/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ali Saidi * Andreas Hansson * William Wang */ /** * @file * Definition of a bus object. */ #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "debug/Bus.hh" #include "debug/BusAddrRanges.hh" #include "mem/bus.hh" BaseBus::BaseBus(const BaseBusParams *p) : MemObject(p), clock(p->clock), headerCycles(p->header_cycles), width(p->width), tickNextIdle(0), drainEvent(NULL), busIdleEvent(this), inRetry(false), defaultPortID(InvalidPortID), useDefaultRange(p->use_default_range), defaultBlockSize(p->block_size), cachedBlockSize(0), cachedBlockSizeValid(false) { //width, clock period, and header cycles must be positive if (width <= 0) fatal("Bus width must be positive\n"); if (clock <= 0) fatal("Bus clock period must be positive\n"); if (headerCycles <= 0) fatal("Number of header cycles must be positive\n"); } BaseBus::~BaseBus() { for (MasterPortIter m = masterPorts.begin(); m != masterPorts.end(); ++m) { delete *m; } for (SlavePortIter s = slavePorts.begin(); s != slavePorts.end(); ++s) { delete *s; } } MasterPort & BaseBus::getMasterPort(const std::string &if_name, int idx) { if (if_name == "master" && idx < masterPorts.size()) { // the master port index translates directly to the vector position return *masterPorts[idx]; } else if (if_name == "default") { return *masterPorts[defaultPortID]; } else { return MemObject::getMasterPort(if_name, idx); } } SlavePort & BaseBus::getSlavePort(const std::string &if_name, int idx) { if (if_name == "slave" && idx < slavePorts.size()) { // the slave port index translates directly to the vector position return *slavePorts[idx]; } else { return MemObject::getSlavePort(if_name, idx); } } Tick BaseBus::calcPacketTiming(PacketPtr pkt) { // determine the current time rounded to the closest following // clock edge Tick now = curTick(); if (now % clock != 0) { now = ((now / clock) + 1) * clock; } Tick headerTime = now + headerCycles * clock; // The packet will be sent. Figure out how long it occupies the bus, and // how much of that time is for the first "word", aka bus width. int numCycles = 0; if (pkt->hasData()) { // If a packet has data, it needs ceil(size/width) cycles to send it int dataSize = pkt->getSize(); numCycles += dataSize/width; if (dataSize % width) numCycles++; } // The first word will be delivered after the current tick, the delivery // of the address if any, and one bus cycle to deliver the data pkt->firstWordTime = headerTime + clock; pkt->finishTime = headerTime + numCycles * clock; return headerTime; } void BaseBus::occupyBus(Tick until) { if (until == 0) { // shortcut for express snoop packets return; } tickNextIdle = until; reschedule(busIdleEvent, tickNextIdle, true); DPRINTF(BaseBus, "The bus is now occupied from tick %d to %d\n", curTick(), tickNextIdle); } bool BaseBus::isOccupied(Port* port) { // first we see if the next idle tick is in the future, next the // bus is considered occupied if there are ports on the retry list // and we are not in a retry with the current port if (tickNextIdle > curTick() || (!retryList.empty() && !(inRetry && port == retryList.front()))) { addToRetryList(port); return true; } return false; } void BaseBus::succeededTiming(Tick busy_time) { // occupy the bus accordingly occupyBus(busy_time); // if a retrying port succeeded, also take it off the retry list if (inRetry) { DPRINTF(BaseBus, "Remove retry from list %s\n", retryList.front()->name()); retryList.pop_front(); inRetry = false; } } void BaseBus::releaseBus() { // releasing the bus means we should now be idle assert(curTick() >= tickNextIdle); // bus is now idle, so if someone is waiting we can retry if (!retryList.empty()) { // note that we block (return false on recvTiming) both // because the bus is busy and because the destination is // busy, and in the latter case the bus may be released before // we see a retry from the destination retryWaiting(); } //If we weren't able to drain before, we might be able to now. if (drainEvent && retryList.empty() && curTick() >= tickNextIdle) { drainEvent->process(); // Clear the drain event once we're done with it. drainEvent = NULL; } } void BaseBus::retryWaiting() { // this should never be called with an empty retry list assert(!retryList.empty()); // send a retry to the port at the head of the retry list inRetry = true; // note that we might have blocked on the receiving port being // busy (rather than the bus itself) and now call retry before the // destination called retry on the bus if (dynamic_cast(retryList.front()) != NULL) (dynamic_cast(retryList.front()))->sendRetry(); else (dynamic_cast(retryList.front()))->sendRetry(); // If inRetry is still true, sendTiming wasn't called in zero time // (e.g. the cache does this) if (inRetry) { retryList.pop_front(); inRetry = false; //Bring tickNextIdle up to the present while (tickNextIdle < curTick()) tickNextIdle += clock; //Burn a cycle for the missed grant. tickNextIdle += clock; reschedule(busIdleEvent, tickNextIdle, true); } } void BaseBus::recvRetry() { // we got a retry from a peer that we tried to send something to // and failed, but we sent it on the account of someone else, and // that source port should be on our retry list, however if the // bus is released before this happens and the retry (from the bus // point of view) is successful then this no longer holds and we // could in fact have an empty retry list if (retryList.empty()) return; // if the bus isn't busy if (curTick() >= tickNextIdle) { // note that we do not care who told us to retry at the moment, we // merely let the first one on the retry list go retryWaiting(); } } PortID BaseBus::findPort(Addr addr) { /* An interval tree would be a better way to do this. --ali. */ PortID dest_id = checkPortCache(addr); if (dest_id != InvalidPortID) return dest_id; // Check normal port ranges PortMapConstIter i = portMap.find(RangeSize(addr,1)); if (i != portMap.end()) { dest_id = i->second; updatePortCache(dest_id, i->first.start, i->first.end); return dest_id; } // Check if this matches the default range if (useDefaultRange) { AddrRangeConstIter a_end = defaultRange.end(); for (AddrRangeConstIter i = defaultRange.begin(); i != a_end; i++) { if (*i == addr) { DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " found addr %#llx on default\n", addr); return defaultPortID; } } } else if (defaultPortID != InvalidPortID) { DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Unable to find destination for addr %#llx, " "will use default port\n", addr); return defaultPortID; } // we should use the range for the default port and it did not // match, or the default port is not set fatal("Unable to find destination for addr %#llx on bus %s\n", addr, name()); } /** Function called by the port when the bus is receiving a range change.*/ void BaseBus::recvRangeChange(PortID master_port_id) { AddrRangeList ranges; AddrRangeIter iter; if (inRecvRangeChange.count(master_port_id)) return; inRecvRangeChange.insert(master_port_id); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "received RangeChange from device id %d\n", master_port_id); clearPortCache(); if (master_port_id == defaultPortID) { defaultRange.clear(); // Only try to update these ranges if the user set a default responder. if (useDefaultRange) { // get the address ranges of the connected slave port AddrRangeList ranges = masterPorts[master_port_id]->getAddrRanges(); for(iter = ranges.begin(); iter != ranges.end(); iter++) { defaultRange.push_back(*iter); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding range %#llx - %#llx for default range\n", iter->start, iter->end); } } } else { assert(master_port_id < masterPorts.size() && master_port_id >= 0); MasterPort *port = masterPorts[master_port_id]; // Clean out any previously existent ids for (PortMapIter portIter = portMap.begin(); portIter != portMap.end(); ) { if (portIter->second == master_port_id) portMap.erase(portIter++); else portIter++; } // get the address ranges of the connected slave port ranges = port->getAddrRanges(); for (iter = ranges.begin(); iter != ranges.end(); iter++) { DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding range %#llx - %#llx for id %d\n", iter->start, iter->end, master_port_id); if (portMap.insert(*iter, master_port_id) == portMap.end()) { PortID conflict_id = portMap.find(*iter)->second; fatal("%s has two ports with same range:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n", name(), masterPorts[master_port_id]->getSlavePort().name(), masterPorts[conflict_id]->getSlavePort().name()); } } } DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "port list has %d entries\n", portMap.size()); // tell all our neighbouring master ports that our address range // has changed for (SlavePortConstIter p = slavePorts.begin(); p != slavePorts.end(); ++p) (*p)->sendRangeChange(); inRecvRangeChange.erase(master_port_id); } AddrRangeList BaseBus::getAddrRanges() const { AddrRangeList ranges; DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "received address range request, returning:\n"); for (AddrRangeConstIter dflt_iter = defaultRange.begin(); dflt_iter != defaultRange.end(); dflt_iter++) { ranges.push_back(*dflt_iter); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- Dflt: %#llx : %#llx\n",dflt_iter->start, dflt_iter->end); } for (PortMapConstIter portIter = portMap.begin(); portIter != portMap.end(); portIter++) { bool subset = false; for (AddrRangeConstIter dflt_iter = defaultRange.begin(); dflt_iter != defaultRange.end(); dflt_iter++) { if ((portIter->first.start < dflt_iter->start && portIter->first.end >= dflt_iter->start) || (portIter->first.start < dflt_iter->end && portIter->first.end >= dflt_iter->end)) fatal("Devices can not set ranges that itersect the default set\ but are not a subset of the default set.\n"); if (portIter->first.start >= dflt_iter->start && portIter->first.end <= dflt_iter->end) { subset = true; DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx is a SUBSET\n", portIter->first.start, portIter->first.end); } } if (!subset) { ranges.push_back(portIter->first); DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx\n", portIter->first.start, portIter->first.end); } } return ranges; } unsigned BaseBus::findBlockSize() { if (cachedBlockSizeValid) return cachedBlockSize; unsigned max_bs = 0; for (MasterPortConstIter m = masterPorts.begin(); m != masterPorts.end(); ++m) { unsigned tmp_bs = (*m)->peerBlockSize(); if (tmp_bs > max_bs) max_bs = tmp_bs; } for (SlavePortConstIter s = slavePorts.begin(); s != slavePorts.end(); ++s) { unsigned tmp_bs = (*s)->peerBlockSize(); if (tmp_bs > max_bs) max_bs = tmp_bs; } if (max_bs == 0) max_bs = defaultBlockSize; if (max_bs != 64) warn_once("Blocksize found to not be 64... hmm... probably not.\n"); cachedBlockSize = max_bs; cachedBlockSizeValid = true; return max_bs; } unsigned int BaseBus::drain(Event * de) { //We should check that we're not "doing" anything, and that noone is //waiting. We might be idle but have someone waiting if the device we //contacted for a retry didn't actually retry. if (!retryList.empty() || (curTick() < tickNextIdle && busIdleEvent.scheduled())) { drainEvent = de; return 1; } return 0; } void BaseBus::startup() { if (tickNextIdle < curTick()) tickNextIdle = (curTick() / clock) * clock + clock; }