/* * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Giacomo Travaglini */ #ifndef __DEV_ARM_GICV3_ITS_H__ #define __DEV_ARM_GICV3_ITS_H__ #include <queue> #include "base/coroutine.hh" #include "dev/dma_device.hh" #include "params/Gicv3Its.hh" class Gicv3; class Gicv3Redistributor; class ItsProcess; class ItsTranslation; class ItsCommand; enum class ItsActionType { INITIAL_NOP, SEND_REQ, TERMINATE, }; struct ItsAction { ItsActionType type; PacketPtr pkt; Tick delay; }; /** * GICv3 ITS module. This class is just modelling a pio device with its * memory mapped registers. Most of the ITS functionalities are * implemented as processes (ItsProcess) objects, like ItsTranslation or * ItsCommand. * Main job of Gicv3Its is to spawn those processes upon receival of packets. */ class Gicv3Its : public BasicPioDevice { friend class ::ItsProcess; friend class ::ItsTranslation; friend class ::ItsCommand; public: class DataPort : public MasterPort { protected: Gicv3Its &its; public: DataPort(const std::string &_name, Gicv3Its &_its) : MasterPort(_name, &_its), its(_its) {} virtual ~DataPort() {} bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) { return its.recvTimingResp(pkt); } void recvReqRetry() { return its.recvReqRetry(); } }; DataPort dmaPort; Port & getPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx) override; bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt); void recvReqRetry(); Gicv3Its(const Gicv3ItsParams *params); void setGIC(Gicv3 *_gic); static const uint32_t itsControl = 0x0; static const uint32_t itsTranslate = 0x10000; // Address range part of Control frame static const AddrRange GITS_BASER; static const uint32_t NUM_BASER_REGS = 8; enum : Addr { // Control frame GITS_CTLR = itsControl + 0x0000, GITS_IIDR = itsControl + 0x0004, GITS_TYPER = itsControl + 0x0008, GITS_CBASER = itsControl + 0x0080, GITS_CWRITER = itsControl + 0x0088, GITS_CREADR = itsControl + 0x0090, // Translation frame GITS_TRANSLATER = itsTranslate + 0x0040 }; AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const override; Tick read(PacketPtr pkt) override; Tick write(PacketPtr pkt) override; DrainState drain() override; void serialize(CheckpointOut & cp) const override; void unserialize(CheckpointIn & cp) override; void translate(PacketPtr pkt); BitUnion32(CTLR) Bitfield<31> quiescent; Bitfield<7, 4> itsNumber; Bitfield<1> imDe; Bitfield<0> enabled; EndBitUnion(CTLR) // Command read/write, (CREADR, CWRITER) BitUnion64(CRDWR) Bitfield<19, 5> offset; Bitfield<0> retry; Bitfield<0> stalled; EndBitUnion(CRDWR) BitUnion64(CBASER) Bitfield<63> valid; Bitfield<61, 59> innerCache; Bitfield<55, 53> outerCache; Bitfield<51, 12> physAddr; Bitfield<11, 10> shareability; Bitfield<7, 0> size; EndBitUnion(CBASER) BitUnion64(BASER) Bitfield<63> valid; Bitfield<62> indirect; Bitfield<61, 59> innerCache; Bitfield<58, 56> type; Bitfield<55, 53> outerCache; Bitfield<52, 48> entrySize; Bitfield<47, 12> physAddr; Bitfield<11, 10> shareability; Bitfield<9, 8> pageSize; Bitfield<7, 0> size; EndBitUnion(BASER) BitUnion64(TYPER) Bitfield<37> vmovp; Bitfield<36> cil; Bitfield<35, 32> cidBits; Bitfield<31, 24> hcc; Bitfield<19> pta; Bitfield<18> seis; Bitfield<17, 13> devBits; Bitfield<12, 8> idBits; Bitfield<7, 4> ittEntrySize; Bitfield<2> cct; Bitfield<1> _virtual; Bitfield<0> physical; EndBitUnion(TYPER) CTLR gitsControl; TYPER gitsTyper; CBASER gitsCbaser; CRDWR gitsCreadr; CRDWR gitsCwriter; uint32_t gitsIidr; uint32_t gitsTranslater; std::vector<BASER> tableBases; /** * Returns TRUE if the eventID supplied has bits above the implemented * size or above the itt_range */ bool idOutOfRange(uint32_t event_id, uint8_t itt_range) const; /** * Returns TRUE if the value supplied has bits above the implemented range * or if the value supplied exceeds the maximum configured size in the * appropriate GITS_BASER<n> */ bool deviceOutOfRange(uint32_t device_id) const; /** * Returns TRUE if the value (size) supplied exceeds the maximum * allowed by GITS_TYPER.ID_bits. Size is the parameter which is * passed to the ITS via the MAPD command and is stored in the * DTE.ittRange field. */ bool sizeOutOfRange(uint32_t size) const; /** * Returns TRUE if the value supplied has bits above the implemented range * or if the value exceeds the total number of collections supported in * hardware and external memory */ bool collectionOutOfRange(uint32_t collection_id) const; /** * Returns TRUE if the value supplied is larger than that permitted by * GICD_TYPER.IDbits or not in the LPI range and is not 1023 */ bool lpiOutOfRange(uint32_t intid) const; private: // Command void checkCommandQueue(); void incrementReadPointer(); public: // TableWalk BitUnion64(DTE) Bitfield<57, 53> ittRange; Bitfield<52, 1> ittAddress; Bitfield<0> valid; EndBitUnion(DTE) BitUnion64(ITTE) Bitfield<59, 46> vpeid; Bitfield<45, 30> icid; Bitfield<29, 16> intNumHyp; Bitfield<15, 2> intNum; Bitfield<1> intType; Bitfield<0> valid; EndBitUnion(ITTE) BitUnion64(CTE) Bitfield<40, 1> rdBase; Bitfield<0> valid; EndBitUnion(CTE) enum InterruptType { VIRTUAL_INTERRUPT = 0, PHYSICAL_INTERRUPT = 1 }; private: Gicv3Redistributor* getRedistributor(uint64_t rd_base); Gicv3Redistributor* getRedistributor(CTE cte) { return getRedistributor(cte.rdBase); } ItsAction runProcess(ItsProcess *proc, PacketPtr pkt); ItsAction runProcessTiming(ItsProcess *proc, PacketPtr pkt); ItsAction runProcessAtomic(ItsProcess *proc, PacketPtr pkt); enum ItsTables { DEVICE_TABLE = 1, VPE_TABLE = 2, TRANSLATION_TABLE = 3, COLLECTION_TABLE = 4 }; enum PageSize { SIZE_4K, SIZE_16K, SIZE_64K }; Addr pageAddress(enum ItsTables table); void moveAllPendingState( Gicv3Redistributor *rd1, Gicv3Redistributor *rd2); private: std::queue<ItsAction> packetsToRetry; uint32_t masterId; Gicv3 *gic; EventFunctionWrapper commandEvent; bool pendingCommands; uint32_t pendingTranslations; }; /** * ItsProcess is a base coroutine wrapper which is spawned by * the Gicv3Its module when the latter needs to perform different * actions, like translating a peripheral's MSI into an LPI * (See derived ItsTranslation) or processing a Command from the * ITS queue (ItsCommand). * The action to take is implemented by the method: * * virtual void main(Yield &yield) = 0; * It's inheriting from Packet::SenderState since the generic process * will be stopped (we are using coroutines) and sent with the packet * to memory when doing table walks. * When Gicv3Its receives a response, it will resume the coroutine from * the point it stopped when yielding. */ class ItsProcess : public Packet::SenderState { public: using DTE = Gicv3Its::DTE; using ITTE = Gicv3Its::ITTE; using CTE = Gicv3Its::CTE; using Coroutine = m5::Coroutine<PacketPtr, ItsAction>; using Yield = Coroutine::CallerType; ItsProcess(Gicv3Its &_its); virtual ~ItsProcess(); /** Returns the Gicv3Its name. Mainly used for DPRINTS */ const std::string name() const; ItsAction run(PacketPtr pkt); protected: void reinit(); virtual void main(Yield &yield) = 0; void writeDeviceTable(Yield &yield, uint32_t device_id, DTE dte); void writeIrqTranslationTable( Yield &yield, const Addr itt_base, uint32_t event_id, ITTE itte); void writeIrqCollectionTable( Yield &yield, uint32_t collection_id, CTE cte); uint64_t readDeviceTable( Yield &yield, uint32_t device_id); uint64_t readIrqTranslationTable( Yield &yield, const Addr itt_base, uint32_t event_id); uint64_t readIrqCollectionTable(Yield &yield, uint32_t collection_id); void doRead(Yield &yield, Addr addr, void *ptr, size_t size); void doWrite(Yield &yield, Addr addr, void *ptr, size_t size); void terminate(Yield &yield); protected: Gicv3Its &its; private: std::unique_ptr<Coroutine> coroutine; }; /** * An ItsTranslation is created whenever a peripheral writes a message in * GITS_TRANSLATER (MSI). In this case main will simply do the table walks * until it gets a redistributor and an INTID. It will then raise the * LPI interrupt to the target redistributor. */ class ItsTranslation : public ItsProcess { public: ItsTranslation(Gicv3Its &_its); ~ItsTranslation(); protected: void main(Yield &yield) override; std::pair<uint32_t, Gicv3Redistributor *> translateLPI(Yield &yield, uint32_t device_id, uint32_t event_id); }; /** * An ItsCommand is created whenever there is a new command in the command * queue. Only one command can be executed per time. * main will firstly read the command from memory and then it will process * it. */ class ItsCommand : public ItsProcess { public: union CommandEntry { struct { uint32_t type; uint32_t deviceId; uint32_t eventId; uint32_t pintId; uint32_t data[4]; }; uint64_t raw[4]; }; enum CommandType : uint32_t { CLEAR = 0x04, DISCARD = 0x0F, INT = 0x03, INV = 0x0C, INVALL = 0x0D, MAPC = 0x09, MAPD = 0x08, MAPI = 0x0B, MAPTI = 0x0A, MOVALL = 0x0E, MOVI = 0x01, SYNC = 0x05, VINVALL = 0x2D, VMAPI = 0x2B, VMAPP = 0x29, VMAPTI = 0x2A, VMOVI = 0x21, VMOVP = 0x22, VSYNC = 0x25 }; ItsCommand(Gicv3Its &_its); ~ItsCommand(); protected: /** * Dispatch entry is a metadata struct which contains information about * the command (like the name) and the function object implementing * the command. */ struct DispatchEntry { using ExecFn = std::function<void(ItsCommand*, Yield&, CommandEntry&)>; DispatchEntry(std::string _name, ExecFn _exec) : name(_name), exec(_exec) {} std::string name; ExecFn exec; }; using DispatchTable = std::unordered_map< std::underlying_type<enum CommandType>::type, DispatchEntry>; static DispatchTable cmdDispatcher; static std::string commandName(uint32_t cmd); void main(Yield &yield) override; void readCommand(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void processCommand(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); // Commands void clear(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void discard(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void mapc(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void mapd(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void mapi(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void mapti(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void movall(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void movi(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void sync(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void doInt(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void inv(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void invall(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void vinvall(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void vmapi(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void vmapp(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void vmapti(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void vmovi(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void vmovp(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); void vsync(Yield &yield, CommandEntry &command); protected: // Helpers bool idOutOfRange(CommandEntry &command, DTE dte) const { return its.idOutOfRange(command.eventId, dte.ittRange); } bool deviceOutOfRange(CommandEntry &command) const { return its.deviceOutOfRange(command.deviceId); } bool sizeOutOfRange(CommandEntry &command) const { const auto size = bits(command.raw[1], 4, 0); const auto valid = bits(command.raw[2], 63); if (valid) return its.sizeOutOfRange(size); else return false; } bool collectionOutOfRange(CommandEntry &command) const { return its.collectionOutOfRange(bits(command.raw[2], 15, 0)); } }; #endif