/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015,2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * For use for simulation and test purposes only * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Brad Beckmann, * Marc Orr, * Anthony Gutierrez */ #include "gpu-compute/dispatcher.hh" #include "cpu/base.hh" #include "debug/GPUDisp.hh" #include "gpu-compute/cl_driver.hh" #include "gpu-compute/cl_event.hh" #include "gpu-compute/shader.hh" #include "gpu-compute/wavefront.hh" #include "mem/packet_access.hh" GpuDispatcher *GpuDispatcher::instance = nullptr; GpuDispatcher::GpuDispatcher(const Params *p) : DmaDevice(p), _masterId(p->system->getMasterId(this, "disp")), pioAddr(p->pio_addr), pioSize(4096), pioDelay(p->pio_latency), dispatchCount(0), dispatchActive(false), cpu(p->cpu), shader(p->shader_pointer), driver(p->cl_driver), tickEvent([this]{ exec(); }, "GPU Dispatcher tick", false, Event::CPU_Tick_Pri) { shader->handshake(this); driver->handshake(this); ndRange.wg_disp_rem = false; ndRange.globalWgId = 0; schedule(&tickEvent, 0); // translation port for the dispatcher tlbPort = new TLBPort(csprintf("%s-port%d", name()), this); num_kernelLaunched .name(name() + ".num_kernel_launched") .desc("number of kernel launched") ; } GpuDispatcher *GpuDispatcherParams::create() { GpuDispatcher *dispatcher = new GpuDispatcher(this); GpuDispatcher::setInstance(dispatcher); return GpuDispatcher::getInstance(); } void GpuDispatcher::serialize(CheckpointOut &cp) const { Tick event_tick = 0; if (ndRange.wg_disp_rem) fatal("Checkpointing not supported during active workgroup execution"); if (tickEvent.scheduled()) event_tick = tickEvent.when(); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(event_tick); } void GpuDispatcher::unserialize(CheckpointIn &cp) { Tick event_tick; if (tickEvent.scheduled()) deschedule(&tickEvent); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(event_tick); if (event_tick) schedule(&tickEvent, event_tick); } AddrRangeList GpuDispatcher::getAddrRanges() const { AddrRangeList ranges; DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "dispatcher registering addr range at %#x size %#x\n", pioAddr, pioSize); ranges.push_back(RangeSize(pioAddr, pioSize)); return ranges; } Tick GpuDispatcher::read(PacketPtr pkt) { assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr); assert(pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize); int offset = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr; pkt->allocate(); DPRINTF(GPUDisp, " read register %#x size=%d\n", offset, pkt->getSize()); if (offset < 8) { assert(!offset); assert(pkt->getSize() == 8); uint64_t retval = dispatchActive; pkt->setLE(retval); } else { offset -= 8; assert(offset + pkt->getSize() < sizeof(HsaQueueEntry)); char *curTaskPtr = (char*)&curTask; memcpy(pkt->getPtr<const void*>(), curTaskPtr + offset, pkt->getSize()); } pkt->makeAtomicResponse(); return pioDelay; } Tick GpuDispatcher::write(PacketPtr pkt) { assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr); assert(pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize); int offset = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr; #if TRACING_ON uint64_t data_val = 0; switch (pkt->getSize()) { case 1: data_val = pkt->getLE<uint8_t>(); break; case 2: data_val = pkt->getLE<uint16_t>(); break; case 4: data_val = pkt->getLE<uint32_t>(); break; case 8: data_val = pkt->getLE<uint64_t>(); break; default: DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "bad size %d\n", pkt->getSize()); } DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "write register %#x value %#x size=%d\n", offset, data_val, pkt->getSize()); #endif if (!offset) { static int nextId = 0; // The depends field of the qstruct, which was previously unused, is // used to communicate with simulated application. if (curTask.depends) { HostState hs; shader->ReadMem((uint64_t)(curTask.depends), &hs, sizeof(HostState), 0); // update event start time (in nano-seconds) uint64_t start = curTick() / 1000; shader->WriteMem((uint64_t)(&((_cl_event*)hs.event)->start), &start, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); } // launch kernel ++num_kernelLaunched; NDRange *ndr = &(ndRangeMap[nextId]); // copy dispatch info ndr->q = curTask; // update the numDispTask polled by the runtime accessUserVar(cpu, (uint64_t)(curTask.numDispLeft), 0, 1); ndr->numWgTotal = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { ndr->wgId[i] = 0; ndr->numWg[i] = divCeil(curTask.gdSize[i], curTask.wgSize[i]); ndr->numWgTotal *= ndr->numWg[i]; } ndr->numWgCompleted = 0; ndr->globalWgId = 0; ndr->wg_disp_rem = true; ndr->execDone = false; ndr->addrToNotify = (volatile bool*)curTask.addrToNotify; ndr->numDispLeft = (volatile uint32_t*)curTask.numDispLeft; ndr->dispatchId = nextId; ndr->curCid = pkt->req->contextId(); DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "launching kernel %d\n",nextId); execIds.push(nextId); ++nextId; dispatchActive = true; if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) { schedule(&tickEvent, curTick() + shader->ticks(1)); } } else { // populate current task struct // first 64 bits are launch reg offset -= 8; assert(offset < sizeof(HsaQueueEntry)); char *curTaskPtr = (char*)&curTask; memcpy(curTaskPtr + offset, pkt->getPtr<const void*>(), pkt->getSize()); } pkt->makeAtomicResponse(); return pioDelay; } BaseMasterPort& GpuDispatcher::getMasterPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx) { if (if_name == "translation_port") { return *tlbPort; } return DmaDevice::getMasterPort(if_name, idx); } void GpuDispatcher::exec() { int fail_count = 0; // There are potentially multiple outstanding kernel launches. // It is possible that the workgroups in a different kernel // can fit on the GPU even if another kernel's workgroups cannot DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "Launching %d Kernels\n", execIds.size()); while (execIds.size() > fail_count) { int execId = execIds.front(); while (ndRangeMap[execId].wg_disp_rem) { //update the thread context shader->updateContext(ndRangeMap[execId].curCid); // attempt to dispatch_workgroup if (!shader->dispatch_workgroups(&ndRangeMap[execId])) { // if we failed try the next kernel, // it may have smaller workgroups. // put it on the queue to rety latter DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "kernel %d failed to launch\n", execId); execIds.push(execId); ++fail_count; break; } } // let's try the next kernel_id execIds.pop(); } DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "Returning %d Kernels\n", doneIds.size()); if (doneIds.size() && cpu) { shader->hostWakeUp(cpu); } while (doneIds.size()) { // wakeup the CPU if any Kernels completed this cycle DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "WorkGroup %d completed\n", doneIds.front()); doneIds.pop(); } } void GpuDispatcher::notifyWgCompl(Wavefront *w) { int kern_id = w->kernId; DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "notify WgCompl %d\n",kern_id); assert(ndRangeMap[kern_id].dispatchId == kern_id); ndRangeMap[kern_id].numWgCompleted++; if (ndRangeMap[kern_id].numWgCompleted == ndRangeMap[kern_id].numWgTotal) { ndRangeMap[kern_id].execDone = true; doneIds.push(kern_id); if (ndRangeMap[kern_id].addrToNotify) { accessUserVar(cpu, (uint64_t)(ndRangeMap[kern_id].addrToNotify), 1, 0); } accessUserVar(cpu, (uint64_t)(ndRangeMap[kern_id].numDispLeft), 0, -1); // update event end time (in nano-seconds) if (ndRangeMap[kern_id].q.depends) { HostState *host_state = (HostState*)ndRangeMap[kern_id].q.depends; uint64_t event; shader->ReadMem((uint64_t)(&host_state->event), &event, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); uint64_t end = curTick() / 1000; shader->WriteMem((uint64_t)(&((_cl_event*)event)->end), &end, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); } } if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) { schedule(&tickEvent, curTick() + shader->ticks(1)); } } void GpuDispatcher::scheduleDispatch() { if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) schedule(&tickEvent, curTick() + shader->ticks(1)); } void GpuDispatcher::accessUserVar(BaseCPU *cpu, uint64_t addr, int val, int off) { if (cpu) { if (off) { shader->AccessMem(addr, &val, sizeof(int), 0, MemCmd::ReadReq, true); val += off; } shader->AccessMem(addr, &val, sizeof(int), 0, MemCmd::WriteReq, true); } else { panic("Cannot find host"); } } // helper functions for driver to retrieve GPU attributes int GpuDispatcher::getNumCUs() { return shader->cuList.size(); } int GpuDispatcher::wfSize() const { return shader->cuList[0]->wfSize(); } void GpuDispatcher::setFuncargsSize(int funcargs_size) { shader->funcargs_size = funcargs_size; } uint32_t GpuDispatcher::getStaticContextSize() const { return shader->cuList[0]->wfList[0][0]->getStaticContextSize(); }