/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, 2014 ARM Limited * Copyright (c) 2010 The University of Edinburgh * Copyright (c) 2012 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Kevin Lim */ #include "cpu/pred/bpred_unit.hh" #include <algorithm> #include "arch/isa_traits.hh" #include "arch/types.hh" #include "arch/utility.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "config/the_isa.hh" #include "debug/Branch.hh" BPredUnit::BPredUnit(const Params *params) : SimObject(params), numThreads(params->numThreads), predHist(numThreads), BTB(params->BTBEntries, params->BTBTagSize, params->instShiftAmt, params->numThreads), RAS(numThreads), iPred(params->indirectBranchPred), instShiftAmt(params->instShiftAmt) { for (auto& r : RAS) r.init(params->RASSize); } void BPredUnit::regStats() { SimObject::regStats(); lookups .name(name() + ".lookups") .desc("Number of BP lookups") ; condPredicted .name(name() + ".condPredicted") .desc("Number of conditional branches predicted") ; condIncorrect .name(name() + ".condIncorrect") .desc("Number of conditional branches incorrect") ; BTBLookups .name(name() + ".BTBLookups") .desc("Number of BTB lookups") ; BTBHits .name(name() + ".BTBHits") .desc("Number of BTB hits") ; BTBCorrect .name(name() + ".BTBCorrect") .desc("Number of correct BTB predictions (this stat may not " "work properly.") ; BTBHitPct .name(name() + ".BTBHitPct") .desc("BTB Hit Percentage") .precision(6); BTBHitPct = (BTBHits / BTBLookups) * 100; usedRAS .name(name() + ".usedRAS") .desc("Number of times the RAS was used to get a target.") ; RASIncorrect .name(name() + ".RASInCorrect") .desc("Number of incorrect RAS predictions.") ; indirectLookups .name(name() + ".indirectLookups") .desc("Number of indirect predictor lookups.") ; indirectHits .name(name() + ".indirectHits") .desc("Number of indirect target hits.") ; indirectMisses .name(name() + ".indirectMisses") .desc("Number of indirect misses.") ; indirectMispredicted .name(name() + "indirectMispredicted") .desc("Number of mispredicted indirect branches.") ; } ProbePoints::PMUUPtr BPredUnit::pmuProbePoint(const char *name) { ProbePoints::PMUUPtr ptr; ptr.reset(new ProbePoints::PMU(getProbeManager(), name)); return ptr; } void BPredUnit::regProbePoints() { ppBranches = pmuProbePoint("Branches"); ppMisses = pmuProbePoint("Misses"); } void BPredUnit::drainSanityCheck() const { // We shouldn't have any outstanding requests when we resume from // a drained system. for (const auto& ph M5_VAR_USED : predHist) assert(ph.empty()); } bool BPredUnit::predict(const StaticInstPtr &inst, const InstSeqNum &seqNum, TheISA::PCState &pc, ThreadID tid) { // See if branch predictor predicts taken. // If so, get its target addr either from the BTB or the RAS. // Save off record of branch stuff so the RAS can be fixed // up once it's done. bool pred_taken = false; TheISA::PCState target = pc; ++lookups; ppBranches->notify(1); void *bp_history = NULL; void *indirect_history = NULL; if (inst->isUncondCtrl()) { DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] " "Unconditional control\n", tid,seqNum); pred_taken = true; // Tell the BP there was an unconditional branch. uncondBranch(tid, pc.instAddr(), bp_history); } else { ++condPredicted; pred_taken = lookup(tid, pc.instAddr(), bp_history); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] " "Branch predictor predicted %i for PC %s\n", tid, seqNum, pred_taken, pc); } const bool orig_pred_taken = pred_taken; if (iPred) { iPred->genIndirectInfo(tid, indirect_history); } DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] " "Creating prediction history " "for PC %s\n", tid, seqNum, pc); PredictorHistory predict_record(seqNum, pc.instAddr(), pred_taken, bp_history, indirect_history, tid, inst); // Now lookup in the BTB or RAS. if (pred_taken) { if (inst->isReturn()) { ++usedRAS; predict_record.wasReturn = true; // If it's a function return call, then look up the address // in the RAS. TheISA::PCState rasTop = RAS[tid].top(); target = TheISA::buildRetPC(pc, rasTop); // Record the top entry of the RAS, and its index. predict_record.usedRAS = true; predict_record.RASIndex = RAS[tid].topIdx(); predict_record.RASTarget = rasTop; RAS[tid].pop(); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] Instruction %s is a return, " "RAS predicted target: %s, RAS index: %i\n", tid, seqNum, pc, target, predict_record.RASIndex); } else { ++BTBLookups; if (inst->isCall()) { RAS[tid].push(pc); predict_record.pushedRAS = true; // Record that it was a call so that the top RAS entry can // be popped off if the speculation is incorrect. predict_record.wasCall = true; DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] Instruction %s was a call, adding " "%s to the RAS index: %i\n", tid, seqNum, pc, pc, RAS[tid].topIdx()); } if (inst->isDirectCtrl() || !iPred) { // Check BTB on direct branches if (BTB.valid(pc.instAddr(), tid)) { ++BTBHits; // If it's not a return, use the BTB to get target addr. target = BTB.lookup(pc.instAddr(), tid); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] Instruction %s predicted " "target is %s\n", tid, seqNum, pc, target); } else { DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] BTB doesn't have a " "valid entry\n",tid,seqNum); pred_taken = false; // The Direction of the branch predictor is altered // because the BTB did not have an entry // The predictor needs to be updated accordingly if (!inst->isCall() && !inst->isReturn()) { btbUpdate(tid, pc.instAddr(), bp_history); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] btbUpdate " "called for %s\n", tid, seqNum, pc); } else if (inst->isCall() && !inst->isUncondCtrl()) { RAS[tid].pop(); predict_record.pushedRAS = false; } TheISA::advancePC(target, inst); } } else { predict_record.wasIndirect = true; ++indirectLookups; //Consult indirect predictor on indirect control if (iPred->lookup(pc.instAddr(), target, tid)) { // Indirect predictor hit ++indirectHits; DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] " "Instruction %s predicted " "indirect target is %s\n", tid, seqNum, pc, target); } else { ++indirectMisses; pred_taken = false; DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] " "Instruction %s no indirect " "target\n", tid, seqNum, pc); if (!inst->isCall() && !inst->isReturn()) { } else if (inst->isCall() && !inst->isUncondCtrl()) { RAS[tid].pop(); predict_record.pushedRAS = false; } TheISA::advancePC(target, inst); } iPred->recordIndirect(pc.instAddr(), target.instAddr(), seqNum, tid); } } } else { if (inst->isReturn()) { predict_record.wasReturn = true; } TheISA::advancePC(target, inst); } predict_record.target = target.instAddr(); pc = target; if (iPred) { // Update the indirect predictor with the direction prediction // Note that this happens after indirect lookup, so it does not use // the new information // Note also that we use orig_pred_taken instead of pred_taken in // as this is the actual outcome of the direction prediction iPred->updateDirectionInfo(tid, orig_pred_taken); } predHist[tid].push_front(predict_record); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] History entry added. " "predHist.size(): %i\n", tid, seqNum, predHist[tid].size()); return pred_taken; } void BPredUnit::update(const InstSeqNum &done_sn, ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] Committing branches until " "sn:%llu]\n", tid, done_sn); while (!predHist[tid].empty() && predHist[tid].back().seqNum <= done_sn) { // Update the branch predictor with the correct results. update(tid, predHist[tid].back().pc, predHist[tid].back().predTaken, predHist[tid].back().bpHistory, false, predHist[tid].back().inst, predHist[tid].back().target); if (iPred) { iPred->commit(done_sn, tid, predHist[tid].back().indirectHistory); } predHist[tid].pop_back(); } } void BPredUnit::squash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_sn, ThreadID tid) { History &pred_hist = predHist[tid]; if (iPred) { iPred->squash(squashed_sn, tid); } while (!pred_hist.empty() && pred_hist.front().seqNum > squashed_sn) { if (pred_hist.front().usedRAS) { DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu]" " Restoring top of RAS to: %i," " target: %s\n", tid, squashed_sn, pred_hist.front().RASIndex, pred_hist.front().RASTarget); RAS[tid].restore(pred_hist.front().RASIndex, pred_hist.front().RASTarget); } else if (pred_hist.front().wasCall && pred_hist.front().pushedRAS) { // Was a call but predicated false. Pop RAS here DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] Squashing" " Call [sn:%llu] PC: %s Popping RAS\n", tid, squashed_sn, pred_hist.front().seqNum, pred_hist.front().pc); RAS[tid].pop(); } // This call should delete the bpHistory. squash(tid, pred_hist.front().bpHistory); if (iPred) { iPred->deleteIndirectInfo(tid, pred_hist.front().indirectHistory); } DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] " "Removing history for [sn:%llu] " "PC %#x\n", tid, squashed_sn, pred_hist.front().seqNum, pred_hist.front().pc); pred_hist.pop_front(); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] predHist.size(): %i\n", tid, squashed_sn, predHist[tid].size()); } } void BPredUnit::squash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_sn, const TheISA::PCState &corrTarget, bool actually_taken, ThreadID tid) { // Now that we know that a branch was mispredicted, we need to undo // all the branches that have been seen up until this branch and // fix up everything. // NOTE: This should be call conceivably in 2 scenarios: // (1) After an branch is executed, it updates its status in the ROB // The commit stage then checks the ROB update and sends a signal to // the fetch stage to squash history after the mispredict // (2) In the decode stage, you can find out early if a unconditional // PC-relative, branch was predicted incorrectly. If so, a signal // to the fetch stage is sent to squash history after the mispredict History &pred_hist = predHist[tid]; ++condIncorrect; ppMisses->notify(1); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] Squashing from sequence number %i, " "setting target to %s\n", tid, squashed_sn, corrTarget); // Squash All Branches AFTER this mispredicted branch squash(squashed_sn, tid); // If there's a squash due to a syscall, there may not be an entry // corresponding to the squash. In that case, don't bother trying to // fix up the entry. if (!pred_hist.empty()) { auto hist_it = pred_hist.begin(); //HistoryIt hist_it = find(pred_hist.begin(), pred_hist.end(), // squashed_sn); //assert(hist_it != pred_hist.end()); if (pred_hist.front().seqNum != squashed_sn) { DPRINTF(Branch, "Front sn %i != Squash sn %i\n", pred_hist.front().seqNum, squashed_sn); assert(pred_hist.front().seqNum == squashed_sn); } if ((*hist_it).usedRAS) { ++RASIncorrect; DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] Incorrect RAS [sn:%llu]\n", tid, squashed_sn, hist_it->seqNum); } // There are separate functions for in-order and out-of-order // branch prediction, but not for update. Therefore, this // call should take into account that the mispredicted branch may // be on the wrong path (i.e., OoO execution), and that the counter // counter table(s) should not be updated. Thus, this call should // restore the state of the underlying predictor, for instance the // local/global histories. The counter tables will be updated when // the branch actually commits. // Remember the correct direction for the update at commit. pred_hist.front().predTaken = actually_taken; pred_hist.front().target = corrTarget.instAddr(); update(tid, (*hist_it).pc, actually_taken, pred_hist.front().bpHistory, true, pred_hist.front().inst, corrTarget.instAddr()); if (iPred) { iPred->changeDirectionPrediction(tid, pred_hist.front().indirectHistory, actually_taken); } if (actually_taken) { if (hist_it->wasReturn && !hist_it->usedRAS) { DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] " "Incorrectly predicted " "return [sn:%llu] PC: %#x\n", tid, squashed_sn, hist_it->seqNum, hist_it->pc); RAS[tid].pop(); hist_it->usedRAS = true; } if (hist_it->wasIndirect) { ++indirectMispredicted; if (iPred) { iPred->recordTarget( hist_it->seqNum, pred_hist.front().indirectHistory, corrTarget, tid); } } else { DPRINTF(Branch,"[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] " "BTB Update called for [sn:%llu] " "PC %#x\n", tid, squashed_sn, hist_it->seqNum, hist_it->pc); BTB.update((*hist_it).pc, corrTarget, tid); } } else { //Actually not Taken if (hist_it->usedRAS) { DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] Incorrectly predicted " "return [sn:%llu] PC: %#x Restoring RAS\n", tid, squashed_sn, hist_it->seqNum, hist_it->pc); DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] Restoring top of RAS " "to: %i, target: %s\n", tid, squashed_sn, hist_it->RASIndex, hist_it->RASTarget); RAS[tid].restore(hist_it->RASIndex, hist_it->RASTarget); hist_it->usedRAS = false; } else if (hist_it->wasCall && hist_it->pushedRAS) { //Was a Call but predicated false. Pop RAS here DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [squash sn:%llu] " "Incorrectly predicted " "Call [sn:%llu] PC: %s Popping RAS\n", tid, squashed_sn, hist_it->seqNum, hist_it->pc); RAS[tid].pop(); hist_it->pushedRAS = false; } } } else { DPRINTF(Branch, "[tid:%i] [sn:%llu] pred_hist empty, can't " "update\n", tid, squashed_sn); } } void BPredUnit::dump() { int i = 0; for (const auto& ph : predHist) { if (!ph.empty()) { auto pred_hist_it = ph.begin(); cprintf("predHist[%i].size(): %i\n", i++, ph.size()); while (pred_hist_it != ph.end()) { cprintf("sn:%llu], PC:%#x, tid:%i, predTaken:%i, " "bpHistory:%#x\n", pred_hist_it->seqNum, pred_hist_it->pc, pred_hist_it->tid, pred_hist_it->predTaken, pred_hist_it->bpHistory); pred_hist_it++; } cprintf("\n"); } } }