/* * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: William Wang * Ali Saidi */ /** @file * Implementiation of a PL111 CLCD controller */ #ifndef __DEV_ARM_PL111_HH__ #define __DEV_ARM_PL111_HH__ #include <fstream> #include "base/range.hh" #include "dev/arm/amba_device.hh" #include "params/Pl111.hh" #include "sim/serialize.hh" class Gic; class VncServer; class Bitmap; class Pl111: public AmbaDmaDevice { protected: static const uint64_t AMBA_ID = ULL(0xb105f00d00141111); /** ARM PL111 register map*/ static const int LcdTiming0 = 0x000; static const int LcdTiming1 = 0x004; static const int LcdTiming2 = 0x008; static const int LcdTiming3 = 0x00C; static const int LcdUpBase = 0x010; static const int LcdLpBase = 0x014; static const int LcdControl = 0x018; static const int LcdImsc = 0x01C; static const int LcdRis = 0x020; static const int LcdMis = 0x024; static const int LcdIcr = 0x028; static const int LcdUpCurr = 0x02C; static const int LcdLpCurr = 0x030; static const int LcdPalette = 0x200; static const int CrsrImage = 0x800; static const int ClcdCrsrCtrl = 0xC00; static const int ClcdCrsrConfig = 0xC04; static const int ClcdCrsrPalette0 = 0xC08; static const int ClcdCrsrPalette1 = 0xC0C; static const int ClcdCrsrXY = 0xC10; static const int ClcdCrsrClip = 0xC14; static const int ClcdCrsrImsc = 0xC20; static const int ClcdCrsrIcr = 0xC24; static const int ClcdCrsrRis = 0xC28; static const int ClcdCrsrMis = 0xC2C; static const int LcdPaletteSize = 128; static const int CrsrImageSize = 256; static const int LcdMaxWidth = 1024; // pixels per line static const int LcdMaxHeight = 768; // lines per panel static const int dmaSize = 8; // 64 bits static const int maxOutstandingDma = 16; // 16 deep FIFO of 64 bits enum LcdMode { bpp1 = 0, bpp2, bpp4, bpp8, bpp16, bpp24, bpp16m565, bpp12 }; BitUnion8(InterruptReg) Bitfield<1> underflow; Bitfield<2> baseaddr; Bitfield<3> vcomp; Bitfield<4> ahbmaster; EndBitUnion(InterruptReg) BitUnion32(TimingReg0) Bitfield<7,2> ppl; Bitfield<15,8> hsw; Bitfield<23,16> hfp; Bitfield<31,24> hbp; EndBitUnion(TimingReg0) BitUnion32(TimingReg1) Bitfield<9,0> lpp; Bitfield<15,10> vsw; Bitfield<23,16> vfp; Bitfield<31,24> vbp; EndBitUnion(TimingReg1) BitUnion32(TimingReg2) Bitfield<4,0> pcdlo; Bitfield<5> clksel; Bitfield<10,6> acb; Bitfield<11> avs; Bitfield<12> ihs; Bitfield<13> ipc; Bitfield<14> ioe; Bitfield<25,16> cpl; Bitfield<26> bcd; Bitfield<31,27> pcdhi; EndBitUnion(TimingReg2) BitUnion32(TimingReg3) Bitfield<6,0> led; Bitfield<16> lee; EndBitUnion(TimingReg3) BitUnion32(ControlReg) Bitfield<0> lcden; Bitfield<3,1> lcdbpp; Bitfield<4> lcdbw; Bitfield<5> lcdtft; Bitfield<6> lcdmono8; Bitfield<7> lcddual; Bitfield<8> bgr; Bitfield<9> bebo; Bitfield<10> bepo; Bitfield<11> lcdpwr; Bitfield<13,12> lcdvcomp; Bitfield<16> watermark; EndBitUnion(ControlReg) /** Horizontal axis panel control register */ TimingReg0 lcdTiming0; /** Vertical axis panel control register */ TimingReg1 lcdTiming1; /** Clock and signal polarity control register */ TimingReg2 lcdTiming2; /** Line end control register */ TimingReg3 lcdTiming3; /** Upper panel frame base address register */ int lcdUpbase; /** Lower panel frame base address register */ int lcdLpbase; /** Control register */ ControlReg lcdControl; /** Interrupt mask set/clear register */ InterruptReg lcdImsc; /** Raw interrupt status register - const */ InterruptReg lcdRis; /** Masked interrupt status register */ InterruptReg lcdMis; /** 256x16-bit color palette registers * 256 palette entries organized as 128 locations of two entries per word */ int lcdPalette[LcdPaletteSize]; /** Cursor image RAM register * 256-word wide values defining images overlaid by the hw cursor mechanism */ int cursorImage[CrsrImageSize]; /** Cursor control register */ int clcdCrsrCtrl; /** Cursor configuration register */ int clcdCrsrConfig; /** Cursor palette registers */ int clcdCrsrPalette0; int clcdCrsrPalette1; /** Cursor XY position register */ int clcdCrsrXY; /** Cursor clip position register */ int clcdCrsrClip; /** Cursor interrupt mask set/clear register */ InterruptReg clcdCrsrImsc; /** Cursor interrupt clear register */ InterruptReg clcdCrsrIcr; /** Cursor raw interrupt status register - const */ InterruptReg clcdCrsrRis; /** Cursor masked interrupt status register - const */ InterruptReg clcdCrsrMis; /** VNC server */ VncServer *vncserver; /** Helper to write out bitmaps */ Bitmap *bmp; /** Picture of what the current frame buffer looks like */ std::ostream *pic; /** Frame buffer width - pixels per line */ uint16_t width; /** Frame buffer height - lines per panel */ uint16_t height; /** Bytes per pixel */ uint8_t bytesPerPixel; /** CLCDC supports up to 1024x768 */ uint8_t *dmaBuffer; /** Start time for frame buffer dma read */ Tick startTime; /** Frame buffer base address */ Addr startAddr; /** Frame buffer max address */ Addr maxAddr; /** Frame buffer current address */ Addr curAddr; /** DMA FIFO watermark */ int waterMark; /** Number of pending dma reads */ int dmaPendingNum; /** Send updated parameters to the vnc server */ void updateVideoParams(); /** DMA framebuffer read */ void readFramebuffer(); /** Generate dma framebuffer read event */ void generateReadEvent(); /** Function to generate interrupt */ void generateInterrupt(); /** fillFIFO event */ void fillFifo(); /** start the dmas off after power is enabled */ void startDma(); /** DMA done event */ void dmaDone(); /** DMA framebuffer read event */ EventWrapper<Pl111, &Pl111::readFramebuffer> readEvent; /** Fill fifo */ EventWrapper<Pl111, &Pl111::fillFifo> fillFifoEvent; /** DMA done event */ std::vector<EventWrapper<Pl111, &Pl111::dmaDone> > dmaDoneEvent; /** Wrapper to create an event out of the interrupt */ EventWrapper<Pl111, &Pl111::generateInterrupt> intEvent; public: typedef Pl111Params Params; const Params * params() const { return dynamic_cast<const Params *>(_params); } Pl111(const Params *p); ~Pl111(); virtual Tick read(PacketPtr pkt); virtual Tick write(PacketPtr pkt); virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os); virtual void unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string §ion); /** * Determine the address ranges that this device responds to. * * @return a list of non-overlapping address ranges */ AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const; }; #endif