/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Georgia Institute of Technology * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Tushar Krishna */ #include "cpu/testers/garnet_synthetic_traffic/GarnetSyntheticTraffic.hh" #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/logging.hh" #include "base/random.hh" #include "base/statistics.hh" #include "debug/GarnetSyntheticTraffic.hh" #include "mem/mem_object.hh" #include "mem/packet.hh" #include "mem/port.hh" #include "mem/request.hh" #include "sim/sim_events.hh" #include "sim/stats.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" using namespace std; int TESTER_NETWORK=0; bool GarnetSyntheticTraffic::CpuPort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) { tester->completeRequest(pkt); return true; } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::CpuPort::recvReqRetry() { tester->doRetry(); } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::sendPkt(PacketPtr pkt) { if (!cachePort.sendTimingReq(pkt)) { retryPkt = pkt; // RubyPort will retry sending } numPacketsSent++; } GarnetSyntheticTraffic::GarnetSyntheticTraffic(const Params *p) : MemObject(p), tickEvent([this]{ tick(); }, "GarnetSyntheticTraffic tick", false, Event::CPU_Tick_Pri), cachePort("GarnetSyntheticTraffic", this), retryPkt(NULL), size(p->memory_size), blockSizeBits(p->block_offset), numDestinations(p->num_dest), simCycles(p->sim_cycles), numPacketsMax(p->num_packets_max), numPacketsSent(0), singleSender(p->single_sender), singleDest(p->single_dest), trafficType(p->traffic_type), injRate(p->inj_rate), injVnet(p->inj_vnet), precision(p->precision), responseLimit(p->response_limit), masterId(p->system->getMasterId(this)) { // set up counters noResponseCycles = 0; schedule(tickEvent, 0); initTrafficType(); if (trafficStringToEnum.count(trafficType) == 0) { fatal("Unknown Traffic Type: %s!\n", traffic); } traffic = trafficStringToEnum[trafficType]; id = TESTER_NETWORK++; DPRINTF(GarnetSyntheticTraffic,"Config Created: Name = %s , and id = %d\n", name(), id); } BaseMasterPort & GarnetSyntheticTraffic::getMasterPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx) { if (if_name == "test") return cachePort; else return MemObject::getMasterPort(if_name, idx); } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::init() { numPacketsSent = 0; } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::completeRequest(PacketPtr pkt) { DPRINTF(GarnetSyntheticTraffic, "Completed injection of %s packet for address %x\n", pkt->isWrite() ? "write" : "read\n", pkt->req->getPaddr()); assert(pkt->isResponse()); noResponseCycles = 0; delete pkt; } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::tick() { if (++noResponseCycles >= responseLimit) { fatal("%s deadlocked at cycle %d\n", name(), curTick()); } // make new request based on injection rate // (injection rate's range depends on precision) // - generate a random number between 0 and 10^precision // - send pkt if this number is < injRate*(10^precision) bool sendAllowedThisCycle; double injRange = pow((double) 10, (double) precision); unsigned trySending = random_mt.random<unsigned>(0, (int) injRange); if (trySending < injRate*injRange) sendAllowedThisCycle = true; else sendAllowedThisCycle = false; // always generatePkt unless fixedPkts or singleSender is enabled if (sendAllowedThisCycle) { bool senderEnable = true; if (numPacketsMax >= 0 && numPacketsSent >= numPacketsMax) senderEnable = false; if (singleSender >= 0 && id != singleSender) senderEnable = false; if (senderEnable) generatePkt(); } // Schedule wakeup if (curTick() >= simCycles) exitSimLoop("Network Tester completed simCycles"); else { if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) schedule(tickEvent, clockEdge(Cycles(1))); } } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::generatePkt() { int num_destinations = numDestinations; int radix = (int) sqrt(num_destinations); unsigned destination = id; int dest_x = -1; int dest_y = -1; int source = id; int src_x = id%radix; int src_y = id/radix; if (singleDest >= 0) { destination = singleDest; } else if (traffic == UNIFORM_RANDOM_) { destination = random_mt.random<unsigned>(0, num_destinations - 1); } else if (traffic == BIT_COMPLEMENT_) { dest_x = radix - src_x - 1; dest_y = radix - src_y - 1; destination = dest_y*radix + dest_x; } else if (traffic == BIT_REVERSE_) { unsigned int straight = source; unsigned int reverse = source & 1; // LSB int num_bits = (int) log2(num_destinations); for (int i = 1; i < num_bits; i++) { reverse <<= 1; straight >>= 1; reverse |= (straight & 1); // LSB } destination = reverse; } else if (traffic == BIT_ROTATION_) { if (source%2 == 0) destination = source/2; else // (source%2 == 1) destination = ((source/2) + (num_destinations/2)); } else if (traffic == NEIGHBOR_) { dest_x = (src_x + 1) % radix; dest_y = src_y; destination = dest_y*radix + dest_x; } else if (traffic == SHUFFLE_) { if (source < num_destinations/2) destination = source*2; else destination = (source*2 - num_destinations + 1); } else if (traffic == TRANSPOSE_) { dest_x = src_y; dest_y = src_x; destination = dest_y*radix + dest_x; } else if (traffic == TORNADO_) { dest_x = (src_x + (int) ceil(radix/2) - 1) % radix; dest_y = src_y; destination = dest_y*radix + dest_x; } else { fatal("Unknown Traffic Type: %s!\n", traffic); } // The source of the packets is a cache. // The destination of the packets is a directory. // The destination bits are embedded in the address after byte-offset. Addr paddr = destination; paddr <<= blockSizeBits; unsigned access_size = 1; // Does not affect Ruby simulation // Modeling different coherence msg types over different msg classes. // // GarnetSyntheticTraffic assumes the Garnet_standalone coherence protocol // which models three message classes/virtual networks. // These are: request, forward, response. // requests and forwards are "control" packets (typically 8 bytes), // while responses are "data" packets (typically 72 bytes). // // Life of a packet from the tester into the network: // (1) This function generatePkt() generates packets of one of the // following 3 types (randomly) : ReadReq, INST_FETCH, WriteReq // (2) mem/ruby/system/RubyPort.cc converts these to RubyRequestType_LD, // RubyRequestType_IFETCH, RubyRequestType_ST respectively // (3) mem/ruby/system/Sequencer.cc sends these to the cache controllers // in the coherence protocol. // (4) Network_test-cache.sm tags RubyRequestType:LD, // RubyRequestType:IFETCH and RubyRequestType:ST as // Request, Forward, and Response events respectively; // and injects them into virtual networks 0, 1 and 2 respectively. // It immediately calls back the sequencer. // (5) The packet traverses the network (simple/garnet) and reaches its // destination (Directory), and network stats are updated. // (6) Network_test-dir.sm simply drops the packet. // MemCmd::Command requestType; RequestPtr req = nullptr; Request::Flags flags; // Inject in specific Vnet // Vnet 0 and 1 are for control packets (1-flit) // Vnet 2 is for data packets (5-flit) int injReqType = injVnet; if (injReqType < 0 || injReqType > 2) { // randomly inject in any vnet injReqType = random_mt.random(0, 2); } if (injReqType == 0) { // generate packet for virtual network 0 requestType = MemCmd::ReadReq; req = std::make_shared<Request>(paddr, access_size, flags, masterId); } else if (injReqType == 1) { // generate packet for virtual network 1 requestType = MemCmd::ReadReq; flags.set(Request::INST_FETCH); req = std::make_shared<Request>( 0, 0x0, access_size, flags, masterId, 0x0, 0); req->setPaddr(paddr); } else { // if (injReqType == 2) // generate packet for virtual network 2 requestType = MemCmd::WriteReq; req = std::make_shared<Request>(paddr, access_size, flags, masterId); } req->setContext(id); //No need to do functional simulation //We just do timing simulation of the network DPRINTF(GarnetSyntheticTraffic, "Generated packet with destination %d, embedded in address %x\n", destination, req->getPaddr()); PacketPtr pkt = new Packet(req, requestType); pkt->dataDynamic(new uint8_t[req->getSize()]); pkt->senderState = NULL; sendPkt(pkt); } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::initTrafficType() { trafficStringToEnum["bit_complement"] = BIT_COMPLEMENT_; trafficStringToEnum["bit_reverse"] = BIT_REVERSE_; trafficStringToEnum["bit_rotation"] = BIT_ROTATION_; trafficStringToEnum["neighbor"] = NEIGHBOR_; trafficStringToEnum["shuffle"] = SHUFFLE_; trafficStringToEnum["tornado"] = TORNADO_; trafficStringToEnum["transpose"] = TRANSPOSE_; trafficStringToEnum["uniform_random"] = UNIFORM_RANDOM_; } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::doRetry() { if (cachePort.sendTimingReq(retryPkt)) { retryPkt = NULL; } } void GarnetSyntheticTraffic::printAddr(Addr a) { cachePort.printAddr(a); } GarnetSyntheticTraffic * GarnetSyntheticTrafficParams::create() { return new GarnetSyntheticTraffic(this); }