/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * For use for simulation and test purposes only * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Author: Anthony Gutierrez */ #ifndef __GPU_DYN_INST_HH__ #define __GPU_DYN_INST_HH__ #include <cstdint> #include <string> #include "enums/GenericMemoryOrder.hh" #include "enums/GenericMemoryScope.hh" #include "enums/MemOpType.hh" #include "enums/MemType.hh" #include "enums/OpType.hh" #include "enums/StorageClassType.hh" #include "gpu-compute/compute_unit.hh" #include "gpu-compute/gpu_exec_context.hh" class GPUStaticInst; template<typename T> class AtomicOpAnd : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpAnd(T _a) : a(_a) { } void execute(T *b) { *b &= a; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpOr : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpOr(T _a) : a(_a) { } void execute(T *b) { *b |= a; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpXor : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpXor(T _a) : a(_a) {} void execute(T *b) { *b ^= a; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpCAS : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T c; T s; ComputeUnit *computeUnit; AtomicOpCAS(T _c, T _s, ComputeUnit *compute_unit) : c(_c), s(_s), computeUnit(compute_unit) { } void execute(T *b) { computeUnit->numCASOps++; if (*b == c) { *b = s; } else { computeUnit->numFailedCASOps++; } if (computeUnit->xact_cas_mode) { computeUnit->xactCasLoadMap.clear(); } } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpExch : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpExch(T _a) : a(_a) { } void execute(T *b) { *b = a; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpAdd : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpAdd(T _a) : a(_a) { } void execute(T *b) { *b += a; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpSub : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpSub(T _a) : a(_a) { } void execute(T *b) { *b -= a; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpInc : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: AtomicOpInc() { } void execute(T *b) { *b += 1; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpDec : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: AtomicOpDec() {} void execute(T *b) { *b -= 1; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpMax : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpMax(T _a) : a(_a) { } void execute(T *b) { if (a > *b) *b = a; } }; template<typename T> class AtomicOpMin : public TypedAtomicOpFunctor<T> { public: T a; AtomicOpMin(T _a) : a(_a) {} void execute(T *b) { if (a < *b) *b = a; } }; #define MO_A(a) ((a)>=Enums::MO_AAND && (a)<=Enums::MO_AMIN) #define MO_ANR(a) ((a)>=Enums::MO_ANRAND && (a)<=Enums::MO_ANRMIN) #define MO_H(a) ((a)>=Enums::MO_HAND && (a)<=Enums::MO_HMIN) typedef enum { VT_32, VT_64, } vgpr_type; typedef enum { SEG_PRIVATE, SEG_SPILL, SEG_GLOBAL, SEG_SHARED, SEG_READONLY, SEG_FLAT } seg_type; class GPUDynInst : public GPUExecContext { public: GPUDynInst(ComputeUnit *_cu, Wavefront *_wf, GPUStaticInst *_staticInst, uint64_t instSeqNum); ~GPUDynInst(); void execute(); int numSrcRegOperands(); int numDstRegOperands(); int getNumOperands(); bool isVectorRegister(int operandIdx); bool isScalarRegister(int operandIdx); int getRegisterIndex(int operandIdx); int getOperandSize(int operandIdx); bool isDstOperand(int operandIdx); bool isSrcOperand(int operandIdx); bool isArgLoad(); const std::string &disassemble() const; uint64_t seqNum() const; Enums::OpType opType(); Enums::StorageClassType executedAs(); // The address of the memory operation std::vector<Addr> addr; Addr pAddr; // The data to get written uint8_t *d_data; // Additional data (for atomics) uint8_t *a_data; // Additional data (for atomics) uint8_t *x_data; // The execution mask VectorMask exec_mask; // The memory type (M_U32, M_S32, ...) Enums::MemType m_type; // The memory operation (MO_LD, MO_ST, ...) Enums::MemOpType m_op; Enums::GenericMemoryOrder memoryOrder; // Scope of the request Enums::GenericMemoryScope scope; // The memory segment (SEG_SHARED, SEG_GLOBAL, ...) seg_type s_type; // The equivalency class int equiv; // The return VGPR type (VT_32 or VT_64) vgpr_type v_type; // Number of VGPR's accessed (1, 2, or 4) int n_reg; // The return VGPR index int dst_reg; // There can be max 4 dest regs> int dst_reg_vec[4]; // SIMD where the WF of the memory instruction has been mapped to int simdId; // unique id of the WF where the memory instruction belongs to int wfDynId; // The kernel id of the requesting wf int kern_id; // The CU id of the requesting wf int cu_id; // HW slot id where the WF is mapped to inside a SIMD unit int wfSlotId; // execution pipeline id where the memory instruction has been scheduled int pipeId; // The execution time of this operation Tick time; // The latency of this operation WaitClass latency; // A list of bank conflicts for the 4 cycles. uint32_t bc[4]; // A pointer to ROM uint8_t *rom; // The size of the READONLY segment int sz_rom; // Initiate the specified memory operation, by creating a // memory request and sending it off to the memory system. void initiateAcc(GPUDynInstPtr gpuDynInst); void updateStats(); GPUStaticInst* staticInstruction() { return staticInst; } // Is the instruction a scalar or vector op? bool scalarOp() const; /* * Loads/stores/atomics may have acquire/release semantics associated * withthem. Some protocols want to see the acquire/release as separate * requests from the load/store/atomic. We implement that separation * using continuations (i.e., a function pointer with an object associated * with it). When, for example, the front-end generates a store with * release semantics, we will first issue a normal store and set the * continuation in the GPUDynInst to a function that generate a * release request. That continuation will be called when the normal * store completes (in ComputeUnit::DataPort::recvTimingResponse). The * continuation will be called in the context of the same GPUDynInst * that generated the initial store. */ std::function<void(GPUStaticInst*, GPUDynInstPtr)> execContinuation; // when true, call execContinuation when response arrives bool useContinuation; template<typename c0> AtomicOpFunctor* makeAtomicOpFunctor(c0 *reg0, c0 *reg1, Enums::MemOpType op) { using namespace Enums; switch(op) { case MO_AAND: case MO_ANRAND: return new AtomicOpAnd<c0>(*reg0); case MO_AOR: case MO_ANROR: return new AtomicOpOr<c0>(*reg0); case MO_AXOR: case MO_ANRXOR: return new AtomicOpXor<c0>(*reg0); case MO_ACAS: case MO_ANRCAS: return new AtomicOpCAS<c0>(*reg0, *reg1, cu); case MO_AEXCH: case MO_ANREXCH: return new AtomicOpExch<c0>(*reg0); case MO_AADD: case MO_ANRADD: return new AtomicOpAdd<c0>(*reg0); case MO_ASUB: case MO_ANRSUB: return new AtomicOpSub<c0>(*reg0); case MO_AINC: case MO_ANRINC: return new AtomicOpInc<c0>(); case MO_ADEC: case MO_ANRDEC: return new AtomicOpDec<c0>(); case MO_AMAX: case MO_ANRMAX: return new AtomicOpMax<c0>(*reg0); case MO_AMIN: case MO_ANRMIN: return new AtomicOpMin<c0>(*reg0); default: panic("Unrecognized atomic operation"); } } void setRequestFlags(Request *req, bool setMemOrder=true) { // currently these are the easy scopes to deduce switch (s_type) { case SEG_PRIVATE: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::PRIVATE_SEGMENT); break; case SEG_SPILL: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::SPILL_SEGMENT); break; case SEG_GLOBAL: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::GLOBAL_SEGMENT); break; case SEG_READONLY: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::READONLY_SEGMENT); break; case SEG_SHARED: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::GROUP_SEGMENT); break; case SEG_FLAT: // TODO: translate to correct scope assert(false); default: panic("Bad segment type"); break; } switch (scope) { case Enums::MEMORY_SCOPE_NONE: case Enums::MEMORY_SCOPE_WORKITEM: break; case Enums::MEMORY_SCOPE_WAVEFRONT: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::SCOPE_VALID | Request::WAVEFRONT_SCOPE); break; case Enums::MEMORY_SCOPE_WORKGROUP: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::SCOPE_VALID | Request::WORKGROUP_SCOPE); break; case Enums::MEMORY_SCOPE_DEVICE: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::SCOPE_VALID | Request::DEVICE_SCOPE); break; case Enums::MEMORY_SCOPE_SYSTEM: req->setMemSpaceConfigFlags(Request::SCOPE_VALID | Request::SYSTEM_SCOPE); break; default: panic("Bad scope type"); break; } if (setMemOrder) { // set acquire and release flags switch (memoryOrder){ case Enums::MEMORY_ORDER_SC_ACQUIRE: req->setFlags(Request::ACQUIRE); break; case Enums::MEMORY_ORDER_SC_RELEASE: req->setFlags(Request::RELEASE); break; case Enums::MEMORY_ORDER_SC_ACQUIRE_RELEASE: req->setFlags(Request::ACQUIRE | Request::RELEASE); break; default: break; } } // set atomic type // currently, the instruction genenerator only produces atomic return // but a magic instruction can produce atomic no return if (m_op == Enums::MO_AADD || m_op == Enums::MO_ASUB || m_op == Enums::MO_AAND || m_op == Enums::MO_AOR || m_op == Enums::MO_AXOR || m_op == Enums::MO_AMAX || m_op == Enums::MO_AMIN || m_op == Enums::MO_AINC || m_op == Enums::MO_ADEC || m_op == Enums::MO_AEXCH || m_op == Enums::MO_ACAS) { req->setFlags(Request::ATOMIC_RETURN_OP); } else if (m_op == Enums::MO_ANRADD || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRSUB || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRAND || m_op == Enums::MO_ANROR || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRXOR || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRMAX || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRMIN || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRINC || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRDEC || m_op == Enums::MO_ANREXCH || m_op == Enums::MO_ANRCAS) { req->setFlags(Request::ATOMIC_NO_RETURN_OP); } } // Map returned packets and the addresses they satisfy with which lane they // were requested from typedef std::unordered_map<Addr, std::vector<int>> StatusVector; StatusVector memStatusVector; // Track the status of memory requests per lane, a bit per lane VectorMask statusBitVector; // for ld_v# or st_v# std::vector<int> statusVector; std::vector<int> tlbHitLevel; private: GPUStaticInst *staticInst; uint64_t _seqNum; }; #endif // __GPU_DYN_INST_HH__