/* * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ali Saidi */ /** * @file * Definition of a bus object. */ #include #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "mem/bus.hh" #include "sim/builder.hh" Port * Bus::getPort(const std::string &if_name, int idx) { if (if_name == "default") { if (defaultPort == NULL) { defaultPort = new BusPort(csprintf("%s-default",name()), this, defaultId); cachedBlockSizeValid = false; return defaultPort; } else fatal("Default port already set\n"); } int id; if (if_name == "functional") { if (!funcPort) { id = maxId++; funcPort = new BusPort(csprintf("%s-p%d-func", name(), id), this, id); funcPortId = id; interfaces[id] = funcPort; } return funcPort; } // if_name ignored? forced to be empty? id = maxId++; assert(maxId < std::numeric_limits::max()); BusPort *bp = new BusPort(csprintf("%s-p%d", name(), id), this, id); interfaces[id] = bp; cachedBlockSizeValid = false; return bp; } void Bus::deletePortRefs(Port *p) { BusPort *bp = dynamic_cast(p); if (bp == NULL) panic("Couldn't convert Port* to BusPort*\n"); // If this is our one functional port if (funcPort == bp) return; interfaces.erase(bp->getId()); delete bp; } /** Get the ranges of anyone other buses that we are connected to. */ void Bus::init() { m5::hash_map::iterator intIter; for (intIter = interfaces.begin(); intIter != interfaces.end(); intIter++) intIter->second->sendStatusChange(Port::RangeChange); } Bus::BusFreeEvent::BusFreeEvent(Bus *_bus) : Event(&mainEventQueue), bus(_bus) {} void Bus::BusFreeEvent::process() { bus->recvRetry(-1); } const char * Bus::BusFreeEvent::description() { return "bus became available"; } void Bus::occupyBus(PacketPtr pkt) { //Bring tickNextIdle up to the present tick //There is some potential ambiguity where a cycle starts, which might make //a difference when devices are acting right around a cycle boundary. Using //a < allows things which happen exactly on a cycle boundary to take up only //the following cycle. Anthing that happens later will have to "wait" for //the end of that cycle, and then start using the bus after that. while (tickNextIdle < curTick) tickNextIdle += clock; // The packet will be sent. Figure out how long it occupies the bus, and // how much of that time is for the first "word", aka bus width. int numCycles = 0; // Requests need one cycle to send an address if (pkt->isRequest()) numCycles++; else if (pkt->isResponse() || pkt->hasData()) { // If a packet has data, it needs ceil(size/width) cycles to send it // We're using the "adding instead of dividing" trick again here if (pkt->hasData()) { int dataSize = pkt->getSize(); for (int transmitted = 0; transmitted < dataSize; transmitted += width) { numCycles++; } } else { // If the packet didn't have data, it must have been a response. // Those use the bus for one cycle to send their data. numCycles++; } } // The first word will be delivered after the current tick, the delivery // of the address if any, and one bus cycle to deliver the data pkt->firstWordTime = tickNextIdle + pkt->isRequest() ? clock : 0 + clock; //Advance it numCycles bus cycles. //XXX Should this use the repeated addition trick as well? tickNextIdle += (numCycles * clock); if (!busIdle.scheduled()) { busIdle.schedule(tickNextIdle); } else { busIdle.reschedule(tickNextIdle); } DPRINTF(Bus, "The bus is now occupied from tick %d to %d\n", curTick, tickNextIdle); // The bus will become idle once the current packet is delivered. pkt->finishTime = tickNextIdle; } /** Function called by the port when the bus is receiving a Timing * transaction.*/ bool Bus::recvTiming(PacketPtr pkt) { Port *port; DPRINTF(Bus, "recvTiming: packet src %d dest %d addr 0x%x cmd %s result %d\n", pkt->getSrc(), pkt->getDest(), pkt->getAddr(), pkt->cmdString(), pkt->result); BusPort *pktPort; if (pkt->getSrc() == defaultId) pktPort = defaultPort; else pktPort = interfaces[pkt->getSrc()]; // If the bus is busy, or other devices are in line ahead of the current // one, put this device on the retry list. if (!(pkt->flags & EXPRESS_SNOOP) && tickNextIdle > curTick || (retryList.size() && (!inRetry || pktPort != retryList.front()))) { addToRetryList(pktPort); DPRINTF(Bus, "recvTiming: Bus is busy, returning false\n"); return false; } short dest = pkt->getDest(); // Make sure to clear the snoop commit flag so it doesn't think an // access has been handled twice. if (dest == Packet::Broadcast) { port = findPort(pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSrc()); timingSnoop(pkt, port ? port : interfaces[pkt->getSrc()]); if (pkt->flags & SATISFIED) { //Cache-Cache transfer occuring if (inRetry) { retryList.front()->onRetryList(false); retryList.pop_front(); inRetry = false; } occupyBus(pkt); DPRINTF(Bus, "recvTiming: Packet sucessfully sent\n"); return true; } } else { assert(dest >= 0 && dest < maxId); assert(dest != pkt->getSrc()); // catch infinite loops port = interfaces[dest]; } occupyBus(pkt); if (port) { if (port->sendTiming(pkt)) { // Packet was successfully sent. Return true. // Also take care of retries if (inRetry) { DPRINTF(Bus, "Remove retry from list %d\n", retryList.front()->getId()); retryList.front()->onRetryList(false); retryList.pop_front(); inRetry = false; } return true; } // Packet not successfully sent. Leave or put it on the retry list. DPRINTF(Bus, "Adding2 a retry to RETRY list %d\n", pktPort->getId()); addToRetryList(pktPort); return false; } else { //Forwarding up from responder, just return true; DPRINTF(Bus, "recvTiming: can we be here?\n"); return true; } } void Bus::recvRetry(int id) { DPRINTF(Bus, "Received a retry from %s\n", id == -1 ? "self" : interfaces[id]->getPeer()->name()); // If there's anything waiting, and the bus isn't busy... if (retryList.size() && curTick >= tickNextIdle) { //retryingPort = retryList.front(); inRetry = true; DPRINTF(Bus, "Sending a retry to %s\n", retryList.front()->getPeer()->name()); retryList.front()->sendRetry(); // If inRetry is still true, sendTiming wasn't called if (inRetry) { retryList.front()->onRetryList(false); retryList.pop_front(); inRetry = false; //Bring tickNextIdle up to the present while (tickNextIdle < curTick) tickNextIdle += clock; //Burn a cycle for the missed grant. tickNextIdle += clock; busIdle.reschedule(tickNextIdle, true); } } //If we weren't able to drain before, we might be able to now. if (drainEvent && retryList.size() == 0 && curTick >= tickNextIdle) { drainEvent->process(); // Clear the drain event once we're done with it. drainEvent = NULL; } } Port * Bus::findPort(Addr addr, int id) { /* An interval tree would be a better way to do this. --ali. */ int dest_id = -1; PortIter i = portMap.find(RangeSize(addr,1)); if (i != portMap.end()) dest_id = i->second; // Check if this matches the default range if (dest_id == -1) { for (AddrRangeIter iter = defaultRange.begin(); iter != defaultRange.end(); iter++) { if (*iter == addr) { DPRINTF(Bus, " found addr %#llx on default\n", addr); return defaultPort; } } if (responderSet) { panic("Unable to find destination for addr (user set default " "responder): %#llx", addr); } else { DPRINTF(Bus, "Unable to find destination for addr: %#llx, will use " "default port", addr); return defaultPort; } } // we shouldn't be sending this back to where it came from // do the snoop access and then we should terminate // the cyclical call. if (dest_id == id) return 0; return interfaces[dest_id]; } Tick Bus::atomicSnoop(PacketPtr pkt, Port *responder) { Tick response_time = 0; for (SnoopIter s_iter = snoopPorts.begin(); s_iter != snoopPorts.end(); s_iter++) { BusPort *p = *s_iter; if (p != responder && p->getId() != pkt->getSrc()) { Tick response = p->sendAtomic(pkt); if (response) { assert(!response_time); //Multiple responders response_time = response; } } } return response_time; } void Bus::functionalSnoop(PacketPtr pkt, Port *responder) { // The packet may be changed by another bus on snoops, restore the // id after each int src_id = pkt->getSrc(); for (SnoopIter s_iter = snoopPorts.begin(); s_iter != snoopPorts.end(); s_iter++) { BusPort *p = *s_iter; if (p != responder && p->getId() != src_id) { p->sendFunctional(pkt); } if (pkt->result == Packet::Success) { break; } pkt->setSrc(src_id); } } bool Bus::timingSnoop(PacketPtr pkt, Port* responder) { for (SnoopIter s_iter = snoopPorts.begin(); s_iter != snoopPorts.end(); s_iter++) { BusPort *p = *s_iter; if (p != responder && p->getId() != pkt->getSrc()) { bool success = p->sendTiming(pkt); if (!success) return false; } } return true; } /** Function called by the port when the bus is receiving a Atomic * transaction.*/ Tick Bus::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt) { DPRINTF(Bus, "recvAtomic: packet src %d dest %d addr 0x%x cmd %s\n", pkt->getSrc(), pkt->getDest(), pkt->getAddr(), pkt->cmdString()); assert(pkt->getDest() == Packet::Broadcast); // Assume one bus cycle in order to get through. This may have // some clock skew issues yet again... pkt->finishTime = curTick + clock; Port *port = findPort(pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSrc()); Tick snoopTime = atomicSnoop(pkt, port ? port : interfaces[pkt->getSrc()]); if (snoopTime) return snoopTime; //Snoop satisfies it else if (port) return port->sendAtomic(pkt); else return 0; } /** Function called by the port when the bus is receiving a Functional * transaction.*/ void Bus::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt) { DPRINTF(Bus, "recvFunctional: packet src %d dest %d addr 0x%x cmd %s\n", pkt->getSrc(), pkt->getDest(), pkt->getAddr(), pkt->cmdString()); assert(pkt->getDest() == Packet::Broadcast); Port* port = findPort(pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSrc()); functionalSnoop(pkt, port ? port : interfaces[pkt->getSrc()]); // If the snooping found what we were looking for, we're done. if (pkt->result != Packet::Success && port) { port->sendFunctional(pkt); } } /** Function called by the port when the bus is receiving a status change.*/ void Bus::recvStatusChange(Port::Status status, int id) { AddrRangeList ranges; bool snoops; AddrRangeIter iter; assert(status == Port::RangeChange && "The other statuses need to be implemented."); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "received RangeChange from device id %d\n", id); if (id == defaultId) { defaultRange.clear(); // Only try to update these ranges if the user set a default responder. if (responderSet) { defaultPort->getPeerAddressRanges(ranges, snoops); assert(snoops == false); for(iter = ranges.begin(); iter != ranges.end(); iter++) { defaultRange.push_back(*iter); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding range %#llx - %#llx for default range\n", iter->start, iter->end); } } } else { assert((id < maxId && id >= 0) || id == defaultId); BusPort *port = interfaces[id]; // Clean out any previously existent ids for (PortIter portIter = portMap.begin(); portIter != portMap.end(); ) { if (portIter->second == id) portMap.erase(portIter++); else portIter++; } for (SnoopIter s_iter = snoopPorts.begin(); s_iter != snoopPorts.end(); ) { if ((*s_iter)->getId() == id) s_iter = snoopPorts.erase(s_iter); else s_iter++; } port->getPeerAddressRanges(ranges, snoops); if (snoops) { DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding id %d to snoop list\n", id); snoopPorts.push_back(port); } for (iter = ranges.begin(); iter != ranges.end(); iter++) { DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding range %#llx - %#llx for id %d\n", iter->start, iter->end, id); if (portMap.insert(*iter, id) == portMap.end()) panic("Two devices with same range\n"); } } DPRINTF(MMU, "port list has %d entries\n", portMap.size()); // tell all our peers that our address range has changed. // Don't tell the device that caused this change, it already knows m5::hash_map::iterator intIter; for (intIter = interfaces.begin(); intIter != interfaces.end(); intIter++) if (intIter->first != id && intIter->first != funcPortId) intIter->second->sendStatusChange(Port::RangeChange); if (id != defaultId && defaultPort) defaultPort->sendStatusChange(Port::RangeChange); } void Bus::addressRanges(AddrRangeList &resp, bool &snoop, int id) { resp.clear(); snoop = false; DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "received address range request, returning:\n"); for (AddrRangeIter dflt_iter = defaultRange.begin(); dflt_iter != defaultRange.end(); dflt_iter++) { resp.push_back(*dflt_iter); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- Dflt: %#llx : %#llx\n",dflt_iter->start, dflt_iter->end); } for (PortIter portIter = portMap.begin(); portIter != portMap.end(); portIter++) { bool subset = false; for (AddrRangeIter dflt_iter = defaultRange.begin(); dflt_iter != defaultRange.end(); dflt_iter++) { if ((portIter->first.start < dflt_iter->start && portIter->first.end >= dflt_iter->start) || (portIter->first.start < dflt_iter->end && portIter->first.end >= dflt_iter->end)) fatal("Devices can not set ranges that itersect the default set\ but are not a subset of the default set.\n"); if (portIter->first.start >= dflt_iter->start && portIter->first.end <= dflt_iter->end) { subset = true; DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx is a SUBSET\n", portIter->first.start, portIter->first.end); } } if (portIter->second != id && !subset) { resp.push_back(portIter->first); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx\n", portIter->first.start, portIter->first.end); } } for (SnoopIter s_iter = snoopPorts.begin(); s_iter != snoopPorts.end(); s_iter++) { if ((*s_iter)->getId() != id) { snoop = true; break; } } } int Bus::findBlockSize(int id) { if (cachedBlockSizeValid) return cachedBlockSize; int max_bs = -1; for (PortIter portIter = portMap.begin(); portIter != portMap.end(); portIter++) { int tmp_bs = interfaces[portIter->second]->peerBlockSize(); if (tmp_bs > max_bs) max_bs = tmp_bs; } for (SnoopIter s_iter = snoopPorts.begin(); s_iter != snoopPorts.end(); s_iter++) { int tmp_bs = (*s_iter)->peerBlockSize(); if (tmp_bs > max_bs) max_bs = tmp_bs; } if (max_bs <= 0) max_bs = defaultBlockSize; if (max_bs != 64) warn_once("Blocksize found to not be 64... hmm... probably not.\n"); cachedBlockSize = max_bs; cachedBlockSizeValid = true; return max_bs; } unsigned int Bus::drain(Event * de) { //We should check that we're not "doing" anything, and that noone is //waiting. We might be idle but have someone waiting if the device we //contacted for a retry didn't actually retry. if (curTick >= tickNextIdle && retryList.size() == 0) { return 0; } else { drainEvent = de; return 1; } } BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(Bus) Param bus_id; Param clock; Param width; Param responder_set; Param block_size; END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(Bus) BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(Bus) INIT_PARAM(bus_id, "a globally unique bus id"), INIT_PARAM(clock, "bus clock speed"), INIT_PARAM(width, "width of the bus (bits)"), INIT_PARAM(responder_set, "Is a default responder set by the user"), INIT_PARAM(block_size, "Default blocksize if no device has one") END_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(Bus) CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(Bus) { return new Bus(getInstanceName(), bus_id, clock, width, responder_set, block_size); } REGISTER_SIM_OBJECT("Bus", Bus)