/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Kevin Lim */ #ifndef __CPU_O3_RENAME_HH__ #define __CPU_O3_RENAME_HH__ #include <list> #include "base/statistics.hh" #include "base/timebuf.hh" class DerivO3CPUParams; /** * DefaultRename handles both single threaded and SMT rename. Its * width is specified by the parameters; each cycle it tries to rename * that many instructions. It holds onto the rename history of all * instructions with destination registers, storing the * arch. register, the new physical register, and the old physical * register, to allow for undoing of mappings if squashing happens, or * freeing up registers upon commit. Rename handles blocking if the * ROB, IQ, or LSQ is going to be full. Rename also handles barriers, * and does so by stalling on the instruction until the ROB is empty * and there are no instructions in flight to the ROB. */ template<class Impl> class DefaultRename { public: // Typedefs from the Impl. typedef typename Impl::CPUPol CPUPol; typedef typename Impl::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr; typedef typename Impl::O3CPU O3CPU; // Typedefs from the CPUPol typedef typename CPUPol::DecodeStruct DecodeStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::RenameStruct RenameStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::TimeStruct TimeStruct; typedef typename CPUPol::FreeList FreeList; typedef typename CPUPol::RenameMap RenameMap; // These are used only for initialization. typedef typename CPUPol::IEW IEW; typedef typename CPUPol::Commit Commit; // Typedefs from the ISA. typedef TheISA::RegIndex RegIndex; // A list is used to queue the instructions. Barrier insts must // be added to the front of the list, which is the only reason for // using a list instead of a queue. (Most other stages use a // queue) typedef std::list<DynInstPtr> InstQueue; typedef typename std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator ListIt; public: /** Overall rename status. Used to determine if the CPU can * deschedule itself due to a lack of activity. */ enum RenameStatus { Active, Inactive }; /** Individual thread status. */ enum ThreadStatus { Running, Idle, StartSquash, Squashing, Blocked, Unblocking, SerializeStall }; private: /** Rename status. */ RenameStatus _status; /** Per-thread status. */ ThreadStatus renameStatus[Impl::MaxThreads]; public: /** DefaultRename constructor. */ DefaultRename(O3CPU *_cpu, DerivO3CPUParams *params); /** Returns the name of rename. */ std::string name() const; /** Registers statistics. */ void regStats(); /** Sets the main backwards communication time buffer pointer. */ void setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr); /** Sets pointer to time buffer used to communicate to the next stage. */ void setRenameQueue(TimeBuffer<RenameStruct> *rq_ptr); /** Sets pointer to time buffer coming from decode. */ void setDecodeQueue(TimeBuffer<DecodeStruct> *dq_ptr); /** Sets pointer to IEW stage. Used only for initialization. */ void setIEWStage(IEW *iew_stage) { iew_ptr = iew_stage; } /** Sets pointer to commit stage. Used only for initialization. */ void setCommitStage(Commit *commit_stage) { commit_ptr = commit_stage; } private: /** Pointer to IEW stage. Used only for initialization. */ IEW *iew_ptr; /** Pointer to commit stage. Used only for initialization. */ Commit *commit_ptr; public: /** Initializes variables for the stage. */ void initStage(); /** Sets pointer to list of active threads. */ void setActiveThreads(std::list<unsigned> *at_ptr); /** Sets pointer to rename maps (per-thread structures). */ void setRenameMap(RenameMap rm_ptr[Impl::MaxThreads]); /** Sets pointer to the free list. */ void setFreeList(FreeList *fl_ptr); /** Sets pointer to the scoreboard. */ void setScoreboard(Scoreboard *_scoreboard); /** Drains the rename stage. */ bool drain(); /** Resumes execution after a drain. */ void resume() { } /** Switches out the rename stage. */ void switchOut(); /** Takes over from another CPU's thread. */ void takeOverFrom(); /** Squashes all instructions in a thread. */ void squash(const InstSeqNum &squash_seq_num, unsigned tid); /** Ticks rename, which processes all input signals and attempts to rename * as many instructions as possible. */ void tick(); /** Debugging function used to dump history buffer of renamings. */ void dumpHistory(); private: /** Determines what to do based on rename's current status. * @param status_change rename() sets this variable if there was a status * change (ie switching from blocking to unblocking). * @param tid Thread id to rename instructions from. */ void rename(bool &status_change, unsigned tid); /** Renames instructions for the given thread. Also handles serializing * instructions. */ void renameInsts(unsigned tid); /** Inserts unused instructions from a given thread into the skid buffer, * to be renamed once rename unblocks. */ void skidInsert(unsigned tid); /** Separates instructions from decode into individual lists of instructions * sorted by thread. */ void sortInsts(); /** Returns if all of the skid buffers are empty. */ bool skidsEmpty(); /** Updates overall rename status based on all of the threads' statuses. */ void updateStatus(); /** Switches rename to blocking, and signals back that rename has become * blocked. * @return Returns true if there is a status change. */ bool block(unsigned tid); /** Switches rename to unblocking if the skid buffer is empty, and signals * back that rename has unblocked. * @return Returns true if there is a status change. */ bool unblock(unsigned tid); /** Executes actual squash, removing squashed instructions. */ void doSquash(const InstSeqNum &squash_seq_num, unsigned tid); /** Removes a committed instruction's rename history. */ void removeFromHistory(InstSeqNum inst_seq_num, unsigned tid); /** Renames the source registers of an instruction. */ inline void renameSrcRegs(DynInstPtr &inst, unsigned tid); /** Renames the destination registers of an instruction. */ inline void renameDestRegs(DynInstPtr &inst, unsigned tid); /** Calculates the number of free ROB entries for a specific thread. */ inline int calcFreeROBEntries(unsigned tid); /** Calculates the number of free IQ entries for a specific thread. */ inline int calcFreeIQEntries(unsigned tid); /** Calculates the number of free LSQ entries for a specific thread. */ inline int calcFreeLSQEntries(unsigned tid); /** Returns the number of valid instructions coming from decode. */ unsigned validInsts(); /** Reads signals telling rename to block/unblock. */ void readStallSignals(unsigned tid); /** Checks if any stages are telling rename to block. */ bool checkStall(unsigned tid); /** Gets the number of free entries for a specific thread. */ void readFreeEntries(unsigned tid); /** Checks the signals and updates the status. */ bool checkSignalsAndUpdate(unsigned tid); /** Either serializes on the next instruction available in the InstQueue, * or records that it must serialize on the next instruction to enter * rename. * @param inst_list The list of younger, unprocessed instructions for the * thread that has the serializeAfter instruction. * @param tid The thread id. */ void serializeAfter(InstQueue &inst_list, unsigned tid); /** Holds the information for each destination register rename. It holds * the instruction's sequence number, the arch register, the old physical * register for that arch. register, and the new physical register. */ struct RenameHistory { RenameHistory(InstSeqNum _instSeqNum, RegIndex _archReg, PhysRegIndex _newPhysReg, PhysRegIndex _prevPhysReg) : instSeqNum(_instSeqNum), archReg(_archReg), newPhysReg(_newPhysReg), prevPhysReg(_prevPhysReg) { } /** The sequence number of the instruction that renamed. */ InstSeqNum instSeqNum; /** The architectural register index that was renamed. */ RegIndex archReg; /** The new physical register that the arch. register is renamed to. */ PhysRegIndex newPhysReg; /** The old physical register that the arch. register was renamed to. */ PhysRegIndex prevPhysReg; }; /** A per-thread list of all destination register renames, used to either * undo rename mappings or free old physical registers. */ std::list<RenameHistory> historyBuffer[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Pointer to CPU. */ O3CPU *cpu; /** Pointer to main time buffer used for backwards communication. */ TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *timeBuffer; /** Wire to get IEW's output from backwards time buffer. */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire fromIEW; /** Wire to get commit's output from backwards time buffer. */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire fromCommit; /** Wire to write infromation heading to previous stages. */ typename TimeBuffer<TimeStruct>::wire toDecode; /** Rename instruction queue. */ TimeBuffer<RenameStruct> *renameQueue; /** Wire to write any information heading to IEW. */ typename TimeBuffer<RenameStruct>::wire toIEW; /** Decode instruction queue interface. */ TimeBuffer<DecodeStruct> *decodeQueue; /** Wire to get decode's output from decode queue. */ typename TimeBuffer<DecodeStruct>::wire fromDecode; /** Queue of all instructions coming from decode this cycle. */ InstQueue insts[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Skid buffer between rename and decode. */ InstQueue skidBuffer[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Rename map interface. */ RenameMap *renameMap[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Free list interface. */ FreeList *freeList; /** Pointer to the list of active threads. */ std::list<unsigned> *activeThreads; /** Pointer to the scoreboard. */ Scoreboard *scoreboard; /** Count of instructions in progress that have been sent off to the IQ * and ROB, but are not yet included in their occupancy counts. */ int instsInProgress[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Variable that tracks if decode has written to the time buffer this * cycle. Used to tell CPU if there is activity this cycle. */ bool wroteToTimeBuffer; /** Structures whose free entries impact the amount of instructions that * can be renamed. */ struct FreeEntries { unsigned iqEntries; unsigned lsqEntries; unsigned robEntries; }; /** Per-thread tracking of the number of free entries of back-end * structures. */ FreeEntries freeEntries[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Records if the ROB is empty. In SMT mode the ROB may be dynamically * partitioned between threads, so the ROB must tell rename when it is * empty. */ bool emptyROB[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Source of possible stalls. */ struct Stalls { bool iew; bool commit; }; /** Tracks which stages are telling decode to stall. */ Stalls stalls[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** The serialize instruction that rename has stalled on. */ DynInstPtr serializeInst[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Records if rename needs to serialize on the next instruction for any * thread. */ bool serializeOnNextInst[Impl::MaxThreads]; /** Delay between iew and rename, in ticks. */ int iewToRenameDelay; /** Delay between decode and rename, in ticks. */ int decodeToRenameDelay; /** Delay between commit and rename, in ticks. */ unsigned commitToRenameDelay; /** Rename width, in instructions. */ unsigned renameWidth; /** Commit width, in instructions. Used so rename knows how many * instructions might have freed registers in the previous cycle. */ unsigned commitWidth; /** The index of the instruction in the time buffer to IEW that rename is * currently using. */ unsigned toIEWIndex; /** Whether or not rename needs to block this cycle. */ bool blockThisCycle; /** Whether or not rename needs to resume a serialize instruction * after squashing. */ bool resumeSerialize; /** Whether or not rename needs to resume clearing out the skidbuffer * after squashing. */ bool resumeUnblocking; /** The number of threads active in rename. */ unsigned numThreads; /** The maximum skid buffer size. */ unsigned skidBufferMax; PhysRegIndex maxPhysicalRegs; /** Enum to record the source of a structure full stall. Can come from * either ROB, IQ, LSQ, and it is priortized in that order. */ enum FullSource { ROB, IQ, LSQ, NONE }; /** Function used to increment the stat that corresponds to the source of * the stall. */ inline void incrFullStat(const FullSource &source); /** Stat for total number of cycles spent squashing. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameSquashCycles; /** Stat for total number of cycles spent idle. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameIdleCycles; /** Stat for total number of cycles spent blocking. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameBlockCycles; /** Stat for total number of cycles spent stalling for a serializing inst. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameSerializeStallCycles; /** Stat for total number of cycles spent running normally. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameRunCycles; /** Stat for total number of cycles spent unblocking. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameUnblockCycles; /** Stat for total number of renamed instructions. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameRenamedInsts; /** Stat for total number of squashed instructions that rename discards. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameSquashedInsts; /** Stat for total number of times that the ROB starts a stall in rename. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameROBFullEvents; /** Stat for total number of times that the IQ starts a stall in rename. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameIQFullEvents; /** Stat for total number of times that the LSQ starts a stall in rename. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameLSQFullEvents; /** Stat for total number of times that rename runs out of free registers * to use to rename. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameFullRegistersEvents; /** Stat for total number of renamed destination registers. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameRenamedOperands; /** Stat for total number of source register rename lookups. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameRenameLookups; /** Stat for total number of committed renaming mappings. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameCommittedMaps; /** Stat for total number of mappings that were undone due to a squash. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameUndoneMaps; /** Number of serialize instructions handled. */ Stats::Scalar<> renamedSerializing; /** Number of instructions marked as temporarily serializing. */ Stats::Scalar<> renamedTempSerializing; /** Number of instructions inserted into skid buffers. */ Stats::Scalar<> renameSkidInsts; }; #endif // __CPU_O3_RENAME_HH__