/* * Copyright (c) 2014 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Andreas Sandberg */ #include "debug/VIO.hh" #include "dev/virtio/base.hh" #include "params/VirtIODeviceBase.hh" VirtDescriptor::VirtDescriptor(PortProxy &_memProxy, VirtQueue &_queue, Index descIndex) : memProxy(&_memProxy), queue(&_queue), _index(descIndex), desc{0, 0, 0, 0} { } VirtDescriptor::VirtDescriptor(VirtDescriptor &&other) noexcept { *this = std::forward<VirtDescriptor>(other); } VirtDescriptor::~VirtDescriptor() noexcept { } VirtDescriptor & VirtDescriptor::operator=(VirtDescriptor &&rhs) noexcept { memProxy = std::move(rhs.memProxy); queue = std::move(rhs.queue); _index = std::move(rhs._index); desc = std::move(rhs.desc); return *this; } void VirtDescriptor::update() { const Addr vq_addr(queue->getAddress()); // Check if the queue has been initialized yet if (vq_addr == 0) return; assert(_index < queue->getSize()); const Addr desc_addr(vq_addr + sizeof(desc) * _index); vring_desc guest_desc; memProxy->readBlob(desc_addr, (uint8_t *)&guest_desc, sizeof(guest_desc)); desc = vtoh_legacy(guest_desc); DPRINTF(VIO, "VirtDescriptor(%i): Addr: 0x%x, Len: %i, Flags: 0x%x, " "Next: 0x%x\n", _index, desc.addr, desc.len, desc.flags, desc.next); } void VirtDescriptor::updateChain() { VirtDescriptor *desc(this); do { desc->update(); } while((desc = desc->next()) != NULL && desc != this); if (desc == this) panic("Loop in descriptor chain!\n"); } void VirtDescriptor::dump() const { if (!DTRACE(VIO)) return; DPRINTF(VIO, "Descriptor[%i]: " "Addr: 0x%x, Len: %i, Flags: 0x%x, Next: 0x%x\n", _index, desc.addr, desc.len, desc.flags, desc.next); if (isIncoming()) { uint8_t data[desc.len]; read(0, data, desc.len); DDUMP(VIO, data, desc.len); } } void VirtDescriptor::dumpChain() const { if (!DTRACE(VIO)) return; const VirtDescriptor *desc(this); do { desc->dump(); } while((desc = desc->next()) != NULL); } VirtDescriptor * VirtDescriptor::next() const { if (hasNext()) { return queue->getDescriptor(desc.next); } else { return NULL; } } void VirtDescriptor::read(size_t offset, uint8_t *dst, size_t size) const { DPRINTF(VIO, "VirtDescriptor(%p, 0x%x, %i)::read: offset: %i, dst: 0x%x, size: %i\n", this, desc.addr, desc.len, offset, (long)dst, size); assert(size <= desc.len - offset); if (!isIncoming()) panic("Trying to read from outgoing buffer\n"); memProxy->readBlob(desc.addr + offset, dst, size); } void VirtDescriptor::write(size_t offset, const uint8_t *src, size_t size) { DPRINTF(VIO, "VirtDescriptor(%p, 0x%x, %i)::write: offset: %i, src: 0x%x, size: %i\n", this, desc.addr, desc.len, offset, (long)src, size); assert(size <= desc.len - offset); if (!isOutgoing()) panic("Trying to write to incoming buffer\n"); memProxy->writeBlob(desc.addr + offset, const_cast<uint8_t *>(src), size); } void VirtDescriptor::chainRead(size_t offset, uint8_t *dst, size_t size) const { const VirtDescriptor *desc(this); const size_t full_size(size); do { if (offset < desc->size()) { const size_t chunk_size(std::min(desc->size() - offset, size)); desc->read(offset, dst, chunk_size); dst += chunk_size; size -= chunk_size; offset = 0; } else { offset -= desc->size(); } } while((desc = desc->next()) != NULL && desc->isIncoming() && size > 0); if (size != 0) { panic("Failed to read %i bytes from chain of %i bytes @ offset %i\n", full_size, chainSize(), offset); } } void VirtDescriptor::chainWrite(size_t offset, const uint8_t *src, size_t size) { VirtDescriptor *desc(this); const size_t full_size(size); do { if (offset < desc->size()) { const size_t chunk_size(std::min(desc->size() - offset, size)); desc->write(offset, src, chunk_size); src += chunk_size; size -= chunk_size; offset = 0; } else { offset -= desc->size(); } } while((desc = desc->next()) != NULL && size > 0); if (size != 0) { panic("Failed to write %i bytes into chain of %i bytes @ offset %i\n", full_size, chainSize(), offset); } } size_t VirtDescriptor::chainSize() const { size_t size(0); const VirtDescriptor *desc(this); do { size += desc->size(); } while((desc = desc->next()) != NULL); return size; } VirtQueue::VirtQueue(PortProxy &proxy, uint16_t size) : _size(size), _address(0), memProxy(proxy), avail(proxy, size), used(proxy, size), _last_avail(0) { descriptors.reserve(_size); for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) descriptors.emplace_back(proxy, *this, i); } void VirtQueue::serialize(CheckpointOut &cp) const { SERIALIZE_SCALAR(_address); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(_last_avail); } void VirtQueue::unserialize(CheckpointIn &cp) { Addr addr_in; paramIn(cp, "_address", addr_in); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(_last_avail); // Use the address setter to ensure that the ring buffer addresses // are updated as well. setAddress(addr_in); } void VirtQueue::setAddress(Addr address) { const Addr addr_avail(address + _size * sizeof(struct vring_desc)); const Addr addr_avail_end(addr_avail + sizeof(struct vring_avail) + _size * sizeof(uint16_t)); const Addr addr_used((addr_avail_end + sizeof(uint16_t) + (ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) & ~(ALIGN_SIZE - 1)); _address = address; avail.setAddress(addr_avail); used.setAddress(addr_used); } VirtDescriptor * VirtQueue::consumeDescriptor() { avail.read(); DPRINTF(VIO, "consumeDescriptor: _last_avail: %i, avail.idx: %i (->%i)\n", _last_avail, avail.header.index, avail.ring[_last_avail % used.ring.size()]); if (_last_avail == avail.header.index) return NULL; VirtDescriptor::Index index(avail.ring[_last_avail % used.ring.size()]); ++_last_avail; VirtDescriptor *d(&descriptors[index]); d->updateChain(); return d; } void VirtQueue::produceDescriptor(VirtDescriptor *desc, uint32_t len) { used.readHeader(); DPRINTF(VIO, "produceDescriptor: dscIdx: %i, len: %i, used.idx: %i\n", desc->index(), len, used.header.index); struct vring_used_elem &e(used.ring[used.header.index % used.ring.size()]); e.id = desc->index(); e.len = len; used.header.index += 1; used.write(); } void VirtQueue::dump() const { if (!DTRACE(VIO)) return; for (const VirtDescriptor &d : descriptors) d.dump(); } void VirtQueue::onNotify() { DPRINTF(VIO, "onNotify\n"); // Consume all pending descriptors from the input queue. VirtDescriptor *d; while((d = consumeDescriptor()) != NULL) onNotifyDescriptor(d); } VirtIODeviceBase::VirtIODeviceBase(Params *params, DeviceId id, size_t config_size, FeatureBits features) : SimObject(params), guestFeatures(0), deviceId(id), configSize(config_size), deviceFeatures(features), _deviceStatus(0), _queueSelect(0), transKick(NULL) { } VirtIODeviceBase::~VirtIODeviceBase() { } void VirtIODeviceBase::serialize(CheckpointOut &cp) const { SERIALIZE_SCALAR(guestFeatures); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(_deviceStatus); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(_queueSelect); for (QueueID i = 0; i < _queues.size(); ++i) _queues[i]->serializeSection(cp, csprintf("_queues.%i", i)); } void VirtIODeviceBase::unserialize(CheckpointIn &cp) { UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(guestFeatures); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(_deviceStatus); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(_queueSelect); for (QueueID i = 0; i < _queues.size(); ++i) _queues[i]->unserializeSection(cp, csprintf("_queues.%i", i)); } void VirtIODeviceBase::reset() { _queueSelect = 0; guestFeatures = 0; _deviceStatus = 0; for (QueueID i = 0; i < _queues.size(); ++i) _queues[i]->setAddress(0); } void VirtIODeviceBase::onNotify(QueueID idx) { DPRINTF(VIO, "onNotify: idx: %i\n", idx); if (idx >= _queues.size()) { panic("Guest tried to notify queue (%i), but only %i " "queues registered.\n", idx, _queues.size()); } _queues[idx]->onNotify(); } void VirtIODeviceBase::setGuestFeatures(FeatureBits features) { DPRINTF(VIO, "Setting guest features: 0x%x\n", features); if (~deviceFeatures & features) { panic("Guest tried to enable unsupported features:\n" "Device features: 0x%x\n" "Requested features: 0x%x\n", deviceFeatures, features); } guestFeatures = features; } void VirtIODeviceBase::setDeviceStatus(DeviceStatus status) { _deviceStatus = status; DPRINTF(VIO, "ACK: %i, DRIVER: %i, DRIVER_OK: %i, FAILED: %i\n", status.acknowledge, status.driver, status.driver_ok, status.failed); if (status == 0) reset(); } void VirtIODeviceBase::readConfig(PacketPtr pkt, Addr cfgOffset) { panic("Unhandled device config read (offset: 0x%x).\n", cfgOffset); } void VirtIODeviceBase::writeConfig(PacketPtr pkt, Addr cfgOffset) { panic("Unhandled device config write (offset: 0x%x).\n", cfgOffset); } void VirtIODeviceBase::readConfigBlob(PacketPtr pkt, Addr cfgOffset, const uint8_t *cfg) { const unsigned size(pkt->getSize()); if (cfgOffset + size > configSize) panic("Config read out of bounds.\n"); pkt->makeResponse(); pkt->setData(const_cast<uint8_t *>(cfg) + cfgOffset); } void VirtIODeviceBase::writeConfigBlob(PacketPtr pkt, Addr cfgOffset, uint8_t *cfg) { const unsigned size(pkt->getSize()); if (cfgOffset + size > configSize) panic("Config write out of bounds.\n"); pkt->makeResponse(); pkt->writeData((uint8_t *)cfg + cfgOffset); } const VirtQueue & VirtIODeviceBase::getCurrentQueue() const { if (_queueSelect >= _queues.size()) panic("Guest tried to access non-existing VirtQueue (%i).\n", _queueSelect); return *_queues[_queueSelect]; } VirtQueue & VirtIODeviceBase::getCurrentQueue() { if (_queueSelect >= _queues.size()) panic("Guest tried to access non-existing VirtQueue (%i).\n", _queueSelect); return *_queues[_queueSelect]; } void VirtIODeviceBase::setQueueAddress(uint32_t address) { getCurrentQueue().setAddress(address * VirtQueue::ALIGN_SIZE); } uint32_t VirtIODeviceBase::getQueueAddress() const { Addr address(getCurrentQueue().getAddress()); assert(!(address & ((1 >> VirtQueue::ALIGN_BITS) - 1))); return address >> VirtQueue::ALIGN_BITS; } void VirtIODeviceBase::registerQueue(VirtQueue &queue) { _queues.push_back(&queue); }