/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Erik Hallnor * Steve Reinhardt */ // FIX ME: make trackBlkAddr use blocksize from actual cache, not hard coded #include <iomanip> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/random.hh" #include "base/statistics.hh" #include "cpu/testers/memtest/memtest.hh" #include "debug/MemTest.hh" #include "mem/mem_object.hh" #include "mem/packet.hh" #include "mem/port.hh" #include "mem/request.hh" #include "sim/sim_events.hh" #include "sim/stats.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" using namespace std; int TESTER_ALLOCATOR=0; bool MemTest::CpuPort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) { memtest->completeRequest(pkt); return true; } void MemTest::CpuPort::recvRetry() { memtest->doRetry(); } void MemTest::sendPkt(PacketPtr pkt) { if (atomic) { cachePort.sendAtomic(pkt); completeRequest(pkt); } else if (!cachePort.sendTimingReq(pkt)) { DPRINTF(MemTest, "accessRetry setting to true\n"); // // dma requests should never be retried // if (issueDmas) { panic("Nacked DMA requests are not supported\n"); } accessRetry = true; retryPkt = pkt; } else { if (issueDmas) { dmaOutstanding = true; } } } MemTest::MemTest(const Params *p) : MemObject(p), tickEvent(this), cachePort("test", this), funcPort("functional", this), funcProxy(funcPort, p->sys->cacheLineSize()), retryPkt(NULL), // mainMem(main_mem), // checkMem(check_mem), size(p->memory_size), percentReads(p->percent_reads), percentFunctional(p->percent_functional), percentUncacheable(p->percent_uncacheable), issueDmas(p->issue_dmas), masterId(p->sys->getMasterId(name())), blockSize(p->sys->cacheLineSize()), progressInterval(p->progress_interval), nextProgressMessage(p->progress_interval), percentSourceUnaligned(p->percent_source_unaligned), percentDestUnaligned(p->percent_dest_unaligned), maxLoads(p->max_loads), atomic(p->atomic), suppress_func_warnings(p->suppress_func_warnings) { id = TESTER_ALLOCATOR++; // Needs to be masked off once we know the block size. traceBlockAddr = p->trace_addr; baseAddr1 = 0x100000; baseAddr2 = 0x400000; uncacheAddr = 0x800000; blockAddrMask = blockSize - 1; traceBlockAddr = blockAddr(traceBlockAddr); // set up counters noResponseCycles = 0; numReads = 0; numWrites = 0; schedule(tickEvent, 0); accessRetry = false; dmaOutstanding = false; } BaseMasterPort & MemTest::getMasterPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx) { if (if_name == "functional") return funcPort; else if (if_name == "test") return cachePort; else return MemObject::getMasterPort(if_name, idx); } void MemTest::init() { // initial memory contents for both physical memory and functional // memory should be 0; no need to initialize them. } void MemTest::completeRequest(PacketPtr pkt) { Request *req = pkt->req; if (issueDmas) { dmaOutstanding = false; } DPRINTF(MemTest, "completing %s at address %x (blk %x) %s\n", pkt->isWrite() ? "write" : "read", req->getPaddr(), blockAddr(req->getPaddr()), pkt->isError() ? "error" : "success"); MemTestSenderState *state = safe_cast<MemTestSenderState *>(pkt->senderState); uint8_t *data = state->data; uint8_t *pkt_data = pkt->getPtr<uint8_t>(); //Remove the address from the list of outstanding std::set<unsigned>::iterator removeAddr = outstandingAddrs.find(req->getPaddr()); assert(removeAddr != outstandingAddrs.end()); outstandingAddrs.erase(removeAddr); if (pkt->isError()) { if (!suppress_func_warnings) { warn("Functional %s access failed at %#x\n", pkt->isWrite() ? "write" : "read", req->getPaddr()); } } else { if (pkt->isRead()) { if (memcmp(pkt_data, data, pkt->getSize()) != 0) { panic("%s: read of %x (blk %x) @ cycle %d " "returns %x, expected %x\n", name(), req->getPaddr(), blockAddr(req->getPaddr()), curTick(), *pkt_data, *data); } numReads++; numReadsStat++; if (numReads == (uint64_t)nextProgressMessage) { ccprintf(cerr, "%s: completed %d read, %d write accesses @%d\n", name(), numReads, numWrites, curTick()); nextProgressMessage += progressInterval; } if (maxLoads != 0 && numReads >= maxLoads) exitSimLoop("maximum number of loads reached"); } else { assert(pkt->isWrite()); funcProxy.writeBlob(req->getPaddr(), pkt_data, req->getSize()); numWrites++; numWritesStat++; } } noResponseCycles = 0; delete state; delete [] data; delete pkt->req; delete pkt; } void MemTest::regStats() { using namespace Stats; numReadsStat .name(name() + ".num_reads") .desc("number of read accesses completed") ; numWritesStat .name(name() + ".num_writes") .desc("number of write accesses completed") ; numCopiesStat .name(name() + ".num_copies") .desc("number of copy accesses completed") ; } void MemTest::tick() { if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) schedule(tickEvent, clockEdge(Cycles(1))); if (++noResponseCycles >= 500000) { if (issueDmas) { cerr << "DMA tester "; } cerr << name() << ": deadlocked at cycle " << curTick() << endl; fatal(""); } if (accessRetry || (issueDmas && dmaOutstanding)) { DPRINTF(MemTest, "MemTester waiting on accessRetry or DMA response\n"); return; } //make new request unsigned cmd = random_mt.random(0, 100); unsigned offset = random_mt.random<unsigned>(0, size - 1); unsigned base = random_mt.random(0, 1); uint64_t data = random_mt.random<uint64_t>(); unsigned access_size = random_mt.random(0, 3); bool uncacheable = random_mt.random(0, 100) < percentUncacheable; unsigned dma_access_size = random_mt.random(0, 3); //If we aren't doing copies, use id as offset, and do a false sharing //mem tester //We can eliminate the lower bits of the offset, and then use the id //to offset within the blks offset = blockAddr(offset); offset += id; access_size = 0; dma_access_size = 0; Request::Flags flags; Addr paddr; if (uncacheable) { flags.set(Request::UNCACHEABLE); paddr = uncacheAddr + offset; } else { paddr = ((base) ? baseAddr1 : baseAddr2) + offset; } // For now we only allow one outstanding request per address // per tester This means we assume CPU does write forwarding // to reads that alias something in the cpu store buffer. if (outstandingAddrs.find(paddr) != outstandingAddrs.end()) { return; } bool do_functional = (random_mt.random(0, 100) < percentFunctional) && !uncacheable; Request *req = new Request(); uint8_t *result = new uint8_t[8]; if (issueDmas) { paddr &= ~((1 << dma_access_size) - 1); req->setPhys(paddr, 1 << dma_access_size, flags, masterId); req->setThreadContext(id,0); } else { paddr &= ~((1 << access_size) - 1); req->setPhys(paddr, 1 << access_size, flags, masterId); req->setThreadContext(id,0); } assert(req->getSize() == 1); if (cmd < percentReads) { // read outstandingAddrs.insert(paddr); // ***** NOTE FOR RON: I'm not sure how to access checkMem. - Kevin funcProxy.readBlob(req->getPaddr(), result, req->getSize()); DPRINTF(MemTest, "id %d initiating %sread at addr %x (blk %x) expecting %x\n", id, do_functional ? "functional " : "", req->getPaddr(), blockAddr(req->getPaddr()), *result); PacketPtr pkt = new Packet(req, MemCmd::ReadReq); pkt->dataDynamicArray(new uint8_t[req->getSize()]); MemTestSenderState *state = new MemTestSenderState(result); pkt->senderState = state; if (do_functional) { assert(pkt->needsResponse()); pkt->setSuppressFuncError(); cachePort.sendFunctional(pkt); completeRequest(pkt); } else { sendPkt(pkt); } } else { // write outstandingAddrs.insert(paddr); DPRINTF(MemTest, "initiating %swrite at addr %x (blk %x) value %x\n", do_functional ? "functional " : "", req->getPaddr(), blockAddr(req->getPaddr()), data & 0xff); PacketPtr pkt = new Packet(req, MemCmd::WriteReq); uint8_t *pkt_data = new uint8_t[req->getSize()]; pkt->dataDynamicArray(pkt_data); memcpy(pkt_data, &data, req->getSize()); MemTestSenderState *state = new MemTestSenderState(result); pkt->senderState = state; if (do_functional) { pkt->setSuppressFuncError(); cachePort.sendFunctional(pkt); completeRequest(pkt); } else { sendPkt(pkt); } } } void MemTest::doRetry() { if (cachePort.sendTimingReq(retryPkt)) { DPRINTF(MemTest, "accessRetry setting to false\n"); accessRetry = false; retryPkt = NULL; } } void MemTest::printAddr(Addr a) { cachePort.printAddr(a); } MemTest * MemTestParams::create() { return new MemTest(this); }