// // This file has been modified by Kevin Moore and Dan Nussbaum of the // Scalable Systems Research Group at Sun Microsystems Laboratories // (http://research.sun.com/scalable/) to support the Adaptive // Transactional Memory Test Platform (ATMTP). For information about // ATMTP, see the GEMS website: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/gems/. // // Please send email to atmtp-interest@sun.com with feedback, questions, or // to request future announcements about ATMTP. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File modification date: 2008-02-23 // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ATMTP is distributed as part of the GEMS software toolset and is // available for use and modification under the terms of version 2 of the // GNU General Public License. The GNU General Public License is contained // in the file $GEMS/LICENSE. // // Multifacet GEMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation. // // Multifacet GEMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with the Multifacet GEMS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // see rubyconfig.defaults for some explanations PARAM( g_RANDOM_SEED ); // Maximum number of cycles a request is can be outstanding before the // Sequencer of StoreBuffer declares we're in deadlock/livelock PARAM( g_DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD ); PARAM_BOOL( RANDOMIZATION ); PARAM_BOOL( g_SYNTHETIC_DRIVER ); PARAM_BOOL( g_DETERMINISTIC_DRIVER ); // FOR MOESI_CMP_token PARAM_BOOL( g_FILTERING_ENABLED ); PARAM_BOOL( g_DISTRIBUTED_PERSISTENT_ENABLED ); PARAM_BOOL( g_DYNAMIC_TIMEOUT_ENABLED ); PARAM( g_RETRY_THRESHOLD ); PARAM( g_FIXED_TIMEOUT_LATENCY ); PARAM( g_trace_warmup_length ); PARAM_DOUBLE( g_bash_bandwidth_adaptive_threshold ); PARAM( g_tester_length ); PARAM( g_synthetic_locks ); PARAM( g_deterministic_addrs ); // Specified Generator: See SpecifiedGeneratorType in external.sm for valid values PARAM_STRING( g_SpecifiedGenerator ); PARAM( g_callback_counter ); PARAM( g_NUM_COMPLETIONS_BEFORE_PASS ); PARAM( g_NUM_SMT_THREADS ); PARAM( g_think_time ); PARAM( g_hold_time ); PARAM( g_wait_time ); // For debugging purposes, one can enable a trace of all the protocol // state machine changes. Unfortunately, the code to generate the // trace is protocol specific. To enable the code for some of the // standard protocols, // 1. change "PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE = true" // 2. enable debug in Makefile // 3. use the "--start 1" command line parameter or // "g_debug_ptr->setDebugTime(1)" to beging the following to set the // debug begin time // // this use to be ruby/common/Global.h PARAM_BOOL( PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE ); // a string for filtering debugging output (for all g_debug vars see Debug.h) PARAM_STRING( DEBUG_FILTER_STRING ); // filters debugging messages based on priority (low, med, high) PARAM_STRING( DEBUG_VERBOSITY_STRING ); // filters debugging messages based on a ruby time PARAM_ULONG( DEBUG_START_TIME ); // sends debugging messages to a output filename PARAM_STRING( DEBUG_OUTPUT_FILENAME ); // defines relative (integer) clock multipliers between ruby, opal, and simics PARAM( SIMICS_RUBY_MULTIPLIER ); PARAM( OPAL_RUBY_MULTIPLIER ); PARAM_BOOL( TRANSACTION_TRACE_ENABLED ); PARAM_BOOL( USER_MODE_DATA_ONLY ); PARAM_BOOL( PROFILE_HOT_LINES ); // PROFILE_ALL_INSTRUCTIONS is used if you want Ruby to profile all instructions executed // The following need to be true for this to work correctly: // 1. Disable istc and dstc for this simulation run // 2. Add the following line to the object "sim" in the checkpoint you run from: // instruction_profile_line_size: 4 // This is used to have simics report back all instruction requests // For more details on how to find out how to interpret the output physical instruction // address, please read the document in the simics-howto directory PARAM_BOOL( PROFILE_ALL_INSTRUCTIONS ); // Set the following variable to true if you want a complete trace of // PCs (physical address of program counters, with executing processor IDs) // to be printed to stdout. Make sure to direct the simics output to a file. // Otherwise, the run will take a really long time! // A long run may write a file that can exceed the OS limit on file length PARAM_BOOL( PRINT_INSTRUCTION_TRACE ); PARAM( g_DEBUG_CYCLE ); // Don't allow any datablocks to enter the STC PARAM_BOOL( BLOCK_STC ); // Make the entire memory system perfect PARAM_BOOL( PERFECT_MEMORY_SYSTEM ); PARAM( PERFECT_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LATENCY ); PARAM_BOOL( DATA_BLOCK ); // Define NO_DATA_BLOCK to make the DataBlock take zero space PARAM_BOOL( REMOVE_SINGLE_CYCLE_DCACHE_FAST_PATH ); // ********************************************* // CACHE & MEMORY PARAMETERS // ********************************************* PARAM_BOOL( g_SIMICS ); PARAM( L1_CACHE_ASSOC ); PARAM( L1_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS ); PARAM( L2_CACHE_ASSOC ); PARAM( L2_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS ); PARAM_ULONG( g_MEMORY_SIZE_BYTES ); PARAM( g_DATA_BLOCK_BYTES ); // The following page size parameter is used by the stride prefetcher PARAM( g_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES ); PARAM_STRING( g_REPLACEMENT_POLICY ); PARAM( g_NUM_PROCESSORS ); PARAM( g_NUM_L2_BANKS ); PARAM( g_NUM_MEMORIES ); PARAM( g_PROCS_PER_CHIP ); // The following group of parameters are calculated. They must // _always_ be left at zero. PARAM( g_NUM_CHIPS ); PARAM( g_NUM_CHIP_BITS ); PARAM( g_MEMORY_SIZE_BITS ); PARAM( g_DATA_BLOCK_BITS ); PARAM( g_PAGE_SIZE_BITS ); PARAM( g_NUM_PROCESSORS_BITS ); PARAM( g_PROCS_PER_CHIP_BITS ); PARAM( g_NUM_L2_BANKS_BITS ); PARAM( g_NUM_L2_BANKS_PER_CHIP_BITS ); PARAM( g_NUM_L2_BANKS_PER_CHIP ); PARAM( g_NUM_MEMORIES_BITS ); PARAM( g_NUM_MEMORIES_PER_CHIP ); PARAM( g_MEMORY_MODULE_BITS ); PARAM_ULONG( g_MEMORY_MODULE_BLOCKS ); // determines the mapping between L2 banks and sets within L2 banks PARAM_BOOL( MAP_L2BANKS_TO_LOWEST_BITS ); // TIMING PARAMETERS PARAM( DIRECTORY_CACHE_LATENCY ); PARAM( NULL_LATENCY ); PARAM( ISSUE_LATENCY ); PARAM( CACHE_RESPONSE_LATENCY ); PARAM( L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY ); PARAM( L2_TAG_LATENCY ); PARAM( L1_RESPONSE_LATENCY ); PARAM( MEMORY_RESPONSE_LATENCY_MINUS_2 ); PARAM( DIRECTORY_LATENCY ); PARAM( NETWORK_LINK_LATENCY ); PARAM( COPY_HEAD_LATENCY ); PARAM( ON_CHIP_LINK_LATENCY ); PARAM( RECYCLE_LATENCY ); PARAM( L2_RECYCLE_LATENCY ); PARAM( TIMER_LATENCY ); PARAM( TBE_RESPONSE_LATENCY ); PARAM_BOOL( PERIODIC_TIMER_WAKEUPS ); // constants used by TM protocols PARAM_BOOL( PROFILE_EXCEPTIONS ); PARAM_BOOL( PROFILE_XACT ); PARAM_BOOL( PROFILE_NONXACT ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_DEBUG ); PARAM ( XACT_DEBUG_LEVEL ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_MEMORY ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_ENABLE_TOURMALINE ); PARAM( XACT_NUM_CURRENT ); PARAM( XACT_LAST_UPDATE ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_ISOLATION_CHECK ); PARAM_BOOL( PERFECT_FILTER ); PARAM_STRING( READ_WRITE_FILTER ); PARAM_BOOL( PERFECT_VIRTUAL_FILTER ); PARAM_STRING( VIRTUAL_READ_WRITE_FILTER ); PARAM_BOOL( PERFECT_SUMMARY_FILTER ); PARAM_STRING( SUMMARY_READ_WRITE_FILTER ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_EAGER_CD ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_LAZY_VM ); PARAM_STRING( XACT_CONFLICT_RES ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_VISUALIZER ); PARAM( XACT_COMMIT_TOKEN_LATENCY ) ; PARAM_BOOL( XACT_NO_BACKOFF ); PARAM ( XACT_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE ); PARAM ( XACT_STORE_PREDICTOR_HISTORY); PARAM ( XACT_STORE_PREDICTOR_ENTRIES); PARAM ( XACT_STORE_PREDICTOR_THRESHOLD); PARAM ( XACT_FIRST_ACCESS_COST ); PARAM ( XACT_FIRST_PAGE_ACCESS_COST ); PARAM_BOOL( ENABLE_MAGIC_WAITING ); PARAM_BOOL( ENABLE_WATCHPOINT ); PARAM_BOOL( XACT_ENABLE_VIRTUALIZATION_LOGTM_SE ); // ATMTP PARAM_BOOL( ATMTP_ENABLED ); PARAM_BOOL( ATMTP_ABORT_ON_NON_XACT_INST ); PARAM_BOOL( ATMTP_ALLOW_SAVE_RESTORE_IN_XACT ); PARAM( ATMTP_XACT_MAX_STORES ); PARAM( ATMTP_DEBUG_LEVEL ); // constants used by CMP protocols PARAM( L1_REQUEST_LATENCY ); PARAM( L2_REQUEST_LATENCY ); PARAM_BOOL( SINGLE_ACCESS_L2_BANKS ); // hack to simulate multi-cycle L2 bank accesses // Ruby cycles between when a sequencer issues a miss it arrives at // the L1 cache controller PARAM( SEQUENCER_TO_CONTROLLER_LATENCY ); // Number of transitions each controller state machines can complete per cycle PARAM( L1CACHE_TRANSITIONS_PER_RUBY_CYCLE ); PARAM( L2CACHE_TRANSITIONS_PER_RUBY_CYCLE ); PARAM( DIRECTORY_TRANSITIONS_PER_RUBY_CYCLE ); // Maximum number of requests (including prefetches) outstanding from // the sequencer (Note: this also include items buffered in the store // buffer) PARAM( g_SEQUENCER_OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS ); // Number of TBEs available for demand misses, prefetches, and replacements PARAM( NUMBER_OF_TBES ); PARAM( NUMBER_OF_L1_TBES ); PARAM( NUMBER_OF_L2_TBES ); // NOTE: Finite buffering allows us to simulate a wormhole routed network // with idealized flow control. All message buffers within the network (i.e. // the switch's input and output buffers) are set to the size specified below // by the PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE PARAM_BOOL( FINITE_BUFFERING ); PARAM( FINITE_BUFFER_SIZE ); // Zero is unbounded buffers // Number of requests buffered between the sequencer and the L1 conroller // This can be more accurately simulated in Opal, therefore it's set to an // infinite number // Only effects the simualtion when FINITE_BUFFERING is enabled PARAM( PROCESSOR_BUFFER_SIZE ); // The PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE limits the size of all other buffers connecting to // Controllers. Controlls the number of request issued by the L2 HW Prefetcher PARAM( PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE ); // Enable the TSO (Total Store Order) memory model PARAM_BOOL( TSO ); // Note: This also disables the "write" STCs // NETWORK PARAMETERS // Network Topology: See TopologyType in external.sm for valid values PARAM_STRING( g_NETWORK_TOPOLOGY ); // Cache Design specifies file prefix for topology PARAM_STRING( g_CACHE_DESIGN ); PARAM( g_endpoint_bandwidth ); PARAM_BOOL( g_adaptive_routing ); PARAM( NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS ); PARAM( FAN_OUT_DEGREE ); PARAM_BOOL( g_PRINT_TOPOLOGY ); // transactional memory PARAM( XACT_LENGTH ); PARAM( XACT_SIZE ); PARAM( ABORT_RETRY_TIME ); // Princeton Network (Garnet) PARAM_BOOL( g_GARNET_NETWORK ); PARAM_BOOL( g_DETAIL_NETWORK ); PARAM_BOOL( g_NETWORK_TESTING ); PARAM( g_FLIT_SIZE ); PARAM( g_NUM_PIPE_STAGES ); PARAM( g_VCS_PER_CLASS ); PARAM( g_BUFFER_SIZE ); // MemoryControl: PARAM( MEM_BUS_CYCLE_MULTIPLIER ); PARAM( BANKS_PER_RANK ); PARAM( RANKS_PER_DIMM ); PARAM( DIMMS_PER_CHANNEL ); PARAM( BANK_BIT_0 ); PARAM( RANK_BIT_0 ); PARAM( DIMM_BIT_0 ); PARAM( BANK_QUEUE_SIZE ); PARAM( BANK_BUSY_TIME ); PARAM( RANK_RANK_DELAY ); PARAM( READ_WRITE_DELAY ); PARAM( BASIC_BUS_BUSY_TIME ); PARAM( MEM_CTL_LATENCY ); PARAM( REFRESH_PERIOD ); PARAM( TFAW ); PARAM( MEM_RANDOM_ARBITRATE ); PARAM( MEM_FIXED_DELAY );