/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "base/cprintf.hh" #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/stl_helpers.hh" #include "debug/RubyQueue.hh" #include "mem/ruby/buffers/MessageBuffer.hh" #include "mem/ruby/system/System.hh" using namespace std; using m5::stl_helpers::operator<<; MessageBuffer::MessageBuffer(const string &name) : m_time_last_time_size_checked(0), m_time_last_time_enqueue(0), m_time_last_time_pop(0), m_last_arrival_time(0) { m_msg_counter = 0; m_consumer = NULL; m_sender = NULL; m_receiver = NULL; m_ordering_set = false; m_strict_fifo = true; m_max_size = -1; m_randomization = true; m_size_last_time_size_checked = 0; m_size_at_cycle_start = 0; m_msgs_this_cycle = 0; m_not_avail_count = 0; m_priority_rank = 0; m_name = name; m_stall_msg_map.clear(); m_input_link_id = 0; m_vnet_id = 0; } int MessageBuffer::getSize() { if (m_time_last_time_size_checked != m_receiver->curCycle()) { m_time_last_time_size_checked = m_receiver->curCycle(); m_size_last_time_size_checked = m_prio_heap.size(); } return m_size_last_time_size_checked; } bool MessageBuffer::areNSlotsAvailable(int n) { // fast path when message buffers have infinite size if (m_max_size == -1) { return true; } // determine the correct size for the current cycle // pop operations shouldn't effect the network's visible size // until next cycle, but enqueue operations effect the visible // size immediately unsigned int current_size = 0; if (m_time_last_time_pop < m_receiver->curCycle()) { // no pops this cycle - heap size is correct current_size = m_prio_heap.size(); } else { if (m_time_last_time_enqueue < m_receiver->curCycle()) { // no enqueues this cycle - m_size_at_cycle_start is correct current_size = m_size_at_cycle_start; } else { // both pops and enqueues occured this cycle - add new // enqueued msgs to m_size_at_cycle_start current_size = m_size_at_cycle_start + m_msgs_this_cycle; } } // now compare the new size with our max size if (current_size + n <= m_max_size) { return true; } else { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "n: %d, current_size: %d, heap size: %d, " "m_max_size: %d\n", n, current_size, m_prio_heap.size(), m_max_size); m_not_avail_count++; return false; } } const MsgPtr MessageBuffer::getMsgPtrCopy() const { assert(isReady()); return m_prio_heap.front().m_msgptr->clone(); } const Message* MessageBuffer::peekAtHeadOfQueue() const { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Peeking at head of queue.\n"); assert(isReady()); const Message* msg_ptr = m_prio_heap.front().m_msgptr.get(); assert(msg_ptr); DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Message: %s\n", (*msg_ptr)); return msg_ptr; } // FIXME - move me somewhere else Cycles random_time() { Cycles time(1); time += Cycles(random() & 0x3); // [0...3] if ((random() & 0x7) == 0) { // 1 in 8 chance time += Cycles(100 + (random() % 0xf)); // 100 + [1...15] } return time; } void MessageBuffer::enqueue(MsgPtr message, Cycles delta) { m_msg_counter++; // record current time incase we have a pop that also adjusts my size if (m_time_last_time_enqueue < m_sender->curCycle()) { m_msgs_this_cycle = 0; // first msg this cycle m_time_last_time_enqueue = m_sender->curCycle(); } m_msgs_this_cycle++; if (!m_ordering_set) { panic("Ordering property of %s has not been set", m_name); } // Calculate the arrival time of the message, that is, the first // cycle the message can be dequeued. assert(delta > 0); Tick current_time = m_sender->clockEdge(); Tick arrival_time = 0; if (!RubySystem::getRandomization() || (m_randomization == false)) { // No randomization arrival_time = current_time + delta * m_sender->clockPeriod(); } else { // Randomization - ignore delta if (m_strict_fifo) { if (m_last_arrival_time < current_time) { m_last_arrival_time = current_time; } arrival_time = m_last_arrival_time + random_time() * m_sender->clockPeriod(); } else { arrival_time = current_time + random_time() * m_sender->clockPeriod(); } } // Check the arrival time assert(arrival_time > current_time); if (m_strict_fifo) { if (arrival_time < m_last_arrival_time) { panic("FIFO ordering violated: %s name: %s current time: %d " "delta: %d arrival_time: %d last arrival_time: %d\n", *this, m_name, current_time, delta * m_sender->clockPeriod(), arrival_time, m_last_arrival_time); } } // If running a cache trace, don't worry about the last arrival checks if (!g_system_ptr->m_warmup_enabled) { m_last_arrival_time = arrival_time; } // compute the delay cycles and set enqueue time Message* msg_ptr = message.get(); assert(msg_ptr != NULL); assert(m_sender->clockEdge() >= msg_ptr->getLastEnqueueTime() && "ensure we aren't dequeued early"); msg_ptr->setDelayedTicks(m_sender->clockEdge() - msg_ptr->getLastEnqueueTime() + msg_ptr->getDelayedTicks()); msg_ptr->setLastEnqueueTime(arrival_time); // Insert the message into the priority heap MessageBufferNode thisNode(arrival_time, m_msg_counter, message); m_prio_heap.push_back(thisNode); push_heap(m_prio_heap.begin(), m_prio_heap.end(), greater()); DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Enqueue arrival_time: %lld, Message: %s\n", arrival_time, *(message.get())); // Schedule the wakeup if (m_consumer != NULL) { m_consumer->scheduleEventAbsolute(arrival_time); m_consumer->storeEventInfo(m_vnet_id); } else { panic("No consumer: %s name: %s\n", *this, m_name); } } Cycles MessageBuffer::dequeue_getDelayCycles(MsgPtr& message) { dequeue(message); return setAndReturnDelayCycles(message); } void MessageBuffer::dequeue(MsgPtr& message) { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Dequeueing\n"); message = m_prio_heap.front().m_msgptr; pop(); DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Enqueue message is %s\n", (*(message.get()))); } Cycles MessageBuffer::dequeue_getDelayCycles() { // get MsgPtr of the message about to be dequeued MsgPtr message = m_prio_heap.front().m_msgptr; // get the delay cycles Cycles delayCycles = setAndReturnDelayCycles(message); dequeue(); return delayCycles; } void MessageBuffer::pop() { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Popping\n"); assert(isReady()); // record previous size and time so the current buffer size isn't // adjusted until next cycle if (m_time_last_time_pop < m_receiver->curCycle()) { m_size_at_cycle_start = m_prio_heap.size(); m_time_last_time_pop = m_receiver->curCycle(); } pop_heap(m_prio_heap.begin(), m_prio_heap.end(), greater()); m_prio_heap.pop_back(); } void MessageBuffer::clear() { m_prio_heap.clear(); m_msg_counter = 0; m_time_last_time_enqueue = Cycles(0); m_time_last_time_pop = Cycles(0); m_size_at_cycle_start = 0; m_msgs_this_cycle = 0; } void MessageBuffer::recycle() { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Recycling.\n"); assert(isReady()); MessageBufferNode node = m_prio_heap.front(); pop_heap(m_prio_heap.begin(), m_prio_heap.end(), greater()); node.m_time = m_receiver->clockEdge(m_recycle_latency); m_prio_heap.back() = node; push_heap(m_prio_heap.begin(), m_prio_heap.end(), greater()); m_consumer-> scheduleEventAbsolute(m_receiver->clockEdge(m_recycle_latency)); } void MessageBuffer::reanalyzeMessages(const Address& addr) { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "ReanalyzeMessages\n"); assert(m_stall_msg_map.count(addr) > 0); Tick nextTick = m_receiver->clockEdge(Cycles(1)); // // Put all stalled messages associated with this address back on the // prio heap // while(!m_stall_msg_map[addr].empty()) { m_msg_counter++; MessageBufferNode msgNode(nextTick, m_msg_counter, m_stall_msg_map[addr].front()); m_prio_heap.push_back(msgNode); push_heap(m_prio_heap.begin(), m_prio_heap.end(), greater()); m_consumer->scheduleEventAbsolute(nextTick); m_stall_msg_map[addr].pop_front(); } m_stall_msg_map.erase(addr); } void MessageBuffer::reanalyzeAllMessages() { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "ReanalyzeAllMessages\n"); Tick nextTick = m_receiver->clockEdge(Cycles(1)); // // Put all stalled messages associated with this address back on the // prio heap // for (StallMsgMapType::iterator map_iter = m_stall_msg_map.begin(); map_iter != m_stall_msg_map.end(); ++map_iter) { while(!(map_iter->second).empty()) { m_msg_counter++; MessageBufferNode msgNode(nextTick, m_msg_counter, (map_iter->second).front()); m_prio_heap.push_back(msgNode); push_heap(m_prio_heap.begin(), m_prio_heap.end(), greater()); m_consumer->scheduleEventAbsolute(nextTick); (map_iter->second).pop_front(); } } m_stall_msg_map.clear(); } void MessageBuffer::stallMessage(const Address& addr) { DPRINTF(RubyQueue, "Stalling due to %s\n", addr); assert(isReady()); assert(addr.getOffset() == 0); MsgPtr message = m_prio_heap.front().m_msgptr; pop(); // // Note: no event is scheduled to analyze the map at a later time. // Instead the controller is responsible to call reanalyzeMessages when // these addresses change state. // (m_stall_msg_map[addr]).push_back(message); } Cycles MessageBuffer::setAndReturnDelayCycles(MsgPtr msg_ptr) { // get the delay cycles of the message at the top of the queue // this function should only be called on dequeue // ensure the msg hasn't been enqueued assert(msg_ptr->getLastEnqueueTime() <= m_receiver->clockEdge()); msg_ptr->setDelayedTicks(m_receiver->clockEdge() - msg_ptr->getLastEnqueueTime() + msg_ptr->getDelayedTicks()); return m_receiver->ticksToCycles(msg_ptr->getDelayedTicks()); } void MessageBuffer::print(ostream& out) const { ccprintf(out, "[MessageBuffer: "); if (m_consumer != NULL) { ccprintf(out, " consumer-yes "); } vector copy(m_prio_heap); sort_heap(copy.begin(), copy.end(), greater()); ccprintf(out, "%s] %s", copy, m_name); } void MessageBuffer::printStats(ostream& out) { out << "MessageBuffer: " << m_name << " stats - msgs:" << m_msg_counter << " full:" << m_not_avail_count << endl; } bool MessageBuffer::isReady() const { return ((m_prio_heap.size() > 0) && (m_prio_heap.front().m_time <= m_receiver->clockEdge())); } bool MessageBuffer::functionalRead(Packet *pkt) { // Check the priority heap and read any messages that may // correspond to the address in the packet. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_prio_heap.size(); ++i) { Message *msg = m_prio_heap[i].m_msgptr.get(); if (msg->functionalRead(pkt)) return true; } // Read the messages in the stall queue that correspond // to the address in the packet. for (StallMsgMapType::iterator map_iter = m_stall_msg_map.begin(); map_iter != m_stall_msg_map.end(); ++map_iter) { for (std::list::iterator it = (map_iter->second).begin(); it != (map_iter->second).end(); ++it) { Message *msg = (*it).get(); if (msg->functionalRead(pkt)) return true; } } return false; } uint32_t MessageBuffer::functionalWrite(Packet *pkt) { uint32_t num_functional_writes = 0; // Check the priority heap and write any messages that may // correspond to the address in the packet. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_prio_heap.size(); ++i) { Message *msg = m_prio_heap[i].m_msgptr.get(); if (msg->functionalWrite(pkt)) { num_functional_writes++; } } // Check the stall queue and write any messages that may // correspond to the address in the packet. for (StallMsgMapType::iterator map_iter = m_stall_msg_map.begin(); map_iter != m_stall_msg_map.end(); ++map_iter) { for (std::list::iterator it = (map_iter->second).begin(); it != (map_iter->second).end(); ++it) { Message *msg = (*it).get(); if (msg->functionalWrite(pkt)) { num_functional_writes++; } } } return num_functional_writes; }