/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * For use for simulation and test purposes only * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Author: Lisa Hsu */ #include "gpu-compute/gpu_tlb.hh" #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include "arch/x86/faults.hh" #include "arch/x86/insts/microldstop.hh" #include "arch/x86/pagetable.hh" #include "arch/x86/pagetable_walker.hh" #include "arch/x86/regs/misc.hh" #include "arch/x86/x86_traits.hh" #include "base/bitfield.hh" #include "base/logging.hh" #include "base/output.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "cpu/base.hh" #include "cpu/thread_context.hh" #include "debug/GPUPrefetch.hh" #include "debug/GPUTLB.hh" #include "mem/packet_access.hh" #include "mem/page_table.hh" #include "mem/request.hh" #include "sim/process.hh" namespace X86ISA { GpuTLB::GpuTLB(const Params *p) : ClockedObject(p), configAddress(0), size(p->size), cleanupEvent([this]{ cleanup(); }, name(), false, Event::Maximum_Pri), exitEvent([this]{ exitCallback(); }, name()) { assoc = p->assoc; assert(assoc <= size); numSets = size/assoc; allocationPolicy = p->allocationPolicy; hasMemSidePort = false; accessDistance = p->accessDistance; clock = p->clk_domain->clockPeriod(); tlb.assign(size, TlbEntry()); freeList.resize(numSets); entryList.resize(numSets); for (int set = 0; set < numSets; ++set) { for (int way = 0; way < assoc; ++way) { int x = set * assoc + way; freeList[set].push_back(&tlb.at(x)); } } FA = (size == assoc); /** * @warning: the set-associative version assumes you have a * fixed page size of 4KB. * If the page size is greather than 4KB (as defined in the * TheISA::PageBytes), then there are various issues w/ the current * implementation (you'd have the same 8KB page being replicated in * different sets etc) */ setMask = numSets - 1; maxCoalescedReqs = p->maxOutstandingReqs; // Do not allow maxCoalescedReqs to be more than the TLB associativity if (maxCoalescedReqs > assoc) { maxCoalescedReqs = assoc; cprintf("Forcing maxCoalescedReqs to %d (TLB assoc.) \n", assoc); } outstandingReqs = 0; hitLatency = p->hitLatency; missLatency1 = p->missLatency1; missLatency2 = p->missLatency2; // create the slave ports based on the number of connected ports for (size_t i = 0; i < p->port_slave_connection_count; ++i) { cpuSidePort.push_back(new CpuSidePort(csprintf("%s-port%d", name(), i), this, i)); } // create the master ports based on the number of connected ports for (size_t i = 0; i < p->port_master_connection_count; ++i) { memSidePort.push_back(new MemSidePort(csprintf("%s-port%d", name(), i), this, i)); } } // fixme: this is never called? GpuTLB::~GpuTLB() { // make sure all the hash-maps are empty assert(translationReturnEvent.empty()); } Port & GpuTLB::getPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx) { if (if_name == "slave") { if (idx >= static_cast<PortID>(cpuSidePort.size())) { panic("TLBCoalescer::getPort: unknown index %d\n", idx); } return *cpuSidePort[idx]; } else if (if_name == "master") { if (idx >= static_cast<PortID>(memSidePort.size())) { panic("TLBCoalescer::getPort: unknown index %d\n", idx); } hasMemSidePort = true; return *memSidePort[idx]; } else { panic("TLBCoalescer::getPort: unknown port %s\n", if_name); } } TlbEntry* GpuTLB::insert(Addr vpn, TlbEntry &entry) { TlbEntry *newEntry = nullptr; /** * vpn holds the virtual page address * The least significant bits are simply masked */ int set = (vpn >> TheISA::PageShift) & setMask; if (!freeList[set].empty()) { newEntry = freeList[set].front(); freeList[set].pop_front(); } else { newEntry = entryList[set].back(); entryList[set].pop_back(); } *newEntry = entry; newEntry->vaddr = vpn; entryList[set].push_front(newEntry); return newEntry; } GpuTLB::EntryList::iterator GpuTLB::lookupIt(Addr va, bool update_lru) { int set = (va >> TheISA::PageShift) & setMask; if (FA) { assert(!set); } auto entry = entryList[set].begin(); for (; entry != entryList[set].end(); ++entry) { int page_size = (*entry)->size(); if ((*entry)->vaddr <= va && (*entry)->vaddr + page_size > va) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Matched vaddr %#x to entry starting at %#x " "with size %#x.\n", va, (*entry)->vaddr, page_size); if (update_lru) { entryList[set].push_front(*entry); entryList[set].erase(entry); entry = entryList[set].begin(); } break; } } return entry; } TlbEntry* GpuTLB::lookup(Addr va, bool update_lru) { int set = (va >> TheISA::PageShift) & setMask; auto entry = lookupIt(va, update_lru); if (entry == entryList[set].end()) return nullptr; else return *entry; } void GpuTLB::invalidateAll() { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Invalidating all entries.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numSets; ++i) { while (!entryList[i].empty()) { TlbEntry *entry = entryList[i].front(); entryList[i].pop_front(); freeList[i].push_back(entry); } } } void GpuTLB::setConfigAddress(uint32_t addr) { configAddress = addr; } void GpuTLB::invalidateNonGlobal() { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Invalidating all non global entries.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numSets; ++i) { for (auto entryIt = entryList[i].begin(); entryIt != entryList[i].end();) { if (!(*entryIt)->global) { freeList[i].push_back(*entryIt); entryList[i].erase(entryIt++); } else { ++entryIt; } } } } void GpuTLB::demapPage(Addr va, uint64_t asn) { int set = (va >> TheISA::PageShift) & setMask; auto entry = lookupIt(va, false); if (entry != entryList[set].end()) { freeList[set].push_back(*entry); entryList[set].erase(entry); } } Fault GpuTLB::translateInt(const RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Addresses references internal memory.\n"); Addr vaddr = req->getVaddr(); Addr prefix = (vaddr >> 3) & IntAddrPrefixMask; if (prefix == IntAddrPrefixCPUID) { panic("CPUID memory space not yet implemented!\n"); } else if (prefix == IntAddrPrefixMSR) { vaddr = vaddr >> 3; req->setFlags(Request::MMAPPED_IPR); Addr regNum = 0; switch (vaddr & ~IntAddrPrefixMask) { case 0x10: regNum = MISCREG_TSC; break; case 0x1B: regNum = MISCREG_APIC_BASE; break; case 0xFE: regNum = MISCREG_MTRRCAP; break; case 0x174: regNum = MISCREG_SYSENTER_CS; break; case 0x175: regNum = MISCREG_SYSENTER_ESP; break; case 0x176: regNum = MISCREG_SYSENTER_EIP; break; case 0x179: regNum = MISCREG_MCG_CAP; break; case 0x17A: regNum = MISCREG_MCG_STATUS; break; case 0x17B: regNum = MISCREG_MCG_CTL; break; case 0x1D9: regNum = MISCREG_DEBUG_CTL_MSR; break; case 0x1DB: regNum = MISCREG_LAST_BRANCH_FROM_IP; break; case 0x1DC: regNum = MISCREG_LAST_BRANCH_TO_IP; break; case 0x1DD: regNum = MISCREG_LAST_EXCEPTION_FROM_IP; break; case 0x1DE: regNum = MISCREG_LAST_EXCEPTION_TO_IP; break; case 0x200: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_0; break; case 0x201: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_0; break; case 0x202: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_1; break; case 0x203: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_1; break; case 0x204: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_2; break; case 0x205: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_2; break; case 0x206: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_3; break; case 0x207: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_3; break; case 0x208: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_4; break; case 0x209: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_4; break; case 0x20A: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_5; break; case 0x20B: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_5; break; case 0x20C: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_6; break; case 0x20D: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_6; break; case 0x20E: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_BASE_7; break; case 0x20F: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_PHYS_MASK_7; break; case 0x250: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_64K_00000; break; case 0x258: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_16K_80000; break; case 0x259: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_16K_A0000; break; case 0x268: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_C0000; break; case 0x269: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_C8000; break; case 0x26A: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_D0000; break; case 0x26B: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_D8000; break; case 0x26C: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_E0000; break; case 0x26D: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_E8000; break; case 0x26E: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_F0000; break; case 0x26F: regNum = MISCREG_MTRR_FIX_4K_F8000; break; case 0x277: regNum = MISCREG_PAT; break; case 0x2FF: regNum = MISCREG_DEF_TYPE; break; case 0x400: regNum = MISCREG_MC0_CTL; break; case 0x404: regNum = MISCREG_MC1_CTL; break; case 0x408: regNum = MISCREG_MC2_CTL; break; case 0x40C: regNum = MISCREG_MC3_CTL; break; case 0x410: regNum = MISCREG_MC4_CTL; break; case 0x414: regNum = MISCREG_MC5_CTL; break; case 0x418: regNum = MISCREG_MC6_CTL; break; case 0x41C: regNum = MISCREG_MC7_CTL; break; case 0x401: regNum = MISCREG_MC0_STATUS; break; case 0x405: regNum = MISCREG_MC1_STATUS; break; case 0x409: regNum = MISCREG_MC2_STATUS; break; case 0x40D: regNum = MISCREG_MC3_STATUS; break; case 0x411: regNum = MISCREG_MC4_STATUS; break; case 0x415: regNum = MISCREG_MC5_STATUS; break; case 0x419: regNum = MISCREG_MC6_STATUS; break; case 0x41D: regNum = MISCREG_MC7_STATUS; break; case 0x402: regNum = MISCREG_MC0_ADDR; break; case 0x406: regNum = MISCREG_MC1_ADDR; break; case 0x40A: regNum = MISCREG_MC2_ADDR; break; case 0x40E: regNum = MISCREG_MC3_ADDR; break; case 0x412: regNum = MISCREG_MC4_ADDR; break; case 0x416: regNum = MISCREG_MC5_ADDR; break; case 0x41A: regNum = MISCREG_MC6_ADDR; break; case 0x41E: regNum = MISCREG_MC7_ADDR; break; case 0x403: regNum = MISCREG_MC0_MISC; break; case 0x407: regNum = MISCREG_MC1_MISC; break; case 0x40B: regNum = MISCREG_MC2_MISC; break; case 0x40F: regNum = MISCREG_MC3_MISC; break; case 0x413: regNum = MISCREG_MC4_MISC; break; case 0x417: regNum = MISCREG_MC5_MISC; break; case 0x41B: regNum = MISCREG_MC6_MISC; break; case 0x41F: regNum = MISCREG_MC7_MISC; break; case 0xC0000080: regNum = MISCREG_EFER; break; case 0xC0000081: regNum = MISCREG_STAR; break; case 0xC0000082: regNum = MISCREG_LSTAR; break; case 0xC0000083: regNum = MISCREG_CSTAR; break; case 0xC0000084: regNum = MISCREG_SF_MASK; break; case 0xC0000100: regNum = MISCREG_FS_BASE; break; case 0xC0000101: regNum = MISCREG_GS_BASE; break; case 0xC0000102: regNum = MISCREG_KERNEL_GS_BASE; break; case 0xC0000103: regNum = MISCREG_TSC_AUX; break; case 0xC0010000: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_SEL0; break; case 0xC0010001: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_SEL1; break; case 0xC0010002: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_SEL2; break; case 0xC0010003: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_SEL3; break; case 0xC0010004: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_CTR0; break; case 0xC0010005: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_CTR1; break; case 0xC0010006: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_CTR2; break; case 0xC0010007: regNum = MISCREG_PERF_EVT_CTR3; break; case 0xC0010010: regNum = MISCREG_SYSCFG; break; case 0xC0010016: regNum = MISCREG_IORR_BASE0; break; case 0xC0010017: regNum = MISCREG_IORR_BASE1; break; case 0xC0010018: regNum = MISCREG_IORR_MASK0; break; case 0xC0010019: regNum = MISCREG_IORR_MASK1; break; case 0xC001001A: regNum = MISCREG_TOP_MEM; break; case 0xC001001D: regNum = MISCREG_TOP_MEM2; break; case 0xC0010114: regNum = MISCREG_VM_CR; break; case 0xC0010115: regNum = MISCREG_IGNNE; break; case 0xC0010116: regNum = MISCREG_SMM_CTL; break; case 0xC0010117: regNum = MISCREG_VM_HSAVE_PA; break; default: return std::make_shared<GeneralProtection>(0); } //The index is multiplied by the size of a MiscReg so that //any memory dependence calculations will not see these as //overlapping. req->setPaddr(regNum * sizeof(RegVal)); return NoFault; } else if (prefix == IntAddrPrefixIO) { // TODO If CPL > IOPL or in virtual mode, check the I/O permission // bitmap in the TSS. Addr IOPort = vaddr & ~IntAddrPrefixMask; // Make sure the address fits in the expected 16 bit IO address // space. assert(!(IOPort & ~0xFFFF)); if (IOPort == 0xCF8 && req->getSize() == 4) { req->setFlags(Request::MMAPPED_IPR); req->setPaddr(MISCREG_PCI_CONFIG_ADDRESS * sizeof(RegVal)); } else if ((IOPort & ~mask(2)) == 0xCFC) { req->setFlags(Request::UNCACHEABLE); Addr configAddress = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_PCI_CONFIG_ADDRESS); if (bits(configAddress, 31, 31)) { req->setPaddr(PhysAddrPrefixPciConfig | mbits(configAddress, 30, 2) | (IOPort & mask(2))); } else { req->setPaddr(PhysAddrPrefixIO | IOPort); } } else { req->setFlags(Request::UNCACHEABLE); req->setPaddr(PhysAddrPrefixIO | IOPort); } return NoFault; } else { panic("Access to unrecognized internal address space %#x.\n", prefix); } } /** * TLB_lookup will only perform a TLB lookup returning true on a TLB hit * and false on a TLB miss. * Many of the checks about different modes have been converted to * assertions, since these parts of the code are not really used. * On a hit it will update the LRU stack. */ bool GpuTLB::tlbLookup(const RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, bool update_stats) { bool tlb_hit = false; #ifndef NDEBUG uint32_t flags = req->getFlags(); int seg = flags & SegmentFlagMask; #endif assert(seg != SEGMENT_REG_MS); Addr vaddr = req->getVaddr(); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "TLB Lookup for vaddr %#x.\n", vaddr); HandyM5Reg m5Reg = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_M5_REG); if (m5Reg.prot) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "In protected mode.\n"); // make sure we are in 64-bit mode assert(m5Reg.mode == LongMode); // If paging is enabled, do the translation. if (m5Reg.paging) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Paging enabled.\n"); //update LRU stack on a hit TlbEntry *entry = lookup(vaddr, true); if (entry) tlb_hit = true; if (!update_stats) { // functional tlb access for memory initialization // i.e., memory seeding or instr. seeding -> don't update // TLB and stats return tlb_hit; } localNumTLBAccesses++; if (!entry) { localNumTLBMisses++; } else { localNumTLBHits++; } } } return tlb_hit; } Fault GpuTLB::translate(const RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, Translation *translation, Mode mode, bool &delayedResponse, bool timing, int &latency) { uint32_t flags = req->getFlags(); int seg = flags & SegmentFlagMask; bool storeCheck = flags & (StoreCheck << FlagShift); // If this is true, we're dealing with a request // to a non-memory address space. if (seg == SEGMENT_REG_MS) { return translateInt(req, tc); } delayedResponse = false; Addr vaddr = req->getVaddr(); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translating vaddr %#x.\n", vaddr); HandyM5Reg m5Reg = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_M5_REG); // If protected mode has been enabled... if (m5Reg.prot) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "In protected mode.\n"); // If we're not in 64-bit mode, do protection/limit checks if (m5Reg.mode != LongMode) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Not in long mode. Checking segment " "protection.\n"); // Check for a null segment selector. if (!(seg == SEGMENT_REG_TSG || seg == SYS_SEGMENT_REG_IDTR || seg == SEGMENT_REG_HS || seg == SEGMENT_REG_LS) && !tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_SEL(seg))) { return std::make_shared<GeneralProtection>(0); } bool expandDown = false; SegAttr attr = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_ATTR(seg)); if (seg >= SEGMENT_REG_ES && seg <= SEGMENT_REG_HS) { if (!attr.writable && (mode == BaseTLB::Write || storeCheck)) return std::make_shared<GeneralProtection>(0); if (!attr.readable && mode == BaseTLB::Read) return std::make_shared<GeneralProtection>(0); expandDown = attr.expandDown; } Addr base = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_BASE(seg)); Addr limit = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_LIMIT(seg)); // This assumes we're not in 64 bit mode. If we were, the // default address size is 64 bits, overridable to 32. int size = 32; bool sizeOverride = (flags & (AddrSizeFlagBit << FlagShift)); SegAttr csAttr = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CS_ATTR); if ((csAttr.defaultSize && sizeOverride) || (!csAttr.defaultSize && !sizeOverride)) { size = 16; } Addr offset = bits(vaddr - base, size - 1, 0); Addr endOffset = offset + req->getSize() - 1; if (expandDown) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Checking an expand down segment.\n"); warn_once("Expand down segments are untested.\n"); if (offset <= limit || endOffset <= limit) return std::make_shared<GeneralProtection>(0); } else { if (offset > limit || endOffset > limit) return std::make_shared<GeneralProtection>(0); } } // If paging is enabled, do the translation. if (m5Reg.paging) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Paging enabled.\n"); // The vaddr already has the segment base applied. TlbEntry *entry = lookup(vaddr); localNumTLBAccesses++; if (!entry) { localNumTLBMisses++; if (timing) { latency = missLatency1; } if (FullSystem) { fatal("GpuTLB doesn't support full-system mode\n"); } else { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Handling a TLB miss for address %#x " "at pc %#x.\n", vaddr, tc->instAddr()); Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr(); const EmulationPageTable::Entry *pte = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr); if (!pte && mode != BaseTLB::Execute) { // penalize a "page fault" more if (timing) latency += missLatency2; if (p->fixupStackFault(vaddr)) pte = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr); } if (!pte) { return std::make_shared<PageFault>(vaddr, true, mode, true, false); } else { Addr alignedVaddr = p->pTable->pageAlign(vaddr); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Mapping %#x to %#x\n", alignedVaddr, pte->paddr); TlbEntry gpuEntry(p->pid(), alignedVaddr, pte->paddr, false, false); entry = insert(alignedVaddr, gpuEntry); } DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Miss was serviced.\n"); } } else { localNumTLBHits++; if (timing) { latency = hitLatency; } } // Do paging protection checks. bool inUser = (m5Reg.cpl == 3 && !(flags & (CPL0FlagBit << FlagShift))); CR0 cr0 = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CR0); bool badWrite = (!entry->writable && (inUser || cr0.wp)); if ((inUser && !entry->user) || (mode == BaseTLB::Write && badWrite)) { // The page must have been present to get into the TLB in // the first place. We'll assume the reserved bits are // fine even though we're not checking them. return std::make_shared<PageFault>(vaddr, true, mode, inUser, false); } if (storeCheck && badWrite) { // This would fault if this were a write, so return a page // fault that reflects that happening. return std::make_shared<PageFault>(vaddr, true, BaseTLB::Write, inUser, false); } DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Entry found with paddr %#x, doing protection " "checks.\n", entry->paddr); int page_size = entry->size(); Addr paddr = entry->paddr | (vaddr & (page_size - 1)); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translated %#x -> %#x.\n", vaddr, paddr); req->setPaddr(paddr); if (entry->uncacheable) req->setFlags(Request::UNCACHEABLE); } else { //Use the address which already has segmentation applied. DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Paging disabled.\n"); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translated %#x -> %#x.\n", vaddr, vaddr); req->setPaddr(vaddr); } } else { // Real mode DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "In real mode.\n"); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translated %#x -> %#x.\n", vaddr, vaddr); req->setPaddr(vaddr); } // Check for an access to the local APIC if (FullSystem) { LocalApicBase localApicBase = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_APIC_BASE); Addr baseAddr = localApicBase.base * PageBytes; Addr paddr = req->getPaddr(); if (baseAddr <= paddr && baseAddr + PageBytes > paddr) { // Force the access to be uncacheable. req->setFlags(Request::UNCACHEABLE); req->setPaddr(x86LocalAPICAddress(tc->contextId(), paddr - baseAddr)); } } return NoFault; }; Fault GpuTLB::translateAtomic(const RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, Mode mode, int &latency) { bool delayedResponse; return GpuTLB::translate(req, tc, nullptr, mode, delayedResponse, false, latency); } void GpuTLB::translateTiming(const RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, Translation *translation, Mode mode, int &latency) { bool delayedResponse; assert(translation); Fault fault = GpuTLB::translate(req, tc, translation, mode, delayedResponse, true, latency); if (!delayedResponse) translation->finish(fault, req, tc, mode); } Walker* GpuTLB::getWalker() { return walker; } void GpuTLB::serialize(CheckpointOut &cp) const { } void GpuTLB::unserialize(CheckpointIn &cp) { } void GpuTLB::regStats() { ClockedObject::regStats(); localNumTLBAccesses .name(name() + ".local_TLB_accesses") .desc("Number of TLB accesses") ; localNumTLBHits .name(name() + ".local_TLB_hits") .desc("Number of TLB hits") ; localNumTLBMisses .name(name() + ".local_TLB_misses") .desc("Number of TLB misses") ; localTLBMissRate .name(name() + ".local_TLB_miss_rate") .desc("TLB miss rate") ; accessCycles .name(name() + ".access_cycles") .desc("Cycles spent accessing this TLB level") ; pageTableCycles .name(name() + ".page_table_cycles") .desc("Cycles spent accessing the page table") ; localTLBMissRate = 100 * localNumTLBMisses / localNumTLBAccesses; numUniquePages .name(name() + ".unique_pages") .desc("Number of unique pages touched") ; localCycles .name(name() + ".local_cycles") .desc("Number of cycles spent in queue for all incoming reqs") ; localLatency .name(name() + ".local_latency") .desc("Avg. latency over incoming coalesced reqs") ; localLatency = localCycles / localNumTLBAccesses; globalNumTLBAccesses .name(name() + ".global_TLB_accesses") .desc("Number of TLB accesses") ; globalNumTLBHits .name(name() + ".global_TLB_hits") .desc("Number of TLB hits") ; globalNumTLBMisses .name(name() + ".global_TLB_misses") .desc("Number of TLB misses") ; globalTLBMissRate .name(name() + ".global_TLB_miss_rate") .desc("TLB miss rate") ; globalTLBMissRate = 100 * globalNumTLBMisses / globalNumTLBAccesses; avgReuseDistance .name(name() + ".avg_reuse_distance") .desc("avg. reuse distance over all pages (in ticks)") ; } /** * Do the TLB lookup for this coalesced request and schedule * another event <TLB access latency> cycles later. */ void GpuTLB::issueTLBLookup(PacketPtr pkt) { assert(pkt); assert(pkt->senderState); Addr virt_page_addr = roundDown(pkt->req->getVaddr(), TheISA::PageBytes); TranslationState *sender_state = safe_cast<TranslationState*>(pkt->senderState); bool update_stats = !sender_state->prefetch; ThreadContext * tmp_tc = sender_state->tc; DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translation req. for virt. page addr %#x\n", virt_page_addr); int req_cnt = sender_state->reqCnt.back(); if (update_stats) { accessCycles -= (curTick() * req_cnt); localCycles -= curTick(); updatePageFootprint(virt_page_addr); globalNumTLBAccesses += req_cnt; } tlbOutcome lookup_outcome = TLB_MISS; const RequestPtr &tmp_req = pkt->req; // Access the TLB and figure out if it's a hit or a miss. bool success = tlbLookup(tmp_req, tmp_tc, update_stats); if (success) { lookup_outcome = TLB_HIT; // Put the entry in SenderState TlbEntry *entry = lookup(tmp_req->getVaddr(), false); assert(entry); auto p = sender_state->tc->getProcessPtr(); sender_state->tlbEntry = new TlbEntry(p->pid(), entry->vaddr, entry->paddr, false, false); if (update_stats) { // the reqCnt has an entry per level, so its size tells us // which level we are in sender_state->hitLevel = sender_state->reqCnt.size(); globalNumTLBHits += req_cnt; } } else { if (update_stats) globalNumTLBMisses += req_cnt; } /* * We now know the TLB lookup outcome (if it's a hit or a miss), as well * as the TLB access latency. * * We create and schedule a new TLBEvent which will help us take the * appropriate actions (e.g., update TLB on a hit, send request to lower * level TLB on a miss, or start a page walk if this was the last-level * TLB) */ TLBEvent *tlb_event = new TLBEvent(this, virt_page_addr, lookup_outcome, pkt); if (translationReturnEvent.count(virt_page_addr)) { panic("Virtual Page Address %#x already has a return event\n", virt_page_addr); } translationReturnEvent[virt_page_addr] = tlb_event; assert(tlb_event); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "schedule translationReturnEvent @ curTick %d\n", curTick() + this->ticks(hitLatency)); schedule(tlb_event, curTick() + this->ticks(hitLatency)); } GpuTLB::TLBEvent::TLBEvent(GpuTLB* _tlb, Addr _addr, tlbOutcome tlb_outcome, PacketPtr _pkt) : Event(CPU_Tick_Pri), tlb(_tlb), virtPageAddr(_addr), outcome(tlb_outcome), pkt(_pkt) { } /** * Do Paging protection checks. If we encounter a page fault, then * an assertion is fired. */ void GpuTLB::pagingProtectionChecks(ThreadContext *tc, PacketPtr pkt, TlbEntry * tlb_entry, Mode mode) { HandyM5Reg m5Reg = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_M5_REG); uint32_t flags = pkt->req->getFlags(); bool storeCheck = flags & (StoreCheck << FlagShift); // Do paging protection checks. bool inUser = (m5Reg.cpl == 3 && !(flags & (CPL0FlagBit << FlagShift))); CR0 cr0 = tc->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CR0); bool badWrite = (!tlb_entry->writable && (inUser || cr0.wp)); if ((inUser && !tlb_entry->user) || (mode == BaseTLB::Write && badWrite)) { // The page must have been present to get into the TLB in // the first place. We'll assume the reserved bits are // fine even though we're not checking them. panic("Page fault detected"); } if (storeCheck && badWrite) { // This would fault if this were a write, so return a page // fault that reflects that happening. panic("Page fault detected"); } } /** * handleTranslationReturn is called on a TLB hit, * when a TLB miss returns or when a page fault returns. * The latter calls handelHit with TLB miss as tlbOutcome. */ void GpuTLB::handleTranslationReturn(Addr virt_page_addr, tlbOutcome tlb_outcome, PacketPtr pkt) { assert(pkt); Addr vaddr = pkt->req->getVaddr(); TranslationState *sender_state = safe_cast<TranslationState*>(pkt->senderState); ThreadContext *tc = sender_state->tc; Mode mode = sender_state->tlbMode; TlbEntry *local_entry, *new_entry; if (tlb_outcome == TLB_HIT) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translation Done - TLB Hit for addr %#x\n", vaddr); local_entry = sender_state->tlbEntry; } else { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translation Done - TLB Miss for addr %#x\n", vaddr); // We are returning either from a page walk or from a hit at a lower // TLB level. The senderState should be "carrying" a pointer to the // correct TLBEntry. new_entry = sender_state->tlbEntry; assert(new_entry); local_entry = new_entry; if (allocationPolicy) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "allocating entry w/ addr %#x\n", virt_page_addr); local_entry = insert(virt_page_addr, *new_entry); } assert(local_entry); } /** * At this point the packet carries an up-to-date tlbEntry pointer * in its senderState. * Next step is to do the paging protection checks. */ DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Entry found with vaddr %#x, doing protection checks " "while paddr was %#x.\n", local_entry->vaddr, local_entry->paddr); pagingProtectionChecks(tc, pkt, local_entry, mode); int page_size = local_entry->size(); Addr paddr = local_entry->paddr | (vaddr & (page_size - 1)); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translated %#x -> %#x.\n", vaddr, paddr); // Since this packet will be sent through the cpu side slave port, // it must be converted to a response pkt if it is not one already if (pkt->isRequest()) { pkt->makeTimingResponse(); } pkt->req->setPaddr(paddr); if (local_entry->uncacheable) { pkt->req->setFlags(Request::UNCACHEABLE); } //send packet back to coalescer cpuSidePort[0]->sendTimingResp(pkt); //schedule cleanup event cleanupQueue.push(virt_page_addr); // schedule this only once per cycle. // The check is required because we might have multiple translations // returning the same cycle // this is a maximum priority event and must be on the same cycle // as the cleanup event in TLBCoalescer to avoid a race with // IssueProbeEvent caused by TLBCoalescer::MemSidePort::recvReqRetry if (!cleanupEvent.scheduled()) schedule(cleanupEvent, curTick()); } /** * Here we take the appropriate actions based on the result of the * TLB lookup. */ void GpuTLB::translationReturn(Addr virtPageAddr, tlbOutcome outcome, PacketPtr pkt) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Triggered TLBEvent for addr %#x\n", virtPageAddr); assert(translationReturnEvent[virtPageAddr]); assert(pkt); TranslationState *tmp_sender_state = safe_cast<TranslationState*>(pkt->senderState); int req_cnt = tmp_sender_state->reqCnt.back(); bool update_stats = !tmp_sender_state->prefetch; if (outcome == TLB_HIT) { handleTranslationReturn(virtPageAddr, TLB_HIT, pkt); if (update_stats) { accessCycles += (req_cnt * curTick()); localCycles += curTick(); } } else if (outcome == TLB_MISS) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "This is a TLB miss\n"); if (update_stats) { accessCycles += (req_cnt*curTick()); localCycles += curTick(); } if (hasMemSidePort) { // the one cyle added here represent the delay from when we get // the reply back till when we propagate it to the coalescer // above. if (update_stats) { accessCycles += (req_cnt * 1); localCycles += 1; } /** * There is a TLB below. Send the coalesced request. * We actually send the very first packet of all the * pending packets for this virtual page address. */ if (!memSidePort[0]->sendTimingReq(pkt)) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Failed sending translation request to " "lower level TLB for addr %#x\n", virtPageAddr); memSidePort[0]->retries.push_back(pkt); } else { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Sent translation request to lower level " "TLB for addr %#x\n", virtPageAddr); } } else { //this is the last level TLB. Start a page walk DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Last level TLB - start a page walk for " "addr %#x\n", virtPageAddr); if (update_stats) pageTableCycles -= (req_cnt*curTick()); TLBEvent *tlb_event = translationReturnEvent[virtPageAddr]; assert(tlb_event); tlb_event->updateOutcome(PAGE_WALK); schedule(tlb_event, curTick() + ticks(missLatency2)); } } else if (outcome == PAGE_WALK) { if (update_stats) pageTableCycles += (req_cnt*curTick()); // Need to access the page table and update the TLB DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Doing a page walk for address %#x\n", virtPageAddr); TranslationState *sender_state = safe_cast<TranslationState*>(pkt->senderState); Process *p = sender_state->tc->getProcessPtr(); Addr vaddr = pkt->req->getVaddr(); #ifndef NDEBUG Addr alignedVaddr = p->pTable->pageAlign(vaddr); assert(alignedVaddr == virtPageAddr); #endif const EmulationPageTable::Entry *pte = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr); if (!pte && sender_state->tlbMode != BaseTLB::Execute && p->fixupStackFault(vaddr)) { pte = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr); } if (pte) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Mapping %#x to %#x\n", alignedVaddr, pte->paddr); sender_state->tlbEntry = new TlbEntry(p->pid(), virtPageAddr, pte->paddr, false, false); } else { sender_state->tlbEntry = nullptr; } handleTranslationReturn(virtPageAddr, TLB_MISS, pkt); } else if (outcome == MISS_RETURN) { /** we add an extra cycle in the return path of the translation * requests in between the various TLB levels. */ handleTranslationReturn(virtPageAddr, TLB_MISS, pkt); } else { panic("Unexpected TLB outcome %d", outcome); } } void GpuTLB::TLBEvent::process() { tlb->translationReturn(virtPageAddr, outcome, pkt); } const char* GpuTLB::TLBEvent::description() const { return "trigger translationDoneEvent"; } void GpuTLB::TLBEvent::updateOutcome(tlbOutcome _outcome) { outcome = _outcome; } Addr GpuTLB::TLBEvent::getTLBEventVaddr() { return virtPageAddr; } /* * recvTiming receives a coalesced timing request from a TLBCoalescer * and it calls issueTLBLookup() * It only rejects the packet if we have exceeded the max * outstanding number of requests for the TLB */ bool GpuTLB::CpuSidePort::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt) { if (tlb->outstandingReqs < tlb->maxCoalescedReqs) { tlb->issueTLBLookup(pkt); // update number of outstanding translation requests tlb->outstandingReqs++; return true; } else { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Reached maxCoalescedReqs number %d\n", tlb->outstandingReqs); return false; } } /** * handleFuncTranslationReturn is called on a TLB hit, * when a TLB miss returns or when a page fault returns. * It updates LRU, inserts the TLB entry on a miss * depending on the allocation policy and does the required * protection checks. It does NOT create a new packet to * update the packet's addr; this is done in hsail-gpu code. */ void GpuTLB::handleFuncTranslationReturn(PacketPtr pkt, tlbOutcome tlb_outcome) { TranslationState *sender_state = safe_cast<TranslationState*>(pkt->senderState); ThreadContext *tc = sender_state->tc; Mode mode = sender_state->tlbMode; Addr vaddr = pkt->req->getVaddr(); TlbEntry *local_entry, *new_entry; if (tlb_outcome == TLB_HIT) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Functional Translation Done - TLB hit for addr " "%#x\n", vaddr); local_entry = sender_state->tlbEntry; } else { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Functional Translation Done - TLB miss for addr " "%#x\n", vaddr); // We are returning either from a page walk or from a hit at a lower // TLB level. The senderState should be "carrying" a pointer to the // correct TLBEntry. new_entry = sender_state->tlbEntry; assert(new_entry); local_entry = new_entry; if (allocationPolicy) { Addr virt_page_addr = roundDown(vaddr, TheISA::PageBytes); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "allocating entry w/ addr %#x\n", virt_page_addr); local_entry = insert(virt_page_addr, *new_entry); } assert(local_entry); } DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Entry found with vaddr %#x, doing protection checks " "while paddr was %#x.\n", local_entry->vaddr, local_entry->paddr); /** * Do paging checks if it's a normal functional access. If it's for a * prefetch, then sometimes you can try to prefetch something that * won't pass protection. We don't actually want to fault becuase there * is no demand access to deem this a violation. Just put it in the * TLB and it will fault if indeed a future demand access touches it in * violation. * * This feature could be used to explore security issues around * speculative memory accesses. */ if (!sender_state->prefetch && sender_state->tlbEntry) pagingProtectionChecks(tc, pkt, local_entry, mode); int page_size = local_entry->size(); Addr paddr = local_entry->paddr | (vaddr & (page_size - 1)); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Translated %#x -> %#x.\n", vaddr, paddr); pkt->req->setPaddr(paddr); if (local_entry->uncacheable) pkt->req->setFlags(Request::UNCACHEABLE); } // This is used for atomic translations. Need to // make it all happen during the same cycle. void GpuTLB::CpuSidePort::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt) { TranslationState *sender_state = safe_cast<TranslationState*>(pkt->senderState); ThreadContext *tc = sender_state->tc; bool update_stats = !sender_state->prefetch; Addr virt_page_addr = roundDown(pkt->req->getVaddr(), TheISA::PageBytes); if (update_stats) tlb->updatePageFootprint(virt_page_addr); // do the TLB lookup without updating the stats bool success = tlb->tlbLookup(pkt->req, tc, update_stats); tlbOutcome tlb_outcome = success ? TLB_HIT : TLB_MISS; // functional mode means no coalescing // global metrics are the same as the local metrics if (update_stats) { tlb->globalNumTLBAccesses++; if (success) { sender_state->hitLevel = sender_state->reqCnt.size(); tlb->globalNumTLBHits++; } } if (!success) { if (update_stats) tlb->globalNumTLBMisses++; if (tlb->hasMemSidePort) { // there is a TLB below -> propagate down the TLB hierarchy tlb->memSidePort[0]->sendFunctional(pkt); // If no valid translation from a prefetch, then just return if (sender_state->prefetch && !pkt->req->hasPaddr()) return; } else { // Need to access the page table and update the TLB DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Doing a page walk for address %#x\n", virt_page_addr); Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr(); Addr vaddr = pkt->req->getVaddr(); #ifndef NDEBUG Addr alignedVaddr = p->pTable->pageAlign(vaddr); assert(alignedVaddr == virt_page_addr); #endif const EmulationPageTable::Entry *pte = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr); if (!pte && sender_state->tlbMode != BaseTLB::Execute && p->fixupStackFault(vaddr)) { pte = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr); } if (!sender_state->prefetch) { // no PageFaults are permitted after // the second page table lookup assert(pte); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Mapping %#x to %#x\n", alignedVaddr, pte->paddr); sender_state->tlbEntry = new TlbEntry(p->pid(), virt_page_addr, pte->paddr, false, false); } else { // If this was a prefetch, then do the normal thing if it // was a successful translation. Otherwise, send an empty // TLB entry back so that it can be figured out as empty and // handled accordingly. if (pte) { DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "Mapping %#x to %#x\n", alignedVaddr, pte->paddr); sender_state->tlbEntry = new TlbEntry(p->pid(), virt_page_addr, pte->paddr, false, false); } else { DPRINTF(GPUPrefetch, "Prefetch failed %#x\n", alignedVaddr); sender_state->tlbEntry = nullptr; return; } } } } else { DPRINTF(GPUPrefetch, "Functional Hit for vaddr %#x\n", tlb->lookup(pkt->req->getVaddr())); TlbEntry *entry = tlb->lookup(pkt->req->getVaddr(), update_stats); assert(entry); auto p = sender_state->tc->getProcessPtr(); sender_state->tlbEntry = new TlbEntry(p->pid(), entry->vaddr, entry->paddr, false, false); } // This is the function that would populate pkt->req with the paddr of // the translation. But if no translation happens (i.e Prefetch fails) // then the early returns in the above code wiill keep this function // from executing. tlb->handleFuncTranslationReturn(pkt, tlb_outcome); } void GpuTLB::CpuSidePort::recvReqRetry() { // The CPUSidePort never sends anything but replies. No retries // expected. panic("recvReqRetry called"); } AddrRangeList GpuTLB::CpuSidePort::getAddrRanges() const { // currently not checked by the master AddrRangeList ranges; return ranges; } /** * MemSidePort receives the packet back. * We need to call the handleTranslationReturn * and propagate up the hierarchy. */ bool GpuTLB::MemSidePort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) { Addr virt_page_addr = roundDown(pkt->req->getVaddr(), TheISA::PageBytes); DPRINTF(GPUTLB, "MemSidePort recvTiming for virt_page_addr %#x\n", virt_page_addr); TLBEvent *tlb_event = tlb->translationReturnEvent[virt_page_addr]; assert(tlb_event); assert(virt_page_addr == tlb_event->getTLBEventVaddr()); tlb_event->updateOutcome(MISS_RETURN); tlb->schedule(tlb_event, curTick()+tlb->ticks(1)); return true; } void GpuTLB::MemSidePort::recvReqRetry() { // No retries should reach the TLB. The retries // should only reach the TLBCoalescer. panic("recvReqRetry called"); } void GpuTLB::cleanup() { while (!cleanupQueue.empty()) { Addr cleanup_addr = cleanupQueue.front(); cleanupQueue.pop(); // delete TLBEvent TLBEvent * old_tlb_event = translationReturnEvent[cleanup_addr]; delete old_tlb_event; translationReturnEvent.erase(cleanup_addr); // update number of outstanding requests outstandingReqs--; } /** the higher level coalescer should retry if it has * any pending requests. */ for (int i = 0; i < cpuSidePort.size(); ++i) { cpuSidePort[i]->sendRetryReq(); } } void GpuTLB::updatePageFootprint(Addr virt_page_addr) { std::pair<AccessPatternTable::iterator, bool> ret; AccessInfo tmp_access_info; tmp_access_info.lastTimeAccessed = 0; tmp_access_info.accessesPerPage = 0; tmp_access_info.totalReuseDistance = 0; tmp_access_info.sumDistance = 0; tmp_access_info.meanDistance = 0; ret = TLBFootprint.insert(AccessPatternTable::value_type(virt_page_addr, tmp_access_info)); bool first_page_access = ret.second; if (first_page_access) { numUniquePages++; } else { int accessed_before; accessed_before = curTick() - ret.first->second.lastTimeAccessed; ret.first->second.totalReuseDistance += accessed_before; } ret.first->second.accessesPerPage++; ret.first->second.lastTimeAccessed = curTick(); if (accessDistance) { ret.first->second.localTLBAccesses .push_back(localNumTLBAccesses.value()); } } void GpuTLB::exitCallback() { std::ostream *page_stat_file = nullptr; if (accessDistance) { // print per page statistics to a separate file (.csv format) // simout is the gem5 output directory (default is m5out or the one // specified with -d page_stat_file = simout.create(name().c_str())->stream(); // print header *page_stat_file << "page,max_access_distance,mean_access_distance, " << "stddev_distance" << std::endl; } // update avg. reuse distance footprint AccessPatternTable::iterator iter, iter_begin, iter_end; unsigned int sum_avg_reuse_distance_per_page = 0; // iterate through all pages seen by this TLB for (iter = TLBFootprint.begin(); iter != TLBFootprint.end(); iter++) { sum_avg_reuse_distance_per_page += iter->second.totalReuseDistance / iter->second.accessesPerPage; if (accessDistance) { unsigned int tmp = iter->second.localTLBAccesses[0]; unsigned int prev = tmp; for (int i = 0; i < iter->second.localTLBAccesses.size(); ++i) { if (i) { tmp = prev + 1; } prev = iter->second.localTLBAccesses[i]; // update the localTLBAccesses value // with the actual differece iter->second.localTLBAccesses[i] -= tmp; // compute the sum of AccessDistance per page // used later for mean iter->second.sumDistance += iter->second.localTLBAccesses[i]; } iter->second.meanDistance = iter->second.sumDistance / iter->second.accessesPerPage; // compute std_dev and max (we need a second round because we // need to know the mean value unsigned int max_distance = 0; unsigned int stddev_distance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iter->second.localTLBAccesses.size(); ++i) { unsigned int tmp_access_distance = iter->second.localTLBAccesses[i]; if (tmp_access_distance > max_distance) { max_distance = tmp_access_distance; } unsigned int diff = tmp_access_distance - iter->second.meanDistance; stddev_distance += pow(diff, 2); } stddev_distance = sqrt(stddev_distance/iter->second.accessesPerPage); if (page_stat_file) { *page_stat_file << std::hex << iter->first << ","; *page_stat_file << std::dec << max_distance << ","; *page_stat_file << std::dec << iter->second.meanDistance << ","; *page_stat_file << std::dec << stddev_distance; *page_stat_file << std::endl; } // erase the localTLBAccesses array iter->second.localTLBAccesses.clear(); } } if (!TLBFootprint.empty()) { avgReuseDistance = sum_avg_reuse_distance_per_page / TLBFootprint.size(); } //clear the TLBFootprint map TLBFootprint.clear(); } } // namespace X86ISA X86ISA::GpuTLB* X86GPUTLBParams::create() { return new X86ISA::GpuTLB(this); }