/* Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood for the Wisconsin Multifacet Project. Contact: gems@cs.wisc.edu http://www.cs.wisc.edu/gems/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file a component of the Multifacet GEMS (General Execution-driven Multiprocessor Simulator) software toolset originally developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ruby was originally developed primarily by Milo Martin and Daniel Sorin with contributions from Ross Dickson, Carl Mauer, and Manoj Plakal. SLICC was originally developed by Milo Martin with substantial contributions from Daniel Sorin. Opal was originally developed by Carl Mauer based upon code by Craig Zilles. Substantial further development of Multifacet GEMS at the University of Wisconsin was performed by Alaa Alameldeen, Brad Beckmann, Ross Dickson, Pacia Harper, Milo Martin, Michael Marty, Carl Mauer, Kevin Moore, Manoj Plakal, Daniel Sorin, Min Xu, and Luke Yen. -------------------------------------------------------------------- If your use of this software contributes to a published paper, we request that you (1) cite our summary paper that appears on our website (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/gems/) and (2) e-mail a citation for your published paper to gems@cs.wisc.edu. If you redistribute derivatives of this software, we request that you notify us and either (1) ask people to register with us at our website (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/gems/) or (2) collect registration information and periodically send it to us. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Multifacet GEMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. Multifacet GEMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Multifacet GEMS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA The GNU General Public License is contained in the file LICENSE. ### END HEADER ### */ %option noyywrap ALPHADIGIT [^\:\,\(\)\n\t\(\) \0\#] HEXDIGIT [0-9a-fA-Fx] NEWLINE [\n] WHITESPACE [ \t] %{ #include "mem/ruby/common/Global.hh" using namespace std; #include #include #include // Maurice // extern "C" { // #include "simics/api.h" // }; #include "mem/gems_common/ioutil/FakeSimicsDataTypes.hh" // CM: simics 1.6.5 API redefines fwrite, much to my chagrin #undef fwrite #undef printf #include "mem/gems_common/ioutil/attrparse.hh" #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 10 /** global result of parsing file */ extern attr_value_t g_attr_map; extern int atparse(void); static int linenum=1; /* the current line number */ static int colnum=1; /* the current column number */ static YY_BUFFER_STATE include_stack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH]; static int include_stack_ptr = 0; static char g_relative_include_path[256]; // forward declaration of aterror void aterror(const char *msg); %} %x SLASHCOMMENT INCLUDE %% %{ /* PATTERNS FOR STRING TOKENS */ %} "//".*[\n] { linenum++; colnum=1; } /* C++ style comments */ \#include { colnum+=yyleng; BEGIN(INCLUDE); } {WHITESPACE}* { colnum+=yyleng; } [^ \t\n]+ { // should really be FILEIO_MAX_FILENAME or MAX_NAME char str[256]; if ( include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH ) { ERROR_OUT( "Includes nested too deeply" ); exit( 1 ); } include_stack[include_stack_ptr++] = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yyin = fopen( yytext, "r" ); if ( ! yyin ) { sprintf( str, "%s%s", g_relative_include_path, yytext ); yyin = fopen( str, "r" ); } if ( ! yyin ) { sprintf( str, "%s%s%s", g_relative_include_path, "config/", yytext ); yyin = fopen( str, "r" ); } if ( ! yyin ) { ERROR_OUT("unable to open included file: %s or %s\n", yytext, str); aterror("file open error.\n"); } yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer( yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE )); BEGIN(INITIAL); } <> { if ( --include_stack_ptr < 0 ) { yyterminate(); } else { yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ); fclose(yyin); yy_switch_to_buffer(include_stack[include_stack_ptr] ); } } \( { colnum+=yyleng; return (LPAREN); } \) { colnum+=yyleng; return (RPAREN); } \: { colnum+=yyleng; return (':'); } \, { colnum+=yyleng; return (','); } {HEXDIGIT}+ { colnum+=yyleng; attr_value_t *val = (attr_value_t *) malloc( sizeof(attr_value_t) ); memset( val, 0, sizeof(attr_value_t) ); atlval.attrval = val; val->kind = Sim_Val_Integer; val->u.integer = strtoull( yytext, NULL, 0 ); return (INTEGER); } {ALPHADIGIT}+ { colnum+=yyleng; attr_value_t *val = (attr_value_t *) malloc( sizeof(attr_value_t) ); memset( val, 0, sizeof(attr_value_t) ); atlval.attrval = val; val->kind = Sim_Val_String; val->u.string = strdup(yytext); return (STRING); } %{ /* OTHER PATTERNS */ %} {WHITESPACE}+ {colnum += yyleng;} {NEWLINE} {linenum++; colnum = 1;} %% extern "C" void parseInitialize( void ) { // since no global variables are set in simics, we must do it manually // this is also necessary now that the parser can be used more than once. // (it is used to parse the defaults, and can be used after that) linenum = 1; colnum = 1; include_stack_ptr = 0; } extern "C" int parseAttrFile( FILE *inputFile, const char *relative_include_path, attr_value_t *myTable ) { parseInitialize(); strncpy( g_relative_include_path, relative_include_path, 255 ); int result; yyin = inputFile; YY_BUFFER_STATE scan_state = yy_create_buffer( yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE ); yy_switch_to_buffer( scan_state ); result = atparse(); *myTable = g_attr_map; yy_delete_buffer( scan_state ); return (result); } extern "C" int parseAttrString( const char *str, attr_value_t *myTable ) { parseInitialize(); int result; YY_BUFFER_STATE scan_state = yy_scan_string( str ); result = atparse(); *myTable = g_attr_map; yy_delete_buffer( scan_state ); return (result); } extern void aterror(const char *msg) { ERROR_OUT("%d:%d: ERROR while parsing config file%s\n", linenum, colnum, msg ); }