/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Inria * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Daniel Carvalho */ /** * @file * Definitions of a base set associative sector tag store. */ #include "mem/cache/tags/sector_tags.hh" #include #include #include #include "base/intmath.hh" #include "base/logging.hh" #include "base/types.hh" #include "debug/CacheRepl.hh" #include "mem/cache/base.hh" #include "mem/cache/replacement_policies/base.hh" SectorTags::SectorTags(const SectorTagsParams *p) : BaseTags(p), assoc(p->assoc), allocAssoc(p->assoc), sequentialAccess(p->sequential_access), replacementPolicy(p->replacement_policy), numBlocksPerSector(p->num_blocks_per_sector), numSectors(numBlocks / p->num_blocks_per_sector), numSets(numSectors / p->assoc), blks(numBlocks), secBlks(numSectors), sets(numSets), sectorShift(floorLog2(blkSize)), setShift(sectorShift + floorLog2(numBlocksPerSector)), tagShift(setShift + floorLog2(numSets)), sectorMask(numBlocksPerSector - 1), setMask(numSets - 1) { // Check parameters fatal_if(blkSize < 4 || !isPowerOf2(blkSize), "Block size must be at least 4 and a power of 2"); fatal_if(!isPowerOf2(numSets), "# of sets must be non-zero and a power of 2"); fatal_if(!isPowerOf2(numBlocksPerSector), "# of blocks per sector must be non-zero and a power of 2"); fatal_if(assoc <= 0, "associativity must be greater than zero"); // Initialize all sets unsigned sec_blk_index = 0; // index into sector blks array unsigned blk_index = 0; // index into blks array for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSets; ++i) { sets[i].resize(assoc); // Initialize all sectors in this set for (unsigned j = 0; j < assoc; ++j) { // Select block within the set to be linked SectorBlk*& sec_blk = sets[i][j]; // Locate next cache sector sec_blk = &secBlks[sec_blk_index]; // Associate a replacement data entry to the sector sec_blk->replacementData = replacementPolicy->instantiateEntry(); // Initialize all blocks in this sector sec_blk->blks.resize(numBlocksPerSector); for (unsigned k = 0; k < numBlocksPerSector; ++k){ // Select block within the set to be linked SectorSubBlk*& blk = sec_blk->blks[k]; // Locate next cache block blk = &blks[blk_index]; // Associate a data chunk to the block blk->data = &dataBlks[blkSize*blk_index]; // Associate sector block to this block blk->setSectorBlock(sec_blk); // Associate the sector replacement data to this block blk->replacementData = sec_blk->replacementData; // Set its set, way and sector offset blk->set = i; blk->way = j; blk->setSectorOffset(k); // Update block index ++blk_index; } // Update sector block index ++sec_blk_index; } } } void SectorTags::invalidate(CacheBlk *blk) { BaseTags::invalidate(blk); // Get block's sector SectorSubBlk* sub_blk = static_cast(blk); const SectorBlk* sector_blk = sub_blk->getSectorBlock(); // When a block in a sector is invalidated, it does not make the tag // invalid automatically, as there might be other blocks in the sector // using it. The tag is invalidated only when there is a single block // in the sector. if (!sector_blk->isValid()) { // Decrease the number of tags in use tagsInUse--; // Invalidate replacement data, as we're invalidating the sector replacementPolicy->invalidate(sector_blk->replacementData); } } CacheBlk* SectorTags::accessBlock(Addr addr, bool is_secure, Cycles &lat) { CacheBlk *blk = findBlock(addr, is_secure); // Access all tags in parallel, hence one in each way. The data side // either accesses all blocks in parallel, or one block sequentially on // a hit. Sequential access with a miss doesn't access data. tagAccesses += allocAssoc; if (sequentialAccess) { if (blk != nullptr) { dataAccesses += 1; } } else { dataAccesses += allocAssoc*numBlocksPerSector; } if (blk != nullptr) { // If a cache hit lat = accessLatency; // Check if the block to be accessed is available. If not, // apply the accessLatency on top of block->whenReady. if (blk->whenReady > curTick() && cache->ticksToCycles(blk->whenReady - curTick()) > accessLatency) { lat = cache->ticksToCycles(blk->whenReady - curTick()) + accessLatency; } // Update number of references to accessed block blk->refCount++; // Get block's sector SectorSubBlk* sub_blk = static_cast(blk); const SectorBlk* sector_blk = sub_blk->getSectorBlock(); // Update replacement data of accessed block, which is shared with // the whole sector it belongs to replacementPolicy->touch(sector_blk->replacementData); } else { // If a cache miss lat = lookupLatency; } return blk; } const std::vector SectorTags::getPossibleLocations(Addr addr) const { return sets[extractSet(addr)]; } void SectorTags::insertBlock(PacketPtr pkt, CacheBlk *blk) { // Insert block BaseTags::insertBlock(pkt, blk); // Get block's sector SectorSubBlk* sub_blk = static_cast(blk); const SectorBlk* sector_blk = sub_blk->getSectorBlock(); // When a block is inserted, the tag is only a newly used tag if the // sector was not previously present in the cache. // This assumes BaseTags::insertBlock does not set the valid bit. if (sector_blk->isValid()) { // An existing entry's replacement data is just updated replacementPolicy->touch(sector_blk->replacementData); } else { // Increment tag counter tagsInUse++; // A new entry resets the replacement data replacementPolicy->reset(sector_blk->replacementData); } } CacheBlk* SectorTags::findBlock(Addr addr, bool is_secure) const { // Extract sector tag const Addr tag = extractTag(addr); // The address can only be mapped to a specific location of a sector // due to sectors being composed of contiguous-address entries const Addr offset = extractSectorOffset(addr); // Find all possible sector locations for the given address const std::vector locations = getPossibleLocations(addr); // Search for block for (const auto& sector : locations) { auto blk = sector->blks[offset]; if (blk->getTag() == tag && blk->isValid() && blk->isSecure() == is_secure) { return blk; } } // Did not find block return nullptr; } ReplaceableEntry* SectorTags::findBlockBySetAndWay(int set, int way) const { return sets[set][way]; } CacheBlk* SectorTags::findVictim(Addr addr, const bool is_secure, std::vector& evict_blks) const { // Get all possible locations of this sector const std::vector sector_locations = getPossibleLocations(addr); // Check if the sector this address belongs to has been allocated Addr tag = extractTag(addr); SectorBlk* victim_sector = nullptr; for (const auto& sector : sector_locations){ if ((tag == sector->getTag()) && sector->isValid() && (is_secure == sector->isSecure())){ victim_sector = sector; break; } } // If the sector is not present if (victim_sector == nullptr){ // Choose replacement victim from replacement candidates victim_sector = static_cast(replacementPolicy->getVictim( std::vector( sector_locations.begin(), sector_locations.end()))); } // Get the location of the victim block within the sector CacheBlk* victim = victim_sector->blks[extractSectorOffset(addr)]; // Get evicted blocks. Blocks are only evicted if the sectors mismatch and // the currently existing sector is valid. if ((tag == victim_sector->getTag()) && (is_secure == victim_sector->isSecure())){ // It would be a hit if victim was valid, and upgrades do not call // findVictim, so it cannot happen assert(!victim->isValid()); } else { // The whole sector must be evicted to make room for the new sector for (const auto& blk : victim_sector->blks){ evict_blks.push_back(blk); } } SectorSubBlk* victim_cast = static_cast(victim); DPRINTF(CacheRepl, "set %x, way %x, sector offset %x: %s\n", "selecting blk for replacement\n", victim->set, victim->way, victim_cast->getSectorOffset()); return victim; } Addr SectorTags::extractTag(Addr addr) const { return addr >> tagShift; } int SectorTags::extractSet(Addr addr) const { return (addr >> setShift) & setMask; } int SectorTags::extractSectorOffset(Addr addr) const { return (addr >> sectorShift) & sectorMask; } Addr SectorTags::regenerateBlkAddr(const CacheBlk* blk) const { const SectorSubBlk* blk_cast = static_cast(blk); return ((blk_cast->getTag() << tagShift) | ((Addr)blk->set << setShift) | ((Addr)blk_cast->getSectorOffset() << sectorShift)); } void SectorTags::forEachBlk(std::function visitor) { for (SectorSubBlk& blk : blks) { visitor(blk); } } bool SectorTags::anyBlk(std::function visitor) { for (SectorSubBlk& blk : blks) { if (visitor(blk)) { return true; } } return false; } SectorTags * SectorTagsParams::create() { return new SectorTags(this); }