/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * $Id$ * */ machine(L2Cache, "MOSI Directory L2 Cache CMP") { // L2 BANK QUEUES // From local bank of L2 cache TO the network MessageBuffer dummyFrom0, network="To", virtual_network="0", ordered="false"; // dummy buffer that shouldn't be used MessageBuffer DirRequestFromL2Cache, network="To", virtual_network="1", ordered="false"; // this L2 bank -> mod-directory MessageBuffer L1RequestFromL2Cache, network="To", virtual_network="2", ordered="true"; // this L2 bank -> a local L1 MessageBuffer responseFromL2Cache, network="To", virtual_network="3", ordered="false"; // this L2 bank -> a local L1 || mod-directory MessageBuffer finalAckFromL2Cache, network="To", virtual_network="4", ordered="false"; // this L2 bank -> mod-directory // FROM the network to this local bank of L2 cache //MessageBuffer L1RequestToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="1", ordered="true"; // a local L1 -> this L2 bank MessageBuffer L1RequestToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="0", ordered="true"; // a local L1 -> this L2 bank MessageBuffer dummyTo1, network="From", virtual_network="1", ordered="false"; // dummy buffer that shouldn't be used MessageBuffer forwardedRequestToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="2", ordered="true"; // mod-directory -> this L2 bank MessageBuffer responseToL2Cache, network="From", virtual_network="3", ordered="false"; // a local L1 || mod-directory -> this L2 bank MessageBuffer dummyTo4, network="From", virtual_network="4", ordered="false"; // dummy buffer that shouldn't be used // STATES enumeration(State, desc="L2 Cache states", default="L2Cache_State_L2_NP") { // Base states L2_NP, desc="Not present in either cache"; L2_I, desc="L2 cache entry Idle"; L2_S, desc="L2 cache entry Shared, not present in any local L1s"; L2_O, desc="L2 cache entry Owned, not present in any local L1s"; L2_M, desc="L2 cache entry Modified, not present in any L1s", format="!b"; L2_SS, desc="L2 cache entry Shared, also present in one or more L1s"; L2_SO, desc="L2 cache entry Owned, also present in one or more L1s or ext L2s"; L2_MT, desc="L2 cache entry Modified in a local L1, assume L2 copy stale", format="!b"; // Transient States // Transient States from I L2_IS, desc="L2 idle, issued GETS, have not seen response yet"; L2_ISZ, desc="L2 idle, issued GETS, saw a L1_GETX, have not seen data for GETS yet", format="!b"; L2_ISI, desc="L2 idle, issued GETS, saw INV, have not seen data for GETS yet", format="!b"; L2_IMV, desc="L2 idle, issued GETX, valid int L1, have not seen response(s) yet"; L2_MV, desc="L2 modified, a valid old L1 copy exist, external world gave write permission"; L2_IM, desc="L2 idle, issued GETX, no valid int L1, have not seen response(s) yet"; L2_IMO, desc="L2 idle, issued GETX, saw forwarded GETS"; L2_IMI, desc="L2 idle, issued GETX, saw forwarded GETX"; L2_IMZ, desc="L2 idle, issued GETX, saw another L1_GETX"; L2_IMOI, desc="L2 idle, issued GETX, saw GETS, saw forwarded GETX"; L2_IMOZ, desc="L2 idle, issued GETX, saw GETS, then a L1_GETX"; // Invalidation steps for S -> I L2_SIC, desc="L2 shared, L2_INV, valid L1 copies exist, issued invalidates, have not seen responses yet"; L2_SIV, desc="L2 shared, L2_Replacement, valid L1 copies exist, issued invalidates, have not seen responses yet"; // Invalidation steps for M -> I for L2 Repalcement L2_MIV, desc="L2 modified, a valid L1 copy exist, issued forced writeback, have not seen the response yet"; L2_MIN, desc="L2 modified, no valid L1 copies, issued PUTX, have not seen response yet"; // Invalidation steps for M -> I for a Forwarded GetX L2_MIC, desc="L2 modified, a valid L1 copy exist, issued forced writeback, have not seen the response yet"; // In MT state and see another L1_GETX request L2_MIT, desc="L2 modified, a valid L1 copy exist, saw L1_GETX, issued INV, have not seen the response yet"; // Downgrade steps for M -> SO L2_MO, desc="L2 modified, a valid L1 copy exist, issued downgrade request, have not seen response yet"; L2_MOIC, desc="L2 modified, a valid L1 copy exist, issued downgrade request, saw INV, have not seen response yet"; L2_MOICR, desc="L2 modified, a valid L1 copy exist, issued invalidate request, saw INV, have not seen response yet"; L2_MOZ, desc="L2 modified, a valid L1 copy exist, issued downgrade request, saw L1_GETX, have not seen response yet"; // Invalidation steps for O/SO -> I for L2 Replacement L2_OIV, desc="L2 owned, valid L1 copies exist, issued invalidates, have not seen responses yet from L1s"; L2_OIN, desc="L2 owned, no valid L1 copies, issued PUTX, have not seen response yet from dir"; // Invalidation steps for SO -> I for a Forwarded GetX L2_OIC, desc="L2 owned, valid L1 copies exist, issued invalidates, have not seen responses yet from L1s"; // Strange OM states // Note: strange states, because it is waiting for the line // to be stolen away, or look like it has been stolen away. The // common case is that we see a forward from the directory that is // really from us, we forwarded the data to our dataqueue, and // everythings works fine. L2_OMV, desc="L2 owned and valid L1 copies, issued GETX and invalidates, have not seen responses yet"; L2_OM, desc="L2 owned and no valid L1 copies, issued GETX, have not seen response yet"; } // EVENTS enumeration(Event, desc="L2 Cache events") { // L2 events // events initiated by the local L1s L1_GET_INSTR, desc="a L1I GET INSTR request for a block maped to us"; L1_GETS, desc="a L1D GETS request for a block maped to us"; L1_GETX, desc="a L1D GETX request for a block maped to us"; L1_UPGRADE, desc="a L1D UPGRADE request for a block maped to us"; L1_UPGRADE_no_others, desc="a L1D UPGRADE request for a block maped to us, requestor is the only on-chip sharer"; L1_PUTX, desc="a L1D PUTX request for a block maped to us (L1 replacement of a modified block)"; L1_PUTX_last, desc="a L1D PUTX request for a block maped to us (L1 replacement of a modified block) last sharer"; L1_PUTX_old, desc="an old L1D PUTX request for a block maped to us (L1 replacement of a modified block)"; L1_PUTS, desc="a L1 replacement of a shared block", format="!r"; L1_PUTS_last, desc="a L1 replacement of the last local L1 shared block", format="!r"; L1_PUTS_old, desc="an old L1 replacement of a shared block", format="!r"; // events of local L1 responses Proc_int_ack, "Proc on-chip L1 Cache ack", desc="Ack from on-chip L1 Cache"; Proc_last_int_ack, "Proc last on-chip L1 Cache ack", desc="Last on-chip L1 Cache ack", format="!r"; Data_int_ack, "Data int ack", desc="Received modified data from L1 now proceed in handling miss"; // events initiated by the external L2s Forwarded_GETS, "Forwarded GETS", desc="Directory forwards Inter-chip GETS to us"; Forwarded_GET_INSTR, "Forwarded GETINSTR", desc="Inter-chip Forwarded GETINSTR"; Forwarded_GETX, "Forwarded GETX", desc="Directory forwards Inter-chip GETX to us"; L2_INV, "L2_INV", desc="L2 Invalidation initiated from other L2", format="!r"; // events initiated by this L2 L2_Replacement, desc="L2 Replacement", format="!r"; // events of external L2 responses Proc_ext_ack, "Proc off-chip ack", desc="Ack from off-chip"; Proc_last_ext_ack, "Proc last off-chip ack", desc="Last off-chip ack", format="!r"; Data_ext_ack_0, "Data ack 0", desc="Data with ack count = 0"; Data_ext_ack_not_0, "Data ack not 0", desc="Data with ack count != 0 (but haven't seen all acks first"; // Data_ext_ack_not_0_last: is when the requestor has seen all acks but the directory has not, therefore // the directory must be told that we now have the data Data_ext_ack_not_0_last, "Data ack not 0 last", desc="Data with ack count != 0 after having received all acks"; Dir_WB_ack, "WB ack", desc="Writeback ack from dir"; Dir_exe_ack, "Only copy", desc="Directory tells us we already have exclusive permission, go directly to MT state"; } // TYPES // CacheEntry structure(Entry, desc="...", interface="AbstractCacheEntry") { State CacheState, desc="cache state"; NetDest Sharers, desc="tracks the L1 shares on-chip"; DataBlock DataBlk, desc="data for the block"; } // TBE fields structure(TBE, desc="...") { Address Address, desc="Physical address for this TBE"; State TBEState, desc="Transient state"; DataBlock DataBlk, desc="Buffer for the data block"; int NumPendingExtAcks, desc="Number of ext acks that this L2 bank is waiting for"; int NumPendingIntAcks, desc="Number of int acks that this L2 bank is waiting for"; NetDest Forward_GetS_IDs, desc="Set of the external processors to forward the block"; NetDest L1_GetS_IDs, desc="Set of the internal processors that want the block in shared state"; MachineID Forward_GetX_ID, desc="ID of the L2 cache to forward the block"; MachineID L1_GetX_ID, desc="ID of the L1 cache to forward the block to once we get a response"; MachineID InvalidatorID, desc="ID of the L2 cache (needed for L2_SS -> L2_I)"; int ForwardGetX_AckCount, desc="Number of acks the GetX we are forwarded needs"; bool isPrefetch, desc="Set if this was caused by a prefetch"; bool isThreeHop, desc="is this request a three hop"; bool validForwardedGetXId, desc="Indicate whether a forwarded GetX ID is valid"; bool validInvalidator, desc="Indicate whether an invalidator is valid"; bool isInternalRequestOnly, desc="Is internal request only, i.e. only L1s"; } external_type(CacheMemory) { bool cacheAvail(Address); Address cacheProbe(Address); void allocate(Address); void deallocate(Address); Entry lookup(Address); void changePermission(Address, AccessPermission); bool isTagPresent(Address); void setMRU(Address); } external_type(TBETable) { TBE lookup(Address); void allocate(Address); void deallocate(Address); bool isPresent(Address); } TBETable L2_TBEs, template_hack=""; CacheMemory L2cacheMemory, template_hack="", constructor_hack='L2_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS,L2_CACHE_ASSOC,MachineType_L2Cache,int_to_string(i)'; // inclusive cache, returns L2 entries only Entry getL2CacheEntry(Address addr), return_by_ref="yes" { return L2cacheMemory[addr]; } void changeL2Permission(Address addr, AccessPermission permission) { if (L2cacheMemory.isTagPresent(addr)) { return L2cacheMemory.changePermission(addr, permission); } } string getCoherenceRequestTypeStr(CoherenceRequestType type) { return CoherenceRequestType_to_string(type); } bool isL2CacheTagPresent(Address addr) { return (L2cacheMemory.isTagPresent(addr)); } bool isOneSharerLeft(Address addr, MachineID requestor) { assert(L2cacheMemory[addr].Sharers.isElement(requestor)); return (L2cacheMemory[addr].Sharers.count() == 1); } bool isSharer(Address addr, MachineID requestor) { if (L2cacheMemory.isTagPresent(addr)) { return L2cacheMemory[addr].Sharers.isElement(requestor); } else { return false; } } void addSharer(Address addr, MachineID requestor) { DEBUG_EXPR(machineID); DEBUG_EXPR(requestor); DEBUG_EXPR(addr); assert(map_L1CacheMachId_to_L2Cache(addr, requestor) == machineID); L2cacheMemory[addr].Sharers.add(requestor); } State getState(Address addr) { if(L2_TBEs.isPresent(addr)) { return L2_TBEs[addr].TBEState; } else if (isL2CacheTagPresent(addr)) { return getL2CacheEntry(addr).CacheState; } return State:L2_NP; } string getStateStr(Address addr) { return L2Cache_State_to_string(getState(addr)); } // when is this called void setState(Address addr, State state) { // MUST CHANGE if (L2_TBEs.isPresent(addr)) { L2_TBEs[addr].TBEState := state; } if (isL2CacheTagPresent(addr)) { getL2CacheEntry(addr).CacheState := state; // Set permission if (state == State:L2_I || state == State:L2_SIC || state == State:L2_SIV || state == State:L2_MIV || state == State:L2_MIN || state == State:L2_MIC || state == State:L2_MIT || state == State:L2_OIV || state == State:L2_OIN || state == State:L2_OIC) { changeL2Permission(addr, AccessPermission:Invalid); } else if (state == State:L2_S || state == State:L2_O || state == State:L2_SS || state == State:L2_SO) { changeL2Permission(addr, AccessPermission:Read_Only); } else if (state == State:L2_OM || state == State:L2_OMV) { changeL2Permission(addr, AccessPermission:ReadUpgradingToWrite); } else if (state == State:L2_M) { changeL2Permission(addr, AccessPermission:Read_Write); } else if (state == State:L2_MT) { changeL2Permission(addr, AccessPermission:Stale); } else { changeL2Permission(addr, AccessPermission:Busy); } } } Event L1Cache_request_type_to_event(CoherenceRequestType type, Address addr, MachineID requestor) { if(type == CoherenceRequestType:GETS) { return Event:L1_GETS; } else if(type == CoherenceRequestType:GET_INSTR) { return Event:L1_GET_INSTR; } else if (type == CoherenceRequestType:GETX) { return Event:L1_GETX; } else if (type == CoherenceRequestType:UPGRADE) { if (isSharer(addr, requestor)) { if (isOneSharerLeft(addr, requestor)) { return Event:L1_UPGRADE_no_others; } else { return Event:L1_UPGRADE; } } else { // possible that we removed the line from the L2 before we could process the UPGRADE request return Event:L1_GETX; } } else if (type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTX) { if (isSharer(addr, requestor)) { if (isOneSharerLeft(addr, requestor)) { return Event:L1_PUTX_last; } else { return Event:L1_PUTX; } } else { return Event:L1_PUTX_old; } } else if (type == CoherenceRequestType:PUTS) { if (isSharer(addr, requestor)) { if (isOneSharerLeft(addr, requestor)) { return Event:L1_PUTS_last; } else { return Event:L1_PUTS; } } else { // possible that we removed the line from the L2 before we could process the L1_PUTS request return Event:L1_PUTS_old; } } else { DEBUG_EXPR(addr); DEBUG_EXPR(type); error("Invalid L1 forwarded request type"); } } // ** OUT_PORTS ** // All ports output to the same CMP network, NI determines where to route msg out_port(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, L1RequestFromL2Cache); out_port(DirRequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, DirRequestFromL2Cache); out_port(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, responseFromL2Cache); out_port(finalAckIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, finalAckFromL2Cache); // ** IN_PORTS ** in_port(dummyTo1_in, RequestMsg, dummyTo1) { if (dummyTo1_in.isReady()) { peek(dummyTo1_in, RequestMsg) { DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(id); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Type); DEBUG_EXPR(getState(in_msg.Address)); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.RequestorMachId); } error("dummyTo1 port should not be used"); } } in_port(dummyTo4_in, ResponseMsg, dummyTo4) { if (dummyTo4_in.isReady()) { peek(dummyTo4_in, ResponseMsg) { DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(id); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Type); DEBUG_EXPR(getState(in_msg.Address)); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.SenderMachId); } error("dummyTo4 port should not be used"); } } // Response IntraChip L2 Network - response msg to this particular L2 bank in_port(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg, responseToL2Cache) { if (responseIntraChipL2Network_in.isReady()) { peek(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg) { DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(id); DEBUG_EXPR(getState(in_msg.Address)); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.SenderMachId); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Type); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks); // test wether it's from a local L1 or an off chip source assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if(machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.SenderMachId) == MachineType:L1Cache) { if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA) { if(L2_TBEs[in_msg.Address].NumPendingIntAcks == 1) { trigger(Event:Data_int_ack, in_msg.Address); // L1 now has data and all on-chip acks } else { DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(L2_TBEs[in_msg.Address].NumPendingIntAcks); error("Invalid L1 sent data when L2 wasn't expecting it"); } } else if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:INV_ACK) { if(L2_TBEs.isPresent(in_msg.Address)) { // FIXME - possible to get a L1 ack after the transaction is completed if(L2_TBEs[in_msg.Address].NumPendingIntAcks == 1) { trigger(Event:Proc_last_int_ack, in_msg.Address); // L1 now has all on-chip acks } else { trigger(Event:Proc_int_ack, in_msg.Address); // process on-chip ack } } } } else { // external message if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA) { if(in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks == 0) { trigger(Event:Data_ext_ack_0, in_msg.Address); // L2 now has data and all off-chip acks } else { if(in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks + L2_TBEs[in_msg.Address].NumPendingExtAcks != 0) { trigger(Event:Data_ext_ack_not_0, in_msg.Address); } else { trigger(Event:Data_ext_ack_not_0_last, in_msg.Address); } } } else if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK) { if(L2_TBEs[in_msg.Address].NumPendingExtAcks != 1){ trigger(Event:Proc_ext_ack, in_msg.Address); } else { trigger(Event:Proc_last_ext_ack, in_msg.Address); } } } } } // if not ready, do nothing } // Forwarded Request from Directory in_port(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg, forwardedRequestToL2Cache) { if(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in.isReady()) { peek(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(id); DEBUG_EXPR(getState(in_msg.Address)); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.RequestorMachId); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Type); assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETS) { trigger(Event:Forwarded_GETS, in_msg.Address); // L2 } else if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GET_INSTR) { trigger(Event:Forwarded_GET_INSTR, in_msg.Address); // L2 } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETX) { trigger(Event:Forwarded_GETX, in_msg.Address); // L2 } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:INV) { trigger(Event:L2_INV, in_msg.Address); // L2 } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:WB_ACK) { trigger(Event:Dir_WB_ack, in_msg.Address); // L2 } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:EXE_ACK) { trigger(Event:Dir_exe_ack, in_msg.Address); // L2 } else { error("Invalid L2 forwarded request type"); } } } } // L1 Request in_port(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg, L1RequestToL2Cache) { if(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in.isReady()) { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(id); DEBUG_EXPR(version); DEBUG_EXPR(getState(in_msg.Address)); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.RequestorMachId); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Type); DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.Destination); assert(machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.RequestorMachId) == MachineType:L1Cache); assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if (L2cacheMemory.isTagPresent(in_msg.Address)) { // The L2 contains the block, so proceeded with handling the request trigger(L1Cache_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type, in_msg.Address, in_msg.RequestorMachId), in_msg.Address); } else { if (L2cacheMemory.cacheAvail(in_msg.Address)) { // L2 does't have the line, but we have space for it in the L2 trigger(L1Cache_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type, in_msg.Address, in_msg.RequestorMachId), in_msg.Address); } else { // No room in the L2, so we need to make room before handling the request trigger(Event:L2_Replacement, L2cacheMemory.cacheProbe(in_msg.Address)); } } } } } // ACTIONS action(a_issueGETS, "a", desc="Issue GETS") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(DirRequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETS; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; out_msg.L1CacheStateStr := in_msg.L1CacheStateStr; out_msg.L2CacheStateStr := getStateStr(address); } } } action(b_issueGETX, "b", desc="Issue GETX") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(DirRequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETX; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; out_msg.L1CacheStateStr := in_msg.L1CacheStateStr; out_msg.L2CacheStateStr := getStateStr(address); } } } // finalAck issued from the response queue action(c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded, "c", desc="Send FinalAck to dir if this is response to 3-hop xfer") { peek(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg) { DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg); if(machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.SenderMachId) == MachineType:L2Cache) { enqueue(finalAckIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY"){ out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:FINALACK; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg); } } } } // finalAck issued from TBE action(n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop, "n", desc=""){ peek(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg){ DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg); if(L2_TBEs[address].isThreeHop == true){ enqueue(finalAckIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY"){ out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:FINALACK; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg); } } } } action(mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded, "\m", desc=""){ peek(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg){ if(machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.SenderMachId) == MachineType:L2Cache){ L2_TBEs[address].isThreeHop := true; } } } action(d_issuePUTX, "d", desc="Issue PUTX") { enqueue(DirRequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PUTX; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.DataBlk); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; out_msg.L1CacheStateStr := "NA"; out_msg.L2CacheStateStr := getStateStr(address); } } action(f_issueGETINSTR, "f", desc="Issue GETINSTR") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(DirRequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GET_INSTR; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; out_msg.L1CacheStateStr := in_msg.L1CacheStateStr; out_msg.L2CacheStateStr := getStateStr(address); } } } // DELAYED RESPONSES - Sorced from a TBE entry // TBE -> L1 action(h_issueLoadHit, "h", desc="If not prefetch, notify sequencer the load completed.") { DEBUG_EXPR(getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk); if((L2_TBEs.isPresent(address) == false) || (L2_TBEs[address].isPrefetch == false)) { // Non-prefetch enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetS_IDs; // could be multiple internal nodes DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } else { // Prefetch - don't issue hit msg } } action(oo_issueLoadHitInv, "\o", desc="If not prefetch, notify sequencer the load completed.") { DEBUG_EXPR(getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk); if((L2_TBEs.isPresent(address) == false) || (L2_TBEs[address].isPrefetch == false)) { // Non-prefetch enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_I; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetS_IDs; // could be multiple internal nodes DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } else { // Prefetch - don't issue hit msg } } action(hh_issueStoreHit, "\h", desc="If not prefetch, issue store hit message to local L1 requestor") { DEBUG_EXPR(getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk); if((L2_TBEs.isPresent(address) == false) || (L2_TBEs[address].isPrefetch == false)) { // Non-prefetch enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetX_ID); // a single node DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } else { // Prefetch - don't issue hit msg } } action(pp_issueStoreHitInv, "\p", desc="If not prefetch, issue store hit message to local L1 requestor") { DEBUG_EXPR(getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk); if((L2_TBEs.isPresent(address) == false) || (L2_TBEs[address].isPrefetch == false)) { // Non-prefetch enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_I; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetX_ID); // a single node DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } else { // Prefetch - don't issue hit msg } } action(cc_issueStoreHitDG, "\c", desc="If not prefetch, issue store hit message to local L1 requestor") { DEBUG_EXPR(getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk); if((L2_TBEs.isPresent(address) == false) || (L2_TBEs[address].isPrefetch == false)) { // Non-prefetch enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_S; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetX_ID); // a single node DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } else { // Prefetch - don't issue hit msg } } action(w_sendPutAckToL1Cache, "w", desc="send acknowledgement of an L1 replacement") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.RequestorMachId); // a single node DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; } } } // TBE -> L1s and L2s action(ee_dataFromL2CacheToGetSIDs, "\e", desc="Send data from cache to all GetS IDs") { // FIXME - In some cases this should be from the TBE, not the cache. // may send to other mod-L2s if (L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetS_IDs.count() > 0) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetS_IDs; // external nodes DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks := 0; DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.DataBlk); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } // may send to local L1s if (L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetS_IDs.count() > 0) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetS_IDs; // internal nodes DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } } // TBE -> L2s only action(bb_dataFromL2CacheToGetSForwardIDs, "\b", desc="Send data from cache to GetS ForwardIDs") { // FIXME - In some cases this should be from the TBE, not the cache. if ((L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetS_IDs.count() > 0) || (L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetS_IDs.count() > 0)) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetS_IDs; // external nodes DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks := 0; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } } // TBE -> L2 only action(gg_dataFromL2CacheToGetXForwardID, "\g", desc="Send data from cache to GetX ForwardID") { // FIXME - In some cases this should be from the TBE, not the cache. if (L2_TBEs[address].validForwardedGetXId) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetX_ID); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks := L2_TBEs[address].ForwardGetX_AckCount; DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.DataBlk); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } } // IMMEDIATE RESPONSES directly from the ForwardRequest queue // ForwardRequest -> L2 action(e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor, "e", desc="Send data from cache to requestor") { peek(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks := in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks; // Needed when in state O and we see a GetX out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.RequestorMachId); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.DataBlk); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } } // ForwardRequest -> L1 action(k_dataFromL2CacheToL1Requestor, "k", desc="Send data from cache to L1 requestor") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.RequestorMachId); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } } // OTHER ACTIONS action(i_allocateTBE, "i", desc="Allocate TBE for internal/external request(isPrefetch=0, number of invalidates=0)") { check_allocate(L2_TBEs); L2_TBEs.allocate(address); L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingIntAcks := 0; // default value L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks := 0; // default value L2_TBEs[address].isPrefetch := false; L2_TBEs[address].isThreeHop := false; L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetS_IDs.clear(); L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetS_IDs.clear(); L2_TBEs[address].validInvalidator := false; L2_TBEs[address].validForwardedGetXId := false; L2_TBEs[address].isInternalRequestOnly := false; } action(s_deallocateTBE, "s", desc="Deallocate external TBE") { L2_TBEs.deallocate(address); } action(jj_popL1RequestQueue, "\j", desc="Pop incoming L1 request queue") { profileMsgDelay(0, L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in.dequeue_getDelayCycles()); } action(l_popForwardedRequestQueue, "l", desc="Pop incoming forwarded request queue") { profileMsgDelay(2, forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in.dequeue_getDelayCycles()); } action(o_popIncomingResponseQueue, "o", desc="Pop Incoming Response queue") { profileMsgDelay(3, responseIntraChipL2Network_in.dequeue_getDelayCycles()); } action(p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks, "p", desc="Add number of pending acks to TBE") { peek(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg) { DEBUG_EXPR(L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks); L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks := L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks + in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks; DEBUG_EXPR(in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks); DEBUG_EXPR(L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks); } } action(q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks, "q", desc="Decrement number of pending ext invalidations by one") { DEBUG_EXPR(L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks); L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks := L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks - 1; DEBUG_EXPR(L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks); } action(r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks, "r", desc="Decrement number of pending int invalidations by one") { DEBUG_EXPR(L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks); L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingIntAcks := L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingIntAcks - 1; DEBUG_EXPR(L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingExtAcks); } action(t_sendAckToInvalidator, "t", desc="Send ack to invalidator") { peek(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.RequestorMachId); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks := 0; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; } } } action(u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache, "u", desc="Write data from response queue to cache") { peek(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg) { getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; } } // FIXME - probably need to change this to a seperate low priority request queue action(m_writeDataFromRequestQueueToL2Cache, "m", desc="Write data from response queue to cache") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; } } action(x_copyDataFromL2CacheToTBE, "x", desc="Copy data from cache to TBE") { L2_TBEs[address].DataBlk := getL2CacheEntry(address).DataBlk; } action(y_dataFromTBEToRequestor, "y", desc="Send data from TBE to requestor") { peek(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks := in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.RequestorMachId); out_msg.DataBlk := L2_TBEs[address].DataBlk; DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Address); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.DataBlk); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data; } } } action(zz_sendAckToQueuedInvalidator, "\z", desc="Send ack to invalidator") { if (L2_TBEs[address].validInvalidator) { enqueue(responseIntraChipL2Network_out, ResponseMsg, latency="L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.SenderMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(L2_TBEs[address].InvalidatorID); DEBUG_EXPR(out_msg.Destination); out_msg.NumPendingExtAcks := 0; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; } } } action(z_stall, "z", desc="Stall") { } action(yy_recordInvalidatorID, "\y", desc="Record Invalidator for future response") { peek(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { L2_TBEs[address].InvalidatorID := in_msg.RequestorMachId; L2_TBEs[address].validInvalidator := true; } } action(dd_recordGetSForwardID, "\d", desc="Record forwarded GetS for future forwarding") { peek(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetS_IDs.add(in_msg.RequestorMachId); } } action(ss_recordGetSL1ID, "\s", desc="Record forwarded L1 GetS for load response") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetS_IDs.add(in_msg.RequestorMachId); } } action(ii_recordGetXForwardID, "\i", desc="Record forwarded GetX and ack count for future forwarding") { peek(forwardedRequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { L2_TBEs[address].Forward_GetX_ID := in_msg.RequestorMachId; L2_TBEs[address].ForwardGetX_AckCount := in_msg.NumPendingExtAcks; L2_TBEs[address].validForwardedGetXId := true; } } action(xx_recordGetXL1ID, "\x", desc="Record L1 GetX for store response") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { L2_TBEs[address].L1_GetX_ID := in_msg.RequestorMachId; } } action(set_setMRU, "\set", desc="set the MRU entry") { L2cacheMemory.setMRU(address); } action(bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers, "\bb", desc="Set number of pending acks equal to number of sharers") { L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingIntAcks := L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers.count(); } action(ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne, "\dd", desc="Set number of pending acks equal to one") { L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingIntAcks := 1; } action(ccc_setPendingIntAcksMinusOne, "\cc", desc="Set number of pending acks equal to number of sharers minus one") { L2_TBEs[address].NumPendingIntAcks := L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers.count() - 1; } action(qq_allocateL2CacheBlock, "\q", desc="Set L2 cache tag equal to tag of block B.") { if (L2cacheMemory.isTagPresent(address) == false) { L2cacheMemory.allocate(address); } } action(rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock, "\r", desc="Deallocate L2 cache block. Sets the cache to not present, allowing a replacement in parallel with a fetch.") { L2cacheMemory.deallocate(address); } action(uu_profileMiss, "\u", desc="Profile the demand miss") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { //profile_L2Cache_miss(convertToGenericType(in_msg.Type), in_msg.AccessMode, MessageSizeTypeToInt(in_msg.MessageSize), in_msg.Prefetch, L1CacheMachIDToProcessorNum(in_msg.RequestorMachId)); } } action(ww_profileMissNoDir, "\w", desc="Profile this transition at the L2 because Dir won't see the request") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { profile_request(in_msg.L1CacheStateStr, getStateStr(address), "NA", getCoherenceRequestTypeStr(in_msg.Type)); } } action(v_issueInvalidateIntL1copyRequest, "v", desc="invalidate the L1 M copy") { enqueue(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; } } action(tt_issueSharedInvalidateIntL1copiesRequest, "\t", desc="invalidate all L1 S copies") { enqueue(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV_S; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; } } action(vv_issueInvalidateOtherIntL1copiesRequest, "\v", desc="invalidate other L1 copies not the local requestor") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { if ((L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers.count() > 1) || (L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers.isElement(in_msg.RequestorMachId) != true)) { enqueue(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:INV_S; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers; out_msg.Destination.remove(in_msg.RequestorMachId); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; } } } } action(g_issueDownGradeIntL1copiesRequest, "g", desc="DownGrade L1 copy") { enqueue(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_out, RequestMsg, latency="L2_REQUEST_LATENCY") { out_msg.Address := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:L1_DG; out_msg.RequestorMachId := machineID; out_msg.Destination := L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control; } } action(nn_addSharer, "\n", desc="Add L1 sharer to list") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { addSharer(address, in_msg.RequestorMachId); } } action(kk_removeRequestSharer, "\k", desc="Remove L1 Request sharer from list") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers.remove(in_msg.RequestorMachId); } } action(aa_removeResponseSharer, "\a", desc="Remove L1 Response sharer from list") { peek(responseIntraChipL2Network_in, ResponseMsg) { L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers.remove(in_msg.SenderMachId); } } action(ll_clearSharers, "\l", desc="Remove all L1 sharers from list") { peek(L1RequestIntraChipL2Network_in, RequestMsg) { L2cacheMemory[address].Sharers.clear(); } } //***************************************************** // TRANSITIONS //***************************************************** //=============================================== // STALLS // Stalls L2 Replacement and L1 PUT for all transient states transition({L2_IS, L2_ISZ, L2_ISI, L2_IMV, L2_MV, L2_IM, L2_IMO, L2_IMI, L2_IMZ, L2_IMOI, L2_IMOZ, L2_SIV, L2_SIC, L2_MIV, L2_MIN, L2_MIC, L2_MIT, L2_MO, L2_MOIC, L2_MOICR, L2_MOZ, L2_OIV, L2_OIN, L2_OIC, L2_OMV, L2_OM}, {L2_Replacement, L1_PUTX, L1_PUTX_last, L1_PUTS, L1_PUTS_last, L1_PUTX_old, L1_PUTS_old, }) { z_stall; } //=============================================== // old L1_PUT requests transition({L2_NP, L2_I, L2_S, L2_SS, L2_M, L2_MT, L2_O, L2_SO}, {L1_PUTX_old, L1_PUTS_old}) { w_sendPutAckToL1Cache; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } //=============================================== // BASE STATE - I // Transitions from I (Idle) transition({L2_NP,L2_I}, L2_Replacement) { rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition({L2_NP,L2_I}, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory, but not Forwards t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition({L2_NP,L2_I}, L1_GETS, L2_IS) { qq_allocateL2CacheBlock; ll_clearSharers; nn_addSharer; i_allocateTBE; ss_recordGetSL1ID; a_issueGETS; uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({L2_NP,L2_I}, L1_GET_INSTR, L2_IS) { qq_allocateL2CacheBlock; ll_clearSharers; nn_addSharer; i_allocateTBE; ss_recordGetSL1ID; f_issueGETINSTR; uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition({L2_NP,L2_I}, {L1_GETX, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others}, L2_IM) { // UPGRADE possible because L2_Replacement have higher priority qq_allocateL2CacheBlock; ll_clearSharers; nn_addSharer; i_allocateTBE; xx_recordGetXL1ID; b_issueGETX; uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } // Transitions from L2_IS // could see L2_INVs or more L1 requests transition(L2_IS, L2_INV, L2_ISI) { // could see an invalidate from the directory, but not Forwards t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IS, Data_ext_ack_0, L2_SS) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; h_issueLoadHit; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IS, {L1_GETS,L1_GET_INSTR}) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; ss_recordGetSL1ID; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_IS, L1_GETX, L2_ISZ) { // don't go there, just go to stall state z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_ISZ // could see L2_INVs or more L1 requests // stall all L1 requests, wait for data transition(L2_ISZ, L2_INV, L2_ISI) { // could see an invalidate from the directory, but not Forwards t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_ISZ, Data_ext_ack_0, L2_SS) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; h_issueLoadHit; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_ISZ, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_ISI, already sent the invalidate ack so can imediately go to I // - in ISI, could get data from the Proc whose GETX caused INV to go from IS to ISI // or, could get data from Dir if Dir's data lost race to Dir's INV // or, could get data from Dir, if my GETS took forever to get to Dir, and the GETX // processor already wrote it back transition(L2_ISI, Data_ext_ack_0, L2_I) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; oo_issueLoadHitInv; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_ISI, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory, but not Forwards t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_ISI, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // stall all L1 requests z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_IMV, waiting for int_acks // currently stall all request // could see forwards and/or more L1 requests transition(L2_IMV, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate for SS yy_recordInvalidatorID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } // stall all Forwarded request transition(L2_IMV, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR, Forwarded_GETX}) { z_stall; } // stall all L1 request transition(L2_IMV, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others}) { z_stall; } transition(L2_IMV, {Data_ext_ack_0, Data_ext_ack_not_0_last}, L2_MV) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMV, Data_ext_ack_not_0) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks; mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMV, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMV, Proc_last_ext_ack, L2_MV) { n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMV, Proc_int_ack) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMV, Proc_last_int_ack, L2_IM) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; zz_sendAckToQueuedInvalidator; } // Transitions from L2_MV, waiting for int_acks // external world gave us write permission // stall all Forwarded request transition(L2_MV, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR, Forwarded_GETX}) { z_stall; } // stall all L1 request transition(L2_MV, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others}) { z_stall; } transition(L2_MV, Proc_int_ack) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_MV, Proc_last_int_ack, L2_MT) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; hh_issueStoreHit; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // Transitions from L2_IM, waiting for external data before going to MT state // could see forwards and/or more L1 requests transition(L2_IM, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory (earlier epoch) t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IM, {Forwarded_GETS,Forwarded_GET_INSTR}, L2_IMO) { // could see Forwards, if directory responses get out-of-order dd_recordGetSForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IM, {L1_GETS,L1_GET_INSTR}, L2_IMO) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; ss_recordGetSL1ID; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_IM, Forwarded_GETX, L2_IMI) { // could see Forwards, if directory requests get ahead of responses ii_recordGetXForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IM, L1_GETX, L2_IMZ) { // don't go there, just go to stall state z_stall; } transition(L2_IM, {Data_ext_ack_0, Data_ext_ack_not_0_last}, L2_MT) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; hh_issueStoreHit; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IM, Data_ext_ack_not_0) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks; mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IM, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IM, Proc_last_ext_ack, L2_MT) { hh_issueStoreHit; n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // transitions from L2_IMO transition(L2_IMO, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory (earlier epoch) t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IMO, {Forwarded_GETS,Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { // could see Forwards dd_recordGetSForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IMO, Forwarded_GETX, L2_IMOI) { // could see Forwards ii_recordGetXForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IMO, {L1_GETS,L1_GET_INSTR}) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; ss_recordGetSL1ID; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_IMO, L1_GETX, L2_IMOZ) { z_stall; } transition(L2_IMO, {Data_ext_ack_0, Data_ext_ack_not_0_last}, L2_MO) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; cc_issueStoreHitDG; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMO, Data_ext_ack_not_0) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks; mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMO, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMO, Proc_last_ext_ack, L2_MO) { n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop; cc_issueStoreHitDG; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // transitions from L2_IMI // the directory put us in this state so it should tell us nothing (i.e. don't worry about INV or Forwards) // stall all L1 request transition(L2_IMI, {Data_ext_ack_0, Data_ext_ack_not_0_last}, L2_MIC) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; pp_issueStoreHitInv; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMI, Data_ext_ack_not_0) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks; mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMI, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMI, Proc_last_ext_ack, L2_MIC) { n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop; pp_issueStoreHitInv; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMI, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // stall all L1 requests z_stall; } // transistions from L2_IMZ // just wait for all acks and data // stall on all requests // NOTE: A performance option might be possible to go into M state instead of MT transition(L2_IMZ, {Data_ext_ack_0, Data_ext_ack_not_0_last}, L2_MT) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; hh_issueStoreHit; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMZ, Data_ext_ack_not_0) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks; mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMZ, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMZ, Proc_last_ext_ack, L2_MT) { hh_issueStoreHit; n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMZ, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory (earlier epoch) t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IMZ, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR, Forwarded_GETX, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { z_stall; } // transitions from L2_IMOI // the directory put us in this state so it should tell us nothing (i.e. don't worry about INV or Forwards) // stall all L1 requests transition(L2_IMOI, {Data_ext_ack_0, Data_ext_ack_not_0_last}, L2_MOICR) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; pp_issueStoreHitInv; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMOI, Data_ext_ack_not_0) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks; mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMOI, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMOI, Proc_last_ext_ack, L2_MOICR) { n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop; pp_issueStoreHitInv; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMOI, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // stall all L1 requests z_stall; } // transitions from L2_IMOZ // just wait for all acks and data // stall on all requests transition(L2_IMOZ, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory (earlier epoch) t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_IMOZ, {Data_ext_ack_0, Data_ext_ack_not_0_last}, L2_MOZ) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; cc_issueStoreHitDG; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; c_finalAckToDirIfNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMOZ, Data_ext_ack_not_0) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; p_addNumberOfPendingExtAcks; mm_rememberIfFinalAckNeeded; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMOZ, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_IMOZ, Proc_last_ext_ack, L2_MOZ) { cc_issueStoreHitDG; ddd_setPendingIntAcksToOne; n_sendFinalAckIfThreeHop; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // stall on all requests transition(L2_IMOZ, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR, Forwarded_GETX, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { z_stall; } // =============================================== // BASE STATE - S // Transitions from S, no L1 copies transition(L2_S, L2_Replacement, L2_I) { rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(L2_S, L2_INV, L2_I) { // could see an invalidate from the directory, but not Forwards t_sendAckToInvalidator; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_S, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}, L2_SS) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; k_dataFromL2CacheToL1Requestor; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_S, L1_GETX, L2_IM) { set_setMRU; nn_addSharer; i_allocateTBE; xx_recordGetXL1ID; b_issueGETX; uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } // BASE STATE - SS // Transitions from SS, L1 copies transition(L2_SS, L2_Replacement, L2_SIV) { i_allocateTBE; // for internal request bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; tt_issueSharedInvalidateIntL1copiesRequest; } transition(L2_SS, L2_INV, L2_SIC) { i_allocateTBE; // for internal request yy_recordInvalidatorID; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; tt_issueSharedInvalidateIntL1copiesRequest; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_SS, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; k_dataFromL2CacheToL1Requestor; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SS, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L2_IM) { set_setMRU; i_allocateTBE; // for both ext. and int. xx_recordGetXL1ID; b_issueGETX; // for external uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SS, L1_UPGRADE, L2_IMV) { set_setMRU; i_allocateTBE; // for both ext. and int. xx_recordGetXL1ID; ccc_setPendingIntAcksMinusOne; vv_issueInvalidateOtherIntL1copiesRequest; // for internal b_issueGETX; // for external uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SS, L1_GETX, L2_IMV) { set_setMRU; i_allocateTBE; // for both ext. and int. xx_recordGetXL1ID; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; vv_issueInvalidateOtherIntL1copiesRequest; // for internal nn_addSharer; b_issueGETX; // for external uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SS, L1_PUTS) { ww_profileMissNoDir; w_sendPutAckToL1Cache; kk_removeRequestSharer; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SS, L1_PUTS_last, L2_S) { ww_profileMissNoDir; w_sendPutAckToL1Cache; kk_removeRequestSharer; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } // Transitions from SIC - Initiated by an invalidate transition(L2_SIC, Proc_int_ack) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_SIC, Proc_last_int_ack, L2_I) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; zz_sendAckToQueuedInvalidator; s_deallocateTBE; } transition(L2_SIC, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory, but not Forwards l_popForwardedRequestQueue; // ignore: already know an ack must be sent to the directory } transition(L2_SIC, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L1_GETX}) { // stall on all L1 requests z_stall; } // Transitions from SIV - initiated by a L2_Replacement transition(L2_SIV, Proc_int_ack) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_SIV, Proc_last_int_ack, L2_I) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; s_deallocateTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(L2_SIV, L2_INV) { // could see an invalidate from the directory, but not Forwards z_stall; // guarenteed to receive all acks thus moving the state to I where the L2_INV can be handled } transition(L2_SIV, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L1_GETX}) { // stall on all L1 requests z_stall; } // =============================================== // BASE STATE - M // Transitions from M, no L1 copies transition(L2_M, L2_Replacement, L2_MIN) { i_allocateTBE; d_issuePUTX; x_copyDataFromL2CacheToTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(L2_M, {Forwarded_GETS,Forwarded_GET_INSTR}, L2_O) { // can see forwards, not inv e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_M, Forwarded_GETX, L2_I) { // can see forwards, not inv e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_M, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}, L2_SO) { // FIXME FOR BETTER PERFORMANCE - an E state would be nice here set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; k_dataFromL2CacheToL1Requestor; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_M, L1_GETX, L2_MT) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; k_dataFromL2CacheToL1Requestor; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } // BASE STATE - MT // Transitions from MT, M L1 copy transition(L2_MT, L2_Replacement, L2_MIV) { i_allocateTBE; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; v_issueInvalidateIntL1copyRequest; } transition(L2_MT, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR}, L2_MO) { // can see forwards, not inv i_allocateTBE; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; g_issueDownGradeIntL1copiesRequest; dd_recordGetSForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MT, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}, L2_MO) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; i_allocateTBE; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; g_issueDownGradeIntL1copiesRequest; ss_recordGetSL1ID; nn_addSharer; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_MT, Forwarded_GETX, L2_MIC) { // can see forwards, not inv i_allocateTBE; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; v_issueInvalidateIntL1copyRequest; ii_recordGetXForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MT, L1_GETX, L2_MIT) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; i_allocateTBE; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; v_issueInvalidateIntL1copyRequest; nn_addSharer; xx_recordGetXL1ID; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_MT, L1_PUTX_last, L2_M) { ww_profileMissNoDir; w_sendPutAckToL1Cache; kk_removeRequestSharer; m_writeDataFromRequestQueueToL2Cache; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } // Transitions from L2_MIV, waiting for local L1 response transition(L2_MIV, Data_int_ack, L2_MIN) { aa_removeResponseSharer; u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; bb_dataFromL2CacheToGetSForwardIDs; // likely won't send any messages gg_dataFromL2CacheToGetXForwardID; // likely won't send any messages d_issuePUTX; x_copyDataFromL2CacheToTBE; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_MIV, {Forwarded_GETS,Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { // could see Forwards dd_recordGetSForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MIV, Forwarded_GETX) { // could see Forwards ii_recordGetXForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MIV, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // stall on all L1 requests z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_MIN, waiting for directory ack transition(L2_MIN, {Forwarded_GETS,Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { // could see Forwards y_dataFromTBEToRequestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MIN, Forwarded_GETX) { // could see Forwards y_dataFromTBEToRequestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MIN, Dir_WB_ack, L2_I) { s_deallocateTBE; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MIN, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // stall all L1 requests z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_MIC, waiting for local L1 response // Directory put us in this state with a forwarded GetX // therefore we shouldn't see anymore forwards // we stall on all L1 requests transition(L2_MIC, Data_int_ack, L2_I) { aa_removeResponseSharer; u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; gg_dataFromL2CacheToGetXForwardID; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_MIC, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // stall all L1 requests z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_MIT, waiting for local L1 response // A local L1 request put us in this state, so any request are possible // we currently stall all requests because of the ugly recursive path it could lead us on // removing some of the blocking here could have major performance benefits // however one must be careful not to violate cache coherence transition(L2_MIT, Data_int_ack, L2_MT) { aa_removeResponseSharer; u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; hh_issueStoreHit; // internal requestor s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // stall all requests transition(L2_MIT, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR, Forwarded_GETX, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { z_stall; } // Transistion from L2_MO, waiting for local L1 data response // a GetS request put us in this state // stall must stall if we get a GETX request transition(L2_MO, Data_int_ack, L2_SO) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; ee_dataFromL2CacheToGetSIDs; // could be an internal or external requestor s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_MO, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { // can see forwards, not inv dd_recordGetSForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MO, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; ss_recordGetSL1ID; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_MO, Forwarded_GETX, L2_MOIC) { // can see forwards, not inv ii_recordGetXForwardID; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_MO, {L1_GETX, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others}, L2_MOZ) { // don't go there, just go to a stall state z_stall; } // Transistion from L2_MOIC // a Forwarded_GETX put us here so we should not see any more forwards // stall on all L1 requests, once data is received send new data to all queued up L1 shares // then immediately send invalidate request to those new L1 shared copies // // KEY DIFFERENCE: L2_MOICR assumes the L1 data responder moved to I state and removes the sharer, // while L2_MOIC assumes the L1 data responder moved to S state and doesn't remove the sharer transition(L2_MOIC, Data_int_ack, L2_OIC) { // need only one ack u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; ee_dataFromL2CacheToGetSIDs; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; tt_issueSharedInvalidateIntL1copiesRequest; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_MOIC, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others}) { z_stall; } // Transistion from L2_MOICR // a Forwarded_GETX put us here so we should not see any more forwards // stall on all L1 requests, once data is received send new data to all queued up L1 shares // then immediately send invalidate request to those new L1 shared copies // // KEY DIFFERENCE: L2_MOICR assumes the L1 data responder moved to I state and removes the sharer, // while L2_MOIC assumes the L1 data responder moved to S state and doesn't remove the sharer transition(L2_MOICR, Data_int_ack, L2_OIC) { // need only one ack aa_removeResponseSharer; u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; ee_dataFromL2CacheToGetSIDs; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; tt_issueSharedInvalidateIntL1copiesRequest; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_MOICR, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { z_stall; } // L2_MOZ // simply wait on data // stall on everything transition(L2_MOZ, Data_int_ack, L2_SO) { u_writeDataFromResponseQueueToL2Cache; ee_dataFromL2CacheToGetSIDs; // could be an internal or external requestor s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // stall everything transition(L2_MOZ, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR, Forwarded_GETX, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX, L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others}) { z_stall; } // =============================================== // BASE STATE - O // Transitions from L2_O, only block cached on the chip transition(L2_O, L2_Replacement, L2_OIN){ i_allocateTBE; x_copyDataFromL2CacheToTBE; d_issuePUTX; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(L2_O, {Forwarded_GETS,Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_O, Forwarded_GETX, L2_I) { e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_O, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}, L2_SO) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; k_dataFromL2CacheToL1Requestor; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_O, L1_GETX, L2_OM) { set_setMRU; nn_addSharer; i_allocateTBE; xx_recordGetXL1ID; b_issueGETX; uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } // BASE STATE - SO // Transitions from L2_SO, other valid L1 cached copies transition(L2_SO, L2_Replacement, L2_OIV){ i_allocateTBE; x_copyDataFromL2CacheToTBE; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; tt_issueSharedInvalidateIntL1copiesRequest; } transition(L2_SO, {Forwarded_GETS,Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_SO, Forwarded_GETX, L2_OIC) { i_allocateTBE; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; ii_recordGetXForwardID; tt_issueSharedInvalidateIntL1copiesRequest; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_SO, {L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}) { set_setMRU; ww_profileMissNoDir; nn_addSharer; k_dataFromL2CacheToL1Requestor; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SO, L1_UPGRADE, L2_OMV) { set_setMRU; nn_addSharer; i_allocateTBE; xx_recordGetXL1ID; ccc_setPendingIntAcksMinusOne; vv_issueInvalidateOtherIntL1copiesRequest; // for internal b_issueGETX; // for external uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SO, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L2_OM) { set_setMRU; i_allocateTBE; xx_recordGetXL1ID; b_issueGETX; // for external uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SO, L1_GETX, L2_OMV) { set_setMRU; i_allocateTBE; xx_recordGetXL1ID; bbb_setPendingIntAcksToSharers; vv_issueInvalidateOtherIntL1copiesRequest; nn_addSharer; b_issueGETX; // for external uu_profileMiss; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SO, {L1_PUTS, L1_PUTX}) { // PUTX possible because L2 downgraded before seeing PUTX ww_profileMissNoDir; w_sendPutAckToL1Cache; kk_removeRequestSharer; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } transition(L2_SO, {L1_PUTS_last, L1_PUTX_last}, L2_O) { // PUTX possible because L2 downgraded before seeing PUTX ww_profileMissNoDir; w_sendPutAckToL1Cache; kk_removeRequestSharer; jj_popL1RequestQueue; } // Transitions from L2_OIV // L2 replacement put us here, we must stall all L1 requests transition(L2_OIV, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { y_dataFromTBEToRequestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OIV, Forwarded_GETX) { z_stall; } transition(L2_OIV, Proc_int_ack) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_OIV, Proc_last_int_ack, L2_OIN) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks o_popIncomingResponseQueue; d_issuePUTX; rr_deallocateL2CacheBlock; } transition(L2_OIV, {L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L1_GETX, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}) { // stall L1 requests z_stall; } // transitions from L2_OIN // L2 replacement put us here, we must stall all L1 requests transition(L2_OIN, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR, Forwarded_GETX}) { y_dataFromTBEToRequestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OIN, Dir_WB_ack, L2_I) { s_deallocateTBE; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OIN, {L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L1_GETX, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}) { // stall L1 requests z_stall; } // transitions from L2_OIC // directory put us in this state, should not see any forwards // we must stall all L1 requests transition(L2_OIC, Proc_int_ack) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_OIC, Proc_last_int_ack, L2_I) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks gg_dataFromL2CacheToGetXForwardID; s_deallocateTBE; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_OIC, {L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L1_GETX, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR}) { // stall L1 requests z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_OMV, // int_acks needed // waiting to see our Forwarded GETX from the directory // if we see the Forwarded GETX before all invalidates received, stall // stall all L1 requests transition(L2_OMV, Proc_int_ack) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_OMV, Proc_last_int_ack, L2_OM) { aa_removeResponseSharer; r_decrementNumberOfPendingIntAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_OMV, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_OMV, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { // these are GetS that beat us to the directory e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OMV, Dir_exe_ack, L2_MV) { l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OMV, Forwarded_GETX) { // the Forwarded GetX may or may not be ours, we can't respond until int_acks received z_stall; } transition(L2_OMV, {L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // must stall all L1 requests z_stall; } // Transitions from L2_OM, // all L1 copies invalid, no int_acks needed // waiting to see our Forwarded GETX from the directory // once we see the Forwarded GETX, we can move to IM and wait for the data_ack // stall all L1 requests transition(L2_OM, Proc_ext_ack) { q_decrementNumberOfPendingExtAcks; o_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L2_OM, {Forwarded_GETS, Forwarded_GET_INSTR}) { // these are GetS that beat us to the directory e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OM, Forwarded_GETX, L2_IM) { // the Forwarded GetX may or may not be ours e_dataFromL2CacheToL2Requestor; // we're probably sending a message to ourselves here, but not guarenteed l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OM, Dir_exe_ack, L2_MT) { // Directory tells us we already have an exclusive copy hh_issueStoreHit; s_deallocateTBE; l_popForwardedRequestQueue; } transition(L2_OM, {L1_UPGRADE, L1_UPGRADE_no_others, L1_GETS, L1_GET_INSTR, L1_GETX}) { // must stall all L1 requests z_stall; } }