/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * For use for simulation and test purposes only * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Author: Steve Reinhardt */ #include "gpu-compute/shader.hh" #include <limits> #include "arch/x86/linux/linux.hh" #include "base/chunk_generator.hh" #include "debug/GPUDisp.hh" #include "debug/GPUMem.hh" #include "debug/HSAIL.hh" #include "gpu-compute/dispatcher.hh" #include "gpu-compute/gpu_static_inst.hh" #include "gpu-compute/qstruct.hh" #include "gpu-compute/wavefront.hh" #include "mem/packet.hh" #include "mem/ruby/system/RubySystem.hh" #include "sim/sim_exit.hh" Shader::Shader(const Params *p) : SimObject(p), clock(p->clk_domain->clockPeriod()), cpuThread(nullptr), gpuTc(nullptr), cpuPointer(p->cpu_pointer), tickEvent(this), timingSim(p->timing), hsail_mode(SIMT), impl_kern_boundary_sync(p->impl_kern_boundary_sync), separate_acquire_release(p->separate_acquire_release), coissue_return(1), trace_vgpr_all(1), n_cu((p->CUs).size()), n_wf(p->n_wf), globalMemSize(p->globalmem), nextSchedCu(0), sa_n(0), tick_cnt(0), box_tick_cnt(0), start_tick_cnt(0) { cuList.resize(n_cu); for (int i = 0; i < n_cu; ++i) { cuList[i] = p->CUs[i]; assert(i == cuList[i]->cu_id); cuList[i]->shader = this; } } Addr Shader::mmap(int length) { Addr start; // round up length to the next page length = roundUp(length, TheISA::PageBytes); Process *proc = gpuTc->getProcessPtr(); if (proc->mmapGrowsDown()) { DPRINTF(HSAIL, "GROWS DOWN"); start = proc->mmap_end - length; proc->mmap_end = start; } else { DPRINTF(HSAIL, "GROWS UP"); start = proc->mmap_end; proc->mmap_end += length; // assertion to make sure we don't overwrite the stack (it grows down) assert(proc->mmap_end < proc->stack_base - proc->max_stack_size); } DPRINTF(HSAIL,"Shader::mmap start= %#x, %#x\n", start, length); proc->allocateMem(start, length); return start; } void Shader::init() { // grab the threadContext of the thread running on the CPU assert(cpuPointer); gpuTc = cpuPointer->getContext(0); assert(gpuTc); } Shader::~Shader() { for (int j = 0; j < n_cu; ++j) delete cuList[j]; } void Shader::updateThreadContext(int tid) { // thread context of the thread which dispatched work assert(cpuPointer); gpuTc = cpuPointer->getContext(tid); assert(gpuTc); } void Shader::hostWakeUp(BaseCPU *cpu) { if (cpuPointer == cpu) { if (gpuTc->status() == ThreadContext::Suspended) cpu->activateContext(gpuTc->threadId()); } else { //Make sure both dispatcher and shader are trying to //wakeup same host. Hack here to enable kernel launch //from multiple CPUs panic("Dispatcher wants to wakeup a different host"); } } Shader* ShaderParams::create() { return new Shader(this); } void Shader::exec() { tick_cnt = curTick(); box_tick_cnt = curTick() - start_tick_cnt; // apply any scheduled adds for (int i = 0; i < sa_n; ++i) { if (sa_when[i] <= tick_cnt) { *sa_val[i] += sa_x[i]; sa_val.erase(sa_val.begin() + i); sa_x.erase(sa_x.begin() + i); sa_when.erase(sa_when.begin() + i); --sa_n; --i; } } // clock all of the cu's for (int i = 0; i < n_cu; ++i) cuList[i]->exec(); } bool Shader::dispatch_workgroups(NDRange *ndr) { bool scheduledSomething = false; int cuCount = 0; int curCu = nextSchedCu; while (cuCount < n_cu) { //Every time we try a CU, update nextSchedCu nextSchedCu = (nextSchedCu + 1) % n_cu; // dispatch workgroup iff the following two conditions are met: // (a) wg_rem is true - there are unassigned workgroups in the grid // (b) there are enough free slots in cu cuList[i] for this wg if (ndr->wg_disp_rem && cuList[curCu]->ReadyWorkgroup(ndr)) { scheduledSomething = true; DPRINTF(GPUDisp, "Dispatching a workgroup to CU %d\n", curCu); // ticks() member function translates cycles to simulation ticks. if (!tickEvent.scheduled()) { schedule(tickEvent, curTick() + this->ticks(1)); } cuList[curCu]->StartWorkgroup(ndr); ndr->wgId[0]++; ndr->globalWgId++; if (ndr->wgId[0] * ndr->q.wgSize[0] >= ndr->q.gdSize[0]) { ndr->wgId[0] = 0; ndr->wgId[1]++; if (ndr->wgId[1] * ndr->q.wgSize[1] >= ndr->q.gdSize[1]) { ndr->wgId[1] = 0; ndr->wgId[2]++; if (ndr->wgId[2] * ndr->q.wgSize[2] >= ndr->q.gdSize[2]) { ndr->wg_disp_rem = false; break; } } } } ++cuCount; curCu = nextSchedCu; } return scheduledSomething; } void Shader::handshake(GpuDispatcher *_dispatcher) { dispatcher = _dispatcher; } void Shader::doFunctionalAccess(RequestPtr req, MemCmd cmd, void *data, bool suppress_func_errors, int cu_id) { unsigned block_size = RubySystem::getBlockSizeBytes(); unsigned size = req->getSize(); Addr tmp_addr; BaseTLB::Mode trans_mode; if (cmd == MemCmd::ReadReq) { trans_mode = BaseTLB::Read; } else if (cmd == MemCmd::WriteReq) { trans_mode = BaseTLB::Write; } else { fatal("unexcepted MemCmd\n"); } tmp_addr = req->getVaddr(); Addr split_addr = roundDown(tmp_addr + size - 1, block_size); assert(split_addr <= tmp_addr || split_addr - tmp_addr < block_size); // Misaligned access if (split_addr > tmp_addr) { RequestPtr req1, req2; req->splitOnVaddr(split_addr, req1, req2); PacketPtr pkt1 = new Packet(req2, cmd); PacketPtr pkt2 = new Packet(req1, cmd); functionalTLBAccess(pkt1, cu_id, trans_mode); functionalTLBAccess(pkt2, cu_id, trans_mode); PacketPtr new_pkt1 = new Packet(pkt1->req, cmd); PacketPtr new_pkt2 = new Packet(pkt2->req, cmd); new_pkt1->dataStatic(data); new_pkt2->dataStatic((uint8_t*)data + req1->getSize()); if (suppress_func_errors) { new_pkt1->setSuppressFuncError(); new_pkt2->setSuppressFuncError(); } // fixme: this should be cuList[cu_id] if cu_id != n_cu // The latter requires a memPort in the dispatcher cuList[0]->memPort[0]->sendFunctional(new_pkt1); cuList[0]->memPort[0]->sendFunctional(new_pkt2); delete new_pkt1; delete new_pkt2; delete pkt1; delete pkt2; } else { PacketPtr pkt = new Packet(req, cmd); functionalTLBAccess(pkt, cu_id, trans_mode); PacketPtr new_pkt = new Packet(pkt->req, cmd); new_pkt->dataStatic(data); if (suppress_func_errors) { new_pkt->setSuppressFuncError(); }; // fixme: this should be cuList[cu_id] if cu_id != n_cu // The latter requires a memPort in the dispatcher cuList[0]->memPort[0]->sendFunctional(new_pkt); delete new_pkt; delete pkt; } } bool Shader::busy() { for (int i_cu = 0; i_cu < n_cu; ++i_cu) { if (!cuList[i_cu]->isDone()) { return true; } } return false; } void Shader::ScheduleAdd(uint32_t *val,Tick when,int x) { sa_val.push_back(val); sa_when.push_back(tick_cnt + when); sa_x.push_back(x); ++sa_n; } Shader::TickEvent::TickEvent(Shader *_shader) : Event(CPU_Tick_Pri), shader(_shader) { } void Shader::TickEvent::process() { if (shader->busy()) { shader->exec(); shader->schedule(this, curTick() + shader->ticks(1)); } } const char* Shader::TickEvent::description() const { return "Shader tick"; } void Shader::AccessMem(uint64_t address, void *ptr, uint32_t size, int cu_id, MemCmd cmd, bool suppress_func_errors) { uint8_t *data_buf = (uint8_t*)ptr; for (ChunkGenerator gen(address, size, RubySystem::getBlockSizeBytes()); !gen.done(); gen.next()) { Request *req = new Request(0, gen.addr(), gen.size(), 0, cuList[0]->masterId(), 0, 0, 0); doFunctionalAccess(req, cmd, data_buf, suppress_func_errors, cu_id); data_buf += gen.size(); delete req; } } void Shader::ReadMem(uint64_t address, void *ptr, uint32_t size, int cu_id) { AccessMem(address, ptr, size, cu_id, MemCmd::ReadReq, false); } void Shader::ReadMem(uint64_t address, void *ptr, uint32_t size, int cu_id, bool suppress_func_errors) { AccessMem(address, ptr, size, cu_id, MemCmd::ReadReq, suppress_func_errors); } void Shader::WriteMem(uint64_t address, void *ptr,uint32_t size, int cu_id) { AccessMem(address, ptr, size, cu_id, MemCmd::WriteReq, false); } void Shader::WriteMem(uint64_t address, void *ptr, uint32_t size, int cu_id, bool suppress_func_errors) { AccessMem(address, ptr, size, cu_id, MemCmd::WriteReq, suppress_func_errors); } /* * Send a packet through the appropriate TLB functional port. * If cu_id=n_cu, then this is the dispatcher's TLB. * Otherwise it's the TLB of the cu_id compute unit. */ void Shader::functionalTLBAccess(PacketPtr pkt, int cu_id, BaseTLB::Mode mode) { // update senderState. Need to know the gpuTc and the TLB mode pkt->senderState = new TheISA::GpuTLB::TranslationState(mode, gpuTc, false); if (cu_id == n_cu) { dispatcher->tlbPort->sendFunctional(pkt); } else { // even when the perLaneTLB flag is turned on // it's ok tp send all accesses through lane 0 // since the lane # is not known here, // This isn't important since these are functional accesses. cuList[cu_id]->tlbPort[0]->sendFunctional(pkt); } /* safe_cast the senderState */ TheISA::GpuTLB::TranslationState *sender_state = safe_cast<TheISA::GpuTLB::TranslationState*>(pkt->senderState); delete sender_state->tlbEntry; delete pkt->senderState; }