/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * For use for simulation and test purposes only * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Author: Lisa Hsu */ #include "gpu-compute/wavefront.hh" #include "debug/GPUExec.hh" #include "debug/WavefrontStack.hh" #include "gpu-compute/code_enums.hh" #include "gpu-compute/compute_unit.hh" #include "gpu-compute/gpu_dyn_inst.hh" #include "gpu-compute/shader.hh" #include "gpu-compute/vector_register_file.hh" Wavefront* WavefrontParams::create() { return new Wavefront(this); } Wavefront::Wavefront(const Params *p) : SimObject(p), callArgMem(nullptr) { last_trace = 0; simdId = p->simdId; wfSlotId = p->wf_slot_id; status = S_STOPPED; reservedVectorRegs = 0; startVgprIndex = 0; outstanding_reqs = 0; mem_reqs_in_pipe = 0; outstanding_reqs_wr_gm = 0; outstanding_reqs_wr_lm = 0; outstanding_reqs_rd_gm = 0; outstanding_reqs_rd_lm = 0; rd_lm_reqs_in_pipe = 0; rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe = 0; wr_lm_reqs_in_pipe = 0; wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe = 0; barrier_cnt = 0; old_barrier_cnt = 0; stalledAtBarrier = false; mem_trace_busy = 0; old_vgpr_tcnt = 0xffffffffffffffffll; old_dgpr_tcnt = 0xffffffffffffffffll; pendingFetch = false; dropFetch = false; condRegState = new ConditionRegisterState(); maxSpVgprs = 0; maxDpVgprs = 0; } void Wavefront::regStats() { srcRegOpDist .init(0, 4, 2) .name(name() + ".src_reg_operand_dist") .desc("number of executed instructions with N source register operands") ; dstRegOpDist .init(0, 3, 2) .name(name() + ".dst_reg_operand_dist") .desc("number of executed instructions with N destination register " "operands") ; // FIXME: the name of the WF needs to be unique numTimesBlockedDueWAXDependencies .name(name() + ".timesBlockedDueWAXDependencies") .desc("number of times the wf's instructions are blocked due to WAW " "or WAR dependencies") ; // FIXME: the name of the WF needs to be unique numTimesBlockedDueRAWDependencies .name(name() + ".timesBlockedDueRAWDependencies") .desc("number of times the wf's instructions are blocked due to RAW " "dependencies") ; // FIXME: the name of the WF needs to be unique numTimesBlockedDueVrfPortAvail .name(name() + ".timesBlockedDueVrfPortAvail") .desc("number of times instructions are blocked due to VRF port " "availability") ; } void Wavefront::init() { reservedVectorRegs = 0; startVgprIndex = 0; } void Wavefront::resizeRegFiles(int num_cregs, int num_sregs, int num_dregs) { condRegState->init(num_cregs); maxSpVgprs = num_sregs; maxDpVgprs = num_dregs; } Wavefront::~Wavefront() { if (callArgMem) delete callArgMem; } void Wavefront::start(uint64_t _wfDynId,uint64_t _base_ptr) { wfDynId = _wfDynId; base_ptr = _base_ptr; status = S_RUNNING; } bool Wavefront::isGmInstruction(GPUDynInstPtr ii) { if (IS_OT_READ_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_PM(ii->opType())) { return true; } if (IS_OT_READ_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType())) { return true; } if (IS_OT_FLAT(ii->opType())) { return true; } return false; } bool Wavefront::isLmInstruction(GPUDynInstPtr ii) { if (IS_OT_READ_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType())) { return true; } return false; } bool Wavefront::isOldestInstALU() { assert(!instructionBuffer.empty()); GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); if (status != S_STOPPED && (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_NOP || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_RET || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BRANCH || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ALU || IS_OT_LDAS(ii->opType()) || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_KERN_READ)) { return true; } return false; } bool Wavefront::isOldestInstBarrier() { assert(!instructionBuffer.empty()); GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); if (status != S_STOPPED && ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BARRIER) { return true; } return false; } bool Wavefront::isOldestInstGMem() { assert(!instructionBuffer.empty()); GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); if (status != S_STOPPED && (IS_OT_READ_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType()))) { return true; } return false; } bool Wavefront::isOldestInstLMem() { assert(!instructionBuffer.empty()); GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); if (status != S_STOPPED && (IS_OT_READ_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType()))) { return true; } return false; } bool Wavefront::isOldestInstPrivMem() { assert(!instructionBuffer.empty()); GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); if (status != S_STOPPED && (IS_OT_READ_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_PM(ii->opType()))) { return true; } return false; } bool Wavefront::isOldestInstFlatMem() { assert(!instructionBuffer.empty()); GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); if (status != S_STOPPED && IS_OT_FLAT(ii->opType())) { return true; } return false; } // Return true if the Wavefront's instruction // buffer has branch instruction. bool Wavefront::instructionBufferHasBranch() { for (auto it : instructionBuffer) { GPUDynInstPtr ii = it; if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_RET || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BRANCH) { return true; } } return false; } // Remap HSAIL register to physical VGPR. // HSAIL register = virtual register assigned to an operand by HLC compiler uint32_t Wavefront::remap(uint32_t vgprIndex, uint32_t size, uint8_t mode) { assert((vgprIndex < reservedVectorRegs) && (reservedVectorRegs > 0)); // add the offset from where the VGPRs of the wavefront have been assigned uint32_t physicalVgprIndex = startVgprIndex + vgprIndex; // HSAIL double precision (DP) register: calculate the physical VGPR index // assuming that DP registers are placed after SP ones in the VRF. The DP // and SP VGPR name spaces in HSAIL mode are separate so we need to adjust // the DP VGPR index before mapping it to the physical VRF address space if (mode == 1 && size > 4) { physicalVgprIndex = startVgprIndex + maxSpVgprs + (2 * vgprIndex); } assert((startVgprIndex <= physicalVgprIndex) && (startVgprIndex + reservedVectorRegs - 1) >= physicalVgprIndex); // calculate absolute physical VGPR index return physicalVgprIndex % computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->numRegs(); } // Return true if this wavefront is ready // to execute an instruction of the specified type. int Wavefront::ready(itype_e type) { // Check to make sure wave is running if (status == S_STOPPED || status == S_RETURNING || instructionBuffer.empty()) { return 0; } // Is the wave waiting at a barrier if (stalledAtBarrier) { if (!computeUnit->AllAtBarrier(barrier_id,barrier_cnt, computeUnit->getRefCounter(dispatchid, wg_id))) { // Are all threads at barrier? return 0; } old_barrier_cnt = barrier_cnt; stalledAtBarrier = false; } // Read instruction GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); bool ready_inst M5_VAR_USED = false; bool glbMemBusRdy = false; bool glbMemIssueRdy = false; if (type == I_GLOBAL || type == I_FLAT || type == I_PRIVATE) { for (int j=0; j < computeUnit->numGlbMemUnits; ++j) { if (computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[j].prerdy()) glbMemBusRdy = true; if (computeUnit->wfWait[j].prerdy()) glbMemIssueRdy = true; } } bool locMemBusRdy = false; bool locMemIssueRdy = false; if (type == I_SHARED || type == I_FLAT) { for (int j=0; j < computeUnit->numLocMemUnits; ++j) { if (computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[j].prerdy()) locMemBusRdy = true; if (computeUnit->wfWait[j].prerdy()) locMemIssueRdy = true; } } // The following code is very error prone and the entire process for // checking readiness will be fixed eventually. In the meantime, let's // make sure that we do not silently let an instruction type slip // through this logic and always return not ready. if (!(ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BARRIER || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_NOP || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_RET || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BRANCH || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ALU || IS_OT_LDAS(ii->opType()) || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_KERN_READ || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ARG || IS_OT_READ_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_READ_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_READ_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_FLAT(ii->opType()))) { panic("next instruction: %s is of unknown type\n", ii->disassemble()); } DPRINTF(GPUExec, "CU%d: WF[%d][%d]: Checking Read for Inst : %s\n", computeUnit->cu_id, simdId, wfSlotId, ii->disassemble()); if (type == I_ALU && ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BARRIER) { // Here for ALU instruction (barrier) if (!computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].prerdy()) { // Is wave slot free? return 0; } // Are there in pipe or outstanding memory requests? if ((outstanding_reqs + mem_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) { return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else if (type == I_ALU && ii->opType() == Enums::OT_NOP) { // Here for ALU instruction (nop) if (!computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].prerdy()) { // Is wave slot free? return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else if (type == I_ALU && ii->opType() == Enums::OT_RET) { // Here for ALU instruction (return) if (!computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].prerdy()) { // Is wave slot free? return 0; } // Are there in pipe or outstanding memory requests? if ((outstanding_reqs + mem_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) { return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else if (type == I_ALU && (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BRANCH || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ALU || IS_OT_LDAS(ii->opType()) || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_KERN_READ || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ARG)) { // Here for ALU instruction (all others) if (!computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].prerdy()) { // Is alu slot free? return 0; } if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->vrfOperandAccessReady(this, ii, VrfAccessType::RD_WR)) { return 0; } if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->operandsReady(this, ii)) { return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else if (type == I_GLOBAL && (IS_OT_READ_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType()))) { // Here Global memory instruction if (IS_OT_READ_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType())) { // Are there in pipe or outstanding global memory write requests? if ((outstanding_reqs_wr_gm + wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) { return 0; } } if (IS_OT_WRITE_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_HIST_GM(ii->opType())) { // Are there in pipe or outstanding global memory read requests? if ((outstanding_reqs_rd_gm + rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) return 0; } if (!glbMemIssueRdy) { // Is WV issue slot free? return 0; } if (!glbMemBusRdy) { // Is there an available VRF->Global memory read bus? return 0; } if (!computeUnit->globalMemoryPipe. isGMReqFIFOWrRdy(rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe + wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe)) { // Can we insert a new request to the Global Mem Request FIFO? return 0; } // can we schedule source & destination operands on the VRF? if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->vrfOperandAccessReady(this, ii, VrfAccessType::RD_WR)) { return 0; } if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->operandsReady(this, ii)) { return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else if (type == I_SHARED && (IS_OT_READ_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType()))) { // Here for Shared memory instruction if (IS_OT_READ_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType())) { if ((outstanding_reqs_wr_lm + wr_lm_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) { return 0; } } if (IS_OT_WRITE_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_HIST_LM(ii->opType())) { if ((outstanding_reqs_rd_lm + rd_lm_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) { return 0; } } if (!locMemBusRdy) { // Is there an available VRF->LDS read bus? return 0; } if (!locMemIssueRdy) { // Is wave slot free? return 0; } if (!computeUnit->localMemoryPipe. isLMReqFIFOWrRdy(rd_lm_reqs_in_pipe + wr_lm_reqs_in_pipe)) { // Can we insert a new request to the LDS Request FIFO? return 0; } // can we schedule source & destination operands on the VRF? if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->vrfOperandAccessReady(this, ii, VrfAccessType::RD_WR)) { return 0; } if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->operandsReady(this, ii)) { return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else if (type == I_PRIVATE && (IS_OT_READ_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_WRITE_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_PM(ii->opType()))) { // Here for Private memory instruction ------------------------ // if (IS_OT_READ_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_PM(ii->opType())) { if ((outstanding_reqs_wr_gm + wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) { return 0; } } if (IS_OT_WRITE_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_ATOMIC_PM(ii->opType()) || IS_OT_HIST_PM(ii->opType())) { if ((outstanding_reqs_rd_gm + rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe) > 0) { return 0; } } if (!glbMemBusRdy) { // Is there an available VRF->Global memory read bus? return 0; } if (!glbMemIssueRdy) { // Is wave slot free? return 0; } if (!computeUnit->globalMemoryPipe. isGMReqFIFOWrRdy(rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe + wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe)) { // Can we insert a new request to the Global Mem Request FIFO? return 0; } // can we schedule source & destination operands on the VRF? if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->vrfOperandAccessReady(this, ii, VrfAccessType::RD_WR)) { return 0; } if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->operandsReady(this, ii)) { return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else if (type == I_FLAT && IS_OT_FLAT(ii->opType())) { if (!glbMemBusRdy) { // Is there an available VRF->Global memory read bus? return 0; } if (!locMemBusRdy) { // Is there an available VRF->LDS read bus? return 0; } if (!glbMemIssueRdy) { // Is wave slot free? return 0; } if (!locMemIssueRdy) { return 0; } if (!computeUnit->globalMemoryPipe. isGMReqFIFOWrRdy(rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe + wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe)) { // Can we insert a new request to the Global Mem Request FIFO? return 0; } if (!computeUnit->localMemoryPipe. isLMReqFIFOWrRdy(rd_lm_reqs_in_pipe + wr_lm_reqs_in_pipe)) { // Can we insert a new request to the LDS Request FIFO? return 0; } // can we schedule source & destination operands on the VRF? if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->vrfOperandAccessReady(this, ii, VrfAccessType::RD_WR)) { return 0; } // are all the operands ready? (RAW, WAW and WAR depedencies met?) if (!computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->operandsReady(this, ii)) { return 0; } ready_inst = true; } else { return 0; } assert(ready_inst); DPRINTF(GPUExec, "CU%d: WF[%d][%d]: Ready Inst : %s\n", computeUnit->cu_id, simdId, wfSlotId, ii->disassemble()); return 1; } void Wavefront::updateResources() { // Get current instruction GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); assert(ii); computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->updateResources(this, ii); // Single precision ALU or Branch or Return or Special instruction if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ALU || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_SPECIAL || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BRANCH || IS_OT_LDAS(ii->opType()) || // FIXME: Kernel argument loads are currently treated as ALU operations // since we don't send memory packets at execution. If we fix that then // we should map them to one of the memory pipelines ii->opType()==Enums::OT_KERN_READ || ii->opType()==Enums::OT_ARG || ii->opType()==Enums::OT_RET) { computeUnit->aluPipe[simdId].preset(computeUnit->shader-> ticks(computeUnit->spBypassLength())); // this is to enforce a fixed number of cycles per issue slot per SIMD computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].preset(computeUnit->shader-> ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BARRIER) { computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].preset(computeUnit->shader-> ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_FLAT_READ) { assert(Enums::SC_NONE != ii->executedAs()); mem_reqs_in_pipe++; rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; if ( Enums::SC_SHARED == ii->executedAs() ) { computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else { computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } } else if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_FLAT_WRITE) { assert(Enums::SC_NONE != ii->executedAs()); mem_reqs_in_pipe++; wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; if (Enums::SC_SHARED == ii->executedAs()) { computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else { computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } } else if (IS_OT_READ_GM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_WRITE_GM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_READ_LM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; rd_lm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_WRITE_LM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; wr_lm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; wr_lm_reqs_in_pipe++; rd_lm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_READ_PM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_WRITE_PM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_ATOMIC_PM(ii->opType())) { mem_reqs_in_pipe++; wr_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; rd_gm_reqs_in_pipe++; computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. preset(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } } void Wavefront::exec() { // ---- Exit if wavefront is inactive ----------------------------- // if (status == S_STOPPED || status == S_RETURNING || instructionBuffer.empty()) { return; } // Get current instruction GPUDynInstPtr ii = instructionBuffer.front(); const uint32_t old_pc = pc(); DPRINTF(GPUExec, "CU%d: WF[%d][%d]: wave[%d] Executing inst: %s " "(pc: %i)\n", computeUnit->cu_id, simdId, wfSlotId, wfDynId, ii->disassemble(), old_pc); ii->execute(); // access the VRF computeUnit->vrf[simdId]->exec(ii, this); srcRegOpDist.sample(ii->numSrcRegOperands()); dstRegOpDist.sample(ii->numDstRegOperands()); computeUnit->numInstrExecuted++; computeUnit->execRateDist.sample(computeUnit->totalCycles.value() - computeUnit->lastExecCycle[simdId]); computeUnit->lastExecCycle[simdId] = computeUnit->totalCycles.value(); if (pc() == old_pc) { uint32_t new_pc = old_pc + 1; // PC not modified by instruction, proceed to next or pop frame pc(new_pc); if (new_pc == rpc()) { popFromReconvergenceStack(); discardFetch(); } else { instructionBuffer.pop_front(); } } if (computeUnit->shader->hsail_mode==Shader::SIMT) { const int num_active_lanes = execMask().count(); computeUnit->controlFlowDivergenceDist.sample(num_active_lanes); computeUnit->numVecOpsExecuted += num_active_lanes; if (isGmInstruction(ii)) { computeUnit->activeLanesPerGMemInstrDist.sample(num_active_lanes); } else if (isLmInstruction(ii)) { computeUnit->activeLanesPerLMemInstrDist.sample(num_active_lanes); } } // ---- Update Vector ALU pipeline and other resources ------------------ // // Single precision ALU or Branch or Return or Special instruction if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ALU || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_SPECIAL || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BRANCH || IS_OT_LDAS(ii->opType()) || // FIXME: Kernel argument loads are currently treated as ALU operations // since we don't send memory packets at execution. If we fix that then // we should map them to one of the memory pipelines ii->opType() == Enums::OT_KERN_READ || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_ARG || ii->opType() == Enums::OT_RET) { computeUnit->aluPipe[simdId].set(computeUnit->shader-> ticks(computeUnit->spBypassLength())); // this is to enforce a fixed number of cycles per issue slot per SIMD computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].set(computeUnit->shader-> ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_BARRIER) { computeUnit->wfWait[simdId].set(computeUnit->shader-> ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_FLAT_READ) { assert(Enums::SC_NONE != ii->executedAs()); if (Enums::SC_SHARED == ii->executedAs()) { computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else { computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } } else if (ii->opType() == Enums::OT_FLAT_WRITE) { assert(Enums::SC_NONE != ii->executedAs()); if (Enums::SC_SHARED == ii->executedAs()) { computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else { computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } } else if (IS_OT_READ_GM(ii->opType())) { computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_WRITE_GM(ii->opType())) { computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_ATOMIC_GM(ii->opType())) { computeUnit->vrfToGlobalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextGlbRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->GlbMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_READ_LM(ii->opType())) { computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(4)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_WRITE_LM(ii->opType())) { computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } else if (IS_OT_ATOMIC_LM(ii->opType())) { computeUnit->vrfToLocalMemPipeBus[computeUnit->nextLocRdBus()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(8)); computeUnit->wfWait[computeUnit->ShrMemUnitId()]. set(computeUnit->shader->ticks(computeUnit->issuePeriod)); } } bool Wavefront::waitingAtBarrier(int lane) { return bar_cnt[lane] < max_bar_cnt; } void Wavefront::pushToReconvergenceStack(uint32_t pc, uint32_t rpc, const VectorMask& mask) { assert(mask.count()); reconvergenceStack.emplace(new ReconvergenceStackEntry(pc, rpc, mask)); } void Wavefront::popFromReconvergenceStack() { assert(!reconvergenceStack.empty()); DPRINTF(WavefrontStack, "[%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d] %s %3i => ", computeUnit->cu_id, simdId, wfSlotId, wfDynId, execMask().to_string<char, std::string::traits_type, std::string::allocator_type>().c_str(), pc()); reconvergenceStack.pop(); DPRINTF(WavefrontStack, "%3i %s\n", pc(), execMask().to_string<char, std::string::traits_type, std::string::allocator_type>().c_str()); } void Wavefront::discardFetch() { instructionBuffer.clear(); dropFetch |=pendingFetch; } uint32_t Wavefront::pc() const { return reconvergenceStack.top()->pc; } uint32_t Wavefront::rpc() const { return reconvergenceStack.top()->rpc; } VectorMask Wavefront::execMask() const { return reconvergenceStack.top()->execMask; } bool Wavefront::execMask(int lane) const { return reconvergenceStack.top()->execMask[lane]; } void Wavefront::pc(uint32_t new_pc) { reconvergenceStack.top()->pc = new_pc; }