/** * Copyright (c) 2018 Metempsy Technology Consulting * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ivan Pizarro */ #include "mem/cache/prefetch/bop.hh" #include "debug/HWPrefetch.hh" #include "params/BOPPrefetcher.hh" BOPPrefetcher::BOPPrefetcher(const BOPPrefetcherParams *p) : QueuedPrefetcher(p), scoreMax(p->score_max), roundMax(p->round_max), badScore(p->bad_score), rrEntries(p->rr_size), tagMask((1 << p->tag_bits) - 1), delayQueueEnabled(p->delay_queue_enable), delayQueueSize(p->delay_queue_size), delayTicks(cyclesToTicks(p->delay_queue_cycles)), delayQueueEvent([this]{ delayQueueEventWrapper(); }, name()), issuePrefetchRequests(false), bestOffset(1), phaseBestOffset(0), bestScore(0), round(0) { if (!isPowerOf2(rrEntries)) { fatal("%s: number of RR entries is not power of 2\n", name()); } if (!isPowerOf2(blkSize)) { fatal("%s: cache line size is not power of 2\n", name()); } if (!(p->negative_offsets_enable && (p->offset_list_size % 2 == 0))) { fatal("%s: negative offsets enabled with odd offset list size\n", name()); } rrLeft.resize(rrEntries); rrRight.resize(rrEntries); // Following the paper implementation, a list with the specified number // of offsets which are of the form 2^i * 3^j * 5^k with i,j,k >= 0 const int factors[] = { 2, 3, 5 }; unsigned int i = 0; int64_t offset_i = 1; while (i < p->offset_list_size) { int64_t offset = offset_i; for (int n : factors) { while ((offset % n) == 0) { offset /= n; } } if (offset == 1) { offsetsList.push_back(OffsetListEntry(offset_i, 0)); i++; // If we want to use negative offsets, add also the negative value // of the offset just calculated if (p->negative_offsets_enable) { offsetsList.push_back(OffsetListEntry(-offset_i, 0)); i++; } } offset_i++; } offsetsListIterator = offsetsList.begin(); } void BOPPrefetcher::delayQueueEventWrapper() { while (!delayQueue.empty() && delayQueue.front().processTick <= curTick()) { Addr addr_x = delayQueue.front().baseAddr; insertIntoRR(addr_x, RRWay::Left); delayQueue.pop_front(); } // Schedule an event for the next element if there is one if (!delayQueue.empty()) { schedule(delayQueueEvent, delayQueue.front().processTick); } } unsigned int BOPPrefetcher::hash(Addr addr, unsigned int way) const { Addr hash1 = addr >> way; Addr hash2 = hash1 >> floorLog2(rrEntries); return (hash1 ^ hash2) & (Addr)(rrEntries - 1); } void BOPPrefetcher::insertIntoRR(Addr addr, unsigned int way) { switch (way) { case RRWay::Left: rrLeft[hash(addr, RRWay::Left)] = addr; break; case RRWay::Right: rrRight[hash(addr, RRWay::Right)] = addr; break; } } void BOPPrefetcher::insertIntoDelayQueue(Addr x) { if (delayQueue.size() == delayQueueSize) { return; } // Add the address to the delay queue and schedule an event to process // it after the specified delay cycles Tick process_tick = curTick() + delayTicks; delayQueue.push_back(DelayQueueEntry(x, process_tick)); if (!delayQueueEvent.scheduled()) { schedule(delayQueueEvent, process_tick); } } void BOPPrefetcher::resetScores() { for (auto& it : offsetsList) { it.second = 0; } } inline Addr BOPPrefetcher::tag(Addr addr) const { return (addr >> blkSize) & tagMask; } bool BOPPrefetcher::testRR(Addr addr) const { for (auto& it : rrLeft) { if (it == addr) { return true; } } for (auto& it : rrRight) { if (it == addr) { return true; } } return false; } void BOPPrefetcher::bestOffsetLearning(Addr x) { Addr offset_addr = (*offsetsListIterator).first; Addr lookup_addr = x - offset_addr; // There was a hit in the RR table, increment the score for this offset if (testRR(lookup_addr)) { DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Address %#lx found in the RR table\n", x); (*offsetsListIterator).second++; if ((*offsetsListIterator).second > bestScore) { bestScore = (*offsetsListIterator).second; phaseBestOffset = (*offsetsListIterator).first; DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "New best score is %lu\n", bestScore); } } offsetsListIterator++; // All the offsets in the list were visited meaning that a learning // phase finished. Check if if (offsetsListIterator == offsetsList.end()) { offsetsListIterator = offsetsList.begin(); round++; // Check if the best offset must be updated if: // (1) One of the scores equals SCORE_MAX // (2) The number of rounds equals ROUND_MAX if ((bestScore >= scoreMax) || (round == roundMax)) { bestOffset = phaseBestOffset; round = 0; bestScore = 0; phaseBestOffset = 0; resetScores(); issuePrefetchRequests = true; } else if (phaseBestOffset <= badScore) { issuePrefetchRequests = false; } } } void BOPPrefetcher::calculatePrefetch(const PrefetchInfo &pfi, std::vector<AddrPriority> &addresses) { Addr addr = pfi.getAddr(); Addr tag_x = tag(addr); if (delayQueueEnabled) { insertIntoDelayQueue(tag_x); } else { insertIntoRR(tag_x, RRWay::Left); } // Go through the nth offset and update the score, the best score and the // current best offset if a better one is found bestOffsetLearning(tag_x); // This prefetcher is a degree 1 prefetch, so it will only generate one // prefetch at most per access if (issuePrefetchRequests) { Addr prefetch_addr = addr + (bestOffset << lBlkSize); addresses.push_back(AddrPriority(prefetch_addr, 0)); DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Generated prefetch %#lx\n", prefetch_addr); } } void BOPPrefetcher::notifyFill(const PacketPtr& pkt) { // Only insert into the RR right way if it's the pkt is a HWP if (!pkt->cmd.isHWPrefetch()) return; Addr tag_y = tag(pkt->getAddr()); if (issuePrefetchRequests) { insertIntoRR(tag_y - bestOffset, RRWay::Right); } } BOPPrefetcher* BOPPrefetcherParams::create() { return new BOPPrefetcher(this); }