/* * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Matteo Andreozzi */ #include "debug/QOS.hh" #include "mem/abstract_mem.hh" #include "mem/qos/q_policy.hh" #include "mem/qos/policy.hh" #include "params/QoSMemCtrl.hh" #include "sim/system.hh" #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> #include <deque> #ifndef __MEM_QOS_MEM_CTRL_HH__ #define __MEM_QOS_MEM_CTRL_HH__ namespace QoS { /** * The QoS::MemCtrl is a base class for Memory objects * which support QoS - it provides access to a set of QoS * scheduling policies */ class MemCtrl: public AbstractMemory { public: /** Bus Direction */ enum BusState { READ, WRITE }; protected: /** QoS Policy, assigns QoS priority to the incoming packets */ const std::unique_ptr<Policy> policy; /** QoS Bus Turnaround Policy: selects the bus direction (READ/WRITE) */ const std::unique_ptr<TurnaroundPolicy> turnPolicy; /** QoS Queue Policy: selects packet among same-priority queue */ const std::unique_ptr<QueuePolicy> queuePolicy; /** Number of configured QoS priorities */ const uint8_t _numPriorities; /** Enables QoS priority escalation */ const bool qosPriorityEscalation; /** * Enables QoS synchronized scheduling invokes the QoS scheduler * on all masters, at every packet arrival. */ const bool qosSyncroScheduler; /** Hash of master ID - master name */ std::unordered_map<MasterID, const std::string> masters; /** Hash of masters - number of packets queued per priority */ std::unordered_map<MasterID, std::vector<uint64_t> > packetPriorities; /** Hash of masters - address of request - queue of times of request */ std::unordered_map<MasterID, std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::deque<uint64_t>> > requestTimes; /** * Vector of QoS priorities/last service time. Refreshed at every * qosSchedule call. */ std::vector<Tick> serviceTick; /** Read request packets queue length in #packets, per QoS priority */ std::vector<uint64_t> readQueueSizes; /** Write request packets queue length in #packets, per QoS priority */ std::vector<uint64_t> writeQueueSizes; /** Total read request packets queue length in #packets */ uint64_t totalReadQueueSize; /** Total write request packets queue length in #packets */ uint64_t totalWriteQueueSize; /** * Bus state used to control the read/write switching and drive * the scheduling of the next request. */ BusState busState; /** bus state for next request event triggered */ BusState busStateNext; struct MemCtrlStats : public Stats::Group { MemCtrlStats(MemCtrl &mc); void regStats() override; const MemCtrl &memCtrl; /** per-master average QoS priority */ Stats::VectorStandardDeviation avgPriority; /** * per-master average QoS distance between assigned and * queued values */ Stats::VectorStandardDeviation avgPriorityDistance; /** per-priority minimum latency */ Stats::Vector priorityMinLatency; /** per-priority maximum latency */ Stats::Vector priorityMaxLatency; /** Count the number of turnarounds READ to WRITE */ Stats::Scalar numReadWriteTurnArounds; /** Count the number of turnarounds WRITE to READ */ Stats::Scalar numWriteReadTurnArounds; /** Count the number of times bus staying in READ state */ Stats::Scalar numStayReadState; /** Count the number of times bus staying in WRITE state */ Stats::Scalar numStayWriteState; } stats; /** * Initializes dynamically counters and * statistics for a given Master * * @param m_id the master ID */ void addMaster(const MasterID m_id); /** * Called upon receiving a request or * updates statistics and updates queues status * * @param dir request direction * @param m_id master id * @param qos packet qos value * @param addr packet address * @param entries number of entries to record */ void logRequest(BusState dir, MasterID m_id, uint8_t qos, Addr addr, uint64_t entries); /** * Called upon receiving a response, * updates statistics and updates queues status * * @param dir response direction * @param m_id master id * @param qos packet qos value * @param addr packet address * @param entries number of entries to record * @param delay response delay */ void logResponse(BusState dir, MasterID m_id, uint8_t qos, Addr addr, uint64_t entries, double delay); /** * Assign priority to a packet by executing * the configured QoS policy. * * @param queues_ptr list of pointers to packet queues * @param queue_entry_size size in bytes per each packet in the queue * @param pkt pointer to the Packet * @return a QoS priority value */ template<typename Queues> uint8_t qosSchedule(std::initializer_list<Queues*> queues_ptr, uint64_t queue_entry_size, const PacketPtr pkt); using SimObject::schedule; uint8_t schedule(MasterID m_id, uint64_t data); uint8_t schedule(const PacketPtr pkt); /** * Returns next bus direction (READ or WRITE) * based on configured policy. */ BusState selectNextBusState(); /** * Set current bus direction (READ or WRITE) * from next selected one */ void setCurrentBusState() { busState = busStateNext; } /** * Record statistics on turnarounds based on * busStateNext and busState values */ void recordTurnaroundStats(); /** * Escalates/demotes priority of all packets * belonging to the passed master to given * priority value * * @param queues list of pointers to packet queues * @param queue_entry_size size of an entry in the queue * @param m_id master whose packets priority will change * @param tgt_prio target priority value */ template<typename Queues> void escalate(std::initializer_list<Queues*> queues, uint64_t queue_entry_size, MasterID m_id, uint8_t tgt_prio); /** * Escalates/demotes priority of all packets * belonging to the passed master to given * priority value in a specified cluster of queues * (e.g. read queues or write queues) which is passed * as an argument to the function. * The curr_prio/tgt_prio parameters are queue selectors in the * queue cluster. * * @param queues reference to packet queues * @param queue_entry_size size of an entry in the queue * @param m_id master whose packets priority will change * @param curr_prio source queue priority value * @param tgt_prio target queue priority value */ template<typename Queues> void escalateQueues(Queues& queues, uint64_t queue_entry_size, MasterID m_id, uint8_t curr_prio, uint8_t tgt_prio); public: /** * QoS Memory base class * * @param p pointer to QoSMemCtrl parameters */ MemCtrl(const QoSMemCtrlParams*); virtual ~MemCtrl(); /** * Initializes this object */ void init() override; /** * Gets the current bus state * * @return current bus state */ BusState getBusState() const { return busState; } /** * Gets the next bus state * * @return next bus state */ BusState getBusStateNext() const { return busStateNext; } /** * hasMaster returns true if the selected master(ID) has * been registered in the memory controller, which happens if * the memory controller has received at least a packet from * that master. * * @param m_id master id to lookup * @return true if the memory controller has received a packet * from the master, false otherwise. */ bool hasMaster(MasterID m_id) const { return masters.find(m_id) != masters.end(); } /** * Gets a READ queue size * * @param prio QoS Priority of the queue * @return queue size in packets */ uint64_t getReadQueueSize(const uint8_t prio) const { return readQueueSizes[prio]; } /** * Gets a WRITE queue size * * @param prio QoS Priority of the queue * @return queue size in packets */ uint64_t getWriteQueueSize(const uint8_t prio) const { return writeQueueSizes[prio]; } /** * Gets the total combined READ queues size * * @return total queues size in packets */ uint64_t getTotalReadQueueSize() const { return totalReadQueueSize; } /** * Gets the total combined WRITE queues size * * @return total queues size in packets */ uint64_t getTotalWriteQueueSize() const { return totalWriteQueueSize; } /** * Gets the last service tick related to a QoS Priority * * @param prio QoS Priority * @return tick */ Tick getServiceTick(const uint8_t prio) const { return serviceTick[prio]; } /** * Gets the total number of priority levels in the * QoS memory controller. * * @return total number of priority levels */ uint8_t numPriorities() const { return _numPriorities; } }; template<typename Queues> void MemCtrl::escalateQueues(Queues& queues, uint64_t queue_entry_size, MasterID m_id, uint8_t curr_prio, uint8_t tgt_prio) { auto it = queues[curr_prio].begin(); while (it != queues[curr_prio].end()) { // No packets left to move if (packetPriorities[m_id][curr_prio] == 0) break; auto pkt = *it; DPRINTF(QOS, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate checking priority %d packet " "m_id %d address %d\n", curr_prio, pkt->masterId(), pkt->getAddr()); // Found a packet to move if (pkt->masterId() == m_id) { uint64_t moved_entries = divCeil(pkt->getSize(), queue_entry_size); DPRINTF(QOS, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate Master %s [id %d] moving " "packet addr %d size %d (p size %d) from priority %d " "to priority %d - " "this master packets %d (entries to move %d)\n", masters[m_id], m_id, pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize(), queue_entry_size, curr_prio, tgt_prio, packetPriorities[m_id][curr_prio], moved_entries); if (pkt->isRead()) { panic_if(readQueueSizes[curr_prio] < moved_entries, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate master %s negative READ " "packets for priority %d", masters[m_id], tgt_prio); readQueueSizes[curr_prio] -= moved_entries; readQueueSizes[tgt_prio] += moved_entries; } else if (pkt->isWrite()) { panic_if(writeQueueSizes[curr_prio] < moved_entries, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate master %s negative WRITE " "packets for priority %d", masters[m_id], tgt_prio); writeQueueSizes[curr_prio] -= moved_entries; writeQueueSizes[tgt_prio] += moved_entries; } // Change QoS priority and move packet pkt->qosValue(tgt_prio); queues[tgt_prio].push_back(pkt); // Erase element from source packet queue, this will // increment the iterator it = queues[curr_prio].erase(it); panic_if(packetPriorities[m_id][curr_prio] < moved_entries, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate master %s negative packets " "for priority %d", masters[m_id], tgt_prio); packetPriorities[m_id][curr_prio] -= moved_entries; packetPriorities[m_id][tgt_prio] += moved_entries; } else { // Increment iterator to next location in the queue it++; } } } template<typename Queues> void MemCtrl::escalate(std::initializer_list<Queues*> queues, uint64_t queue_entry_size, MasterID m_id, uint8_t tgt_prio) { // If needed, initialize all counters and statistics // for this master addMaster(m_id); DPRINTF(QOS, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate Master %s [id %d] to priority " "%d (currently %d packets)\n",masters[m_id], m_id, tgt_prio, packetPriorities[m_id][tgt_prio]); for (uint8_t curr_prio = 0; curr_prio < numPriorities(); ++curr_prio) { // Skip target priority if (curr_prio == tgt_prio) continue; // Process other priority packet while (packetPriorities[m_id][curr_prio] > 0) { DPRINTF(QOS, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate MID %d checking priority %d " "(packets %d)- current packets in prio %d: %d\n" "\t(source read %d source write %d target read %d, " "target write %d)\n", m_id, curr_prio, packetPriorities[m_id][curr_prio], tgt_prio, packetPriorities[m_id][tgt_prio], readQueueSizes[curr_prio], writeQueueSizes[curr_prio], readQueueSizes[tgt_prio], writeQueueSizes[tgt_prio]); // Check both read and write queue for (auto q : queues) { escalateQueues(*q, queue_entry_size, m_id, curr_prio, tgt_prio); } } } DPRINTF(QOS, "QoSMemCtrl::escalate Completed master %s [id %d] to priority %d " "(now %d packets)\n\t(total read %d, total write %d)\n", masters[m_id], m_id, tgt_prio, packetPriorities[m_id][tgt_prio], readQueueSizes[tgt_prio], writeQueueSizes[tgt_prio]); } template<typename Queues> uint8_t MemCtrl::qosSchedule(std::initializer_list<Queues*> queues, const uint64_t queue_entry_size, const PacketPtr pkt) { // Schedule packet. uint8_t pkt_priority = schedule(pkt); assert(pkt_priority < numPriorities()); pkt->qosValue(pkt_priority); if (qosSyncroScheduler) { // Call the scheduling function on all other masters. for (const auto& m : masters) { if (m.first == pkt->masterId()) continue; uint8_t prio = schedule(m.first, 0); if (qosPriorityEscalation) { DPRINTF(QOS, "QoSMemCtrl::qosSchedule: (syncro) escalating " "MASTER %s to assigned priority %d\n", _system->getMasterName(m.first), prio); escalate(queues, queue_entry_size, m.first, prio); } } } if (qosPriorityEscalation) { DPRINTF(QOS, "QoSMemCtrl::qosSchedule: escalating " "MASTER %s to assigned priority %d\n", _system->getMasterName(pkt->masterId()), pkt_priority); escalate(queues, queue_entry_size, pkt->masterId(), pkt_priority); } // Update last service tick for selected priority serviceTick[pkt_priority] = curTick(); return pkt_priority; } } // namespace QoS #endif /* __MEM_QOS_MEM_CTRL_HH__ */