of times decode detected a non-control instruction * incorrectly predicted as a branch. */ Stats::Scalar decodeControlMispred; /** Stat for total number of decoded instructions. */ Stats::Scalar decodeDecodedInsts; /** Stat for total number of squashed instructions. */ Stats::Scalar decodeSquashedInsts; }; #endif // __CPU_O3_DECODE_HH__