/* * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited * All rights reserved. * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Erik Hallnor * Steve Reinhardt * Ron Dreslinski */ /** * @file * Declares a basic cache interface BaseCache. */ #ifndef __BASE_CACHE_HH__ #define __BASE_CACHE_HH__ #include <algorithm> #include <list> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/statistics.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "base/types.hh" #include "debug/Cache.hh" #include "debug/CachePort.hh" #include "mem/cache/mshr_queue.hh" #include "mem/mem_object.hh" #include "mem/packet.hh" #include "mem/qport.hh" #include "mem/request.hh" #include "params/BaseCache.hh" #include "sim/eventq.hh" #include "sim/full_system.hh" #include "sim/sim_exit.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" class MSHR; /** * A basic cache interface. Implements some common functions for speed. */ class BaseCache : public MemObject { /** * Indexes to enumerate the MSHR queues. */ enum MSHRQueueIndex { MSHRQueue_MSHRs, MSHRQueue_WriteBuffer }; public: /** * Reasons for caches to be blocked. */ enum BlockedCause { Blocked_NoMSHRs = MSHRQueue_MSHRs, Blocked_NoWBBuffers = MSHRQueue_WriteBuffer, Blocked_NoTargets, NUM_BLOCKED_CAUSES }; /** * Reasons for cache to request a bus. */ enum RequestCause { Request_MSHR = MSHRQueue_MSHRs, Request_WB = MSHRQueue_WriteBuffer, Request_PF, NUM_REQUEST_CAUSES }; protected: /** * A cache master port is used for the memory-side port of the * cache, and in addition to the basic timing port that only sends * response packets through a transmit list, it also offers the * ability to schedule and send request packets (requests & * writebacks). The send event is scheduled through requestBus, * and the sendDeferredPacket of the timing port is modified to * consider both the transmit list and the requests from the MSHR. */ class CacheMasterPort : public QueuedMasterPort { public: /** * Schedule a send of a request packet (from the MSHR). Note * that we could already have a retry or a transmit list of * responses outstanding. */ void requestBus(RequestCause cause, Tick time) { DPRINTF(CachePort, "Asserting bus request for cause %d\n", cause); queue.schedSendEvent(time); } protected: CacheMasterPort(const std::string &_name, BaseCache *_cache, MasterPacketQueue &_queue) : QueuedMasterPort(_name, _cache, _queue) { } /** * Memory-side port always snoops. * * @return always true */ virtual bool isSnooping() const { return true; } }; /** * A cache slave port is used for the CPU-side port of the cache, * and it is basically a simple timing port that uses a transmit * list for responses to the CPU (or connected master). In * addition, it has the functionality to block the port for * incoming requests. If blocked, the port will issue a retry once * unblocked. */ class CacheSlavePort : public QueuedSlavePort { public: /** Do not accept any new requests. */ void setBlocked(); /** Return to normal operation and accept new requests. */ void clearBlocked(); protected: CacheSlavePort(const std::string &_name, BaseCache *_cache, const std::string &_label); /** A normal packet queue used to store responses. */ SlavePacketQueue queue; bool blocked; bool mustSendRetry; private: EventWrapper<SlavePort, &SlavePort::sendRetry> sendRetryEvent; }; CacheSlavePort *cpuSidePort; CacheMasterPort *memSidePort; protected: /** Miss status registers */ MSHRQueue mshrQueue; /** Write/writeback buffer */ MSHRQueue writeBuffer; MSHR *allocateBufferInternal(MSHRQueue *mq, Addr addr, int size, PacketPtr pkt, Tick time, bool requestBus) { MSHR *mshr = mq->allocate(addr, size, pkt, time, order++); if (mq->isFull()) { setBlocked((BlockedCause)mq->index); } if (requestBus) { requestMemSideBus((RequestCause)mq->index, time); } return mshr; } void markInServiceInternal(MSHR *mshr, PacketPtr pkt) { MSHRQueue *mq = mshr->queue; bool wasFull = mq->isFull(); mq->markInService(mshr, pkt); if (wasFull && !mq->isFull()) { clearBlocked((BlockedCause)mq->index); } } /** * Write back dirty blocks in the cache using functional accesses. */ virtual void memWriteback() = 0; /** * Invalidates all blocks in the cache. * * @warn Dirty cache lines will not be written back to * memory. Make sure to call functionalWriteback() first if you * want the to write them to memory. */ virtual void memInvalidate() = 0; /** * Determine if there are any dirty blocks in the cache. * * \return true if at least one block is dirty, false otherwise. */ virtual bool isDirty() const = 0; /** Block size of this cache */ const unsigned blkSize; /** * The latency of a hit in this device. */ const Cycles hitLatency; /** * The latency of sending reponse to its upper level cache/core on a * linefill. In most contemporary processors, the return path on a cache * miss is much quicker that the hit latency. The responseLatency parameter * tries to capture this latency. */ const Cycles responseLatency; /** The number of targets for each MSHR. */ const int numTarget; /** Do we forward snoops from mem side port through to cpu side port? */ const bool forwardSnoops; /** Is this cache a toplevel cache (e.g. L1, I/O cache). If so we should * never try to forward ownership and similar optimizations to the cpu * side */ const bool isTopLevel; /** * Bit vector of the blocking reasons for the access path. * @sa #BlockedCause */ uint8_t blocked; /** Increasing order number assigned to each incoming request. */ uint64_t order; /** Stores time the cache blocked for statistics. */ Cycles blockedCycle; /** Pointer to the MSHR that has no targets. */ MSHR *noTargetMSHR; /** The number of misses to trigger an exit event. */ Counter missCount; /** * The address range to which the cache responds on the CPU side. * Normally this is all possible memory addresses. */ const AddrRangeList addrRanges; public: /** System we are currently operating in. */ System *system; // Statistics /** * @addtogroup CacheStatistics * @{ */ /** Number of hits per thread for each type of command. @sa Packet::Command */ Stats::Vector hits[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Number of hits for demand accesses. */ Stats::Formula demandHits; /** Number of hit for all accesses. */ Stats::Formula overallHits; /** Number of misses per thread for each type of command. @sa Packet::Command */ Stats::Vector misses[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Number of misses for demand accesses. */ Stats::Formula demandMisses; /** Number of misses for all accesses. */ Stats::Formula overallMisses; /** * Total number of cycles per thread/command spent waiting for a miss. * Used to calculate the average miss latency. */ Stats::Vector missLatency[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Total number of cycles spent waiting for demand misses. */ Stats::Formula demandMissLatency; /** Total number of cycles spent waiting for all misses. */ Stats::Formula overallMissLatency; /** The number of accesses per command and thread. */ Stats::Formula accesses[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** The number of demand accesses. */ Stats::Formula demandAccesses; /** The number of overall accesses. */ Stats::Formula overallAccesses; /** The miss rate per command and thread. */ Stats::Formula missRate[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** The miss rate of all demand accesses. */ Stats::Formula demandMissRate; /** The miss rate for all accesses. */ Stats::Formula overallMissRate; /** The average miss latency per command and thread. */ Stats::Formula avgMissLatency[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** The average miss latency for demand misses. */ Stats::Formula demandAvgMissLatency; /** The average miss latency for all misses. */ Stats::Formula overallAvgMissLatency; /** The total number of cycles blocked for each blocked cause. */ Stats::Vector blocked_cycles; /** The number of times this cache blocked for each blocked cause. */ Stats::Vector blocked_causes; /** The average number of cycles blocked for each blocked cause. */ Stats::Formula avg_blocked; /** The number of fast writes (WH64) performed. */ Stats::Scalar fastWrites; /** The number of cache copies performed. */ Stats::Scalar cacheCopies; /** Number of blocks written back per thread. */ Stats::Vector writebacks; /** Number of misses that hit in the MSHRs per command and thread. */ Stats::Vector mshr_hits[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Demand misses that hit in the MSHRs. */ Stats::Formula demandMshrHits; /** Total number of misses that hit in the MSHRs. */ Stats::Formula overallMshrHits; /** Number of misses that miss in the MSHRs, per command and thread. */ Stats::Vector mshr_misses[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Demand misses that miss in the MSHRs. */ Stats::Formula demandMshrMisses; /** Total number of misses that miss in the MSHRs. */ Stats::Formula overallMshrMisses; /** Number of misses that miss in the MSHRs, per command and thread. */ Stats::Vector mshr_uncacheable[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Total number of misses that miss in the MSHRs. */ Stats::Formula overallMshrUncacheable; /** Total cycle latency of each MSHR miss, per command and thread. */ Stats::Vector mshr_miss_latency[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Total cycle latency of demand MSHR misses. */ Stats::Formula demandMshrMissLatency; /** Total cycle latency of overall MSHR misses. */ Stats::Formula overallMshrMissLatency; /** Total cycle latency of each MSHR miss, per command and thread. */ Stats::Vector mshr_uncacheable_lat[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** Total cycle latency of overall MSHR misses. */ Stats::Formula overallMshrUncacheableLatency; #if 0 /** The total number of MSHR accesses per command and thread. */ Stats::Formula mshrAccesses[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** The total number of demand MSHR accesses. */ Stats::Formula demandMshrAccesses; /** The total number of MSHR accesses. */ Stats::Formula overallMshrAccesses; #endif /** The miss rate in the MSHRs pre command and thread. */ Stats::Formula mshrMissRate[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** The demand miss rate in the MSHRs. */ Stats::Formula demandMshrMissRate; /** The overall miss rate in the MSHRs. */ Stats::Formula overallMshrMissRate; /** The average latency of an MSHR miss, per command and thread. */ Stats::Formula avgMshrMissLatency[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** The average latency of a demand MSHR miss. */ Stats::Formula demandAvgMshrMissLatency; /** The average overall latency of an MSHR miss. */ Stats::Formula overallAvgMshrMissLatency; /** The average latency of an MSHR miss, per command and thread. */ Stats::Formula avgMshrUncacheableLatency[MemCmd::NUM_MEM_CMDS]; /** The average overall latency of an MSHR miss. */ Stats::Formula overallAvgMshrUncacheableLatency; /** The number of times a thread hit its MSHR cap. */ Stats::Vector mshr_cap_events; /** The number of times software prefetches caused the MSHR to block. */ Stats::Vector soft_prefetch_mshr_full; Stats::Scalar mshr_no_allocate_misses; /** * @} */ /** * Register stats for this object. */ virtual void regStats(); public: typedef BaseCacheParams Params; BaseCache(const Params *p); ~BaseCache() {} virtual void init(); virtual BaseMasterPort &getMasterPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx = InvalidPortID); virtual BaseSlavePort &getSlavePort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx = InvalidPortID); /** * Query block size of a cache. * @return The block size */ unsigned getBlockSize() const { return blkSize; } Addr blockAlign(Addr addr) const { return (addr & ~(Addr(blkSize - 1))); } const AddrRangeList &getAddrRanges() const { return addrRanges; } MSHR *allocateMissBuffer(PacketPtr pkt, Tick time, bool requestBus) { assert(!pkt->req->isUncacheable()); return allocateBufferInternal(&mshrQueue, blockAlign(pkt->getAddr()), blkSize, pkt, time, requestBus); } MSHR *allocateWriteBuffer(PacketPtr pkt, Tick time, bool requestBus) { assert(pkt->isWrite() && !pkt->isRead()); return allocateBufferInternal(&writeBuffer, pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize(), pkt, time, requestBus); } MSHR *allocateUncachedReadBuffer(PacketPtr pkt, Tick time, bool requestBus) { assert(pkt->req->isUncacheable()); assert(pkt->isRead()); return allocateBufferInternal(&mshrQueue, pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize(), pkt, time, requestBus); } /** * Returns true if the cache is blocked for accesses. */ bool isBlocked() const { return blocked != 0; } /** * Marks the access path of the cache as blocked for the given cause. This * also sets the blocked flag in the slave interface. * @param cause The reason for the cache blocking. */ void setBlocked(BlockedCause cause) { uint8_t flag = 1 << cause; if (blocked == 0) { blocked_causes[cause]++; blockedCycle = curCycle(); cpuSidePort->setBlocked(); } blocked |= flag; DPRINTF(Cache,"Blocking for cause %d, mask=%d\n", cause, blocked); } /** * Marks the cache as unblocked for the given cause. This also clears the * blocked flags in the appropriate interfaces. * @param cause The newly unblocked cause. * @warning Calling this function can cause a blocked request on the bus to * access the cache. The cache must be in a state to handle that request. */ void clearBlocked(BlockedCause cause) { uint8_t flag = 1 << cause; blocked &= ~flag; DPRINTF(Cache,"Unblocking for cause %d, mask=%d\n", cause, blocked); if (blocked == 0) { blocked_cycles[cause] += curCycle() - blockedCycle; cpuSidePort->clearBlocked(); } } /** * Request the master bus for the given cause and time. * @param cause The reason for the request. * @param time The time to make the request. */ void requestMemSideBus(RequestCause cause, Tick time) { memSidePort->requestBus(cause, time); } /** * Clear the master bus request for the given cause. * @param cause The request reason to clear. */ void deassertMemSideBusRequest(RequestCause cause) { // Obsolete... we no longer signal bus requests explicitly so // we can't deassert them. Leaving this in as a no-op since // the prefetcher calls it to indicate that it no longer wants // to request a prefetch, and someday that might be // interesting again. } virtual unsigned int drain(DrainManager *dm); virtual bool inCache(Addr addr) const = 0; virtual bool inMissQueue(Addr addr) const = 0; void incMissCount(PacketPtr pkt) { assert(pkt->req->masterId() < system->maxMasters()); misses[pkt->cmdToIndex()][pkt->req->masterId()]++; if (missCount) { --missCount; if (missCount == 0) exitSimLoop("A cache reached the maximum miss count"); } } void incHitCount(PacketPtr pkt) { assert(pkt->req->masterId() < system->maxMasters()); hits[pkt->cmdToIndex()][pkt->req->masterId()]++; } }; #endif //__BASE_CACHE_HH__