/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "XactProfiler.hh" #include "CacheMsg.hh" #include "Map.hh" #include "Debug.hh" #include "MachineType.hh" #include "TransactionInterfaceManager.hh" #include "Driver.hh" #include "interface.hh" extern std::ostream * debug_cout_ptr; XactProfiler::XactProfiler() { int num_processors = RubyConfig::numberOfProcessors() * RubyConfig::numberofSMTThreads(); m_xactTransCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactStallTransCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactStallNonTransCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactAbortingCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactCommitingCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactBackoffCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_BarrierCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactGoodTransCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactNonTransCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactTimedCycles = new long long int[num_processors]; m_xactBeginTimer = new long long int[num_processors]; clearStats(); } XactProfiler::~XactProfiler() { delete [] m_xactTransCycles; delete [] m_xactStallTransCycles; delete [] m_xactStallNonTransCycles; delete [] m_xactAbortingCycles; delete [] m_xactBackoffCycles; delete [] m_xactGoodTransCycles; delete [] m_xactNonTransCycles; delete [] m_xactTimedCycles; delete [] m_xactBeginTimer; } void XactProfiler::printConfig(ostream& out) const { out << endl; out << "XactProfiler Configuration" << endl; out << "----------------------" << endl; } void XactProfiler::print(ostream& out) const { out << "[XactProfiler]"; } void XactProfiler::printStats(ostream& out, bool short_stats) { int num_processors = RubyConfig::numberOfProcessors() * RubyConfig::numberofSMTThreads(); out << endl; out << "XactProfiler Stats" << endl; out << "--------------" << endl; if (max_hashFunction >= 0){ out << "Hash values distribution" << endl; out << "------------------------" << endl; for(int i = 0; i <= max_hashFunction; i++){ out << "Hash function " << i << ": " << m_hashProfile[i] << endl; } out << endl; } out << "xact_cycle_breakdown" << endl; out << "--------------------" << endl; long long int total_trans_cycles = 0; long long int total_aborting_trans_cycles = 0; long long int total_commiting_trans_cycles = 0; long long int total_backoff_trans_cycles = 0; long long int total_stall_trans_cycles = 0; long long int total_stall_nontrans_cycles = 0; long long int total_barrier_cycles = 0; long long int total_good_trans_cycles = 0; long long int total_nontrans_cycles = 0; long long int total_timed_cycles = 0; for(int i=0; i < num_processors; ++i){ if (!short_stats){ out << "xact_trans_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_xactTransCycles[i] << endl; out << "xact_aborting_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_xactAbortingCycles[i] << endl; out << "xact_barrier_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_BarrierCycles[i] << endl; out << "xact_backoff_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_xactBackoffCycles[i] << endl; out << "xact_stall_trans_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_xactStallTransCycles[i] << endl; out << "xact_nontrans_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_xactNonTransCycles[i] << endl; out << "xact_stall_nontrans_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_xactStallNonTransCycles[i] << endl; out << "timed_cycles_processor_" << i << ": " << m_xactTimedCycles[i] << endl; } total_trans_cycles += m_xactTransCycles[i]; total_stall_trans_cycles += m_xactStallTransCycles[i]; total_aborting_trans_cycles += m_xactAbortingCycles[i]; total_commiting_trans_cycles += m_xactCommitingCycles[i]; total_backoff_trans_cycles += m_xactBackoffCycles[i]; total_barrier_cycles += m_BarrierCycles[i]; total_nontrans_cycles += m_xactNonTransCycles[i]; total_good_trans_cycles += m_xactGoodTransCycles[i]; total_stall_nontrans_cycles += m_xactStallNonTransCycles[i]; total_timed_cycles += m_xactTimedCycles[i]; } out << endl; out << " XACT CYCLE BREAKDOWN " << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_NON_TRANS_CYCLES: " << total_nontrans_cycles << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_TRANS_CYCLES: " << total_trans_cycles << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_GOOD_TRANS_CYCLES: " << total_good_trans_cycles << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_ABORTING_CYCLES: " << total_aborting_trans_cycles << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_COMMITING_CYCLES: " << total_commiting_trans_cycles << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_BACKOFF_CYCLES: " << total_backoff_trans_cycles << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_BARRIER_CYCLES: " << total_barrier_cycles << endl; out << " XACT_BREAKDOWN_STALL_CYCLES: " << total_stall_trans_cycles << endl; out << endl; out << " XACT_TIMED_CYCLES: " << total_timed_cycles << endl; out << endl; } void XactProfiler::clearStats() { int num_processors = RubyConfig::numberOfProcessors() * RubyConfig::numberofSMTThreads(); for(int i=0; i < num_processors; ++i){ m_xactTransCycles[i] = 0; m_xactStallTransCycles[i] = 0; m_xactGoodTransCycles[i] = 0; m_xactBackoffCycles[i] = 0; m_xactAbortingCycles[i] = 0; m_xactCommitingCycles[i] = 0; m_xactNonTransCycles[i] = 0; m_xactStallNonTransCycles[i] = 0; m_BarrierCycles[i] = 0; m_xactTimedCycles[i] = 0; } max_hashFunction = -1; m_hashProfile.setSize(16); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { m_hashProfile[i].clear(); } } void XactProfiler::profileTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactTransCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getTransCycles(int proc){ return m_xactTransCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileStallTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactStallTransCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getStallTransCycles(int proc){ return m_xactStallTransCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileGoodTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactGoodTransCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getGoodTransCycles(int proc){ return m_xactGoodTransCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileAbortingTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactAbortingCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getAbortingTransCycles(int proc){ return m_xactAbortingCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileCommitingTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactCommitingCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getCommitingTransCycles(int proc){ return m_xactCommitingCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileBackoffTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactBackoffCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getBackoffTransCycles(int proc){ return m_xactBackoffCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileStallNonTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactStallNonTransCycles[proc] += cycles; } void XactProfiler::profileNonTransCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_xactNonTransCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getNonTransCycles(int proc){ return m_xactNonTransCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileBarrierCycles(int proc, int cycles){ m_BarrierCycles[proc] += cycles; } long long int XactProfiler::getBarrierCycles(int proc){ return m_BarrierCycles[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileBeginTimer(int proc){ m_xactBeginTimer[proc] = (long long int) g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime(); } void XactProfiler::profileEndTimer(int proc){ m_xactTimedCycles[proc] += (long long int) g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime() - m_xactBeginTimer[proc]; } void XactProfiler::profileHashValue(int hashFunction, int hashValue){ if (hashFunction > max_hashFunction) max_hashFunction = hashFunction; m_hashProfile[hashFunction].add(hashValue); }