/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2013 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ machine(L2Cache, "Token protocol") : CacheMemory * L2cache; Cycles response_latency := 2; Cycles request_latency := 2; { // L2 BANK QUEUES // From local bank of L2 cache TO the network MessageBuffer L1RequestFromL2Cache, network="To", virtual_network="0", ordered="false", vnet_type="request"; // this L2 bank -> a local L1 MessageBuffer GlobalRequestFromL2Cache, network="To", virtual_network="1", ordered="false", vnet_type="request"; // this L2 bank -> mod-directory MessageBuffer responseFromL2Cache, network="To", virtual_network="2", ordered="false", vnet_type="response"; // this L2 bank -> a local L1 || mod-directory // FROM the network to this local bank of L2 cache MessageBuffer L1RequestToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="0", ordered="false", vnet_type="request"; // a local L1 -> this L2 bank, Lets try this??? MessageBuffer GlobalRequestToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="1", ordered="false", vnet_type="request"; // mod-directory -> this L2 bank MessageBuffer responseToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="2", ordered="false", vnet_type="response"; // a local L1 || mod-directory -> this L2 bank // MessageBuffer L1WritebackToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="3", ordered="false", vnet_type="writeback"; // STATES state_declaration(State, desc="L2 Cache states", default="L2Cache_State_I") { // Stable states NP, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Not Present"; I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Invalid"; ILS, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Idle/NP, but local sharers exist"; ILX, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Idle/NP, but local exclusive exists"; ILO, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Idle/NP, but local owner exists"; ILOX, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Idle/NP, but local owner exists and chip is exclusive"; ILOS, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Idle/NP, but local owner exists and local sharers as well"; ILOSX, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Idle/NP, but local owner exists, local sharers exist, chip is exclusive "; S, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Shared, no local sharers"; O, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Owned, no local sharers"; OLS, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Owned with local sharers"; OLSX, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Owned with local sharers, chip is exclusive"; SLS, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Shared with local sharers"; M, AccessPermission:Read_Write, desc="Modified"; // Transient States IFGX, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded global GETX to local owner/exclusive. No other on-chip invs needed"; IFGS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded global GETS to local owner"; ISFGS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded global GETS to local owner, local sharers exist"; // UNUSED IFGXX, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded global GETX to local owner but may need acks from other sharers"; OFGX, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded global GETX to owner and got data but may need acks"; OLSF, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, got Fwd_GETX with local sharers, waiting for local inv acks"; // writebacks ILOW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was ILO"; ILOXW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was ILOX"; ILOSW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was ILOS"; ILOSXW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was ILOSX"; SLSW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was SLS"; OLSW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was OLS"; ILSW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was ILS"; IW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request from only sharer, was ILS"; OW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request from only sharer, was OLS"; SW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request from only sharer, was SLS"; OXW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request from only sharer, was OLSX"; OLSXW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request from sharer, was OLSX"; ILXW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="local WB request, was ILX"; IFLS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded local GETS to _some_ local sharer"; IFLO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded local GETS to local owner"; IFLOX, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded local GETS to local owner but chip is exclusive"; IFLOXX, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded local GETX to local owner/exclusive, chip is exclusive"; IFLOSX, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded local GETS to local owner w/ other sharers, chip is exclusive"; IFLXO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, forwarded local GETX to local owner with other sharers, chip is exclusive"; IGS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Semi-blocked, issued local GETS to directory"; IGM, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, issued local GETX to directory. Need global acks and data"; IGMLS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, issued local GETX to directory but may need to INV local sharers"; IGMO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, have data for local GETX but need all acks"; IGMIO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, issued local GETX, local owner with possible local sharer, may need to INV"; OGMIO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, issued local GETX, was owner, may need to INV"; IGMIOF, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, issued local GETX, local owner, waiting for global acks, got Fwd_GETX"; IGMIOFS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, issued local GETX, local owner, waiting for global acks, got Fwd_GETS"; OGMIOF, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, issued local GETX, was owner, waiting for global acks, got Fwd_GETX"; II, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, handling invalidations"; MM, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, was M satisfying local GETX"; SS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, was S satisfying local GETS"; OO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, was O satisfying local GETS"; OLSS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, satisfying local GETS"; OLSXS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, satisfying local GETS"; SLSS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, satisfying local GETS"; OI, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, doing writeback, was O"; MI, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, doing writeback, was M"; MII, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, doing writeback, was M, got Fwd_GETX"; OLSI, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, doing writeback, was OLS"; ILSI, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, doing writeback, was OLS got Fwd_GETX"; // DMA blocking states ILOSD, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, waiting for DMA ack"; ILOSXD, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, waiting for DMA ack"; ILOD, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, waiting for DMA ack"; ILXD, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, waiting for DMA ack"; ILOXD, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, waiting for DMA ack"; } // EVENTS enumeration(Event, desc="Cache events") { // Requests L1_GETS, desc="local L1 GETS request"; L1_GETX, desc="local L1 GETX request"; L1_PUTO, desc="local owner wants to writeback"; L1_PUTX, desc="local exclusive wants to writeback"; L1_PUTS_only, desc="only local sharer wants to writeback"; L1_PUTS, desc="local sharer wants to writeback"; Fwd_GETX, desc="A GetX from another processor"; Fwd_GETS, desc="A GetS from another processor"; Fwd_DMA, desc="A request from DMA"; Own_GETX, desc="A GetX from this node"; Inv, desc="Invalidations from the directory"; // Responses IntAck, desc="Received an ack message"; ExtAck, desc="Received an ack message"; All_Acks, desc="Received all ack messages"; Data, desc="Received a data message, responder has a shared copy"; Data_Exclusive, desc="Received a data message"; L1_WBCLEANDATA, desc="Writeback from L1, with data"; L1_WBDIRTYDATA, desc="Writeback from L1, with data"; Writeback_Ack, desc="Writeback O.K. from directory"; Writeback_Nack, desc="Writeback not O.K. from directory"; Unblock, desc="Local L1 is telling L2 dir to unblock"; Exclusive_Unblock, desc="Local L1 is telling L2 dir to unblock"; DmaAck, desc="DMA ack from local L1"; // events initiated by this L2 L2_Replacement, desc="L2 Replacement", format="!r"; } // TYPES // CacheEntry structure(Entry, desc="...", interface="AbstractCacheEntry") { State CacheState, desc="cache state"; NetDest Sharers, desc="Set of the internal processors that want the block in shared state"; MachineID Owner, desc="ID of the L1 cache to forward the block to once we get a response"; bool OwnerValid, default="false", desc="true if Owner means something"; bool Dirty, desc="Is the data dirty (different than memory)?"; DataBlock DataBlk, desc="data for the block"; } structure(DirEntry, desc="...") { NetDest Sharers, desc="Set of the internal processors that want the block in shared state"; MachineID Owner, desc="ID of the L1 cache to forward the block to once we get a response"; bool OwnerValid, default="false", desc="true if Owner means something"; State DirState, desc="directory state"; } // TBE fields structure(TBE, desc="...") { Address Addr, desc="Physical address for this TBE"; State TBEState, desc="Transient state"; Address PC, desc="Program counter of request"; DataBlock DataBlk, desc="Buffer for the data block"; bool Dirty, desc="Is the data dirty (different than memory)?"; int NumExtPendingAcks, default="0", desc="Number of global acks/data messages waiting for"; int NumIntPendingAcks, default="0", desc="Number of global acks/data messages waiting for"; int Fwd_GETX_ExtAcks, default="0", desc="Number of acks that requestor will need"; int Local_GETX_IntAcks, default="0", desc="Number of acks that requestor will need"; NetDest L1_GetS_IDs, desc="Set of the internal processors that want the block in shared state"; MachineID L1_GetX_ID, desc="ID of the L1 cache to forward the block to once we get a response"; NetDest Fwd_GetS_IDs, desc="Set of the internal processors that want the block in shared state"; MachineID Fwd_GetX_ID, desc="ID of the L1 cache to forward the block to once we get a response"; } structure(TBETable, external = "yes") { TBE lookup(Address); void allocate(Address); void deallocate(Address); bool isPresent(Address); } structure(PerfectCacheMemory, external = "yes") { void allocate(Address); void deallocate(Address); DirEntry lookup(Address); bool isTagPresent(Address); } TBETable TBEs, template="", constructor="m_number_of_TBEs"; PerfectCacheMemory localDirectory, template=""; void set_cache_entry(AbstractCacheEntry b); void unset_cache_entry(); void set_tbe(TBE b); void unset_tbe(); Entry getCacheEntry(Address address), return_by_pointer="yes" { return static_cast(Entry, "pointer", L2cache[address]); } bool isDirTagPresent(Address addr) { return (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) ); } bool isOnlySharer(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, MachineID shar_id) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); if (cache_entry.Sharers.count() > 1) { return false; } else if (cache_entry.Sharers.count() == 1) { if (cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(shar_id)) { return true; } else { return false; // something happened which should cause this PUTS to be nacked } return true; } else { return false; } } else if (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr)){ if (localDirectory[addr].Sharers.count() > 1) { return false; } else if (localDirectory[addr].Sharers.count() == 1) { if (localDirectory[addr].Sharers.isElement(shar_id)) { return true; } else { return false; // something happened which should cause this PUTS to be nacked } } else { return false; } } else { // shouldn't happen unless L1 issues PUTS before unblock received return false; } } void copyCacheStateToDir(Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { assert(localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); localDirectory.allocate(addr); localDirectory[addr].DirState := cache_entry.CacheState; localDirectory[addr].Sharers := cache_entry.Sharers; localDirectory[addr].Owner := cache_entry.Owner; localDirectory[addr].OwnerValid := cache_entry.OwnerValid; } void copyDirToCache(Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); cache_entry.Sharers := localDirectory[addr].Sharers; cache_entry.Owner := localDirectory[addr].Owner; cache_entry.OwnerValid := localDirectory[addr].OwnerValid; } void recordLocalSharerInDir(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, MachineID shar_id) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); cache_entry.Sharers.add(shar_id); } else { if (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false) { localDirectory.allocate(addr); localDirectory[addr].Sharers.clear(); localDirectory[addr].OwnerValid := false; } localDirectory[addr].Sharers.add(shar_id); } } void recordNewLocalExclusiveInDir(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, MachineID exc_id) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); cache_entry.Sharers.clear(); cache_entry.OwnerValid := true; cache_entry.Owner := exc_id; } else { if (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false) { localDirectory.allocate(addr); } localDirectory[addr].Sharers.clear(); localDirectory[addr].OwnerValid := true; localDirectory[addr].Owner := exc_id; } } void removeAllLocalSharersFromDir(Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); cache_entry.Sharers.clear(); cache_entry.OwnerValid := false; } else { localDirectory[addr].Sharers.clear(); localDirectory[addr].OwnerValid := false; } } void removeSharerFromDir(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, MachineID sender) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); cache_entry.Sharers.remove(sender); } else { localDirectory[addr].Sharers.remove(sender); } } void removeOwnerFromDir(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, MachineID sender) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); cache_entry.OwnerValid := false; } else { localDirectory[addr].OwnerValid := false; } } bool isLocalSharer(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, MachineID shar_id) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); return cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(shar_id); } else { return localDirectory[addr].Sharers.isElement(shar_id); } } NetDest getLocalSharers(Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); return cache_entry.Sharers; } else { return localDirectory[addr].Sharers; } } MachineID getLocalOwner(Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); return cache_entry.Owner; } else { return localDirectory[addr].Owner; } } int countLocalSharers(Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); return cache_entry.Sharers.count(); } else { return localDirectory[addr].Sharers.count(); } } bool isLocalOwnerValid(Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); return cache_entry.OwnerValid; } else { return localDirectory[addr].OwnerValid; } } int countLocalSharersExceptRequestor(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, MachineID requestor) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { assert (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) == false); if (cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(requestor)) { return ( cache_entry.Sharers.count() - 1 ); } else { return cache_entry.Sharers.count(); } } else { if (localDirectory[addr].Sharers.isElement(requestor)) { return ( localDirectory[addr].Sharers.count() - 1 ); } else { return localDirectory[addr].Sharers.count(); } } } State getState(TBE tbe, Entry cache_entry, Address addr) { if (is_valid(tbe)) { return tbe.TBEState; } else if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { return cache_entry.CacheState; } else if (isDirTagPresent(addr)) { return localDirectory[addr].DirState; } else { return State:NP; } } std::string getCoherenceRequestTypeStr(CoherenceRequestType type) { return CoherenceRequestType_to_string(type); } void setState(TBE tbe, Entry cache_entry, Address addr, State state) { assert((localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr) && L2cache.isTagPresent(addr)) == false); if (is_valid(tbe)) { tbe.TBEState := state; } if ( (state == State:M) || (state == State:O) || (state == State:S) || (state == State:OLS) || (state == State:SLS) || (state == State:OLSX) || (state == State:SLS) ) { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); } else if ( (state == State:ILS) || (state == State:ILX) || (state == State:ILO) || (state == State:ILOX) || (state == State:ILOS) || (state == State:ILOSX) ) { // assert(isCacheTagPresent(addr) == false); } if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { if ( ((cache_entry.CacheState != State:M) && (state == State:M)) || ((cache_entry.CacheState != State:S) && (state == State:S)) || ((cache_entry.CacheState != State:O) && (state == State:O)) ) { cache_entry.CacheState := state; // disable Coherence Checker for now // sequencer.checkCoherence(addr); } else { cache_entry.CacheState := state; } } else if (localDirectory.isTagPresent(addr)) { localDirectory[addr].DirState := state; } } AccessPermission getAccessPermission(Address addr) { TBE tbe := TBEs[addr]; if(is_valid(tbe)) { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", L2Cache_State_to_permission(tbe.TBEState)); return L2Cache_State_to_permission(tbe.TBEState); } Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(addr); if(is_valid(cache_entry)) { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", L2Cache_State_to_permission(cache_entry.CacheState)); return L2Cache_State_to_permission(cache_entry.CacheState); } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "AccessPermission_NotPresent\n"); return AccessPermission:NotPresent; } void setAccessPermission(Entry cache_entry, Address addr, State state) { if (is_valid(cache_entry)) { cache_entry.changePermission(L2Cache_State_to_permission(state)); } } DataBlock getDataBlock(Address addr), return_by_ref="yes" { TBE tbe := TBEs[addr]; if(is_valid(tbe)) { return tbe.DataBlk; } return getCacheEntry(addr).DataBlk; } MessageBuffer triggerQueue, ordered="true"; out_port(globalRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, GlobalRequestFromL2Cache); out_port(localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, L1RequestFromL2Cache); out_port(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, responseFromL2Cache); out_port(triggerQueue_out, TriggerMsg, triggerQueue); // ** IN_PORTS ** // Trigger Queue in_port(triggerQueue_in, TriggerMsg, triggerQueue) { if (triggerQueue_in.isReady()) { peek(triggerQueue_in, TriggerMsg) { if (in_msg.Type == TriggerType:ALL_ACKS) { trigger(Event:All_Acks, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { error("Unexpected message"); } } } } // Request Network in_port(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg, GlobalRequestToL2Cache) { if (requestNetwork_in.isReady()) { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETX || in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:DMA_WRITE) { if (in_msg.Requestor == machineID) { trigger(Event:Own_GETX, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { trigger(Event:Fwd_GETX, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETS) { trigger(Event:Fwd_GETS, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:DMA_READ) { trigger(Event:Fwd_DMA, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:INV) { trigger(Event:Inv, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:WB_ACK) { trigger(Event:Writeback_Ack, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:WB_NACK) { trigger(Event:Writeback_Nack, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { error("Unexpected message"); } } } } in_port(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg, L1RequestToL2Cache) { if (L1requestNetwork_in.isReady()) { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETX) { trigger(Event:L1_GETX, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETS) { trigger(Event:L1_GETS, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTO) { trigger(Event:L1_PUTO, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTX) { trigger(Event:L1_PUTX, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTS) { Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr); if (isOnlySharer(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr, in_msg.Requestor)) { trigger(Event:L1_PUTS_only, in_msg.Addr, cache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { trigger(Event:L1_PUTS, in_msg.Addr, cache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } } else { error("Unexpected message"); } } } } // Response Network in_port(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg, responseToL2Cache) { if (responseNetwork_in.isReady()) { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK) { if (in_msg.SenderMachine == MachineType:L2Cache) { trigger(Event:ExtAck, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { trigger(Event:IntAck, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA) { trigger(Event:Data, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE) { trigger(Event:Data_Exclusive, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:UNBLOCK) { trigger(Event:Unblock, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:UNBLOCK_EXCLUSIVE) { trigger(Event:Exclusive_Unblock, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_DIRTY_DATA) { Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr); if (is_invalid(cache_entry) && L2cache.cacheAvail(in_msg.Addr) == false) { trigger(Event:L2_Replacement, L2cache.cacheProbe(in_msg.Addr), getCacheEntry(L2cache.cacheProbe(in_msg.Addr)), TBEs[L2cache.cacheProbe(in_msg.Addr)]); } else { trigger(Event:L1_WBDIRTYDATA, in_msg.Addr, cache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_CLEAN_DATA) { Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr); if (is_invalid(cache_entry) && L2cache.cacheAvail(in_msg.Addr) == false) { trigger(Event:L2_Replacement, L2cache.cacheProbe(in_msg.Addr), getCacheEntry(L2cache.cacheProbe(in_msg.Addr)), TBEs[L2cache.cacheProbe(in_msg.Addr)]); } else { trigger(Event:L1_WBCLEANDATA, in_msg.Addr, cache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DMA_ACK) { trigger(Event:DmaAck, in_msg.Addr, getCacheEntry(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { error("Unexpected message"); } } } } // ACTIONS action(a_issueGETS, "a", desc="issue local request globally") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(globalRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, request_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETS; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control; } } } action(a_issueGETX, "\a", desc="issue local request globally") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(globalRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, request_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETX; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control; } } } action(b_issuePUTX, "b", desc="Issue PUTX") { enqueue(globalRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, request_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PUTX; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } action(b_issuePUTO, "\b", desc="Issue PUTO") { enqueue(globalRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, request_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PUTO; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } /* PUTO, but local sharers exist */ action(b_issuePUTO_ls, "\bb", desc="Issue PUTO") { enqueue(globalRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, request_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PUTO_SHARERS; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } action(c_sendDataFromTBEToL1GETS, "c", desc="Send data from TBE to L1 requestors in TBE") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(tbe.L1_GetS_IDs); out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; // out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; // shared data should be clean out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, tbe.DataBlk); } action(c_sendDataFromTBEToL1GETX, "\c", desc="Send data from TBE to L1 requestors in TBE") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.L1_GetX_ID); out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; out_msg.Acks := tbe.Local_GETX_IntAcks; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, tbe.DataBlk); } action(c_sendExclusiveDataFromTBEToL1GETS, "\cc", desc="Send data from TBE to L1 requestors in TBE") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(tbe.L1_GetS_IDs); out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } action(c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX, "cc", desc="Send data from TBE to external GETX") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.Fwd_GetX_ID); out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; out_msg.Acks := tbe.Fwd_GETX_ExtAcks; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } action(cd_sendDataFromTBEToFwdDma, "cd", desc="Send data from TBE to external GETX") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; // out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; // shared data should be clean out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.Acks := tbe.Fwd_GETX_ExtAcks; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, tbe.DataBlk); } action(c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS, "ccc", desc="Send data from TBE to external GETX") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(tbe.Fwd_GetS_IDs); out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; // out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; // shared data should be clean out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.Acks := tbe.Fwd_GETX_ExtAcks; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, tbe.DataBlk); } action(c_sendExclusiveDataFromTBEToFwdGETS, "\ccc", desc="Send data from TBE to external GETX") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(tbe.Fwd_GetS_IDs); out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; out_msg.Acks := tbe.Fwd_GETX_ExtAcks; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, tbe.DataBlk); } action(d_sendDataToL1GETS, "d", desc="Send data directly to L1 requestor") { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; // out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty; // shared data should be clean out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:ResponseL2hit_Data; } } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, cache_entry.DataBlk); } action(d_sendDataToL1GETX, "\d", desc="Send data and a token from TBE to L1 requestor") { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:ResponseL2hit_Data; out_msg.Acks := tbe.Local_GETX_IntAcks; } } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, cache_entry.DataBlk); } action(dd_sendDataToFwdGETX, "dd", desc="send data") { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; out_msg.Acks := in_msg.Acks; } } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, cache_entry.DataBlk); } action(dd_sendDataToFwdGETS, "\dd", desc="send data") { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; // out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty; // shared data should be clean out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, cache_entry.DataBlk); } action(dd_sendExclusiveDataToFwdGETS, "\d\d", desc="send data") { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } } action(e_sendAck, "e", desc="Send ack with the tokens we've collected thus far.") { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add( tbe.Fwd_GetX_ID); out_msg.Acks := 0 - 1; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control; } } action(e_sendAckToL1Requestor, "\e", desc="Send ack with the tokens we've collected thus far.") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.Acks := 0 - 1; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control; } } } action(e_sendAckToL1RequestorFromTBE, "eee", desc="Send ack with the tokens we've collected thus far.") { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.L1_GetX_ID); out_msg.Acks := 0 - 1; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control; } } action(ee_sendLocalInv, "\ee", desc="Send local invalidates") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address); DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Local Sharers: %s, Pending Acks: %d\n", address, getLocalSharers(cache_entry, address), tbe.NumIntPendingAcks); if (isLocalOwnerValid(cache_entry, address)) { tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := tbe.NumIntPendingAcks + 1; DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", getLocalOwner(cache_entry, address)); } enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getLocalSharers(cache_entry, address)); if (isLocalOwnerValid(cache_entry, address)) { out_msg.Destination.add(getLocalOwner(cache_entry, address)); } out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Invalidate_Control; } } action(ee_sendLocalInvSharersOnly, "\eee", desc="Send local invalidates to sharers if they exist") { // assert(countLocalSharers(address) > 0); assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address); if (countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address) > 0) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getLocalSharers(cache_entry, address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Invalidate_Control; } } } action(ee_addLocalIntAck, "e\ee", desc="add a local ack to wait for") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := tbe.NumIntPendingAcks + 1; } action(ee_issueLocalInvExceptL1Requestor, "\eeee", desc="Send local invalidates to sharers if they exist") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { // assert(countLocalSharers(address) > 0); if (countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address) == 0) { tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := 0; } else { if (isLocalSharer(cache_entry, address, in_msg.Requestor)) { tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address) - 1; } else { tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address); } enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L1Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getLocalSharers(cache_entry, address)); out_msg.Destination.remove(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Invalidate_Control; } } } } action(ee_issueLocalInvExceptL1RequestorInTBE, "\eeeeee", desc="Send local invalidates to sharers if they exist") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); if (countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address) == 0) { tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := 0; } else { if (isLocalSharer(cache_entry, address, tbe.L1_GetX_ID)) { tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address) - 1; } else { tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := countLocalSharers(cache_entry, address); } } enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV; out_msg.Requestor := tbe.L1_GetX_ID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L1Cache; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getLocalSharers(cache_entry, address)); out_msg.Destination.remove(tbe.L1_GetX_ID); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Invalidate_Control; } } action(f_sendUnblock, "f", desc="Send unblock to global directory") { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:UNBLOCK; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Unblock_Control; } } action(f_sendExclusiveUnblock, "\f", desc="Send unblock to global directory") { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:UNBLOCK_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Unblock_Control; } } action(g_recordLocalSharer, "g", desc="Record new local sharer from unblock message") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { recordLocalSharerInDir(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr, in_msg.Sender); } } action(g_recordLocalExclusive, "\g", desc="Record new local exclusive sharer from unblock message") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { recordNewLocalExclusiveInDir(cache_entry, address, in_msg.Sender); } } action(gg_clearLocalSharers, "gg", desc="Clear local sharers") { removeAllLocalSharersFromDir(cache_entry, address); } action(gg_clearSharerFromL1Response, "\gg", desc="Clear sharer from L1 response queue") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { removeSharerFromDir(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr, in_msg.Sender); } } action(gg_clearOwnerFromL1Response, "g\g", desc="Clear sharer from L1 response queue") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { removeOwnerFromDir(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr, in_msg.Sender); } } action(h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor, "h", desc="counts number of acks needed for L1 GETX") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.Local_GETX_IntAcks := countLocalSharersExceptRequestor(cache_entry, address, in_msg.Requestor); } } action(h_clearIntAcks, "\h", desc="clear IntAcks") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.Local_GETX_IntAcks := 0; } action(hh_countLocalSharersExceptL1GETXRequestorInTBE, "hh", desc="counts number of acks needed for L1 GETX") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.Local_GETX_IntAcks := countLocalSharersExceptRequestor(cache_entry, address, tbe.L1_GetX_ID); } action(i_copyDataToTBE, "\i", desc="Copy data from response queue to TBE") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; tbe.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty; APPEND_TRANSITION_COMMENT(in_msg.Sender); } } action(i_allocateTBE, "i", desc="Allocate TBE for internal/external request(isPrefetch=0, number of invalidates=0)") { check_allocate(TBEs); TBEs.allocate(address); set_tbe(TBEs[address]); if(is_valid(cache_entry)) { tbe.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; tbe.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty; } tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := 0; // default value tbe.NumExtPendingAcks := 0; // default value tbe.Fwd_GetS_IDs.clear(); tbe.L1_GetS_IDs.clear(); } action(j_forwardGlobalRequestToLocalOwner, "j", desc="Forward external request to local owner") { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(getLocalOwner(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr)); out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; out_msg.Acks := 0 - 1; } } } action(jd_forwardDmaRequestToLocalOwner, "jd", desc="Forward dma request to local owner") { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := in_msg.RequestorMachine; out_msg.Destination.add(getLocalOwner(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr)); out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; out_msg.Acks := 0 - 1; } } } action(k_forwardLocalGETSToLocalSharer, "k", desc="Forward local request to local sharer/owner") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETS; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L1Cache; // should randomize this so one node doesn't get abused more than others out_msg.Destination.add(localDirectory[in_msg.Addr].Sharers.smallestElement(MachineType:L1Cache)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; } } } action(k_forwardLocalGETXToLocalOwner, "\k", desc="Forward local request to local owner") { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETX; out_msg.Requestor := tbe.L1_GetX_ID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L1Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(localDirectory[address].Owner); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; out_msg.Acks := 1 + tbe.Local_GETX_IntAcks; } } // same as previous except that it assumes to TBE is present to get number of acks action(kk_forwardLocalGETXToLocalExclusive, "kk", desc="Forward local request to local owner") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETX; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L1Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(getLocalOwner(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; out_msg.Acks := 1; } } } action(kk_forwardLocalGETSToLocalOwner, "\kk", desc="Forward local request to local owner") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETS; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L1Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(getLocalOwner(cache_entry, in_msg.Addr)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; } } } action(l_writebackAckNeedData, "l", desc="Send writeback ack to L1 requesting data") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; // out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_SEND_DATA; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:WB_ACK_DATA; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action(l_writebackAckDropData, "\l", desc="Send writeback ack to L1 indicating to drop data") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; // out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_ACK; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:WB_ACK; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action(ll_writebackNack, "\ll", desc="Send writeback nack to L1") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue( localRequestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, response_latency ) { out_msg.Addr := in_msg.Addr; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:WB_NACK; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action(m_popRequestQueue, "m", desc="Pop request queue.") { requestNetwork_in.dequeue(); } action(m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt, "\m", desc="Decrement the number of messages for which we're waiting") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.NumIntPendingAcks := tbe.NumIntPendingAcks + in_msg.Acks; } } action(m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt, "\mmm", desc="Decrement the number of messages for which we're waiting") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.NumExtPendingAcks := tbe.NumExtPendingAcks - in_msg.Acks; } } action(mm_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt, "\mm", desc="Decrement the number of messages for which we're waiting") { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.NumExtPendingAcks := tbe.NumExtPendingAcks - in_msg.Acks; } } action(n_popResponseQueue, "n", desc="Pop response queue") { responseNetwork_in.dequeue(); } action(n_popTriggerQueue, "\n", desc="Pop trigger queue.") { triggerQueue_in.dequeue(); } action(o_popL1RequestQueue, "o", desc="Pop L1 request queue.") { L1requestNetwork_in.dequeue(); } action(o_checkForIntCompletion, "\o", desc="Check if we have received all the messages required for completion") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); if (tbe.NumIntPendingAcks == 0) { enqueue(triggerQueue_out, TriggerMsg) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := TriggerType:ALL_ACKS; } } } action(o_checkForExtCompletion, "\oo", desc="Check if we have received all the messages required for completion") { assert(is_valid(tbe)); if (tbe.NumExtPendingAcks == 0) { enqueue(triggerQueue_out, TriggerMsg) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := TriggerType:ALL_ACKS; } } } action( qq_sendDataFromTBEToMemory, "qq", desc="Send data from TBE to directory") { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty; if (tbe.Dirty) { out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_DIRTY_DATA; out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Data; } else { out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_CLEAN_ACK; // NOTE: in a real system this would not send data. We send // data here only so we can check it at the memory out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action( r_setMRU, "\rrr", desc="manually set the MRU bit for cache line" ) { if(is_valid(cache_entry)) { L2cache.setMRU(address); } } action( s_recordGetXL1ID, "ss", desc="record local GETX requestor") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.L1_GetX_ID := in_msg.Requestor; } } action(s_deallocateTBE, "s", desc="Deallocate external TBE") { TBEs.deallocate(address); unset_tbe(); } action( s_recordGetSL1ID, "\ss", desc="record local GETS requestor") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.L1_GetS_IDs.add(in_msg.Requestor); } } action(t_recordFwdXID, "t", desc="record global GETX requestor") { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.Fwd_GetX_ID := in_msg.Requestor; tbe.Fwd_GETX_ExtAcks := in_msg.Acks; } } action(t_recordFwdSID, "\t", desc="record global GETS requestor") { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(is_valid(tbe)); tbe.Fwd_GetS_IDs.clear(); tbe.Fwd_GetS_IDs.add(in_msg.Requestor); } } action(u_writeDataToCache, "u", desc="Write data to cache") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); cache_entry.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Address: %s, Data Block: %s\n", address, cache_entry.DataBlk); if ((cache_entry.Dirty == false) && in_msg.Dirty) { cache_entry.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty; } } } action(vv_allocateL2CacheBlock, "\v", desc="Set L2 cache tag equal to tag of block B.") { set_cache_entry(L2cache.allocate(address, new Entry)); } action(rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock, "\r", desc="Deallocate L2 cache block. Sets the cache to not present, allowing a replacement in parallel with a fetch.") { L2cache.deallocate(address); unset_cache_entry(); } action(w_assertIncomingDataAndCacheDataMatch, "w", desc="Assert that the incoming data and the data in the cache match") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(is_valid(cache_entry)); assert(cache_entry.DataBlk == in_msg.DataBlk); } } action(uu_profileMiss, "\um", desc="Profile the demand miss") { ++L2cache.demand_misses; } action(uu_profileHit, "\uh", desc="Profile the demand hit") { ++L2cache.demand_hits; } action(y_copyCacheStateToDir, "y", desc="Copy cache state to directory state") { copyCacheStateToDir(cache_entry, address); } action(y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove, "/y", desc="Copy dir state to cache and remove") { copyDirToCache(cache_entry, address); localDirectory.deallocate(address); } action(zz_recycleL1RequestQueue, "zz", desc="Send the head of the mandatory queue to the back of the queue.") { peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { APPEND_TRANSITION_COMMENT(in_msg.Requestor); } L1requestNetwork_in.recycle(); } action(zz_recycleRequestQueue, "\zz", desc="Send the head of the mandatory queue to the back of the queue.") { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { APPEND_TRANSITION_COMMENT(in_msg.Requestor); } requestNetwork_in.recycle(); } action(zz_recycleResponseQueue, "\z\z", desc="Send the head of the mandatory queue to the back of the queue.") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { APPEND_TRANSITION_COMMENT(in_msg.Sender); } responseNetwork_in.recycle(); } action(da_sendDmaAckUnblock, "da", desc="Send dma ack to global directory") { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, response_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DMA_ACK; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:L2Cache; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Unblock_Control; } } //***************************************************** // TRANSITIONS //***************************************************** transition({II, IFGX, IFGS, ISFGS, IFGXX, IFLXO, OFGX, ILOW, ILOXW, ILOSW, ILOSXW, SLSW, OLSW, ILSW, IW, OW, SW, OXW, OLSXW, ILXW, IFLS, IFLO, IFLOX, IFLOXX, IFLOSX, OLSXS, IGS, IGM, IGMLS, IGMO, IGMIO, OGMIO, IGMIOF, OGMIOF, MM, SS, OO, OI, MI, MII, OLSI, ILSI, SLSS, OLSS, OLSF, IGMIOFS, ILOSD, ILOSXD, ILOD, ILXD, ILOXD}, {L1_PUTO, L1_PUTS, L1_PUTS_only, L1_PUTX}) { zz_recycleL1RequestQueue; } transition({II, IFGX, IFGS, ISFGS, IFGXX, IFLXO, OFGX, ILOW, ILOXW, ILOSW, ILOSXW, SLSW, OLSW, ILSW, IW, OW, SW, OXW, OLSXW, ILXW, IFLS, IFLO, IFLOX, IFLOXX, IFLOSX, OLSXS, IGS, IGM, IGMLS, IGMO, IGMIO, OGMIO, IGMIOF, OGMIOF, MM, SS, OO, OI, MI, MII, OLSI, ILSI, SLSS, OLSS, OLSF, IGMIOFS, ILOSD, ILOSXD, ILOD, ILXD, ILOXD}, {L1_GETX, L1_GETS}) { zz_recycleL1RequestQueue; } transition({IFGX, IFGS, ISFGS, IFGXX, IFLXO, OFGX, ILOW, ILOXW, ILOSW, ILOSXW, SLSW, OLSW, ILSW, IW, ILXW, OW, SW, OXW, OLSXW, IFLS, IFLO, IFLOX, IFLOXX, IFLOSX,OLSXS, IGS, IGM, IGMLS, IGMO, MM, SS, OO, OI, MI, MII, OLSI, ILSI, SLSS, OLSS, OLSF, IGMIOFS, ILOSD, ILOSXD, ILOD, ILXD, ILOXD}, L2_Replacement) { zz_recycleResponseQueue; } transition({IFGX, IFGS, ISFGS, IFGXX, IFLXO, OFGX, ILOW, ILOXW, ILOSW, ILOSXW, SLSW, OLSW, ILSW, IW, OW, SW, OXW, OLSXW, ILXW, IFLS, IFLO, IFLOX, IFLOXX, IFLOSX,OLSXS, IGS, IGM, MM, SS, OO, SLSS, OLSS, OLSF, IGMIOFS, ILOSD, ILOSXD, ILOD, ILXD, ILOXD}, {Fwd_GETX, Fwd_GETS, Fwd_DMA}) { zz_recycleRequestQueue; } transition({OGMIO, IGMIO, IGMO}, Fwd_DMA) { zz_recycleRequestQueue; } transition({IFGX, IFGS, ISFGS, IFGXX, IFLXO, OFGX, ILOW, ILOXW, ILOSW, ILOSXW, SLSW, OLSW, ILSW, IW, OW, SW, OXW, OLSXW, ILXW, IFLS, IFLO, IFLOX, IFLOXX, IFLOSX,OLSXS, MM, SS, OO, SLSS, OLSS, OLSF, IGMIOFS, ILOSD, ILOSXD, ILOD, ILXD, ILOXD}, {Inv}) { zz_recycleRequestQueue; } transition({IGM, IGS, ILOSD, ILOSXD, ILOD, ILXD, ILOXD}, {Own_GETX}) { zz_recycleRequestQueue; } // must happened because we forwarded GETX to local exclusive trying to do wb transition({I, M, O, ILS, ILOX, OLS, OLSX, SLS, S}, L1_PUTX) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({M}, {L1_PUTS, L1_PUTO} ) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({ILS, OLSX}, L1_PUTO){ ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } // happened if we forwarded GETS to exclusive who tried to do writeback // ?? should we just Nack these instead? Could be a bugs here transition(ILO, L1_PUTX, ILOW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } // this can happen if we forwarded a L1_GETX to exclusiver after it issued a PUTX transition(ILOS, L1_PUTX, ILOSW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOSX, L1_PUTX, ILOSXW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } // must happened because we got Inv when L1 attempted PUTS transition(I, L1_PUTS) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(I, L1_PUTO) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } // FORWARDED REQUESTS transition({ILO, ILX, ILOX}, Fwd_GETS, IFGS) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdSID; j_forwardGlobalRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({ILOS, ILOSX}, Fwd_GETS, ISFGS) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdSID; j_forwardGlobalRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILOS, Fwd_DMA, ILOSD) { i_allocateTBE; jd_forwardDmaRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILOSD, DmaAck, ILOS) { s_deallocateTBE; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOSX, Fwd_DMA, ILOSXD) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdSID; jd_forwardDmaRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILOSXD, DmaAck, ILOSX) { s_deallocateTBE; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILO, Fwd_DMA, ILOD) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdSID; jd_forwardDmaRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILOD, DmaAck, ILO) { s_deallocateTBE; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILX, Fwd_DMA, ILXD) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdSID; jd_forwardDmaRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILXD, DmaAck, ILX) { s_deallocateTBE; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOX, Fwd_DMA, ILOXD) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdSID; jd_forwardDmaRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILOXD, DmaAck, ILOX) { s_deallocateTBE; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; n_popResponseQueue; } transition({ILOS, ILOSX, ILO, ILX, ILOX, ILXW}, Data) { i_copyDataToTBE; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFGS, Data, ILO) { i_copyDataToTBE; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ISFGS, Data, ILOS) { i_copyDataToTBE; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFGS, Data_Exclusive, I) { i_copyDataToTBE; c_sendExclusiveDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; gg_clearLocalSharers; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition({ILX, ILO, ILOX}, Fwd_GETX, IFGX) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdXID; j_forwardGlobalRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(IFGX, {Data_Exclusive, Data}, I) { i_copyDataToTBE; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; gg_clearLocalSharers; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition({ILOSX, ILOS}, Fwd_GETX, IFGXX) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdXID; j_forwardGlobalRequestToLocalOwner; ee_sendLocalInvSharersOnly; ee_addLocalIntAck; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(IFGXX, IntAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFGXX, Data_Exclusive) { i_copyDataToTBE; m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFGXX, All_Acks, I) { c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; gg_clearLocalSharers; s_deallocateTBE; n_popTriggerQueue; } // transition({O, OX}, Fwd_GETX, I) { transition(O, Fwd_GETX, I) { dd_sendDataToFwdGETX; y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({O, OLS}, Fwd_GETS) { dd_sendDataToFwdGETS; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({O, OLS}, Fwd_DMA) { dd_sendDataToFwdGETS; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; m_popRequestQueue; } // transition({OLSX, OX}, Fwd_GETS, O) { transition(OLSX, Fwd_GETS, OLS) { dd_sendDataToFwdGETS; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(OLSX, Fwd_DMA) { dd_sendDataToFwdGETS; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(M, Fwd_GETX, I) { dd_sendDataToFwdGETX; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; m_popRequestQueue; } // MAKE THIS THE SAME POLICY FOR NOW // transition(M, Fwd_GETS, O) { // dd_sendDataToFwdGETS; // m_popRequestQueue; // } transition(M, Fwd_GETS, I) { dd_sendExclusiveDataToFwdGETS; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(M, Fwd_DMA) { dd_sendExclusiveDataToFwdGETS; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({OLS, OLSX}, Fwd_GETX, OLSF) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdXID; ee_sendLocalInv; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(OLSF, IntAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OLSF, All_Acks, I) { c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; gg_clearLocalSharers; s_deallocateTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; n_popTriggerQueue; } // INVALIDATIONS FROM GLOBAL DIRECTORY transition({IGM, IGS}, Inv) { t_recordFwdXID; e_sendAck; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({I,NP}, Inv) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdXID; e_sendAck; s_deallocateTBE; m_popRequestQueue; } // NEED INV for S state transition({ILS, ILO, ILX}, Inv, II) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdXID; ee_sendLocalInv; gg_clearLocalSharers; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(SLS, Inv, II) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdXID; ee_sendLocalInv; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(II, IntAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(II, All_Acks, I) { e_sendAck; s_deallocateTBE; n_popTriggerQueue; } transition(S, Inv, I) { i_allocateTBE; t_recordFwdXID; e_sendAck; s_deallocateTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; m_popRequestQueue; } // LOCAL REQUESTS SATISFIED LOCALLY transition(OLSX, L1_GETX, IFLOX) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; // count number of INVs needed that doesn't include requestor h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; // issue INVs to everyone except requestor ee_issueLocalInvExceptL1Requestor; d_sendDataToL1GETX y_copyCacheStateToDir; r_setMRU; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(IFLOX, Exclusive_Unblock, ILX) { g_recordLocalExclusive; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OLSX, L1_GETS, OLSXS) { d_sendDataToL1GETS; r_setMRU; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLSXS, Unblock, OLSX) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } // after this, can't get Fwd_GETX transition(IGMO, Own_GETX) { mm_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; o_checkForExtCompletion; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILX, L1_GETS, IFLOXX) { kk_forwardLocalGETSToLocalOwner; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOSX, L1_GETS, IFLOSX) { kk_forwardLocalGETSToLocalOwner; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({ILOS, ILO}, L1_GETS, IFLO) { kk_forwardLocalGETSToLocalOwner; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILS, L1_GETS, IFLS) { k_forwardLocalGETSToLocalSharer; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({ILX, ILOX}, L1_GETX, IFLOXX) { kk_forwardLocalGETXToLocalExclusive; e_sendAckToL1Requestor; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOX, L1_GETS, IFLOX) { kk_forwardLocalGETSToLocalOwner; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(IFLOX, Unblock, ILOSX) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFLS, Unblock, ILS) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFLOXX, Unblock, ILOSX) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFLOSX, Unblock, ILOSX) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition({IFLOSX, IFLOXX}, Exclusive_Unblock, ILX) { g_recordLocalExclusive; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IFLO, Unblock, ILOS) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOSX, L1_GETX, IFLXO) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; ee_issueLocalInvExceptL1Requestor; k_forwardLocalGETXToLocalOwner; e_sendAckToL1RequestorFromTBE; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(IFLXO, Exclusive_Unblock, ILX) { g_recordLocalExclusive; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } // LOCAL REQUESTS THAT MUST ISSUE transition(NP, {L1_PUTS, L1_PUTX, L1_PUTO}) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({NP, I}, L1_GETS, IGS) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetSL1ID; a_issueGETS; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({NP, I}, L1_GETX, IGM) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(S, L1_GETX, IGM) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; y_copyCacheStateToDir; r_setMRU; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILS, L1_GETX, IGMLS) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; // count number of INVs (just sharers?) needed that doesn't include requestor h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(IGMLS, Inv) { t_recordFwdXID; ee_sendLocalInv; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(IGMLS, IntAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGMLS, All_Acks, IGM) { gg_clearLocalSharers; h_clearIntAcks; e_sendAck; n_popTriggerQueue; } // transition(IGMLS, ExtAck, IGMO) { transition(IGMLS, ExtAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; o_checkForExtCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGMLS, {Data, Data_Exclusive}, IGMO) { ee_issueLocalInvExceptL1RequestorInTBE; i_copyDataToTBE; m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; o_checkForExtCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOS, L1_GETX, IGMIO) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } // new exclusive happened while sharer attempted writeback transition(ILX, {L1_PUTS, L1_PUTS_only, L1_PUTO}) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(S, L1_PUTS) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLS, L1_GETX, OGMIO) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; // COPY DATA FROM CACHE TO TBE (happens during i_allocateTBE) y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OGMIO, Fwd_GETS) { t_recordFwdSID; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILO, L1_GETX, IGMIO) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; // the following, of course, returns 0 sharers but do anyways for consistency h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({ILO, ILOX}, L1_PUTS) { ll_writebackNack; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(IGMIO, Fwd_GETX, IGMIOF) { t_recordFwdXID; j_forwardGlobalRequestToLocalOwner; ee_sendLocalInvSharersOnly; ee_addLocalIntAck; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(IGMIO, Fwd_GETS, IGMIOFS) { t_recordFwdSID; j_forwardGlobalRequestToLocalOwner; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(IGMIOFS, Data, IGMIO) { i_copyDataToTBE; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OGMIO, Fwd_GETX, OGMIOF) { t_recordFwdXID; ee_sendLocalInvSharersOnly; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(OGMIOF, IntAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OGMIOF, All_Acks, IGM) { gg_clearLocalSharers; hh_countLocalSharersExceptL1GETXRequestorInTBE; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; n_popTriggerQueue; } transition(IGMIOF, IntAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGMIOF, Data_Exclusive) { i_copyDataToTBE; m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGMIOF, All_Acks, IGM) { gg_clearLocalSharers; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; n_popTriggerQueue; } transition(IGMIO, All_Acks, IGMO) { hh_countLocalSharersExceptL1GETXRequestorInTBE; ee_issueLocalInvExceptL1RequestorInTBE; k_forwardLocalGETXToLocalOwner; e_sendAckToL1RequestorFromTBE; n_popTriggerQueue; } transition(OGMIO, All_Acks, IGMO) { ee_issueLocalInvExceptL1RequestorInTBE; c_sendDataFromTBEToL1GETX; n_popTriggerQueue; } transition({IGMIO, OGMIO}, Own_GETX) { mm_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; o_checkForExtCompletion; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(IGM, {Data, Data_Exclusive}, IGMO) { i_copyDataToTBE; m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; o_checkForExtCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition({IGM, IGMIO, OGMIO}, ExtAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; o_checkForExtCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGMO, ExtAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; o_checkForExtCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGS, Data) { i_copyDataToTBE; m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; c_sendDataFromTBEToL1GETS; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGS, Data_Exclusive) { i_copyDataToTBE; m_decrementNumberOfMessagesExt; c_sendExclusiveDataFromTBEToL1GETS; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGS, Unblock, ILS) { g_recordLocalSharer; f_sendUnblock; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGS, Exclusive_Unblock, ILX) { g_recordLocalExclusive; f_sendExclusiveUnblock; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGMO, All_Acks) { c_sendDataFromTBEToL1GETX; n_popTriggerQueue; } transition(IGMO, Exclusive_Unblock, ILX) { g_recordLocalExclusive; f_sendExclusiveUnblock; s_deallocateTBE; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(SLS, L1_GETX, IGMLS) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; // count number of INVs needed that doesn't include requestor h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; // issue INVs to everyone except requestor y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(SLS, L1_GETS, SLSS ) { d_sendDataToL1GETS; r_setMRU; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(SLSS, Unblock, SLS) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(O, L1_GETX, IGMO) { i_allocateTBE; s_recordGetXL1ID; a_issueGETX; y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; uu_profileMiss; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLS, L1_GETS, OLSS) { d_sendDataToL1GETS; r_setMRU; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLSS, Unblock, OLS) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IGMO, Fwd_GETX, IGM) { t_recordFwdXID; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(IGMO, Fwd_GETS) { t_recordFwdSID; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; m_popRequestQueue; } // LOCAL REQUESTS SATISFIED DIRECTLY BY L2 transition(M, L1_GETX, MM) { i_allocateTBE; // should count 0 of course h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; d_sendDataToL1GETX; y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; s_deallocateTBE; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(MM, Exclusive_Unblock, ILX) { g_recordLocalExclusive; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(M, L1_GETS, OO) { i_allocateTBE; // should count 0 of course h_countLocalSharersExceptRequestor; d_sendDataToL1GETX; r_setMRU; s_deallocateTBE; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(S, L1_GETS, SS) { d_sendDataToL1GETS; r_setMRU; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(SS, Unblock, SLS) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(O, L1_GETS, OO) { d_sendDataToL1GETS; r_setMRU; uu_profileHit; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OO, Unblock, OLS) { g_recordLocalSharer; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OO, Exclusive_Unblock, ILX) { g_recordLocalExclusive y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; n_popResponseQueue; } // L1 WRITEBACKS transition(ILO, L1_PUTO, ILOW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOX, L1_PUTO, ILOXW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOS, L1_PUTO, ILOSW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOSX, L1_PUTO, ILOSXW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } // hmmm...keep data or drop. Just drop for now transition(ILOS, L1_PUTS_only, ILOW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILSW, Unblock, ILS) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOW, Unblock, ILO) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOSX, L1_PUTS_only, ILOXW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOXW, Unblock, ILOX) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } // hmmm...keep data or drop. Just drop for now transition(ILOS, L1_PUTS, ILOSW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOSX, L1_PUTS, ILOSXW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILOSW, Unblock, ILOS) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOSXW, Unblock, ILOSX) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(SLS, L1_PUTS, SLSW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(SLS, L1_PUTS_only, SW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(SW, {Unblock}, S) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OLS, L1_PUTS, OLSW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILS, L1_PUTS, ILSW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILS, L1_PUTS_only, IW) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLS, L1_PUTS_only, OW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLSX, L1_PUTS_only, OXW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLSX, L1_PUTS, OLSXW) { l_writebackAckDropData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(OLSXW, {Unblock}, OLSX) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OW, {Unblock}, O) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OXW, {Unblock}, M) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILX, L1_PUTX, ILXW ) { l_writebackAckNeedData; o_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(ILXW, L1_WBDIRTYDATA, M) { gg_clearLocalSharers; vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; u_writeDataToCache; n_popResponseQueue; } // clean writeback transition(ILXW, L1_WBCLEANDATA, M) { gg_clearLocalSharers; vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; u_writeDataToCache; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILXW, Unblock, ILX) { // writeback canceled because L1 invalidated n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILSW, L1_WBCLEANDATA, SLS) { vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; u_writeDataToCache; gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(IW, L1_WBCLEANDATA, S) { vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; u_writeDataToCache; gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } // Owner can have dirty data transition(ILOW, {L1_WBCLEANDATA, L1_WBDIRTYDATA}, O) { vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; gg_clearOwnerFromL1Response; u_writeDataToCache; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOXW, L1_WBDIRTYDATA, M) { vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; gg_clearOwnerFromL1Response; u_writeDataToCache; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOXW, L1_WBCLEANDATA, M) { vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; gg_clearOwnerFromL1Response; u_writeDataToCache; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOSW, {L1_WBCLEANDATA, L1_WBDIRTYDATA}, OLS) { vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; gg_clearOwnerFromL1Response; u_writeDataToCache; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILOSXW, {L1_WBCLEANDATA, L1_WBDIRTYDATA}, OLSX) { vv_allocateL2CacheBlock; y_copyDirToCacheAndRemove; gg_clearOwnerFromL1Response; u_writeDataToCache; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(SLSW, {Unblock}, SLS) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(OLSW, {Unblock}, OLS) { gg_clearSharerFromL1Response; n_popResponseQueue; } // L2 WRITEBACKS transition({I, S}, L2_Replacement, I) { rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(ILS, L2_Replacement) { y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(ILX, L2_Replacement ) { y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition({ILO, ILOS}, L2_Replacement ) { y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(SLS, L2_Replacement, ILS) { y_copyCacheStateToDir; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition({OLS, OLSX}, L2_Replacement, OLSI) { y_copyCacheStateToDir; b_issuePUTO_ls; i_allocateTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(O, L2_Replacement, OI) { b_issuePUTO; i_allocateTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(M, L2_Replacement, MI) { b_issuePUTX; i_allocateTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(OLSI, Fwd_GETX, ILSI) { t_recordFwdXID; ee_sendLocalInv; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILSI, IntAck) { m_decrementNumberOfMessagesInt; o_checkForIntCompletion; n_popResponseQueue; } transition(ILSI, All_Acks, MII) { gg_clearLocalSharers; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; n_popTriggerQueue; } transition(OLSI, Fwd_GETS) { t_recordFwdSID; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({MI, OI}, Fwd_GETS, OI) { t_recordFwdSID; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETS; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({MI, OI}, Fwd_DMA, OI) { cd_sendDataFromTBEToFwdDma; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(OLSI, Fwd_DMA) { cd_sendDataFromTBEToFwdDma; da_sendDmaAckUnblock; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({MI, OI}, Fwd_GETX, MII) { t_recordFwdXID; c_sendDataFromTBEToFwdGETX; m_popRequestQueue; } transition({MI, OI}, Writeback_Ack, I) { qq_sendDataFromTBEToMemory; s_deallocateTBE; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(MII, Writeback_Nack, I) { s_deallocateTBE; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(OI, Writeback_Nack) { b_issuePUTO; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(OLSI, Writeback_Ack, ILS) { qq_sendDataFromTBEToMemory; s_deallocateTBE; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(MII, Writeback_Ack, I) { f_sendUnblock; s_deallocateTBE; m_popRequestQueue; } transition(ILSI, Writeback_Ack, ILS) { f_sendUnblock; s_deallocateTBE; m_popRequestQueue; } }