/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ron Dreslinski * Ali Saidi * Andreas Hansson * William Wang */ /** * @file * Declaration of an abstract bus base class. */ #ifndef __MEM_BUS_HH__ #define __MEM_BUS_HH__ #include <deque> #include "base/addr_range_map.hh" #include "base/types.hh" #include "mem/mem_object.hh" #include "params/BaseBus.hh" #include "sim/stats.hh" /** * The base bus contains the common elements of the non-coherent and * coherent bus. It is an abstract class that does not have any of the * functionality relating to the actual reception and transmission of * packets, as this is left for the subclasses. * * The BaseBus is responsible for the basic flow control (busy or * not), the administration of retries, and the address decoding. */ class BaseBus : public MemObject { protected: /** * A bus layer is an internal bus structure with its own flow * control and arbitration. Hence, a single-layer bus mimics a * traditional off-chip tri-state bus (like PCI), where only one * set of wires are shared. For on-chip buses, a good starting * point is to have three layers, for requests, responses, and * snoop responses respectively (snoop requests are instantaneous * and do not need any flow control or arbitration). This case is * similar to AHB and some OCP configurations. * * As a further extensions beyond the three-layer bus, a future * multi-layer bus has with one layer per connected slave port * provides a full or partial crossbar, like AXI, OCP, PCIe etc. * * The template parameter, PortClass, indicates the destination * port type for the bus. The retry list holds either master ports * or slave ports, depending on the direction of the layer. Thus, * a request layer has a retry list containing slave ports, * whereas a response layer holds master ports. */ template <typename SrcType, typename DstType> class Layer : public Drainable { public: /** * Create a bus layer and give it a name. The bus layer uses * the bus an event manager. * * @param _port destination port the layer converges at * @param _bus the bus this layer belongs to * @param _name the layer's name */ Layer(DstType& _port, BaseBus& _bus, const std::string& _name); /** * Drain according to the normal semantics, so that the bus * can tell the layer to drain, and pass an event to signal * back when drained. * * @param de drain event to call once drained * * @return 1 if busy or waiting to retry, or 0 if idle */ unsigned int drain(DrainManager *dm); /** * Get the bus layer's name */ const std::string name() const { return bus.name() + _name; } /** * Determine if the bus layer accepts a packet from a specific * port. If not, the port in question is also added to the * retry list. In either case the state of the layer is * updated accordingly. * * @param port Source port presenting the packet * * @return True if the bus layer accepts the packet */ bool tryTiming(SrcType* src_port); /** * Deal with a destination port accepting a packet by potentially * removing the source port from the retry list (if retrying) and * occupying the bus layer accordingly. * * @param busy_time Time to spend as a result of a successful send */ void succeededTiming(Tick busy_time); /** * Deal with a destination port not accepting a packet by * potentially adding the source port to the retry list (if * not already at the front) and occupying the bus layer * accordingly. * * @param src_port Source port * @param busy_time Time to spend as a result of a failed send */ void failedTiming(SrcType* src_port, Tick busy_time); /** Occupy the bus layer until until */ void occupyLayer(Tick until); /** * Send a retry to the port at the head of waitingForLayer. The * caller must ensure that the list is not empty. */ void retryWaiting(); /** * Handle a retry from a neighbouring module. This wraps * retryWaiting by verifying that there are ports waiting * before calling retryWaiting. */ void recvRetry(); /** * Register stats for the layer */ void regStats(); private: /** The destination port this layer converges at. */ DstType& port; /** The bus this layer is a part of. */ BaseBus& bus; /** A name for this layer. */ std::string _name; /** * We declare an enum to track the state of the bus layer. The * starting point is an idle state where the bus layer is * waiting for a packet to arrive. Upon arrival, the bus layer * transitions to the busy state, where it remains either * until the packet transfer is done, or the header time is * spent. Once the bus layer leaves the busy state, it can * either go back to idle, if no packets have arrived while it * was busy, or the bus layer goes on to retry the first port * in waitingForLayer. A similar transition takes place from * idle to retry if the bus layer receives a retry from one of * its connected ports. The retry state lasts until the port * in questions calls sendTiming and returns control to the * bus layer, or goes to a busy state if the port does not * immediately react to the retry by calling sendTiming. */ enum State { IDLE, BUSY, RETRY }; /** track the state of the bus layer */ State state; /** manager to signal when drained */ DrainManager *drainManager; /** * A deque of ports that retry should be called on because * the original send was delayed due to a busy layer. */ std::deque<SrcType*> waitingForLayer; /** * Port that we are currently in the process of telling to * retry a previously failed attempt to perform a timing * transaction. This is a valid port when in the retry state, * and NULL when in busy or idle. */ SrcType* retryingPort; /** * Track who is waiting for the retry when receiving it from a * peer. If no port is waiting NULL is stored. */ SrcType* waitingForPeer; /** * Release the bus layer after being occupied and return to an * idle state where we proceed to send a retry to any * potential waiting port, or drain if asked to do so. */ void releaseLayer(); /** event used to schedule a release of the layer */ EventWrapper<Layer, &Layer::releaseLayer> releaseEvent; /** * Stats for occupancy and utilization. These stats capture * the time the bus spends in the busy state and are thus only * relevant when the memory system is in timing mode. */ Stats::Scalar occupancy; Stats::Formula utilization; }; /** cycles of overhead per transaction */ const Cycles headerCycles; /** the width of the bus in bytes */ const uint32_t width; typedef AddrRangeMap<PortID>::iterator PortMapIter; typedef AddrRangeMap<PortID>::const_iterator PortMapConstIter; AddrRangeMap<PortID> portMap; /** all contigous ranges seen by this bus */ AddrRangeList busRanges; AddrRange defaultRange; /** * Function called by the port when the bus is recieving a range change. * * @param master_port_id id of the port that received the change */ void recvRangeChange(PortID master_port_id); /** Find which port connected to this bus (if any) should be given a packet * with this address. * @param addr Address to find port for. * @return id of port that the packet should be sent out of. */ PortID findPort(Addr addr); // Cache for the findPort function storing recently used ports from portMap struct PortCache { bool valid; PortID id; AddrRange range; }; PortCache portCache[3]; // Checks the cache and returns the id of the port that has the requested // address within its range inline PortID checkPortCache(Addr addr) const { if (portCache[0].valid && portCache[0].range.contains(addr)) { return portCache[0].id; } if (portCache[1].valid && portCache[1].range.contains(addr)) { return portCache[1].id; } if (portCache[2].valid && portCache[2].range.contains(addr)) { return portCache[2].id; } return InvalidPortID; } // Clears the earliest entry of the cache and inserts a new port entry inline void updatePortCache(short id, const AddrRange& range) { portCache[2].valid = portCache[1].valid; portCache[2].id = portCache[1].id; portCache[2].range = portCache[1].range; portCache[1].valid = portCache[0].valid; portCache[1].id = portCache[0].id; portCache[1].range = portCache[0].range; portCache[0].valid = true; portCache[0].id = id; portCache[0].range = range; } // Clears the cache. Needs to be called in constructor. inline void clearPortCache() { portCache[2].valid = false; portCache[1].valid = false; portCache[0].valid = false; } /** * Return the address ranges the bus is responsible for. * * @return a list of non-overlapping address ranges */ AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const; /** * Calculate the timing parameters for the packet. Updates the * busFirstWordDelay and busLastWordDelay fields of the packet * object with the relative number of ticks required to transmit * the header and the first word, and the last word, respectively. */ void calcPacketTiming(PacketPtr pkt); /** * Ask everyone on the bus what their size is and determine the * bus size as either the maximum, or if no device specifies a * block size return the default. * * @return the max of all the sizes or the default if none is set */ unsigned deviceBlockSize() const; /** * Remember for each of the master ports of the bus if we got an * address range from the connected slave. For convenience, also * keep track of if we got ranges from all the slave modules or * not. */ std::vector<bool> gotAddrRanges; bool gotAllAddrRanges; /** The master and slave ports of the bus */ std::vector<SlavePort*> slavePorts; std::vector<MasterPort*> masterPorts; /** Convenience typedefs. */ typedef std::vector<SlavePort*>::iterator SlavePortIter; typedef std::vector<MasterPort*>::iterator MasterPortIter; typedef std::vector<SlavePort*>::const_iterator SlavePortConstIter; typedef std::vector<MasterPort*>::const_iterator MasterPortConstIter; /** Port that handles requests that don't match any of the interfaces.*/ PortID defaultPortID; /** If true, use address range provided by default device. Any address not handled by another port and not in default device's range will cause a fatal error. If false, just send all addresses not handled by another port to default device. */ const bool useDefaultRange; uint32_t blockSize; BaseBus(const BaseBusParams *p); virtual ~BaseBus(); /** * Stats for transaction distribution and data passing through the * bus. The transaction distribution is globally counting * different types of commands. The packet count and total packet * size are two-dimensional vectors that are indexed by the bus * slave port and master port id (thus the neighbouring master and * neighbouring slave), summing up both directions (request and * response). */ Stats::Formula throughput; Stats::Vector transDist; Stats::Vector2d pktCount; Stats::Vector2d totPktSize; public: virtual void init(); /** A function used to return the port associated with this bus object. */ BaseMasterPort& getMasterPort(const std::string& if_name, PortID idx = InvalidPortID); BaseSlavePort& getSlavePort(const std::string& if_name, PortID idx = InvalidPortID); virtual unsigned int drain(DrainManager *dm) = 0; virtual void regStats(); }; #endif //__MEM_BUS_HH__