/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2013 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ machine(Directory, "Directory protocol") : DirectoryMemory * directory; Cycles directory_latency := 6; Cycles to_memory_controller_latency := 1; // Message Queues MessageBuffer * requestToDir, network="From", virtual_network="1", vnet_type="request"; // a mod-L2 bank -> this Dir MessageBuffer * responseToDir, network="From", virtual_network="2", vnet_type="response"; // a mod-L2 bank -> this Dir MessageBuffer * forwardFromDir, network="To", virtual_network="1", vnet_type="forward"; MessageBuffer * responseFromDir, network="To", virtual_network="2", vnet_type="response"; // Dir -> mod-L2 bank { // STATES state_declaration(State, desc="Directory states", default="Directory_State_I") { // Base states I, AccessPermission:Read_Write, desc="Invalid"; S, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Shared"; O, AccessPermission:Maybe_Stale, desc="Owner"; M, AccessPermission:Maybe_Stale, desc="Modified"; IS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, was in idle"; SS, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Blocked, was in shared"; OO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, was in owned"; MO, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, going to owner or maybe modified"; MM, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, going to modified"; MM_DMA, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked, going to I"; MI, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked on a writeback"; MIS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked on a writeback, but don't remove from sharers when received"; OS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked on a writeback"; OSS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Blocked on a writeback, but don't remove from sharers when received"; XI_M, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="In a stable state, going to I, waiting for the memory controller"; XI_U, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="In a stable state, going to I, waiting for an unblock"; OI_D, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="In O, going to I, waiting for data"; OD, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="In O, waiting for dma ack from L2"; MD, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="In M, waiting for dma ack from L2"; } // Events enumeration(Event, desc="Directory events") { GETX, desc="A GETX arrives"; GETS, desc="A GETS arrives"; PUTX, desc="A PUTX arrives"; PUTO, desc="A PUTO arrives"; PUTO_SHARERS, desc="A PUTO arrives, but don't remove from sharers list"; Unblock, desc="An unblock message arrives"; Last_Unblock, desc="An unblock message arrives, we're not waiting for any additional unblocks"; Exclusive_Unblock, desc="The processor become the exclusive owner (E or M) of the line"; Clean_Writeback, desc="The final message as part of a PutX/PutS, no data"; Dirty_Writeback, desc="The final message as part of a PutX/PutS, contains data"; Memory_Data, desc="Fetched data from memory arrives"; Memory_Ack, desc="Writeback Ack from memory arrives"; DMA_READ, desc="DMA Read"; DMA_WRITE, desc="DMA Write"; DMA_ACK, desc="DMA Ack"; Data, desc="Data to directory"; } // TYPES // DirectoryEntry structure(Entry, desc="...", interface='AbstractEntry') { State DirectoryState, desc="Directory state"; NetDest Sharers, desc="Sharers for this block"; NetDest Owner, desc="Owner of this block"; int WaitingUnblocks, desc="Number of acks we're waiting for"; } structure(TBE, desc="...") { Address PhysicalAddress, desc="Physical address for this entry"; int Len, desc="Length of request"; DataBlock DataBlk, desc="DataBlk"; MachineID Requestor, desc="original requestor"; } structure(TBETable, external = "yes") { TBE lookup(Address); void allocate(Address); void deallocate(Address); bool isPresent(Address); } // ** OBJECTS ** TBETable TBEs, template="", constructor="m_number_of_TBEs"; void set_tbe(TBE b); void unset_tbe(); Entry getDirectoryEntry(Address addr), return_by_pointer="yes" { Entry dir_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", directory[addr]); if (is_valid(dir_entry)) { return dir_entry; } dir_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", directory.allocate(addr, new Entry)); return dir_entry; } State getState(TBE tbe, Address addr) { return getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState; } void setState(TBE tbe, Address addr, State state) { if (directory.isPresent(addr)) { if (state == State:I) { assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 0); assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Sharers.count() == 0); } if (state == State:S) { assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 0); } if (state == State:O) { assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 1); assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Sharers.isSuperset(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner) == false); } if (state == State:M) { assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 1); assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Sharers.count() == 0); } if ((state != State:SS) && (state != State:OO)) { assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).WaitingUnblocks == 0); } if ( (getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState != State:I) && (state == State:I) ) { getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState := state; // disable coherence checker // sequencer.checkCoherence(addr); } else { getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState := state; } } } AccessPermission getAccessPermission(Address addr) { if (directory.isPresent(addr)) { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", Directory_State_to_permission(getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState)); return Directory_State_to_permission(getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState); } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "AccessPermission_NotPresent\n"); return AccessPermission:NotPresent; } void setAccessPermission(Address addr, State state) { if (directory.isPresent(addr)) { getDirectoryEntry(addr).changePermission(Directory_State_to_permission(state)); } } void functionalRead(Address addr, Packet *pkt) { functionalMemoryRead(pkt); } int functionalWrite(Address addr, Packet *pkt) { int num_functional_writes := 0; num_functional_writes := num_functional_writes + functionalMemoryWrite(pkt); return num_functional_writes; } // if no sharers, then directory can be considered // both a sharer and exclusive w.r.t. coherence checking bool isBlockShared(Address addr) { if (directory.isPresent(addr)) { if (getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState == State:I) { return true; } } return false; } bool isBlockExclusive(Address addr) { if (directory.isPresent(addr)) { if (getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState == State:I) { return true; } } return false; } MessageBuffer responseFromMemory; // ** OUT_PORTS ** out_port(forwardNetwork_out, RequestMsg, forwardFromDir); out_port(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, responseFromDir); // ** IN_PORTS ** in_port(unblockNetwork_in, ResponseMsg, responseToDir) { if (unblockNetwork_in.isReady()) { peek(unblockNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:UNBLOCK) { if (getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).WaitingUnblocks == 1) { trigger(Event:Last_Unblock, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { trigger(Event:Unblock, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:UNBLOCK_EXCLUSIVE) { trigger(Event:Exclusive_Unblock, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_DIRTY_DATA) { trigger(Event:Dirty_Writeback, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:WRITEBACK_CLEAN_ACK) { trigger(Event:Clean_Writeback, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE) { trigger(Event:Data, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DMA_ACK) { trigger(Event:DMA_ACK, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { error("Invalid message"); } } } } in_port(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg, requestToDir) { if (requestQueue_in.isReady()) { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETS) { trigger(Event:GETS, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETX) { trigger(Event:GETX, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTX) { trigger(Event:PUTX, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTO) { trigger(Event:PUTO, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTO_SHARERS) { trigger(Event:PUTO_SHARERS, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:DMA_READ) { trigger(Event:DMA_READ, makeLineAddress(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[makeLineAddress(in_msg.Addr)]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:DMA_WRITE) { trigger(Event:DMA_WRITE, makeLineAddress(in_msg.Addr), TBEs[makeLineAddress(in_msg.Addr)]); } else { error("Invalid message"); } } } } // off-chip memory request/response is done in_port(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg, responseFromMemory) { if (memQueue_in.isReady()) { peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) { if (in_msg.Type == MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_READ) { trigger(Event:Memory_Data, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_WB) { trigger(Event:Memory_Ack, in_msg.Addr, TBEs[in_msg.Addr]); } else { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", in_msg.Type); error("Invalid message"); } } } } // Actions action(a_sendWriteBackAck, "a", desc="Send writeback ack to requestor") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(forwardNetwork_out, RequestMsg, directory_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:WB_ACK; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:Directory; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action(b_sendWriteBackNack, "b", desc="Send writeback nack to requestor") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(forwardNetwork_out, RequestMsg, directory_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:WB_NACK; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := MachineType:Directory; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action(c_clearOwner, "c", desc="Clear the owner field") { getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner.clear(); } action(c_moveOwnerToSharer, "cc", desc="Move owner to sharers") { getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.addNetDest(getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner); getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner.clear(); } action(cc_clearSharers, "\c", desc="Clear the sharers field") { getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.clear(); } action(d_sendDataMsg, "d", desc="Send data to requestor") { peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:Directory; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.OriginalRequestorMachId); out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := false; // By definition, the block is now clean out_msg.Acks := in_msg.Acks; if (in_msg.ReadX) { out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; } else { out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; } out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } } action(p_fwdDataToDMA, "\d", desc="Send data to requestor") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:Directory; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.Dirty := false; // By definition, the block is now clean out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } } action(e_ownerIsUnblocker, "e", desc="The owner is now the unblocker") { peek(unblockNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner.clear(); getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner.add(in_msg.Sender); } } action(f_forwardRequest, "f", desc="Forward request to owner") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(forwardNetwork_out, RequestMsg, directory_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).Owner); out_msg.Acks := getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.count(); if (getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.isElement(in_msg.Requestor)) { out_msg.Acks := out_msg.Acks - 1; } out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; } } } action(f_forwardRequestDirIsRequestor, "\f", desc="Forward request to owner") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(forwardNetwork_out, RequestMsg, directory_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.RequestorMachine := machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).Owner); out_msg.Acks := getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.count(); if (getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.isElement(in_msg.Requestor)) { out_msg.Acks := out_msg.Acks - 1; } out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Forwarded_Control; } } } action(g_sendInvalidations, "g", desc="Send invalidations to sharers, not including the requester") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { if ((getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).Sharers.count() > 1) || ((getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).Sharers.count() > 0) && (getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).Sharers.isElement(in_msg.Requestor) == false))) { enqueue(forwardNetwork_out, RequestMsg, directory_latency) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV; out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; out_msg.RequestorMachine := machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.Requestor); // out_msg.Destination := getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).Sharers; out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.Addr).Sharers); out_msg.Destination.remove(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Invalidate_Control; } } } } action(i_popIncomingRequestQueue, "i", desc="Pop incoming request queue") { requestQueue_in.dequeue(); } action(j_popIncomingUnblockQueue, "j", desc="Pop incoming unblock queue") { unblockNetwork_in.dequeue(); } action(m_addUnlockerToSharers, "m", desc="Add the unlocker to the sharer list") { peek(unblockNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.add(in_msg.Sender); } } action(n_incrementOutstanding, "n", desc="Increment outstanding requests") { getDirectoryEntry(address).WaitingUnblocks := getDirectoryEntry(address).WaitingUnblocks + 1; } action(o_decrementOutstanding, "o", desc="Decrement outstanding requests") { getDirectoryEntry(address).WaitingUnblocks := getDirectoryEntry(address).WaitingUnblocks - 1; assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).WaitingUnblocks >= 0); } action(q_popMemQueue, "q", desc="Pop off-chip request queue") { memQueue_in.dequeue(); } action(qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest, "qf", desc="Queue off-chip fetch request") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { queueMemoryRead(in_msg.Requestor, address, to_memory_controller_latency); } } action(qw_queueMemoryWBRequest, "qw", desc="Queue off-chip writeback request") { peek(unblockNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { if (is_valid(tbe)) { queueMemoryWrite(tbe.Requestor, address, to_memory_controller_latency, in_msg.DataBlk); } else { queueMemoryWrite(in_msg.Sender, address, to_memory_controller_latency, in_msg.DataBlk); } } } action(qw_queueMemoryWBRequestFromMessageAndTBE, "qwmt", desc="Queue off-chip writeback request") { peek(unblockNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { DataBlock DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; DataBlk.copyPartial(tbe.DataBlk, addressOffset(tbe.PhysicalAddress), tbe.Len); queueMemoryWrite(tbe.Requestor, address, to_memory_controller_latency, DataBlk); } } action(qw_queueMemoryWBRequest2, "/qw", desc="Queue off-chip writeback request") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { queueMemoryWrite(in_msg.Requestor, address, to_memory_controller_latency, in_msg.DataBlk); } } action(zz_recycleRequest, "\z", desc="Recycle the request queue") { requestQueue_in.recycle(); } action(a_sendDMAAck, "\a", desc="Send DMA Ack that write completed, along with Inv Ack count") { peek(requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:Directory; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Acks := getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.count(); // for dma requests out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DMA_ACK; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action(a_sendDMAAck2, "\aa", desc="Send DMA Ack that write completed, along with Inv Ack count") { peek(unblockNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.Addr := address; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.SenderMachine := MachineType:Directory; if (is_valid(tbe)) { out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.Requestor); } out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Acks := getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers.count(); // for dma requests out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DMA_ACK; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } } action(v_allocateTBE, "v", desc="Allocate TBE entry") { peek (requestQueue_in, RequestMsg) { TBEs.allocate(address); set_tbe(TBEs[address]); tbe.PhysicalAddress := in_msg.Addr; tbe.Len := in_msg.Len; tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; tbe.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor; } } action(w_deallocateTBE, "w", desc="Deallocate TBE entry") { TBEs.deallocate(address); unset_tbe(); } // TRANSITIONS transition(I, GETX, MM) { qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(I, DMA_READ, XI_M) { qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(I, DMA_WRITE, XI_U) { qw_queueMemoryWBRequest2; a_sendDMAAck; // ack count may be zero i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(XI_M, Memory_Data, I) { d_sendDataMsg; // ack count may be zero q_popMemQueue; } transition(XI_U, Exclusive_Unblock, I) { cc_clearSharers; c_clearOwner; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(S, GETX, MM) { qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; g_sendInvalidations; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(S, DMA_READ) { //qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; p_fwdDataToDMA; //g_sendInvalidations; // the DMA will collect the invalidations then send an Unblock Exclusive i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(S, DMA_WRITE, XI_U) { qw_queueMemoryWBRequest2; a_sendDMAAck; // ack count may be zero g_sendInvalidations; // the DMA will collect invalidations i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(I, GETS, IS) { qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition({S, SS}, GETS, SS) { qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; n_incrementOutstanding; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition({I, S}, PUTO) { b_sendWriteBackNack; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition({I, S, O}, PUTX) { b_sendWriteBackNack; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(O, GETX, MM) { f_forwardRequest; g_sendInvalidations; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(O, DMA_READ, OD) { f_forwardRequest; // this will cause the data to go to DMA directly //g_sendInvalidations; // this will cause acks to be sent to the DMA i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(OD, DMA_ACK, O) { j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition({O,M}, DMA_WRITE, OI_D) { f_forwardRequestDirIsRequestor; // need the modified data before we can proceed g_sendInvalidations; // these go to the DMA Controller v_allocateTBE; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(OI_D, Data, XI_U) { qw_queueMemoryWBRequestFromMessageAndTBE; a_sendDMAAck2; // ack count may be zero w_deallocateTBE; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition({O, OO}, GETS, OO) { f_forwardRequest; n_incrementOutstanding; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(M, GETX, MM) { f_forwardRequest; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } // no exclusive unblock will show up to the directory transition(M, DMA_READ, MD) { f_forwardRequest; // this will cause the data to go to DMA directly i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(MD, DMA_ACK, M) { j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(M, GETS, MO) { f_forwardRequest; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(M, PUTX, MI) { a_sendWriteBackAck; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } // happens if M->O transition happens on-chip transition(M, PUTO, MI) { a_sendWriteBackAck; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(M, PUTO_SHARERS, MIS) { a_sendWriteBackAck; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(O, PUTO, OS) { a_sendWriteBackAck; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(O, PUTO_SHARERS, OSS) { a_sendWriteBackAck; i_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition({MM, MO, MI, MIS, OS, OSS, XI_M, XI_U, OI_D, OD, MD}, {GETS, GETX, PUTO, PUTO_SHARERS, PUTX, DMA_READ, DMA_WRITE}) { zz_recycleRequest; } transition({MM, MO}, Exclusive_Unblock, M) { cc_clearSharers; e_ownerIsUnblocker; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(MO, Unblock, O) { m_addUnlockerToSharers; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition({IS, SS, OO}, {GETX, PUTO, PUTO_SHARERS, PUTX, DMA_READ, DMA_WRITE}) { zz_recycleRequest; } transition(IS, GETS) { zz_recycleRequest; } transition(IS, Unblock, S) { m_addUnlockerToSharers; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(IS, Exclusive_Unblock, M) { cc_clearSharers; e_ownerIsUnblocker; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(SS, Unblock) { m_addUnlockerToSharers; o_decrementOutstanding; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(SS, Last_Unblock, S) { m_addUnlockerToSharers; o_decrementOutstanding; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(OO, Unblock) { m_addUnlockerToSharers; o_decrementOutstanding; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(OO, Last_Unblock, O) { m_addUnlockerToSharers; o_decrementOutstanding; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(MI, Dirty_Writeback, I) { c_clearOwner; cc_clearSharers; qw_queueMemoryWBRequest; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(MIS, Dirty_Writeback, S) { c_moveOwnerToSharer; qw_queueMemoryWBRequest; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(MIS, Clean_Writeback, S) { c_moveOwnerToSharer; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(OS, Dirty_Writeback, S) { c_clearOwner; qw_queueMemoryWBRequest; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(OSS, Dirty_Writeback, S) { c_moveOwnerToSharer; qw_queueMemoryWBRequest; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(OSS, Clean_Writeback, S) { c_moveOwnerToSharer; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(MI, Clean_Writeback, I) { c_clearOwner; cc_clearSharers; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition(OS, Clean_Writeback, S) { c_clearOwner; j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition({MI, MIS}, Unblock, M) { j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition({OS, OSS}, Unblock, O) { j_popIncomingUnblockQueue; } transition({I, S, O, M, IS, SS, OO, MO, MM, MI, MIS, OS, OSS}, Memory_Data) { d_sendDataMsg; q_popMemQueue; } transition({I, S, O, M, IS, SS, OO, MO, MM, MI, MIS, OS, OSS, XI_U, XI_M}, Memory_Ack) { //a_sendAck; q_popMemQueue; } }