/* * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Gabor Dozsa */ /* @file * The interface class for multi gem5 simulations. */ #include "dev/multi_iface.hh" #include <queue> #include <thread> #include "base/random.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "debug/MultiEthernet.hh" #include "debug/MultiEthernetPkt.hh" #include "dev/etherpkt.hh" #include "sim/sim_exit.hh" #include "sim/sim_object.hh" MultiIface::Sync *MultiIface::sync = nullptr; MultiIface::SyncEvent *MultiIface::syncEvent = nullptr; unsigned MultiIface::recvThreadsNum = 0; MultiIface *MultiIface::master = nullptr; bool MultiIface::Sync::run(SyncTrigger t, Tick sync_tick) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> sync_lock(lock); trigger = t; if (trigger != SyncTrigger::periodic) { DPRINTF(MultiEthernet,"MultiIface::Sync::run() trigger:%d\n", (unsigned)trigger); } switch (state) { case SyncState::asyncCkpt: switch (trigger) { case SyncTrigger::ckpt: assert(MultiIface::syncEvent->interrupted == false); state = SyncState::busy; break; case SyncTrigger::periodic: if (waitNum == 0) { // So all recv threads got an async checkpoint request already // and a simExit is scheduled at the end of the current tick // (i.e. it is a periodic sync scheduled at the same tick as // the simExit). state = SyncState::idle; DPRINTF(MultiEthernet,"MultiIface::Sync::run() interrupted " "due to async ckpt scheduled\n"); return false; } else { // we still need to wait for some receiver thread to get the // aysnc ckpt request. We are going to proceed as 'interrupted' // periodic sync. state = SyncState::interrupted; DPRINTF(MultiEthernet,"MultiIface::Sync::run() interrupted " "due to ckpt request is coming in\n"); } break; case SyncTrigger::atomic: assert(trigger != SyncTrigger::atomic); } break; case SyncState::idle: state = SyncState::busy; break; // Only one sync can be active at any time case SyncState::interrupted: case SyncState::busy: assert(state != SyncState::interrupted); assert(state != SyncState::busy); break; } // Kick-off the sync unless we are in the middle of an interrupted // periodic sync if (state != SyncState::interrupted) { assert(waitNum == 0); waitNum = MultiIface::recvThreadsNum; // initiate the global synchronisation assert(MultiIface::master != nullptr); MultiIface::master->syncRaw(triggerToMsg[(unsigned)trigger], sync_tick); } // now wait until all receiver threads complete the synchronisation auto lf = [this]{ return waitNum == 0; }; cv.wait(sync_lock, lf); // we are done assert(state == SyncState::busy || state == SyncState::interrupted); bool ret = (state != SyncState::interrupted); state = SyncState::idle; return ret; } void MultiIface::Sync::progress(MsgType msg) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> sync_lock(lock); switch (msg) { case MsgType::cmdAtomicSyncAck: assert(state == SyncState::busy && trigger == SyncTrigger::atomic); break; case MsgType::cmdPeriodicSyncAck: assert(state == SyncState::busy && trigger == SyncTrigger::periodic); break; case MsgType::cmdCkptSyncAck: assert(state == SyncState::busy && trigger == SyncTrigger::ckpt); break; case MsgType::cmdCkptSyncReq: switch (state) { case SyncState::busy: if (trigger == SyncTrigger::ckpt) { // We are already in a checkpoint sync but got another ckpt // sync request. This may happen if two (or more) peer gem5 // processes try to start a ckpt nearly at the same time. // Incrementing waitNum here (before decrementing it below) // effectively results in ignoring this new ckpt sync request. waitNum++; break; } assert (waitNum == recvThreadsNum); state = SyncState::interrupted; // we need to fall over here to handle "recvThreadsNum == 1" case case SyncState::interrupted: assert(trigger == SyncTrigger::periodic); assert(waitNum >= 1); if (waitNum == 1) { exitSimLoop("checkpoint"); } break; case SyncState::idle: // There is no on-going sync so we got an async ckpt request. If we // are the only receiver thread then we need to schedule the // checkpoint. Otherwise, only change the state to 'asyncCkpt' and // let the last receiver thread to schedule the checkpoint at the // 'asyncCkpt' case. // Note that a periodic or resume sync may start later and that can // trigger a state change to 'interrupted' (so the checkpoint may // get scheduled at 'interrupted' case finally). assert(waitNum == 0); state = SyncState::asyncCkpt; waitNum = MultiIface::recvThreadsNum; // we need to fall over here to handle "recvThreadsNum == 1" case case SyncState::asyncCkpt: assert(waitNum >= 1); if (waitNum == 1) exitSimLoop("checkpoint"); break; default: panic("Unexpected state for checkpoint request message"); break; } break; default: panic("Unknown msg type"); break; } waitNum--; assert(state != SyncState::idle); // Notify the simultaion thread if there is an on-going sync. if (state != SyncState::asyncCkpt) { sync_lock.unlock(); cv.notify_one(); } } void MultiIface::SyncEvent::start(Tick start, Tick interval) { assert(!scheduled()); if (interval == 0) panic("Multi synchronisation period must be greater than zero"); repeat = interval; schedule(start); } void MultiIface::SyncEvent::adjust(Tick start_tick, Tick repeat_tick) { // The new multi interface may require earlier start of the // synchronisation. assert(scheduled() == true); if (start_tick < when()) reschedule(start_tick); // The new multi interface may require more frequent synchronisation. if (repeat == 0) panic("Multi synchronisation period must be greater than zero"); if (repeat < repeat_tick) repeat = repeat_tick; } void MultiIface::SyncEvent::process() { /* * Note that this is a global event so this process method will be called * by only exactly one thread. */ // if we are draining the system then we must not start a periodic sync (as // it is not sure that all peer gem5 will reach this tick before taking // the checkpoint). if (isDraining == true) { assert(interrupted == false); interrupted = true; DPRINTF(MultiEthernet,"MultiIface::SyncEvent::process() interrupted " "due to draining\n"); return; } if (interrupted == false) scheduledAt = curTick(); /* * We hold the eventq lock at this point but the receiver thread may * need the lock to schedule new recv events while waiting for the * multi sync to complete. * Note that the other simulation threads also release their eventq * locks while waiting for us due to the global event semantics. */ curEventQueue()->unlock(); // we do a global sync here interrupted = !MultiIface::sync->run(SyncTrigger::periodic, scheduledAt); // Global sync completed or got interrupted. // we are expected to exit with the eventq lock held curEventQueue()->lock(); // schedule the next global sync event if this one completed. Otherwise // (i.e. this one was interrupted by a checkpoint request), we will // reschedule this one after the draining is complete. if (!interrupted) schedule(scheduledAt + repeat); } void MultiIface::SyncEvent::resume() { Tick sync_tick; assert(!scheduled()); if (interrupted) { assert(curTick() >= scheduledAt); // We have to complete the interrupted periodic sync asap. // Note that this sync might be interrupted now again with a checkpoint // request from a peer gem5... sync_tick = curTick(); schedule(sync_tick); } else { // So we completed the last periodic sync, let's find out the tick for // next one assert(curTick() > scheduledAt); sync_tick = scheduledAt + repeat; if (sync_tick < curTick()) panic("Cannot resume periodic synchronisation"); schedule(sync_tick); } DPRINTF(MultiEthernet, "MultiIface::SyncEvent periodic sync resumed at %lld " "(curTick:%lld)\n", sync_tick, curTick()); } void MultiIface::SyncEvent::serialize(const std::string &base, CheckpointOut &cp) const { // Save the periodic multi sync schedule information paramOut(cp, base + ".periodicSyncRepeat", repeat); paramOut(cp, base + ".periodicSyncInterrupted", interrupted); paramOut(cp, base + ".periodicSyncAt", scheduledAt); } void MultiIface::SyncEvent::unserialize(const std::string &base, CheckpointIn &cp) { paramIn(cp, base + ".periodicSyncRepeat", repeat); paramIn(cp, base + ".periodicSyncInterrupted", interrupted); paramIn(cp, base + ".periodicSyncAt", scheduledAt); } MultiIface::MultiIface(unsigned multi_rank, Tick sync_start, Tick sync_repeat, EventManager *em) : syncStart(sync_start), syncRepeat(sync_repeat), recvThread(nullptr), eventManager(em), recvDone(nullptr), scheduledRecvPacket(nullptr), linkDelay(0), rank(multi_rank) { DPRINTF(MultiEthernet, "MultiIface() ctor rank:%d\n",multi_rank); if (master == nullptr) { assert(sync == nullptr); assert(syncEvent == nullptr); sync = new Sync(); syncEvent = new SyncEvent(); master = this; } } MultiIface::~MultiIface() { assert(recvThread); delete recvThread; if (this == master) { assert(syncEvent); delete syncEvent; assert(sync); delete sync; } } void MultiIface::packetOut(EthPacketPtr pkt, Tick send_delay) { MultiHeaderPkt::Header header_pkt; unsigned address_length = MultiHeaderPkt::maxAddressLength(); // Prepare a multi header packet for the Ethernet packet we want to // send out. header_pkt.msgType = MsgType::dataDescriptor; header_pkt.sendTick = curTick(); header_pkt.sendDelay = send_delay; // Store also the source and destination addresses. pkt->packAddress(header_pkt.srcAddress, header_pkt.dstAddress, address_length); header_pkt.dataPacketLength = pkt->size(); // Send out the multi hedare packet followed by the Ethernet packet. sendRaw(&header_pkt, sizeof(header_pkt), header_pkt.dstAddress); sendRaw(pkt->data, pkt->size(), header_pkt.dstAddress); DPRINTF(MultiEthernetPkt, "MultiIface::sendDataPacket() done size:%d send_delay:%llu " "src:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x " "dst:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", pkt->size(), send_delay, header_pkt.srcAddress[0], header_pkt.srcAddress[1], header_pkt.srcAddress[2], header_pkt.srcAddress[3], header_pkt.srcAddress[4], header_pkt.srcAddress[5], header_pkt.dstAddress[0], header_pkt.dstAddress[1], header_pkt.dstAddress[2], header_pkt.dstAddress[3], header_pkt.dstAddress[4], header_pkt.dstAddress[5]); } bool MultiIface::recvHeader(MultiHeaderPkt::Header &header_pkt) { // Blocking receive of an incoming multi header packet. return recvRaw((void *)&header_pkt, sizeof(header_pkt)); } void MultiIface::recvData(const MultiHeaderPkt::Header &header_pkt) { // We are here beacuse a header packet has been received implying // that an Ethernet (data) packet is coming in next. assert(header_pkt.msgType == MsgType::dataDescriptor); // Allocate storage for the incoming Ethernet packet. EthPacketPtr new_packet(new EthPacketData(header_pkt.dataPacketLength)); // Now execute the blocking receive and store the incoming data directly // in the new EthPacketData object. if (! recvRaw((void *)(new_packet->data), header_pkt.dataPacketLength)) panic("Missing data packet"); new_packet->length = header_pkt.dataPacketLength; // Grab the event queue lock to schedule a new receive event for the // data packet. curEventQueue()->lock(); // Compute the receive tick. It includes the send delay and the // simulated link delay. Tick recv_tick = header_pkt.sendTick + header_pkt.sendDelay + linkDelay; DPRINTF(MultiEthernetPkt, "MultiIface::recvThread() packet receive, " "send_tick:%llu send_delay:%llu link_delay:%llu recv_tick:%llu\n", header_pkt.sendTick, header_pkt.sendDelay, linkDelay, recv_tick); if (recv_tick <= curTick()) { panic("Simulators out of sync - missed packet receive by %llu ticks", curTick() - recv_tick); } // Now we are about to schedule a recvDone event for the new data packet. // We use the same recvDone object for all incoming data packets. If // that is already scheduled - i.e. a receive event for a previous // data packet is already pending - then we have to check whether the // receive tick for the new packet is earlier than that of the currently // pending event. Packets may arrive out-of-order with respect to // simulated receive time. If that is the case, we need to re-schedule the // recvDone event for the new packet. Otherwise, we save the packet // pointer and the recv tick for the new packet in the recvQueue. See // the implementation of the packetIn() method for comments on how this // information is retrieved from the recvQueue by the simulation thread. if (!recvDone->scheduled()) { assert(recvQueue.size() == 0); assert(scheduledRecvPacket == nullptr); scheduledRecvPacket = new_packet; eventManager->schedule(recvDone, recv_tick); } else if (recvDone->when() > recv_tick) { recvQueue.emplace(scheduledRecvPacket, recvDone->when()); eventManager->reschedule(recvDone, recv_tick); scheduledRecvPacket = new_packet; } else { recvQueue.emplace(new_packet, recv_tick); } curEventQueue()->unlock(); } void MultiIface::recvThreadFunc() { EthPacketPtr new_packet; MultiHeaderPkt::Header header; // The new receiver thread shares the event queue with the simulation // thread (associated with the simulated Ethernet link). curEventQueue(eventManager->eventQueue()); // Main loop to wait for and process any incoming message. for (;;) { // recvHeader() blocks until the next multi header packet comes in. if (!recvHeader(header)) { // We lost connection to the peer gem5 processes most likely // because one of them called m5 exit. So we stop here. exit_message("info", 0, "Message server closed connection, " "simulation is exiting"); } // We got a valid multi header packet, let's process it if (header.msgType == MsgType::dataDescriptor) { recvData(header); } else { // everything else must be synchronisation related command sync->progress(header.msgType); } } } EthPacketPtr MultiIface::packetIn() { // We are called within the process() method of the recvDone event. We // return the packet that triggered the current receive event. // If there is further packets in the recvQueue, we also have to schedule // the recvEvent for the next packet with the smallest receive tick. // The priority queue container ensures that smallest receive tick is // always on the top of the queue. assert(scheduledRecvPacket != nullptr); EthPacketPtr next_packet = scheduledRecvPacket; if (! recvQueue.empty()) { eventManager->schedule(recvDone, recvQueue.top().second); scheduledRecvPacket = recvQueue.top().first; recvQueue.pop(); } else { scheduledRecvPacket = nullptr; } return next_packet; } void MultiIface::spawnRecvThread(Event *recv_done, Tick link_delay) { assert(recvThread == nullptr); // all receive thread must be spawned before simulation starts assert(eventManager->eventQueue()->getCurTick() == 0); recvDone = recv_done; linkDelay = link_delay; recvThread = new std::thread(&MultiIface::recvThreadFunc, this); recvThreadsNum++; } DrainState MultiIface::drain() { DPRINTF(MultiEthernet,"MultiIFace::drain() called\n"); // This can be called multiple times in the same drain cycle. if (master == this) { syncEvent->isDraining = true; } return DrainState::Drained; } void MultiIface::drainDone() { if (master == this) { assert(syncEvent->isDraining == true); syncEvent->isDraining = false; // We need to resume the interrupted periodic sync here now that the // draining is done. If the last periodic sync completed before the // checkpoint then the next one is already scheduled. if (syncEvent->interrupted) syncEvent->resume(); } } void MultiIface::serialize(const std::string &base, CheckpointOut &cp) const { // Drain the multi interface before the checkpoint is taken. We cannot call // this as part of the normal drain cycle because this multi sync has to be // called exactly once after the system is fully drained. // Note that every peer will take a checkpoint but they may take it at // different ticks. // This sync request may interrupt an on-going periodic sync in some peers. sync->run(SyncTrigger::ckpt, curTick()); // Save the periodic multi sync status syncEvent->serialize(base, cp); unsigned n_rx_packets = recvQueue.size(); if (scheduledRecvPacket != nullptr) n_rx_packets++; paramOut(cp, base + ".nRxPackets", n_rx_packets); if (n_rx_packets > 0) { assert(recvDone->scheduled()); scheduledRecvPacket->serialize(base + ".rxPacket[0]", cp); } for (unsigned i=1; i < n_rx_packets; i++) { const RecvInfo recv_info = recvQueue.impl().at(i-1); recv_info.first->serialize(base + csprintf(".rxPacket[%d]", i), cp); Tick rx_tick = recv_info.second; paramOut(cp, base + csprintf(".rxTick[%d]", i), rx_tick); } } void MultiIface::unserialize(const std::string &base, CheckpointIn &cp) { assert(recvQueue.size() == 0); assert(scheduledRecvPacket == nullptr); assert(recvDone->scheduled() == false); // restore periodic sync info syncEvent->unserialize(base, cp); unsigned n_rx_packets; paramIn(cp, base + ".nRxPackets", n_rx_packets); if (n_rx_packets > 0) { scheduledRecvPacket = std::make_shared<EthPacketData>(16384); scheduledRecvPacket->unserialize(base + ".rxPacket[0]", cp); // Note: receive event will be scheduled when the link is unserialized } for (unsigned i=1; i < n_rx_packets; i++) { EthPacketPtr rx_packet = std::make_shared<EthPacketData>(16384); rx_packet->unserialize(base + csprintf(".rxPacket[%d]", i), cp); Tick rx_tick = 0; paramIn(cp, base + csprintf(".rxTick[%d]", i), rx_tick); assert(rx_tick > 0); recvQueue.emplace(rx_packet,rx_tick); } } void MultiIface::initRandom() { // Initialize the seed for random generator to avoid the same sequence // in all gem5 peer processes assert(master != nullptr); if (this == master) random_mt.init(5489 * (rank+1) + 257); } void MultiIface::startPeriodicSync() { DPRINTF(MultiEthernet, "MultiIface:::initPeriodicSync started\n"); // Do a global sync here to ensure that peer gem5 processes are around // (actually this may not be needed...) sync->run(SyncTrigger::atomic, curTick()); // Start the periodic sync if it is a fresh simulation from scratch if (curTick() == 0) { if (this == master) { syncEvent->start(syncStart, syncRepeat); inform("Multi synchronisation activated: start at %lld, " "repeat at every %lld ticks.\n", syncStart, syncRepeat); } else { // In case another multiIface object requires different schedule // for periodic sync than the master does. syncEvent->adjust(syncStart, syncRepeat); } } else { // Schedule the next periodic sync if resuming from a checkpoint if (this == master) syncEvent->resume(); } DPRINTF(MultiEthernet, "MultiIface::initPeriodicSync done\n"); }