/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * For use for simulation and test purposes only * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: John Kalamatianos, * Joe Gross */ #ifndef __LDS_STATE_HH__ #define __LDS_STATE_HH__ #include <array> #include <queue> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "enums/MemType.hh" #include "gpu-compute/misc.hh" #include "mem/port.hh" #include "params/LdsState.hh" #include "sim/clocked_object.hh" class ComputeUnit; /** * this represents a slice of the overall LDS, intended to be associated with an * individual workgroup */ class LdsChunk { public: LdsChunk(const uint32_t x_size): chunk(x_size) { } LdsChunk() {} /** * a read operation */ template<class T> T read(const uint32_t index) { fatal_if(!chunk.size(), "cannot read from an LDS chunk of size 0"); fatal_if(index >= chunk.size(), "out-of-bounds access to an LDS chunk"); T *p0 = (T *) (&(chunk.at(index))); return *p0; } /** * a write operation */ template<class T> void write(const uint32_t index, const T value) { fatal_if(!chunk.size(), "cannot write to an LDS chunk of size 0"); fatal_if(index >= chunk.size(), "out-of-bounds access to an LDS chunk"); T *p0 = (T *) (&(chunk.at(index))); *p0 = value; } /** * get the size of this chunk */ std::vector<uint8_t>::size_type size() const { return chunk.size(); } protected: // the actual data store for this slice of the LDS std::vector<uint8_t> chunk; }; // Local Data Share (LDS) State per Wavefront (contents of the LDS region // allocated to the WorkGroup of this Wavefront) class LdsState: public ClockedObject { protected: /** * an event to allow event-driven execution */ class TickEvent: public Event { protected: LdsState *ldsState = nullptr; Tick nextTick = 0; public: TickEvent(LdsState *_ldsState) : ldsState(_ldsState) { } virtual void process(); void schedule(Tick when) { mainEventQueue[0]->schedule(this, when); } void deschedule() { mainEventQueue[0]->deschedule(this); } }; /** * CuSidePort is the LDS Port closer to the CU side */ class CuSidePort: public SlavePort { public: CuSidePort(const std::string &_name, LdsState *_ownerLds) : SlavePort(_name, _ownerLds), ownerLds(_ownerLds) { } protected: LdsState *ownerLds; virtual bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt); virtual Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt) { return 0; } virtual void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt); virtual void recvRangeChange() { } virtual void recvRetry(); virtual void recvRespRetry(); virtual AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const { AddrRangeList ranges; ranges.push_back(ownerLds->getAddrRange()); return ranges; } template<typename T> void loadData(PacketPtr packet); template<typename T> void storeData(PacketPtr packet); template<typename T> void atomicOperation(PacketPtr packet); }; protected: // the lds reference counter // The key is the workgroup ID and dispatch ID // The value is the number of wavefronts that reference this LDS, as // wavefronts are launched, the counter goes up for that workgroup and when // they return it decreases, once it reaches 0 then this chunk of the LDS is // returned to the available pool. However,it is deallocated on the 1->0 // transition, not whenever the counter is 0 as it always starts with 0 when // the workgroup asks for space std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int32_t>> refCounter; // the map that allows workgroups to access their own chunk of the LDS std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unordered_map<uint32_t, LdsChunk>> chunkMap; // an event to allow the LDS to wake up at a specified time TickEvent tickEvent; // the queue of packets that are going back to the CU after a // read/write/atomic op // TODO need to make this have a maximum size to create flow control std::queue<std::pair<Tick, PacketPtr>> returnQueue; // whether or not there are pending responses bool retryResp = false; bool process(); GPUDynInstPtr getDynInstr(PacketPtr packet); bool processPacket(PacketPtr packet); unsigned countBankConflicts(PacketPtr packet, unsigned *bankAccesses); unsigned countBankConflicts(GPUDynInstPtr gpuDynInst, unsigned *numBankAccesses); public: typedef LdsStateParams Params; LdsState(const Params *params); // prevent copy construction LdsState(const LdsState&) = delete; ~LdsState() { parent = nullptr; } const Params * params() const { return dynamic_cast<const Params *>(_params); } bool isRetryResp() const { return retryResp; } void setRetryResp(const bool value) { retryResp = value; } // prevent assignment LdsState & operator=(const LdsState &) = delete; /** * use the dynamic wave id to create or just increase the reference count */ int increaseRefCounter(const uint32_t dispatchId, const uint32_t wgId) { int refCount = getRefCounter(dispatchId, wgId); fatal_if(refCount < 0, "reference count should not be below zero"); return ++refCounter[dispatchId][wgId]; } /** * decrease the reference count after making sure it is in the list * give back this chunk if the ref counter has reached 0 */ int decreaseRefCounter(const uint32_t dispatchId, const uint32_t wgId) { int refCount = getRefCounter(dispatchId, wgId); fatal_if(refCount <= 0, "reference count should not be below zero or at zero to" "decrement"); refCounter[dispatchId][wgId]--; if (refCounter[dispatchId][wgId] == 0) { releaseSpace(dispatchId, wgId); return 0; } else { return refCounter[dispatchId][wgId]; } } /** * return the current reference count for this workgroup id */ int getRefCounter(const uint32_t dispatchId, const uint32_t wgId) const { auto dispatchIter = chunkMap.find(dispatchId); fatal_if(dispatchIter == chunkMap.end(), "could not locate this dispatch id [%d]", dispatchId); auto workgroup = dispatchIter->second.find(wgId); fatal_if(workgroup == dispatchIter->second.end(), "could not find this workgroup id within this dispatch id" " did[%d] wgid[%d]", dispatchId, wgId); auto refCountIter = refCounter.find(dispatchId); if (refCountIter == refCounter.end()) { fatal("could not locate this dispatch id [%d]", dispatchId); } else { auto workgroup = refCountIter->second.find(wgId); if (workgroup == refCountIter->second.end()) { fatal("could not find this workgroup id within this dispatch id" " did[%d] wgid[%d]", dispatchId, wgId); } else { return refCounter.at(dispatchId).at(wgId); } } fatal("should not reach this point"); return 0; } /** * assign a parent and request this amount of space be set aside * for this wgid */ LdsChunk * reserveSpace(const uint32_t dispatchId, const uint32_t wgId, const uint32_t size) { if (chunkMap.find(dispatchId) != chunkMap.end()) { fatal_if( chunkMap[dispatchId].find(wgId) != chunkMap[dispatchId].end(), "duplicate workgroup ID asking for space in the LDS " "did[%d] wgid[%d]", dispatchId, wgId); } fatal_if(bytesAllocated + size > maximumSize, "request would ask for more space than is available"); bytesAllocated += size; chunkMap[dispatchId].emplace(wgId, LdsChunk(size)); // make an entry for this workgroup refCounter[dispatchId][wgId] = 0; return &chunkMap[dispatchId][wgId]; } bool returnQueuePush(std::pair<Tick, PacketPtr> thePair); Tick earliestReturnTime() const { // TODO set to max(lastCommand+1, curTick()) return returnQueue.empty() ? curTick() : returnQueue.back().first; } void setParent(ComputeUnit *x_parent); // accessors ComputeUnit * getParent() const { return parent; } std::string getName() { return _name; } int getBanks() const { return banks; } ComputeUnit * getComputeUnit() const { return parent; } int getBankConflictPenalty() const { return bankConflictPenalty; } /** * get the allocated size for this workgroup */ std::size_t ldsSize(const uint32_t x_wgId) { return chunkMap[x_wgId].size(); } AddrRange getAddrRange() const { return range; } Port & getPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx) { if (if_name == "cuPort") { // TODO need to set name dynamically at this point? return cuPort; } else { fatal("cannot resolve the port name " + if_name); } } /** * can this much space be reserved for a workgroup? */ bool canReserve(uint32_t x_size) const { return bytesAllocated + x_size <= maximumSize; } private: /** * give back the space */ bool releaseSpace(const uint32_t x_dispatchId, const uint32_t x_wgId) { auto dispatchIter = chunkMap.find(x_dispatchId); if (dispatchIter == chunkMap.end()) { fatal("dispatch id not found [%d]", x_dispatchId); } else { auto workgroupIter = dispatchIter->second.find(x_wgId); if (workgroupIter == dispatchIter->second.end()) { fatal("workgroup id [%d] not found in dispatch id [%d]", x_wgId, x_dispatchId); } } fatal_if(bytesAllocated < chunkMap[x_dispatchId][x_wgId].size(), "releasing more space than was allocated"); bytesAllocated -= chunkMap[x_dispatchId][x_wgId].size(); chunkMap[x_dispatchId].erase(chunkMap[x_dispatchId].find(x_wgId)); return true; } // the port that connects this LDS to its owner CU CuSidePort cuPort; ComputeUnit* parent = nullptr; std::string _name; // the number of bytes currently reserved by all workgroups int bytesAllocated = 0; // the size of the LDS, the most bytes available int maximumSize; // Address range of this memory AddrRange range; // the penalty, in cycles, for each LDS bank conflict int bankConflictPenalty = 0; // the number of banks in the LDS underlying data store int banks = 0; }; #endif // __LDS_STATE_HH__