/* * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ron Dreslinski * Steve Reinhardt * Ali Saidi */ /** * @file * Declaration of the Packet class. */ #ifndef __MEM_PACKET_HH__ #define __MEM_PACKET_HH__ #include "mem/request.hh" #include "arch/isa_traits.hh" #include "sim/root.hh" struct Packet; typedef Packet* PacketPtr; typedef uint8_t* PacketDataPtr; /** * A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in * the memory system (e.g., the L1 and L2 cache). (In contrast, a * single Request travels all the way from the requester to the * ultimate destination and back, possibly being conveyed by several * different Packets along the way.) */ class Packet { private: /** A pointer to the data being transfered. It can be differnt * sizes at each level of the heirarchy so it belongs in the * packet, not request. This may or may not be populated when a * responder recieves the packet. If not populated it memory * should be allocated. */ PacketDataPtr data; /** Is the data pointer set to a value that shouldn't be freed * when the packet is destroyed? */ bool staticData; /** The data pointer points to a value that should be freed when * the packet is destroyed. */ bool dynamicData; /** the data pointer points to an array (thus delete [] ) needs to * be called on it rather than simply delete.*/ bool arrayData; /** The address of the request. This address could be virtual or * physical, depending on the system configuration. */ Addr addr; /** The size of the request or transfer. */ int size; /** Device address (e.g., bus ID) of the source of the * transaction. The source is not responsible for setting this * field; it is set implicitly by the interconnect when the * packet * is first sent. */ short src; /** Device address (e.g., bus ID) of the destination of the * transaction. The special value Broadcast indicates that the * packet should be routed based on its address. This field is * initialized in the constructor and is thus always valid * (unlike * addr, size, and src). */ short dest; /** Are the 'addr' and 'size' fields valid? */ bool addrSizeValid; /** Is the 'src' field valid? */ bool srcValid; public: /** The special destination address indicating that the packet * should be routed based on its address. */ static const short Broadcast = -1; /** A pointer to the original request. */ RequestPtr req; /** A virtual base opaque structure used to hold coherence-related * state. A specific subclass would be derived from this to * carry state specific to a particular coherence protocol. */ class CoherenceState { public: virtual ~CoherenceState() {} }; /** This packet's coherence state. Caches should use * dynamic_cast<> to cast to the state appropriate for the * system's coherence protocol. */ CoherenceState *coherence; /** A virtual base opaque structure used to hold state associated * with the packet but specific to the sending device (e.g., an * MSHR). A pointer to this state is returned in the packet's * response so that the sender can quickly look up the state * needed to process it. A specific subclass would be derived * from this to carry state specific to a particular sending * device. */ class SenderState { public: virtual ~SenderState() {} }; /** This packet's sender state. Devices should use dynamic_cast<> * to cast to the state appropriate to the sender. */ SenderState *senderState; private: /** List of command attributes. */ enum CommandAttribute { IsRead = 1 << 0, IsWrite = 1 << 1, IsPrefetch = 1 << 2, IsInvalidate = 1 << 3, IsRequest = 1 << 4, IsResponse = 1 << 5, NeedsResponse = 1 << 6, }; public: /** List of all commands associated with a packet. */ enum Command { ReadReq = IsRead | IsRequest | NeedsResponse, WriteReq = IsWrite | IsRequest | NeedsResponse, WriteReqNoAck = IsWrite | IsRequest, ReadResp = IsRead | IsResponse, WriteResp = IsWrite | IsResponse }; /** Return the string name of the cmd field (for debugging and * tracing). */ const std::string &cmdString() const; /** The command field of the packet. */ Command cmd; bool isRead() { return (cmd & IsRead) != 0; } bool isRequest() { return (cmd & IsRequest) != 0; } bool isResponse() { return (cmd & IsResponse) != 0; } bool needsResponse() { return (cmd & NeedsResponse) != 0; } /** Possible results of a packet's request. */ enum Result { Success, BadAddress, Nacked, Unknown }; /** The result of this packet's request. */ Result result; /** Accessor function that returns the source index of the packet. */ short getSrc() const { assert(srcValid); return src; } void setSrc(short _src) { src = _src; srcValid = true; } /** Accessor function that returns the destination index of the packet. */ short getDest() const { return dest; } void setDest(short _dest) { dest = _dest; } Addr getAddr() const { assert(addrSizeValid); return addr; } int getSize() const { assert(addrSizeValid); return size; } /** Constructor. Note that a Request object must be constructed * first, but the Requests's physical address and size fields * need not be valid. The command and destination addresses * must be supplied. */ Packet(Request *_req, Command _cmd, short _dest) : data(NULL), staticData(false), dynamicData(false), arrayData(false), addr(_req->paddr), size(_req->size), dest(_dest), addrSizeValid(_req->validPaddr), srcValid(false), req(_req), coherence(NULL), senderState(NULL), cmd(_cmd), result(Unknown) { } /** Destructor. */ ~Packet() { deleteData(); } /** Reinitialize packet address and size from the associated * Request object, and reset other fields that may have been * modified by a previous transaction. Typically called when a * statically allocated Request/Packet pair is reused for * multiple transactions. */ void reinitFromRequest() { assert(req->validPaddr); addr = req->paddr; size = req->size; addrSizeValid = true; result = Unknown; if (dynamicData) { deleteData(); dynamicData = false; arrayData = false; } } /** Take a request packet and modify it in place to be suitable * for returning as a response to that request. Used for timing * accesses only. For atomic and functional accesses, the * request packet is always implicitly passed back *without* * modifying the command or destination fields, so this function * should not be called. */ void makeTimingResponse() { assert(needsResponse()); int icmd = (int)cmd; icmd &= ~(IsRequest | NeedsResponse); icmd |= IsResponse; cmd = (Command)icmd; dest = src; srcValid = false; } /** Take a request packet that has been returned as NACKED and modify it so * that it can be sent out again. Only packets that need a response can be * NACKED, so verify that that is true. */ void reinitNacked() { assert(needsResponse() && result == Nacked); dest = Broadcast; result = Unknown; } /** Set the data pointer to the following value that should not be freed. */ template <typename T> void dataStatic(T *p); /** Set the data pointer to a value that should have delete [] called on it. */ template <typename T> void dataDynamicArray(T *p); /** set the data pointer to a value that should have delete called on it. */ template <typename T> void dataDynamic(T *p); /** return the value of what is pointed to in the packet. */ template <typename T> T get(); /** get a pointer to the data ptr. */ template <typename T> T* getPtr(); /** set the value in the data pointer to v. */ template <typename T> void set(T v); /** delete the data pointed to in the data pointer. Ok to call to matter how * data was allocted. */ void deleteData(); /** If there isn't data in the packet, allocate some. */ void allocate(); /** Do the packet modify the same addresses. */ bool intersect(Packet *p); }; bool fixPacket(Packet *func, Packet *timing); #endif //__MEM_PACKET_HH