/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 ARM Limited * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Kevin Lim * Korey Sewell */ #ifndef __CPU_O3_LSQ_UNIT_IMPL_HH__ #define __CPU_O3_LSQ_UNIT_IMPL_HH__ #include "arch/generic/debugfaults.hh" #include "arch/locked_mem.hh" #include "base/str.hh" #include "config/the_isa.hh" #include "cpu/checker/cpu.hh" #include "cpu/o3/lsq.hh" #include "cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh" #include "debug/Activity.hh" #include "debug/IEW.hh" #include "debug/LSQUnit.hh" #include "debug/O3PipeView.hh" #include "mem/packet.hh" #include "mem/request.hh" template<class Impl> LSQUnit<Impl>::WritebackEvent::WritebackEvent(DynInstPtr &_inst, PacketPtr _pkt, LSQUnit *lsq_ptr) : Event(Default_Pri, AutoDelete), inst(_inst), pkt(_pkt), lsqPtr(lsq_ptr) { } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::WritebackEvent::process() { assert(!lsqPtr->cpu->switchedOut()); lsqPtr->writeback(inst, pkt); if (pkt->senderState) delete pkt->senderState; delete pkt->req; delete pkt; } template<class Impl> const char * LSQUnit<Impl>::WritebackEvent::description() const { return "Store writeback"; } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::completeDataAccess(PacketPtr pkt) { LSQSenderState *state = dynamic_cast<LSQSenderState *>(pkt->senderState); DynInstPtr inst = state->inst; DPRINTF(IEW, "Writeback event [sn:%lli].\n", inst->seqNum); DPRINTF(Activity, "Activity: Writeback event [sn:%lli].\n", inst->seqNum); if (state->cacheBlocked) { // This is the first half of a previous split load, // where the 2nd half blocked, ignore this response DPRINTF(IEW, "[sn:%lli]: Response from first half of earlier " "blocked split load recieved. Ignoring.\n", inst->seqNum); delete state; return; } // If this is a split access, wait until all packets are received. if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && !state->complete()) { return; } assert(!cpu->switchedOut()); if (!inst->isSquashed()) { if (!state->noWB) { if (!TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc || !state->isSplit || !state->isLoad) { writeback(inst, pkt); } else { writeback(inst, state->mainPkt); } } if (inst->isStore()) { completeStore(state->idx); } } if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && state->isSplit && state->isLoad) { delete state->mainPkt->req; delete state->mainPkt; } pkt->req->setAccessLatency(); cpu->ppDataAccessComplete->notify(std::make_pair(inst, pkt)); delete state; } template <class Impl> LSQUnit<Impl>::LSQUnit() : loads(0), stores(0), storesToWB(0), cacheBlockMask(0), stalled(false), isStoreBlocked(false), storeInFlight(false), hasPendingPkt(false), pendingPkt(nullptr) { } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::init(O3CPU *cpu_ptr, IEW *iew_ptr, DerivO3CPUParams *params, LSQ *lsq_ptr, unsigned maxLQEntries, unsigned maxSQEntries, unsigned id) { cpu = cpu_ptr; iewStage = iew_ptr; lsq = lsq_ptr; lsqID = id; DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Creating LSQUnit%i object.\n",id); // Add 1 for the sentinel entry (they are circular queues). LQEntries = maxLQEntries + 1; SQEntries = maxSQEntries + 1; //Due to uint8_t index in LSQSenderState assert(LQEntries <= 256); assert(SQEntries <= 256); loadQueue.resize(LQEntries); storeQueue.resize(SQEntries); depCheckShift = params->LSQDepCheckShift; checkLoads = params->LSQCheckLoads; cacheStorePorts = params->cacheStorePorts; needsTSO = params->needsTSO; resetState(); } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::resetState() { loads = stores = storesToWB = 0; loadHead = loadTail = 0; storeHead = storeWBIdx = storeTail = 0; usedStorePorts = 0; retryPkt = NULL; memDepViolator = NULL; stalled = false; cacheBlockMask = ~(cpu->cacheLineSize() - 1); } template<class Impl> std::string LSQUnit<Impl>::name() const { if (Impl::MaxThreads == 1) { return iewStage->name() + ".lsq"; } else { return iewStage->name() + ".lsq.thread" + std::to_string(lsqID); } } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::regStats() { lsqForwLoads .name(name() + ".forwLoads") .desc("Number of loads that had data forwarded from stores"); invAddrLoads .name(name() + ".invAddrLoads") .desc("Number of loads ignored due to an invalid address"); lsqSquashedLoads .name(name() + ".squashedLoads") .desc("Number of loads squashed"); lsqIgnoredResponses .name(name() + ".ignoredResponses") .desc("Number of memory responses ignored because the instruction is squashed"); lsqMemOrderViolation .name(name() + ".memOrderViolation") .desc("Number of memory ordering violations"); lsqSquashedStores .name(name() + ".squashedStores") .desc("Number of stores squashed"); invAddrSwpfs .name(name() + ".invAddrSwpfs") .desc("Number of software prefetches ignored due to an invalid address"); lsqBlockedLoads .name(name() + ".blockedLoads") .desc("Number of blocked loads due to partial load-store forwarding"); lsqRescheduledLoads .name(name() + ".rescheduledLoads") .desc("Number of loads that were rescheduled"); lsqCacheBlocked .name(name() + ".cacheBlocked") .desc("Number of times an access to memory failed due to the cache being blocked"); } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::setDcachePort(MasterPort *dcache_port) { dcachePort = dcache_port; } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::clearLQ() { loadQueue.clear(); } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::clearSQ() { storeQueue.clear(); } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::drainSanityCheck() const { for (int i = 0; i < loadQueue.size(); ++i) assert(!loadQueue[i]); assert(storesToWB == 0); assert(!retryPkt); } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::takeOverFrom() { resetState(); } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::resizeLQ(unsigned size) { unsigned size_plus_sentinel = size + 1; assert(size_plus_sentinel >= LQEntries); if (size_plus_sentinel > LQEntries) { while (size_plus_sentinel > loadQueue.size()) { DynInstPtr dummy; loadQueue.push_back(dummy); LQEntries++; } } else { LQEntries = size_plus_sentinel; } assert(LQEntries <= 256); } template<class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::resizeSQ(unsigned size) { unsigned size_plus_sentinel = size + 1; if (size_plus_sentinel > SQEntries) { while (size_plus_sentinel > storeQueue.size()) { SQEntry dummy; storeQueue.push_back(dummy); SQEntries++; } } else { SQEntries = size_plus_sentinel; } assert(SQEntries <= 256); } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::insert(DynInstPtr &inst) { assert(inst->isMemRef()); assert(inst->isLoad() || inst->isStore()); if (inst->isLoad()) { insertLoad(inst); } else { insertStore(inst); } inst->setInLSQ(); } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::insertLoad(DynInstPtr &load_inst) { assert((loadTail + 1) % LQEntries != loadHead); assert(loads < LQEntries); DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Inserting load PC %s, idx:%i [sn:%lli]\n", load_inst->pcState(), loadTail, load_inst->seqNum); load_inst->lqIdx = loadTail; if (stores == 0) { load_inst->sqIdx = -1; } else { load_inst->sqIdx = storeTail; } loadQueue[loadTail] = load_inst; incrLdIdx(loadTail); ++loads; } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::insertStore(DynInstPtr &store_inst) { // Make sure it is not full before inserting an instruction. assert((storeTail + 1) % SQEntries != storeHead); assert(stores < SQEntries); DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Inserting store PC %s, idx:%i [sn:%lli]\n", store_inst->pcState(), storeTail, store_inst->seqNum); store_inst->sqIdx = storeTail; store_inst->lqIdx = loadTail; storeQueue[storeTail] = SQEntry(store_inst); incrStIdx(storeTail); ++stores; } template <class Impl> typename Impl::DynInstPtr LSQUnit<Impl>::getMemDepViolator() { DynInstPtr temp = memDepViolator; memDepViolator = NULL; return temp; } template <class Impl> unsigned LSQUnit<Impl>::numFreeLoadEntries() { //LQ has an extra dummy entry to differentiate //empty/full conditions. Subtract 1 from the free entries. DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "LQ size: %d, #loads occupied: %d\n", LQEntries, loads); return LQEntries - loads - 1; } template <class Impl> unsigned LSQUnit<Impl>::numFreeStoreEntries() { //SQ has an extra dummy entry to differentiate //empty/full conditions. Subtract 1 from the free entries. DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "SQ size: %d, #stores occupied: %d\n", SQEntries, stores); return SQEntries - stores - 1; } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::checkSnoop(PacketPtr pkt) { // Should only ever get invalidations in here assert(pkt->isInvalidate()); int load_idx = loadHead; DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Got snoop for address %#x\n", pkt->getAddr()); // Only Invalidate packet calls checkSnoop assert(pkt->isInvalidate()); for (int x = 0; x < cpu->numContexts(); x++) { ThreadContext *tc = cpu->getContext(x); bool no_squash = cpu->thread[x]->noSquashFromTC; cpu->thread[x]->noSquashFromTC = true; TheISA::handleLockedSnoop(tc, pkt, cacheBlockMask); cpu->thread[x]->noSquashFromTC = no_squash; } Addr invalidate_addr = pkt->getAddr() & cacheBlockMask; DynInstPtr ld_inst = loadQueue[load_idx]; if (ld_inst) { Addr load_addr_low = ld_inst->physEffAddrLow & cacheBlockMask; Addr load_addr_high = ld_inst->physEffAddrHigh & cacheBlockMask; // Check that this snoop didn't just invalidate our lock flag if (ld_inst->effAddrValid() && (load_addr_low == invalidate_addr || load_addr_high == invalidate_addr) && ld_inst->memReqFlags & Request::LLSC) TheISA::handleLockedSnoopHit(ld_inst.get()); } // If this is the only load in the LSQ we don't care if (load_idx == loadTail) return; incrLdIdx(load_idx); bool force_squash = false; while (load_idx != loadTail) { DynInstPtr ld_inst = loadQueue[load_idx]; if (!ld_inst->effAddrValid() || ld_inst->strictlyOrdered()) { incrLdIdx(load_idx); continue; } Addr load_addr_low = ld_inst->physEffAddrLow & cacheBlockMask; Addr load_addr_high = ld_inst->physEffAddrHigh & cacheBlockMask; DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "-- inst [sn:%lli] load_addr: %#x to pktAddr:%#x\n", ld_inst->seqNum, load_addr_low, invalidate_addr); if ((load_addr_low == invalidate_addr || load_addr_high == invalidate_addr) || force_squash) { if (needsTSO) { // If we have a TSO system, as all loads must be ordered with // all other loads, this load as well as *all* subsequent loads // need to be squashed to prevent possible load reordering. force_squash = true; } if (ld_inst->possibleLoadViolation() || force_squash) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Conflicting load at addr %#x [sn:%lli]\n", pkt->getAddr(), ld_inst->seqNum); // Mark the load for re-execution ld_inst->fault = std::make_shared<ReExec>(); } else { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "HitExternal Snoop for addr %#x [sn:%lli]\n", pkt->getAddr(), ld_inst->seqNum); // Make sure that we don't lose a snoop hitting a LOCKED // address since the LOCK* flags don't get updated until // commit. if (ld_inst->memReqFlags & Request::LLSC) TheISA::handleLockedSnoopHit(ld_inst.get()); // If a older load checks this and it's true // then we might have missed the snoop // in which case we need to invalidate to be sure ld_inst->hitExternalSnoop(true); } } incrLdIdx(load_idx); } return; } template <class Impl> Fault LSQUnit<Impl>::checkViolations(int load_idx, DynInstPtr &inst) { Addr inst_eff_addr1 = inst->effAddr >> depCheckShift; Addr inst_eff_addr2 = (inst->effAddr + inst->effSize - 1) >> depCheckShift; /** @todo in theory you only need to check an instruction that has executed * however, there isn't a good way in the pipeline at the moment to check * all instructions that will execute before the store writes back. Thus, * like the implementation that came before it, we're overly conservative. */ while (load_idx != loadTail) { DynInstPtr ld_inst = loadQueue[load_idx]; if (!ld_inst->effAddrValid() || ld_inst->strictlyOrdered()) { incrLdIdx(load_idx); continue; } Addr ld_eff_addr1 = ld_inst->effAddr >> depCheckShift; Addr ld_eff_addr2 = (ld_inst->effAddr + ld_inst->effSize - 1) >> depCheckShift; if (inst_eff_addr2 >= ld_eff_addr1 && inst_eff_addr1 <= ld_eff_addr2) { if (inst->isLoad()) { // If this load is to the same block as an external snoop // invalidate that we've observed then the load needs to be // squashed as it could have newer data if (ld_inst->hitExternalSnoop()) { if (!memDepViolator || ld_inst->seqNum < memDepViolator->seqNum) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Detected fault with inst [sn:%lli] " "and [sn:%lli] at address %#x\n", inst->seqNum, ld_inst->seqNum, ld_eff_addr1); memDepViolator = ld_inst; ++lsqMemOrderViolation; return std::make_shared<GenericISA::M5PanicFault>( "Detected fault with inst [sn:%lli] and " "[sn:%lli] at address %#x\n", inst->seqNum, ld_inst->seqNum, ld_eff_addr1); } } // Otherwise, mark the load has a possible load violation // and if we see a snoop before it's commited, we need to squash ld_inst->possibleLoadViolation(true); DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Found possible load violation at addr: %#x" " between instructions [sn:%lli] and [sn:%lli]\n", inst_eff_addr1, inst->seqNum, ld_inst->seqNum); } else { // A load/store incorrectly passed this store. // Check if we already have a violator, or if it's newer // squash and refetch. if (memDepViolator && ld_inst->seqNum > memDepViolator->seqNum) break; DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Detected fault with inst [sn:%lli] and " "[sn:%lli] at address %#x\n", inst->seqNum, ld_inst->seqNum, ld_eff_addr1); memDepViolator = ld_inst; ++lsqMemOrderViolation; return std::make_shared<GenericISA::M5PanicFault>( "Detected fault with " "inst [sn:%lli] and [sn:%lli] at address %#x\n", inst->seqNum, ld_inst->seqNum, ld_eff_addr1); } } incrLdIdx(load_idx); } return NoFault; } template <class Impl> Fault LSQUnit<Impl>::executeLoad(DynInstPtr &inst) { using namespace TheISA; // Execute a specific load. Fault load_fault = NoFault; DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Executing load PC %s, [sn:%lli]\n", inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum); assert(!inst->isSquashed()); load_fault = inst->initiateAcc(); if (inst->isTranslationDelayed() && load_fault == NoFault) return load_fault; // If the instruction faulted or predicated false, then we need to send it // along to commit without the instruction completing. if (load_fault != NoFault || !inst->readPredicate()) { // Send this instruction to commit, also make sure iew stage // realizes there is activity. Mark it as executed unless it // is a strictly ordered load that needs to hit the head of // commit. if (!inst->readPredicate()) inst->forwardOldRegs(); DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Load [sn:%lli] not executed from %s\n", inst->seqNum, (load_fault != NoFault ? "fault" : "predication")); if (!(inst->hasRequest() && inst->strictlyOrdered()) || inst->isAtCommit()) { inst->setExecuted(); } iewStage->instToCommit(inst); iewStage->activityThisCycle(); } else { assert(inst->effAddrValid()); int load_idx = inst->lqIdx; incrLdIdx(load_idx); if (checkLoads) return checkViolations(load_idx, inst); } return load_fault; } template <class Impl> Fault LSQUnit<Impl>::executeStore(DynInstPtr &store_inst) { using namespace TheISA; // Make sure that a store exists. assert(stores != 0); int store_idx = store_inst->sqIdx; DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Executing store PC %s [sn:%lli]\n", store_inst->pcState(), store_inst->seqNum); assert(!store_inst->isSquashed()); // Check the recently completed loads to see if any match this store's // address. If so, then we have a memory ordering violation. int load_idx = store_inst->lqIdx; Fault store_fault = store_inst->initiateAcc(); if (store_inst->isTranslationDelayed() && store_fault == NoFault) return store_fault; if (!store_inst->readPredicate()) store_inst->forwardOldRegs(); if (storeQueue[store_idx].size == 0) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit,"Fault on Store PC %s, [sn:%lli], Size = 0\n", store_inst->pcState(), store_inst->seqNum); return store_fault; } else if (!store_inst->readPredicate()) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Store [sn:%lli] not executed from predication\n", store_inst->seqNum); return store_fault; } assert(store_fault == NoFault); if (store_inst->isStoreConditional()) { // Store conditionals need to set themselves as able to // writeback if we haven't had a fault by here. storeQueue[store_idx].canWB = true; ++storesToWB; } return checkViolations(load_idx, store_inst); } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::commitLoad() { assert(loadQueue[loadHead]); DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Committing head load instruction, PC %s\n", loadQueue[loadHead]->pcState()); loadQueue[loadHead] = NULL; incrLdIdx(loadHead); --loads; } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::commitLoads(InstSeqNum &youngest_inst) { assert(loads == 0 || loadQueue[loadHead]); while (loads != 0 && loadQueue[loadHead]->seqNum <= youngest_inst) { commitLoad(); } } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::commitStores(InstSeqNum &youngest_inst) { assert(stores == 0 || storeQueue[storeHead].inst); int store_idx = storeHead; while (store_idx != storeTail) { assert(storeQueue[store_idx].inst); // Mark any stores that are now committed and have not yet // been marked as able to write back. if (!storeQueue[store_idx].canWB) { if (storeQueue[store_idx].inst->seqNum > youngest_inst) { break; } DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Marking store as able to write back, PC " "%s [sn:%lli]\n", storeQueue[store_idx].inst->pcState(), storeQueue[store_idx].inst->seqNum); storeQueue[store_idx].canWB = true; ++storesToWB; } incrStIdx(store_idx); } } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::writebackPendingStore() { if (hasPendingPkt) { assert(pendingPkt != NULL); // If the cache is blocked, this will store the packet for retry. if (sendStore(pendingPkt)) { storePostSend(pendingPkt); } pendingPkt = NULL; hasPendingPkt = false; } } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::writebackStores() { // First writeback the second packet from any split store that didn't // complete last cycle because there weren't enough cache ports available. if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc) { writebackPendingStore(); } while (storesToWB > 0 && storeWBIdx != storeTail && storeQueue[storeWBIdx].inst && storeQueue[storeWBIdx].canWB && ((!needsTSO) || (!storeInFlight)) && usedStorePorts < cacheStorePorts) { if (isStoreBlocked) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Unable to write back any more stores, cache" " is blocked!\n"); break; } // Store didn't write any data so no need to write it back to // memory. if (storeQueue[storeWBIdx].size == 0) { completeStore(storeWBIdx); incrStIdx(storeWBIdx); continue; } ++usedStorePorts; if (storeQueue[storeWBIdx].inst->isDataPrefetch()) { incrStIdx(storeWBIdx); continue; } assert(storeQueue[storeWBIdx].req); assert(!storeQueue[storeWBIdx].committed); if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && storeQueue[storeWBIdx].isSplit) { assert(storeQueue[storeWBIdx].sreqLow); assert(storeQueue[storeWBIdx].sreqHigh); } DynInstPtr inst = storeQueue[storeWBIdx].inst; Request *req = storeQueue[storeWBIdx].req; RequestPtr sreqLow = storeQueue[storeWBIdx].sreqLow; RequestPtr sreqHigh = storeQueue[storeWBIdx].sreqHigh; storeQueue[storeWBIdx].committed = true; assert(!inst->memData); inst->memData = new uint8_t[req->getSize()]; if (storeQueue[storeWBIdx].isAllZeros) memset(inst->memData, 0, req->getSize()); else memcpy(inst->memData, storeQueue[storeWBIdx].data, req->getSize()); PacketPtr data_pkt; PacketPtr snd_data_pkt = NULL; LSQSenderState *state = new LSQSenderState; state->isLoad = false; state->idx = storeWBIdx; state->inst = inst; if (!TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc || !storeQueue[storeWBIdx].isSplit) { // Build a single data packet if the store isn't split. data_pkt = Packet::createWrite(req); data_pkt->dataStatic(inst->memData); data_pkt->senderState = state; } else { // Create two packets if the store is split in two. data_pkt = Packet::createWrite(sreqLow); snd_data_pkt = Packet::createWrite(sreqHigh); data_pkt->dataStatic(inst->memData); snd_data_pkt->dataStatic(inst->memData + sreqLow->getSize()); data_pkt->senderState = state; snd_data_pkt->senderState = state; state->isSplit = true; state->outstanding = 2; // Can delete the main request now. delete req; req = sreqLow; } DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "D-Cache: Writing back store idx:%i PC:%s " "to Addr:%#x, data:%#x [sn:%lli]\n", storeWBIdx, inst->pcState(), req->getPaddr(), (int)*(inst->memData), inst->seqNum); // @todo: Remove this SC hack once the memory system handles it. if (inst->isStoreConditional()) { assert(!storeQueue[storeWBIdx].isSplit); // Disable recording the result temporarily. Writing to // misc regs normally updates the result, but this is not // the desired behavior when handling store conditionals. inst->recordResult(false); bool success = TheISA::handleLockedWrite(inst.get(), req, cacheBlockMask); inst->recordResult(true); if (!success) { // Instantly complete this store. DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Store conditional [sn:%lli] failed. " "Instantly completing it.\n", inst->seqNum); WritebackEvent *wb = new WritebackEvent(inst, data_pkt, this); cpu->schedule(wb, curTick() + 1); if (cpu->checker) { // Make sure to set the LLSC data for verification // if checker is loaded inst->reqToVerify->setExtraData(0); inst->completeAcc(data_pkt); } completeStore(storeWBIdx); incrStIdx(storeWBIdx); continue; } } else { // Non-store conditionals do not need a writeback. state->noWB = true; } bool split = TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && storeQueue[storeWBIdx].isSplit; ThreadContext *thread = cpu->tcBase(lsqID); if (req->isMmappedIpr()) { assert(!inst->isStoreConditional()); TheISA::handleIprWrite(thread, data_pkt); delete data_pkt; if (split) { assert(snd_data_pkt->req->isMmappedIpr()); TheISA::handleIprWrite(thread, snd_data_pkt); delete snd_data_pkt; delete sreqLow; delete sreqHigh; } delete state; delete req; completeStore(storeWBIdx); incrStIdx(storeWBIdx); } else if (!sendStore(data_pkt)) { DPRINTF(IEW, "D-Cache became blocked when writing [sn:%lli], will" "retry later\n", inst->seqNum); // Need to store the second packet, if split. if (split) { state->pktToSend = true; state->pendingPacket = snd_data_pkt; } } else { // If split, try to send the second packet too if (split) { assert(snd_data_pkt); // Ensure there are enough ports to use. if (usedStorePorts < cacheStorePorts) { ++usedStorePorts; if (sendStore(snd_data_pkt)) { storePostSend(snd_data_pkt); } else { DPRINTF(IEW, "D-Cache became blocked when writing" " [sn:%lli] second packet, will retry later\n", inst->seqNum); } } else { // Store the packet for when there's free ports. assert(pendingPkt == NULL); pendingPkt = snd_data_pkt; hasPendingPkt = true; } } else { // Not a split store. storePostSend(data_pkt); } } } // Not sure this should set it to 0. usedStorePorts = 0; assert(stores >= 0 && storesToWB >= 0); } /*template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::removeMSHR(InstSeqNum seqNum) { list<InstSeqNum>::iterator mshr_it = find(mshrSeqNums.begin(), mshrSeqNums.end(), seqNum); if (mshr_it != mshrSeqNums.end()) { mshrSeqNums.erase(mshr_it); DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Removing MSHR. count = %i\n",mshrSeqNums.size()); } }*/ template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_num) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Squashing until [sn:%lli]!" "(Loads:%i Stores:%i)\n", squashed_num, loads, stores); int load_idx = loadTail; decrLdIdx(load_idx); while (loads != 0 && loadQueue[load_idx]->seqNum > squashed_num) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit,"Load Instruction PC %s squashed, " "[sn:%lli]\n", loadQueue[load_idx]->pcState(), loadQueue[load_idx]->seqNum); if (isStalled() && load_idx == stallingLoadIdx) { stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; stallingLoadIdx = 0; } // Clear the smart pointer to make sure it is decremented. loadQueue[load_idx]->setSquashed(); loadQueue[load_idx] = NULL; --loads; // Inefficient! loadTail = load_idx; decrLdIdx(load_idx); ++lsqSquashedLoads; } if (memDepViolator && squashed_num < memDepViolator->seqNum) { memDepViolator = NULL; } int store_idx = storeTail; decrStIdx(store_idx); while (stores != 0 && storeQueue[store_idx].inst->seqNum > squashed_num) { // Instructions marked as can WB are already committed. if (storeQueue[store_idx].canWB) { break; } DPRINTF(LSQUnit,"Store Instruction PC %s squashed, " "idx:%i [sn:%lli]\n", storeQueue[store_idx].inst->pcState(), store_idx, storeQueue[store_idx].inst->seqNum); // I don't think this can happen. It should have been cleared // by the stalling load. if (isStalled() && storeQueue[store_idx].inst->seqNum == stallingStoreIsn) { panic("Is stalled should have been cleared by stalling load!\n"); stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; } // Clear the smart pointer to make sure it is decremented. storeQueue[store_idx].inst->setSquashed(); storeQueue[store_idx].inst = NULL; storeQueue[store_idx].canWB = 0; // Must delete request now that it wasn't handed off to // memory. This is quite ugly. @todo: Figure out the proper // place to really handle request deletes. delete storeQueue[store_idx].req; if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && storeQueue[store_idx].isSplit) { delete storeQueue[store_idx].sreqLow; delete storeQueue[store_idx].sreqHigh; storeQueue[store_idx].sreqLow = NULL; storeQueue[store_idx].sreqHigh = NULL; } storeQueue[store_idx].req = NULL; --stores; // Inefficient! storeTail = store_idx; decrStIdx(store_idx); ++lsqSquashedStores; } } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::storePostSend(PacketPtr pkt) { if (isStalled() && storeQueue[storeWBIdx].inst->seqNum == stallingStoreIsn) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Unstalling, stalling store [sn:%lli] " "load idx:%i\n", stallingStoreIsn, stallingLoadIdx); stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; iewStage->replayMemInst(loadQueue[stallingLoadIdx]); } if (!storeQueue[storeWBIdx].inst->isStoreConditional()) { // The store is basically completed at this time. This // only works so long as the checker doesn't try to // verify the value in memory for stores. storeQueue[storeWBIdx].inst->setCompleted(); if (cpu->checker) { cpu->checker->verify(storeQueue[storeWBIdx].inst); } } if (needsTSO) { storeInFlight = true; } incrStIdx(storeWBIdx); } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::writeback(DynInstPtr &inst, PacketPtr pkt) { iewStage->wakeCPU(); // Squashed instructions do not need to complete their access. if (inst->isSquashed()) { assert(!inst->isStore()); ++lsqIgnoredResponses; return; } if (!inst->isExecuted()) { inst->setExecuted(); if (inst->fault == NoFault) { // Complete access to copy data to proper place. inst->completeAcc(pkt); } else { // If the instruction has an outstanding fault, we cannot complete // the access as this discards the current fault. // If we have an outstanding fault, the fault should only be of // type ReExec. assert(dynamic_cast<ReExec*>(inst->fault.get()) != nullptr); DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Not completing instruction [sn:%lli] access " "due to pending fault.\n", inst->seqNum); } } // Need to insert instruction into queue to commit iewStage->instToCommit(inst); iewStage->activityThisCycle(); // see if this load changed the PC iewStage->checkMisprediction(inst); } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::completeStore(int store_idx) { assert(storeQueue[store_idx].inst); storeQueue[store_idx].completed = true; --storesToWB; // A bit conservative because a store completion may not free up entries, // but hopefully avoids two store completions in one cycle from making // the CPU tick twice. cpu->wakeCPU(); cpu->activityThisCycle(); if (store_idx == storeHead) { do { incrStIdx(storeHead); --stores; } while (storeQueue[storeHead].completed && storeHead != storeTail); iewStage->updateLSQNextCycle = true; } DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Completing store [sn:%lli], idx:%i, store head " "idx:%i\n", storeQueue[store_idx].inst->seqNum, store_idx, storeHead); #if TRACING_ON if (DTRACE(O3PipeView)) { storeQueue[store_idx].inst->storeTick = curTick() - storeQueue[store_idx].inst->fetchTick; } #endif if (isStalled() && storeQueue[store_idx].inst->seqNum == stallingStoreIsn) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Unstalling, stalling store [sn:%lli] " "load idx:%i\n", stallingStoreIsn, stallingLoadIdx); stalled = false; stallingStoreIsn = 0; iewStage->replayMemInst(loadQueue[stallingLoadIdx]); } storeQueue[store_idx].inst->setCompleted(); if (needsTSO) { storeInFlight = false; } // Tell the checker we've completed this instruction. Some stores // may get reported twice to the checker, but the checker can // handle that case. if (cpu->checker) { cpu->checker->verify(storeQueue[store_idx].inst); } } template <class Impl> bool LSQUnit<Impl>::sendStore(PacketPtr data_pkt) { if (!dcachePort->sendTimingReq(data_pkt)) { // Need to handle becoming blocked on a store. isStoreBlocked = true; ++lsqCacheBlocked; assert(retryPkt == NULL); retryPkt = data_pkt; return false; } return true; } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::recvRetry() { if (isStoreBlocked) { DPRINTF(LSQUnit, "Receiving retry: store blocked\n"); assert(retryPkt != NULL); LSQSenderState *state = dynamic_cast<LSQSenderState *>(retryPkt->senderState); if (dcachePort->sendTimingReq(retryPkt)) { // Don't finish the store unless this is the last packet. if (!TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc || !state->pktToSend || state->pendingPacket == retryPkt) { state->pktToSend = false; storePostSend(retryPkt); } retryPkt = NULL; isStoreBlocked = false; // Send any outstanding packet. if (TheISA::HasUnalignedMemAcc && state->pktToSend) { assert(state->pendingPacket); if (sendStore(state->pendingPacket)) { storePostSend(state->pendingPacket); } } } else { // Still blocked! ++lsqCacheBlocked; } } } template <class Impl> inline void LSQUnit<Impl>::incrStIdx(int &store_idx) const { if (++store_idx >= SQEntries) store_idx = 0; } template <class Impl> inline void LSQUnit<Impl>::decrStIdx(int &store_idx) const { if (--store_idx < 0) store_idx += SQEntries; } template <class Impl> inline void LSQUnit<Impl>::incrLdIdx(int &load_idx) const { if (++load_idx >= LQEntries) load_idx = 0; } template <class Impl> inline void LSQUnit<Impl>::decrLdIdx(int &load_idx) const { if (--load_idx < 0) load_idx += LQEntries; } template <class Impl> void LSQUnit<Impl>::dumpInsts() const { cprintf("Load store queue: Dumping instructions.\n"); cprintf("Load queue size: %i\n", loads); cprintf("Load queue: "); int load_idx = loadHead; while (load_idx != loadTail && loadQueue[load_idx]) { const DynInstPtr &inst(loadQueue[load_idx]); cprintf("%s.[sn:%i] ", inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum); incrLdIdx(load_idx); } cprintf("\n"); cprintf("Store queue size: %i\n", stores); cprintf("Store queue: "); int store_idx = storeHead; while (store_idx != storeTail && storeQueue[store_idx].inst) { const DynInstPtr &inst(storeQueue[store_idx].inst); cprintf("%s.[sn:%i] ", inst->pcState(), inst->seqNum); incrStIdx(store_idx); } cprintf("\n"); } #endif//__CPU_O3_LSQ_UNIT_IMPL_HH__