/* * Copyright (c) 2014 ARM Limited * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Mitch Hayenga */ #include "cpu/pred/indirect.hh" #include "base/intmath.hh" #include "debug/Indirect.hh" IndirectPredictor::IndirectPredictor(bool hash_ghr, bool hash_targets, unsigned num_sets, unsigned num_ways, unsigned tag_bits, unsigned path_len, unsigned inst_shift, unsigned num_threads) : hashGHR(hash_ghr), hashTargets(hash_targets), numSets(num_sets), numWays(num_ways), tagBits(tag_bits), pathLength(path_len), instShift(inst_shift) { if (!isPowerOf2(numSets)) { panic("Indirect predictor requires power of 2 number of sets"); } threadInfo.resize(num_threads); targetCache.resize(numSets); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSets; i++) { targetCache[i].resize(numWays); } } bool IndirectPredictor::lookup(Addr br_addr, unsigned ghr, TheISA::PCState& target, ThreadID tid) { Addr set_index = getSetIndex(br_addr, ghr, tid); Addr tag = getTag(br_addr); assert(set_index < numSets); DPRINTF(Indirect, "Looking up %x (set:%d)\n", br_addr, set_index); const auto &iset = targetCache[set_index]; for (auto way = iset.begin(); way != iset.end(); ++way) { if (way->tag == tag) { DPRINTF(Indirect, "Hit %x (target:%s)\n", br_addr, way->target); target = way->target; return true; } } DPRINTF(Indirect, "Miss %x\n", br_addr); return false; } void IndirectPredictor::recordIndirect(Addr br_addr, Addr tgt_addr, InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(Indirect, "Recording %x seq:%d\n", br_addr, seq_num); HistoryEntry entry(br_addr, tgt_addr, seq_num); threadInfo[tid].pathHist.push_back(entry); } void IndirectPredictor::commit(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(Indirect, "Committing seq:%d\n", seq_num); ThreadInfo &t_info = threadInfo[tid]; if (t_info.pathHist.empty()) return; if (t_info.headHistEntry < t_info.pathHist.size() && t_info.pathHist[t_info.headHistEntry].seqNum <= seq_num) { if (t_info.headHistEntry >= pathLength) { t_info.pathHist.pop_front(); } else { ++t_info.headHistEntry; } } } void IndirectPredictor::squash(InstSeqNum seq_num, ThreadID tid) { DPRINTF(Indirect, "Squashing seq:%d\n", seq_num); ThreadInfo &t_info = threadInfo[tid]; auto squash_itr = t_info.pathHist.begin(); while (squash_itr != t_info.pathHist.end()) { if (squash_itr->seqNum > seq_num) { break; } ++squash_itr; } if (squash_itr != t_info.pathHist.end()) { DPRINTF(Indirect, "Squashing series starting with sn:%d\n", squash_itr->seqNum); } t_info.pathHist.erase(squash_itr, t_info.pathHist.end()); } void IndirectPredictor::recordTarget(InstSeqNum seq_num, unsigned ghr, const TheISA::PCState& target, ThreadID tid) { ThreadInfo &t_info = threadInfo[tid]; // Should have just squashed so this branch should be the oldest auto hist_entry = *(t_info.pathHist.rbegin()); // Temporarily pop it off the history so we can calculate the set t_info.pathHist.pop_back(); Addr set_index = getSetIndex(hist_entry.pcAddr, ghr, tid); Addr tag = getTag(hist_entry.pcAddr); hist_entry.targetAddr = target.instAddr(); t_info.pathHist.push_back(hist_entry); assert(set_index < numSets); auto &iset = targetCache[set_index]; for (auto way = iset.begin(); way != iset.end(); ++way) { if (way->tag == tag) { DPRINTF(Indirect, "Updating Target (seq: %d br:%x set:%d target:" "%s)\n", seq_num, hist_entry.pcAddr, set_index, target); way->target = target; return; } } DPRINTF(Indirect, "Allocating Target (seq: %d br:%x set:%d target:%s)\n", seq_num, hist_entry.pcAddr, set_index, target); // Did not find entry, random replacement auto &way = iset[rand() % numWays]; way.tag = tag; way.target = target; } inline Addr IndirectPredictor::getSetIndex(Addr br_addr, unsigned ghr, ThreadID tid) { ThreadInfo &t_info = threadInfo[tid]; Addr hash = br_addr >> instShift; if (hashGHR) { hash ^= ghr; } if (hashTargets) { unsigned hash_shift = floorLog2(numSets) / pathLength; for (int i = t_info.pathHist.size()-1, p = 0; i >= 0 && p < pathLength; i--, p++) { hash ^= (t_info.pathHist[i].targetAddr >> (instShift + p*hash_shift)); } } return hash & (numSets-1); } inline Addr IndirectPredictor::getTag(Addr br_addr) { return (br_addr >> instShift) & ((0x1<<tagBits)-1); }